Tri-weekly Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1873-1874, January 10, 1874, Image 1

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Yol. 2.
Astoria, Oregon, Saturday Morning, Jan. 10, 1874.
No. 26.
tWg"l"- ' Ul , M JJ-'MIIM' -1 iU'M WJMU
AS (ml A
Mouitor Ihiilding, Astoria. Oregon.
I. C.I5tKI.A3i'I
Sujist.,ritioia Itnlcs:
One Copj' one year. $
One Copy ix month " (J'
Jno Civ three months 150
tty oinirlo X umber. Tun Cents. 'c.-5i
AtU'crtisJnp: Rates:
One Insertion ier.siuare, 10 line? or lc?s...$2 .10
Each aMiti"naI In-ertion, per square 2 00
Yearly auVLs per month, per square 1 50
L. P. Fisher, 20 and 21 Xew Merchants Ex
change, i authorised to aet as Agent for the
A.sTouivx in .San Francisco.
Any friend who feel? an interest in the pros
perity of tin region, is authorised to act as
Agent for this paper, in procuring subscribers.
The Columbia river is again open to
Dalles city.
School taxes are now due, and payable
to Capt. Hustler.
The Itasca has gone into San Fran
cisco, and "will not come hi' re as reported.
Rebe: t Watson is increaing the ca
pacity of his cannery for 1S,000 cases this j
AfrtyorKippcn is very ill of pneumonia
and lias for several days been confined to
bis room.
John Badollet & Co., advertise for
proposals for the construction of buildings
at the Astoria Cannery.
EST" A neat, clean, cosey place, for gentle
men and ladies to enjoy a dish of fresh Oysters
is at tho Parker
Air. Richardson, of Youngs river,
shot a swan one day last week which
measured seven feet, from tip to tip of
The "weather for two dajrs past has
been so balmy and spring-like that -we
feel like inditing an item to " Ethereal
Mildness come."
"We learn that the Farmers' Com
panys' pile driver will be taken to Rainier
next week to drive piles for Humes' new
canning establishment at that place.
Our Youngs river correspondent,
furnishes us with an account of a dancing
match, which recently took place in that
locality between a lady and a gentleman,
the former winninjr.
It has been quite foggy on the water
in this vicinity for several days, but the
masts and rigging of from twelve to fif
teen ships at a time, are plainly visible
thioiiffh the mists of morning.
KST Oysters in every stylo, at all hours of
day or night, at the Parker House Restau
rant, Main street, Astoria.
J. D. Hiscgins' services as musician
for dancing parties are in great request
this winter. The young people (and oc
casionally elder couples), on Youngs river,
meet tor dancing parties about twice a
Spud Murphy, the veritable spud of
Portland fame, is now in this locality.
His arrest here last Thursday was the oc
casion for a street scene, at the corner of
Chenamus and Main, after which he was
introduced to " ehokey."
"When a man is put up for a public
office all the mean things that can be said
of him come out in opposition papers, but
we believe there was never before so many
outrageously mean things said of a candi
date asare now laid to Judge W7illiams.
It smacks too loudly of venality, to pre
vent his appointment from being confirm
ed by the Senate.
Messrs. E. K. Patterson, of Oyster
ville, and N. P. Mudge, of this city, are
preparing to start a ship yard in Astoria.
Mr. Patterson is a first class architect and
constructor of marine craft, having learned
the business in a thorough manner in the
state of Maine, where many fine ships are
built. Mr. Mudge is one of the best build
ers here.
The barkentine Jane A. Palkinburg,
Capt. Brown, came from Portland on
Thursday in tow of the Ben Holladay,
and is completing cargo here now for
Honolulu. ShewiUbe ready for sea per
haps Monday-morning. The cargo con
sists of 2000 quarter sacks flour; 300 sack
oatsp300 sacks bran? twenty tons assorted
produce and Chinese merchandise; 123
boxes bread, and 110 cords staye bolts.
Common Council Proceedings.
The Common Council assembled in reg
ular session at the new Council Chamber,
Tuesda.y evening, Alayor lvippen being
absent C. S. "Wright was chosen chair
man pro tern.
Present Messrs. "Wright, Page, Hobson
and Perrel, Councilmen, and Air. C.
Stevens Recorder.
Absent Councilmen Peed and Parker.
Minutes of previous meeting read and
Petition of James Taylor for improv
ments. on "West Ninth street was read and
laid over for next meeting.
Petition of the Astoria"Farmers' "Ware
house Company for improvements on Ce
dar street, was also read and referred.
Licenses were granted to the Crystal,
Scandinavian and Astor saloons.
The committee on "Ways and Means
were authorized to have certain printing
done before the next meeting of the board.
The committee delegated to make in
quiry and report on the matter of the do
nations of lion. Cyrus Olney deceased,
was granted further time to report.
Tlie Street Commissioner was author
ized to have the cast side of Cass street,
between Chemoque and Jefferson streets,
.Recorder Stevens submitted a tax roll as
requested by the Council, which was refer
red to the committee on Ways and Aleans,
with instructions to repoit at the next
meeting, after inspection, together with a
statement of city finances.
"Warrants were ordered in payment of
claims against the city as follows : "Win.
Van Loan, work at Council Chamber,
$1 75 : Chas. Stevens, ink-stand for
Council, 1 ; J. Ym. "Welch, wood for
Council, $2.
An ordinance passed the second reading
providing for licensing teams, drays, etc.
Proposition of D. C. Ireland to do city
printing at nominal rates, was relerrcd.
The Sandwich Islanders spell the
name of their "Kingdom " H-a-w-a-i-i-a-n,"
because they have got but twelve
letters in their alphabet, and were early
taught to economise in the art of Orthog
raphy. If they were as bountifully sup
plied with letters as the Ethiopic or Tar
tarian, we suppose they wrould have been
as liberal with Hawaiian, as some of us
Clatsop people are with Schomawkwa,
"Wahkiacumtux, etc., etc., and spell 'em
all over town. This country possesses
many advantages to induce immigrants to
"come out," but none equal to that of
the prospects they have for reshaping the
riiuscles of the face, and appearing young
again from the practice of pronunciation of
our aboriginal names. There is a legend
of a centenariarn. female who came to
Astoria about the time of Lewis and
Clarkes expedition, and alter practicing
on Chemoque for a few years actual
ly married lor 18, and removed to Swoho-
mish, over on Puget Sound, where she
died of indigestion. (Poor Soul).
WTe notice that the Bulletin and Ore
gonian local Reporters continue to be the
slave-; of their employers, and slash up
from three to five columns of hash in solid
nonpariel, for breakfast, while the Edi
tors (?), reared back on their dignity, (so
called), struggle to lift oft the burdens of
this world, which they appear to suppose
are resting on their individual shoulders,
at the rate of a column or so of fat Brevier
daily. If such deem themselves of very
considerable consequence to the people of
this State at large or even to their party,
they are much mistaken. There are men
uncharitable enough to think that Oregon,
as a State; and the Republican party, as a
party in the State; would be better served if
the Bulletin and Oregonian were both to
change their tune a little mite, and work
for the public weal, with less malignant
personal abuses.
It would seem superfluous to ask if
there was anything in the line of vegetables
and meats at Gray& Donaldson's; they
have everything that the country affords.
The finestcabbages at2K cents cr pound,
and other articles in like proportion.
Regular trains now run to Tacoma on
the Pacific Division of the Northern Paci
fic Railroad. According to " notice" giv
en by Montgomery's laborers, passengers
travel at their own risk.
A few nights since a duck flew into
the light-house at Shoalwater Bay, about
ten o'clock, crashing the glass and badly
frightening the immates who thought
the day of judgement had come.
The bark Almatia formerly of the
Oregon Packet line, put into San Francis-
co in distress, from Royal Roads, on the
Ereshhams, shoulders, Bacon, and
Breakfast Bacon at J. "W. Gearharts,tthe
finest in the market. i?i
, u - ' '
One Lucicn Menu, a witness use
by the prosecution in the recent so
called bribery cases, is wanted in
Portland by the officers of tlie law.
The Northern Pacific R. R. wharf at
Tacoma is 300 by GOO feet, on which
is a structure 40 by 200, the lower
part designated for offices and ware
houses and the upper part for a hotel.
The farmers tell the Courier that
the late freeze has not injured the j
grain in the least, and that the pros
pect of an abundant yield was never
Madame Stevenson has abandoned
the stage, for the present, and taken
up her residence in Portland with
the intention of engaging in teaching
Forest Grove has about seven
hundred inhabitants, and there is no
bakery in the place. This speaks
well for the industry and economy of
the women.
Sixty-four citizens ofOlympiahave
signed an agreement to contribute
ten dollars each to pay for a survey,
report and estimate of a railroad line
between that city and Tenino. A
meeting will be held on the evening
of the 31st inst., to take further ac
tion on the matter.
The many friends of the widow of
the late Gen. Canby, will be gratified
to learn that most estimable and de
serving lady has a prospect of receiv
ing pecuniary assistance. It is re
ported from Washington, that the
committee charged with the affair,
are in favor of giving her a pension
of $2,000 per annum.
The Washington county Agricultu
ral Society, met at the Court House
in Hillsboro, Jan. 2d 1874. The fol
lowing members were chosen Direc
tors : R. lmbrie, U. Jackson, L. Pat
terson, A. Luelling, Ben. Cornelius,
J. Freeman and W. R. Jackson. A.
Luelling, President, G. M. Raymond,
Secretary, L. Patterson, Treasurer.
Col. Chapman, President of the
Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake Rail
road Co., has located the eastern
terminus of that road at Corinne.
The Utah. Idaho and Montana road
has been adopted, and to be identical
with the Oregon for 50 to 100 miles.
Leading men of Oneida county,
Idaho, also citizens of Corinne and
Malad City have agreed to grade and
tie 50 miles of the road.
f Mart V. Brown, since the fire
which distroyed part of his office,
has issued the Democrat much after
he-fashion of taking oysters on the
half shell. In his issue ot the 2d he
says : Here we are, with our delect
able, inviting, gushing, pensive half
sheet again, and ve can't help it!
Our new type is probably on the
steamer Orinamme which "was ex
pected to arrive at Portland last eve
ninig, and if so we will make extra
ordinary exertions to get out a paper
in full bloom next week.
A feature in telegraphing has been
introduced in the Oregon City office
of the Western Urion Co. It seems
that an arrangement has been effect
ed with the Wallamet River Trans
portation Co's boas to give certain
signals for each boit which are known
by the whistle etch boat giving a
"toot" for a ceitain length. The
particular length is given by the
whistle upon the approach of the
boats from above, and this being un
derstood, is comnunicated to the
Company's office .n Portland. The
operators call it telegraphing hy
steam at least solar as the connec
tions at Oregon Ciy are concerned.
The Cobs Bay News of Dec. 31st,
has this : On the 23d, the tug left
this place with tie brig Orient in
tow. The weatherat that time did not
indicate that the Jar would be unu
sually rough, but 5uch proved to be
the case. In crosiing the bar, and
when the most dangerous portion
had been passed, a sea swept over
the tug, washing Capt. Hill from the
wheel, and taking Capt. Henry Elli
ott and the mate, iunes Dudly, (com
monly known by ttie name of Smith)
overboard. Capt Hill sustained
severe injuries, ard but for the time
ly assistance of tie engineer, would
have been wash(d overboard also.
No one saw Capt. Elliott at the time,
and did not knov that he , was lost
until the vessel had passed out of
danger, bome of the crew caught a
glimpse of the mate, as he was borne
by the waves, so far from the vessel
that it was impossible to render him
any assistance. J. W. McAllep, who
was commanding the Orient, says
the tug became powerless, that the
sea washed over her until it became
impossible for a man to stand at the
wheel and live. That after he saw
there was no one at the wheel on the
tug, and that his own vessel was be
ing carried toward the point where
she would have been dashed to
pieces, he ordered the man, who had
previously been stationed with an ax
ready for an emergency, to cut the
hawser, and then by putting on all
the sail the vessel would carry, man
aged to save her. Captain McAllep,
commander of the Enterprise, who
occupied a position where he could
sec the two vessels as they went
over the bar, informed us that at one
time he felt sure that both would be
lost; that they were swallowed up
by the sea until it was impossible to
see either vessel, and that he, over
come by his feelings, turned his back,
telling his companions to watch, for
he could look no longer.
We have' been unable to find any
explanation for the removal of Capt.
C. P. Crandall fromthe Salem States
man, until our eye caught the follow
ing, in the Olympia Courier, of the
20th: Captain Crandall publishes'
the following in the Statesman of
Thursday: "If, after this issue of the
daily Statesman, its readers shall
discover any change in the tone or
character of the Oregon Statesman,
for a while. I wish to be held not re
sponsible, presently, nor hereafter,
for it. In brief, I shall not control
its columns, its conduct nor business,
till a suit instituted by S. A. Clark
against me shall be decided at the
next term of the Circuit Court for
Marion county. David McCully and
C. N. Terry, of Salem, assuming to
own the Oregon Statesman establish
ment though I purchased it of S. A.
Clark, in March, 1872, agreeing to
pay him therefor $4, 750j and of which
sum I have actually paid to him $2,
995 have assumed also to sell the
establishment to Clark, without re
gard to my legal or equitable rights
to the premises. Clark has brought
suit in replevin for the possession,
and on the 8th inst. the establish
ment was seized by the Sheriff, who
has since had possession, and "who
will, under the statute of replevin,
turn over to Clark the possession at
the proper time. The case will be
tried and determined at the next
March term of the Court."
On the 3d inst., the schooner Elida,
(from Coos for S. F.), was twenty-five
days overdue, and much anxiety is
felt for her safety. The schooner
Oseola, hence to Trimer Cove 18th
December, is also missing. The bark
Brewster, which arrived in San Fran
cisco on the 3d, brought tidings of a
vessel which she discovered north of
that harbor on the 25th of December
bottom up. and which is believed to
have been the schooner Elida from
Coos Bay, lost with all on board. It
is reported there were nineteen pas
sengers on board the schooner, but'
this cannot be positively known till
the return of the steamer Eastport
with a list of the names.
The Portland papers have had
the Loch Dee very abundantly
wrecked on the Columbia river bar;
all hands perished, etc, etc., not
one item of which was true. Even
this closing dab, from the Oregonian,
is false: " The rigging and masts, of
the ship Loch Dee were considerably
damaged during a gale off the bar."
Excellent Those Sugar Cured ITams, and
that Fresh Eoll Butter, Fresh Buckwheat,
(this year's crop), Corn Meal, Cracked Wheat,
Hominy, etc, at Cask's. 12tf
Ox for Sale. One stout, heavy
built work Ox, eight years of age, gentle
and well broken, weighing between 800
School JSooIcs. I have lately re
ceived all the different kinds of New School
Books required to be used in this State, that
can now be found in San Francisco. Also,
Slate pencils, Blotting pads,' a good as
sortment of Stationery, Drawing paper,
CARD BOARD, Perforated board, Ink,
(Carmine, Purple and Black). Likewise a
new stock of Crockery, Clocks and a large
assortment of Lamp Chimneys, all of
which will be sold cheap for cash.
eltf .. k v Chenamus at . Astoria,
and 900 pounds, is offered for sale on am
plication at John Douglass' ranch, Lewis
and Clarke river. d27t
Vesuvius threatens another erup
tion. The Police Department of Portland
costs tax-payers about $24,000 a year,.
A Memphis dispatch says: The en
tire Republican ticket was elected
yesterday by a large majority. The
vote was very light.
The entire number of railroads in
default is more than 115, represent
ing an indebtedness, on interest ac
count, of more than $27,000,000.
The public debt increased $8,453,
272 during December. Increase
since June 30, 1S73, $11,496,612. Spe
cie in the Bank of England has in
creased during the week 496,000.
The salary repeal bill, which has
passed the House, reduces the salaries
of members from $7,400 per annum,
to $6,000, and takes effect when the
bill becomes a law. The old law fixed
the compensation of members at $5,
000. All relations between the Pacific
Mail Steamship Company, and the
Pacific Railroad are at an end. Ne
gotiations looking to a renewal of
former contracts are off, and each
route will act henceforth independ
ently of the other.
Insurance companies have decided
to" charge an extra premium of 1 per
cent on all business houses in New
York city with wooden Mansard
roofs. Hotels and public buildings
with such roofs, 1 per cent.
Col. E. C. Ivembell, Inspector of
Indian Affairs, receives a very flat
tering mention from the Portland
Bulletin for abuses of his office. The
Bulletin closes with this expression :
c He is a fraud of the first water."
In another article we shall show what
lvemble was sent to Oregon to do and,
what he did not do. What he really
did might form still another chapter.
He got the appointment he holds by
claiming to be a Californian. This
was an unfounded assumption, a mere
pretense. He had not been on the
Pacific coast for twenty years until he
received this appointment and came
out here with all the pomp of one
high in authority. Doubtless he
deemed this pretense perfectly justi
fiable in a man so good as himself.
A New York dispatch of the 3d
says: The regular service of the Re
formed Episcopal Church will begin
in Steinway Hall to-morrow. Bishop
Cummins will preach. The Bishop
says it would be premature to give in
detail names of well known laymen
and clergymen of this cityr who may
be expected to give in their adhesion
to the new Church, but there is
abundant proof that the spirit of a
considerable portion of the Protest
ant Episcopal Church, in New York,
is ripe for this departure- The ac
cession of Rev. Dr. Goddard, rector
of one of the largest and most impor
tant churches on Staten- Island, is a
good sign. Numerous offers from
clergymen from other denominations
expressing a readiness to take jart in
the work, have been received. Pres
byterian,, Methodist and Baptist min
isters have expressed a desire to take
charge of pew organizations in this
All hands and the- cook were
paid off at the Kn'appton mills a few
days agor by Mr. J. B..Knapp. The
propertv is advertised tcbe sold bv
Sheriff Whitcomb on tlie 14th. We
hope to see the works in good finan
cial condition, and every other way
prosperous again, after these strings
of litigation are taken off. It is
about the best property, along the
Columbia river.
Capt. Wass, of the steam tug As
toria informs us that, there was no
foundation for an item in the Astori-
an of Tuesda)'- respecting the condi
tion of the bar, etc.,. when the Me
lancthon went to sea on Saturday,
and as he aspires to no deeds of dar
ing or qualified horors, as pictured
by that paragraph, we may state
that it was one of those careless
items- which frequently get into
print and can be attributed to no
true source except common rumor,
which is not correct data at any
time, and is very seldom used by us,
but in this case we made a blunder
which is regretted.
CS"For fresh Oysters, vt every style, calf at
-! -villi
. w.