O Tri-Weekly Astorian TUESDAY. August 19, 1S73 Title TaIIc for Astoria. High Water.l Low "Water. AugtlFt. A. M. 1 -I- M.i A. M. r. m. 19.. ).. 21.. 22... 2:1.. 24.. ..10 .18 10 07 4 J: 4 01 10 ..12 02 11 0:?p r 4S r .12 .",2 11 51! 0 42 6 OS 1 2tf..: 7 27 ... 0 31 1 52 7 51 ... 1 07 2 MI .8 IS .. 1 42 1 S2P 8 87 (5 5-j 740 8 15 S 52 PORT OF ASTORIA. Following i a list of vessels on the way to this port, and a record of tho arrivals and de imrtures up to date: Barkentino Webfoot, Gago, sailed from San Pr&nciFco August 7th. Brig Orient, Wheelwright sailed from San Francipco August Hb. Bark Rival, Clements, loading in San Fran cisco for Columbia river. Btoamer John L. Stephens sailed for Astoria August 16th from San Francisco. Bark Wcttorhorn sailed from San Francisco, August Mth, Schoonor Superior from San Francisco.sailcd Aujflirt 9 th. Schooner II era, from Melbourne duo British "bark Vesta, from Liverpool, to Jan ion k Rhodes 12(3 days out August 12. British bark Sylhet, Liverpool, via Victoria, to Janion &. Rhodes !3 days out August 12. Am. ship Loretta Fish from Shields via Cal lao 154 days out August 12. In the Port and Rivers. Arrived. Bark Forward, Hong Kong loading at Astoria. Mjirgaret Crockard, Honolulu Aug. 18 Britfoh bk Lieut. Maury, for wheat... August 9 BUn J. A. Falkinburg, Ilonolulu .August? Steamer California, Sitka August 1 Bk.Cafa Louise, Ilonolulu July 25 Burk Edward James San Fran July 15 Clearances and Departures. i . Cleared. Sailed. Str Gussio Telfair, Sitka August-12th Str OrLflanimo, San Francisco August lli ' . . Daily Packets, etc. - , -, Steamer Emma ITay ward,CaptIIoyt, arrive. from Portland, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays returning op alternate days. tcainer J)ixic Thompson, Capt. Babbidg'e, leaves for Portland Monday, "Wednesdays and Fiidays returning on alternate days. Steamer Mary Bell, Capt. Fisher," daily to Skipanon and return Steamer Varuna, to and from Fort Stevens. Capo-"Disappointment," arid Unity Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. . Btoamer Merrimac, Capt R. Hobson, Knapp- tonand various logging camps daily, towing vogsols, etc. ... On tbo Bar Steam tug Astoria, Capt Wass, and pilot boat California. Sloop Mary H., Capt. Poole, daily to and from JSkipanon. Notice to Pilots, (and Ship Masters). Evory Pilotor Ship Master who shall bring in to tho port of Astoria any ship or vessel having on board any persons or goods infected with Small-pox, Cholera, Leprosy, or other conta gious diseases, or which shall have had on board. any. such infections during tho voyage, or which ho suspects, from tho bad sanitary condition of the vessel may be capablo of pro pagating -disease, shall anchor such ship or vessel below Smith's Point, and give immedi ate notice to the Health Officer In any viola tions of tho foregoing regulations tho law will bo strictly enforced. S. W. D0DD. M. D.. Health Officer, Astoria. 'Beaver Lodge No. 35, I. O. O. F. &'. Meet every lliursuay evening. isX S o'clock, m tho Odd bellow's zSSSSsr Hall, corner of Cass and Jefferson -?7.i street", Astoria. Members of tho Order are invited to attend. By order, N. G, : MAXUPACTUBEIiS OF BUCKETS, TUBS, PuiILSy2 . AND WOODEN WARE. Works at Oregou City, Oxcgpo. Tho Oregon Wooden Waro Manufacturing Company having recently completed their Works at Oregon City, with the most iinprov--ed machinery, embracing tho newest patterns .and latest patent5, imported at great cost from Massachusetts, iho Establishment, in all its Appointments, will compare favorably with any other in the United States. The Company aro prepared to fill all orders for Cedar, Maple and Ash Buckets, Tubs, But ier Firkins, Salmon Kits. Wash Boards, Shut tle Bobbins, Broom Handles, etc., etc., etc. Particular attention is called to our Asn Patl9 and Butt ku Firkins an article farsu 3erior to any heretofore in market, as causing no unpleasant taste or smell to the contents. From our superior facilities wo aro enabled o supply tho Trade on tho most advantageous terms .and by prompt Attention and excellent workmanship will merit success in our lino. Dealers are roiucted to examine our wares before purchasing elsewhere. Addrets all communications to J.D BILES, Agent, Portland, Oregon. Notice. Any Buckets or Tub' manufactur ed bv us which do not givo entire satisfaction, & re'turned, will bo replaced by now ones, without chargo for freight ftu7 tf J. D. BILES, Agent. For'Sale heap for Cash ! I OOD SUBSTANTIAL DWELLING House i containing seven rooms. Lower rooms hnrJ finished, together with tlireo acres oi good'Gafd'en Land, aU under good fence. Or chard," Brn nud Stable, Store-rooms, oo.d hou and other buildings, s;tu.ated-at bkipa i&ntLsjading For further particulars apply to l&rs'. Woodward A Co, Portland or jbe -.??.. R1CHAKD ROBSON.,ytelona. i I I . ASTORIA . MARKETS. Astorian Offi - e, August 13. Following is a correct list of prices ruling in hi? market to-day: Sugars-Crushed TJ lb A !Nin Francisco Gulden ; Sandwich Island w Coffee Costa Kica J Frc.-h (.round & Chocolate Yi Teas Young llyton si Japan v ' ' Flour Salem Mills $ sack 1 -0 Meal "H M sack 2 00 Crackers ? lb lQ ' Candles ' Hice 10 Fine Salt V cwt. 1 2 SalcratusTlb 12 Soda- :....! ....' 1 Vinegar t' gallon v -0 Golden Syrup r gallon '0 Hams fUl. lti(fUS Bacon "cUb 18(1-1 Lard tf lb l.'xfclti Butter? tt .' .20:JO Eggs tf dozen - 30 Cheese tf ? 202-5 Apples Croon V bushel SI 00 Peaches dried tf lb. 11IS Honey tf lb 2 j Pototoes tf lb Old Now lc Onions- tf lb oc Bran tf cwt, Si 25; Shorts SI 75, Wheat, S2 00 Oil cake tf cwt 2 25 Hides, dry, tf lb 12cUc ' green tf lb 5 Oc Doer Skins, tf lb 25c Elk skins tf lb 14c MISCELLANEOUS. Patronize Home Manufactures. AINSLEY & DAVIDSON, Manufacturers and Dealers in Doors, Sash, Blinds, Frames, Shutters, Brackets, And all kinds of Scroll Sawing. Having the best facilities and tho latest im proved uood working machinery for the manu facture of the above articles, can offer superior inducements to customers, and at San Fran cisco prieos.atNicolai Bros' Mill. Also, best quality of Seasoned Cedar Lum per, Ceiling, Rustic' and Mouldings. Wood Turning in all its branches, Ballustors, Newell Posts, Billiard Balls, Croquet Sets, etc., at NICOLA I BROS.' MILL AND FACTORY. Cor Second and E Streets, Portland. G-eorge.A. Pease, Tacific Boot and Shoo Store, Is now prepared to wait on his customers, At The Old Stand Again ! S. "V. Corner First and Morrison Streets, Portland, Oregon. Dli ABORN LABORATORY 213 Geary street, San Francisco. , casSpccial attention to all Chronic and diffi cult cases. Officp hours WA a m. to .'I f.m; (JtoTp. m. au7 tf NOTICE. Oitick OkeooxIron "Work?, South Front St. Portland, Oregon, April 2, 1873. J At a mooting of the Stockholders of tho Ore gon Iron Works, it was resolved to continuo tho business. We shall continuo the business, as heretofore, and have added tho manutacturo of Robb's Patent Similtanian Head Blochtor Saw Millsl A great saving of labor alse: Robb's Pa-lent Gang Edger, and Gang Lath Wo would invito careful inspection of our work and solicit tho patronage of Mill and Steam boat men. Wo have on hand a largo assort ment of OREGOX 3f AIE STOVES! Persons wishing business in our lino should givous a call, as wo aro prepared to do work as low as'good material and workmen will war rant. J. A. KOBB, j'tf Supt. Oregon Iron Works. L. P. FISHER, ADVERTISING AGENT, - Rooms 20 &21 Merchant's Exchange, Cali fornia street, San Francisco, SOLICITS ADVERTISEMENTS AND SUB scriptions for tho Tki-Werkly Astouiax and for papers published in California, Oregon and Nevada; A ashington, Utah, Idaho, Mon tana, Colordo. Arizona and adjacent Territo ries; Sandwich Inlands, tho British Possessions Mexican ports, Nicaragua, Panama, Valpa raiso, Japan and China; New Zealand and tho Australian Colonies, tho Atlantic States and Europe. ADVERTBSINC Has created many a new business; Has enlarged many an old business; Has revived many a dull business; Has rescued many a lost ousiness; Has saved many a failing business; Has preserved many a largo business; And insures success in any business. GIRARD'S SECRET. Stephen Girard used to say in old age: -' I have always considered advertising liberally and long to bo the great medium of success in business, and the prelude to wealth. And I have mado it an irvariblo rule to advertise in dull times as well as tho busiest, long experience showing that money thus spent is well laid out. its by continually keeping my business before tho public itHias secured many sales that I othcrwiso would have lost." ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS. KEEP your NAME BEFORE tho PUBLIC. Judic iom Adbert isin c' Insures A FORTUNE! If Business is dull, ADVERTISE! If Business is brisk, ADVERTISE! JWTThc man who didn't believe in advertis ing has gone into paitnership with tho Sheriff, and that official does the advertising. WELLS, FARGO & CO.'S EXPRESS. AVING ESTABLISHED OFFICES IN all parts of Oregon, Washington and Idaho Territories, wo are prepared to do a General Express and Freighting business in all its branches. Freight or Packages will be called for in any part of tho city (by giving propor notice) and 1 forwarded with dispatch to any part of the world, through our own and connecting Ex presses, at Greatly reduced rates. COLLECTIONS MADE, and Commissions for Purchase of Goods, etc., etc., will receive prontpt attention. Wc shall continue to DRAW EXCHANGE as usual on sill tho principal cities of tho Unit ed States, tho Canadas and Europe, and to tell TELEGRAPHIC EXCHANGE when desired. WELLS, I AKGO Jt CU- A. Van Dusks, Resident Agent, Astoria. ASTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. ISPeTT Stock of Goods ! CLOTHING OF THE BEST STYLES, AND THE VERY BEST QUALITY; AT REASONABLE PRICES. EVERYTHING ELSE IN PROPORTION. At The Old stand of SUMMERS. TAKE NOTICE This is an oxtensivo stock of woll selected goods, in great variety, which I am now opening. Old Patrons, Friends and tho community in gcnoral, are invited to call and inspect both Goods and Prices. G.SUMMERS, 1 - Chcnamus street, Astoria, Mrs. M. Rogers, PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, Corner of Cass and Jefferson streets. ASTORIA, OREGON. Private School. Skamoktaque Street. t... Astoria Undor tho Management of tho Be?. Jr.ai li HyM, ' Will Re-open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1873 .car Tuition per quarter, in advanco,$7 50. "WELCH'S GOOD SAMARITAN COMPOUND. For Curing Rheumatism Sprains, Felons, Boils, Bruises, Burns, etc., etc. BIRECTIONS. APPLY EXTERNALLY to the nnrts affected: rub in well, and in severe cases cover with thin cloth, .tied or fas-. toned on witn caro. Warranted to euro, or greatly alloviato, in all cases named in this label. A-single bottlo will euro or prevent days of tho most excruciating pain, and not unfre quently save tho life of tho suffering patient. Price, 1.00 jpe Bottle. PREPARED HY J. 'WELCH, ASTORIA, Oregon. H. S. Sinister, Photographic-Artist, - At tho old Stand, Astoria, Oregon. "C. U.BAIN, J CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, ASTORIA OREGON. J: Is prepared ts fill orders for anyj class of work, with promptness. A. SMITH, LATE OF LA PORTE, INDIANA. ttS5 Having commenced business in Astoria I am prepared to do all kinds of Painting, Graining, Paper Hanging. Glazing, etc., in a workmanlike and satisfactory manner. Satis faction guaranteed, both as to prices and work. COLUMBIA BIVB PILOTS! P. JOHNSON, M. M. GILMAN, H. A. SNOW, G.REED, P. E. FERCHEN. C. S. WRIGHT, Agent fSST Office Corner of Main and Choaamus streets, Astoria, Oregon. POR CHARTER. Tho sloop HECTOR, Having been purchased by tho undersigned, will hereafter bo in readiness to carry freight to any accessible point. TUo Hector has good accommodations far keeping freight dry and can carry 20,000 feet of lumber. For particu lars, inquire of P.J OUXSON, Astoria. POR CHARTER. Tho fast sailing'Sloo nilmg Moop vxft W. J&.TWIIilGHT, 2S R M LOWE Master Is, now is readiness to Charter for Pleasure Parties, Freighter Passengers. Headquarter.! Corner Main and Jefferson streets, Astoria. WANTED A SCHOOL TEACHER FOR two children, at the houso of tho Princi pal Light keeper at Capo -disappointment.; Address , . J. W. AlUABCOf. . July 12th, 1S7J. Capo. ASTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. Established in Astoria in 1S49. NEW GOODS. CHEAP GOODS. A. VAN DU,SESr,, "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in"" GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner of Main and Chcnamus streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. IS NOW OFFERING FOB SALE ONE OF the largest and most completo assortments of General Morchandiso ever beforo brought to tho country, and to buyers For Cash will offer the Most Flattering Inducements In tho lino of DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, TTATS A Tim nAT)Q RdOTSANDSltoES FANCY GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, ujt? GENTS' FURNISHINGS, A Complete Stock of Every Article, mr TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. B"Givo mo a call, and bo convinced that my goods aro of tho best quality, and as cheap as can bo bought of any houso in tho State. A. VAN DUSEN. MRS. A. S. MERCER, Teacher of Prof. E. A. Robbies' American Methoflfor Piano Forte Alse: Harmony andThoroughbaso! asrTho ONLY CONCISE SYSTEM which will stand Artistic Criticism, and furnish the material upon which every educated Teacher can base thoir own peculiarities of instruction, it presents in a now light, based upon Natu ral Laws, the art of Execution, and Science of Music ft-guooms at Kesidenco, Astona6Fa Dr. S. Kinsey, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Astoria, Oregcn. PHYSICIANS AND FAMILY PRESCRIP tions filled from 'tho PUltlST DHUGS, either at day or nights Avfull stcok of "WINES AND LIQUORS, POR MEDICMMJSE, . PATENT3IEDICINES, TOILETRTICLES, OILSBRUSHES? ETC.. Ete, Orders from tho Country solicited, ana carofully and promptly filled. s Grenville Reed, (Successor to Donaldson & Reed), Dealer in all kinds of PRESH AND CUREDMEATS, CANNED PRU1TS, VEGETABLES. FRESH BEEF. PORKT'MUTTON, VEAL, HAMS, BACON AND X A AD, MESSREEE-AND PORK, E&F Constantly on hand. V r& EST Special attention paid to supplying ships. Holladay's wharf, Astoria. H. B. Parker ! .:... Importer and Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Cigars TOBACCO, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Etc!? Etc. ixsr Holladay's Wharf, Main strcetfefstoria. John W. Gearlairt, COMMISSION MERttrA5NT Chcnamus street, Astolffi Wholesale and Retail Dealemp Hay, Grain and Med ! A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of Groceries, FLOUK, BACON, HAMS, -b SHOULDERS, LARD, BUTtTER, CHEESE, F.GGS, Etc. Motto" Small Profits on Cash Sales' Con signments solicited . tf Oregon Bakew! Main St., (Holladay's Wharf,) AstorwrOrcgon. CHARLES HINDER, Propkietor. nrinOrn!rr FRESH BREAD, CAKES, PIESKCRACK ers and Pilot Bread, always on hand. A RESTAURANT Is kept in connection with tho Uakery, wnere meals can bo procured at all hours. SfW Oysters in every ttyle in the soason.lgtt Astoria Bakery! Corner of Main and Cass streets, Astoria. HENRY JACOBS Proprietor. BREAD, CRACKERS, PILOT BREAD. Cakcs.Grocei ies and Provisions of all kinds always on hand. Ship stores furnished. V&. Connected with tho establishment is a Realms Room. Cigars and Lager Beer served. PETER II. POX, MERCHANT. TAIbOR,0 Cornoriof Main and Jefferson slreots? Astoria. iT.fiTrrfTVft ifVP ' ALTj'KIN.dM GITT AND V made to ardi-r. Cleaniag and ropniriog; zjLjr ASTORLV ADVERTISEMENT . MENTS; Headquarters ! Headquarters ! 77w. gaseT "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing;, Groceries, Provisions, Notions;. And General -Merchandise, WISHES TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUD lie that he has a very superior and well selected Stock of Goods in the above line, be sides which may bo found in great variety, fho best quality of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE,. ; HATS AND CAPS, ROOTS AND SHOES,. , BLANKETS, PLANNERS', &c, Which is being offered Cheap FOR CASH or PRODUCE ! KW Having had years of experience I think I know tho wants of tho people, and as this stock is nearer complete, and embraces a GREATER VARIETY than any other stock in Clatsop county, I, will guarantee that you will do as well, if not better, by trading willt mo than at any other establishment. x5"Having reduced my expenses materially of late I propose to givo my customers, tho benefit of tho reduction, and any person who doubts whether I will sell as cheap- as any ono FOR CASH ! can bo convinced by giving mo a call at Headquarters, " Case's Corner," Chona mus street, Astoria. r."W?Ci S. N. ARR1QONI, Occident Hotel Plod;, Astoria, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Choice Brand. Liquors The Pinest in the.. Market : CONSTANTLY ON HAND! Whieh will bo sold in lots to suit purchasers OCGIDENT.HOTEL, S. N. ARRIGONI r. Proprietor. AstQria, Oregon. THE BEST FURNISHED, MOST CONYE nient and in every respect popular hotel in Orogon. Owing to its location it is considered A Very Delightful Summer Resort. i "" KS"Magnincont Suits of Rooms for familic?. The table is supplie'd with t!.o choicest delica cies of tho season. Wine and Billiard Room attached to tho Hotel. Baths! j& Baths fc$( .." rion i n is, Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths ! AT OCCIDENT HOTEL, HAIR DRESSING SALOON. WM. Uhlexhakt :.PnorsiETOR. trar Special attontion paid to LADIES' and CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING- -" T flf5" Private Entrance for Ladies "JSfX ,? GLOBE HQTEL. Main Street - - Astoria," Oregon. N.KOEFOED, PROPRIETOR. This Houso ha3 been rofitted and nowly fur nished in th,o neatest mannor, and guestsrwill find alL their comforts well attended to. The Table always supplied with the best? of tho season that the.market affords. . : ;- . . csrThoso who desire to have a good-square meal go to the Globe. Terms moderate.- i HENRY BERENDES, "J Fashionable maki ;! Chenamus street, Astoria, Oregon. liS. Manufactures to order tho best quality of Boots and Skoes Repairing of all kinds "3EU COME AND- SEE X "Pvn 1 f vtt .- MY PAXCYjJt-OUltry A J MEGLER, Chcnamus street M. ASTORIA MEYERS ' BREWERY! AVING ALL TnE MACHINERY NEC- essarv for first class work, skillful Brewers and using nono but thc-befct quality of materi als., tho Propiietor is prepared to Maimfoctnre' LAGER BEER ! In any "quantity, from a Singlo Bottle to a BARREL. AND. PUT IT UP in good con Astoria Market ! Chenamtjs Street ... Astoria. ' LIOBSOS &. AYARJIEN, Whoksalo andRctail Dealers in all kinds of Fresh and Cured ftAeatsI Butter, Eggs, Cheese jjLams, juuqvii unu iinri; Canned Fruits and Vegetables, ' - ' Constantly- on hand . RCsr Ships supplied' nt-ldwest rates. II. A. SEfc.VWlifc.SQ2r, -House, Sign and Steaibpat Painters Astoria tfifKcb:?. Grainijig,Papcr-liai3ging and Glazing Done to ?rder with Neatnoss and Dispatch . EstabligheaL'1867. Hemlock tM, NERY ! (?LErNEXWEBKR, lli.illOWX-, ?4 PRQ5aiUTOK?. JK3" Manofaciuro ftXl-kda ofUekv " dition tor Shipment or imiacuiato use. j: ami lies an kcopcrs of Public Houses promptlj and regularly supplied., 31 MEYER, Prop'