The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, May 16, 1876, Image 1

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    J kc -
VOL. 1.
NO. 14.
vglxz ail3j &$A3m,
(Sundays Excepted),
Monitor Building, Cass Street.
Terms of Subscriptien:
Served by Carrier, per week 25 Cents
Sent by mail, three months 52 oO
Sent by mail six months -1 00
Sent by mail one year 7 00
Free of Postage to tho Subscribers.
t&T Advertisements inserted by the year at
the rate of SI 00 per square per month.
Transient advertising, by the day or week,
fifty cents per square first insertion.
The Oregonian dispatches say the
Ajax did not sail from San Francisco
until Sundav.
Brenham Van Dusen returned
from a business trip to the metropolis
inland, yesterday.
Messrs. Fred R. Strong and R.
Stott, candidates for the position of
Prosecuting Attorney for the Fourth
Judicial District, will address the
citizens of Astoria to-morrow even
ing at the Court-house,on the politi
cal questions of the day.
We met the genial and obliging
head of the Brookfield firm, J. G.
Iegler, Esq., in the city last evening
on business connected with his can
ning establishment there. Mr. M.
reports things working along smooth
ly in that portion of the territory,
and fully up to the standard of the
When a gang of celestial brutes
from the Flowery Kingdom go on a
strike they make a buzzing like unto
that of a swarm of bees. The air is
filled with their pestilential stinks.
To settle a swarm of bees cold water
and tin pans are effective, but to set
tle a swarm of Chinamen hot pokers,
cayenne pepper and clubs, are some
times brought into requisition.
Yesterday we were shown a bone,
by Mr. S. W. Childs, which lie in
forms us was taken out of the river in
his net, it is evidently the bone of
.some extinct race of animals, it is
very large, measuring in the smallest
place twelve inches in circumference
.and at the largest twentv-five inches
in circumference, and twelve inches
in diameter, and the length of the
joint is seventeen inches. The
question is where did this bone come
from and how did it get in the Co
lumbia river? It has been pro
nounced br some to be the bone of a
Mastodon, but altogether it is rather
a singular shaped fossil.
The proceedings of the Board of
County Commissioners for Pacific
-county, W. T., came to us duly signed
by the President, and attested by the
Clerk. We are in receipt of a letter
(which we decline to publish) in
which it is alleged that certain parts
of the report misrepresent the facts.
This letter contains offensive 2erson
alities, and we do not propose to
open our columns to any such argu
ments. It is to be regretted that in
a little town like Oysterville, with
such bright prospects for the future
development of a rich country, pro
fusely overflowing with, milk, and
honey, and oysters, there should be
an element of discord to stir up strife
and create inharmonious feelings
amongst the inhabitants. The only
'sure methods for prosperity is har
mony, and the publication of the an
nonymous letter referred to, would
not contribute in the least to smooth
the ruffled current of affairs, hence
it is deliberately cast into the flames,
with the hope that all people of Pa
cific county may cdhstrue our inten
tions correctly, and leave disputes
and strife to others, that they in har
mony may move.
The tug Brenham arrived from
Portland this morning.
If the man who put a bogus half
dollar in a twenty Dollar roll will call
at I. W. Case's he will receive a pres
ent. Dr. Wightman arrived this after
noon, and is stopping at the Parker
House, according to prior announce
ment, in another column.
The Gen. Canby brought up anew
article of export from the Plains this
afternoon, consisting of sundry bags
of China licec all samee Mellican man
Dr. S. Kinsey, long and favorably
known at Astoria, has been admitted
to- practice at the Bar in this
town. The bar is richly stocked with
the best quality of wines, liquors and
Another interesting technicality
has made its appecarance in the New
York courts. At Buffalo recently, in
a murder case called for trial in the
Supreme Court, the defendants coun
sel moved to quash the entire panel
of jurors on the ground that it was
not properly impaneled, the Jaw re
quiring the jury to be drawn " from
the body of the county," and there
being one town in the county hot
represented in the box. The court
granted the motion; and the lawyers
are beginning to inquire how many
of the cases which have been tried
during the past years will have to
be tried over aain.
S. W. Childs, who was reported
lost last night, says "it is a mistake,
and that he is good for lots of salmon
yet." During the severe blow yes
torday morning from three to five
o'clock the welfare of fishermen at
work in the bay was one of anxiety.
One boat is known to have been lost
as it passed Chinook the cries of the
fishermen in it were to no purpose,
as no boat could be launched, in the
condition of the serf, as it was then,
to go to the assistance of those in dis
tress, and an empty boat, badly de
molished on the beach below Chi
nook probably tells of disaster and
loss of life. Mr. Childs' boat and
others were reported missing last
evening. The hope is that all may
turn up safe. Mr. C. did not go out
Sunday night. Others supposed to
be lost, may have remained at home
The recent poisoning of a family
in Marion county from eating of toad
stools, mistaking them for mush
rooms, brings the Mercury to its feet,
which says : " Cases like the one
just published are of quite frequent
occurrence, notwithstanding the fact
that the fungi thave been used as an
article of food for a long time. They
are spoken of by the most ancient
writers as an esteemed and deliscious
viand and are extensively eaten in
all European coud tries by all classes,
and the natural supply being insuffi
cient, they are .artificially raised in
large quantities for market. They
are not generally appreciated in this
country, but are coming rapidly into
favor, and the seed or spawn of the
species cultivated is now for sale by
nearly all seedmen. There are sev
eral edible fungi in this county, of
which the best known is the com
mon mushroom, the morel and tuc-
kahoe, or Indian bread. These are
all of deliscious flavor, and verr nutri
tious. There is no difficulty in dis
cerning between the poisonous and
wholesome species of fungi, and it
seems almost unaccountable how so
many accidents occur by mistaking
them. The number of poisonous,
varieties is much larger than the
wholesome ones; and those who are
not certain as to the species had bet
ter leave the fungus tribes alone, as
their only safeguard from accident.
Steinberger and far off Samoa.
We find the following going the
rounds of the press, without credit to
show from what source it emanates.
If it was worthy of credence, it would
be considered worthy of a father, or a
mother, or at least some reliable au au
teor: "There will be no Steinberger affair
nor any Samoan difficulty, for the
simple reason that Steinberger is not
an American citizen, and the fact that
he has fallen into trouble with the Sa
moan King, whose Prune Minister,
and consequently subject, he was,
does not concern this government,
which does not hold itself bound to
protect the Samoan Prime Minister
against the displeasure of Ms King.
The story goes that after for some
tune soliciting a consulship somewhere
and always finding the Secretary of
State indisposed to favor him, he at
last secured influence enough, to set
the President to appoint him a special
agent to visit and report upon the Sa
moan Islands. This was in March,
1873. He sailed from San Francisco
in June of the same year, returned in
1874, and made a report to the State
Department, which he seems to have
neglected to date, but which was
sent into Congress in April 1874. In
ihis report he speaks of "instructions
from the Department" and "oral
suggestions," but he evidently mag
nified his office as much as possible,
and when he returned he disappeared
from public notice. He was next
heard of last spring setting out for
Samoa in a United States Man-of-war
with a gift of cannon, firearms and
other Government property, and, be
ing landed, he dropped his American
citizenship and became the Prime
Minister of the Samoan head
chief. Of course he could not be a
Samoan and an American at the same
time. He may recover his citizenship
if he chooses to return here and claim
it, but he divested himself, it is here
held, of his title to protection from our
government when he became a jdo
litical. officer of another government.
That he did tins in a very formal and
conspicuous manner is well known to
the world. "
5Bar fixtures of all kinds just receiv
ed at C. H. Page & Co.'s, Parmer's
wharf, Abtorin.
BPor a neat, cheap and serviceable
suit of Clothing; for the best quality of
Hats in the market; for a good quality of
Roots and Shoes; call at the new store of
C. H. Page& Co., Parmer's wharf, Asto
ria. pA large stock of outfitting goods,
purchased with express intention to supply
the Columbia River Fishermen, just
opened at tho newstoro of C. H. Page
& Co., Farmer's wharf, Astoria.
j3"Any person inquiring for a fine
quality of liquor, and can appreciate the
same, can find the genuine J. H. Cutter
Whiskey and Millers extra Old Bourbon,
at the " Columbia Rar" saloon Astoria,
with Geo. Ushurwood late of Portland to
cater to their tastes. Gentlemen will please
give us a call. Cigars of a fine quality
also on hand. Jas. M. Lynch, Prop.
Notice. -Hemorrhoid or Piles cured
by the Wightman Process" without
the use of knife, ligature or caustic ; those
that are suffering from the above dreadful
complaint would do well to call on Dr.
Wightman while he is in town. He will
be at the Parker House Astoria, for two
days only, Wednesdav and Thursday
May 17th and ISth. P. O. box, 247 Port
land Oregon, where all letters will be
promptly answered, consultation fee 2 00.
Dr. C. P. Wightman.
$?' Everybody goes to the Novelty
Barbershop to get fixed up in style. Every
person may come, and more too, forlhave
employed a first-class artist who will smil
ingly manipulate your chin, gracefully curl
yourmustiiche, nicely puff your hair, and
last of all, but not least, will perfume your
clothes with the most pupular perfumery in
use, "Patchouly" ifyou don't believe itjust
try it. Hair cutting, shaving, and sham
pooing. Hair dying dono and warranted
not to turn red, break or split. Parker
House, Astoria.
J. L. Campbell, Proprietor,
Telegraphic News.
Synopsis of Press Dispatches.
Just as Was Expected.
The Liberal Republican Dis
patches all a Lie.
Six Dollars in Seventeen
The Floods in Maine and
New Hampshire.
Once a Month in Future to
China and Japan.
The Stock and Pillory in
Counter Statement Regard
ing Congressional Printer.
The Rolliking Door Keeper
Takes a Walk
Stage and Horseback Mail
Transportatitonto be Cut
Miscellaneous Eastern News.
The Civil War in Turkey.
The executive committee of the
New York Liberal Republicans on
the 12th passed a resolution that in
asmuch as no liberal organization is
known to exist in any State except
Xew York, they fail to recognize the
organized existence of the Liberal
Republicans whom in their national
capacity recently issued a call for a
National Convention of the party they
claim to represent.
Reports from various places in
MaineandXewIIampshire announces
very destructive floods in the rivers,
and the waters still rising. Great
excitement prevails. No loss of life
has thus far occurred, but the des
truction of property is immense.
The Occidental & Oriental steam
ship company notified the postoffice
department that they will not carry
mails to Japan and China for sea pos
tage after this month. As the Post
master General has no authority to
allow any more than present rate of
postage, this service will consequently
stop. The mails to Japan and China
will, therefore, only leave San Fran
cisco once a month, that being the
service on the Pacific mail steamers.
Ten men were flogged in New
Castle, Delaware, May 13th, and aft-
wards punished in the pillory. Two
negroes were placed in the stock for
an hour and afterwards flogged.
The Times' "Washington special
argues if Clapp is incompetent that is
no reason why the office of Congres
sional Printer should be abolished.
The investigation was supposed to he
secret, yet Franklin Rivers, towards
whom the committee is so generous,
was present every day. Clapp was of
fered two days, or less, to rebutting
testimony, but the testimony then
consisted of 1,000 pages. It was only
when he found his defense was to be
restricted that he appealed from the
jurisdiction of the committee. The
Times think this partial report was
made solely for political purposes.
The rollicking letter of Fitzhugh,
doorkeeper of the House, is expected
to cause his resignation soon, a resolu-3
tion came very near being offered in
the House on Saturday, but it was
stopped at the last moment on an "un
derstanding, after consultation, that
Fitzhugh can best avoid trouble by
resignation. The World's "Washing
ton dispatch says: If Fitzhugh does
not resign early, his office will proba
bly be consolidated with that of the
seargeanfc-at-anns. Glover has a reso- '
lution prepared declaring that Fitz
hugh ought to resign. His recent let
ter has satisfied the members that he
is not a proper person to continue in
House Committee on appropria-'
tions proposes a reduction of two mill
ion dollars on the mail service per
formed by coach and horseback. If
the recommendations are sustained the
sendee must be suspended in many
cases in the Territories. The reduc
tion proposed is about 67 per cent.,
although the recently passed post
route bill increased the whole number
of routes ten per cent.
Representatives- Hutton, of Vir
ginia; Ashe, of North Carolina and.
Lawrence of Ohio, have been appoint
ed by the Chairman of the House Ju
diciary Committee as sub-committee
to investigate the affairs of the Cen
tral Pacific and Contract and Finance
Companies, under LuttrelTs general
resolution of inquiry into all Pacific
railroad matters.
At a meeting of the stock holders
of the Texas Pacific Railroad Com
pany, held hi Philadelphia a few days
ago, two million dollars were sub
scribed to close the gaps between Dal
las and Ft. "Worth, and from Sherman
to Paris. It is expected to have trains
limning on these portions of the road
within six months.
Senator Sargent's bill to restrict
the immigraton of Chinese to tho
United States provides that no
American vessel shall carry more '
than ten Chinese passengers from
China to America, under heavy pen
alties. The act shall take effect from
September 1st, 1876. Sargent's pur
pose is, at the first opportunit', to
continue to press his Senate resolu
tion requesting the President to ne
gotiate a modification or abrogation
of the emigration and equal privilege
articles of the Burlingame treaty, jil
though the Seante has already on his
motion directed its committee on
commerce to report as to the necessity
of legislation to resist Chinese immi
gration regardless of existing treaty
A London dispatch of the 13th
confirms the report of the mutiny of
the crew of the bark Caswell. The
vessel arrived at Queenstown on Sat
urday in charge of one of the surviv
ing seamen.
Russia, Germany, and Austria
have come to a complete understand
ing with respect to the course to be
pursued on the Turkish question. The
English, French and Italian Ambassa
dors will be asked to acquiesce in the
purpose, to secure needed reforms. It
is reported that the bodies of the mur
dered Consids remained luiburied in
Constantinople, and the excitement
was so intense that it would be danger
ous to attempt a funeral. The port of
Salonica is blockaded. The Servian
frontier is completely lined with Turk
ish troops. The British fleet in the
Mediterranean has been ordered to
Smymia, and two more Italian iron
clads have gone to Salonica. The low
er classes of Mohammedans are arming
in the hope of a massacre and plunder
of Christians.
jJE3"We refer our readers tb the adver
tisement of a farm for sale on Deen rivpr.
This is the best opportunity that we know
oi jur nny mnn warning a gooa place,
cheap, suitable for dairying or farming
purposes. The only reasqn for wishing
to sell, is that the present owner Mr. C.
31. Stark is about to engage in other busi
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