en m' g -bs imm Astoria, Oregon. Tuesday Morning, Juno 13, L88 o No. 63. Vol. xvn. t . AMONG THE MOONSHINERS. ' supply for themselves and their "1. Tnev Hvo in the iiiuginalioi! Tlie lUIcitDismiere of the Kentucky farnilfps can he procured, llwy n-"th race whose sea-k'mgs were Blue Ridge. ,. ,-,. - ., :... t1L tlip terror of un earlier time, who Purtlixlu'il ltoiiius tu I.pt At'.Mri-. Mucin's lodging hau-. The mountains of eastern Ken- command to "take no thought for first dared to penetrate the mv- JH La Force. DentUt . Concomly Street. XOTICE 13 IIEi'.EBY GIVEN that the assessment made by Ordl-lipnc- yo. 463. lor the Improve ment and repair of Concomly -tr.'et, fioui the vest side of Main street ttickv nlthniKrhrlpfinJont in l,n.n-lit "'"""" - . i . i ., .,.) . (lunranters nil his work to riw satu- i the east side of .Spruce street, in .Mc- iucKj,aiuiougHaelicientin height, tj)e ,n01T0W hut let the morrow tenr- ol the terror-haunted At- rflPtIon. noouis u r J. V. r.a. stor.-. ' ouro-s Astoria, in the mariner provided unteinesamf wild and picturesque , takc tllouglll for ilseif." A ,nort. lantie, ami whose rule in Knglnml, ..7t"n,T; - heauty as those of Color.ido and ;:,1Iv. ,. , nMm -,.,, he independent of u comin.w oiigin. """ Vnl.-o..!.. c : : .. i l. ' ' ..... - Tl,,, iMn" Wn-i'il fnnml nt Ifist. found upon the face of the earth, eonm-ets them liy it closer tis wui nrUK!iisu "ior -IJourIi on ttat, If the guests "s.tdd!e-pocket"- - ex cry on- of biiglisli name, rnnn c Wjr. m ra" ' " " ill od wero the tiineot naroui uaiiagei. nu Nebraska. Springing at one bound directly from tho lower Blue Grass region to a height of more than ,000 feet above tide-water without any intervening rango of foot hills at their, base, they seem as lofty as "the much higher western Sierras. They have the samo perpendicular or overhanging precipices of tow ering rock shutting in tho narrow valleys? through which the streams rush ou with the samo violence, roaring over broken masses of frtone or plunging down great per pendicular heights with tho thun der and turbulence which always accompanies falling water. Their summits present the same sharp and clearly-cut outlines of -cr rated, rocky masses, with bald, per pendicular faces towering high in tho air fringed with a thin crest of feathery pines at their summits On And win: and security, Between summits and the high precipice in closing tho valleys at their feet the mountain sides are formed into . tli- I as odlo-brs are called wero filled with gold, no ..-.irious eye , whomo authentic History o.'gins, would pry into their M'ciets, and ! down to about six centuries ago, not oiik of these rude people would ; the record of Norway, though a rob him of a cent. Every offense glorious one for the stoimy annal against propei ty is promptly and . of ibo-e times, is one of almost severely niinished, and in their -,- J constant battle, with alternating ...... . I lv Ordinaneo Xo. 43c, on eacli of the following described lots fronting upon that part of Concomly street from Ask the west side of Mala street to the east It , side if irece street. i- now-due and pay- Ivd-i aide nt tlie oillce of the City Treasurer, in said eitv, in riiile.l States sold and sIIereoin.and unless paid within live l.nslnmi the expiration of this notice, iii Jnnn' 1W Hip IVimmmi Council M'ncinjr. Miurtms. irritation of ihe ,. ""'it warrants Issued for the eol urinarv inssasree. dise.v-i.-d discharge,. I lertion thenol. . ured v lSueliuinil.a. fl. at dru-'-'iMs. I lie H,smpnt i as follows. Oregon "Depot, DA V 1 tt CO., Portland, i --' r Oregon. ' g Catarrh orthe Blnilitri'. lirniu nnil .er Wells' lltultli Kenewer. ie.Htest reiu- N' vmi ot ow.sr.u (F LOT. .: ...".. .t .:r :-. .i. i.-.,.- ..,.! nt.iwct .mil snliniisaion. Then i c.ti on earth for iiiitiutencc.ltMU.iie--, uwuit.- a uiii-i .s ,...- . .. .- - --- . -lm lWiity. etr., l. t drusstist 1) C.raham ilest of oiimin.il1-. But human! came, decadence; and iroin tho i)TCon ivpi.t, DAVIS .t Co. Purikiml, D Graham life is of little value, and homicide is not tegarded as a crime. Each section has two rival families or elans, who aic at ('eadly feud with each other. Desperate encounters between opposing clans, in which men aie killed with knife and pis tol, aro of frequent occurrence? Men aie wavlaid and -shot down .V llininati 11 Brow ii YV W Parker Mrs Martin Dillon Mrs C S Wright. J Kiis-ell.Villiam Ilus-sel 11 F Stark Ullllll 1 1C1I1I1I1 Itll II 11 HIH -" T ' I l iLJ IIHIIMM were made to conlouti to the ca- uiroat and lungs. Its lnng-eontinwd '.I S"Jrace."E Dlleatly, , ., ,.... v.i ,i, sci a--of woudcitul cures m all cinnaie-. .1 .m lenuosii.trustecs pp.ee of tlie ooiiquoior. .Not un- liasma(loitnicr-ally known as a t.ife M.I Kinney til less than a eentuiv ami did and reliable agent to eniploj. Ag..iut U I. Turner 'nmnv catch a "limnso of tho f.r5 of "more serious di-onler-. it act- Katu IIobsonAVm Uob- ' ' . -,' ' , ! " , , i .,.. ;,.,. c .sneedily and surely, always relieing, son, May Hobson, from ambuscades of tieesor rocks .security and honor she now PIJ0JS-lettering, :m,i otten saving life. The; Etta Hobson. Charles e.uly jiart of the fourteenth cen- Oregon. turv, tho killfdom lot its nation- in the Whole lli-xturj-of lfriltnu' alitv. Now a proviuco of Sweden ,- prl.par.itl..n iia-, eei pcrft.rmel .,.i ...,. nt rw.n.irl- iiMiiners , -uchnianelous cuics. orinaiiitaiiiwlso and now ol DenmarK, iii.nini i. , ., . tio sV ....,,. t'..,.,,v inde)endence and even lanauagp IT-Ctouai., whicli is recognized as the 11FSI 1 . . worlds rcmed for all disea-es of the i .lucib The wars of Napoleon dragged protection it affoitU, by ils tiiaclj i::e . " iluoat ami slic-t disorders, makes it i Hnlisun. F.ITajIor . bv one faction. Retaliation of :i i similar character is made bv the ' thoeaiuiinavian Kingdom into mat invaluable remedy to he kept alwajson id J! Jiehwan. which no foot of man has trod. ,...., ....... .,. .: I li. ..Wol, I....1 K.nm.e ns its '"'" ".,'"!V,?1 ,1'Vr" !.i ,1l.i,w .., , . oijMUSii,r sine, aim .is iuvikwiiius wh- -- i auultl iti oe aiiiiioui ii, ami uw-m-wi" .h .tiiii-iiu... accessible only to the strong-! . . , .. ., ,i. i i;,i !, fnHa,;nn nfi have nine used it never wilt. 1'ioml M Xowlan.... o-ed h-izirds who there build nUi l,cvor I"""sl,01- ,,u" eMl!;i(WM.u,,u,, . ". their knowledge of its composition and F. C Crow ged Uu2ards, who mere imild ;. ;,!i Xoroumn indetiondence. The .effects, nhv.sic.ans uso the CiiKimv KCCrow rear their vouno- in perfect " . i i i . :-i .... ,.' VEcroiSALevteiisivelyin their pr.ietiie, II 1! Parker... mii '". f , re.it Emperor had a lavish way o ,,.,,, IplLlliell .ecomuiend ii. It i, .lamesTailm . i ..i .!. i -..;,,! ...,'bestowiu!r a sovereitrntv upon a ' absolntel certain in j's reiiiedial ede, ts CL Parker... tho base ot these rock3 . .i.,. ! brother or a favor to.anc of irivin-r wuie. MarvAGray. ui.usi.iiis i.miv.- - ....u.. ...M - . ., . ,.,,,,,.,....,,..,.,, ,.,.,. Alan A Gnu. moonshiners as the distillers of illicit whisky are called then only nwav Drovinees as it thov wore his rightful inheritiniv. lie had .i .i... .:....i r..: i.. ..:.! tl ! assifrned to Russia the Swedish uu lilt- llYtfl i.iutojus lay ,niur an , r IS-rnvian Uiln-r.. CaAvLoka l.ulira -Marv A Airsutuia i-oiin. i(' Uoelllng t rioelllng.. .. C lloelling- terraces whose level platforms are j uo '.' "' " I I(wi..ee of Finland to which he' The Count CU.cl.on was the s.muMi ! "' i tt tft, ifr.. rLoei m nt. ! aim inosttv for a time, and unito piovinceot f inland, to w men nt vu.oroJ- ln lv.ru in itv30 Th(.Coume. J DMernmaii clothed with lofty forest trees, as - ' , d ,. n, ,Juwj,a wd(. hU wa, 1r0,tratcd by an intenult-i ;Ji!'" vet untouched bv tho settlor's ax. Mo1 mutual di'iense .tr.iinst men i , t(.tl0V(r, UOm whk.li she wasfrced by '' ,'al " j et untouctied u ino .stuiers ax ; hor jH-ace with Sweden by making -h,. lKeol the native reme.lv. tho Pern- j Kt" Giant oaks, loftv chestnuts, tall i com "10 5 el" mi . , ' f .. ).:,, vianbark, or. as it was called in tUe1 - A ! r(' ,. .', ,- , . .,,i-. All intercourse with the outer ' "' ' a present ol .Nonv.iv, which ', ,lIaK,l() the ountryt -tiiiliwiuiaa:' -Jris'-' magnolias, black walnut and tulip, , , NVheti this (Jndeful for her mM,verynhfi return VV,.?vi;; trees mimrle. with tho lcs loftv i worW ,s s,1,,t OU' eXC)l s"c'' as 1 fc .- s. lo Europe in iG'.i. shc'inlioduoed tne!t A. f' J . " uunie. wiui luo jl.s iuhv . . , . ,, ,,,. ... ..rranfrnnient was mil led. Norwav ,, ,,-,. in smln nliere It n, kr.ovvn ' - A lav. or -,.,.1 no into iii.uiiiiuiit.Mi iiiicFu...r.s".' o-- . , -. "; ."--. ::.V-.;: ;,,.ni i ... .m- . H llrfiwn IkllU t.l 111 II 1 . lllllll'l 'II IIIU1 ltlllltl -I LJIla.ll li.llllll V. t . . . "eiieraliv visit t"f-c'!',r'(l "lI iiKiepeniieiii-e; nun e, holly lalpa, beneath which is spread a thick undergrowth of pawpaw and tho broad and narrow-leaved moun tain laurel. The inhabitants aro fow and far botween. Only where tho narrow valley widens into the level bot tom land of rich alluvial .soil is the ground cleaned and the rude log oabin of the sottler built, always destitute of windows, and very often doorless also. Wagon roads and bridges aro unknown. Bridle paths alono lraveisotho valleys and cross the mountains at their lowest gaps, or wind around their sides upon a narrow pathway, af fording scanty room for even a a single horseman, with high, per. pendicular rock on- ono sido and a rorticaldownvvard plunge, of sev eral hundred feet on tho other. Carriages, wagons, or even carts are even unknown" among this primitive people, who are at least a century behind the present era. ' Tho mountains are full of sheep, which furnish wool, and the long summers ripen flax and cotton, which the busy fingers of the women cord, spin and weave into homespun clotlp Rude turbine wheels, cut from the solid tree and driven by the mountain streams, grind the corn into coarse meal, and this, with tho long-legged brood of pigs, fed upon tho abundant mast of thoj mountain sides, and hotnemado! moonshine whisky, constitutes tho I onttre bill of fare of tln ruue and primitive people. Nowhere is this primitive char acter more clearly shown than in the nomenclature of the streams 4 in which his Satanio majesty and Jiis usual headquarters play a conspicuous part. They have the Upper Devil, Lower Devil, Hell for"Sartii Branches tho Big Devil, Little Devil, and Hell Forks, grid ffoublesoinc, Dead Horse, Quicksand, Outshin and Jvingdom fjome creeks cattle buyers who tin pai onco an evi moio mounted sti angers are sup posed to be United States marshals on a raid against moonshiners, that being the only niotivo which has thus far called visitors iiilo the mountains. Such parlies are ac cordingly regarded with much dis trust, arc carefully watched and frequently ambuscaded in the nar row defiles, and either shot down captured, disaimod and cs.-orted from tho mountains nndei easeful guardianship, Thus, loading the monotonous life of the rudest pioneer-,, varied only by tho war of clans, or a shot at a marshal destitute, ol schools, shut out from all intercourse with ailed it Cinchona, in honor of the lady How Ibj . I lr.I,l , reo-.on -.lone or it most i , the national assembly at Kidsvold. who had l)roug.iUi).;m that w ii. .j a hrj s region .none, or, at mosi. in i . , , , more precious than the gold of ihelnc.is. ' V . iV' u"i i ' is. Strangers are. eeogn.zeu at i , -.-; -- Jlfftv Vi.ri.iracT- !"' giVen and jronlclM KW... :o bv their accent, or the eut s-tuntton; and on Alas It, sixty-. u nof,,;,," to takeib plnc. It t uVctii-' .l. , A ?,' , , ., i i i i.iirht vi-irs aoo Prince Christian al ly euros a moriiui appetite lor miiuii- :. ; ,"',.' d materia! of their clothing, and l '?"1 . ' at aP- n"', ' , I iaiits by reitoring the natural tone of r . F-nkcr. pry paviv consisting ol uncoor "" ""--"- "' ""- ::'rVi . " . 7.,; ,i ilt... ;:i W W I'aikor. ! i ,.:i. i i... .1,.. ,.. i, ;,,..,! , ' ii""'-,,s :"" ' .. ., ,, ,. ,.u .-,.. .j . iiuiiTii iw licm .ii ." IU...U...I.. : 1..M1, ni,i.i. T in nnui'iliil lonu- viitne . . . .... TTtZ : ? b power of England and Sweden,' the (lincht.iia U prf-erved in '.'' I SV .'pur C.I TrVnch 1 ' PcruviHn lhttcrs, which are as euiruve l, ' "'' ' .....1 n .,...... 4 1- i..mt. tl-.k n,l. nrrn...ct mo Qtlt f ii. ttl tUjl.11 l II. Ol ..... 2.11. . ... n. i:.'.i. .ill- ...ii.jii. .. i, . wti- i..i.i,.. .i.,i.i. . . -... . -, .. - .. ...i... stitution ! substaiitiallv intact u 13 14 14 It 14 13 1- I " S I 15 5 n - Je: 3 - S50 00 30 00 50 00 CO 00 60 00 50 00 50 no 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 30 00 50 OU 42 00 47 00 It 50 44 50 42 00 12 00 42 00 42 00 42 00 42 00 42 00 42 00 42 00 42 00 12 00 42 00 42 00 42 00 42 60 42 00 12 00 47 00 42 00 12 00 30 00 : 00 .TO 00 38 00 no 00 so 00 ;oo 30 00 30 00 30 00 so 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 PlUlFie 1DTD1L LIFE iSWWB OOMPJM, Of GeiicvxiSL. A. HcKlNKIEi Manager. For Oregon "Washington and Idaho Territories orpirr 10a fibst street, poiitxad, on." Kefereneen: CI1.V.S. HOIMJK.ot rtotls?, Dnvis &. Co. JAMISKIEEUCishlerrint NRtlonal Bank. J. A. .STROWIJKIDOE, Who'eiale LeuUier and Uadlngs. C. A. DOLPH, of rtolpli, Eronaugh, DoliA bimoii. Col. J. .MeCnAKEX, of J. McCruLen & Co. L. U. llEMtlcuaii.x, or iieuiicasen Orcentierg. Dr. G. E. KOTTAUE. M. U., Ernuduer and Ftiyslclun. Herereuces:- A.. of KnaDD. Bu Vf. W. SlAULDU;o, Pactcr and Caitlfl JL S. BCKPLL. of Knapp, Euireil & Co.' Dealer. ANDKEW EOBEP.TS, ot FLshel &. Eobexts. JOHN CUA ol John Cmn Co. C. AL WUierg, Koots and Saoes. .IOS. JJUEKHARD. BurUsid'& Spauldlng. J. K. CILL. of J. K. GUI SCo Stationers. 1'K.VKK ZA2TOV1CH, of Zan Btotnen. Kacnotttie above men na.s'S10,oxi Insur ance in this Company. MISCE LIGNEOUS. ! BUSINESS OABDS. S. ARNDT & FKRCHEN.lE. HOLDra- ASTOK1A. OKW50N. AL.CTIoSBC1., COMMISSION AND Trift Pinnonr Manhino Qhrvn I SUUANCK AOEOT. I lib I IUIIUUI IIIUVIIIIIG UIIUUI RUtCKS.MITil shoj ooner onon o All kllli-l of S jyt. jr. c. HiiArrEB, VUIHICIIX and 8fKCEO j (DEtrwcnEii Anrr.) UlHeiiMrt of the Throat a Spcclalt)-. Oalco over Conn's Drus Store. .J)R. C. C. CLASS, riIY3ICIAX AND bClOfXN, 1 Ofllci. ovr A. V. Aliens Sto. ENGINE CANNERY,! astokia. - oeegon. -4.VB- ; T1 D. WINTOX, STEAMBOAT WOREJ 'Money an Counselor tabu. rromjitlr atteciW to. A spc.Ult) luodeot repolrlc; CANNERF DIKS FOOT OF UvrAYinTE STKKET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. IlivMos mti:ki,t, Nnu: I'aiisku Hocmk, ASlOltlA. - ORE.30M. 1 is?-Offlct tu I'j thian Balldlnj. .VSTORlA, - - - - OREGOy. ' TAT TCTTtK. M. D. PHYSICIAltAiiD.SOEUfiO I Office Over tno White House Store. 1 RsnDKSCR-Over Erbron"s Bakery, op - Iiositn uarui K ancxs' bauxrn. -- .. ....rt :. .t-,. .I.,w rC IVirt nt,t ,.jrll, .. . . .. " . y;,i ,.-1,1 ..m-lnoJi.".;" '" "." " V .- uv orocr 01 ine t nraraon council. of liiilsvold romaincMiyirt.-s. yc "u.irantiv the iucjasli- - y c. XOURIS. it- inovis- 111I1. 01 thit hitters to i).i ahiiuu'iy Auditor anil Clerk. 1 r.tire. -.mil nf tlm int knfiun nunlltv.. . ,.-t 1 1: ,w-i- .'-' , ,, . r 11 1 i .1 . sum,., .1 ...i-., s-, inn guard nuist iwilonslv against A trial will satisfy ou that tins is tho' v , , . " ', ., ! hest bitter in Hie Wfifhi. "The proor of j .Swedish encroachments, ami tho tho nudilinc is in the eating." and vo Chenamus Street, rtK-ers and liuuor tlcalers. r NOl'lCi: l-i IIKHCBV GIVEN that t II I I 1 . - 1 S. .1 uIa t.. ,.!.'. .. .. I f . . L ic! j 1 1.. -. .s a . ... ... . ,4.. l-i flr.llnnitrtn V11 Slinil l)i a lret Siaie. inileUelllieni. iurn. i.uv"v unni'. im .i-uu .... 1 nk iis-inurai iu.iu" jv uiuiuaiiui ,u. ....v..:.:..,.. ....i:..i u.l ....:...! " ! 501, for the .nf first n.tielo .vi.Ies tlmt -NT..r:iv ' W,'1R,J". ahlde this tot. mruaio n.v 1 all nrucKisi". 'A k V. ITI.TOX. M. D. lltjKlflau and Hutxtpn l OFFICE Orer A. V. Allen's crooerT fctore. lloouu. at thn Tarber Hoiiw. CENERAL MACHINISTS AND F. '" i PRJJT18T, BOILER MAKERS. . . - v- - iiiiuvisiu.e. aiiu iii.-iuriiaoif, ..im.-u A C,1U1,. r0ut or sow tluoat should be to Sweden under tho amo Ijing." stopjKil. Xculett frcuueull icsulta In ... . , .an incurablt'iuinj dlstssiMir ciyii-iiiinp-Tho result ol tho mnon liavn been tion. llrovvn's llronchial troeh.-s do not ,. j...fi;i (n i..-,rh r.r t.-, tlisonler tlie stomach like iiiU syrujvs .....-....,.,..... .v, .w... v. ...... , IM,d jj.,,i,. r,ui uot i!ir.vti on the in nro.eincnt and ronalrof Chenamus street, betvteen the west side of Ca. street ami the east side of Jack soli street, ln McCiure's Aatorla, in the ninnnt r nrovlded by Ordinance So. 4C3, oiit-ach ut the following described lots frontiiiK ujion that part of Chenamus ....1 .1 : 1... r .,,.1... (.-.in.. !.nrK. n nviiiL' Irritntlnn. .'i. sintt tiuui lut-c-v ?wc vl vusi aun .inn l.iu c.cm .-, .,..... ... ... ..,- ----f-. ,,;, ,;,,,-"' (,7n;;I;itV,-;li;j' to the east side of Jackson street, is now bration, since nowimr, pi obably, , catarrh, and 'the t'hro-u tr.ni.iiV, w hicli . ;'uo allJ I'yable at the office ott lie City - ' siii,i nnd nubli., sm-nkei, nre sui.iivt 1 r.-asiner. 111 ,aid city, In United states does their ot a constitutional ta'rK !ilul "ih,r c,,In'and un,es Pld nionarc jeets s 1 l-l . . -. t tr,,.h.. lime In-n refill, iTi.nilf,t in ' ' lllllll lle lllivs iioiu mc c inoiiirii ui liy u Inch L'rar.ti, to its sub- i f'Kl'fj ' a...b,li-"... "?"" 1.!ul.rl, ' i 1 11,1, noih-e. vlL: June 12. 1832. tho Com- ucli complete and perfect satisfaction. ' llHvins'bftn toW li ' nin Council vvill order warrauU Issued ' t ..-..,.. ..., .. ?... .......1. .....: for tlu eolleotion ihercor. 1 lie assess- the world, and deprive! nf all do-1 independence ns that enjoyed by tire ueneratioii. thej have attained well- j c . . ft 'tlm briiv.. mid industrious neonle merited rank nuioiii; the lew stapiu, inestic comfort, generation alter i'"0 itrftM- ana inuiisiiious ptPle 1 remedios ol thu ape. N.l.l at '.'.'. e.-uts a. generation has lived and died. As of -Norway. I he imikIi ol the ooxmwniiwt it Ins been so will it ever be until I W sea-kin once adventuioiisly 1 1 1 t . the outer world has need of the pMlcrM m"- "10l,: '"iio-puaoio gi eat mineral wealth of coal and shores; now their deendnnH have, iron hid in tlie bowels of the nioun- sonpht in A men.. a permanent tains. Then only will -tho wildl'mme. The wild oisp warriow scieainoftheironhoi-b'eieverberate once descended on the fertile fields through these valleys," and the rude 0l" England w plwmler awl ravage; habits of the people" lie swept off j now, after fou. teen centuries, the bvtho advancinc waves of eivili- h"" mc0 con,e'" ,0 liIi tl,c stU1 zation and progress. luent "n a, follows; N ami. or dwm.i: ut- Lor. i; iMi.ii hum; i;m;im:n Boiler Work. Steamboat Work. and Cannery Work a specialty. OASTIKTGS. Ornll leM-riptlon- made to Order at Khort Xotloe. A. D. Wajbs. rresldent. J. O. HcSTLrK, ftctfretary. 1. W. Case. Trensurfir. John" Fox, Superintendent. B. B. PRANKLTN, UNDERTAKER, OiUCOOK Koomi- in AUt-oV building up rtalrs, eorwr of Cuss and twiemoeqlie streets. j Q. A. BOWLBY. ATl'OKyET-AT IiAW. Chenamus Plreet. - ASTOIUA. OBKGO "y T. Bl'KSEY, ATTOKSEV AT IW. May be found at the Court House. Q II. I1AR & CO., OBAtKU in Uoorn, WtndowB, BllBttl. TrM nobis. Iinzatver. EtV. Alt klndi of Oafc. Lumber, Ola, Scat Ma terial, etc. Turning and Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. 5 pteauiUUl aeii Weston hotel. Cor. Can J evlve and Artor streets. f WM UOWR. A Little Norvvesian Hiatoiy. iluy 17tli was the anniver.saiy of an eventful date in the history of Norway. In name it is the union with Sweden, which is mark ed for celebration; but in fact is the birth of the Now Norwegian Independence, and the beginning of the growth of Nonvay. in all that marks a free and progressive state, self-governed, proud of its liberties, and intensely conserva tive. No title of race or nation calls up nioio poetic visions than that of tho Norseman. The Scan- more leitue hems 01 i',n;?iaiiU J greater ofiVpi iug. Norw egian .anil , Swede are bound here bv a closer 1 . union than that which holds their native land as one common king dom. The conque.st making with plow will be enduring than the old victer: l" IJ.ivM.s2 0 tir-ellins...- -filWllint! I J W Gearhart Ii IJ Parker Goorjjc Hill 1 llerymnn and A W Kerry f Kejsman and A W Iletry I'rocreisive l.&ll Asso- Kiiiff of the Blood-rTiand.-."::::::: s I f l'r.Iir i sAftl Isnot a "CHlV(iIf," It isiiMood.jiUllflerauil.it it vifirll I R tonic. Itniuintv of the Mon.l poisons tl.esvs. 1 ,,' ,.1 ,. ;i;,r ' r. tein, denitiKes the clrrul.ttlon. and tlius 111- i) J, ' V f" l' duces iiuuv tilsordor-i. known bv dhler.nit -Jifs v-J' 1 arhfi b namesto tlWlu-rul-.H tliom acvordluz to el-' Jamesmoce 1 fects, but tit-lug rcallv bunches or pim-.es ot ; J.ip.ieseUjbe... that Rrrat k nerle disorder, lmimriij l 1 (; 1, '.irl;er .... Itlood. hueh aro iiw.'j. IIIIi.u4i:ia. 1 11 1. tori-.,r tbi.v -irr. XirirOinrtinf.CwiWjf'..'i. A't .-ivI'k f )N- i,,i. v.,,,,!,'" inuv .ire ..,.. ir;.i..,i, u,,.;...!,.. un,...,. u-..,i .lacou inun.i ,, 'li..-. ..,1, iw...v,j...... ...,....,.-...,.- .., ,.,. ,. it, Ut art mieau, limp). KUlrai IHi.e, ' .'accu Aainm more j p.Ui! lillltmatiitmt cnt-trrh, .Sfi'.fe.! (, :;.V i Ucrju Oavulsou e nf Di'Ordtiv. I'lhihto. Vlreri, .VUsJIO.iti, Ac. tieorjie Davidson "' AC. Kins of the ISInnd pnvtnH and John Hobson U the sword, and that bit I 1 of nation-, c"rc,! tnese nj atracMnR iuc re.ief . ii.ii-iuiiy jonn nolon ' ( cf me Mood. rheniUtaaud pli,nuns:u;riv. 1 tiull.an al independence vhic'.i thav celo- Incamn-U "tlininostRcnuuiM :u-d cii.Ufi.t i n-iiuui0I! ! l - v . pretJariitloiifiirtUcpunKne." St.M b Uiug- ' " J11"4"1 brate, 13 seen the sniiit which ! P'. i I'f hottie. hec itcstiruouhi,. .dirte. , ,,i ' , lioin.&e..lii .i'.inpli!ot.'-Trcaii'ei.i4tticasfs A Cifuhj, tannic 1 nr run l.uitxi." Trannca :uumi earn uoiuo irosuv. rien Lros- i, i;.a OM, hOS A. Co..l'n.j". i.uii::io. .,, 1, by (heirs of A Cros- m, ueconsrui. din avian people heve a history The mountaineers aro "given to! extending back t tho dim ag'". of hospitality." They will share their, myth, when Odin was the progeni last pieoo of corn bread with the tor of the royal line. They have strange guest, careless and indif- a literature whose bold and rugged ferent as to where the morrow's beauties have never been surpass- urger independence which awaits them heie the independence of An.ori- IScr'-"8'""" "'-""-iCannerv Supplies-'--::;;;;;;; IinportiHl and torjalol sioniA, Notice to Contractors. i avii.t. nr. limKivwi v mih uudcrsigncil at Atonauatll noon, Juuo ' SO. 1832. tor lumlsliinc tho materials and la. 1n f !- tt,a nnttctnintinn ff 1 lttIn1r ImlTiltnrv UUt iU IMU UIHIUV.111'11 Vi uviivu umiuiiti , , 50x103 fct, 3 stone- high, to ho erected in I U:lr 1I", AtoiiafortncOddrellowsLandandBuild-. r.it ik-ituot nl4. Inr c-crvnlltli-m Pinna flnH irvoritfiAll Innc i ' Jiin iu-iwtaitvu. a 1119 tiiu j ii,viuvuivii n Clil'arUcr ; iiciiry Kt'rende-i , GeQiiiut'lavc!,..,,..- "'i:r.0ON 1 fleorgo Klavcl OturKcriave!... 9 0 a 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 JO 20 S 20 4 20 1 ! 21 21 21 21 IS rlOOO 4000 40 00 43 00 33 00 33 00 4300 48 00 4373 43 7.-. 43 75 43 75 38 00 38 0C 38 00 38 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 33 00 28 00 23 00 28 00 2S00 3300 33 00 33 00 33 00 45 73 15 73 45 73 45 75 30 00 30 00 30 00 313 00 60 00 COW 4000 40 00 10 00 Corner Cass and Squrmoqu ws?t, ASTORIA. .... OI.P.OON ncAU.n in WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES AXU UNDKHTAKURS GOODrf. BOAT BUILDER, AT THE OtU STAND, aEAY-8 DUltDISO FIRST CLASS WORK A SPECIALTY. be seen nt the Occident Hotel. Th rljl.t i rescrve.i to reject any ar.d an uuis. By order ol the Koanl of Diroetois. A. J. 3IEGLKH. Hcc'y. Oregonlan copy. J u t dtd. Pases Oai-.. rte. Ajent for Harlock's Soldering Machine ; J Johnston's Improved Solderlns upparatus; , rotary table lor soldeiins scums ; Blood's net floats. By order ot the Omunon Council. ' e C.NORRI8. Auditor and Cleric. Atons. Or.. Way is. 1S82. WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Mala and ChcimiH StroeLi. ASTOHU ORKUON DKA.U.E If CIGARS. AND TOBACCO. The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM uid olbT KntfUi Cutlerr FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Oen ioe Heeraha m Pipes, etc. A Quo stoel. of Watcbes and Jewelrr. Muzcle nnd llreech IoadlnK Nbot Cnm. and IUfle, Ilevolvcrs, Plstob. and Ammunition MAKIXK LAMKM AtSO A nx Astortment of tlno SPECTACLES and KYB GLASSES. F1BMT CUASH Dress 'Making. BV Mrs. T. S. Jewett. I Cp stairs, oppodta Mw. Rosers Boarduu I IlOUX". - I. W.- CASE, lAll'On.TKR AS U tTHOLESALK AMI Ui? TAIL DEALEK IS - GENERAL MAMSfr f.-inier Clien-imiM and Cass streets. ASTOUIA - - - - ORKOOif Freshest and finest cakes, fruit ruacl candy at the Astoria candy factory. """ tiBb The "Alwaya Iiondyn fitovi-plpc cl;vea at John. A. Montgomery'. The British Iron Bark Wanlock U Xo on the Berth for LONDON DIRECT. For KreUht and Piwtlctdars Apply to P. L. CHERRY, (Over Wnlln. Fanso A Co.h eitlMi tsrorta, Slay , iMtt. my72w IfANSKN BROTHERS, Architects and Builders, All Mad nt HouHcltrorfc done at abortest aotle. Hhop Comer oT Cass and .stor ihrctt, AfilOBU. - - - - 0HEO03- M $? n i" - 53 'tf-S?s,3ES,"