Tri-weekly Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1873-1874, August 12, 1873, Image 1

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Yol. 1.
Astoria, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, August 12, 1873.
No. 19.
Monitor Building, Astoria, Oregon.
I. C. IRE&AND Proprietor
Subscription Kates:
One Copy ono year 5 00
Ono Copy t-ix months 9?
Ono Copv three months 1 o"
Bur Single Number, Ten Cents. "ua
Advertising" Kates :
Ono Inortion persquare, 10 lines or less...S2 nO
Each additional Insertion, per square 2 00
Yearly adv'ts per month, per square 1 50
Agents :
L. P. Fisher, 20 and 21 Now Merchants Ex
change, is authorized to act as Agent for the
Astoria v in San Francisco.
Any friend who feels an intorcst in tho pros
perity of this region, is authorized to act as
Agent for this paper, in procuring subscribers.
J. "William "Welch has completed his
contract on "Wall street.
The Yaruna brought a barge load of
hay from the Klaskanine farm Pridaj7
The excursionists by the 3Iary Bell
on the 10th report having had a fine time.
The Orator from Deep river accompained
them, returning with more baggage than
when he left, but short on parchment ac
count. A. J. Adams of Nehnlcm valley has
placed upon our table five goose berries
the aggregate measurement of which is
1756 inches. They grew on a bush only
about a foot high, which he has been cul
tivating for four years.
G. "W. Hume, closed the business of
Salmon packing for the season of 1873 last
week, and left for San Francisco by the
John L. Stephens on Saturday, to attend
to affairs in California. He has packed
30,000 cases and about 400 barrels this
Venison was served at Arrigoni'ji
yesterd:i3 The deer was killed about
Tongue Point evening befoe last, Ty a
party of gentleman coming down the river
m a small boat from the Prairie. Mr.
C. "W. Burrage and C. "W. Loughery
were the success&l shootists. The deer
weighed one hundft'd pounds when dressed.
Bishop Morris officiated at Grace
church in this city Sunday forenoon and
evening. He will not proceed to Shoal
water bay as orignally intended, but Rev.
r. Hyland will go instead, and Kev.
Mr. Burton will fill the pulpit at Grace
church in Mr. Hyland's absence next
The steamer John L. Stephens took
away from Astoria last Saturday 377S
cases, 2ri tierces, 82 barrels, 108 half bar
rels and 72 quarter barrels of Salmon.
Sho also had on board 700 cases from
Portland the whole amounting to the
value of 34,500. As this is mostly to en
ter into the export trade of California, the.
Oregon account will fall short that much
more. It would seem as essential for ships
to call for our Salmon as for our wheat
and flour.
There is a dispute between two of the
proprietors of property on the Canadian
side of the Niagara falls as to the right of
way uudertho Cliff to the entrance under
the old Horse-shoe falls. The matter has
been carried up to the Ontario govern
nient. and an order in council has been
Issued, and an arbitrator appointed to de
cide the momentous question as to wheth
er Saul Davis or Sydney Barnet shall have
the right to exact quarters from the victors
willing to make"damp, unpleasant bodies"
of themselves. Both Saul and Sidney are
thieving rascals, in the estimation of some
visitors to Niagara from Oregon.
Directors in the Astoria Parmere'
Warehouso Company were chosen at a
meeting held in thi3 city on Saturday last
as follews: P. Low, T. Edwards, M. Bu
ble, Col. James Taylor, D. K. "Warren,
J. H. D. Gray, Samuel Adair. Col. J.
Taylor was chosen President by the direc
tors, D. K. Warren Vice President, and
S. D. Adair Secretary. They will soon
complete the organization andprepare for
business in a short time. Wharf and
wharehouse will be built this sea.on. The
grounds were selected for the wharf yes
terday. Dr. Freeland of Portland writes to
Mr. Samuel Corwin of Nehalem, that the
Small-pox has paoa. quite formidable, and
i still raging in that city, and ho has been
making a practical test of the Small-pox
medicine nrerjared by Mr. Corwin, ana in
every case witn entire vausuisuon, naving
. -., .- . i "t
cured every caw that ha treated. " Peter
Burke, one of tho Bintioneddn. th Bul
letin as having the dige&se in a violent form,
was cured by ths 3mll-pox remedy ad
vertised in th AaTtxiJLic. v
y .- ,w. 4. TlrX.
Shipping Intelligence.
The American ship Confidence, Captain
Howes, cleared for Cork on Saturday, she
is loaded with wheat, 27,097 bushels of
which, valued at $24,450, was taken on
board at Portland, and 12,175 bushels,
valued a 10,340 was taken at Astoria.
The Confidence is a ship of 794 tons meas
urement, hails from New York, and is
owned by three maiden ladies of mature
years. The present if successful, will be a
profitable voyage.
The cargo of the barkentine Jane A.
Falkinburg, from Honolulu, is as follews:
3,160 kegs sugar; 130 kegs mdlasses; 120
bags rice; 230 bags salt; 50 tons salt in
bulk; 100 gold fish; 500 limes; 75 cocoa
nuts, and 55 bunches bananas. One pas
senger, Mrs. Johnson, came by her.
The steamer Gussie Telfair, Captain
Gardner, returned from Puget Sound
ports reaching Astoria Saturday morning.
The cargo consisted of 500 barrels lime,
120 sacks wool, 400 pieces water pipe for
the Salem water works, and a quantity of
furs, hides and peltries.
The British bark Lieut. Mawy which
left San Francisco July 30th, came into
port under sail Saturday evening. She
comes in ballast and will load with wheat
for Europe.
Tho barlts Garibaldi and Porward, load
ing at Weidler's mill for Australia, Are
now nearly ready to start for this port
and prepare for the final departure.
Por list of arrivals, departures, etc. etc.,
see third page.
The United States steamer Shubrick
returned from Portland Sunday evening,
and will proceed to Shoalwater bay from
John Dawson & Co., of Queenstown,
are agents and consignees for the Confi
dence. The vessel got off in good stylo
Sunday evening. '
The new Councilmen chosen at the
late election to represent the city in the
Council have mostly all qualified and will
meet in their first session to-morrow even
ing at half past seven o'clock, at the Coun
cil Chamber in the Court-house.
p The timbers are laid and the gunnels
up for a new pile driver .for Capt. George
Plavel of this city. The boat will be fifty
feet long, and twenty feet beam. The
hammer will be run by steam and have a
fall of sixty-one feet.
Mr. John Hunter of the Bay View
house was in tho city on Saturday. He in
forms us that arrangements are to bo
made soon for building a wharf at Unity.
This will be a very desirable improvement
as the trade of that region amounts to con
siderable, and a wharf is almost absolutely
a necessity.
"We understand that Ben Holladay
has decided to extend his Astoria wharf
improvements to about double the present
capacity the wharf is now 325 feet front.
(Uapt. George Plavel is building 350 feet
front this season, and the farmers' ware
house will be 510 feet front. The more
wharves there are the better. At this
time thero is a demand for more, and
business is increasing to such extent that
the wharves cannot be completed any too
Apirty of old-timers met together at
the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Portland last
"Wednesday evenine:, and celebrated tho
event by a dinner after the style provided
by those famous caterers Al. Zieber and
Dan Holton. There were present at the
meeting: A, Van Dusen, of this city;
Aaron Kose of Poseburg; Capt. Tichenor
of Port Orford; T. J. "Winshipof the Shu
brick: Capt. Forbes of the barkentine
Jane A. Falkinburg; Dr. "Wilcox, Mr.
Zieber, and Thos. Smith, of Portland,
and 3Irs Nightingale of- the Shubrick, all
acquaintances of many years standing.
Heroic Act. A few days since Col.
James Taylor of this city sent a fine lot of
stock hogs across to his farm on Youngs
bay for safe keeping. Soon after arriving
there, during the night, the hogs were at
tacked b3r bears, and Mrs. Munson,wife
of the man living on'the farm, hearing the
noise, aud sqealing ot the hogs, ran out of
th house to see what was the matter, when
she beheld bruin hugging a good sized pig
tightly in his fore paws, the pig squealing
for dearlife." No time was to be lost, ana
as Mrs. M. concluded not to .stand by and
see the porker carried oft in that manner,
she picked up. a dub and started after the
Dear, pursuing it so cio-eiy tnar tue Deat
I js - - 3 -Si. .3 l r i . l x
aroppeu lis prey ana oeat & nasty retreat
from, that Quarter. This may he consid
ered an act of heroism, but the lady wa
only slightly discomfittd, and akin retired
with "the consciousness tf having accom-
;pli.h.iisgodjnighti w;orkVB .;-,
Personal Notes.
Among the Attorneys arrived by the
Emma Hayward last evening, wo note
the names of Hon. J. N. Dolph, Judge
W. W. Page, M. F. Mulkey, Geo. H.
Durham, O. P. Mason, H. Y.Thompson,
Judgo, Thayer and others,
Mr, G Shindler, of the firm of Hur
gren & Shindler, burned out by tho big
fire at Portland, left here last Saturday
on his way to San Prancisco for the pur
pose of procuring a new stock with which
to renew business.
Hon. "W. W. Upton, Judge of the
Circuit Court came to Astoria by the Em
ma Hayward yesterday for the purpose of
holding a term of the CoiiTt for Clatsop
County, beginning here to day.
Mr. Alva Condit, of Clatsop Plains,
one of the oldest settlers in this vicinity,
has been spending a few days among his
friends in this city.
"We are glad to see O. P. Mason "and
47 others" in Astoria, from Portland yes
terday, Hope they will all profit by the
trip, pecuniarily and othorwise.
Hon. James K. Kelly, United States
Senator from Oregon, passed Ogden on
the 8th, He is returning, and will arrive
here to-day on the Oriflamme.
A Van Dusen of this city, returned
from a business trip to Portland last eve
ning looking as jolly and well-kept as ever
Judge Philo Callender, of Clatsop
Plains who was very ill recently, was in
the city last evening.
Master Ed Hallock is in the city-,
"We understand Mr. A. B. Hallock will
be down this week.
Prof, and Mrs. McGibeny returned
to Portland last Saturday.
Circuit Court Calender.
George Flavel vs. Ben Holladay et.als.
Strong and Page for plaintiff. Action at
Lloyd Brooke vs. James Taylor et als.
Strong for plaintiff, Thayer and -Elliott
ior defendants.
A. C. Farnsworth et als. -vs. SPeorge
Flavel et als. Hili Thayer and Williams
for plaintiff, Strong and Pah;e for defend
ants. ,
Peter St. Andrew vs. Isaac Ebell.
Mulkey for plaintiff.
C. H. Bain vs. J. "W. "White. Durham
and Thompson for plaintiff, Thayer for
O. P. Mason vs. H. Lienenweber. Mas
on for plaintiff, McEwan for defendant.
Henry Lack vs. "Wm. Falkinburg &
Co., McEwan for plaintiff.
State of Oregon vs. Charles Stannard.
Complaiut of assault. Durham for State.
State vs. Lewis Curley. Selling liquor
to Indians.
State vs. "W. H. Gray. Injury to road.
Durham for plaintiff, Elliott for defendant.
State vs. Charles Newman and Henry
Smith. Same.
State vs. Luke Taylor et al. Suit for
Carrie Anderson vs. Lewis P. Ander
son. Suit for divorce. McEwan 'for plain
tiff. E. C. Crow vs. Chas. Gibbons et al.
Foreclosure of mortgage.
Milton Elliott vs. Jas. Welch et al.
Foreclosure of mortgage.
John "W. "White vs. James "Welch.
Foreclosure of mortgage. McEwan for
A, Hinman vs. Jame3 "Welch et al.
Foreclosure of mortgage. Elliott for
James Taylor vs. John M. Shivcly.
Foreclosure of mortgage, McEwan for
K. K. Spedden vs. Hustler & Aiken,
executors of the estate of Cyrus Olney, de
ceased. Action at law. Mulky and Elliott
for plaintiff.
Milton Elliott vs. J. M. Shively. Action
on note. Elliott for self.
Occident, Astoria, August 11th.
Asa S Aldrich, Grays river; C W Burrago.
Portland; Dr Sparling, USA, CapekDisap
pointmeht; C W Longhey, Knappa; Charles
Stannard, Knappa; J C Johnson Seaside; Wm
Falkinburg and wife, Wm Blackmoro, Woody
Island; H Alger, J M Clinton, Wm Strong, W
W Page, W W Thayer, W W Upton and
lady, Gr II Darham?H Y Thompson, Portland;
0 Benson and wifer, 'Cathlamet; J N Dblph
and family, Major H M Kobert, USA, Miss
A 3mith, Portland; W T Chapman, Kalaina;
H Bufington, A Hacjcney, Portland.
Reed's panorama of, Oregon and
("aihington 'Territory i8Acomple.tecL-
Gold in New York to-day, 1151.
Portland Legal Tender rates, 85J
buying; 86 selling.
A dispatch from Berlin says the
cholera is prevalent in the barracks
of that city.
A fire in Walla "Walla destroyed a
block of buildings used as a livery
stable, last Saturday night.
A large rice mill in Steprey, a sub
urb of London, burned last Friday
night. Loss five millions.
A.n incendiary fire was kindled in
Victoria Thursday morning which de
stroyed the Albian foundry.
The contract for building two new
iron sloops of war has been awarded
to John .Koach & Co. of New York.
at 290,000 each.
Another heavy fire visited Portland
Maine, last Saturday. It caught from
a steamer at the dock, and destroyed
a vast amount of property.
The cholera reappeared in Chatta
nuga on ,the 7th. It is confined to
colored people, and is caused by eat
ing unripe fruit and melons.
Kate Stoddard has executed a quit
claim deed, freeing all property of
the late Charles Goodrich from any
claims that might be urged in her be
half. The Cubans of New York city are
preparing another expedition to land
arms and ammuition on Cuban soil by
the steamer Virginius. It is stated
that this will be the largest one yet
A Paris dispatch of the 7th says:
The rumor that M. Conocelles was
endeavoring to induce the French
Government to attempt to re-establish
the temporal power of the Pope,
is unfounded.
At a meeting of the directors of the
Atlantic cable company organized
to lay a cable direct to the coast of
JNew Hampshire, it was unanimously
resolved to change the route and land
the cable on the coast of Newfound
land. A view of the present disorganized
condition of affairs in Spain, vessels
comprising the European fleet, under
Rear Admiral Case, have been order
ed to Spanish ports. The Wabash,
flagship of the squadron, is on her
way to Carthagena, and tne Congress
and "Wachisetta will follow. The
Shenandoah is at Cadiz. The. Alaska,
now in commission in Brooklyn, will
sail in about ten days to join the Eu
ropean fleet.
A Washington special says it is
manifest that the official published
denials regarding the health of Vice
President Wilson, are of a diplomatic
character. There is the best author
ity for the statement that his physi
cians contemplate the application of
a seton on the base of the brain,
as the only possible cure for his dis
order; and it is also certain that his
most intimate friends have the
gravest fears for the result. It is
stated that this application has been"
delayed in order to pecmit Mr. Wilson
to regain his general health. He
may endure this radical treatment
with safety.
The Atlantic and Pacific Railroad
company have effected a new combi
nation in the southwest, by which it
is said the line of the Texas Pacific
road will probably be deflected north
ward and form a connection with the
35th parallel road at a point between
Alfaquerqui, New Mexico, and the
southern line of that territory, thence
westward, both roads to use the pres
ent located route on the 35th parallel.
I to tne racmc coast, ivir. cott, presi
dent ot tne new comDinanon, is now
in Europe on business connected with
the foreign debt of the Texas Pacific,
but will soon return, when construc
tion will again be pushed rapidly on.
A steamer on the Potomac was des
troyed by fire last Thursday, and 20
lives were lost. There is nowharf at
Chattalon Point, where the steamer
burned, and a landing is made by the
use of small boats. One of the boats
was being unshipped for this purpose
when the cry of fire was heard, and
flames came with such force that a
ranic ensued at once. The passeng
ers made a rush for the boat that was
being lowered, crowding it futl, when
the tackling brokeKor ft became un
hitched, and all were precipitated
into the river. The terror-stricken
passengers were forced by flames' to
jump overboard, ana tne crew threw
life preservers to them. The people
on snore did all they could to assist
Km saving me, out wieir means orres- Sanding mliatf'oTfrlafadto Cape DUp
L cue reTe unequal to the- terrible' ca- nointmati wauEi"! no light" matter.
Klanlity. ? '-.."- tBruikmjWfiifTaphyneirhDjr. '
jin saving life, but their means of res
At Long Branch the ball for the bene
fit of the Portland (Oregon) sufferers has
been posponed until Wednesday next
The Government has received no
official, communication from Great
Britain relative to the Manitoba
difficulty. 7
The Norstandt Zeitung reports that
Count Be Chambord has accepted
the throne of Prance, a formal tender
of which was recently made to him
by a deputation of Legitimists.
Dr. R. T. Dunn, Deputy Marshal,
was assassinated at Corinth, Miss., on
Friday night by an unknown assas
sin, who shot him with a gun
through a window as he lay asleep in
bed. There is no clue to the mur
derer. The bark Anna Won from New
Bedford, June 19th for a cruisjeinthe
Atlantic, capsized and five of the
Lf-rew were drowned. The remainder
(seventeen in number) were rescued
by a passing vessel and landed at
A horrible outrage was perpetrated
near Brighton Station, Tennessee, on
Saturday last. Three white fiends
poured turpentine over a negro whom
they fouud asleep, and then set fire
to it, burning him to death. There
is intense excitement ameng the ne-
groes in the neighborhood, who
threaten retaliation.
Thursday morning last, near Perci
val Station, Iowa, Thos. Woodson, a
nephew of Gov. Woodson instantly
killed Wm. Barlow of Nebraka, who
had left home the day before, armed
with the avowed purpose of killing
Woodson who had received informa
tion of Barlow's purpose and arming
secreted himself by the roadside
and as his would be assassin approach
ed fired and killed him.
President Grant has issued th? follow
ing order respecting civil service: "The
Civil Service Board, at its session at
Washington which terminated June 4,
1873, recommended certain further rules
to bo presented by the President for tha
government of the civil service VLJiso
rules, as published, are approved, and -theHr
provisions will be enforced as rapid
ly as the arrangements can be made.
It is reported In Spanish circles in
New York city that telegrams from
Havana were received on the 8th by ,
a high Spanish functionary in this
country, to the effect that General
Portillo, at the head of 300 men, had
routed and captured Cienfuegoes
without a sbiot being fired, and that
they had proclaimed Don Carlos
King of Spain. Many leading Span-
iards in Havana, including generals
in the army, colonels of volunteers,
Jesuits, ana several of the leading
slave traders of the island, are said
to be conspirators with General Port- N
illo for the overthrow of the Republi- x
can Government of Spain.
Post Office Notice.
The Genral Delivery at the Astoria
Poatoffice will be open daily, (except Sun
days), from 8 o'clock a. m. until 7 p, M.
On Sundays from 1 to 2 o'clock P. M.
Money Orders isued from 8 a.m. to 4."
Por Portland and intermediate offices,
at 5 o'clock a. m. daily. ,
Por Skipanon, Seaside house, and Tilla
mook, daily on arrivai of the mail from
PorPorte Stevens and Cape Disappoint
ment, Unity, Oystervillej and Olympia
Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 7:30 a. m,
PorKnappton, Grays river, Klaskanino,
Youngs river, Lewis ,and Clarke, Neha
lem valley, etc., irregular.
Cliurcli Notices,
Grace Church, (Prot. Episcopal) Kor. T A
Hyland Kector, Divino services every Sunday
atl0 x m and 7 r m; Sunday School nt 1 r m
Congregational Church, Rev A W Tenny
Pastor. XiiyinQ services every Sunday at 1U)
a m andj7 v m; Prayer Meeting every Thurs
day ovoning, Sunday School meets at VI n
The Oregonian mixed its geography
badly in an item last Saturday relating to .
supplies ior the light-houses being distri
buted by the Shubrick. "We presume it
meant to state that on account of tho
rough arid dangerous character of the
coast, the steamer did not deem it prudent
to touch at Cape Powlweather, and ac-
cordingly continued her course on to A.-
toria, but it rung Cape Disappointment in
there, and then continued, saying: 4 Arriv
ing thero at Astoria, it was determined
to com on to Portjand. As the steamer
could not land nt Capo Disappointment, it
was thought best to land tho supplies
which j;r8 intended forhat lighthouse,
at tbi$ city, and then ship them overland .
to their dtiaation. TJnd-r the circmri
stance, n ether course could be adopted'.
These suppHm kave ben landed here and ,
wm . ot irwraa overland at once."
I, f - 3- .-,- - . ...
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