PHWi I il "' rv v - --EHK . . ..i - V -j' t. $!" s. i T"T; ' r - C?J gto 33nilu staAntu ASTORIA-OREGON: SUNDAY...- N0VEMBKI5 12, lSb2 J.F. HALLORAN... .Z'.ilftnr .1 The Old and New Ilible. . -.. - ,i.. .i. .1 at a reception given ineouer 1 day to the American committee which had the nominal part in the revision of the Bible, the Rev. Dr. SchalY predicted -'great and gow- ing favor for the revision.". Yet a year and a half have elapsed since the publication oi the revised New Testament, and it has made scarcely any headway against the old version. The New Testament used, read, and quoted by English-speaking people is still the one given us b King James5 translators. Immediately after its publication the lately ic vised ver sion commanded an enormous sale as a novelty; but soon the demand for it became insignificant, and al most passed out of the public thought. The truth is, the old version of the Bible is an immovable part of our literature interwoven with it, It is not regarded or esteemed as a ! translation merely, but is cherished as one of the pillars of the Eng lish literature. The proved inac curacy of some of its renderings does not shake it, so deep arc its foundations. It is a great English book, and as such will stand for generations. "We cannot see says the New York Sun, on what ground Dr. Schaff predicts growth of favor for the new version. "What evidence is there that 1t is superseding the old version in the affections of Christians? So far from finding any, we do not discover that it has gained the slightest hold on the popular affections. It was curi ously awaited and then bought as a curiosity by the miliion, but the people quickly fell back on the old Bible as the really sacred book. A London despatch of the 10th says: At the lord mayor's banquet last night Gladstone, in reply to the toast "Her Majesty's iinis ters,'.' referred with satisfaction to the difference between to-day and two years ao-oj flffiard -f -j 4c uf anairsTithe south and in Europe. He said the government had a great difficulty to contend with in Ireland, but relied more confidently upon the measures of justice they had introduced than upon any stringencies placed upon them by parliament. lie was glad to say thut durinir the past year many difficulties had diap peared, commerce and trade wore improving, and crime was decreas ing to a very great extent. He looked forward to the i cecal Irish legislation as a firm and endurinjr foundation of greater harmony between the different orders of society and 'social order. Order was not now endangered. Some, who hail been betrayed anil se duced by doctr:iesof illegality had arrived at the conviction that thoy have not to regard England other wise than as a friendly, sisterly nation. They had come to believe in the observance of the law, and every just and legitimate endeavor to amend the law was to be fnu nd the best specific for whatever will be yet required to supply the wants of Ireland. The Astoria Transportation Co. in offering to carry prain and flour from Portland to Astotia, a dis tance of 110 miles, is certainly de serving of the thanks of the com munity. At this rate they claim they will do well if business is giv en them. They claim-rand with little fear of successful contradic tion that it is much cheaper for vessels to stop at Astoria and load on these terms than to go to Port land. Election- returns vary hut little as the story is told in detail. Cleveland's majority in New York will probably reach 200, 000. Stoneman, in California, has 10,000. He deserves the position, and will make a good governor. The Colorado legislature is Re publican. The Nevada legislature is a tie. A prominent saw mill man said yesterday that we should cut 200 000 feet of lumber at Astoria per ''day for export. ires, that much at least. It would bo a difficult natter to find a place where ships id lumber and logs can be kroMffht together as cheaply as at . -Attoria ioteven at Paget Sound. The New . Northwest thinks that the assertion that "poli tics has proven demoralizing to men," is a good argument in fa vor of extending the ballot to women, who have purified everv walk of life in which they have j ' met iheir counterparts on an equal . footing. There mii he littlf or no o i ,i. ,t . , , . i doubt that Uiev woulu exert a f similar salutary influence on gov ernmental affaire. Corruption is , naturally engendered when the members of one sc:c congregate1 together continually. A body composed of men exclusively has ; never been and will never be as ! t chaste in thought, conduct audi purpose as if refined by the pros- j ence of women. It is every man's j and every woman's duty to be a j politician not a scheming ward J trickster, ready to sacrifice princi- j pie for place, but a conscientious J Sr'S Ilia TJrX I able to cast an intelligent busioi. The country will be safe when all j its people are politicians." XE V TO-DAY j. a tfsomas1 nBIiflfl HI i la u i itm -AND- ilABUJCIST, 1 ! Kinney's B-ihV.inp. opposite D. K. Warren's ASTORIA, OREGON. Drugs and Chemicals. A 1TNK LINE OF HQffiEQPATHiG REiSEBYS. t and Fancy Articles. EST" Prescriptions carefully compounded at nil hours. Elegant Second-Hand Furniture J Slightly used, Bed-Room Set, -2 "1 Handsome Secretary, Carpets, etc.. Will le sold to advantage at private sale. 'inquire at this ofHc-. iw SPECIAL AUCTION SALE Wednesday, November 15, at 12 o'clock Noon. B50 Acres, moi'e or less, GOOD FARMING LAND. All under Fence, at Sea Side, Clatson Plains. 20 Head Vouisir l'ms (none over C ye..i.) 4 witli frebh Calves. l'lo Head Fine Cotswold Sheep. '52 Tlioronglilned and (traded Gotiti. 2 Ctood woik Horses. 1 Wao:j, and a complete outfit ori Fanning Implements, all as j good as new. Household Effect; Consisting of Parlor, Bed-room and Kitchen Furniture. yjif nTTg-rTTV-- Instructed hv J. T. Mulkey, Eso.., 1 will sell the a!ne ixiid and ersohnl property at piihhe auction. p'iuelv without leserve. lorejisji, to tiie highfst'hidder. "I he l.-.nd Swell calculated Tor tun farms, and if de shed will In put up in two lots. Tills valtm hie property is s- well Known that further ilc-eripii'm is uuuccessHiy. Mr. Mulkey's tlt!c is perfect and he will give a Warranty Deed. E. C. Uui.dkx. Auctioneer. boat Fa;i OX OCT. SIST. A JtOAT 21 FEET LOXG. painted reddish-brown, mine ashore at iny place one mile below Young's rher. Owner will pro; e property and pav eharjies. HIEAJ.lGKAY. -?! r?. " s w '3S XJt2S? b& PILL Loss of Apnetito, Bowels costive, Pain in tho Head, -with, a dull sen sation in tlie back part, Pain under the Shoulder blade, fullness ofcef eating-, -with a disinclination to ex ertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, -with a feel in (j of havinc neglected soma duty, "Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering ex the heart, Dots before the eycz, "Scl low Skin, Headache generally ever the ripht eye, Eestlessness, with fit ful dreams, liiehly colored "Urine, and COMSTBPATiOH, ammmmmammmmmmEssi TIJTT'S PIXiXiS aro csncrially ndcpiccl to bucIi cases, one lo3c ct fects nucli a cJiangc of fceltun cs to astonish, tho suflcrer. TfteyIncreaBctIicApi)etitc,andcnnBo the body to Take on I-'IcbU, thus ti" rx tern U nonrishcrt, and by their Tiic Action en tho IlBestlvoOrKans,l p ular Stools are produced, triceajc-c-ts. mam'ir Mnrray St.. IV. Y. TUnSHAIROi, Giut IUm on TVniFKKrs chanpo to a Olossv Black bj- a single application of t&!3Drc ic Vnipartsanaturalcolor. Actslnslantrncous--T. Sold byDrusUtrytrstntbycinrtsaoa receipt cf...8l.OO. opricr:, as mursax st., i?. t. f Dr. TCTPS JIAJriULcTTilEaUf :nfjn3:lrn Bl: VCM&i KttttfU U1 bo MUc4 ntU: cs BcaUco. J ?& SYWIPTOWIS OF A TORPID LIVE LOOK HERE TO KEEP DEI FEET $11 Wmtm CS-o To I. J. Ai-vold's ALL KINDS OF BOOTS & SHOES post asi -i:xTLii3Zi:v I ha o a large slack of first class goods and yon will lnul m prices as low as any. .last Jtccclvcd BY LAST STEAMER A largo Assortment of the Xxttost Styles I make :ill kind, of Boots and Shoes to 011)1':. anil guatatee A PERFECT FIT. Patent l'verl.-isting Buttons on our shoes frej of charge. Repairing neatly done. Oa the Roadway, opposite O. R. & X. Dock. This space is reserved for the ad vertisement of J. E. THOMAS "Which will appear in a few days. J!: lfW?r -- $si&&T79!m'' r ! Pioneer Gaud Factory, i FRESH OAKdTIs AHD NUTS. I A Inn;' :nnl ni-v. variety always on hand. Patronize Home Manufacture I'm- r.-tmJir.N (hat arc made of (iiioil and Harmless .llnterlnN. Jion'r l)ti cnmllos from foieiRn inanuiar-lurer.-. wheio lhcy live poisonous articles. , l'.tiv at homo where you can .see that thet Caniii'-s are freh anil the iiijM-edients are lianiil(s. ("all and see me at the farlurv opposite the Hill Tower. 1 1 A KLES 1 1." OEKKWITZ. Jg ASTOUIA. fll.'EGOX DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. ISTresenpHons carefully coinponndedlat all hours. "Homeopathic Tinctures and PelleLs, and Humphrey Siiecifics also kept. SOLID GOLD J E "W E L R Y, Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches; SILVERWARE, Of every description. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. EtTWH goods warranted as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. ASK FOK- Union India Ruooer Company's Pure Para Gum Crack Proof RUBBER BOOTS. BKWABE OP IMITATIONS ! He sure the Boots arc stamped CRACK PROOF on the heels, and have the PURE GUM SPRINGS on the foot and Instep, which prevent their cracking or breaking. Wc are now-making them with RUBBER AXD ASBESTOS Soles which vrill make them last more than twice as long as any lhibber Hoots made. FOIi SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS BUBBER BELTESG, PACK ING, HOSE, SPRINGS, CLOTHING. BOOTS AND SHOES, etc GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. R. IL PEASE. Jr., 1 . nta -4m San Francisco. LOOK FOE. New Fursiif M. W. GALLICK Will move into his new store in a few days. Finest Furniture and Upholstery In every Style and at Reduced Prices. mmmmmmammmmaam AT Carl Adieus 1'herv is now tln "mildest fmPTati - OF Bonks, Tayj Mmleat i:tc. r.VKK KKOUOIIT TO AS'IOKIA 153;- Come and see "si i?J" foryur;ele5. "fi ASTORIA W. MEYER ASTOKIA, SPECIAL i.KT3XrOTJ3?jrOS23ME:3E23XriS?. REDUCTION OF WHOLESALE PIECES. $7 50 PER BARREL OF 30 GALLONS. LA1?GE OP.DEP.S IX l.TKE PKOrOKTIOX. Less Quantities, 30 Gents per Gallon Bottled Beer, - - - S I 50 per Bozen "Special attention paid to orders front Public Houses and Fanillies.5a THE COLUMBIA LAG rS SUTERIOR'TO MOST. AND JS EXCFJJ.ED P,Y XOKE OX THIS COAST Wffw HAHN, - CHENAMUS STREET, - -Ordera left at the GEUMAXIA BEEU PERUVIAN BITTERS ! Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co., Agents.. Astoria. $500 Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint. Dysjicpsia. siek Head- j aene, inuiResuou, uonsiipaiiou or i;usiivc ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are .strictlv complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar coated. Large boxes, containing so Pills, 2 cents. For sale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured onlv by Jonx C. AVkst & Co., "The Pill Maker' 1st and 1S3 W. Madison St.. Chicago. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. W. 12. Dement, agent. X.. K. Cr. SKCXXXC Importer and Wholesale de:der in Cigars and Tobacco, Smoker's Ar ticles, Playing Cards, Cut lery, Etc, Etc, The largest and finest stock of Meerschaum and Amber goods in tho city. Particular at tention paid to orders from the country and vessels. Chenamus street, Astoria, Oregon. THEO. BBACKEK, Manager LOEB & CO., .lOBHEItS INv WINES. LIQUOBS, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOR TIU2 Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. c7All goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET. Opposite Parker House, Astoria, Oregon. F M 'HT- KSA..: mMmmBBammco ' I OUT THE y - loBframentBj i:tc. BREWERY. Proprietor. OREGON. BREWERY PROPRsaroR ASTORIA, OREGON. HALL will be promptly attended to.-iro HILL'S VARIETIES-. GEO. HILL. -WALTEU PAKKS, - PKOPJHETOli STAGE 31 AXAGEK Enjr.5;eineat f MISS EMMA GILBERT, The Queen of Serio Coniie. MISS PAY GILBERT, The Little Queen. Alo CHAS. FREM0KT. The Kiujr r SIIkIi KleKei-si. Toclher with a new ORCHESTRA. I 1'nder the manaj;enient of PROF. SWAB. All the Old Favorites Retained. Open all Hie Year. I'rrrnrinanrr Krry NiIil. Knllre (limine oT Pro- srnuime Onrc n WecU. Comprising all the latest SONGS, DANCES AND ACTS. We give the Best Variety Entertainment In the West. The theatre is crowded nightly, and all who have witnessed the entertainment pro nounce it to be euual to any given elsewhere. Mr. Hill as a caterer for the public's amusement can not be excelled. Anybody wishing to spend a pleasant evening and see sparkling wit ami beauty without ud garity, should improve the opportunity and come. j The company comprises the following well- kiiuywi jiriiMs : Miss Fannie "Walton. Mii-sMasur cooiikich. Miss Est ma Gilkkiit. MlbS Fay G I LI-RUT, Mi:. Waltkk 1'aiiks. MU.CH-V. FitRMONT. Mi:. .Ioiin Stokes. Mi:. Cias Bai:i:ows. AH of which will appear nightly in their dif ferent specialties. . Open air concert every evening ; perform ance commencing at 8; entrance to theatre on Benton street ; private boxes on Chena mus street. New Stars in Rapid Succession ! Health is Wealth. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treat ment: a snecific for Hysteria. Dizziness. Convulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental De- I PAcniafeS: I turu Old Age, caused by over-exertion, sclf- j abuse, or over-indulgence, which leads to J miserj. decay and death. One box will cure rcccm ibises, riun ih. cuuuiiiisuut; iiiouius treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for live dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on re ceipt of price. Wc guarantee six boxes to cure any "With each order received by us for six boxes, accomi-anicd with live dol lars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treat ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees is sued only by AV. E. Dement, druggist, As toria, Oregon. Orders by mill at regular prices. Delinquent City Taxes. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I, tho undersigned, Chief of Police, havo been furnished with a warrant from the citv council requiring me to collect the taxes as sessed for the year 18S2. and now delinquent upon the list, and make return of the samo within sixty days. All parties so indebted will therefore please take notice and covem I themselves accordingly. u. w. -Yuunr.ui., Chief of Tolice. Astoria, OregsB, September 19, 1882. j i .! t ' B p i $ a lli wl will' x. HE TjV TBAOED1NARY ri A.BIG.AiliNIS lJ THIS WEEK Tremendous Reduction There is not a Cloak purchased in the California -Store where there is not a saving from three to six dollars to the purchaser. The Greatest Smriftee of the SemM Is in our Dress Goods department. ye have just opened a new Stylish Black Dress Goods to take the place of Cashmere, very fine and stylish, which will be offered at verv low figures. BXTBAmBINARl' BARGAINS In Plushes. Brocades and Black Silks. BPEGIAL mBVeEMENTS Are offered in HOSIERY, NECKWEAR and RTJSCHING-. We guarantee a saving of at least 25 per cent, to all purchasers at the California Store. The same reduction is made on our extensive stock of Clothing for Gents, Boots, Hats, Overshirts, etc., etc. We mean what we say. if you Wish tO make a SaVIH In your Purchases be sure and call at the OSLXjiIlOBLJfflL ft'"BgJr'"TTi P. O. CORNER. THE NEW MODEL tings, etc., a specialty" FU&X. STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. A S3- 35.. e:a"wes, Two doors east of Occident Hotel, " ASTORIA, OREGON. (stTn-ssoi: to .ucicins & montgomep.y.) jBPjigi'f"ii!;lg""'sj3i' x BB3ur:Bsis53si COR.EIt OF MAIX AX CHAS. HEILBORN, jrANUFACTUREli OF FUBISTITURE S5 BEDDING AND DEALEll IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN I'UJLiiSS Complete In every branch. MARTIN OLSEN, DEALER IN BS' FTTRNITTTBE S? BEDDING-. Corner lain and. Squcmoqua Street.. Astoria, Oregea. WIDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; LOOKING GLASSES ETC A Complete Stork. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AIXKIXPSOF FCRSTTURE REPAIRED AMD VAKHISHED, TORE in our extensive line of E" RANGE CAN BE HAD IX AS TORIA ONLY OF AGENT CALL AND EXA3HNE IT, YOU WILL BE PliEASED. E. If. IIAWES is also agent for the Buck patent Mm Stove And other first-class stoves. Furnace. "Work. Steam Fit ontgomery, PKALERS IN Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Ma&'ee Stove's and Kanges The Best in the market. Piuiubing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done in a workmanlike manner. .1EFFKRSOX STREETS Picture Frames and Mouldings, ,x 'J.