The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, April 16, 1879, Image 3

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    F -. s& v W
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& gaiig stoxivm.
Monday Excepted:.
. C. IltEI.AXI : : PVniJSHER.
Astvrimi Butidiuxj, Cass Street.
Terms of Subscription :
bcrved by Carrier, per tvock ..25 Cent:
Sent by mail, tour months $3 00
Sent by mail, cne year . 'J 00
iroc of Io? taec to Subscribers.
ttSar Advertisements inserted by the year at
Uio rate of SI 50 per square per month.
Transient advertising by the day or week,
fifty cents per sauaro for each insertion.
The Datia astokiax will he ?erif hy
mailatio cents i month, free of postage. Reaa
crs who contemplate alixcnce from the city can
have Tiik Astoktan" folloio them. Datlv
or Weekly edfffoiw to any pnxt-ajRcc wilh-
il additional Addresses may he
enanyed ax often ax desired. Leave orders at
tlie-countina room.
Fresh fruits and vegetables at
The cheapest ever offered is nam
Imrger's Embroidery.
Oysters served in every style at
the Walla Walla Restaurant
- Fresh ovslers in every style at
Schmeers'. See advertisement
Fresh ovslers in every style and
nt all hours at the Pioneer restaurant.
Buy vour domestic jjoods at Ham
burger's, l ou can do better than at any
other house.
Inst received ver Elder 2.000
pounds, 8-pound sheet lead, for sale at
lowest rates at .Magnus l . Urosoy s.
aow that building is reviving in
Astoria, bear in mind the fact that Peter
Runey is, well supplied with all kinds of
tniiminiiinaieriui.s which hi is ineinueu
to dispuse of to all at very lowest rates.
Tleilborn has a beautiful lot of wallpaper.
Lamps are as cheap as dirt at Yan
Dusen 5c Uo.s.
Petersons' "Dollar Series."
Larsen has laid in a splendid stock
of crockery.
Fresh hallibut expected by steam
ship California to-day.
Policeman are not allowed to retain
fees in state cases any more.
Jackins fr Ilawes shipped the large
cheese-vat to Clatsop yesterday.
The county commissioners are can
vassing ibe subject of erecting a new
The Idaho made the run to San
Francisco from Astoria last trip iu 47
The Handel and Haydn society will
eet "m the Baptist church this evening
iit VA o'clock.
2tfo combination of talent ever trav
eled that bears more hearty endorse
ment of the press than the Hyers
Sisters, who are to appear here to
morrow at Metropolitan hall. Lite
Portland, (Me.), Press says:
Thev are excellent commedians in
their way. and the musical talent in the
troupe surprises all who have seen
them. The Hyers Sisters are well
known in Portland, and they are proba
blv the best colored singers before the
public Miss Anna II vers, the .soprano,
has a voice that in the upper register is
remarkably pure, clear and sound, and
its compass, we are assured, is so wide
that she can sing the U above the
staff. She sings with taste and ex
pression. Musically, Miss Anna Hyers
is the most noticeable in the com
pany. Miss Emma Hyers has a good
mezzo-soprano voice which she uses
judiciously. Mr. .1. W. Luca, bari
tone, and Mr. Wallace, tenor, have ex
cellent good voices. Mr. King would
put to the blush many tenors of his op
posite color. His voice is a pure head
voice, and is very even throughout in
the quality of its tone. The acting is
liberally interspersed with plantation
and jubilee songs, which in truth give
the drama most of its flavoring and col
or. 1 lie rendering oi mese quaint mel
odies was marked by a beauty, richness
and weird fascination indescribable, and
which we have never heard equalled by
any other troupe. The antics of Billy
Kersands deserves a word of praise. 1 1 e
is really one of the best features of the
enjoyable entertainment given by this
troupe. .
In Memory of CoL T. J. Dryer-
The Da"cx . lend Em lire.
In the death of Thomas J. DrjTer,
Oregon lost an exemplary citizen and
the newspaper fraternity an honored
member. He was the founder of the
Oregonian. and, in 1801, was appointed
Minister to the Hawaiian kingdom.
On his arrival at San Franc'sco, he was
enterLained by the Reporters Union,
then numbering eighteen members.
The only survivors of that association
to-day are Win. Huciner, of the Ger
man Democrat, and the editor of the
Empire. The old sexton has "gath
ered in" all the rest. Looking back on
that pleasant night in the Den of the
Bears, as Charley Webb used to call
it, we think of 'Father Taylor, Billy
Wells, iSed Rockwell, Wash Wright,
3Ned Knight, Chas. Sackett. J no.
Urmyand the host of departed friends
that stand ready in the better land
to welcome " Uncle Tom Dryer" as
they greeted him that night. It re
calls those beautiful lines of Miles O
Reilly's about the anniversary ban
quet of his regiment, where the th'rtv-
seven covers were laid, but only
eleven survivors -limped in tore. a1 1
the departed glories of the battle
field: And the room seemed filled with vh:
As we gazed at the vacant ca' ';
And with chok'tig throats we pushed
The rich but unlasted meat".
Then in silence we filled ou eV.s'
A nil rose up, just eleven.
And bowed as we drank to the lored
and the dead
That had made us thiriy-scven.
In the annals cf modern book publish
ing, nothing has been accomplished to
approach in excellence and cheapness
the dollar series of good books published
by T. B. Peterson &: Brothers, of Phila
delphia. Some of the very best works
in contemporaneous literature have al
ready been given a place in this series.
Not only have the publishers culled in
chbicest fields for rare works, but they
have enshrined the worthy works select
ed in sightly and durable caskets, and
wisely and praiseworthily they have ig
nored the catch-penny device of printing
a famous work from worn type on paper
of wretched quality, and then binding it
badlv in llinisv paper covers- As a con
tinuation of this remarkable dollar se
ries, the Messrs. Peterson have just is
isued - Woman's Wrongs," by Mrs. Eilo
rat being an entirely true yet graphic
description of the legal wrongs that
English wives and mothers wed to
worthless husbands are compelled to en
dure. Since the days when Charles
Dickens wrote in the prime of his great
powers, there has been no such arraign
ment of a bad English law as Mrs. Eilo
rat truhfullv and powerfully portrays in
this wonderful and absorbing novel.
Other volumes of the dollar series make
it the best, the largest, handsomest
and cheapest series of books ever pub
lished, and are all isssued in uniform
stvle. in V2 mo. form, bound in red, blue
or tan vellum, with gold and black sides
and back, and are sold at the low price
of one dollar each, while they are as
large as any book published at$l 75 and
S2 00 each. Every family and every li
brary should have in it some if not a
romfiletesetof Petersons' dollar series.
Send stamp for a full catalogue.
They will be found for sale by all book- j the Chicago house.
hellers and news agenis, or copies oi any
will be sent to any place, per mail, post
paid, on receipt of Si 00 for each book
ordered. T. B. Peterson & Brothers,
Philadelphia. Pa.
Get your baskets filled for a little
money at Bailey's.
-.New invoice of those Medallion
Ranges at Magnus C. Crosby's.
Five thousand yards Embroideries
from 5 cents upwards, at Hamburger's.
Twelve yards Chinese Grass doth,
3G inches wide, for one dollar at Ham
burger's. P. J. Goodman, on Main street, has
just received the latest and most fash
ionable style of gent and ladies boots,
shoes, etc.
Parties in want of good Cedar
Shingles will do well to apply to II. C.
Comegys, Kalama, W. T.
A new lot of full bound blank, and
receipt books, specially for use in can
neries, at the City Boo'k store.
.Your complexion is sallow, and
skin yellow, your liver is affected.
Obtain from your druggist a bottle of
Pfunder's Oregon Blood Pnrifier.
I.C. Johnson may be found at the
Occident in Astoria every Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday evening, ready
to attend to messenger duty in Portland
or to points along the river in a satisfac
tory manner.
Keep your blood pure and your
health must be good, the great purifier
is Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. All
Astoria druggists have it now.
The proprietor of the Chicago
house, whom everybody knows as a popu
lar caterer, has fixed his hotel up in
splended style. It is all newly painted
and furnished, and is one of the most
attractive places on Main street. Call
around ; every luxury of the season at
Metropolitan Hall.
Commencing Thursday
APEIL 17 th.
Grand Musical Event !
The Ttednath Lyceum Bureau, of Boston,,
have the pleasure of announcing an engage
ment for the fourth year with the renowned
J - f!
The Ancon has a very large list of
passengers, considering that it is the
off opposition trip.
Mrs. Campbell has taken the Oregon
house, and will be prepared, from to-day,
to keep boarders by the day or week.
The Barrowdale and the Mountain
eer, of the December 12th fleet from As
toria, arrived at Queenstown on the 11th
and 12th inst.
The county surveyor Kaymond, and
the viewers were out on the grounds
for the road from the cemetery to WaJ'us
ka yesterday.
Fishermen were dodging about more
lively than usual last evening, and there
were more boats on the bay than any
previous night this year.
Captain D. Steven is en route to the
Columbia river agnin, via Adelaide, lie
sailed iroin London on the 2d, in com
mand of the ship City of Vienna.
Change oC carrier makes it neces
sary for u to request that if any sub
scriber fails to receive Tub Astoria.v
rerulaii in the city the same be report
ed to this office as soon as possible.
Tho Wide West-
The Standard says: "Steamboats
like fast horses now-a-days are built
for speed. Everything progresses, and
in order to keep up with the times,
rapid transportation is necessary. The
steamer Wide West was built b3T the
Oregon Steam Navigation company,
with a view to speed, in connection
with her other features, and right
well did they succeed. This boat
yesterday made the fastest tune on
record between the C;iscades and
Vancouver, a distance of forty-seven
miles. She made the run in one
hour and forty-seven minutes, almost
twenty-four miles an hour, and if
there is another boat outside of the S.
G. Reed that can come within five
miles an hour of this time, give us
the name."
Daity concerts will be given at the
Great Eastern saloon on the new or
chestral organ lately introduced here
by Mr. Max Wagner. Following is
the pregramme:
Wenn ich zu memem Kinde gehe;
lie -man song.
Madel ruck ruck ruck an meineni
grauen seite: German bong.'
Margeuroth : German Seng: "
Schleswig Ilolstein, stamper an der
wand; German march.
AVer will unler die Soldaten ; German
Danan Walzer; German waltz, from
Wilhelm Tell; German opera..
.Tiroler Walzer; from Wagner.
'Schwar.walder walzer; from Stein.
Astoria ist euischenerstadtchen: Ger
man song.
1 n Lauterbach hab ich mein stnmipf
verloren ; German song.
Duppler Schauzen inarch; German.
Die Wacht am lihein: German march.
Muss ich ilenn zuiii Stare hiuaus; Ger
man song.
Italian Waltz.
German Polka.
Marsalaise: French march:
Tramp. Tramp, Tramp, tlie'Boys, etc.
Sweet Home. .'
J lail Columbia.
During the concert the puBlic will
be served with the best quality of San
Francisco beer.
Mr. J. Stewart, stone and marble
cutter of Astoria will guarantee satis
faction to all ordering work of him, and
will do a better job for less money than
any outside workman. His work in the
cemetery here should be sufficient recom
mendatfon. liefore you let your con
tracts for work of this kind it would be
well to call upon Mr. Stewart.
The Only Colored Burlesque Tronpe
in the World,
Assisted by the
"Whose fame lias extended from Ocean to
Ocean. Alse:
The geatest living Colored Comedian, and
Female Imiersonator.
"Who will appear in their OrERA BOUFEE
The African Princess.
"Reserved seats can be secured at Caufield
dm? store, three days in advance, without,
extra charge.
The "Weekly Astorlan.
One of the best papers published on
the Pacific coast, is mailed to subscri
bers every Friday, postage paid to any
part of the United States, at the follow
ing rates, in advance:
One Year $.5 00
Four Months 100
Single Copy 10
A limited number of small adver-
tisements will be inserted at the usual
Apply at the office, or address
D. C. Ireland. Publisher.
A magnificent stock of jewelry
at Adler's.
Baby carriages of the best styles,
and at low prices, at Loeb's.
Baby carriages
wards at Adler's.
from 7 00 up-
Call at Adler's and secure a cro
quet set. Cheaper than ever.
The Latest TJow Steamer-
Grace(Episeopal) churchelected the
follow inggeullemen to till the position
of vestrymen for the ensuing year: A.
Van Difsen, S. D. Adair, W. 15. Adair,
Geo. Taylor, VY. II. Sibson, P. Cherry,
C. J. Trenchant.
The reported drowning of two men
night before last could be traced to no
reliable source. Everybody heard of
it, but nobody knew of it Somebody
should be punished for starting such re
ports when not based upon facts.
Havli White is at brge, because
the laws of Oregon provide that when a
man attempts to burn a jail to ret out it
is not arson. If he attempts to burn a
hole through which to get into jail, then
lie stands a show of going to the peni
tentiary. Mr. I. X. Lane, of the Naselle set
tlement on Shoal water bay. called to see
us yesterday. Mr. Lane informs us that
there are now about twenty bona fide
settlers m the vicinity of where he lives,
and that they have all agreed to turn
out and work a month each on the road
to Knappton. This w ill furnish almost
labor enough to build a good road, and
it will prove a lasting benefit, not only
to the settlers themselves, but to Ivnapp
ton and Astoria. Mr. Lane says it is a
good country, and will sustain a large
To Loax. A small amount of money
ou real estate security. C. VY. Fuirox.
1h'.hI Emp'rc, AjtrU l:h.
The nevv steamboat which was be
gun at Celilo eight months ago, was
launched at that place on Wednesday
morning last, and named in h'onor of
the veteran capitalist, who, at a time
of life when most men are thinking
of rest and the end of earthly things,
inaugurated an enterprise to which,
more than any other cause, Walla
Walla owes her present prosperity.
Dr. Baker is a shrewd man and a
successful one. He took seven young
men into Ins employ and made them
among tnc ousmess leauers or mat
great and important city. He buys a
thousand tons of wheat for ex
port to Europe with about as much
noise as we would purchase a plug of
tobacco; and we don't think he will
blush when he learns of the neat com
pliment paid him by the elder Ains
worth. The new boat greatly resem-
Books and stationery of
variety, the best, at Adler's.
Best Salem flour is sold in this
city at 5 50 per barrel by Warren &
See late specimens lightning pro
cess of photographs, at H. S. Shuster's
Art Gallery.
Boat sponges, wholesale and retail
at Dements drug store, Astoria. Five
thousand just received.
Warren & McGuire have the
early r'se potatoes for seed. Farmers,
please remember this.
Wall-receivers, brackets, and a
splendid lot of picture-frames, at Ad
ler's, almost at your own price.
- -To make room for a large invoice
of baby carriages on the way, Adler has
reduced the prices considerably on
what he has now.
Fashionable DrcssOInklH?.
Miss M. J. Retley having made ar
rangements with Miss E. C. Benedict to
do cuttinir and fitting in her shop, and
feeling fully competent to offer herself
as a first-class trimmer, would be pleas
ed to have the ladies of Astoria give her
a call, as she will hold herself responsi
able for all work done. Terms reason
able. Next door to The Astokiax
Miss E. C. Benedict wishes to
inform the Ladies, that she will still
continue instructing all those who wish
to learn Mrs. C. K. Rinker's system of
Dress-cutting, having taken rooms with
Miss 3. J. Kelley.
The Host Family
Sewing machine is the New Ameri
can, sold in Astoria by Chas. Stevens &
Son at the City Book store. It is a light
running self-threading machine, in fact
it is the onlv sewing machine which has
a self-threading shuttle and self-setting
needle. It never breaks the thread;
never skins stitches; is the lightest run
ning, and is in every respect the best
family sewing machine. Chas. Stevens
& Son, agents. Astoria. Oregon.
Lodging Mouse Persons requiring
furnished or unfurnished rooms can be
accommodated at reasonable rates at
Mrs.Munson's Chenamus st. Astoria.
Single copies of the W ekkly Astorian
lently done up. with stamps to pre-pay
po.-tnge affixed, for sale at thi office.
Send a copy to your friend.- in other parts
of the world. Prire, 10 cents a copy.
Hill's Hew Variety Thiatre,
Containing six
The Decorations of the New Theatre were
executed by Mr. F. Holt.
Painted by Mr. "Win. "West. Architect and
Builder Mr. Kemble.
On and after this date will be given a
First Class Entertainment,
Which for Refinement and Novelty cannot
be equalled on this const. Our Per
formance Commences with our
First Part of Male and Female
Consisting of
Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Feats,'
Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers,
Pantomit'iists and Jugglers.
To see our Refined and Pnequalled enter
tainment. New Acts, New Song's and com
plete change of Programme twice a week
GEO. IIIIX. Proprietor.
Entrance to Boxes and Circle on Chena
lnus Street. Performance to commence
at eight o'clock precise.
Ol-ty :E2:sp:rss.
C. H. Bain & Co. will, from this
date, discount ten per cent, for cash,
on former prices on sales of mould
ings, sash and doors.
"Fish Commissioners Xotice.
JlN the undersigned will be iu readiness
from and after this date, to issue licenses,
at Ins oflicc up stairs, corner of Cass and
Sqemocqhc streets, Ast1 i:-5 "k'kkViVsox
Deputy Fish Commissioner.
Fish Commissioners Notice.
sioner for Washington territory, nereny
.... .... ?,. tli-it lw tvtll lit ;it IlrnoKtlPlil
for the rest of the sc;tsnn.
NORTH COVE, W. T., Feb. t7, 1S79.
Two Trips "Daily to "Upper Town.
MR. F. SHERMAN takes pleasure in an
nouncing the fact that lie has perfected
arrangements for making two regular trips
daily to Upper Astoria and hack, regular
street car style, for passengers and small
it-js-Will leave J. Wr flearharts. the Barker
House, and the Occident, daily at 11 a. m.
ami a r. ai. Returning will leave Van Du
sen's upper town store. Fare for the round
trip 25 cents.
Stone and Marble Cutter,
All kinds of building work, and monumen
tal work attended to promptly and to order.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
For good tobaccos, fine cigars, no
tions, candies, etc., go to Foster's
variety store, on the roadway, oppo
site the O. S. X". Co.'s wharf.
Ero. Merry remarks that Senator
Slater is not a brilliant man, nor did
bles the Annie Faxon, save that she is j xs warmest friends ever claim it for
a better boat, will carry as much
freight, and draws less water. She
carries the machiner1- of the old Tenino
and will draw about two feet light.
Her joiner work will probably be com
pleted in about three weeks, and then
we shall hear of a quick trip to Lewis-ton.
ntv to pay all county warrants Stoves, Tinware, and
to June 1. lKTS. Such orders i ,.
w interest from and after this House Furnishing Goods
Hardware, Brass Goods,
Lead and Iron Pipe, Pipe Fittings,
Engineers Supplies, Sheet Lead, Iron,
Coppc, Brass, and Zinc.
County Treasurers Notice.
m i.. i .. 11 ntni win nts !
nreaented nrior
will cease to draw
Treasurer Clatsop county.
Astoria, April 13, l.c7i. 2td-ltw
of the Holv Innocents an organ fdunnj?
the repairs of its own), which .she offers for
sale at quite a low lijiure.
The Instrument Is ltrally a ool One,
Fine toned and in excellent order. It may
be seen at the Chapel of the Holy Innocents,
Upper Astoria.
Hall of Heavek Lohc.e No. as. i. o. o.f., (.
Astokia, Oregon. April 10. 1S79. t
To the Ofcerx ami Member of Beater Lodge
Jt'o.JS.1.0. O.E.:
nnt nt the reirular meeting on the 24th
! inst., for the purpose of deciding upon a pa
' Ride on the Uh dav of April, the sixtieth
gr Send jrour subscription for the
AsTOitiAN another year. Ilelp us, that
tve may continue to help you.
him. But as a practical and persis
tent worker, he can be counted upon j wmlvcrsaty of O111!1;
with safety. He has just introduced
The Austrian police continue
to make arrests at .Trieste owino
to the political agitation in favor daisical veto
of "unredeemed Italy," ; Chinese bill.
a bill for the transfer of the Indians
to the war department, and it is a
good even bet that he passes it. The
Methodist influence in the white house
is very strong, however, and there is i
possibly a danger of another lacka-
like the one on the
En. D. Curtis, U.S.
Has just received direct from the manufac
turers, the largest and best assortment of
Cannery Thermometers
"Fver imported to this State. Send in your
iress :
Lock box 218, Portland, Oregon,
goods, consisting of
Buckle and Gongress Gaiters,
Women, Misses and Children's
Which will he sold at the very lowestpriecsi
Benton street, opposite Post-office, Astoria.
ft. '
-, ,-g. -,