T"J IT ,c- ' Tg :T .- ;v &-.- 0) . jDEInil Vol. XVIII. Astoria, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, November 14, 1882 No. 38i !A0t0tiim fu V A SLIDING MOUNTAIN IN OREGON. The jyovermnent engineers on gaged upon the ship canal mound the rapids where the Columbia river cuts through the Cascade mountain', and the engineers of the ( Jregon Railway and Naviga tion company, whose railroad luns beside the government canal, have discovered that a point of the mountains of tremendous height and three miles in extent, is mov ing -down an incline into tho-jivcr. The fact of a moving mountain is strange, but not incomprehensible. J t seems, says an intelligent cor respondent of the New York Times, that the gicat river and the r.ivines that point to it have cut their way through a superincum bent mass of basalt into a sub stratum of sandstone. This sand stone, we will suppose, presents a smooth surface, with an incline toward the river; the river outs tinder the basalt into the sand stone and the natural effect is for the superincumbent basalt, acting like a similar foimation of ice in a glacier, to slide down hill. The same gentleman says, on the authority of Mr. Thielsen,engi neer in-chief of the western di vision of the Northern Pacific railroad, that when an examination was made a year ago of n disused portage tramway past that point, the track was fonnd to be twisted as much as seven or eight feet out of the "true line in some places, caused beyond doubt by a move ment of the mountain. It seemed certain to Mr. Thielsen that there was a movement of a tremendous mountain spur opposite this piece of road. The correspondent goes on to say: "It is a fact well known to all river men that above the Cascades where the river is tranquil the waters cover a submerged forest, -z whose trunks still stand with their projecting limbs to attest some wonderful phenomenon. It has been a query in the minds of all as to what convulsion of nature or process of time caused this over flow of waters. Over thirty years ago I saw the dead trunks stand ing beneath the waves, and the interest in this connection was in creased byj learning from the In dians that among their traditions was one that ages since the moun tains rose precipitously at the -river's side, and a great arch of stone spanned the river from shore to shore, and that their canoes passed under it. Tradition further says that in course of time a great earthquake threw down the arch and blocked the river, causing the cascades as we see them now. It is not often that Indian tradition is so specific in detail. As the rec ords of the aborigines of this re gion are very transient, it is pos sible that this story rests on some fact of natural history of not very remote occurence. Joining tradi tion and speculations with the dis coveries and deductions of science, we must conclude that some con vulsion of nature has thrown great masses of rock into the stream sufficient to deaden its flow for eight miles above and to sub merge the forests just above tho rapids. Mr. Brazee, who has been engineer of the navigation company that owned the portage road around the falls, informs me that he has watched the movements of the mountain for twenty years, and that it is no myth." Scientific American. American Ship-Owing on the Sly The American Ship, a journal devoted to the shipping interests, says that the terms "foreign fleet," applied to steamers plying between American and European ports, is to a certain extent a misnomer, American capital being embarked in British tonnage more largely than is generally known, adding: "Americans, especially New York ers, often have a vote in the man agement and share in the divi dends, for they have a way of dodging the disabilities to which our national bunting subjects thin at home and in foreign parts."'" There is much that is hu wttMtfinf in these pieces of infor mation, which, 13 the way, are no news to bhippcis and underwriters generally. It being appaient that American investors have confi dence that shipping enterprises may be piofitable, it reflects any thing but credit upon a tariff sys tem which prevents the use cif all this money at home. It has gone to enrich .shipbuilders on the Clyde, or to be used to pay British shipmaster and j-eamen. So much of the money as has been employed as working capital wage, fuel, renewals of rigging and fittings, aiid so forth might at least have gone into the pockets of our own sailors and mechanics, but for the" law which prevents a foreign-built ship from obtaining an American registry. And is it not demoral izing to continue in force a sys tem which piovokes contempt for the flag among thoc who should be the first to maintain it in honor. Our fathers, in fact, succeeded years ago in making the stars and stripes respected all over the world as an emblem of commercial enter prise and probity. We have changed all that, and thanks to our perfect system of protection, Brit annia's supremacy of the waves is a more stubborn fact than ever. Boston Transcript. General Prosperity. Hops are a dollar a pound in this market, and arc quoted at Sl.Gu in the New York market, with an upward tendency in price. A. Chinese laborer walked into a commission store the other day and drew about seven thousand dollars in a lump. The proceeds on his fyop crop on a few acres this 3ear. An American farmer in one of the interior valleys sold his hop crop the other day for $10,000; he had that number of pounds. The hop men have "struck it rich" this year, according to a current phrase. Some of the rich warm valleys will produce hops to per fection. But there is a great deal of hard labor to the business. In Washington territory and some parts of Oregon, Indians are em ployed. They earn a great deal of money at the business of pick ing hops, and game most of it away. They are cheap laborers, however, and quite as satisfactory as Chinese, who prefer to grow hops for themselves rather than pick them for others. 1 1 is not all likely that the present prices will be maintained. If half the present prices be realized, one year with another, on the hop crop, it would be one of the most lucrative pro ducts in this state. The tide sets in favor of hops. The lumbermen have been coining money on this coast. This is true of the lumber interests from Monterey Bay to Puget Sound. It has been true with some qualifications for about three years. The present year has been a rematkably prosperous one for the lumbermen. The prevailing rates have been from three to four dollars per thousand feet above the price which prevailed during the late depression. Besides the advance in price there has been the great advantage of quick sales. No waiting for purchasers. Car goes have been sold to arrive, and others as soon as they came into port. No hunting for purchasers. There is a great deal of money in the country, and a great deal of building is going on in the interior. The export demand has also been greatly quickened. It looks as though the demand would not fall off for some time to come. The next season promises to be a good one for lumber interests. The tide is in for the lumber men. Just now the whalers are com ing into port from the Arctic. The tenor of the news, so far as it has been received, is favorable. Tho steam whaler which was built here and sent into the Arctic early in the season, will probably return full that is, with a cargo of oil and bone, worth nearly as much as the cost of the vessel. One whaler, a sailing vessel, owned at this port, "a little old square rigger," returned the other day full of oil and bone, the cargo; being worth ten times as much as, the vessel. It i true that there aie great hazards in the business,! and one steam whaler has been crushed in the ice. But the fleet ' will come down fiom the Arctic with a pretty good report at least that is the prospect now. In looking over the whole field i of industries, it is hard to find any' " prominent interests which has ' been in a languishing condition. Here and there crops fail on ac count ol the drouth. A ship now and then has been crushed by ice or lost in a gale. But the tide! this year has set in favor of nearly all legitimate pursuits on the! Pacific coast. . J'T. Jhdktin. Marriage in Genoa. Marriage brokers are quite important business men in Genoa. They have pocket-books filled with the names of the marriageable girls of the different classes, with notes of their figuies, personal attraction, fortunes, etc. These brokers go about endeavoring to arrange connectiens: and when thej succeed, they get a commis sion of 2 or 3 per cent upon the portion. Marriage at Genoa is quite a matter of calculation, generally settled by the parents or I relatives, who often draw up the ( contracts before the parties have seen one another, and it is only when everything is arranged, and a few days previously to the marriage ceremony, that the future husband is introduced to his in tended partner for life. Should he find fault with her manners or appearance, he may break off the match on condition of defraying the brokerage and any other ex penses incurred. There are about thirty news papers published in Washington territory at present, nearly all of which are. received regularly at this office. A careful examination of these says the Olympia Courier develops the fact that there is scarcely a poorly pi in ted journal in the whole number, while a large majority of them are models of typographical neatness. We do not believe the same number of papers in any one section of the United States, outside of the large cities, can be found that will com pare with them at all favorably in the neatness of the composition and "make up," or the clearness of the prcsswork. Most of them are owned anh edited by practical printers, who have engaged in publishing as a permanent busi ness, and combining no small amount of ability with thorough practical knowledge they are making their influence felt in building up local interests and securing respect from the press at large. Lately adverted to by the Indian apolis (Ind.) Neics, is the fact that Mr. Frank Patten, one of the edit ors of the Indiana Iarmerpi In dianapolis), strongly indorses St. Jacobs Oil. It cured his wife of a very severe attack of rheumatism and so quickly. Heartily Recommended. Don't condemn a good tiling because you have been deceived by worthless nostrunia. Parker's Ginger Tonic has cured many in this section of nerv ous disorders, and we recommend it honatily to such sufferers. JVeirs. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nerv ous weakness, early decay, loss of man hood, etc., 1 will send a recipe that will cure you FREE OF CHANGE. This great remedy was discovered bv a mis sionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Itev. Joseph T. Ixmax, Station D, New York City. Various CaHcs Advancing years, care, sickness, dis appointment, and hereditary predisposi tion all operate to turn the hairgrav, and either of them inclines it to she'd prematurely. Aykes Hah: Vigok will restore faded or gray, light or red hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may be desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy action. It re moves and cures dandruff and humors. By its use falling hair is checked, and a new growth will bo produced in all cases where the follicles are not de stroyed or the glands decaj-ed. Its ef fects are beautifully bhown on brashy, weak, orsickly hair, on which a few ap plications will produce tho gloss and freshness of youth. Harmless and sure in its operation, it is incomparable asa dressing, and is especially valued for tho soft lustre and richness of tone it im parts. It contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil or color white cambric; yet it lasts long on the hair, and keeps it fresh and vigorous. Fob Sale sr xli DeAleiis. r.iiu iipj'L Eiii rfiBe,!). ri IS SI ' ii iv'VV-ii.-' i i ..-yyM' 1 sif? -WwsWF&msmwi TKM HfelVEf KP"SHq k rXS! v- GErhXhrehedV FOB RHEUMATISM Heuralqia, Sciatica, Lumbago. Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Svelf- ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all ofhor Pains and Aches. Ko Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jurors Oil u a safe, sure, simple and cheap External BtmwJr. A trial entails but tho cojparatiTely trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and eTery ano suffer ing Kith pain can havo cheap and podtire proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Language?. BOLD BY ALL DBUGQIBTB AND DE ALEE3 IN HEDI0INE. A. VOGELER & CO., 21altimore,ZrJ., XX.3.JL. ABOU JAY HI'CBr.LI.. Aloii .lay Huliuoil may ln iiibe de crease ! Awoke from dreams of snap and ah grease, And in his room, as if it were a spook. He saw a follow writing in a book. 'What writest thou?'' In asked. The fellow said. "I write the names of politicians dead.' "And is mine one?"" asked Hubliell. "Xay, not so.' The fellow answered; lcah, as all men know. Is what the grand old paity needs to day; You hold the funds nmbthusmny win your way And live awhile" Quoth UuMiell. "Write me then. As one who loves to lilccd his fellow men. The fellow wrote and vanished. The next night He came again with an electric lujht, And showed the names of politicians dead, And all the shameful list .lav Iluhlicil led. MOTHERS, HEAD Gents: AIkmU nine ywirs :is I h I : chlld.two yi-ars old ami u!mnt iie:nl. Tin doctor I had attending her could not u it what ailed her. 1 ticked lilm if lie did i i think it wns worm. He said no How ever, this did not satisfy me, :t 1 ie:n-n.-vinccd in my own mind that he Iitul. I obtained a Ixrttle or DK. V. 3IcI.ANi:'s CEE.KnKATEUYiniIFUC:KiL'ClHiiiie I gave her n tcospoonful in the niM:iim and another at nlsnt,:inerwli!cli vise j,:i ved seventy-two worms and was u well Iidd. Since then I have never heen will. out it in my family. The health of in eh I ln-n remained o i;ood that I had i.i ideeied watching their actions until ahotu ti.ite weeks ao, when two of them j.ree:.led the same sickly appearance that I'imn did nine years ago. So Lthnught ii iiiik 1j worms, and went to work at tint e ith a bottle of UK. C. "Mc-LANE'S VI.KMI i?"UJE between four of my children, tl.eir ages being as follews: Alice, 8 vi-n; ( har lcy,4years; Emma,(5ye.ir: .lohu.U yrais Ntnv comas the reMilt : Alice and Kiuina came out all right, but l'harlr iaed forly llve unit Johnny about lxty worm.. The result was po gratifying that I peiit iwo days in showing the wondciful i MVel of your Vermifuge around Ttica. mid iuw have the worms on exhibition in myMnie. Yours truly, JOHN rtl'KIS. The genuine Ilt. C aiel.ATXE'S . EK Mirt'f'E Is manufactured only by Fleming Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa., and le.ir the ignatur. t V. 3IrI.:uic and Flcminsr I'ron. It i- never inntle In St. Louis or Wheeling. lie Mire you get the ue:.ui:u Trice, -o cents n bottle. FLE3II3H2 KKO.S., Filtslmrgli, Pa. i King of the Blood Is not a "cm! c nil." it is a blood-purifier and tonic Impuntvof the blood poisons the svs tein, deranges the circulation, and thus In duces many disorders, known by different names to distinguish tliem according to ef fects, but beiii? really branches or phases of that great jeneric disorder, lmnnrity or Kloed. Such are Dypcpi(i, mUlwumes, Lircr Complaint, Gmxtipalion, Xermu J3N onlcrs. Headache, Backache, General ll'calc iicx. Heart Ditcafcropxy. Kidney Dieac, Pile, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrnftda, Shin Disorder, Pimple. U'rcrx. ircffnjjf, ttc., Ac Kins: or tke JSIned prevents and cures thec by attacking the caiuc. Impurity of the blood. Chemists and pln.sicians agree In calling it "the mostucnulne and efficient preparation for the inirpose." Sold by Drug gists, SI per bottle. See testimonials, direc tions, &c In pamphlet, "Treatise ou Diseases ot the I'.lood." wrapped around each bottle. D. K AXSOM, SOX & Co.. Props lluualo, N. Y. Notice. THE TIME IX WHICH TO PAY School taxes in School District Xo. l will ex pire on the- loth of the present month. Pay up and save costs. THOMAS rOELUNG, Deputy Clerk. Boat Found. A8MALL SKIFF, OUTSIDE GEO. W. Humo's cannery, painted white with word "ware" painted on stern. Loser vill Inquire at Xlc'a rmttuaBt. lvrk fgfb ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. Cfe; en i:wurs street, astouia. miiK .-ih:i:sh:ni:ii is pleased to X announce lo the public that hfha. op oiled a FIICST CLASS JESgttiTig; Souse , Ami funiiilu-. in tirit-l.s stlf ovsn:::-. mr coffee tka. irrc. AT THK Ladies" and Gent's Oyster Saloon, ciiknamus street. P;:w ;;ie iiu'ji iMll. ROSCOEJMXON, Proprietor A. ffl. JOHNSON & Co., mil j biiumiiDiD auu it. ISopt's :tml Cordage of all Kinds. ISlorlis. l:itcit ant! nioilalino ol all siy.. Tho eimiiir I"'soiin Scoleli .Salmon net T-uiiies. Zflcrmairi Twine.: Camas, all 3Tos : Copper Tipped Oars. The best assortment or G ROCERIES In Town. TIse Rest COFEK1IS and TIL1S. Try our 'IKelrosr Raking Powder INwiihely the best e er made. CA2ST3?TE:i3l goods tif all Kinds jmt tip bj best l'acKers. KichardsonS and 1'obhufs Canned ComR Terms Cash. Profits Small. eJTfilYi: lS A CALL-Sa WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner il r.in and Chcnamus Streets, AbTOKIA OUEflON DKAI.KH It CIGARS AND TOBACCO. The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other English Cutlery. STi3;TIOKERY! FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Heershaum Pipes, etc. A fine stock of Vntrhc and Jeivolry, Itluzzle anil Urceeli Loading Shot CIhuh anil IlillcM. Jlcvnlvern. IMstolH. and Ammunition rtfAKIXE :r. asses AI.SO A FINK Assortment or Tine SPFCTACLES ami EYE CLASSES. B. B. FKANKLTN, UNDERTAKER, j Corner C.iss and Snuemouhe streets, j ASTOUIA. ... - OKKfiON DKAl.KK IX I WALL PAPER AND VINDOW SHADES AXI UNDERTAKERS GOODS. MAGNUS G. 0R0SBY, Dealer in HARBWABE, IRON, SHEL, iron Pipe and Fittings, PLV MIlEliS AXD STEAM FITTERS Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER, Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnisbing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with t.eatness and dispatch, None hut first class workmen employed. A large assortment of; SCALE? Constantly on hand. Delmquant City Taxes. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIYEX THAT I, the undersigned. Chief of Police, have been furnished with a warrant from the citv council requiring me to collect tho taxes as sessed for the year 1SS2. and now delinquent upon the list, and make return of the same within sixty ilavs. All parties so indebted will thereforo please take notice and govern themcele accordingly. C.W.LAUGHERY, Chief ol Polict. Astoria, Oregsa, September 19, lMe. Z co CO o o 33 r r m I & ff CO H o O WILLIAM HOWE Di'Ai.r.n Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms, Lumber. All kinds of OAK LUMBER, a LASS. Boat Materia!, Etc. j Boats of all Kinds Made to Order. ! : : 3"Orders from a dMance promptly attended to, and :itifaf tion guaranteed iu all eases. MISCELLANEOUS. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. BkntoxStukkt, Nkai: rAKKKi: House, ASTORIA. - OREfiOX. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAiDiMARliEEiGH Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. OSTIaNTG-S.. Of all DeKcriptleaR wadctajOrdcr, at Short Xetlre. A. D. W'ass, President. .1. G. nu.sTLKR, Secretary. I. AV. Cas K, Treasurer. Jonx Fox, Superintendent S. ARNDT & JFERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP SB? AM yfc "a Boiler, Shop S All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AD STEAMBOAT WORE Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, 1'OOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. B. F. STK ENS. C. S. BROWN CITY BOOK STORE. Where ou will lind all the standard works of the day, and aeontantIyehan;;uu; dock of novelties and t.uiej articles: we keep the hest assortment of variety gooils in the city. Pocket Books, Picture Frames, Steroscopes, My, !sical Instruments, Sheet Music, Bijou terie, & Celluloid Goods, etc., etc. B L STEVENS & CO. Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. dkaz.i:rs in iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, WROUGHT AND CUT GALVANIZED SPXKES. Nails, Copper Kails and Burrs, Shelf Hardware, Faints and Oils Rubber and Hemp Packinq of all Kinds. PROVISIONS. FLOUR AND ZMIIX FE1. a Agents for Salem Flouring Mills. Corner Cbenaimis and Hamilton Streets ASTOJUA, OREGON. jiK 5l 5 15 05 2 22 SW go H53xSoSa SI ?2sii f K w 5- p p g f i i.v AS1 Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. BUSINESS CAKDS. NOTARY PUBLIC, At'rriONEhR, COMMISSION AND SUKANCK AGENT. D K.-3. V. SIIAFTEK, PIU'MCIA and 8l'KEKS.- (nKUTbCUES AltZT.) Dieatc orthc Threat a Specialty. Ofllec over Conn's Drug Store. T O. KOZOKT1I, I. S. CoimuistloHcri XoUry PHbllr, rI iBHHraBCC Acrat Agent lor. the HamburK-Bremen Fire Ins. Co. of Hamburg, Germany, and ot the Trav elers' Life nml Accident las. Co., ot Hart- A lonu conn. . v . -'"f trofficc !n'ij thian BttikliaKMM flftS , - "is?ai Q. 31.0 F. PARK1SB. SURVEYOR OF Clatsop Count y,aiil City rAstrla OItice:-Chenamus street, Y.M.C. A. hall I'oom No. 8. XjT J). WINTOJT, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Jta-Ofllceln Pythian Building. Booms 11, 12. ASTORIA, - - - OKEGON. X.VY TUTTIiE, 31. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON . Okkice Over tho '"White House Store. ItKsrnKXCK Over Elberson's Bakery, op poiitc Barth & Myers' Saloon. 4 Ii. FUTiTOX. M. D. I'hy.siclan and SarseeH. OFFICE 0er A. V. Aliens grocery store. Booms, at the Tarkcr House. "P P. HICKS, PENTJST, ASTORIA, ... - OREGON Roonw in Allen's building up stairs, comer of Casa and Sqemocqho streets. J E. LaFOKCE, DENTIST Dental Kooms over Caxe'it Htrc, ChPiiamus Street, - - Astoria, Oregon. J.QJ . A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Chenamus Street. - ASTOKIA. OREUO G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Cleaning Repairing, NEAT. CHEAP AND QUICK, BY ('EOltUE liOVETT, Mam Street, opposite N. Loeb's, MAX. WAGNER'S HOWLING ALLEY. MAX. WAGNER'S Agency for the National Beer. Beer delivered in any jurt of the city. Lost. OCTOBER MTH. ABOUT ONE MILE above Tongue Point, a snail green skiff, with one pair iron rowlocks and ce pair oars in her. Oars branded oa Made J. H. I). G. A reward of $3.00 will be paid to the party returning her to tats o, tf -