C3l a.i . - m juzwr?. J2tj5sarksp52. t i. xr s,v .gl 1MX23 siromiT. FRIDAY.,.-. Jdxe 2, 1S76. CITY ITEMS. $3" Another invoice o f clothing at J3. Ht rn burgers. BSTSpleiiHcl assortment wall pa per and' window blinds just received at Case's. :J38-.Yan Duben has ju.-t opened an He pant btock of htationeia Mindrics. JSnonges, cups, pencil hcad, note book?, blotters and other noveltio. TFor a neat, cheap and btrviccable ( Miit of Cleihinir: for thj be.-t nimliiv cf IT. ' in the inaiket; for a j?ood (jualiiy of .ool and Shot's call at the. new tioie of ( C. H. Pagefc Co., Farmei wharf, Arto- ria. ! 3The Astoria hirt factory, in C. L. Rukei's new building, on Clcnamns Suect, up i-taiis, is the place foi gcnlle TJiea to get nice fitting gaimenls atieatoa able p'ices. Mr:D Youh P's. Poiso i& who pntion i?e,. pets should pay piomptlv, for the .cct'i)j. y piO?pect ot the pre- have a. teculi:tr power in pushing forward public pfOLjurily. If the printeris paid piompt lv, end his pocket-book kept plethoric by pNMnpl-p.iying pauons, he puts his pen to the paper m peace, his paia graphs are moie pointed, he paints his pictures ot pa.s.-ing events in more pleasant colors, and the perusal of his paper is of moreipleasure to his people. Paste this piece of proverbial philosophy in some place where all persons can perceive it. MISCELLANEOUS. CENTENNIAL BOOT AXD S&OE SHOP. Sign of the Red Boot MAIN STREET, ASTORIA. Kext door to P. H. Fox, Tailor, The only place in Astoria, where you can get a perfect tit and the best French stock. .X ever mind what Josh Hillings says. J mean busi ness Giro me a call. JOHN WILDER. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS! IS THE MOTTO OF L. K. G. SMITH, Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in 4'Kars ami ToUi.icco m1 a J! Iiui1 of .Sirokors iiiH', Stationery ami i'tiiWvy. GENUINE MEERSIIATOI PIPES A Speciality. Sole agent for the Celebrated Othello Cigars. Dcalears In the above line are ronectfully solicited ti examine tcck and lriccs. L 00K HERE, WEARY WOMAN! THERE IS REST FOR YOU. STEAM WILL DO YOUR WORK. The STEAM WASHER, Or Womans Friend. The latest, thc:heapest, the best no rubbing, no pounding, no turning or tenting, no clumsy cylinder, and no twenty or thir ty dollars expense. Steam does it all. For sale at the ASTOIUA LAUNDRY, cor ner of Chenaaiusnnd Polk streets, or at C. E. Jackins, corner Main and J offerson streets. J. T. BOUCHERS. ITICOLAI & BRO., Central Plaining Mills, Cor. of North Second and E Street", Portland. RUSTIC, CEILING, MOULDINGS, SASH, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, Urns, Tanks, Fences, c. KflTFir flooring and ceiling and bevel-edged siding. Common size doors, sash and blinds at She Francisco prices. B OAT BUILDING. &-?& Having completed my shop (between Tallman's landing and Westport on the Co lumbia river,) J am now prepared to build FISHING BOATS, ROW BOATS, SKIPPS, ETC., ETC., everything in the line of boats. " Copper fas tened boatB a speciality." My motto is ; first class work for a fair re muneration. P. 0. Address. T.J)1USC0LL. Vrcstport Ogn. Hotel or Residence PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES to dispose vof half a block of the the most desirable propeity in Astoria, at low cate for PART CASH and approved notes. THE PROPERTY IS ELIGIBLY SITUATED, NEAR THE COURT HOUSE AND CUSTOMHOUSE, And is about on a level with the street grades, rendering it easy e: improvement, at nominal cosx, J t contains A' SPLENDID ORCHARD, GQ0D"WELL OF LIVING WATER, SMALL FRUITS, &c And ha upon it one of the best frame build inpsiahe city, SlhySlfeetin size, twostories THE UION HOTELS -Wliich, with some needed rewiirs'may be .made equal to the best hotel building in tho vity and so fir af location is, concerned, ljnich the best for families and visitors. Thenti. property vill bo sold on easy terms, and to any person who wishes a bargain in Astoria real estate, none can suit better than Ibis. For all particulars," address JOB ROSS, .: h!i n I M Astoria Orcgon. ILI (JF.LADINQ, WAY BILLS, 'ReUeirits and all kinds of Comme(- icial Printing, done at tho Astorian ofiice. ., CALL EXAMINE, ORDER'. B. HAMBURGERMERCHANDISE 1876. spring 1876. j Received ex-Steamer a large I I Assortment of OlOllllRff, -r7 Hats and Caps, Soots and Shoes. Matting, Oil Cloths, All of the Latest Styles and low price. Call and see. ' . B. HAMBURGER, Main street, Astoiia, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS CARDS. Flour, Grain and Feed Store. loot of Main street, one door from Holla day's wharf. G. F. Parker, LIME. BRICK, PLASTER and CEMENT, TOBACCO, CIGARS. NUTS, CANDY, Etc.. Constantly on hand and for sale cheap for cash or farm products. TATHS, BATHS, Hot, Cold, Shower, Steam and SULPHUR Baths AT OCCIDENT HOTEL, HAIR DRESSING SALOON. Jacob Niedkr auer Proprietor. .B3T Special attention paid to LADIES' and CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING &?r Private Entnmcefor Ladies'iPa C. E. Jackins & Co. Cor. Min and Jefferson Sts., Astoria, Oregon. Dealers in all kinds of Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware ! ttCopper Tea-kettles, pressed Tea-kettles, burnished Tea and Coffee pots, porcelain, tin lined, and pressed Iron sauce pans, fancv an.i plain vent Thimble covers, fine Dust pans ana brushes, cast iron Bake ovens, etc., etc., etc, embracing about :&Vl articles too numerous to mention, for old Bachelors, maids, children and married folks. JMST Agents for the sale of the celebrated Occident Cooking Stoves. THE MOST FXTFNKIVF I' V vW4 v"7 k Ti A 1 r n vyPkiesi: assorted stock J nn lm fit mill nf E. S. LARSEN'S Main Street, Between Chenamus and Squcmoqha streets, A ASTnuii niiwjnv : ... CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, &c, &c. Call ?.CLxp- C. and .r& v- a "-"i o . V. T: O vs. .. vr. U V -A V. TJl - t rr, ". j. : V Xr - jpEW FURNITURE STORE. Cor. Main and Chemocqha Sts., CHASSTOLL, I'UUL'lUhTOU. . "V'fT (Successor tc Gist & StollJ ASTORIA OREGON PARLOR SETTS, , r lt BED-ROOM SETTS, , u DlNINGrROOVI SETTS, L,T ' KITCHEN'SETTS, , OFFICE FURNITUREnETC, 1 XT Of the very bast, quality, -supplied tt order at- prices tnnt will justify tho patronage ofrthis home institution. Persons-wishing any article in tjic furniture linfewill find Itfo their advantago togive rao.a cair, and inspect my stock and prices before purchasing olaewhfere. - U3T UiidcrtakerisAVork. promptly.attended to. atroaonlprat t s's,s ff WATER.PRpOFt;SHlPMNG-T W Mrto-atthb'Astoiian Office. Wk TEV -Lv ' V - .NT N m O r Wk. K jVPF!jC-r 1 iTrj. w GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. MENDLESON BEOS., Having Concluded to Remain in Business AT ASTORIA, HAVE LAID IN A SPLENDID STOCK OF SPRING S UMMEB GOODS! DESIGNED ESPECIALLY EOR THE ASTORIA TRADE. A complete assortment OF FISHERMEN'S OUTFITTING GOODS JUST OPENED EST" The public in general are respectfully invited to call at the old stand, on Contomly Stkket, next door to Parker House. MEXDIiESOX BROS. MISCELLANEOUS. 0-.JS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Xolary Public and Commissioner or it:t:ns, For California and Washington Territory. OFFICE. Case's Building, corner Cass and Chenamus streets, Astoria, Oregon. "P CRANG, M. D. Surgeon, Etc, ASTORIA, OREGON. At the solicitation of numerous friend?, has consented to practice medicine, and tenders hi? services to the public. Dr. Crang brings many years experience in the practice of his profession. J. W. KOBIJ. C. W. FULTON. ROBB fc FULTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ASTORIA, OREGON. KSrOffico in "Warren & McGuire's building, opposite Occident Hotel, Chenamus street.. pEO. W. REA, Attorney ami Counsellor at L:tv. ASTORIA, OREGON. O Examining and perfecting titles madeaspe cialtv. All accounts left with me will re civo prompt attention. Ofiice in ,Varron & McGuiros Building, Chenamus street, corner ot C;iss. p H. PAGE fc CO., ' x DEALERS IN ' General Merchandise, FARMERS WHARF, ASTORIA OREGON. . SB" All kinds of country produce, wanted in exchange for goods. Mrs. Fangbum, : t . Masonic Hall Building, Astoria, DEALER IX Fancy Goods, Ladies Dress:and ;Clpak Trimmings "of fheXastest Style. WILL ATTEND to ORDERS fop. DRESS and Cloak making. Work will be done in a satisfactory manner. teET Agent for tbe solo of Dr. "Warner's Sani tary Corsets, and also Children's Waists with patent elaVstic buckles. NEW MILLINERY STORE. Mrs: H. A. Derby, (Late of CLEVELAND, OHIO,) WISHES TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUB licof Astoiia and surrounding country, thut she has just received .a full and complete line of jr.' HATS, TRIMMINGS,' 'w And all kinds of MILLINERY GOODS! -4 1 the tttantl recently occupied bf J17V 3for W.s on MAIN STllEETlltoYia, And will 4)0 propared to fill all orders for first class goods in this line at rea onable prices. iPSXew goods will bo received every month. W EW AND ELEGANT STOCK -OF- Latest Styles of Millinery Gdods, JUST RECEIVED BY::THE LAST STEAMER At the Rooms of Mrs,-A. D. jTFaSdS: (Ur Stairs, Bkoivn's-Buildino,) Corner Mum and Chenamus Street?, "Astoiia. 'r-riis stock consist? rtf the Hatps.flb llafc, 'For Ladies and ChildreriiDrws'Tiim5 ming and Plney Gduds for Ladies, which will bcsolcLat very low prices. DHESS AfiO CLOAK oAi1iia,iro.ul,tly ttend- !nRE3fl4 Wei'lV ,';0F 'D'oSNEH'Si It!1 PmRAkial Coal Oil. THese oil"?IVe pccfoctly safe' arid produce"' a ina'shififcerft'iijth'fe ; rorsaiBoy " 1. w.UAaii. BUSI&Esk 'CARDS. F. STMEADE, MERCHANT TAILOR CHENAMUS STREET, ASTORIA, OREGOIT. FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN CLOTHS; CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, Constantly on hand. sr Garments made in the most Fashiouable Styles. J Draying & Trucking. The undersigned hav ing purchased the inter est of the . Astoria Truck & Dray Co., Including Teams, Vehecles, ete. respectfully announces that he is prepared to PILL ALL ORDERS WITH PROMPTNESS, IN A CAREFUL MANNER from this date. S53T Orders iriay T)e left at the Occident Hotel. T. S. JEWETT. Astoria Truck & Dray Co. New Stock Now Opened At N. LOEB'S, tAIN STREET, One door South of Globe Hotel, Astoria. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING just received and opened u. new and complete Stock -of General Merchandise, Groceries and Provisions, Invites tho attention of tho public. Those Goods will bo sold at Low Figures. Call be fore purchasing elsewhere. Tho best quality of goods for the Fishing icvncl Sailors Trade constantly on hand. j&3- Highest Price Paid for Fnrs. 5tt cs" Nerw Goods by every Steamer. N. LOEB, Astoria. Oregon. Astoria Bakery, : 0 HENRY JACOBS PROPRIETOR, Cor. of Main and Schemocqha Sts., AbTonfA Oregon. 0 TARES PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING to the public generally that he is again prepared, at the aDove well known stand to supply orders for FRESH BREAD and all kinds of pastry. & One of the best Bakers on tho coast employed. Satisfaction guaranteed. A share of tho public patronage respectfully solicted. RUTTER & McKENZIE, Ship Builders. HAVING LEASED THE PREMISES FOR 1 a torm of years, at tljo foot of Wash- j ington street, jve bpgleYejto announco to the puDiic tuat wo aro. now propareu ior SPAR MAKING, CAULKING, and General Repairing of VESSELS, BOATS, ETC., ETC. B5T Boats of all descriptions, first class in every respect built toj order. Yard foot of Washington street, As'toria. Oregon. . . W. B. HEAD1NCTON, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, ASTORIA, OREGON. Plans and specifications for buildings of any kind, and contracts (largo dr small) tilled with dispatch and in tho best manner possible. , WINlpQUOIJS, CIGARS, wj n vr 'v E. PAPMAHCd CO;, - jr ixbI GOTJmBbxA. BREV5TERY, THE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETORS OF THE COLUMBIA BREWERY just ertcled,ana,plnced in operation at Astoria, wish to inform tho public that we are now prcparcd'to fill i orders jfor a splendid article of x. V tfTX.'1-a" 1-4 iliirin? evcbfacility fdHtoing , . "vyCjM THE VERY BEST UI1AKA0TER OJ: WORK ( A-nrl "RvH-ln1 "RPPP ? Mr. Papmahl being an Experienced Brewer, illlU. UO 111611 DLdJhJb , CJTTho COLUMBIA BREWERY WILL WARltANT SATISFACTION IN PILLING ALL Orders. Give us a trial. E. L'APHAHL & CO,, Astoria, Oregon, 3R MBHMHMiHMnMHiaaHBMnmm(K!!wnnii' 2 T BLACKSlVriTHING. ALBERT ROEDER A CO.,' Machinists, Gunsniiihs, and .'' . . . . 1 ' Locksmiths Corner Concomly and Lafayette Streets, A " , ASTPRLA.', 0feG.0N. yiUipay Sbecialj Attontioh -jtn Blacksqiith Work and general repairing. 'CasSt. ,- A SToniA-, OnKGox. . aU 'l f.VVi iitLL u ?o411w ruer. I d'SKiU .. GEORGE MACLEAN.' , li-n ?) rt'T-Vi Vif'T'm'TY iK .In A lit K.:MV I ' jl-i- ..inavinrAll. u 1 'jl'JHP J'ltiCll. i class'work. s i:Oi)Gfclt.V Ol,l STAND. . butthobcsti :,k HAjlI.kind of4iackFnutning;M done to, onler. Satisfaction Saarhriteedr SKi.f aiicrdHsiSo' woVfi'xt'specia fity BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. ODIiTIMP 1 EQT'ALTOTHEBEST.AND rnimilfc -Cheap as the Cheapest, at j Thk Astoriax Officb. THE Daily and Weekly Astoria Job Printing Office IS NOW WELL SUPPLIED WITH New Material: and Stock,, And prepared to execute orders for 1 ! POSTERS, BILLS OF FARE. PROGRAMMES, BILL-HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER-HEADS RECEIPTS,. PAMPHLETS And any otb.r kimd of Printing, Neatly and Promptly The Lowest Living Price are Charged. Printing by hand, Printing by steam, Printing from type, Or from blocks by the ream Printing in black, Printing in white. Printing in colors, Of sombre or bright. Printing for merchants, ' And land-agents, too ; Printing for any "Whofve printing to do ; Printing for bankers,. J Clerks, auctioneers, Pi in ting for drsggists, For dealers in wares. Printing for drapers Eor grocers, for all, Who will send in their jobs Or give us a call. Printing of pamphlets,. Or bigger books, too ; In fact there are few things But what we can. do. Printing of placards, Printing of bills, Printing of car-notes For stores or for mills ; Printinsr of labels, All colors we use, sirs, Especially fit foar Our salmon producers. Printing of forms All sorts, vou can get Legal, commercial, Or houses to let. , l; Printing done quickly, Bold, stylish or neat, At the Astoriax Office, On fr'quemocqhu street. THE DAILY ASTORIAN JUST ESTABLISHED THE WEEKLY ASTORIAN XOVT IX ITS. FOURTH YEAR Affords SUFEIUOR Facilities Advertisers BTGIVE US A CALL.S to LAGER BEER, ALE, Etc. - PROPRIETORS, GERMANIA BEER HALL AND B0TTLE BEER DEPOT ChenajiusStrkf.t. Astokia. Thopublic oro invited to oll and leave their ordors. Splendid Lager 3 cent a glass. Ireo Lunch every night. ' v WM. BOOK & CO., Proprietors. - jr -j ' '. MYERS, tSfi. r ASTORIA, BREWERY, thcnece?,ari, mnchiiryfor first killfui Brewers, and using .none luulity of maferials, tho- Pr(prio- tor is prepred..toiinufiictme JM(JEU LEER in ahy quantity, frdmfl. single boitld to'n bar rel, and put Ifu'p in good' condition for ship ment or immediate uae. ITjjmilias andkeep ers of public li6ue proiatjy anil r'cyularly sutfrtied,' J -a .M.YLitS Troprietor - lLu ( 1 iBfl8aBSHI 1