CZD r7we-- . ar 4b II t. K,t: ' .' tk.1 THE ATOHI ASTOEIA, OEEGOX: k' I. C. IKELXSB t ErtltoV. SATURDAY J-clt 26, 1873 THE XEIULEM YALIEY. "Ve mentioned that a few days ago Air. S. G. Caudle, with a party of three young men from St. Helens had reache1 Astoria overland on horse back, on their way to Tillamook county. The -trip was proposed far the purpose of exploring the country, and Mr. Caudle informs us that the region is very much hotter than he expected to find. Indeed, he is of the opinion that there is some of the finest land there that can be found anywhere on the Pacific coast. At our request he wrote a brief outline of his observations, from which it will be seen the Nehalem Talley is a locality worthy of more attention. 3Ir. Caudle says : " We struck the Xehalem in Co lumbia county some distance below what is known as the mouth of Rock Creek, and have traveled down the valley a distance of thirty miles or more, keeping as near as practicable in the valley all the time. I had visited the upper settlement on the " Nehalem at different times before, and had heard much about the val ley, but I had no conception of its extent, neither could 1 conceive of the vast richness of the soil. It cer tainly is unsurpassed by anything on the Pacific coast. I believe the gen eral opinion concerning the Kehalem is such as I entertained myself: that it is generally a canyon. Such however is not the fact. There is but a short portion of it that a good farm can not be located either on one hide or the other of the river; and many places the valley is wide. An other idea is that it is heavily tira t bered. 2uw there is heavy timber ' in places certainly, but the greater portion of the desirable land is cov ered with vine maple, alder, or salm on Drush; and if parties who are in search of homes, and wish to live by cultivating the soil, would go in there, and slash down this brush, burn it off, and sow their seed in the ashes, verily the Scripture would be fulfilled, for it would "produce an hundred lorn." .Tames going in now, however, would meet with dif ficulties, for tliere is no trail up the 'fiver except what we made coming down, and as Jordan is supposed to be a " rough road to travel," we chris tened this trail "Jordan." How ever, after the existence of such a body of land is generally known, par tiesVill go there and settle, and they will have roads; and I predict the time is not far oil when that will be the best ijortion of northwestern Oregon." THE PRESENT MANNER OF SHIPPING OUR PRODUCTS. The Jflesults that will Follow if the Present Manner of Shipping ihc Products of Oregon i-i not changed. As a general rule vessels chartered to come to Portland, Oregon, for car goes are required to agree to wait thirty lay days after reaching their destination. This is .to allow the shippers time to collect "their differ ent lots of grain from the different localities in the State this including hVe'davs average time consumed in irping up and down tho river waiting for tides. Pogs and other delays make.thirtj'-iive days, which is near the time occupied by each grain ves ::J sel .after entering -the Columbia river .until she is readv for sea. As near as - - - we. can learn the same, class of ships are delayed from 10 to 13 days in San JTran cisco discharging frciglit or bal- - , .lastand taking in cargoes of grain, Jifay h'ftqen days, this leaves .us twen- " mi & davs aa s oss time. At $100 per . '.4.u d;iy demurrage is 2,0QDj or when al- , fel lowing so many lay days it is added Ujltothe price per ton charged charter , ,, Prtj Add to this 62,500, towage and t-r -.ipiiotage up and'down .tho river, and . : 0 weJiave the sum of ,500; or $2.20 .i w .uPr' to.n pr ' - cents per bushel upon o mi ecargo of. 1,000 tons, to be charged di- - & rectly to unnecessary .delay and ex- -p.' ,pens,e. All who have any knowledge r of; shipping are well .aware that the ri, owners of .vessels and underwriters!' all chargeaortain amount of msur Uir, ance;for risks, and tho 'greater , num- ..- -x, uec oi snoais to cross, tne more tisk. mnrft aftr iiteMbMJvnOvdefiRiyy?es this amount, but would say that, in -x. .a i i our opinion, based upon tho diffor "Vi tit will amount to'fullvas much as the cost of lightering the grain to this point in proper steamers or barges. As a general rule, in order to char ter ships to go to Portland), the ship pers have agreed to pay all lighter age, over and above the price agreed per ton to Liverpool, (or our grain market,) consequently the producer has been compelled to pay this amount twice, the shipper, of course,, estimating lighterage when he pur chases the grain, deducts that amount from the price he offers in the mar ket. Thus you can see only another small part of the reason why wheat is quoted so much higher in San Fran cisco than in Portland. If this same policy is continued the result is inevitable, that shipping will be driven from the Columbia river to Paget Sound, and for the time being, the Northern Pacific Railroad Company may carry grain at rates that will induce shippers to send their grain that way, but when once established, gradually increase the rates, as only such monopolies can do, and by making the Columbia river bar the great bug beat'j frighten all the larger class of ships away from our river, and compel our noble State to 7e tributary to an insignificant ter ritory that to-day has not enough acres of arrablc land within her bor der to supply products for ' her own consumption. Producers and citizens of Oregon ! now is the time to check this great evil, before it has secured such a grasj) that you cannot sliakk it off. Join with Astoria, not to destroy or pull down Portland or any other city in our own State, but to protect our own interests and build up commerce within her borders, and a sea port that is accessible by water to almost every farmer in Oregon. This can be done br proper en couragement to the Astoria Farmers' Company, or any other companj' who contemplate erecting largo wharves or warehouses for storing grain at this point, where the largest class of slii)S can come, discharge freight or ballast, and take in cargo in from ten to fifteen davs time, and be off on I her way. The interest for twenty ; days, on a cargo of 40,000 bushels, at yu cents per ousnei, ob,uuu, at l perh cent, j is $-2,400 a snug little sum that has not been included, and as the cry is that ships are scarce, save this time and use steamboats or barges built in Oregon, by Oreganians, of Oregon lumber, and run by men whdJ live in Oregon, have families to sup port, and spend their money in Ore gon i to bring the grain to tkenv By having your grain here, and for sale by the cargo, when the commission merchant receives a dispatch to pur chase a cargo of grain at a given price, he will give you from five to ten cents more per bushel than he will for smaller lots, as he can estimate at once exactly what he can afford to pay, ana docs not send Ins agents or middle men around through the country to buy wheat, paying them live cents per bushel for doing what is in reality an injury to yourselves, for by disposing of your grain to them you place it where they can handle it just as they please, (or the different transportation companies can bring the pressure to bear so that they can handle the agents,) and the more complicated they can make it appear to the farmerthe less price he will sell for. To avoid this, make arrangements through the officers of your different granges or clubs with tho 'railroads and steamboats, or any responsible party that will bring your grain, (or A a part of it as an experiment,) direct here, without drayage, wharfage,4 .wastage, &c.. and your profit and 'loss account wilL be more satisfactory, and' you will see the benefits to .be gained by the producers and con sumers of Oregon. Woman is composed of two hundred and forty three bones, one hundred and nine muscles, and three hundred and niney-six pins fearfully and wonderfully macle, and ftrSc handled - 1 with care to avoid scratches. ence between rates of 'freight charg ed fromTSan Francisco' tojfLiverpool, and from Portland to1" Liverpool, New "Wood. Carpeting. ThriSeien- w lific Americandeacribes a new wood ear- pcting, which is coming intjextens.iYC iko, as follews: "The fabric is; made 'of hints, or more ornamental shapesSglued or cemented upon a" cloth backing? "The fclats or-strips of wood are of different col ons, and are arranged to produce all the , . -i . A m effects of tessellated floors., mosaic work, etc., and being about a quarter of an inch r in thickness, they will wear 'many years'. They are finished in oil, and fit together so tightly that.the joints, are made quite as perfect as those in inlaid work. The sur face thus produced can therefore be scrub bed, washed, and oiled, when neetlecl, precisely .like other floors made 'e'orna mentcd woods, which floors they resem ble in all respects when laid.' To Destroy Mosquitoes. To "be sure, these cool nights liave almost qufete'd the gentle buzzing of the-sc sweet songsters, but once in a while a warm night awakens them to action; and tor the benefit of those who are tormented by them, w give a good remedy for it. Take a lew hot coals on a shovel, throw a little brown sugar on them, and burn it m your rooms, and every mosquito will be lumisiied for that night. Beaver Lodge' No. 35, I.O.O.P. r jUcet every iimrsuay evening, s o'clock, in the odd Eel lows' . II nil Hiriinr nf ('. iiml .Inftorsnn ''.irtV Erects, Astoria. jUembeis of tlio Order arq invited to attend. By order, N. (Jr. ZSEW ADTEHTISEIEXTS. soraoxs. N THE C1RCURT COURT OF TIIE STATE of Oregon for tho countv of Clatsop. Casseo G. Anderson, l'liintiff, vs. .Lewis P. Anderson, Defendant: To ' Lewis P.'iVndcison the defendant, you arc hereby required to an swer tho complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit, at the tir-t term of said Court to bo held at Astoria in and for said County and Stte next after six weeks from the dato of this Publication. And if you fail so to anwer, the plaintitt will apply to tho Court fbr the relief demanded therein, which is si Dissolution of tho marriage contract with you. Ry order of tho Court. M . L. McEW AN. Atty. for Plaintiff. Dated July 2Gth. 1ST.). j L Ow. ALBERT BART SCH, r, Cornor Third and Salmon Streets, : it . v f PORTLAND. " " - OKCGON. UPRIGHT PIANOS MADE TO ORDER. ' J8S"Pianos and Organs Repaired and Tuned. ALL W'OItK GUAUANTKKD. RfARD HOUSE. H. Caz voan, Proprietor. J View street, ictoiia, litwi Columbia. E MP1RE HOUSE- J. O'Riukn, Proprietor. Onnosito Railroad depot and' Steamboat sanding, Kalama V T. The host and cheap- est Hotel in Kahuna. ACIFICHOTELSikks &Quimi;y, Propra. Main ttrcet, Olympia, W. T. StagO othco. AILROAD HOUSE J. McGuvtii, Propr. Good meals, clean ucus, moderate puces. 10, ". T., present ttyminus N. P. R. it. lunino Petition, to Sell Real Estate. URLIO SOT1CEIS HEREBY GIVEN that a petition to sell real eatate of Julius lMuuk decoased, has been made and will bO'heard on tho lSili day of August next, at an adjourned term of tlio Piobate Couit, to bo holden at vyaierville, Pacinc County, ashingtonTeni tory. All parties interested in said sale aro hereby notiaed to attend at said term of Couit on ttio day nbovq mentioned, and lilo their ob- jections, !, if any. f i.l. S. GR1&W OLD, J udge of Prubato. Oystcrville, July in, 1S73. j24-ith Administrator's Notice. yX THE COUNTY COUUTof THE STATE JL of Oregon, for tho County of Clateop, July i in, ii7.5. Jn tho niattor of tho estate of Mills L. Callender deceased, it appearing to tho Court, upon tho petition of Philo Callender, administrator of said estate, praying for an or der to sell tho real estate of said deceased that it is necessary that taid real estate bo sold to pay tho expenses of administration and claims against the ctato; it isoidored, that all per sons interested m said estate ho cited to appear before this Court, on Monday, boptomber 1st, ituo. at tho Court-houso in Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, to show causo, if any there bo why Uconso should notbo.grantedtothosaid administrator, to sell said real estate, describ ed as follows, to-wit: Tart Of sections No. 4, 5, 6 and y, ot township 7, noith rungo luwest, situate in said county of Clatsop, containing bzo acres, and that notice, of saii amplication bo published in tho Tii-w'ookly Astoiian, for four successive- weeks, beforo said 1st day of September, la7d. J. . MOljiiiri', j.M:-uh County Judge. NOTICE OF ELECTION. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEKEBY &IYEX that on tho first Monday, tho -ith day of August, li 73, at the Court House, in tho town of listeria , in the county of , Clatsop, ah elec tion will bo held for town otlicois, to-wit: r ' A MAYOR; ' '- ai j '' SIXCCUXCILMEXp - ! ? AliECORDER; A MARSHAL; tER; "uitf,'jrl SIGNER11 l'A h i , " - ' Strcots and'Harbor.,, -i , .: TREASURER; a commissien: , , -, i . -. T . t.M- Which Election will bo held at nino oock in the morning, and w ill contiruio'until sixo'louk in the afternoon of tho same day. v , ' Jby o; dor of tho Common Council. , , CHARLES iSlEVjViNis.Recordcr. Dated, this 21st day of J uly, 1&7.1. 'yj2t& r , WANTED-A SCHOQL .TEACHER kF0R, two 'thiiartri, Htthtf'housd of tho'Phnci- PhI Light keeper at CapolJh ipjoitmenRuf Address. J . . MUN SUN July 12th, IbTiJ, Capo. NE'WADERT-ISE-MENTS. w Ei . fc 1 FOR SKIPANON iLABINGl c X AND RAFTER- THIS DATE, UNfflL furtlfer'noticc, thd sido'whool steamer" Mary Bell, J. X. FISHER MASTER "Will leavo Astoria daily, On tlio arrival of steamers from Portland 'car rying PASSENGERS and UAlUJAUE to the SMpanon Landing, connecting with STAGES FORTHS SEASIDE KOTJSE ! and all point on Clatsop Plains. Returning, wmi leave Mtrpanon sumo evening. fcJ- For freight or passage apply on bo to V. C. CON 1 JON or Astoria, July 1-ltb, 1S7:. Flavors Wharf. rC. H. BAItf, COOTKACTOH AXD BUILDER, ASTORIA OREGON. Is prepared to fill orders for any class of work, with promptness L0YKSH0TEL-LEW1S LOYEPkoimmktor Hrst street between Main, and Madison, Poi tland, Oregon. This JloteL having been re modeled and lofitted throughout,' with new furniture, is now opened to tho public, the taplo will ho supplied with tho Vest the mark ot affords, and the charges wilt Ijo extremely liberal. OREGON. ROOT AND SHOE STORE! S. 3f. BARK, J. C KINGSLKY. B A R R & -K I NT & S L E Y, R1NCIPAL RETAILERS OF TIIE STA- ple brands of Eastern, taluorniaanu t-re- gon Loots and fclioes, iSo. 1 1 irr-t street cor ner Yamhill. Portland Oiegon. U?' ith our long experience and small ex pense we are enabled to sell cheaper than any other house in the city of Portland. ys the piovcrb goes SI 00 saved is $2 00 made: Call and see and give us your trade. ' LARK, az KINGSLEY.s Nl r s - M . R o g-e r s , PRIVATE BOARDING IIOUSE, Corner of Cass and Jefferson stroots. ASTORIA, OREGON. lew Stock of Goods I CLOTHING OF THE BEST STYLES; AND THE VERY BEST QUALITY, AT REASONABLE PRIGES. EVERYTHING ELSE IN PROPORTION. At'The Old stand of " SUIIERS, TAKE NOTICE. This is an extensivo stock of well selected goods, in great variety, which I am now opening.' Old Patrons, Erionds and tho community in general, aro invited to call and inspect both Goods and Prices. :- G.-sraniERs, Chcnnnius street, Astoria, ONLY REGULAR PACKET BETWEEN ASTORIA AND CLATSOP. Carrying the U. S- Mail! Tho well known sloop MARY H., Sa L V POODLE Mastor Leaves Clatsop every Monday, "Wednesday and Friday, on arrival of Stages, conncccting at Astoiia with the steamer Lixio Thompson. Returning, leaves Astoria every Tue.-thiy, Thursday and Saturday, connecting with tho Coaches for tho Reach. Jbxtra trips made to accommodate tho traveling public. CLATSOP HOUSE, SfclPANON LAND'DfG, . A. 'C. WI11T, PROPRIETOK. I? prepared to cptertain the public. ITorscs and Coach, with Raggago agon Hind carofiil driven? to convoy parties to any point. STJMIER HOUSE. ' " CLATSOP BEACH. 'RS, CLOUTRIE WISHES TO INFORM tho public tli at suo uas coinploteu uer. largo now two-story houso, which is hard finished throughout, and is now prepared to receivo visitors at this well known resort. GEIMES ItOUSE, ff : CLATSOP BEACH. VISITORS 'WILL FIND TIIE ABOVE .named Houso open foivtho entertainment of guests din ing tho season', as usual FOR SALE O-UPvEjST. THE WELL KNOWN SKIPANON HOUSEi 'Togdthor with Horses, Carriu"gesr"aad Jome fvCattlo, is , ff X - For Sale or Rent! on roasonablo term?. Said Houso is situated I at the Landing of Clatsop Plains, k or further particulars inquire oi the undersigned. , -Skipanon, J uno W, lhW." 1). F. PEASE. ' C0MEAND SEE f MY FANCY "a t rVMir"Lij m .'.,v0nnf Ur kjAU U.L.Uijrtlk, V,UUUttlU43 BMK - por chetee: Tlio fas sailing Sloop - -? ' ,v W . .H..XWIUGOTV R M LO.WE........ :; t Mastei PTilssoW tin readiness to Charter for ITessiire Partiesf'Ffeight or Pafsengers. Hednuart r G rner Main and Jofftrson streets, Astoria. 2E!?3n "ffTHSR AUOTIONEEES. 3 -- V-b Osgar Kilhourn, AUCTION EER-Offico 40 I-irst st.t Portland 0 Jf V. E. RICHARDSON. S. I. X. OILMAN - - A- B. Richardson, AUCTIONEER Corner of Front and Oak ft?.. Portland, Oregon. Auction. Sales of Kent Estato, Ojroeeiie?, GonuiulMerc!i'andi4c audi Horses, fralos Wednesday andSutuiday. " JEST Lnifro assortment of Groceries,Liqiioiv ot-., at I'rivato Sale. Liberal udvumws union. oir consignments. A.RaU CHARLTON Charles S. Wright, AUCTIONEERj-Cor of Main and Chonamns Streets, Astoiia. Goods received on consign ment and sold to th.o highest bidder. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. S. V DODD, - physician a:ntd SURGEON ASTORTA, OREGON. 'Dr. A. D. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN AXD-SURGEON Oflico on Stark Streot, 1'ortluEd, Oregon - rar. l. mcEWa5 RESIDENT ATTORNEY, ASTOKLA, OHGUy II. B. PARKER-, JUSTICE OE TUE PEACE, ..- .. . ASTURIA.OREGON jililAlwaysReady ny'Bu?ipess.,,S'n A. VAN DUSEN, NOTARY PUBLIC,; H.H.NORTHUP, . ATTORNEY AT LA"W, (Register in Uaakruptcyj,, Offipe In Holmes1 Rnildinp, Portland. ARC! Cree'sRuilding..... Portland, Oregon FTho Rost Counsel; tho. Rest Draughs men; tho Rot Model Workmen, and be.-t Patent Agent at ashinston; tho only reliable: plaeo to get your intoutions put tlnough in short notice. HOTELS. TkeSEASIDE HOUSE, CLATSOP BEACH. MR. C. II. DEXTER, Formerly of the " Cliff House." San lrancisco, announces to his friends and tho public that ho has leased tho now and elegant Hotel recently erected bv lien llolladay, Esq., upon tho site of tho old Summer House at Clatsop lieUtih. 'lho house is elegantly-furnished, and possesses all mod el n impi uvements. A largo and spacious Dining- Room, Jbilliaid Room, o.xtensivo Parlors', iiath Itooms, Rooms en suite, etc., etc., all well arranged for tho comfort of UucsK 'I ho Grounds are beautifully laid out. A half-milo Race Track, with Shell drive; Croquet Ground Children's Play Ground, Swings, etc.. etc. Boats upon the creek; plenty of Trout 1-ishing; a splendid Mable, with Saddle i.orscs for those who wish for Equestrian rTdes -ver tho Beach; Uathing Houses, for Salt ater Lath ing and, in. fact, everything necessary for tho Pleasure Seeker, the'Iouiist or the Invalid Ocean, Mountain, Jborestand JKiver Scenery, comnincd, make this tho finest Plae of Retort in tho orld. The climate is oqiuible never subject to extremes of Jieat or cold and ono of tho healthiest places upon tho Globe. 'J ho Tablo will bo unexcelled, and tho subscriber pledges himself that nothing will be left un done for tho pleasure and comfort of liis Pat rons. Terms moderato and satisfactory. CHARLES H DEXTER. BAY-VIEW HOUSE, (Fifteen Miie3 Northwest of Astoria.) At Unity, Raker's iay, W. T., THE UNDERSIGNED HAS PUJ. CHASED tho abovo.houso at this favorite resort. Having thoidughly renovated and furnished tho samo with now material, it will bo kept in fir&t-elass stylo. , The tablo will be furnished with tho best tho market affords. resh , Irish, Oystcis and Clams in every style. No pains will bo spared to make guesU? comfortable. Tho above houso is only ono and a half miles from tho Ocean Reach, whero anglois joy raro sport Roats, vcairjring passengers, will ply between Unitj' and-dstoria connect ing with Columbia River boats, 'lii-weekly stages will run between Unitj1 and Shoal W4iter Ray. .1 Oi IN HUH TER, 4'i oprietor GHEMEKETA HOTEL Salem, Orkgo.v. VESLEY GRA VESkoi-kiktor,. "Tho cheapest and bestHotel in tho State. Eroo Coach to tho Houso. i G. B. COOK. - TVril. ANDRUS. Occidental' Hotels (Kept on tho European Plan,) COOK & ANDRUS PROPRIETORS Corner Firs t and Jlon isqnteqts, Portland Cosmopol italrHotel (Kopt on tho Europcanlan,) ZIEBER & HOLTJON :... PROPRIETORS Cornor Stark and Front stroets, Portland. American Exchange Hotel Cor. Prontand'Washington'Streete. ) 4 - Portland Oregon, QUBIBX PERKINS.".. PROPRIETORS J Frco Coach 1o thoHdhse. . i 1 i.V' -3 ' Kit - S. Charles Hotel, Corner Front and Morrison streets. J. BrSPRENGER ..PROPRIETOR. T" HE "REST HOTEL INTHE STATE, andtho only ononiadeWbrickinl ortland. j-hobousOj is superbly furnished, an,d supplied with all tho modern "conveniences. EISIHQUSE JACOB KEJL.Proprictor, k irst at , bot JMainand Ai adison, 1'ortluLd. waving bought 'this'weirkiWri house, l ic snectfully ask the patrpfiage off citizens and of tho,trayelmg.j)ubhc. 6od nlealsfurnishti, 'and beds always clui.?litVltikr cold baths. ' board, please call KRUMBIEN fc GILBERT, ' I1TECTS AN1) miAL'GH'J SMEN, INVENTOR'S EXC11AN(JE. tiMru,uau f,wooKtisotd;,rith Lodging cent. 'Ihoso wirmnf & tMa.f',i tJ -'lij..n w i