'x; ..- '! ' . ,,S -" vK -- t5J .- "'1 f k ans &st0rtm. ASTORIA, OREGOSj WEDNESDAY! MAK. 183UED EVER? MOENING , Monday i.wwittiH,. J- F. HALL-OBAH ii COMPANY, ! fracMiKiii ami l'KornuriottM. MfotKiL HitiLliirt:. ? Vu Stmt Terms of Xj'jbcriiition . ', : l7 ami:. i.ur aoVtiJ.... .&.s 'u' st oy xnall. uaa ymtr . . j , fre of I'o'iao i4..-aberibr " Advertisements inserted by ttiTar :So rate of $1 31 per 8'jiuira per month. transient ndrertUlDK, by the day or week, lifly cents per squoro for each insertion. THEJ3ITY. TUX U.ULV ASTOKLVN" Kill be fait 2r mall at$ cent a month, free o) 'pottage Head er tcho cmtcmplaUabicnccfrom the city can ftore TnB Aitokiax Jnllow tbcm, Dailv wr Wesklv editions V any )Xt-oflce ictlh wt additional expenac. Aiarttru may he auin'jal at often a ilcxiraU Isar-i order at Uxf cfmnttna rrmm. -Forward, March. -Collection day. Seven cases of small pox at Ponio- roy. What shall happen ere the Ides of March? The City of Chostor arrived in yesterday. The Yakima is to be stocked with carp and catfish. The Western Belle is still lighter ing at St. Helen's. The Eddorsido is receiving wheat at Brown & Co's dock. The Eureka came down yesterday and will cross out to-day. The. editor of tho Baker County Roveille has no conscience. The Yaquina is having three iron bulkheads put in at Portland. Seattle saw mill men will advance tho price of lumber after to-day. If you want to buy a boat, attend Holdon's auction sale this morning. February wont out in drizzle and mist, and noir we look for fair weather. , A snow fall of 2G foet in Sno quolmie pass makes tho folks think that winter abideth. Tho Pioneer Restaurant adver tises superior accommodations under the new management. The British barks Argosy and Scotia aro ready for soa. Tho two cargoes are worth $100,04S. Tho statement of the. earnings of tho O. E. & N. Co. for January, 1882, shows u not earning of $190,509. Guiteau sends his steak back to tho prison cook, abd says ho wants the blood running out of his meat when he gets it. " Tho Walla Walla papor publishes men that don't pay their wash bills. That may bo a part of tho illimitable province of journalism, but, hardly. Tho editor of tho Standard wants it distinctly understood that he is not a candidate for Stato printer. It is always manners to wait till you aro asked. Tho old spiling on tho vacant space south of Brown & Co's dock is being removed; new spiles will be driven and the entiro space covered with a warehouse. It is said that tho Utah and Northern railroad runs parallel tp tho Northern Pacific from Bedford to Helena, M. T., tho distance between tho two roads averaging about 200 yards. A petition for a road from the Scandinavian Packing Co's cannery at Upper Astoria, by'the most practicable route, to Titus' place on John Day, will bo presented at tho nest session fcf tho County court. At 2 p. M. yesterday, tho bank in the'rear of tho Angel houso, near.the V angle in tho roadway to Upper As toria, slid, demolishing a shed in tho rear of the houso and turning tho building on its foundation. Tho Foley Springs havo been sold at public sale to Peter Roonoy, for $825. The Guard says that this is not one-half what the improvements cost the lato proprietor, Dr. Foley, and' thinks tho sale will not bo con firmed by the County court. There is no foolishness about those Mexican editors; two of them, Senora Morelu and Sovorito, fought a duel last week in Guadalajara, and each fell doad at tho first fire. There is an instructive moral in this little tale, to belligerent knights of the paste pot. Columbia Clearances. During November 1SSI 'there wore . twenty-ono cargoes cleared from here, with an aggregate valuo of 31.240.- j i8b3s during December nineteen ves ' ' ,sels cleared wit'l: a total value of $1.. 0N2.700J during .January '. twenty; cargoo cleared. thealuoof llio Jatui-' ary clearance beir-g I.Oirj,:.i; and in February nineteen e-sels, clctrca; the valuo or i:ie ! cm nary I clearance viabWJ.208.31H. i Tin- tni:il for the last four months; foreign clearance frmn the Columbia is J sSS,3 JN.O 1 . I -T-.- t UalmoE Trade. Tht: sjlmoa trade of th Pacific coat last year is lepresented briefly in the figures follewing: There was on hand January 1, 1831, 110,000 cases. Tho Columbia river pack was about 540,000 cases; tho Frazsr -and Skeena river, 159,000 cases; the Sac remunto river pack, 170,000 cases; the Puget Sound and all other sources, 42,150 cases. Total exports to Great Britain, Australia and the Eastern States, and the homo consumption, are estimated at 058,784 cases. Tho quantity on hand March 1, 1882, is eatimated at 11,000 cases. Neighborly Comment. Another wheat laden vessel, out ward bound, has been wrecked at the mouth of the Columbia river. Thi3 timo the cause is assigned to tidal waves. Heretofore tho loss of a ves sel has been laid at the doors of most everything else by tho Oregon papers. The pilots, captains of tho vessels, winds, Piovidence and tho devil, have all had their blame to .boar, until it has now got dovsn to tidal waves. There aro quite a number of things by which the blame can yet be laid to, boforo they get down to the real cause the bar at tho mouth of the Columbia river. Olympla -Transcript. Fire Delegates. Tho board of duleate-i, A. F. D. met Monday night and w ent through the regular order of business. No. l's gavo notico of election of Messrs. Vernon, Vaughn, Seameftand Fen-ell. No. 2's gave notice of election of Messrs. Parrish and Kellehy and tho death of Aaron Morton. Messrs. Parker, Stockton, and Bor ry with Chief Engineer Trcncha'rd, were mado a committee to corroct rules and regulation and draft an or dinance for tho protection of firemen while at fires to be ready for print ing with the city ordinances. Considerable trouble ia being oc casioned in relation to tho Gat Sold county seat. Tho alleged reasons for denying it to Pouieroy is that that burg did not reccivo a majority of all tho votes cast, and that 3000 was ju diciously distributed where it would do the most good. Tho City of Salem company or ganized last Friday. Among tho stated objects of the corporators is to construct and operate steamboats and barg03 on tho Columbia and Willam otto rivers, botweon tho head of navi gation on both to Astoria and tho mouth of tho former, or on any or all of their tributaries. Few things aro more needed in Clatsop, county at present than now roads. One great drawback to tho settlement of this section is tho lack of means of communication. We can never expect to havo this country settled up and mado productive, till roads aro built, that producers can travel on, instead of naiting for a boat that can not, by reason of the de ments, at all times bo depended on. The following is from tho Oro- gonian, and now that it is in print, wo consider ourselves absolved from any piomiso of not "saying anything about it." "The British Columbia Packing company, of which F. C. Reed is president and D. C. Ireland secretary, hao recently bought tho salmon can nery of Finlayson & Burrill, on Frazor river, thrco miles below New West minster. Mr. Ireland will leavo in a few weoks for Frazer river to superin tend tho cannery during the coming season." " Tho Californian for March is on onr table. It is always picked up be foro the Eastorn magazines and read with pleasure. In this number is an articlo on citrus culture of value, and a memoir of tho celebrated filibuster Walker, whoso expedition to Central America and tragic death is a matter of romombrance to many. A thought ful articlo on 'immigration is tho best paper in the current number, and tho usual variety of liction and pootrv furnishes mental pabulum for lighter hours. Lock Mulone comes in with his alleged wit, but 'tis like working over old tailings; a littlo moro fresh ness in that department would bo appreciated. Real Estate Sales. Feb. '1th Frederick Sherman and wife to Mary Morgan, lota 11 and 12 in blk 51, Shivcly's Astoria; 000. Feb. Gth Alanson Ilinncau and wife to L. Hartwg, lots 3 and 4 in blk 17, McCInro's Asrui-ii; 750. yej, garon 0th .lohn Adair and wife to citj-, at the Orient Bathing Rooms, up- K-..;iir l. t c ,, iodte Holdens auction store. Hamilton, lotH o, 0 and ,.!' ,OI. r.A,.TKRS. r-ronrletor. f blk 6. Adair'. Astoria; 8050. ,,. , .... . ',,,.. , ,i l'eo. blti Aaron h. Wait ulid wifui t Robert Cirri1 ut!i.:r, lot 3 in b!k 118. ' i ia; 11MM. Nhivuiv's Astori, Feb. llitli Tru-jtKcs estnte of Al. J. 1 Kinney to M. Johnson. lot 3-in blk 61, Oiney's Astoria; S1O0O. Feb. 15th M. J. Kinney and wife to Astoria Packing Co.: fint, land in blks 5 and 0, and along Water street and between center of Polk and La fayette streots; second, lot S and N lot 4 in blk C, and tide land in front of lot 1 in blk 4, lot 3 in blk 2. also the lease interest in. tide front to lots 3 and 4, alsu tho buildings, machinery, boats, tetc, of tho Astoria Fishery, and nets and racks at Hungry Har bor; third, right of redemption of land conveyed by trustees of M. J. Kmnsy's testatu to Jos. Hume, being 200 foot in width and west of blk 1, OInoy's Astoria; 5000. Feb. ICth-E. C. Crow to H. F. Kaum, 5 acres land in sec. 17, T. 8r N. R. 7 W; $100. Feb. 17th T. H. Foss and wife to G. Karwoner, lots 1 and 2 in blk 1C, OInoy's Astoria; 81500. Feb. 21st A. Hintnan and wife to Wm. Douglas, lot 5 and C in blk 17, McCluo's Astoria; 8600. Feb. 22d H. Gray and wife to S. Danzigor, lot 8 in blk 125; lot 2 in blk 130, McCluro's Astoria; 00. " Feb. 22d Robert Carruthers and wife to S. Danziger, bt 4 in blk 120, Olny's Astoria; 75. Feb. 22d Trustees of Congrega tional Church to W. E. Dement quit claim, lot 1 in blk 37, Adair'B Asto ria; ?1. Marriage Licenses Issued in the month of February, 1882: 1st Robert Millier and Libbio M. Kannouse. 4th Carl Adlor and Laura Hirsh. 7th W. M. Kyle and- Christina Bodaing. l3th Henry Benson and Emma Emerson. 21st C. R. SoretivM and Frankie C. Elliott. Notico. There, will bo n meeting at the Court house at 2:30 r. m., on Monday, March Gth, to consider tho proposition of building a road from pith's Point to Skipanon. A full attendanco of all is requested. C. A. McGuike. S. D. Adaih. W. W. Pakkek. F. J. Tayloe. A. C. Kinney. Slnloh's Cough and Consumption Cure Is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De ment. P. J. Goodman, on Chenamuj street, has just received the latest and most fashionable style of gents and ladles boots, shoes, etc. Frank Fabro has oysters In everv style. Stew and pan roasts a specialty A few more chances yet to bo taken for that fine graphoscopo at tho City book store. Max. Wagner's San Francisco Na tional brewery beer can't bn beat. A lodging house with bar-room, blt- uateu in ttie ocst business pat tot town, for sale-or to rent. The house Is doing a good paying business at present, and is in good running order. Apply to -Dkw Dr.or Inst. Sleepless Nights, mado miserable by that terrible cough. Shlloh's Cure Is tho remedy lor you. Sold by E. De ment. tor lame Back, Sido or Chest uw Shlloh's Porous Plaster. Pnco 2o cents For sale by W, E. Dement. Physicians attest: "Coldex's Liquid Exthact or Beef Is particularly use ful in Diphtheria, Fever, and every de pressing disease." Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shlloh's Catarrh Rem edy. 1'rico 50 cents. Nasal injector free. For sale by W. E. Dement People aro killed by coughs that Hale's Hoxev of HonEHouxn and Tap. would cure. Pike's Toothache Deops cure in ono minute, For s.ato, sotno household furniture, nearly new heavy black walnut bed room set, stove, chairs, kitchon utensils, etc. Apply nt room No. l, over 1XL store. Will you suflenvith Dispopsla and Liver Complaint? Shlloh's vitallior Is guaranteed t enro you. Sold by W. E. Dement v That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shlloh's Cure. Wo guarantee It. Sold by W. E. Dement Ciias. Stevens and Son havo n stock oimouiuiiigsunu uiuuiuera ioois wnicn can bt) bought cheap for cash to close out that branch of the business. Shlloh's Vitallzer is what you need for Constipation, Loas of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia, l'ricc 10 and 73 cents per bottle. Sold by W. E. Dement. The "Always Handy" stovepipe shelves at John A. Montgomery's. A new lot of fur trimming, all col ors, below San Francisco prices, Just received at the IXL Store. For Bent. Two splendid front rooms, suitable for offices. Inquire of Alex. Campbell. F.C.Youne.of tho IXL store, will tpnvn fnr Sun Frannlsnn nn thfl fTnlnmhin to purchase Spring stock. All orders1 Riven him will receive careful attention. (lot and cold baths, the finest in the ., ,. , ; , t J Mr. Krahk Burrows Is the bos- to' thrnw hrnp-lm!l. Ue. w.ilteit oft" with! nfim-clock from the NlRjwr Baliyaiiaff.jjgrygTr. T3QR JE by knocking1 down three babies in Mie-j r -. . v k s. ecKton. Come and try your muscle mid vT. - win a clock or a box of cigars. -For handsome holiday iiresojits. such as toilet case.-;, cologne set?, per- rumery cases, une soaps, eic.go to Conn's drug store, opposite Occident Hotel. -Call and seo the open grate parlor coal stoves at John A. Montgomery's. Hereafter (he skatlnc rink will be open Weduesday afternoon for ladles only, and Saturday afternoon for ladles aim xcnueinen. Blanfcs. Promissory notes, bonds for deed," quit claim deeds, mortgage and warrantv deeds, at this offloe; For tho genuine J. 11. Cutler old Bourbon, and tho best of wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, call at the (Jem. opposito the bell tower, and sec Camp- oen. I have just received tho finest assort ment of fancy goods in my line ever brought to Astoria, consisting of ner fumery cases, toilet sets, loilr.t' cases- line perfumeries, fancy soais, combs! brushes, hand glasses, and toilet articles of all kinds splendid presents for the holidays. Call and examine goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere., at J. W. Conn' drug store, opposite Occi dent Hold, Astoria. Oregon. AIISOELLANEOUS. OITY BOOK STORE. Wo are constant!; receiving new additions to our stock and have the finest and largest assortment ot variety ifooas In tho ctty. Combs, Brushes, Stationery, Frames Celluloid Goods. All our goods are marked in plain. figures Call and examine quality and note prices. CIIAS. STEVENS & SON A. G. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Capr. Rogers old staid, corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wacons mad and repaired, flood work guaranteed. Stevhans Varieties ! GRAND. OPENING?-, A L1VKLY KSTKHTAlNHUVr Hruo a new bonllngalley. tlns.tHrg?st and best In town. Admittance free. SrS 553 $ as g ss I a s b a ga a, z -a- H O o u I 9 a X 3 z CO OB a -a M ft (5 war, howk, BOAT BUILDER, AT THE OLD STAND, O RAY'S BUILDING FIRST CLASS WORK A SPECIALTY. HANSEN BROTHERS, Architects and Builders, All klndR of House work dour nt shortest notice. Shop Corner of Cass and Astor Street, ASTORIA, - - r- OREGON. Take Notice. - John Rogers, Central Market, Has received a large Invoice o( BARRELS AND HALF BARRELS ot tho best quality. And is now ready to supply Butchers Can nerles and all others, cheap for cash.. HEADQUARTERS. DEPARTMEST OF the Columbia, Vancouver Barracks, W. T.. Nov.S0.18SL Written proposals wbl bo received, bv the unuersiguea, at vancowcr Barracks.-w. T. until March 3kt. 1SS2. for the right ot exclu slve seining on the- Fort Stevens. (Point Adams') Military -Reservation, durinir the next uShlng season. The right to tvject any ur ftii ums. &i way uc aecuuru ueai, is re oerved by tho undorslgned. "oler'e'nU ArmT'' "d'tT U. X. UHCE.0(. Notice For Sale. A COTTAGE PIANO. SEVEN OCTAVES by Bord, Paris, nearly new, can be seen on board Br. barque Crown Prince. For particulars oppry to tapr inorowon, Qr to P. Cherry. Astoria; A?,v.n, a w. , w. l.,n.lo ITK U ,? ow SIISCELLANEOUS. Carl Adler's rianos ana urgans Of Lil rcakeJ constant! en band. ruUsiodcoi Alio a VIOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, AC- CORDEONS, CONCERTINAS, HARMONICAS, FLUTES, Alo a large stock of the best of VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, SHEET MUSIC, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. As well as evervtiiUifr else belonging to a First Cbs Music Store. Hanoi and Organs sold ou tne monthlv in stallment plan, or lor rent. Carl Adler's Book Store. The largest stock of Blank Books and Stationery Of every description School Books, Bibles, Poetical Works, Albums and Oold Fens, Besides a full and complete stock ot everything usually kPDtin n nail rpmilated Rank Store. Also, news depot and agency lor every paper and periodical published. CARL ADLER'S VARIETY STORE Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Pockot and Table Cutlery, Yankee Notions and Toys, Picture Frames and Chromos. Baby Carriages, a complete assortment. Archery, etc. New coods bv everv steamer. The Dubllc are invited to examine my stock and prices. CHENAMU3 ST., - ASTORIA. OREGON. Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. DEALERS XX Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, JTAR, PITCH, OAKUM, WROUGHT AN'DaCClJJGALVANlZED ZVnll. Copper Xnlls mul Burrs, Shelf Hardware, Faints and Oils Rubber and Hemp Pachinq of all Kinds. PROVISIONS, Vl.Ol'Ii AI .1ZIU. FEED. Agents lor S.Uom Flouring Mills. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Streets ASTOIUA. OREGON. EC. S. PAEKER, OEALEn IN Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand. Wood Delivered -to Order, Graying, Teaming and Express Business. Hones ana Carriages for Hire. ekvlei: IN WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. E. W. BLOOD, (Successor to Blood & Lee.) CLATSKANIE, COLUMBIA CO., OREGON. ts now prepared to recehe orders for Floats, Buoys, Copper Handle, Mal lets, He Orders addressed to mo will receive prompt attention. ir Hotel for Sale. THE GOOD WILL AND FIXTURES OF a hotel now running and doing a good business in the city nt Astoria. Centrally located, A first class bar room attached. Ill health on the nart of the nroDrletor is the only reason for selling. Inquire at Astori- Oregon. Health is Wealth. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treat ment : u sneclQc lor Hvsterla. Dizziness. Convulsions, Nervous IIcadacbe.Mental De pression, loss ot Memory, auennatonuoea. AlUlJUkUtiyj , llifOIUUiaiJ iMIMllWI4 A 4V1I1- ture Old Age, caused by ovcr-exertlon, self- abuse, or over-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases, taeh box contains one montns treatmenL One dollar a box, or six boxes lor flvo dollars ; sent by mall prepaid on re ceipt ot price. We guarantee six boxes to enre any case. With e.ich order received by us, for six boxes, accompanied with flvo dol lar, wo will send the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money U the treat went does not effect a cure. Guarantees ls s'jpd onlv liv W. E. Dement, dmzclst. As toria. Oregou. Orders by niall at rogular pnee3. Sheriff's Notice. THE STATE. COUNTY. AND STATE School Taes for the year 1M1, are now due and ran ue nam ai mv omce at mci nun t ,r .A, 1Wmit T' j V Sheriffand Tax Collector. Seining Scow for Sale. TVTEARLY NEW, nAS ONLY BEEN used H part of one season. Size, 41x20 feet, 4 toot hold. Good accommodations for twenty men. For particulars aupl to CUTTING PACKINaCO.. tt EagleUS,W.T. JJV' mESBBV v1 j;H ghili jgj flBllffl -ii If Mfrt C. H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. ! REDUCTION I FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS AT tllUIIIlllilIKiaiIlI9ll(liuiiiRZ193IIIIU:EI3113n!IIIII3EiaiI13tlU3lMnUliaUt 3 IXL STORE iiiiiiiS3;i99iusiiui(i3t3(ut:u9tiiiiiM3:i:iiiiiiiiiiiiuuiuninii Jo make room for large Spring stock. EgrAll Winter goods will be sold very low. IXL Store, near Jolm JL. ISrlomgomery, (SUCCESSOR TO JARKINS & MONTGOMERY.) COltAF.K OT MAIX AX1 ASTORIA, - CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OF; FURNITURE 3 BEDDING- AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Completo In overy branch. - . ASTORIA M. MEYER ' ASTORIA, SPEOIAIi A.KT3?JOTJ3XrOEI3M:EI3Xra?. REDUCTION OV WHOLESALE PRICES. $7 50 PER BARREL OF 30 GALLONS. LARGE ORDERS IN UKJI PROPORTION. Less Quantities, - - 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, - - - . S I 50 per Dozen tt"Special attention paid to orders Irum lntHc Houses and Famllle&TSB THE COLUMBIA BREWERY Jjgf) vPg & IS SUPERIOR TO MOST, AND IS JOHN HAHN, - GHEWABIUS STREET, SB-Orders left at the GERMANIA BEER PC x - b3k5 ejjv.us 35 piss "9 ftjCs'e oSS & rTiRS ye?. vMfts-itJS Yn LHPmi nn aclm xrm cs.s ,mK&&. SsIrvS SV"''C THE O: H. COOPER, Parliev House, Astoria. DEALERS IX Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A O cral Assortment' of HOUSEHOLD COODS. Agents for .tlapM .Stovus and Ranges The Best In the market. l'liimbingpHHts o( all kinds on baud. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. .IKE'FJatSOX hTHKBTS, OBEGOZf. BREWERY. Proprietor. OREGON. EXCKIJJ'.D BY NONE, ON; THIS COAOT - PROPRIETOR, - ASTORIA, OREGON. I1AIX will be promptly atterded to." zZU -sisssQlSuSoi seesaw eaao 1&;m 5 inHiis coBfSsgii 33SJSi50 9 J StsoJ- fi:ia.5? t i-15 ij? 2- HJ Jii"wPf2 ioiaag?i vmum . jiv- . fefj'.- i-M.-'-' jj3iSfej3&i. .-a fs ;.&3&tt3fe.J5N. 'Sv. -A. fjt.ihiTi!J-i&& t- -'-'-, ' , .-j .