iz-j THE ASTjQRIAff. ASTORIA, OREGON: I). C. IREI.AZI JEditor. TUESDAY. . -..Jtlt29, 1373 THE YACHT CEUB REGATTA. After three days very pleasantly spent on a visit to Shoalwater Bay, -we returned to our post of duty Sat urday evening to find that the busi ness and affairs of the Astokiax had been appropriately conducted during our absence by Rev. T. A. Hyland and the office force. The object of this visit "was to renew associations of a social and pleasant kind "with the people of Oysterville, formed on a previous visit, and to "witness the an: mial regatta of the Shoalwater Bay Yacht Club. It must be understood that no finer boats are ever constructed in these United States, no .prouder, more gentlemanly nor scrupulously honest owners, than those of Shoalwater bay, then, as a matter of course, this being known, it is easy to realize that every thing ihat could be done to make this regatta one of the finest events that could transpire in American waters, was done. Nothing was neglected. "We reached Oysterville at noon on Thursday, in less than five hours af ter leaving Astoria by the steamer Yaruna, which took quite a party of ladies and gentlemen, in eluding Prof, and Mrs. McGibeny of Portland. Arriving at Unity Mr. Hunter of the Bay Yiew house had a good team in readiness, and that load of human ity, numbering twelve souls, were delighted with the drive of twenty miles intervening between Unity and Oysterville, over a beach as level and hard as a house floor. In consequence of a light wind pre vailing, the regatta was postponed until the day following, July 25th. But for amusements there was no lack, and a very agreeable afternoon was spent witnessing -a race between several boats for a citizen's purse. Prof, and Mrs. McGibeny and Mast. . Frank, gave a -concert at the church in the early part of the evening, net ling them a handsome purse of money in return for a liberal amount of se lect music. Later in the evening the hall of Espy & Co. was lighted, and the lovers of the terpsichorean art gathered there to engage in the mazes of the dance, which continued until two o'clock in the morning, with just sufficient intermission to admit of the participants partaking of a supper at the Pacific prepared by Mrs. Caruth ors, "which would have been credita ble to Portland where every luxury is supposed to be accessible. At this party were old-time citizens of Pacific county (when it was a part of Oregon), several of whom had not rbeen in a ball room for many years. It was indeed a joyous occasion, and the sole aim and object of each seem ed to be to make the others, especially the strangers, feel u at home." We hall long remember that evening. The party was given under the super vision of the Yacht Club, and was intended as the closing scene, but under the circumstances proved to be 4i most auspicious beginning. Early Eriday morning a four-horse conveyance was sent around to col lect a number of ladies who formed a part of a party arranged for a. drive over the .oyster beds at low tide. With a pair of gum boots, borrowed for the occasion, we perambulated over the field with the pedestrians, and remained until driven by the ris ing tide from the feast of oysters and the inspection of boats. This portion of the walk reminded us of going out upon the grounds at a horse Mr previous to a trial of speed and taking a look at the various fine animals that were expected to mate the race, and listening to the discus sion of the several fine points by the knowing ones; only this "was not a graded park, nor "were the pets living flesh and blood. The Shoalwater bay boats, however, are prized as highly as fast horses, and are discuss ed, pointed out, and referred to for fllAir O-ninrr nnoliti'no o.nrl "UrvH., and the like, causi nn f mi thendthoirplucow.. . JOTfiBMiS The tide came in with a strong fair wind, and all'was business oh shore, in a short time. Men in small craft were b s getting ballast on board the yachts, the judges Messrs. John Crellen, H. Patterson, and Judge S. E. Barr, were hastening from yacht to 3-acht inspecting them, whilst the sailors and owners were busier still, in the various necessary details, put ting things in readiness for the start. Everybody wTas cheerful. Having been invited to go on board the Minerva, of Willapa, owned by Sheriff J. H. Whitcomb, and manned by West, and his brother, sons of the Sheriff, we prepared for a wetting and embarked at the appointed hour. West, had her well curried, and as soon as the anchor was hoisted she "nipped the bits," and went sailing around as if animate, among so many just like her. It was a grand sight to see so many sails dipping right and left, here and there, like so many coursers upon a beaten track, all vic ing for the champion cup, and worked so adroitly as to bring out. all the best qualities for speed. The way those boats are managed one would seem to think they could not do more were they actual perceiving beings, animals of quick perceptions, possess ing sentient principles. No man could have witnessed the start without a sensation of delight, and after the fleet, nine yachts in number, got away, the same spirited feeling possesed each the entire dis tance of the race, about twenty miles. We presume to say that it Avas the unest regatta that ever came off in American waters, arid when the offi cial result is received we shall lay it before our readers with pleasure. As the officers and judges had not made their report, at the tiirm -p left Oystervile, soon after the race, we await the report from the Secre tary, Mr. H. K. Stevens. As near as can be stated however, from the facts as we gathered them, the result was: 1st. prize. Silver fhm. in t.hn t-;k Smith of Bruceport; 2d prize, Silver Watch, to the Minerva, of Willapa; 3d prize, gold headed Cane, to either the Lizzie Brown or Occidental. The Artimesia, probably the best built boat of her class in the United States, gave up the race, having acci dentally struck the stake boat. One other boat was similarly circumstanc ed from colliding with another, and a third was disabled by breaking her halliards. Iu5Iie School Boolcs, The following hooks have been selected for iihcin the public schools of Oregon by the State Superintendent. Thompson's new graded series of Arithmetics, the series counts of new mental Arithmetic, rudiments of written Arithmetic, and new practical Arithmetic, Brook's formal Mental Arithmetic, Monteith's introduc tion to Geography, and the Pacific coast edition of Monteith's Phvbicnl and intnr- mediate Geo Grammer (new) and Clark's Normal Grammer, Barnes' brief United States History, liobinson's higher Arithcmtic, Mr. Simpson issues his mandates for many more books, but his authority stops hero. His declaration, that the law pro vides that these books shall be introducod on or before the lt of October 1S73, is true, if it is restricted to the branches mentioned in the common school law. We may say that we are sorry that the Simpson family have not got their readers and spelling books readj'. We have no doubt that they will be the best in the U. S., as soon as they are ready. We were pleased to learn that when the County superintendents failed to make a choice in 'oi'".r j rr-inluT Clark's beginners Grammar, and soma other branches, Mr. Simpson at once "selected them in the manner provided by law." If Mr. Simp son will show us where he gets the au thority to select Algebra, Geometries and text books in several other branches for the public schools, and enforce their use, or oven prevent the use of other books in place of those he has selected, he will ob lige us very much. We know that Mr. Simpson is a lawyer, and the promptness with which ho saw the law in regard to the grammar and some other books quite upset and cowed us; but we have recover ed a little on account of the readers and spellers, and now we have the impudence to doubt about those Algebras and ologies. -ELArai.--Iii consequence of tho want Iet us Reason Awhile. The Bulletin of last Saturday con tains the following paragraph. "As fast as one obstacle to the free navigation of the Columbia and Wal Jamet rivers is disposed of another makes its appearance, and it would seem as though the constant service of a dredger were necessary to keep the rivers free of the bars which are being constantly thrown up by the shifting sands. The latest, known as the Hog's-back, is located in the open reach a few miles this side of Astoria, where but a few year's since the lead indicated a depth of sixrfath oms. The pilots report but a scant nine feet of water upon this bar at low water, and it takes an uncom mon high tide at this season of the year to admit of the passage of a vessel drawing but seventeen feet of water. The bark Hermine has been detained at this bar for a .couple of day's past, and it is probable that the two grain vessels now in port will find it diffi cult to cross -with only half cargoes on board. If we expect any consid erable amount of shipping to reach this port the present season, permis sion must be obtained from the au thorities at Washington to expend a portion of the appropriation for the improvement of the Columbia and Wallamet rivers in dredging at this point." ,' Neighbor, you don't want any such thing. Congress having made a lib eral appropriation for the improve ment of navigation on the Wallamet and Columbia rivers, you just see to it that the sum is expended where it belongs to deepen the channel above Portland above the mouth of the Wallamet. In years past such vessels as the Ocean Bird, Charles Devins, Keokuk, etc., used to load in the Columbia river for Sacramento City. jSTow the Sacramento river is so tilled with shifting sand bars that the ordinary steamboats ground on the passage; but Sacramento is close ly connected with San 'Francisco by rail. This is what- we want. It is a settled fact in all countries, that all rivers fill up as the regions border ing on them become settled, and it must be expected of the Columbia. Expend your appropriations where they are needed more than here, and save the commerce the risks of total loss by grounding on our shoals, in shipping to Astoria where it does not cost a cent more per ton by river steamboats. Look the matter square in the face, and say so. To Investors. Tho Northern Pacific Railroad Company lias now built, oquipped and put in oporation, nearly 517 miles of its main lino of road through an oxcollcnt coun try and along what is known as tho Vallov Route to the Pacific. Tho finished portions already enjoy a largo and fast increasing traffic. The sections approaching completion connect tho chain of Lakes with tho navigation of the Upper Missouri and Columbia rivers with Puget Sound, secure at onco a large and profitable business and entitle tho Company to about 10,400,000 acres of excellent average land in fee simple. With those accomplished results, tho Com pany offers, and is now rapidly selling, its First Morgago Bonds, for completing tho construction and oquipment of its road across tho Continent After careful investigation, wo recommend these bonds as a well secured and unusually profitable investment. Thov havo 30 years to run; principal and interest are payable in gold; tho interest (soven and three-tenths per cent) is equal now to about S4 per cent in currency. Tho coupon and registered bonds can bo exchanged for each other, at tho pleasure of tho holdor. Gold checks for the semi-annual interest on tho registered bonds aro mailod to tho post office address of tho owner. These securities have tho following elements of strongth and safety: Thoy aro tho obliga tion of a strong corporation; thoy aro also a mortgage on tho Road, its right of way, equip ments and franchises, and a first lean on its net earnings. In addition to this usually suf ficient socurity, thero is pledged for tho pay ment of tho principal and interest a Grant of Land, averaging about 23,000 Acres per Mile for tho entire length of tho Road. At tho average prico per acre at which other" Land brants havo thus far been sold, this real estato security will yield more than SHiltlM0 per mile more than throe times tho possible is sue of bonds. The Company has alreadv begun tho pro cess of redeeming and cancelling its first mort gage bonds, as thoy aro now being recoived, at 1.10 m payment and exchange for tho Com pany's lands. JAY COOKE & CO.. Philadelphia, Now York & Washington, Financial Agents N. P. 11. It. I Co. Comh to the EouxT.vix.Ono of tho most at tractive establishments in Portland is tiro drug and porfumery store of our old friend Samuel M. Smith, corner of Ash and lirst streets. Mr. Smith was for many years senior partner of tho firm of Smith & Davis. And, besides being a thoroughly practical druggist and chemist is, withal, as gonial a gentleman as over grasped a hand in friendship. His store is fitted up and stocked in a magnificent manner with everything usually found in a complete stock of drugs, chemicals, porfum ones, etc, But tho feature par excellence is tho soda fountain, one of the famous Arctic patent, an immense affair, a monumont reared in marble and silver to tho health of tho thirsty. It has deliveries, on opposite sides, and can accommodato a rush. It is stockod with Kissongon, Congress, Vichy, Soltzer and dill orent kinds of syrups. The cooling appar atus is the most perfect in use, and tho pro duct of that fountain a draught that surpassos the nectar of tho gods." Beaver Lodge No, 35,-1. 0. 0. P. K Moot overyThursday ovoning. Iul o u'ciock, in uio uaajjeuow'8 Jtiaii, corner of Lass and J efferson Strflnfaj. Antnrin TVfnmrinra P Ya Ordor are invited to attond. Byordor fctft -iRS m Ocean Travel The accidents bv ocean travel, though they have been of an appaling character for the past jrear, are not so frequent, nor has the loss of life by them been so very great, compared with the number of people carried, as is generally suppo sed. A few statistics complied in the East go to establish this fact. Ocean travel, by this showing, is attended by fewer casualities than movements by rail. There are now ten steamship lines running between New York and Europe, the first of which, the Cun ard, was started in 1S40. Of these, the Cunard, the National, the Ham burg, the American, the two Lloyd lines and the French, have never o ?oo iS?enSer- In the w"Ole period 2,o2b,So( passengers have been car ried, and 1,246 lost. MARRIED. At Clatsop July 12th, 1S7S, bv Itev. W J Franklin, Mr Levi D.Coffinnn, of Portland, and xMiss Sarah Cloutrio, of Clatop, Oregon NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. KB" Broom Corn wanted. j20tf FOR SALE-FOUR PAIRS OF DARK ERAMAS! AST Fowls four months old, full blooded, and of the Boylo Strain $15 00 per pair. .. Address, THOMAS L. BIKNIE, j2Hf CathlamoUV.T. 0. P. IASON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PORTLAND, OREGON. 5T Land Cases and Titles a specialty rwu CENTRAL MARKET, Stalls No. 27 and 28. Portland, Oregon. JOHNSON & SPAULDING, Dealers in all kinds of FRESH MEATS, nnd puckers of Beef and Pork. Tho highest prico paid for all kinds of fat stock. ositf PORTLAND BOX FACTORY-North Front streot, Portland, Oregon. Boxes of every description constantly on hand, and mado to order. Orders addressed to J ohn Harlow, corner of First and E streets, will moot with prompt attention. j)tf f , THE PORTLAND i ICE WORKS CHAS. P. BROWN, Propr. Aro now prepared to furnish Ice to consumers in any part of the city at 2K cents per pound. Ice will be properly packed and shipped to consumers elsewhere at tho same rate. Ordors will recoivc prompt attention. Address, C1IAS. F. BROWN, Jtf Portland Ice Works. ELLOGG HOUSE (Late Intkhx atio.vai.). Southeast corner Frnn-. nnti Afnrvicr.n a Portland, Oregpn. " "' KELLOGG & RISLEY Proprs Board and Lodging per day $i 00 Meals 05 Lodging """'"""" ox irzr-Rooms from Si to S2per week, with or without board. Baggage to and from tho Ho tel free. j'fltf B J Tho Ladies of ASTORIA WILL HOLD A FAIR II AID OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH HOW BUILDING IN ASTORIA OKEGOX. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, August -itfo, 541a and Gtli, 1S73. AT SPIRITUAL HALL, ASTORIA. 13" Tickets, Fifty Conts.-U NOTICE. Office Oregon Iron- Works, South Front St. ! I'ortlanU, Urogon, April 2(5, 1673. J gon tho asherotoforo, and havo added tho manufacture or Robb's Patent Similtanian Head Blocks for Saw Millsl A groat saving of laboralse: Robb's Patenj Gang Edpr, and Gang Lsth Hill I Wo would invito caroful inspection of our work and solicit the patronago of Mill and Steam boat men. Ao have on hand a largo assort ment of OREGON MAIMS STOJSS! . Persons wishing business in our lino should givous a call, as we aro prepared to do work us low as good material and workmen will war- f"1"- .J.A. KOJJJJ, l! Supt. Oregon Iron Works. C. IL BAIN, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, ASTORIA OREGON. Is propared to fill ordors for any class of iTui-rv, ilu pi umpincss. For Sale Cheap for Cash I GOOD 'SUBSTANTIAL DWELLING House i,.,wT!0ta-luinig ?0V0J room5?' Ltwor rooms hard finished, together with threo acres of good Garden Land, all under good fenco. Or chard, Barn and Stable, Store-rooms, Wood houso and other buildings, situated at Skipa non Landing lor further particulars, apply to lorry. Woodward & Co, Portland or to RICHARD ilOBSON. Astoria. A. SMITH, LATE OF LA PORTE, INDIANA. S" Having commenced businoss in Astoria lam prepared to do all kinds of Painting, Grainmff, Paper Hanging. Glazing, etc, in a worknjanliko and satisfactory mannor. Satis faction, guaranteed, both astopricoaand work. I ZAN BROTHERS-Manufacturors of Wisps, Brooms and Brushes, Front st., bet. Oak and Pine, Opposite tho old stand, Portland. u it u. muuunjf 01 luooiocKnoiuers oi tno uro- iron Works, it was resolved to continue business. Wo Shall COntinun t.hn hneinnco. AUCTIONEERS: Oscar KlSbourn, AUCTIQNEEK-Offico 40 First St., Portland. A. B. RICHARDSON. S. I. X. GILMAS . A- B. Richardson, fi Largo assortment of Groceries, Liqnors, tc, at Privato bale. Liberal advances madd etc on consignments. A.u.lUL'UAltUSOX Charles S- Wright, AUCTIONEER Cor of Main and Chenamua Streete, Astoria. Goods received on consign ment and sold to the highest bidder. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. BR. S. W. DODD, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ASTORIA, OREGON. Dn. A. D. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OOJco on Stark Street, Portland, Orogon YM. L. McEWAN, RESIDENT ATTORj A CTnDT t "Wit. -.-- NEY, Astoria. Oregon. H. B. PARKER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, ASTORIA, OREGON. AST" Always Ready for Business.'"!?! A. VAN DUSEN, NOTARY PUBLIC, . Astoria, Okegox. H. H.NORTHUP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Register in Bankruptcy), wffice In Holmes1 Building. Portland. IvRUMBIEN cfc GILBERT, ARCHITECTS AND DRAUGHTSMEN INVENTOR'S EXCHANGE ' ureo's .building Portland, Oregon. RSTTho Bost Counsel; tho Best Draughs men; tho Best Model Workmen, and bost latent Agent at S ashington; the onlv reliable place to get your intentions put through in short notice. i STEAMERS, STAGES AND SLOOPS IT. S. MAIL AXD EXPRESS. Fim Astoria to Clatsop Beach! East HORSES! Good CARRIAGE! LEAVES ASTORIA EVERY TUESDAY , Ihursday and Saturday Mornings. Arrive Same Mornings at tho OCEAN HOUSE, GRIMES HOUSE, SUMMER HOUSE, And SEA SIDE HOUSE. RE TURNING Leaves thoso Rouses every Monday, ednesday and Friday, connecting with steamer to Portland each way. B3Distanco twenty-four miles, fare SI r0. 11. IS. PARKER, Proprietor. The Steam Tug Varuna . Will leave Astoria overy TUESDAY and SATURDAY Morning, for PORT STEVENS, CAPE DISAPPOINTMENT, " And UNITY, Carrying Mails, Passengors and Freight. W3 Other days of the week she will bo readv to go unywhero that businoss may justify. 1 prepared to lighter cargoes, freight, hay, cattlo and wood. .J . JL D. GKA X Agent,- Astoria. Oregon Steam Nav. Co. TWTOTICE-Boats of tho 0. S. Jul Im. Company will leave As iKjjir" toria as follows : - 9i XORTLAKV, and intermediate points luesday, Ihursday and Saturday Mornings, v v vtu.n. xkutuu iiiu. luiivu j-inTisinn ONLY REGULAR PACKET BETWEEN ASTORIA AND CLATSOP. Carrying the U. S- Wail I Tho well known sloop jss. MARY H., ib, L W POOLE faster Leaves Clatsop overy Monday, Wednesday and inday, on arrival of Stages, connecting Loaches for the Beach. Extra trips made to accommodato tho traveling puMic. EOR SKIPANON LANDING. (N AND AFTER THIS DATE, UNTIL 7 further notice, tho sido wheel steamer V fc Mary Bell J. N. FISHER MASTER Will leave Astoria daily, On tho arrival pf steamors from Portland car rying PASbENGEKS and BAGGAGE to tho bkipjinon Landing, connecting with STAGES FOR THE SEASIDE HOUSE ! and all points on Clatsop Plains. Returning, wilHcavo bkipUnon same evening. BST For freight or passage apply on board, or t . F.C. CONDON, Astoria, July 14th, 18W. Flavors Wharf. KLASKANLNE PACKET. From and after July lstl573,tho A No 1, fast sailing Sloop 3i BLUE BACEK, ;&, EUGENE BROCK ....Master Will ply regularly between Astoria and Klas kanino, leaving every Tneday anil Saturday. fsr Office at tbTo Uniok House, Astoria. AUCTIONEER-Corner of Front and Oakst?., 1 ortland, Oregon. Auction Sales of Heal .stato, Groceries General Merchandise and Horses, fealos Wednesday and Saturday. uffl FOlt ASlOItIA, and intermediate points On Monday, ednesday and Friday Mornings, at b o'clock. J. C, AINSWOKTH . Pros ' uuPiuuii,niiu mo siearaeriJixio'iiiompson. nwKotu1rnu,S. leaves Astoria overy Tuesday, inursday and Saturflnv. pnrmnnHno' Tt?;i, i,n