The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, May 02, 1876, Image 1

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    - rrT -" Tv-"- f U,f-mxXl'l,
"Vf?"'- f--j,- rxiW" - jsr ;
VOL: 1.
NO. 2.
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Jptf Uixfoj SlxrsaaiL
(Sundays Excepted),
Monitor Building, CassSircct.
Terms of Subscriptien:
Served by Carrier, per week 2o Cents
Sentry mail, three months $2 oO
8ent by mail six months 4 00
Sent by mail one year 7 00
Tree of Postage to the Subscribers.
US" Advertisements inserted by the year at
the rate of 1 00 per square per month.
Transient advertising, by the day or vrcok,
fifty'ecnts per square first insertion.
A New Charter Needed.
The regular meeting of the City
Council hist evening developed the
fact that a "Constitutional Conven
tion" should be improvised at Asto
ria as ear as possible, that the city
charter be amended in many essen
tial points. Work under the present
instrument is very much like chat of
the army, with the old and bungle
some armjT wagons which the laws
cf the past century and the prover
bial red tape still fastens to the ser
vice. Preliminary to taking rank
-as a first class city it is indispensably
necessary that the present charter be
modified, amended or extended, or
entirely repealed and a new one en
acted; by the approaching assembly.
The most important works of im
provement are hampered for want of
some latitude for liberal expansion of
progressive ideas, and we submit
these remarks with a view of attract
ing attention to the importance of
the subject. It will be necessary for
the voters of Clatsop count' to send
to the assembly a man whose motives
may be pure, and whose mind may
be qualified to grasp the idea correct
1T, to represent these matters for us,
and it will devolve upon the citize'ns
of Astoria to suitably prepare an in
strument meeting the wants of the
growing community, before many
substantial or very important" public
works and enterprises are inaugura
ted here, and successfully carried on
to completion.
A suggestion offered itself to us
last evening as we listened to the
reading of the report of proceedings
of the police court to members of the
Common Council. The names of
offenders on that list were never
readers of newspapers to our knowl
edge, unless they borrowed the pa
per from some one else. What a
commentaiy on human life. Intel
ligence is the basis of society, and
ought to be a qualification for the
legal rights of suffrage.
Sixty-one new names were entered
nnnn tliA brinks nf t.hfi T) vtt.v Astortw
from last evening up to nine o'clock
this forenoon. About 300 copies
will be taken by fishermen on the
river. This is suggestive of the fact
that the fishermen of the Columbia
river are a reading class of citizens.
It should also suggest to advertisers
the idea that the columns of this pa
per is a good medium through which
to reach patronage that pays.
Sheridan Corbyn arrived by the
Orifiamme to-day with a first class
troupe the "Merry Makers," with
which to delight Oregon audiences
for a brief season. The "Merry
Makers" will appear in Astoria on or
about the 72th or 19th inst.
Geo. Oakchiah was i-n town early
this morning, and relates an incident
which he met with in an encounter
with an ugly panther on Sunday.
The wild brute gave him and his
dogs a lively tussle, but George hung
his skin out to dry yesterday.
Following is a list of passengers
from San Francisco by the steamship
Orifiamme, Capt. Fred Bolles, which
arrived this morning.
Lieut. W. Everet and family, J. E.
Taylor, M. Kimball, Xat Ross, Mrs.
A. L. Davis, "W. T. Gray. J.D. Daily,
J. B. Lee, B. "W. Mathewson, J. B.
Titus, B. Von Amnion, J. II. Ranis
dell, G. IT. Bennett, G. Edwards, T.
Kirchoff, II. W. Corbyn, Geo. S.
Knight, F. Kimball, Sheridan Cor
byn, "W. Watson, Rev. Bishop of Sit
ka, 31. Witislosky, D. II. Smith, II.
C. Leonard, A. J. Zekind, C. F. Ful
ler, Mrs. L. Hepburn, C. E. Likins
and family, F. "W. S01132, II. Krebs,
E. "W. Reuling, B. B. Miller and son,
JohnEwing and family? Wm. Grant,
II. Ewarr, John Tate and family,
Mrs. Irene "Worrell, George Rich
ards, Mrall. Strauss and 4 children,
Mrs. Sophie Worrell, Frank Jones,
Louis Bodecker. 4
May Day Pleasures.
Yesterday was just such a day as
the pleasure seeker could wish for
in search of out-door recreation.
Two excursions left the city, one for
Knappa in the forenoon, and one for
Ypuncs river in the evening. At
the latter all who participated speak
in glowing terms in praise of the
management that afforded them such
joyous amusement as was had. Of
the former one who participated
The children's picnic yesterday
was a most enjoyable affair. The
party arrived at Knappa at Hi
o'clock and started for home at 2..
A bountiful lunch was spread on the
open prairie under the sheltering
branches of a wide spread oak or
something else. This ceremony oc
cupied about half an hour, then came
a ramble to Fee the sights, then a
foot race, then the excursionists
prospected around in search of
drinking water but finally had to go
to the river to assuage their thirst,
then all joined in a game of Ruth and
Jacob, and played until they were
tired, then all started for the steam
er and proceeded homeward, well
satisfied with the pleasures of the
The Young Men's Social Club of
Astoria gave a party at Spiritual Hall
which was a perfect success, and so
ended the Centennial May Day at
The Orifiamme arrived here
from sea to-day with 550 tons of
freight, drawing 14 leet of water;
discharged 50 tons and proceeded on
her way without taking in more
freight, drawing 4.6. Can the com
mercial reporters of the Portland
press explain that apparantly singu
lar feature in ship notes.
The Swedish and Norwegian Con
sulate at Seilacoom, Washington
Territory, is desirous of obtaining in
formation as to the whereabouts of
Carl Fredrik Kindgren, a native ol
The Worrell Sisters and the re
nowned composer Burdecker, were
registered at the Occident this morn
ing from San Francisco, and they
made music come from that granu
piano of Megler & Wright.
C. M.Stark, of Deep river, is build
ing a boafshop on Grays Bay, 32 by
70 feet in size. He will launch his
first boat, for Wm. Strong on Friday
Thomas Logan began excavating
at the head of Cass street, on Court
street, yesterday. What a fine field
will be developed there some day
soon for searchers after antediluvi-ian
relics. ' r .
Astoria is about free of rats,
thanks to the terrier dogs. By the
way why not exempt useful dog3 from
Repair your faulty flues and.
pipes before the semi-annual visit of
the warder, this month, if you
would save easts
Value of Pork Products to Oregon.
We commend the , articles Mr.
Thomas Cross is now writing on the
breeding and fattening of swine, and
the manufacture of pork products, as
worthy of special attention says the
Salem Farmer. His experience in
this line is doubtless worth more to us
than that of any living man. His suc
cess in making superior products has
been unqalified and remarkable, and
only hindered by the fact that Ore
gon farmers have failed to raise the
pork for him to manufacture
Mr. Cross is writing on a subject
we have always presented to our
readers as of the greatest importance,
for you will bear us witness that the
Farmer has persistently urged the
necessity and advantage to Oregon
of raising here all the pork that can
be used on this side the continent.
We tire not inexperienced in this
matter, for nearly twenty years ago
when farming near this city, we suc
cessfully fattened twenty head -of
hogs on sheaf wheat, penned and fed
as Mr. Cross advises, and sold them
to him. He shows how pigs can be
best bred, raised and fattened to suit
our market, and we sincerely trust
that our readers will be impressed
with his views and profit by the re
sult of his experience so generously
and disinterestedly given, when he
has no business .ends to advance
by it.
There is a general feeling that we
are to encounter a year of rather
hard times for Oregon. Wheat will
probably be low and the wheat crop
will not be large, as the acreage has
'been restricted by the long continf
uance of rains. If we depend on
wheat alone there is a constant lia
bility of failure and disappointment,
and the farmer who carefully breeds
his pigs, cares for them, and pro
duces such feed ?.s they can use, has
a secure means of aiding his re
sources and realizing a fair price for
all his products they can consume.
In fact the time has come wfcen
Oregon farmers have need to pur
sue a diversified system of agricul
ture so as to be more independent
than they can be when placing all
their hopes in a wheat crop.
The case of C. H. Hale and 'others
against D.B. Finch, tried before the
District Court at Olympia, last week,
was decided on Friday by a verdict
for the defendant, under the instruc
tion of the court. The suit was
brought for a breach" of covenant, on
the part of defendant, in permitting
the steamer New World to be run jn
California waters. Appeal was taken
on Saturday says the Courier, to
the Supreme Court of the Territory.
Messrs. Dennison, Strong and Clark
for plaintiffs, and Mr. Brooks of San
Francisco, and Allen Brothers for de
fendant. Three new houses are in process of
construction on Concomly street, to
day. Mr. Kofoed has started the foun
dation for a new building corner of
West-eighth and Water streets.
We understand that Mr. J. B.
Knapp, founder of Kuappton, is pre
paring to go into the salmon canning
bussiness next season, and has thus
early made some important moves in
JG-Dr. Welch finding that it would
not be possible for him to quit As
toria at the advertised time accepts
the situation like a good dentist (as
he is), and still remains at No. 10,
Occident Hotel.
j03"Any person inquiring for a line
quality of liquor, and can appreciate the
same, can find the genuine J. H. Cutter
Whiskey and Millers extra Old Bourbon,
at the " Columbia Bar" saloon Astoria,
with Geo. Usher wood late of Portland to
cater to their-laste&. Gentlemen will please
give us a call. Cigars of a fine quality
also on hand. J,ks. 2f L"OTJB, Prop,
Telegraphic News.
Synopsis of Press Dispatches.
Heavy Gold Shipments to
Commodore Vanderbilt
Credit Mobilier in Court.
The Central Pacific Railroad
Company not for Peace.
Truth Beginning to Dawn
Upon the Black Hills
Boss Tweed in Paris.
Cold Weather and- Snow
Storms on tne Atlan
tic Side.
No more Private Specula
ions at the Mints.
The Chinese Question in
The Oregon Military Wagon
Road Grab in Congress.
Postal Matters about Home.
Probable Adjournment of
Heavy failures in Europe.
Inhabitants of Alsace and
Lorraine restored to the
Rights of Suffrage.
The P. M. S. S. Co.'s Trou
bles. Mongolians Removed from
Places of Work.
Specie shipments from New York
on the 29th, to Europe aggregated
$170,000. of which 240,000 was gold
coin and the remainder silver.
Commodore Vanderbilt is sinking
fast. His physical constitution is
rapidly going to pieces. He has suf
fered from hemorrhage half his life,
but the real causes are more deeply
seated, ne has disease of the blad
der, and henia it is feared of the
bladder, is ultimate and not distant.
Vanderbilt, being rioted for his cau
tion in all business affairs for years,
has been prepared to resign his post
and so complete are his arrange
ments in this respect that it is be
lieved that, notwithstanding his great
influence in the railroad business of
the country, his death would have
but little effect in the stock market.
The stock which he holds in the
New York Central and Harlem rail
roads would not, it is said, be thrown
on the market within one year after
his death, if at all.
In the suit of Nelson against the
executors of the late Brooks
the plaintiff testifies that the hundred
and fifty shares of the Credit Mobil
ier stock in Brooks7 hands when he
died belonged to plaintiff, having
been deposited simply as collateral
for money loaned. The loan being
now repaid, plaintiff seeks to recover
the shares.
Vice President Huntington de
nies that the C. P. R. R. Co. is en
gaged in efforts to make peace be
tween the Pacific mail and- Panama
James McCune, formerly of Ohio
arrived in Quincy, lllinojs, on Satur
day from the Black, Hitls and was
interviewed by a "Whig reporter.
McCune is disgusted with the Hills
and says hundreds were leaving and
many more were without means to 3
leave. He does not believe gold ever
was found there in paying quantities.
There were plenty of rumors of rich
lodes, but he only saw: one or two
who had been lucky .enough to find
anything of value. He had paid as
high as $20 for one hundred pounds
of flour, 50 cents per pound for sugar,
and other things in proportion.
Governor Plynn, of "Wyoming,
arrived at Omaha on Saturday last
to confer with Gen. Crook relative to
military protection to be afforded to
the BlackHills stage line. He wanted
some of the stations on ,the route . .
thoroughly protected, especially JSetf5
canyon and Hot Creek. The former
is very deep, and travel has to pass
through it. Indians crowd up its .
sides and shoot down or throw rocks
upon the travelers. The General
has promised all the protection possi
ble, and an order has been issued to
that effect.
The New York Herald's cable re
port says that Tweed was lately seen
in Paris.
The weather is extremely cold in
the vicinity of New York. It was
snowing all day at Quebec and also
along the line of the New York Cen
tral Railroad, on Saturday.
A. "Washington dispatch says the
general appropriation bill, as passed
by the House on Saturday, contains
a provision that assays for private
parties shall be made by the mints at
prices to be prescribed by the Secre
tary of the Treasury, and that the
fee shall be turned over to the gov
ernment. This was inserted on mo
tion of Patterson, of Colorado, who
stated that I?. S. assayers all oyer the
country now charge what they please
and pocket the proceeds.
Sargent's speech on the Chinese
question will be delivered early next
week. He is sanguine that by the
thorough presentation of tho subject
which he proposes to make to the
Senate important action as party of
the treaty-making power can be se
cured to accomplish to desired result.
representatives Lane and Lut
tndl appeared before the Senate com
mittee on Saturday to urge a favora
ble report to theHousebill concerning
the Ivlamath Reservation andOreron
Wagon 'Road Co. The bill makes
slow progress; there being a strong
disinclination to authorize the issue
of more land scrip.
The Post-office has been discon-
tinued at Stouesburg, Lane county.
Post-masters appointed, Jolm Chit
wood, Damascus, Clackamas co mty,
Oregon ; J. M. btark, Bruceport, Pa-
cific county ; Mrs. Dora P. Stump,
AVallulu ; Sarah A. Graham, Toledo,
Benton county Oregon.
The Heralds "Washington special
says the passage of the legislative .
appropriation bill shows that the
House means to expedite business,
and hope to adjourn the second week
in June. The question, however, is
complicated with the 'impeachment
trial. If however, it is delayed
longer, a recess is probable, to enable
members to attend the political con
ventions. London and. Manchester, Eng
land, dispatches report- heavy busi
ness fai lines with liabilities amount
ing to 71,100. Gillard, Longan d
Co., and "Ward Bros. & Co.
An'imparlial decree is published
at Berlin on Saturday," restoring the
right of suffrage to those inhabitants
of Alsace and Lorraine, ;ho while
electing 10 retain French nationality
are domiciled in those provinces.
The Pacific Mail steamship City
of Panama sailed at noon on Saturday
for Victoria, the attachment on her
stores liaving been released.
It was reported Saturday evening -that
the stores-of the Pacific Mail
steamer City of Sydney had been at
tached at the instance -of the Panama
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