!5SsglsjPE " ' ft! J ,jn i .. ' , . jiriijimnim" 1 1 S& ilaj Qsixwisn. ASTORIA, OREGON : I. C. IREK.AXD .EDITOR SATURDAY 3Iat 13, 1S76. Rewards for Incendiarism. The National Convention of Under writers, which recently met in Sew York, brought out some interesting facts touching the business of insur ance, and some suggestions with respect to incendiarism, which will be valuable to the public. There are" now 275 cities and towns which have fire engines in use; seventy eight have paid Fire Departments, ninety have paid Fire Patrols; sixty five have public water works; eighty seven others are set down as having a sufficient supply of water by gravita tions. The premium receipts of the past year were $64:, 900, 000, and the losses amounted to $31,000,000 dividends averaging 13 I cent. This is above fi,nf fc ,i ; irt i any other business in the country, par ticularly in the Atlantic States, show- mgthat the business of fire underwrit ing has been prosperous. The Committee on Incendiarism and Arson presented a report, -of which the following are the important peints: Your Committee have received J SI reports from the circulars issued, em bracing stock and mutual companies from almost every State and the Provinces, and while the entry re- ports are not as definite as we could wish, we have sufficient information to conclude that at least thirty-five per cent, of the number of fires for 1S75 originated from incendiaries torch, fifty-five percent, of the whole property destroyed is the result of Unit cause. Now, with these startling facts be fore us, that out of the total amount of property burned in the United States and Canada in 1875 amount ing to $86,800,000, nearly $50,000, 000 of it was caused by the work of incendiaries, you may well ask what can be done to lessen this great evil. The plan at present pursued of offer ing rewards by the National Board of convictions in specific cases, after lire has occurred, has had its good ef fect, and several arrests have been made. But this does not seem to reach far enough to check the growing evil. Your Committee are of the opinion that if a standing reward were offered in every town and city for the arrest of any and all incendiaries, it would in crease the vigilance on the part of all detectives, police and other officials whose duty is to protect property and arrest offenders. t would seem to us that as soon as it became notorious throughout the land that any man instrumental in arresting and convie.ing an incen diary would be paid a reward of from $300 to $1,000, property would be bet ter watched and incendiary fires would surely decrease. It is our aim to impress the people and officers in towns of the import ance of offering rewards as above sta ted; also to ask the National Board to request the several local boards to do all in their power to bring about the o.Tering of standing rewards in 'their respective towns and cities. The negotiation between the AVinnemucca Wagon Road Company, and the Central Pacific Company to convert the former in an iron rail seems to have collapsed. The eoax- ingof the elephant to put his foot doivu here has ended in the decision of Hercules to the wagoner. The .n: - r.. : i .. , : .i 1 i-itiiiujij mi iim, on u iivai power, nas obtained terms which ougiit to have been anticipated. Great corpora- tions make no railroads at their own oxpense. They w ill not aid Oregon in whole or in part without the abso lute control of the State, Thev want iio rival hues, the mortgage must be hiqhet bidder therefor, in United States . If .von Iwvp a friend or a relative in that iriven of an amount and weight to coin sale lo continue from dy to dav. section of this country, Bend him the pa .. . ., , . J. W. II. TWILIGHT, Sheriff, and I per on trial, Qnly quo 4oU&r for four insurance that the people Will not for inl Tax Cdlcftor or Clatsop Co., Oregon. Inoitfiis r generations entertain an idea of favoring any other route from Port land to the Eastern States than by the Central Pacific. This scheme has had no effect heretofore, other than to embarrass the efforts made for a through line. Before the capi talists and in Congress, Oregon has ! presented a divided front ; we have divided against ourselves, on the only possible plan that can give us the great prize of direct commerce with the Union will the result be a cordial union among ourselves. Noics ver rons. UxDKIt THE ROSE. Between you j ,,,, iuiu x, jl tuiijjv mis concern tne - Board of Trade," have been fooling j their time away, over a deplorable scheme cooked up by the few pro jectors of private enterprise, among them. You will notice how miserably they are flaxed out by Moris V. on a question of courtesy and common sense. The First Piaxos. In a New York paper printed on the 10th of January, 1TS9, may be found the first piano-forte advertisement U1 pwunsiieu ui lu.il cib) . xu reads: "I, Jacob Astor, at SI Li- i.:i j. jK-1. !. Ti. Onpmi sf.vprif Tiovf. rlnov Lnv. rvnf f.n the Friend's meeting-house, has lj WWJ. J U. W V . -i -... J -wv. v-w ww ww ? -. f an assortment of i)iano- fortes of the newest construction made .bp the best makers in Lon don, which, he will sell on reason able terms. He jrives cash for all kinds Of fui'S, arid has for Sale a j quantity of Canada beaver, and beaver coating, raccoon skins and raccoon blankets, muskrat skins, etc. , etc." $3TSplendid assortment wall pa per and window blinds just received at Case's. &" Everybody gois to the Novelty Barbershop to cot fixed up in blyle. Every person may come, nnd more too, fori have emiilovod u lirt-clus nrtist who will sni il- inirlv.'nnniniilntnvnurnliin.rrrnpofiillvpiirl yourmubtache, nicely puff your hair, and I J!n tho following places and fol lntnf nil, but not least, will perfume your i gt nicns '. May 1.1, at 10 a. in. clothe- with the most pupular pertumery in n?e, "Patchouly" if you don't believe itjust liy it. II air cutting, shaving, and bhnin- poomg. Hair dying done and warranted not to turn red, break or split. Parker j House, A&tori.i. i J.L. Campbell, Proprietor, i - BORN. In Riverside, Pacific County, "W. T. "May 1st, to the wile of J. II. King, a daughter. NEW TO-DAY. QUERIFF SALE O OUENT TAXES OF DELIN FOR THE year lt7o. Ly virtue of a V arrant issued out of tue County Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Clatsop, to me directed com manding me to levy on the goods and chatlk'd of t he delhiouent tax-Da vers nam- I od in tfic delinquent lax-ioll for the3ear lS7o, thereto attached, and if none bo found ihennpon the real property bet forth and described in .aid tax-lU.orso much there- ol' as bhall sati-sly the amount of taxes to chargid, together with cotand expenses, I have thi lHtli d-iv of ACav 1S7G for j. nae, unN mm u.u or .uaj, iou. ioi want oi personal property, levieu upon me following described pieces or parcels of laud as set forth in said tax lit lying and being in Clatsop County, Oregon, known nnd described and asested to the follow ing parties, to-wit: Names. Description. Atkiion,L-una 15u-h, A. K. lilliott, II. A. tame fcuinc same McKinnell, H Sedgle3T, Mrs I Smith, EL tame Schenek.Tohn OlnovsxVst. ODD 15 do 3 o2 In do 1 142 20 do 2 142 15 do 7 142 15 do S 14220 Adairs At. :34 100 Shivclys " 4 2 25 OlncvsAst. I 30 15 do 2 3i 15 do 4 lfi7 20 28 2S S 2St OT I 1 S5 ,p '' 26 27 38 F S S 2 Dcscriptn g s 3 f" v. , Names. s Driscoll, J J.otl.. siiiio Lot5 PMilQ Lot 7.. Evans, (Jcor"e S141 120 120 120 400 M) Etn Noel, ct.al lots -',4 same lot 1. Julian. J BswliofseK C. s.ime e U4Ui 11.81 samo swi of mvq same wV-ofswi- same lots-5. li 1...- 1 O I b0 100 100 i;o a jK ! 2.!Mi Lowe. ThoseM c- samo ( ?Viv:,m Dn I fiiiiio J Claim Turner, Charles 2.UIS 700 Ii H) 12.".") 1.S5 8.40 I atrous. Aatnan And on Tuesday, the 13tli day of June, 1S76, Uctwpcn tho bonis of nine o'clock a.m. and four oVioi-k p. M- of wiKl (lay, in front oi mi! isOurL-noiiM. uoor, in mi hi oiaio ana County, I will soli tho tamo, or so much thereof a shall be npcpssary to satiety said ftiYPK nnrl nfit- nt nnhlin miction, to tlm 22 :i,;i -17 2tJ)7 -10 2-i !' 7 40 :K S ( 40 10 ! i 2 0 7J 112 5 S (i 40 S'.S ii :)2 5 iliSI'i 40 !)'blj SO 4 S ti 80 J t o bO 8 9 2S0 .Ti S ii 40 10'.") 10 lXJ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bay View MITT, w. i, m C. H. DEXTER, PROPRIETOR. "DOOItf TO LET. A large front room 2d story, will bo let m reasonauio raies. -rippiy ut istf JLJ1J.& UUJJXUli. Carpenters Tools For Sale. o Ono Chest of Carpenters Tools will bo sold cheap on application to oiltf JUKS. DAGGETT. Astoria, Or. VAN DUSEN HAS JUST RE ceived a fine lot of PRINTS, which he is selling very cheap. - Stf Flour, Grain and Feed Store. Foot of Alain street, one door from Holla day's wharf. C- F. Parker, LIME. BRICK, PLASTER and CEMENT, TOBACCO, CIGARS, NUTS, CANDY, Etc., Constantly on hand and for sale cheap for cash or farm products. j. noun. c. w. fultox. ROBB cfc FULTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ASTORIA, OREGON. ttTT" Office in "Warren & McGuiro's building, ")05it0 QMont Hotel, Chenalnus street. OEO. W. RE A, VJ Attorney nnd tounseUornt Law. ASTORIA, OREGON. O Examining and perfecting titles made a spe cialty. All accounts left with mc will re cive prompt attention. Ofliee in Warren it AIcG aire's Duilding, Chcnamus street, corner or Csiss. PUBLIC SPEAKING. Raleigh Stott and P. R. Strong, candi- dates for Prosecuting Attorney of tho Fourth Judicial District will address tho voters of Rainier- .ij 1(5, ' 2 p. m. 17, " 8 " iy) " 1 " 22, " 8 " 21, "8 " 24. " S o 2 ' 20, ' 2 " x) 2 " :To' 2 " :il, " 8 " j 1, " 8 " Astoria IT Powells Valley ,-orct GrovoV.V.'V.V.V.V.V.V.V."".. Cornelius V.V.V.V.V.V.V..""." Ames Chapel -Muuueton... Eagle Creek Upper Alolalla Orceon City. East Portland June 1, ll)U&w.7d. jSOTICE. A special meeting of tho Legal voters of School district No. 1. will he held at tho School House in Astoria, on Friday evening May 1!. Ifc7i, at 7 o'clock p. in., for tho pur pose of levying a tax in said District to pay off the indebtedness due on llock7J, purchas ed for School purposes, also to tako in consid- lloIlsn nml thn wnvs Jin(1 Illo:ins to rftiso inoncv to build tho same. Jiy Order of Uoard of Directors. J. G. HUSTLER. Astoria, May !), 1S7(J. mJtd Clerk. -r i c. i Tv i r arm and b tOCK Oil JJeep j "D iT7far Trr nl lvnu x Ui 0cllc' . & Acres, partly inumivtMl, Ciood RuIM- ' i,,!:s' ' !' Sail lEoaf, etc., etc., .11! of which will lie Sold Cheap for Cash. o iTirVor full particulars inquire at this OITico or on the premises of C, M. STARK. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE PllOPEHTY EOR SALE. -o- Corner of Jefferson and Main Streets, Astoria, Oregon. O TITLE PEPvEECT, LOTS 100 by 50. O The abovo premi?es will bo sold cheap for caslK A never failing avcII of water, a barn, ' hen-house, and other conveniences mako it a i very desirable place for residence. Tho houso contains six rooms, besides tho kitchen. I J5"For further particulars apply at &tt THIS OFFICE. TJISSOLUTION. J I Notice i5 hereby given to all whom it 2.--0 ! luay '""urn. that tho partnership heretofore 's . o.i?tin between G. W. Itcaund 0. W Eul 2.21 ' ion "ulcr the lirm namoof l!csi & Fulton, has o'.") been this day dissolved by mutual consent. I (Jko. v. KEA, 7 40 C. W'.FULTOX. l!48 Astoria, Ogn., May 0th, 1S70. S.lw WM- EDGAR' o .r - Corner Main and Chcnamus Streets. ASTOIUA OltEGOX. DKAI.KR IX THC CHOICEST ISR.vNDS OF Tobacco and Cigars, and the G- o n u i n o AY o s t o n h o 1 m, and other English Cutlory. Fairchilds Gold Pens. And all sorts of S T A T I O 2s E R Y, NOTIONS ETC. ! Eastern Ohkgon The Astorian is J tloinjT more for the interests of Eastern ! Onron than ftnv ntlio.r nni-vnr in tho Stntp. MISCELLANEOUS. Occident Hotel, Astoria, Oregon. The Proprietors are happy to announce that the above Hotel has been Repainted and Refurnished, Adding greatly to the comfort of its guests ASD IS NOW THE PEST HOTEL NORTH OF SAN FRANCISCO. A. J. MEGLER, C. S. WRIGHT, Proprietors. Globe Hotel. ST. KOEFCED . . t Proprietor. Cor. Concoraly and Main Sts, ASTORIA OREGON. THIS OLD AND WELL KNOWN STAND is ono of the best and most convenient Hotels for Mechanics, and has excellent facili ties for the accommodation of tho traveling public. In connection with tho Hotel is A First Class Restaurant, Where meals can bo had at all hours. Thoro is also a BILLIARD AND BAR ROOM Attached to the Hotel, whore tho choicost qualities of Wines, Liquors and Cigars may bo obtained. . v THE MOST EXTENSIVE &BeSt AsSOI"tedSt0ck vj3K Can lie found at fE. S. LARSEN'S $ Main Street, 0r Between Chcnamus and v Squemoqha streets, LcE ASTORIA , OKEG ON. T & Large invoice isx just received' L Lx Ex-Steamer. &i xOfe Call ? ink and - V' W x& W. E. DEMENT, DEUGGIST. CIIEXAfliS STREET, ASTORIA. XEXT DOOR TO 1. W. CASE'S DEALER IX PAINTS, OILS, VAR nishes, Brushe, Q1I PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES. Wines and Liquors Sf1 Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. S. KINSEY, ON THE ROADWAY, NEAR HUME & Co's. CANNERY, Astoria, Oregon, DEALER IN T' Building MaterialsMi- OF EVERY KIND. Nails of All Descriptions. DOORS AND WINDOWS, RUSTIC, FLOORING, BLINDS, MOULDING, SASH, ETC. ? Wines and Liquors BY THE 130TTLE OR THE GALLON Custom made boots and Shoes. Tobacco of Fine Quality. xrsr 'Jhis stock i? in every respect Al, and will be .old ut tho lowest prices for cash, Give mo a call at tho new store, on tho lloatlway. S. ICIXSKY. Astoria. Oregon. ASTORIA LAUNDRY, Cor. of Chcnamus and Polk Sts. .ASTORIA OREGON. J. T. BOUCHERS, Proprietor. rc-rTWashinsr and Ironing, Fluiting.&cdono at this Laundry by clean, white labor. rtSM T.Tjorchcrs still manufactures and has for sale at the above place of business, tho FAMOUS "CAVIAR." fXTT Highest cash prico raid Fishermen for STUllUElOJ SPAWN. m J. T. I30RCHERS ASTORIA LAUNDRY. DO NOT SEND AWAY Eor Printing of any kind, until you hnvo tried THE ASTOR1AN Office. F RESil SUPPLY OF DOWNER'S & PrnHa Astrnl Pnal Oil. These oils are nnrfonfl v safrt und nroduco a. macrnincent lieht. JtVsaleby fWQASfi. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. MENDLES0N BEOS., Having Concluded to Jiemaiii hi, Business AT ASTORIA, HAVE LAID IN A SPLENDID STOCK OF SPBlJVa S UMMER aOODS! DESIGNED ESPECIALLY EOR THE ASTORIA TRADE. A complete assortment OF FISHERMEN'S OUTFITTING GOODS JUST OPENED ttSTTho public in general are respectfullv invited to call ut tho old stand, on Coxcomly fcTKKCT, next door to Parker House. jNUSCELLANEOUS. Ok F. BELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Notary Public and Cosiiiiu.vsionvi of For Calijomia artel Washington Territory. OFFICE. Case's Building, comer Cass and Chcnamus streets, Astoria, Oregon. "P CRAXG, m. d. Surgeon, Etc, ASTORIA, OREGON. At the solicitation of numerous friends, has consented to practice medicine, and tenders his services to tho public. Dr. Crang brings many years experience in tho practice of his profession. r H. PAGE CO., DEALERS IN General Merchandise, FARMERS WHARF, ASTORIA ORECON. S5A11 kinds of country produce, wanted in oxchange for goods. " " NEW 3IILLINERY STORE. Mrs. H. A. Derby, Late of CLEVELAND, OHIO,) W IS1IES TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUB lic of AstOlia and Surrounrlin' fimntnv that she has just received a full and completo lino of HATS, TRIMMINGS, And all kinds of MILLINERY GOODS! A t tha xtand recently occupied by jlfi'w Mor rison on MAIN STREET, Astoria, And will bo prepared to fill all orders for first class goods in this lino at rea-onablc prices. ftTNow goods will bo received every month. N EW AND ELEGANT STOCK -OF- Latest Styles of Millinery Goods, JUST RECEIVED BY THE LAST STEAMER, At tho Rooins of Mrs. A. D. WJLSS, (Up Stairs, Rrow.n's Building,) Corner Main and Chcnamus Streets, Astoria. KW This stock consisLs of tho latest stylo Hats, for Ladies and Children; Dress Tiim inings and Fancy Goods for Ladies, which will bo sold at very low prices. ORGS 1110 CLOAK Jm attendca Mrs. Fangbibm, Masonic Hall Building, Astoria, DEALER IN Fancy Goods, Ladies Dress and Cloak 'Trimmings of the Last est Style. f ILL ATTEN?) to ORDERS for DRESS M and Cloak making. Work will bo dono in a satisfactory mannor. Sjrcnt for tho sale of Dr.V.'arner's Sani tary Corsets, and also Children's Waists with patent elastic buckles. jEW FURNITURE STORE. Cor. Main and Chemocqba Sts., CHAS-STOLL,5? PROPIfclETOK. Tl ( Successor tc Gist & Stoi,) ASTORIA OREGON PARLOR SETTS, BED-ROOM SETTS, DIXLSTG-ROOM SETTS, KITCHEN SETTS, OFFICE FURNITURE, ETC., JEST Of Jhe very best quality, supplied to order at prices that will justify tho patronage of this home institution. Persons wishing any article in the furniture line will find itto their advantage to give mo a call, and inspect my stock and prices beforo purchasing elsewhere, fi Undertaker's Work promptly attended to, at reasonable rates. - - . - : iJ A f i , J.S ?rr-! ifa