C'J " .IWMHIHIIIHIWl .Jg -, jyp ,-v Jl' Vol. xvn. Astoria, Oregon. Tuesday Morning May 0, 1882 So. 33. V OWING TO STAGE DIRECTIONS The facts connecting the miser able experience of young Syinonds as an actor were these: lie was hired to play in a stock company, and one night was called upon j almost at -an hour's notice to take a part in a play he had never seen, his services being required in con sequence of the illness of the man playing it. The part given him to study was in manuscript. The man who had previously played it was an eccentric person and had written in a lot of ridiculous stage directious. Symonds was amazed to find them in a serious part, but supposed them all right, and at evening appeared with his lines and business pretty well learned. But so little time did he have to prepare for the performance that a rehearsal was impossible. A large and fashionable audience assem bled in the theater. The curtain was rung up and the play com menced. Soon Symonds went on. His first speech described the mis ery of his poverty-stricken mother at home. After it he danced a little break down. The audience was amazed, and the other actors on the stage dumbfounded. Dut Symonds knew he was following his stage directions. Presently he had to refuse a proposition to com mit crime. He did so in grand style and then took oiF his hat and jumped on it. This extraordinary proceeding created a sensation. The manager came and stood in the wings and suffered anguish. After his next speech, a de fiance to his tempter, he crawled under the sofa. That just set even-body wild, and the manager dauccd up and down in the wings, and swore he'd kill Symonds when he came off. After a touching lovo scene with the heroine, Sy mons proceeded to stand on his head and howl, and tjie audience howlpd too, and the manager shrieked to him to come off; but Symonds didn't hear, and proceed ed. He spoke his next speech with such impressiveness and mag nificence of manner that the audi ence was, in spite of itself, hushed into silence, and at its close was about to applaud, when Symonds yanked oft" a boot and hurled it at the head of the leader of the or chestra. Tint settled it. The leader, who was badly hurt on the jaw by the boot, came up over the footlights, and the manager ru-heil on from the wings, and the way they bounced Syinonds about was fearful. He made a big fight, and was still at it when the cur tain was rung down. After the' were parted, Symonds explained, and showed his part as a justifica tion for his conduct. But the manager would except no excuse, and, going before the curtain, said: "Ladies and gentlemen, occasion ally a natural-born idiot, with a phenomenal faculty for making an ass of himself, is "sent into the world. Such a one has indicted himself upon us to-night. For my part, I have endured the agony of tho damned whilo watching him, and I presume you've had enough of his donkeyism. There fore the performance is closed. Boston Post. Pjbred Bank Note Paper. The fibred bank note paper on which American legal teudcrs, national bank note currency and government bonds are printed, is made at Dalton, Mass., in an old mill, whose existence dates back to colonial times. If you should stop at the old paper mill, with proper credentials, you may, per haps, be allowed to handle a sheet of tho crisp fibre paper, or take a peep at the pulp press, where, as the wet, -grayish pulp is pressed between henvv iron cylinders, bits of blue and red silk thread are! scattered over its face a nd silken i riot laid on its surface. You may ' tro bevond into the countiii"- room, ' ;,u ut.uiii iiuu tiii.iu.iiMM iuiMi, where each sheet a it comes from . i r 11 the drying room is carefully ox-, amined and counted and then re- hi.tm. l ll.r. .. ,n,.f r.it tor tn in 11 divided into smaller sheets, If you trace this paper still further you will find that from the cutter'. hands it passs again to the count ing room, Is separated into little packages containing 1,0)0 sheets each, tho amount recorded in a register, and then packed into bundles and tored in fire and burglar proof vaults to await ship- nient to the United States tieasury. ' rrotn puip room to rami mc tirnnimte ninw i VT.ltphrxl ontl I ! VVAU v PS..1WV i ..-rv..-.. .-- guarded as carefully as though each sheet was an ounce of gold Its manufacture is one of the grc.ite.at secrets connected with the government's money making. Fiom the vaults of the paper mill at D ilton to the guarded store rooms of the tre iury .it Washing is but a journey of two or three days. Jn tin capicious vaults of the treasury building, -among gold and silver and copper and nickel coins, bullion, paper cur rency and official records, you will find thousand? of packages of the b ink-note p iper t!i it is. m inufact ured at D.ilton. It com.'s in little iron safes, such .i are used by the Adam? Etpres Compiuy, and each package and every sheet is cirefully counted before the man ufacturer and express complin are relieved of furtlier responsi bility. The paper that arrives to day may lie in the treasury store rooms for years, "Or it may ba sent to the Bjreau of E-igraving and Printing to-marrow, to return in the course ot a months time, le.il tender or bank note. iVtfic York Sun. The Quirks of the Law. I was in parnership with a man named Butler, an. I one morning we found our cashier m-Ssing with $3,000. He hid diagged tho sale and put out. Well, I started after him and cauarht him in Chicago, where he was spludging around on the money. I got him arrested and there was an exami nation. Well, all the facts were brought out, and the defense moved that the case be dismissed, as the prosecution did not make out a case in the name of the firm, and that if there was a firm the copartnership had not been shown by any evidence before the court. To my astonishment the eonrt said the pica was O. K., and dis missed the case. Before I could icalize what was up, the thief had walked off. Wol!, 1 followed him to St. Louis, and there I tackled him again. I sent for iny partner and made a complete case, going for him in the name of the Com monwealth and Smith, Butler & Co. Well, the lawyer for the de fense claimed that the money being taken from a piivate drawer in the safe was my money exclu sively, and that my paitner had nothing to do with it; that the case should bo prosecuted by me indi vidually and not by tiie firm. The old "bloke" who sat on the bench wiped his spectacles, grunted around awhile and dismissed the case. Away goes the man again. Then I got another hitch on him, and tried to convict him of theft, and the court held that he should have been charged with embezzle ment. Some years after T tackled him again, and they let him go. Statuto of limitation, you know. Well, I concluded to give it up, and I did. Salt Lake Tribune. " A limited numoer of small ndvertisc- meuts inserted at established rates. Prices for Poetry. In some reminiscences of Long-1 fellow, Mr. Samuel Ward, the , lobbyist, chiefly dccribe tl; service he whs to the poet in ..- ... ' . ' curing turn on scvera. occj-'oii- 'mfi.inf.r.tmnfnr (.! iw.r.ms Ilf. remuneration lor lus poim-. l sold the '-Skeleton in Armor" to !.,...". ... -- l.CWIS Ur.tViOrU Ijl.lIKf. OI till Kmckerlioeker .Magazine lor -ju, beiti" thirtv cents a line, although " - ' Clarke -viM he could not afford to give more than $35. Thirty year-1 after he got an. offer of -" a lini-J frnni TtnmiPi- nf thf. Yew Vrrk i irom lionnei, ot the .New lork Ledger, for the "Hanging of the j - i T l i (Jrane, accoinpanied by a checU for $1,000. Longfellow returned I the check thinking he could do ueitei witn wstjoou, iih; puoiisuer. i ""'-' ....-...".. .o" ,"-' . llls, l)Ut tlirOU'rh the intervention . j of Barllett. his lawyer, the whole Itather than liavi tlietn imllcil. Lit , . , , . ... vo-ar dentist .ae all In can. Yr.u ileMn biiMiieaS ended in Bonner s giving Iiaj trouble. Ii.-r.uisi .ou liainot M,UUU lortliepnLin-5.i,UUUgoiiig,hL.n Jub m) th(J j,o70miN4. afKl k(vi, to Ward him-ielf. The (Jornhil! ' them all ri-ht lor time to conn-. Magazine once paid Tennyson x-t j.st. three guineas a line, but Bonner; ,,ftv ..vf" .JSm.,,u, ,,,,,.. paid Longfellow (and Ward) the . , . , . ,, , equivalent of four. In the course of the interview between Bartlett and Ward, the lawyer paid the' following tribute to lus i-liant: .,,,,, r i, . "Although I am Mr. Bonner s ( lo.ril -iilvicpr ho sniiietiiiies .mis ! legal au i .cr. no somctinics noi.s off at half-cock without consulting me. iis 1:1 tins case ins iaavvcr a advice cost Mr. Bonner $3,000. his disposition '-to go off at half- cock" i- hatdly to be wondered at. ,-- i r . , r Tr , i .ludge Bra.ly, ol ev York City, sat vigorously down up- on the nonsense that i. man who s-hoots another, th.it the doc- ., . , . tors tail to cure, is not responsible fn- bis In-, il, bwliim ib.. rni ' to. his tteatli. fciiKliam, the (Old- blooded wretch who uiurdeied his , ,. , , , . latidhulv. and who ior a tune was anxious to die, lias since clnnged i his mind, and is no.v iiM.tiiin- luid' afor a new tr;al- Anionff Mi,cr ... things he pleads that his victim i I ,,. i vi. . received unskillful medical treat- incut. Judge Brady has refused to rccoirnizc such a nlea. lavinn , ., , ,, . .... ' ' down the rule that "the person who livnn .inl.ivfnl wt npoaii ib.. . necessity oC medical .-ittcndaticc ,,,., ... , . mtibt be held rpspoiistUle for its result-, as hem- anion.' tin- coiim.'- ' o i- quencps of his acts." Two men who lrjda-iiiit in court in St. Lotiia, finiJiii!' it was tje I'H'P' too expensive, ufrreeilto run a foot 1 ' race, the winner to bt-entitled to the money which was :it btakc. Tin I-ivvvcrs -ire lo lie i-li tuml .111 tno lawyers .iro 10 e 1 naiu an admission fee, and the runners are ... -Ill I m.iKuitr nets with the law ver?, the . , ,.,, 1... 1 .- winner to be entitled to the betting money. So it's the lawyers in- btc.id of the clients that are to' pay fur tin fun this tune. Amnnrr il,. ..,n-m..m f:.v..r 1- of icfiiMiiff to build a tunnel be- , . ... tvveeu hnnjlaiid and biance is cited the dibuliedicnce of a French on- "inet-r to blow up the tunnel tin - 3 der the Yosnes mountains iiec.iutc ., , - il vv.is not necessary to destroy such finely constructed work. The Genuans seized tho tunnel, got posession of tho line, and the cup. I itulation of Sedan followed. A Brooklyn -oung uoinan said peoplo .coudcinued suicide for being immoral, wicked, and all that sort of thing, but as for her she considered it very ill-bred. It was like going to a party without being invited. The people of Kansas, under the forestry laws of tint state, have planted 03,fJQ00 acres in trees. The cottonwood is the most abun dant, as it glows the most rapidly. About 0,000 have been planted in black walnut, and will make a handsome return in eight or nine years. . . . . W arrauty dee I i, quit claim deeds and mortgages, tor aula ut this office. Xt I'ounU, ALoutlWfatlioius jf web; no mrk. crty. At .. 0. IIavtiion ; & C..;s Hfmui-. in &?fait . -,,.,, Anioni- wi.ii want. i uieUv furnished ,f,m in :t pleasant locality can bene- eonininl:.tnl at Mrs. Denny Curraii". m.al ti.o Congregational church. j j On .ilttT thi tlatf mi stlilitionnl 10 ,VI1.a )er coril Vill, )(. ci,ar.,e(l ,ma iitl;rs't.ir sawed wood not aecoiiipaniwl lit thi rasli. :it Or.i s wood mnl. -Intr 1st. 11. " -MiuriiuiMibt." -,.Wt (,uicl.-, complete eiue 4 diys. uri:ial " "'Joctioiis. smarting, Ircmient ()J. llll!cult miliati0, kidnewlisca. ?-t. at ilmtrsi-ttH. Oiesonl),;iott DAVIS &C0..1'oitla'Ul.Or. , K'"' ""'"- j" Jjj?""'- " ,0iisc. sitmte.l in thiscity. Trcal i:ii-TfrliJ of o 12 Scotch twine was lotontho nlghtut jravthl: wascauiiht on .i Miajr in the middle channel. The corks are V!a!i Kc" '" u '-" lurn to t.u. Ar- sold. .trtrntimi rislu'i-HU'ii. L'sc Nicholas Uiliu of Oilead oil for sre or chajn-cd hands, for sale bv Joe ' Chailci. Tide tables life to all. K0r the limvst baths in the city s;o to the Oiient bathiiu; rooms, opposite .let: (?. Cuahtkih, 1'iop. To P:iiiii!i ail ISinisrkrt-priH. liae oner.nl a laiee sn.i-k of lurni- tun and bedd'um on the corner or Main and boueinoqua streets, and will -ell at San I lnneisco vrree. You will se m.mej by b-ajinqoi me.. AturriN.Oi.sH-v. An J'.anU, Xct pie'.cd lip, about forty feet mail: -d "K. JC," on tli le.id line -Xo. 12." The ow net can hme it by np'ihing at Tlien Iirachker's flj ir stole ami ju in-; olMrc. ,t a ,,,,-j.i, ,, y,:,. Months' point and tin black muij. .Lvs. Knri.u i-;. - ""' vn, - . .."."'V frlJ,a.r, n,, . .... .. a r ..- m . I ..veiMns, SJay Mi, a decree meeting w .il i ue ueiu. wnen .uij wisiung uegiees aim all degieomembeis an-1 contested to Ik 'piesent. Oni.or. Paiikkk. V. ( T. Fi.oiinNeni:. l'.now.v. W.s. Buy tin IVccIify. : Tun Wf.km.y Astoi-.iax for this I ww.k u flln ()f just such inclination ami news of the country as your fi lends m flu. rntl iwinl tn vi-.i I few -advertisenu'iits. and -s cJiock ti tlit i imizle of itifni ni.uiuii tli.il no f.imilv c.,n si,cees,fiil!vsqiiee7ialniis without. Tvv. dollar villi Ihi.v the whole vv.ui fm i aM-ar. t "J., for six ninntlis.or ten rents It li is verv per rotiv . War! Worl War! v .iter front uiieied lice to auv pnson tii.it will build .1 saw null 111 the city of ,w!lli-',.,,1'l).,)l".1 Lul"i'1"! "'" n": ,UV to Inn Id tun r:lv. U e have one store 111 runniiitr 01 di 1 at present. Quito .1 Hum- ! ln.r linv. ..Iri.Ttlv ln.-.iti.ll li.i.n.k In tlil.. city, and vet tlitu- is 100m s.l.l on 1 t,,m to suit pitrfnasers. I.nea'.ed one j lni,.snil.M,f Astoiia.on iliosminv side1 "f the bill, on Yoium's baj. ' .1 Ull.l.l VVlsQS-.su , : Will 111 ,iinvr . uJ', Knl-jhtsof Pythias hiiildui- and will I leiiiuve nissiiH-i. 1111 01 aiTUi nit-ills, ol Mu.i. IJeintf ovetstoel.ed ami vvishiiu. I ! ii-iiui-L-ins jiiiri'iu sit.ri, m ni oner : lHf 1.11 uidiuvm-nt a veiv hbeial iitscmiut id an rasa eu .lOiiie.-s imjnu K-fds to amoiuit ol ajj r u.r. i;.. , ini'iiiiK-r '.ii.it in pi'r niii., tais Mh' ihat th.-disc-miiivMl! li !iiii!-1 bu-! i '" ca" - 1 f -"!lil';l1'- "' ';" .t jm ii..d 1 for Coiistiiitiii. l.o s 1 1 iite, l)i 7iiieSs ami ' -i-nn , . , .1 O.is.i.- -i I'lice lOsuiil 1 1 '-its p r brittle, i,j y. , iy ll,.ll , 1 ivruviou ttittet-. J ttoch"o"nv..K. ian bark. or. ...s il was called in thr lansuase or the co-.uiiry, -Qnin piina."' Grateful for horiccoverv, on hei it-turn to Europe in li;e, sl-.e"introdm ! the remedy in .Spain, whetc it was known under various names, until I.innx'its called it Cinchona, in honor of the ladv who had hniuht thorn that which was more precious than the jiold of theincas. To this day. after a lapse of two hun dred and titty ears, science has siven us nothing to take its place. It i-ilectii-ally cures a morbid appetite for stimu lants, by restoring the natural tunc of the stomach, it attacks excessive love of liquor as it docs a fever, anil destroj a both alike. The powerful tonic vhtue of the Cinchona is preserved in the Peruvian Jiitters. which we as effective against malarial fever to-lay as thev were in the days of the old .Spanish Viccrojs. Wc Kiiarantce the ingreili. cnts ot tlicse bitters to be absolutelj ptuc, and of the best known quality. A trial will satisfy j ou that this is the best bitter in tho world. "The proof of th ntitldinir ii in the eating," and wo willingly abide this test. Forsala by ail druftfrfsts. croc-eis and liquor dealers. Order it. Loeb & Co., ujuu ts for Astoria. 1 he Count Cmchon was the Spanish ., , , , . Viceroy in Peru in liiSO. The Ci.tintos-s. ' . -Vmon- the iiec .tat means of arrest his wile, was pro, rated in an intermit-, ' -' H1"1 lIoue - llomacli liittcis lent fever, from which she was lreed bv 5UnfK tii--e'.;ii ent. Ucl'tcUsthpiiir. ier iin.u..fti,. ,..,ih... r. 1. . i ...r I nrti 1 ss o rll ii' ir leisotneMoinT-i.. VIIV "L I1 II.l illllll I II llll 'I t . 1 111" 1 1-1 II" ! I'udiImIh-:! K.iura to Let At .Ir-. Munson'- lod?liis house. A "il: line, -jljo.it l.-j) fathoms, on i Mm W. ,u tli.1 Caiio, ntur Kinnei"- net !ri''!v . Svjur.i. Ki:iciii:x. Xoiu.-. ice er mi. iec croam. .it Roscoe'n re- -VA'ntlIOVJ-.M!lIlUlna """ fiou't !!)' in tho House, Ask druggist-. tor"Jtouhon Hits." It clears out rats, mice, hi dbujjs, madics, erniii!. Hies, aids, iiis.-cts. 15c per box. Tfoticp- TheAstoiia hliirt and Oil Clothlnc r.i-tor has moied next house to O'lhien's Hotel. I'ersons wishins Reed oil cliiihiiu lo keeii them dry will please call. .-.i:inj .Urn. UilK" Health Jtenower. Absolute cine fin nervous delnlitv and weakness of tin geiieratiM fun-tioiis. Sl.a'diug "ists Oii-nu llejvit. J)AVI.S & "0.. r.ii'laml. Or. Mhei-Kiaii ".Sin. l'irei Will leerue orders ,it the store of I. W. Case fur upj'ri Astoria or any other put of tlieeitj. Leave jour nnti-rs on the slate and thej will bt; promptly at tended to The ilel! Astnnati Js .s man. moth sheet, double the si7( u: the Dailj. Jt is just the pa per for the fireside, containing in addi tion to all the i urient news, choice inis-c.'lkiny.iin.-ultui-a! matter, maiket re po: ts, etc. li is tin nished to single sub--eiibi r- .it sj co perear in advance. Ilsvi Wistar's li.iis.uu of wild cherry alv.ais at hand. It ernes coughs, colds, bronchitis. whoo,iing rough, croup, iu HtuT.M, consumption, and all tlnu.it and lung complaints, .-..j rents and.Sl a bot tle. Hai ls u.r.r vislk Sicilian ll.in l'.l.M.wi;n is a scientilie combination o some ot the most powerful restorative agent- in the vegetable kingdom. It le- stores gra hair to its original color. It makes the senln white and clean. It rure. ilandriill and humors, and t.illing- oiii ot tliea.ui. it ltirnislies tin nutii live principle bj which the hair is nour ished and supported, U makes the hair moist, sou ami gi'Ss-,, and is inisiir- nnsM-d as a hair dies-uig. It is the most economical nui.ii ttimi ever ottered to the public, as its irtcets lem.iin a long tune, makui-rouiv ,m occasional appli e.itiuii nee.-ss.iij. It is leeommeuded and used b. eminent medical men, and fticiallj embused by the State Assajer of Massachusetts. The popularity of Halls Hair Itenevver has incrersed with tin lest of many ye.us, both in this countrv ami in foreign lands, and it is i.ovv known and usi d in all the civilized roiuitiii'sdi ibe world. I u s i r in- u,i. Dealer. A citii-r't. eo!ii or son throat should be itojipeii. Xi--Ioit liequently results in an uiriirali'i I11115 dUease or eonnmp ! tion. I'.rovvn's Iironthinl tioehes do not disorder Hie sii.inueii like couirli syrups and lulsaiii-. but act directly on tho in II mud pnits. all.iv uij; irritation, give relief in asthma, bronchitis, cnimhs, e.itaiih. iml the throat tioubli-s which -iiiir I- ami public speakers are Mibiect t-i. I'oi ilnrlv ve.us lirovvu's bionchial troeli-s have li -mi rrcoinmcndcd b.v phvsicians, .ind ahvavs ive peifect s.itistaeli.m. tlnvinj; liei 11 tested by wide ami oiist.uit 11-e for nearly an en- tir.-fi'iii-i.iliini. tln-v li:n r nftniii1! well inerited rink anions the few stipk- remedies of the at . .-sold at 25 cents a ooxevorvvvhcie. ' S . liver fi I bn'Tls. revives tint Vi-a! sian 'i,i. 1 everts and rcmert'es ch l's and icver-. inerei'se the activity of tins lidin - -, coiuitcr..! is a tendency to rhcu- matr-m, ami is 11 ".eiiun-e stay and solace toaitd.inii-m ami tieivotts persons, for sale bv all Dnn-sists anl Dealers i;ci.cniliy 3:. S:. 3? Sk Si S 5S E, DEALKi-. IX Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand. Woii:eliv'riil to Order, Oinyinij, Teaming anaExpross Business. Horses anaCarriagc3 for Hire. DE.VIXK IM WINES, LIQUORS AND CI CARS. ; &WWI,!W83S MSI g gls 1 fe Ei2 P CELEBRATED fX "SbilX -'Vin&z&WAXA 1 j&&& fe STOMACH m MISCELLANEOUS. S. ARNDT & PERCH EN. -ST0ltIA. - UUEGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH 'jggffi&S Soilcr Shop WgMt? All kinds ot ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAT&B0AT W0EK l'rompt'.y attended to. A - cclalty made of repairing CANNERY DIKS, koot or umrni: -n:r.CT. ASTORIA IRON WORKS.' Uh TONS HURT, XI-.M: PAKKJ'I: Hocsk ASIOIUA. - Oi:r.GON". GENERAL NIACHIKlSTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LlKDlHARISEBKOKBS Boiler Work, Steamuoat Vork and Cannery Work a specialty. Ofall Descriptions- made to Orilri at Short Noli. e. -V- D. Wash, President. J. il. IlL'sn ri:, becretary. I. W. Cs". Tir.isiin?r. John Fo. SiiprlntemkuL B. B. FUAXKLIN, U.SDERTAKER, Corner Cass iind -viue'iioi'lie siuts. .v-STOitiA. .... oisrr.o.N rtr.iLiMt is WALL PAPEB .Mi AViNDOWr8UADES UKDEUTAKKRS COODS. SUIT HOUSE! CLOAKS S3HS SUITS Isleill cml lo-inv l)i:i.'si:saiiii tkh.1I X3 at prices tint CA(Jr r.i: dii-mc..ii:d In Aiucnci, from 513 mm 11 its, with piiviltp ot ?.iiiiinnu at Wells r.uxo. .mil If i,i KO.l valie 1 i.iv ill tij; s LOllI vj.. Ad uies,, vxltlitic. Coruitr Third -.nil ildpr Strt-et. i'oiitIj vxn. oi:i:i:ii. $07,000,000 CAPITAL. hlVBUPOOI. ASU I.OvON NU GI.OilK. NOltTIt IJU1T1SH AND .MKUCA.V- TII.K OF LON'DON .vNT KDlNi'L'ltGH. OLD CO.VNKCTICt'T OK HART i'OP.D, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES?. Upi.o .-aim r ca;.ital of B7.00n.li0. A. VANnirsr-N'.AiiCiit. rusvr 1'i.tNs Dress Making. nv Mrs. T'. S. Jewett. Up stairs, opposite Mrs. Kpsck' ltoanhiK House. I. W. CASE. IMPOHTCU AND WIIOLKSALK AND HB TAIL DEALER IN GE1RAL MRCHANDISE Corner Ctieimnms aut dwn itreei.. ASTORIA - - - OltEGON Take Notice. John Rogers, Central Market, lias rccclicil alarji- Invoice of BARRELS AND IIALE CARRl'.LS of the best quality. And ts now ready to supply Butchers Can uerUs and all otliers. cheap for cath. BUSINESS CARDS. P C HOI.DKX, VOTAP.Y PUBLIC, lCTiONKEK. COMMISSION AND Sl'KANCE AGENT. D K. J. :. SIIAFTER, ril!ll anil .SIBGLO.. CoKirrscunn aiizt.) DIhoshi-s cjftli Throat a Npeclalty. Offlce oter Conn's Druj; Store. J)R. C. C. CLASS, PHYSICIAN AND Srjr.GEON. Office over A. V. Altfa'a Store, ASTOKIA, - OP.EQ0N. "P 1. WIMTOJH, Attorney and Counselor at Law. ODlce In C. U Parker's building, on Benton stcect, opposite Custom House, AbTOUIA, .... OUEGON. TAT TITTT1.E, M. O. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OttlCK Over the White House Store. 1'hMnrNCi: Over Elberson's Bakery, op fosltc Bartii &. Mvcrs'taloon. P I. llM'KN. PEN'ttST, ASTOIilA, .... OltEGON. ltiwim In Allr n's l)ulldins up ataim, corner IC.L-s.unl Siicmooihe streeti. j Q. A. I'.OWLBY. ATTOUXEY-AT LATV. Chcii.imus Mrett. - ASTOKIA. ORKGOJv Q II. It.tl .V CO., liE-VUCR IN Oixirs, .l imtoivn, Itllnds, Trap KOn, liiimbrr. Etc. All kliuls or Oak Lumber, Class, Boat Ha. lcri.il, etc. Turning and Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. Sie.-.in Mill near Weitou hotel. Cor. Gen eviveaiiil AbtorstU-ets. r.11. how v.. BOAT BUILDER, AT1IIK OI.I) STAND, GRAY'S BUILDING nu-n- cis3 work a srrciALTY. .VAGXU8 C. (1R0SBY, Dealer Id HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, iron Pipe and Fittings, Flutes and Steam Filters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER, Cuery and Fisteiens Supplies Stoves, Tin Ware and' House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON. TIN. COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Dvne with neatness and dispatch. Niiim but flr-tt claw workmen empIo)tsi. A t.iTK. iwmrtDii-nt oi SCALE? Constantly nn tiitntt WILLIAM EDGAR, Cure, r .Mnin .ind Chenainns 5tree:, WUKIA OKEOO in.iLcr w CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Tim Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS &. 8ON8 GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE WOSTENHOLtt ard other English Cutlery. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Heershaum Pipes, etc, A flue stock of iVnt-hc und Jewelry. 3Iazzle and lSrcpeh I.ontllnc Sliot Gnnw and Itl!it--f. ItpolTer, I'lstols. and Amninnltlon' -ttAltl.NE (JLAhUKS. ALFO A njTE Assoitincntot line srECTACLES and EYE (1I,VS-LS. SHIPriNGTAGS IMin UEST QUALITY. WILL BBSOliD JL by the hundred, or by the box, rrinUdor plain, to suit eustonier. t Tss Axiobxaj effice.