The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, September 28, 1882, Image 3

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'rUJlV il'ailll 'AStOXlHU- -Thc Senatorial Deadlock. j
'Monday Esco:tod),
rci:MRiui ani Pi:oim:ie,ioi:.
Ashman building, Cass Street.
Terms of Subscription :
ervod by Carrior, por wcalc :....2-5 Cents
-rit oy snail, four soon ii?......-............SZ 09
nt bv Jnsil, one year. .... 9 00
Free of l'ostnco to Sulncribeiv
- AUvomsemenis inserted by thcycir st
s.e rate of $1 iW per square per month.
Transient advortiBinc. by the day or vook,
ifty cent5 t-cr square for each insertion.
Tho General Miles
Tillamoolc tins morning.
is ofl' for
The freight steamer Willamette
arrived in from San Francico yester
day morning.
A strong west wind and a full
moon made the one o'clock tide jes
tcrday afternoon one of unusual
The last rail of the 0. R. & N.
Co.'s line, between En3t Portland and
Bonneville, will be laid next Tuesday
or Wednesday.
The fire on the hillside above
town presents at present the specta
cle of a cloud of smoke by day and a
pillar of fire by night.
Capt. Ferchen brought the Banff
shire down 3eatorday. She will take
on '.loO tons of salmon. The Manda
lay took on two hundred tons of wheat
Wc .have standing in our office
a stalk of vellow fiold corn which is
12 feet in length. Jt was raised on
tho farm of Andrew Anderson, on
Lewis and Clarke's.
Police Officer Sleabb, who was
shot in the breast by Home, on the
29th of last month, was on the streets
yesterday, and looked as' though there
Avas little danger of permanent disability.
Salem, Sept. 27th, 1882.
Tho great problem is as much a
matter of speculation this afternoon
as at any time since the convening of system is then above the eastern hovi-
Tire New Comet
Anyone who will rcse at five o'clock
in the morning can get a good view of j
the new comet, provided the sky i3
. This erratic visitor to the solar
the Twelfth Oregon legislature. It was"
confidently asserted last Saturdaj by
Mitchell men that Monday would de
velop tmlookcd for strength, and when
Monday came, bringing with it forty
one votes for Mitchell, it was then
thought by many that the next, or at
least, Wednesday, -anuld show his tri
umph. But so f:u it is yet a .subject
for guessing. When the two houses
met in joint convention to-day it was
with tho evident intention of making
some positive showing; the liivt bal
lot gave Mitchell his forty-one; Prim,
tnenty-ninc: Prof. TTios. M Oatch
received the compliment of a vote
from each of the sixteen who have
been acting like m many weather
codes all through the fight; and four
other precious votes were given to
as many candidates "outside." On the
second ballot which was immediately
called for, Smkh of Tillamook created
a decided sensation by refusing to vote
for Mitchell, who thus got but forty
votes, but on the third ballot the Hon.
Jasper came back and cast his ballot
for Mitchell. The fourth ballot was
called and resulted in Mitchell getting
his foiiy-one: Prim, twenty-nine;
Catch's admirers fell in number to ten;
and Heniy Failing was given five: .1.
N. Dolph, thiec; while P.onhani, Din
ger and Hermann got one cadi. The
convention then adjourned.
What to-morrow's vote will be the
Lord only knows. Anything like
prophecy would be out of the question.
Doth sides profess to be sanguine.
Preparations have been made for
an impressive ceremonial this after
noon, and should the weather not
prove stormy the laying of the corner
atone of the new Odd Fellows Temple
will be witnessed b a large number
of spectators.
A small detachment of United
States troops are in the vicinity of
Williamsport, driving stakes and sur
veying for tho lino of telegraph that
will run from here to Capo Hancock
via Fort Stevens.
To-Day's Esercises.
FoJlowing is the programme to be ob
served in the ceremonial of laying the
corner stone of the Odd Fellows
Temple at two o'clock this afternoen:
ftcr introductory remarks by the P.
G-. 3L there will be prayer by the
chaplain, and lilting response bv the
members, after which an ode by the
choir and reading record and Hat of
depesit3. The ceremony of hvying the
corner stone will be then gone through
with in accordance with the ritual of
the order, after which the whole will
close by a proclamation from the
G. M.
We are requested to announce that
the members of the order will meet at
their room af 1:30, and that the cere
mony begins at 2:30 v. ji.
The Circus.
r.on, a little to tho south of the point
where the light of dawn is strongest,
jlashing upward toward the zenith,
like a brilliant brand. It may even
bo seen after the sun litis risen. It
may be that the tail is visible above
the eastern horizon before the break
of day, for at times when the atmos
phere is steady it may be ti-accd, after;
the sun is up. for probably a distance
of ten degrees. The nucleus is very
bright, quite as brilliant a? the planet
Venus, which is at present the glory
and beauty of the western heavens in
the evening. A pairof sharp eyes cm,
no doubt, pick out thu comet's head at
mid-day, provided they only know
where to look for it. The sun rises
to-morrow at 5:."35 a. m. The five
o'clock riser, by ascending one of the
hills,so as to get above tho haze which
almost always floats at that hour over
the river, will have ample time to gaze
upon the comet before it row loo
dim for comfort in the approaching
sunlight, and will have an opportu
nity, also, to see a glorious sunrise.
Marriage Insurance.
A picturesque view of the "mar
riage insurance" system is given by a
writer in a southern paper. lie was
asked whether he thought the wedding
of a certain young lady would take
place at the time said to have been
set. He gave his opinion and asked
the reason for the inquiry. "Oh,"
was the response, "1 have bought four
matrimonial policies of $3000 each on
her and I am anxious to know if I'll
get my moncj" "Does she know of
this!" "Oh, no. That thn't neces
sary. Anybody can take out a policy
on airybodj else. If you know of a
lady that is engaged and will not
marry within five months from the
time you take .. policy on her, 3011
can get any amount on her wedding
day that you want. I suppose there
is 25,000, or perhaps double that, on
the young lady I asked you about.''
''How docs the compan' make its
tnoue3'?" "I suppose it bets on
the fickleness of the young folks.
No policy will bo paid except five
months (after it is taken out. There
are very few couples, they think, that
love each other well enough to marry,
that will wait five months to marry.
If they do, five months of engaged
life arc full of dangers."
Annual Report of tne Northern R. l srr. ENS. C. a. BROWN
Pacific. C?l'f T"y
At the recent annual meeting of the . q 1 o T" ( D CT
stockholders of the Northern Pacific j .
railroad, the report of President' WhonsV(mttinnmlaU Ihe tanillinl wor!j,
Villard was read. It3hows that thef of tfielay,:imlaeonMantlyuliaiiKinj:
gross earnings of the fiscal year end
ing June 30, 1880, were $5,430,305;!
operating expenses, including rents
and taxes, 3,573,840; net earnings.
-SI, 657 ,405; increase of net earnings
over previous year, 888,335; average
number of miles operated, 707; in- j
crease in net earnings per mile, $884; j
number of passengers arriving and j
leaving eastern termini St. Paul, i
Minneapolis, Duluth and .Sur.t-rior!
City -106,880; increiutrt 74,014. The
passenger earnings of the cutem di
vision show) :i gain of !2 per cunt.,
the freight movement .shows an equal
percentage of increase. During the
year the cuds of the track advanced
from tho east 183 miles, from the west
102 miles; total 235 miles; Ieuving
June 30, 1882, 572 miles to bo ouili.
This will be lessened by the closo of
1882 probably 300 miles, leaving 272
miles of track to bo laid January 1st,
1883. The final connection of ihe
track is expected to be made during
18S3. In addition to the work done
on the main line 222 miies have been
laid on the branches in Minnesota.
Dakota and Washington Territory.
The great bridge across tho Missouri
river at TJisniarck. will be completed
early in October. The financial state
ment shows cash on hand at the be
ginning of the fiscal year to be $11,-
tork of, novelties ami lancy
articles: v.e keen the
viriet jitx-iN
in ' t!i
Pocket Books,
Picture Frames, -Steroscopes,
sical Instruments.
Sheet Music, Bijou
terie. & Celluloid
Goods, etc., etc.
IN-ruvlan JBItJc-rs
Cinchona .Rubra
The Count Cinchon was the .Spanish
Viceroy 111 rem in HSS0. The Countess,
his wife, was prostrated by an intermit
tent fever, from which she was freed by
theiiH-oftho native remedy, the Peru
vian bark. or. a it was called in the
language ot the country, "Quinquina."
Grateful for her recovery, on her return
to Europe in ltwS. she introduced the
remedy 111 Spain, where it was known
under virions names, until Linnreius
called it Cinchona, in honor of the lady
who had brought them that which was
more precious than the gold of thelncas.
To this day. after a lapse of two hun
dred and nfty years, science has given
tis nothing to take its place. It effect u-.
ally cure-, a morbid appetite for stimu
lants, by reMoring the natural tone of
the stomach. It attacks excessive love
of liquor as it does a fever, and destroys
Itoth alike. The powerful tonic virtue
of the Cinchona is preserved in the
Peruvian Ultters. which are as effective
again! malaria! fever to-day as they
were in the das of the old Spanish
Viceroys. We guarantee the ingredi
ents of these bitters to be absolutely
ml 01 tne be.t known oualitv
507,944; receipts from bonds and pre-' AJfT-. "H satiny you " this is the
' ' ... .. best bitter in the world. "The proof of
ihebtates time trom Astoria to
Portland yeslcrdaj, six hours and ten
minutes, is tho quickest trip on record
up the Columbia for an ocean steamer.
She lost ten minutc3 of above time at
Swan Island. Orcaoman 21th.
The thirteenth ballot for senator
yesterday afternoon was as unsatisfac
toiy as the first, as far as results arc
concerned. It looks now as though it
were in tho limits of probability that
tho entire session would be consumed
in an ineffectual effort to elect a
Despite the threatening nspeet of
the weather last evoning Sherman's
circus tent was well filled. The tricks
of ihe horses were the principal fea
tures of the performance, an c the gen
eral impression seemed to be one of
satisfaction. The troupe started at an
earlj hour thi3 morning for Orympia,
where they show io night. Fiona there
thej go to Seattle and Port Townsend,
and then to California for thu winter.
The performance they gave last night
here was the best of its kind that we
have seen for some iimc; every feature
was good, and wc can recommend tho
show as being all that it represents
itself to be.
Tho ship Young America, which
sailed from New York for the Colum
bia river, on the 3d inst., has on board I
0,050 cases oil, 500 packages starch, 10
barrels whisky, 1,525 kegs nails, 411
tons ccal and a lot of agricultural
goods, hardware, etc.
Yesterday's Oregonian says, the
Oregon Railway and Navigation com
pany have a force of 900 graders in the
Burnt river pass, fifty miles southeast
of Baker City. The advance force is
within two miles of Snake river.
From the ether direction, the Oregon
Short line have commenced operations,
just across tho Idaho line, and have
let a contract for timber for tho Snake
river bridge, to be delivered within
iinery days.
Good logs now bring $7 per thou
sand feet easily enough, while com
mon or inferior logs bring G. 50. These
prices are very different from thoso of
fifteen years ago. Then .$3.50 was
the ruling price for tho best, and they
were of Blow sale at that, with delayed
pay and pay mostly made up in camp
supplies. It is no wonder logging is
now regarded a good business, and
that those engaged in it are making
more money than any other men on
tho coast. S. P.-I.
"Golden Medical Discovery"
(Trade-mark registered) is not only a
sovereign remedy for consumption, but
also for consumptive night sweats,
bronchitis, coughs, spitting of blood,
weak lungs, shortness of breath, and
kindred affections of the throat and
chest. By druggists.
The purity and elegant perfume
of Parker's Hair Balsam explain the
popularity of this reliable restorative
To JRen.1
List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for in the Post
oflicc at Astoria, Oregon, September
28th, 1882.
Arioto, A Johausuu, S J
Bonn, John Ivitnzlcr, Louts
Clark, William Imvillc, Thomas
Clide, Dirddic Miller. J A
Draggoilovich.JohnXeill, John
Eskafa,J. Oddan.Oluf
Fiojdinan, John M Petersen E.
Ford. Mollic Smity, Mrs. I.
Ilermansson, Alex Smith, Mrs. M
1 lossa, Jacob S wi ft, J
Hansen, Peter Thorn, A
Jackson, ("eorgc Taylor, O A
Jackson, Mrs. J II
Persons calling for these letters
must give the date they arc advertised.
W. Cua.sce, P. M.
ferrcd stock, $4,682,036; expenditures
for construction, $21,577,093. The
expeditures for construction are
largely in excess of the resources of
the company from the net earnings
and proceeds of bonds received from
the syndicate, but thanks to tho as
sistance of the syndicate and the
Oregon and Transcontinental railway.-,
the company is prepared to meet all
demands, without even borrowing in
the open market. The management
points to the fact that it has finished
275 miles of road, ha3 graded 150
miles additional, bought and paid for
sufliciont rails for the entire gap be
tween tho two ends of the main line,
and made besido current expenses,
disbursements for motive power, roll
ing stock, the Bismarck bridge, the
great Boycmian and Helena tunnel
and other heavier portions of tho
work, without delivering a single bond
to a syndicate since last December.
An additional finished mileage af 285
miles has just been inspected and ap
proved by the United Stales govern
ment commissioners, which insures the
immediate reimbursement to the
treasury of a large, amount on con
struction accouut. The sand depart
ment sold 465,208 acres during the
year for $1,709,33S, the average price
being 3.60 per acre.
These I.onc Kvenius
You want something to read, Carl
Adler litis the subscription agency for
all the leading "periodicals and publica
tions, and will get you any paper or
magazine published In the United
States or Europe.
I. O. O. F.
Mother I Mother!! tIoSliir! ! !
the pudding is in the eating.'' and we
willingly abide this test. For sale by
all druggists, grocers and liquor dealers.
Order it. I.oeb &Co., agents for Astoria.
"Votliinsr HJiort of ITumistaL-nl-Ie
Conferred imon tens of thousands of
sufferers could originate and maintain
the reputation which AykiisSaksapa.
1:11.1. enjoys. It is a compound of the
best vegetable alteratives, with the
Iodides or Potassium and Iron, and is
the most effectual of all remedies for
scrofulous, mercurial, or blood disorders.
Uniformly successful and certain in its
remedial effects, it produces rapid and
complete cures of Scrofula, Sores, Boils.
Humors, Pimples, Eruptions, Skin Dis
eases and all disorders rising from im
purity of the blood. Dy its invigorating
effects it always relieves and often cures
Liver Complaint?. Female 'Weaknesses
and Irregularities, and is a potent rc
newer of vitality. For purifying the
blood it has no equal. It tones tip the
system, restore-, and preserves the
health, and imparts vigor and energy.
For forty jears it has been in extensive
use. and is to-day the most available
medicine for the Miffering sick, any
where. Fei: Sai.i: r.v am. Dkai.khs.
For the next 30 Days
rmtiiiniiiiiniiimiiiiinnTn "UTiiiiriinifMiinilliiriliiHii
Unparalleled Bargains ! !
Dry Goods and Clothing !
to be sold at a
Fait of a dwelling house. Inquiie at
(!. A. Stinson's blacksmith shop.
Fall Opening.
of Millinery and Fancy goods at Mr
A. Malcom's on Friday and Saturday.
iiie :wui ana mux 111st. rne latest style."
of bonnets, hats, etc.
Single and double entry book keep
ing. J. r. Feaster will organize a
school in the above named branches at
Main streetschool house in Astoria, on
Monday evening. Oct. 1, 1882,at7 o'cloclc
lerms: Twelve lessons 111 penman
shin, $::. Twelve lessons in bookkeep
ing, including penmanship .$.". Former
pupils and public school scholars at re
duced rates. Private lessons given in
any part of the city.
In Ton Iay
Carl Adler leaves for San Francisco
to purchase a large stock of fall and
winter goods. Any one having a special
outer win ue accommonaieu aim ineir
purchase made to the best advantage.
The Coiner Stone of the Odd Fellows
Temple will bo laid on Thursday, Sep
tember 28th. at 2:.T0 p. M.
All members of the order in good
standing, and Sisters of Ilebekah are re
spectfully requested to be at the Lodge
room at 1 iM sharp.
By order X. .,
On Saturday, the 2rd. a black and
tan slut, answering to the name of Fan
ny. A suitable reward will be paid lo
any one who returns her to the owner,
.. .Nelson, upper Astoria.
1 Are you disturbed at uight and broken
of your rest by a sick child Miffering
and crving with the excruciating pain
of cutting teeth ? If so, go at once and
get a bottle of Mrs. YVinslow's Soothing
Syrup, it will relieve the poor liltlt Mif
ferer immediately depend upon it:
there is no mi.lake about it. Then- is
not a mother on earth who has ever
used it, who will not tell jou at once
that it will regulate the bowels, and
!ive rest lo the mother, and relief and
lealth to the child.opcralinglike magic.
It is perfectly safe lo use 111 all cases.
anil pleasant to the ta.te, and is the pre
scription of one ol the oldest and neat
lemaie. physicians and nurses in tne
United States. Sold everywhere. 2o
cents a bottle.
Are Yon Troubled.
With conscientious qualms V asked a
friend 'You look troubled." vSo, I
am," said the suffeier: Hint it i with
tne lootnaciic. "More tool, ou. re
plied the comferter: Jgct it pulled out.
and buy a bottle of SOZODOXT. and
preserve the good teeth fiom :i like
To all who are suffering from the
error.- and indiscretions of youth, nerv
ous weakness, early decay, loss of man
hood, etc., I will send a recipe that will
cure you FItEK OF C1IABGE. This
great remedy was discovered by a mis
sionary in South America. Send a seir
addressed envelope to the Bev. Joskpii
T. Ixman. Station 1). Xow York City.
A cough, cold or sore throat should be
stopped. Xcglect frequently results in
an ineuraMe lung disease or consump
tion. iJrown's l'ror.chial troches do not
disorder the stomach like cough syrups
and balsams, but aet directly on the in-
tlaiiifil parts, allaying irritation, give
relief in asthma, bronchitis, coughs,
catarrh, and the throat troubles which
singer.- and public .speakers are subject
to. For thirty years IJrown's bronchial
troehcs hao been recommended by
phjsieians, anil aiwajs give perfect
satisfaction. Ikrving been tested by
wide and consbnt u-e for nearly an en
tire generation, they have attained well
merited rank among the few staple
remedies of the age. Sold at 2T cents a
oox c ervwhere.
Ilrace up the whole .system with King
of the Blood. See Advertisement.
These Goods are of the VERY BEST QUALITY,
and are offered at remarkabiy
Iiow Prices
Previous to the arrival of our FALL STOCK.
Let every one call and be convinced that we mean
business, and that goods of the same quality were never
before offered at such low figures.
$-AH the Upper Town busses will stop at this
store each way.
Astoria, August 23, 1882.
OyMtera! 03-Mors!!
At FnMik Fabre's; in every
Fresh from the beds every day.
Physicians' prescriptions
compounded day or night
Conn's drug store, opposite
careful I v
at .1. W.
IHhisie Le.8sonn.
MissXora Wilson will return from
San Francisco about October 1st, after
which time she will be prepared to re
ceive a limited number of pupils in in
strumental music.
If you want n good suit of clothes,
ready made or made to order, call and
see Mcintosh, Occident block.
Fresh fruit received at C. A. May's by
-every steamer. Xo stale trash. verv
variety of Oregon and California fruit
always on hand.
A Delicious Appetizer.
That ensures digestion and enjoyment
of food; a tonic that brings strength
to the weak and rest to the nervous;
a harmless diarrhea cure that don't
constipate just Hhat every family
ncods Parker's Ginger Tonic.
Popular Everywhere.
Every family should have a bottle of
Syrup of Figs constantly on hand. Its
pleasant taste and beneficial effect make
it popular everywhere, .and the results
are better health and fewer doctor's
bills. It may be taken by old and young,
by men and women, under any all cir
cumstances. For sale by W. E. Dement,
Druggist, Astoria.
Hodge Davis fc Co., Wholesale Agents.
Portland Oregon.
II. B. lAtt
iias completed his elegant fall stock of
dresses and cloaks. By sending size of
bust, length of sleeve, skirt, waist nnd
under arm, he will send C. O. D., dresses
from 10 upwards; dolmans from S?.
Address : J I. B. Bitt,
Cor. Third and Alder, Portland. Or.
Shoal water bay eysters: fresh every
day, at Frank Fabre's.
Mr. John lingers of the Central Mar
kct. has made arrangements to keep al
he tiuet fresh tish, etc., in their season
A Nasal Iniector tree with each
boltle of Shilohs Catarrh. Remedy.
Price .-0 cent. Sold by W, E. Dement.
A line line of birth dayand wedding
proentsat the City book store.
Happy Greeting to. All !
The Empire Store
l Xvxi Door to ilir Pythinu Ititililin;- J
; K now open with a very .vlicr ami eoiuplete "tocl of j
DRY HOODS I notion;
Ladies' and Children's Shoes.
crorxt mottOi
Fresh taffy and caramels even day
rut the Astoria Candy Factory, Mam St.
Sparkling Eyes.
Rosy cheeks and clear complexion
only accompany good health. Par
ker's Ginger Tonic better than any
thing, makes pure, rich blood, and
brings health, joyoiiB spirits, strength,
and beauty. Ladies try it Bazar.
-"Hackmetack,"' a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Price '2"i and .j0 cents.
Sold by W. E. Dement.
Have you tried a tew or pan ioat
as Frank Fabre cooks it ? Order one and
you'll thank us for the advice.
For the genuine .1. II. Cutter old
Bourbon, aiid the best of wines. Honors
and San Francisco beer, call at the Cem
opposite the bell tower, and see Cami-
Foi Dyspepsia amlLivcr Complaint,
you have a printed guarantee on every
bottle of Sliiloh's Vitalizer. It never
fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
be bought at the lowest prices, at .1. W.
Conns tlrug store, opposite iiceutcnt
betel. Astoria.
ShiloiTs Cii:k will immediately
relieve Croup, whooping cough and
A very complete assortment of blank
books, all sizes, styles and prices at the
City book store.
Hallo ! Where are you going V Why,
to Frank Fabre's for a pan roast.
Baby carriages in every stjle and
of good 'finality' for ale cheap at Carl
Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherry
always at hand. It cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in
fluenza, consumption, and all throat and
ping complaints. r0 cents and SI a bottle.
If you wart nice fresh lard, or good
5ugar-curen nams, just lrom tne coiui
try go to F. B. Elberson's bakery.
The liev. Ceo. II. Thayer, of Bour
bon, Ind.. ays: "Both myself and wifo
owe our lives toSnu.oii'sCoxsuMPTiox
Ci-rk." Sold by W. E.Dcmont.
--IrXlerks conversant with the English, German, Scan
dinavian and French languages will be in attendance.
Astoria, August 2i, 1K32.
up, wiiuoiuiig eougii
Sold bv W.E. Dement.
Shipper & Rybke.No. 11. Oak street
Portland, are the bou ton tailors or the
.Remember Frank Fabre's icecream
Itis par excellence.
P. J. Goodman, on Clienaintts street,
has just received the latest and most
fashionable style of gents and ladies
boots, shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for
the famous Morrow shoes.
Are you made miserable by Indi
gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
appetite, Yellow Skin? Sliiloh's Vital
izer is a positive cure. For sale by W.
E. Dement.
Prof. J. F. Meyer wishes to inform
the public and his pupils that he is now
settled and intends remaining here. He
is prepared to give music and also
French lessons. Scholars nracticing
will find every convenience for studv
aml improvement, at his residence. His
experience renders this an opportunity
which it is worth while to anv one to
A large consignment of clocks just
rcceivoil at Aillers.
M. MEYER Proprietor.
special A.jrjq-oTTjfogiadCEma?.
Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Gallon
Bottled Beer, - - - S I SO per Dozen
WSpecial attention iakl t orders from Public Houses ami Families.""
Sliiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diptneria and
Canker Mouth. Sold by W.. Dement.
Why will you cough when Sliiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 cts 30 cts and Si. Sold by W.E. Dement.
-Orders left at the GERMANTA r.EER HALL wtll tie promptly attended to.-S
r . r-