The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, May 18, 1876, Image 1

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    J - 'J.
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NO. 16.
VJiJ-,Z"V'i;, J'i'l' HjeUL IWAAVH.U.!1 JU-Mi--L,
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rv- -v ,, , K.' JE&f&f$& : -' -
&e ai3g gislxaim
(Sundays Excepted),
3. C. IRi:L.t.VI, : : S'l'KLISSSEK.
xsloniior Uuildiwf, Cans Street
Terms of Subscriptien:
Served by C:m ier, per iveek 25 Cents
Sent by, thiee months S- oO
Sent by mail ?ix months 1 00
Sent by mail one year 7 00
Tree of Postage to tho Subsciibcrs.
ttSS Advertisement- inseited by the year at
the rate of 1 0 per square per month.
Transient adci tiding, by the day or week,
fifty cents pci square first insertion.
Remember the School meeting to
morrow evening.
The schooner Adelaide returned
empty from Youngs river. She went
for hay for Foss logging camp but
found none read v.
Two more pleasant days, without
rain, will create an inquiry as to the
whereabouts of the street sprinkler.
P. S. Lo ; the rain cometh.
A. Nicolai, of Nicolai Bros. Port
land, paid Astoria a business trip this
week returning yesterday. The fin
est quality of lumber in Oregon
comes from their mills.
lion. Wm. Wadhams, President
of the State Board of Pilot Commis
sioners, and a prominent merchant
of Portland, paid Astoria and vicinity
a business trip yesterday.
Mr. B. A. Bay ley returned to his
Tillamook home yesterday, after a
respite of a few weeks, devoted to
patriotic endeavors in behalf of his
Stuffed rolls of silver have become
so numerous in San Francisco as to be
monotonous. The Pacific Bank toolv
in about S200 worth of lead pipe one
day, and Donohoe t Kelly received a
couple of rolls from E. Newbergher A
Co., who, on being notified, at once
redeemed the galena tubes. The
swindles are perpetrated by respect
ably dressed men who wish to ex
change silver for sold.
What a fountain of blessing is a
cow! She is mother of beef, the source
of butter, the original cause of cheese,
to say nothing, of shoes, horns, hair,
combs and upper leather. A gentle,
amiable, everyielding creature, who
has no joy in family affairs which
she does not share with man. We
rob her of milk, and we only care
for her that the robbery may be per
petuated. And that's just all that
prompted the late subscription paper
in this town " for the benefit of the
The Mayor of Baltimore lately
received from B. C. Monroe of New
burg, letters making a suggestion
that a Presidential group of trees, one
tree for each President, be set out in
the city parks. The letter states that
the plan has received the approval of
the Committee having charge of the
Washington headquarters in Xew
burg. With the letter were sent two
articles cut from the Xewburg Daily
Journal, one written by Mr. Monroe
and the other by J. T. Ileadley, the
American historan, both favoring the
suggestion. Mr. Headley recom
mends that the trees be planted in a
circle, with the one representing
George Washington in the center.
Also, that the enclosing trees be ever
greens, while the central one be an
American pine. It is stated that the
Mayor is favorabty impressed with
its suggestions, and it will probably
be laid before the Park Commission
ers for their action. Astorians might
-with profit accept'the suggestions and
plant a few trees anyhow.
Wife No. 19.
We have with care examined
the book "with the above title, for
the sale of which Mr. "W. B. Ross
is agent for this city and county,
and believe it to be a true and lit
eral description of that monster
of iniquity, mormonism and po
lygamy. Mrs. Young being one
of the household of Brigham. had
ample opportunities to see the
"Church of the Latter Day
Saints" in its true light, and to
view from her infancy the vulgar,
profane and demoralizing pre
cepts, taught By the apostles.
Her description of the plundering
and licentious life led by the mor
man people of Missouri and
Nauvoo, in Illinois, are not over
drawn, for we know from our own
observations that they were noth
ing but a band of robbers, steal
ing the people's property under
the plea that" they were lending
to the Lord." Mrs. Young's his
tory of the "Hand cart scheme"
claimed by the Mormon elders to
be a "Divine plan," to gather the
saints to "Zion'' or Salt Lake, is
worth the price of this book.
The handcart expedition was
truly appalling, and more than
seventy poor, innocent and hood
winked followers perished in the
mountains, in the snow and by
starvation, while wending their
way to their home in Utah, all be
cause of the extreme folly of
Brigham and his counsellors that
this was the divine plan for cross
ing the plains. The sufferings,
the blood and dying groans of
these duped people are crying to
heaven for vengeance, and the
guilt' soul of Brigham will
writhe in torment hereafter, for
ail " his damning advice and
crimes. This book will have a
tendency to educate people up to
that standard, so necessary to get
a correct idea of the incubus of
Mormonism that has been setting
a blot upon American politics and
social life for many years, and
may suggest some plan for rid
ding the country of that relic of
barbarism, polygamy.
Amity in? Yamnill county has ac
cepted the terms of the O. C. P. Co..
and is going to have a railroad at last
There is no section of country that
needs it worse. The time occupied
in hauling off the hundreds of thou
sands of bushels of grain in the fall of
the year may now be occupied in
putting in fall cro;is, besides the busi
ness of the road will be doubled by
the extension. There will be in the
vicinity of half a million bushels of
ram to ship from Amity this fall.
The latest tiling in the invention
line is a contrivance for preventing
uneasy and mischievous childi en from
""joggling" each other in school. It is
described as follews: "In the seat of
each chair is placed a small metallic
plate connected hy a wire with a gal
vanic battery on the teacher's
desk. Each alternate chair is con
nected with the x)ositive pole of the
battery and the other with the nega
tive pole. So long as the children re
main quiet no shock is experienced,
but the moment one child touches an
other and electric current is created,
and both the victim and his assailant
are held fast, an uproar is created and
the attention of the teacher is attract
ed." This novel plan is desiimated
"a machine to prevent joggling in
school-rooms," and the inventor has
actually enlisted the help of the keep
er of a small private, school in
Chicago to allow him to exhibit
the effectiveness of the invention. It
is no exaggeration to say that it is a
complete success, and that restless
boys once under the operation of tins
galvanic shock are done forever "with
joggling as a means of grace.
The political addresses last even
ing, at the Court-house in this city, by
Messrs. Stott and Strong, opposing
candidates for the office of Prosecu
ting Attorney of the District were
tempered with a manly spirit to do
each other simple justice, and both
gentlemen acquitted themselves with
honor showing the people that with
them, they stand upon individual
merit, rather than party bias.
One of Badollet & Co.'s boats was
delayed a few nights since for want
of a boat-puller. When the Superin
ent, Mr. C.Lienenweber inquired the
cause of the delay, and was informed
as to the facts, he said to the fisher
man : iC Get ready, I will furnish
you with a boat-puller," and the boat
was speedily prepared for work, when
the fisherman inquired r " Where is
the boat-puller?" " Here I am;"
said Mr. L. and without further ex
planation they started off. Mr. Lien
enweber stayed by the boat all night
and they caught a good lotof Salmon.
The next morning the fisherman ten
dered Mr. L. the wages due to him as
boat-puller, but he refused it, saying
that he was satisfied with the result
as it was and presented the amount to
the fisherman. Mr Lienenweber is
noted for his energy, and this is but
one evidence of the secret of his suc
cess at Astoria.
ASTOltTA, May 17, 1S7G.
T D Marks & uife, S. 1 Win M Dnt, X. Y.
Kit St ron''. Portland
Clubourne A. servant
Ralvih Stott,. '
1) A Miller
A Lv (ramle "
T CI )0(lvin, Clatsop
D Sutherland, 4
Mrs M J Kinney, S. V.
F M JJraee, l'reenort
G M Jaen, U. S. !:. D.
"W 31 M.icoon, Clatsop.
II Broun "
fij" Received per steamer Ajax an im
mense ?tock of Gontfs clothing of the
latest spring styles at B. Hamburgers,
Main stieet.'
?gYan Diisen has just opened an de
cant stock of Mn Lionels sundries.
Sponges, cups, pencil heads, note books,
blotters and other novelties.
jfcpSev styles of Diagonal suits just
received per steamer Ajax, aKo Dry
Goods, BooU and Shoes in large quantities
at B. llamhurgers, Main street.
SSi-An elegant pencil sketch of a can
nary bird and rose btih in bloom, made
by a young lad v of "Washington Territo
ry, it un for ralle at the Occident. It will
bejii. o to the winner. Thirty chances
at ?I, I'jh.
"jtr a neat, cheap and serviceable
suitot' Clothing; for the best quality of
Hats in the market; for a good quality of
Boots and Shoes; call at the new store of
C. II. Page& Co. r Farmer's wharf, Asto
ria. pif'A. large stock of outfitting goods,
purchased with express intention to supply
the Columbia River Fishermen, just
opened at the new store of C. si. Page
&Co., Farmer's wharf, Astoria.
5&Breaths there a man with a soul
so dead, who never to himself hath
"Oh, what a brute I have been!
For maivy long years my poor wife
lias been stitching away her life,
For wantof a sewing machine."
To alleviate the wretchedness of such
self accusers, go to Van Duseirsand buy
her one, to-day.
;&' Any person inquiring for a fine
quality of liquor, and can appreciate the
same, can find the genuine J. II. Cutter
"Whiskey and Millers extra Old .Bourbon,
at the " Columbia 13ar" saloon Astoria,
with G-jo. TJsherwood late of Portland to
cater to their tastes- Gentlemen will please
give us a call. Cigars of a fine quality
also on hand. Jas. 31. Lyxcii, Prop.
ZSotick. Hemonhoid or Piles cured
by the "Wightman Process'- without
the useof knife, ligature or caustic ; those
that are sulfcring from the above dreadful
complaint would do well to call on Dr.
"Wightnian while he is in town. lie will
be at the Parker House Astoria, for two
days only, "Wednesday and Thursday
May 17th and ISth. P. O. box, 247 Port
land Oregon, where all letters will be
promjlkly answered, consultation fee 2 00.
Dr. C. F. Wigutmax.
gST Everybody goes to the Novelty
Barbershop to get fixed up in style. Evei3T
person may come, and more too, for I have
employed a first-class aitist who will smil
ingly manipulate your chin, gracefully curl
jour mustache, niceVy'puff your hair, and
last of all, but not least, will perfume your
clothe- with the most pupular perfumery in
use, "Patchouly" if you don't believe itjust
try it. Hair cutting, shaving, and sham
pooing. Hair dying done and warranted
not to turn red, break or split. Parker
House, Astoria.
J. L. Campbell, Proprietor.
Telegraphic Hews.
Synopsis of Press Dispatches.
oo Mile Mustang Race
The New Party Movement
in New York Photo
graphed Later Intelligence from the
Black Hills.
Charles Francis Adams, Jr.,
Nominates the Candidates
for President.
Secretaty Bristow and Gov
ernor Tilden.
Mrs Myra Clark Gains in
' Clover "up to her Knees."
Old Campbell's Punishment
Very Light.
It is thought that the society for
the prevention of cruelty to animals
will stop the great mustang race in
Xew York. It was proposed to ride
three hundred and five miles in fifteen
hours on thirty horses, to start at 4
o'clock, a. m., and complete the ride
at seven o'clock, p. m. The race was
to have come off on Tuesday, but was
postponed until Thursday on account
of rain. The horses are all in good
condition and parties in charge of
them are confident of success as the
horses are very wild. The men in
charge will mount and ride all those
which show :my evidence of uiiniliness
so that when the rider in the race
mounts they will be docile and will
not give him any trouble.
The STew York Herald Editorial
says the list of the participants in the
Fifth Avenue Hotel conference, show
that it is almost without Republicans,
ex-Republicans or quasi-Republicans,
and consists hi unequal proportions
of soreheads and sentimentalists. The
sentimentalists being mere tenders of
the soreheads, disappointed ex-officers
and ex-candidates for office make so
large a figure in the gathering that
the public will not fail to note their
presence and specidate on their mo
tives. The World says Sulmrz is the
life of the meeting and in his speech
he said he wanted the council to aim
at something definite, and suggested
that the nomination of Bristow oe
that something. The Tribune savs
we do not sympathize with the dispo
sition manifested in some quarters, to
carp at the gentlemen engaged in the
new Fifth Avenue conference. Among
them are some of the ablest publicists,
ripest scholars and most efficient pub
lic servants in the country. To-day
will probably give us the real work of
the conference, and we have great
confidence that it will be good work,
sure to bear good results, both at Cin
cinnati and St. Louis.
The Chicago Tribune's Sioux
City special says r Letters received
here this morning from reliable par
ties, dated Black Hills, April 26, bring
most discouraging accounts of affairs
in that country. The Indians are be
coming very troublesome, frequently
killing men at their own doors, steal
ing horses and committing other dep
redations. These letters say the
stories of gold being there in paying
quantities are lies. Provisions are
scarce and high,, and great many
men are on the verge, of starvation.
Miners are- leaving as fast as they
arrived a months ago.
Sargent's bill to restrict immigra
tion of the Chinese to. the "United
States was brought up in the Senate
on the 16th. Senator Mitchell spoke
at length in favor of the;biil, and it
was finally referred to the committee
on foreign relations.
In the 2sew York new party cau
cus on Tuesday, Charles Francis
Adams, Jr., being loudly called upon,
made a brief speech in favor of reform
and honesty, and concluded by say
ing that among the Presidential can
didates there is one whose name
stands unblemished before the coun
try to-day and by nominating him
the Republican party will gain the
vote of every honest man, and that
man is Secretary Bristow. Ap
plause. The old memories of war
are dying out, and people cannot be
frightened into supporting any one.
In the Democratic party, also, there
is one man, skilled in political life, a
gentleman of well known capacity,
Governor Tilden, whom, if they
nominate, I will support as the next
best thing to Bristow. Cheers. If
good men are not nominated by
either party then we will put forward
a candidate of our own. Thank
heaven this is no hard-cider cam
paign in this centennial year.
Mrs. Myra Clark Gaines left STew
York on Tuesday for iSTew Orleans,
where fortified with the recent decis
ion of the Supreme Court, she will re
new her suits for her estate. Since
the delivery of this ojmiion, it is said
she has been offered $250,000 cash and
one-fifth of the j)rocceds when recov
ered, if she would resign her interest
to a pool made up in Ils'ew York 'ro
speculate in the enterprise. It is
thought probable that the chy of Xew
Orleans will compromise with her and
give her bonds in retinn for a quit
claim deed of the land.
The Sun's Washington special on .
Chicago pension agent matters saj's it
is not the intention of the President
to remove IT. S. Marshal Campbell,
but he will be required to return to
Miss SAveet the amount she paid Camp
bell; also the amount she paid young
Campbell for the sinecure position.
Advices-from Salonica say the to
tal number of arrests in. connection
with the outrage there is fifty. A pre
liminary inquiry has been begun. The
excitement hi the town is gradually
Rear Admiral Jno. L. Worden,
of the XJ. S. navy, sailed from Nice,
May 16th, in the American man-of-war
Franklin, for Salonica.
We are hi receipt of coines of
official letters from Washington infor
ming us that the Light-house Board
is of the opinion that "it will be neces
sary at some time to establish a Light
house on Tillamook head, and that it
should be a light of the first order
but considering the state of the public
finances, and tiie necessity for econo
my, it is the opinion of the Board that
Congress should not be asked for ap
propriations for work at this locality
at this time."
A sheet of Post-office paper,
worthy of note, folded into a form of
10-mo. reached the Astorulx office
last night. It is addressed to railway
Post-office clerks, route agents and
postmasters, and has traveled from
Portland Oregon to Portland Maine,
thence to Astoria. The "marking
stamps" of the various offices through
which it passed on its travels, shows
that it left Portland, Oregon, April
18; passed Ogden April 24; took the
fast mail on the New York and Cliica
go route April 30, reached Boston
May 1st, also Portland, Maine, on the
same day. and .returned to Astoria,
Oregon, May loth.