MJ T H"EA"S T 0 E rAX TUESDAY July Id, 1873 THE liATEST-NEWS. Gold5nrKeV York to-day, llof. Portland Legal Tender rates, 852 buyingj S6 .selling. Col. Tom Scott has gone to Europe on Railroad, business. ,. ' Bellows has resigned the Yice Presidency of the Pacific Mail Steam ship company. y An attempt to kidnap a witness (Lord Gordon), at Port Garry and take him to America, probably to testify in some Jtailrdad case, caused great excitement on the' Minnesota border a few dajs ago. The detec tives sent after him and prominent citizehs of Minneapolis implicated in the affair were rudely handled by Her Majasty's subjects in official station -up tHere. ' ' - r-." A BoYrslDEA of Heads, Heads are of different shapes and sizes. They are full of notions. Lare heads do not always hold the most. Soihe persons can tell, just what a man is by the shape of his head. High heads are the best kind. 'Very know ing people are called long headed. A fellow that won't stop for any thing or-Any body is.called hot head ed. If he Is not quite so brigh't they call him soft headed. If he won't 'be coaxed of turned they call him ig headed.,, Animals, have small Ileadi.i f .The heads Vof fools slant back. When youjr head is cut off you are beheaded. Our heads are covered writh hair, except bald heads. heads of used to harv,e ufteerf he'ads to one sermon pin heads, heads of cattle, as the far mer calls his cows and oxen; head winds; drum heads; cahbage heads; at loggerheads; come to ahead; heads of chapters; head him off; head of the family; and go ahead but first be sure.you are right; but the worst of all heads are dead heads who hang around an edjtor for free tickets to shows. There are barrel heads, sermons and some ministers Prospectus of tlie Astoria n. The Paper will he independent of pelitic5: iu all its views, expressed, or implied, and" will be conducted with the aim jn view to make it wholly and solely devoted to the best interests of this State. The Com merce of Oregon, its Agricultural, Manu facturing and Mechanical interest,, the progress and irosperity of the people, will receive special attention. TheAsTOKiAX will recognize the Farmers and Mechanics of Oregon as men of thought and judg ment, and "vvillres'pecttheir efforts to make their influence known and recognized in the maitb of trade, in the counting rooms of business, and in the halls of legislation. re-shall neither make nor encourage a war upon, nor wage any conflicts with, any i enterprises, associations or men engaged in j eginmaie pursuits wnere success depends upon the interest and continued earnestness of the people. "While wcshall endeavor to show the truthfulness of the old maxim, 4 that " the laws iavortbcdihgent," we snail strive to harmonize interests calculated to be of direct benefit to the.State. Astoria is the sea port of Oiegon, fats an excellent harbor, and vessels of the deep est draught enter in perfect safety at all sea sons. Comparative statistics show les per cent, of losses on the Columbia River Bar for the past twenty years, than at the en trance to any other port in the United States, and the facts may bo easily pro duced to show the fallacies of such wide discriminations by underwriter's and in surers, in favor of other poitv, and against the poi t of Oregon . It wa. the Gold Min ing excitements of 1S49 that built up Cali fornia, p rapidly as to overshadow and out strip tin part of the northwest possessions, at a time when the fiit propositions for communication between Xew York und Astoria were about to be inaugurated 11ie gold discovery of 1849 set Oregon back and made our sister State what she is. Now. things are upon a more equal footing, with lands and Agricultuie for a basis of future oierations with the diftinence in favor of Oregon inker chearp lauds and va lied natural resources yet undeveloped. Temporarily there- i a stringency in the money market, but business generally con tinues good, and, as many vels "are em ployed in the carrying tiade, if not more, than in past years, of our prosperity. A few i more aceis planted, a few moie fish and ovtei, marketed, afew mom torn, at) rnal and iion mined, moiehomeiescourcesfde- I wloped and manutactoiies established, wi i 1 nn prove the outlook very much . The history of Astoria is lull of interest fiom the arrivals of Captain Gray in the Summer of 1792 to the pia-ent time, all of which will receive due attention. The ar i i vaU and depa Un e of ve?els at Astoi ia, and the business of the sun ounding-coun-trv. h.ivimr no Journal to correct! v leure- snt, Hinnfii pt. lift?, of ncr evif j Tipaii nocr- "ebd, to the 3et: iment4tHhe entire SfateV-i "With the view of feuppmng this want the undersigned has concluded to -cuter .the- rcYvpaper worm ni ljiis veiiumuie uiu ciiy, on the banks of one of the noblest rivers '2n Wing any ocean, ancT'ieTyTnglbr my ""sup-" port upon an appieciative people, ajnong whoiu Iamnotasja.trangr? iiaringbofai connected- with'the pie of tTieTfatebr-ten y uar,- itv H-wHkith oiusrm o-lrupnjidenee. of j -ic&-d;lbiaiia&Brie&ulliifciotthftJ pui-po-e,- actuating mpndfoMcjt wurpat ro..ags.vrjn . , ( "D. C. JRKD'I). .'1 if, i i i - This Space is Reserved ! 2k'X Hi i .n .. iAi:.i' -i.'i yNVT (' ' - T V71V ClarteeMersoh & jCooi, " cr 1! L-JodW ,) uterus ) Jtaft nicK a wcrO .koojo .Aurora. )APiriO AK -t r teitt JL 3510 7t.tZi nM-' itftkm s ta frta iWa jKriliMSE !::K ! lis ?iw i:i . zoma&Tw ft IVijrrl jtui ienj. Hi' ItJ'ddff Atan i" fw 1 it .8 iO .n 'O .a,H U f - 'i' n i 4f V03S JTOBQJf M O O t 1 Ir t3 SMALL-POX CURE. wmxOm.w tw&wsimwptT.zTm03tm&tm&iitM3 jnSCELLAEOUS. 'Dr.' Borzeau's Small Pox Cfure. As this most loathsome of all disease's is li able tp J)reak outajnoung us at any time, it is Fell to Jjo proparod for it at all times. ( ' Drv Borzoau's Small-Pox Cure and Preven tive, now pi epared and kopt on Land at my office, corner first and Main streets', one door from Tirst, is a sure cure or preventive for ttiat disease, tfho history of this medicine can not better he explained by mo than by inserting the following somewhat condensed letters. t SAMUEL CORWIN. Pkopkietok. MM torpid .WJPXAl4 wk wuO , SANFavKciscfo, Julv2,1872.' t My dear old friend, Samuel Corwin T have no doubt but you will bo much surprised on receiving this letter, but, perhaps, not more so, or more gratified, than I was ttf hoar from you.. The manner in which I hoaid from you, and learned of your whereabouts, is this: I happened to be looking over an Oregon news paper and noticed your name,. as" Representa tive elect, froni Tillamook county. Thte thrill of liltiasuro which I experienced'on reading, is indis'cribablo. Tho many acts of kindness which I received at your hands long years ago have never beqn forgotten, notw ithstandrng our correspondence has been broken for 17 years. Weli, Sam, I won't attempt to give you more.lhan the outlines of what baa tran spired tvith mo fcincd wo last corresponded. So many incidents of tho past, in which you and I were connected, crowd upon my mind that I cannot think or wiiloof myself, bods your jnind ever revolt to tho past, when wo first met how jou took mo in as a- partner, when those wlio ought to have boon my best friends throw off on me how we got snowed in and had to live on potatoes straight for six weeks how good that griz7loy meal tasted what a disgiaceful retreat wo made from our poor innocent Jack, when wo thought we wore besioged by a grizzley. Well, Sam, those events of 1&52 frequently furnish subject mat tor for my thoughts, and, as I am wiiting to you, crowd upon my mind, but I will dismiss them for the present to give placo to that which will, perhaps, be of greater interest toyou. I pocketed cloven thousand dollars out of tho "Deop Claim" you gavo mo in Maraposa, and started for homo in Juno, 1855. I invested four thousand dollars in leal estate in this city, and loft it in care of McLano, our old cabin mate. My property heio has yielded me a handsome income, and quadrupled in value. I went into business in Now York cits', in,whichlwas very successful sold out two years ago since which time I havo been trav eling through the European countries. You. know I used to have a weakness for travoling; well, it has been gratified to my heart's con tent. While in France I was taken with, tho small-pox. The lndy of tho inn told 'mo that I was foitanato to take tho disease at that place, as there was an old small-pox doctor noar by who never failed to euro, no matter how bad tho disease; and sure enough, 1 began to re cover within four hours after commencing to take tho medicine, and in twonty-four hours 1 felt quito well. 1 was so much elated with tho magical effects of the medicine that X was determined, if possible to obtain tho formula, in which 1 succeeded, by paying handsomoly and piomising not to divulge it in Franco. 1 see from Uiogon papers that you have tho disease among you. Tho enclosed" package contains tho formula and sufficient material for family use. 1 have cured all tho cases thatl'havo come in 'contract with, anil findit an infallible cuio and preventive. When you answer this, I will forward sufficient of the material to make you a. fortune, as X. havo am ple, and rest sissurcd i recipiocate past favors. 1 will close for tho -present and await anxi ously your ansu er. Direct to San Francisco, as 1 will remain hereabout two months. Yours etc.. USA AC ItlCllAKUSON. CotaC.'A.SHiPiARD'S"! Corner of Yamhill and Er&t streets, P61lTLAND.J.i,...i.'....i OREGON LEGAL NOTICES, t f. J& & t. i . .. 'TOR.- M. Groceries J . Groceries Groceries h ' Grocerios Groceries i . Groceries Groceries ' '. Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries, GROCERIES Grocoricsl Groceries Groceries Groceries , . . Groceries '.' ' Groceries Groceries i ' h'k. Groceries Groceries M Groceries Groceries, ; j j, r ( Groceries ' ( WHOLESALER RETAIL.;, . , i .t . AST Tho best 'stock of STAPLES apdTEA in Oregon. All goods warranted. w ' '' Pacific Eoot and Shoo Storov S. TV. Corner First and Morrison btroets, ' Portland, Oregon. tt3.0N AND AFTER THIS DATE I WTXL sell, for Cash, of California make, Ladios 1st quality 18 thread lasting KidJpxed Bal morals 1. ,...S2nO, Forager price S3 00. 2dqualityl0threaddol75, ' " 2 501 41 2 05 Misses 1st duality do 2 00, Misses 2d quality do 150, Children's 1st qual. do 1 nO, Children's 2d qual. do 125, GEO.Al'PEASE. 200 150 , Ei.MIIiWAINV i ' 95 Front and First Street, Portland, Oregon. isa- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DE ALTER in St6ves, Sheet-iron, Tin-plate, etc. Plumb ing and Gas fitting cheaper than any other house in town. BSParties wishing to sail,who aro not posted as to whore they can find boatmen or boats, can leave word at Arrigoni's for John Wirt, who can find a boat if there is one in town i LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriff's Sale. Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED' out of tho Circuit Court of tho State of Ore gon for tho County of Multnomah, and to mo directed; whereas, on tho 10th day of June. Jb73, judgmont was recovered in favor of John West, David West and Charles McGuiro doing business as co-partners under tho firm name of John West & Co., arid against Joseph Ma chivolla, for tho sum of four hundred and seventy-six dollars, ($470 00), with interest at the rato of ton (10) per cent per annum fiom tho 10th day of Juno, 1873, and tho further sum of forty and ten one-hundredths ($40 10) dollars costs, and one anatwenty-hvoono-hunuredths (SI 25) dollars accruing costs, together with other accruing costs" of suit and disbursements: now therefore, by' virtue of the above named execution, for want of pergonal property, I havo levied upon tho following described real estate property of tho defendant, to-wit: Ono acre of land and!tho appurtenancos, on whieh stands the buildings and wharf of tho said Jo soph Machivella, in township nine north range sevon 'est, Willamette" meridian, all in Clat sop county. State of Oregon, and on Friday, tho 25th day of July, 1S73, at the hour of ono (1) o'clock r m, at the Court-houso door in As toria, Clatsop county Stato of Oregon, I will sell at Public Auction to the highest biddor for cash paid to mo in hand all of Joseph Machivella's interest in tho abovo described real estate, or enough thereof to satisfy judg ment, costs and accruing costs. , W H TWILIGllTt Sheriff of Giatsop Counfy, Oregon. Astoria, June Wth. 1873. 2 rristD j: Jrnst 1 wi( n TJ. ;i;: C 01 m" rt w '- V, v .t jirvjto&i vV0sQ 6hoA u. mnl : ei.j nootx Y,ijii sA Ml 1 nM irfih to ho ' 5 Jtiii9titJbanttxJ& jft'A i . ,r Sorncjr -JFirsfe .andAMashiiigteiij: ri ilY.h T?iPSGqya)mugaS When I racked this medicine, tliore bojng no small-pox in tho Stato of Oregon, I sonC packagos to a number of places in California and othor States, to bo properly testodjl thougli my oin "confidence in its virtue was completely established by tho source fromr which I obtained it. Tho following letters wore duly received from the parties to whom I sent teat packages of tho inodicine: S ven MEvror Cal , Doc. 27, 1S72. Samuel Corwin, Nchalem, Oregon Dear Sir: I have the pleasure of communicating to you the fact 1 had an opportunity at bust of tosting tho. efficiency of your preparation" T6r tho dure of small-pox. Mr. A. Koysor, afriend of mine, aa taken with the small-pox Dec ember 18 fch. 1 learacd tho fact about six o'clock on the evening of tho lr'th, and started immediately for the ieidenco of Mi. Iv., sit uated aIoul fourloon miles from here, towards Cache Cieek, Tolo county. 1 got lo-K.'s liace jt twenty minutes bcfoio twelve o'clock, and commenced giving the medicine prcoiacly at twelvo o'clock. Continued to give tho medi cine every ljpui until twelvo o'clock next ove ning, having given twenty-nine dosesj and, without further aid. It. lccovored, andi' now awollas ever, without any visible Mgns of ever having had tho disease All of us who wero exposed, took of the medicine a.s a pre ventive, and 1 havo no doubt, by so doing, wei'o kopt from getting tho disease. , . A Yomsctc, JAMES HASHES'. Fr.Rvn vlf. Humboldt Co'.Cal.Fob.l 187.1. Fiiend Coru in Your small-pox 6ure proved ( quite a God-spnd to this community lately. 1 ii.iu uiu fcaui.icuon 01 cuiing .inroo ol our Puolic Notice. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN" THAT BY virtuo of a warrant "issued bv Charlos Stevens, Recorder of tho town of Astoria, Oregon, and datod July 7th a. i. 187J, com manding mo to levy upon tho goods and chat tols of . P. Burns, 'delinquent tax payor, on lptNo. 4, in lilock Ko. Ill, in tho Town of Astoria County of Clat-op arid State of Qrogon, assessed for tho improvement of Main streot in paid town a. d. 1872, as laid Otit and record ed, by Cyrus Olney, and upon which assess ment thore remains duo and unpaid tho sum of $20 00 and in.dcfault of any personal prop erty, I havo this day lovied upon said lot Uo. 4 "in Block No. 14-1, in said town of Astoria as provided by law. and on Tuesday tho 5th day of August 1873, at tho hour of 2 o'clock p. :m. on that day I will soil, i,ho abovo described lot No. 4, in Block HI, at tho Council Chamber door, in tho Town of Astoria Clatsop County Oregon to tho highest bidder thorefor in gold or sih'or coin, to rocovor said sum of $20 00 and accruing costs and oxpenses of s-alo, W. M. CHANCE, City Marshal, Astoria Oregon, July 7th 1873. , Sheriff's Sale. J. XJL X Y VIRTUE OF. A WARRANT ISSUED ut-of-thcrConTib?Pmirf.'rf -tha Statotjf Gra gon for tho County of Clatsopnto mo directed, commanding "me to levy on the gdods and chffttles of the delinquent tax payers named in the delinquent tax .roll for the year 1873. thereto- aUached, and Ifnono bo found then upon tlje real property as set ibrth andodet cnbed in aid tax list, or so much thereof M shall satisfy the amount of taxes so charged, together with costs and expenses, I havo, this. day of June. 1S7J," (for want of personal property), levied upon tho following described pieces or parcels of4 land ns set forth in said ta'x list, lying and being in Clatsop county "Ore gon. Jwown and described, and assessed to the parties as follows, to-wit: Nampg. I Dcscpt.L'tlBkj Valuol Tax Atkeson.WTMrs Bush, Alv Choadlo, Raphel ' " 1 ,": r Church, M. E.,? Portland Sreeborne, RD... dberg, Jamos... Howell, J H Maddox, Joseph Olson, A ..-k.-..... Church, M..E Olney's ( k 8 , " 4 " p..4 7 " I .7 8 5 " ft 5 Shively 12 tAdair's Ui m $10 00 521 10 00 o2) lib J 2500 02) 15rl05 00 Hi 200 00 12.1 5 00 1301 149 j 10 00 122 !7 115 1M 500 500 200 00 40 00 S .W .10 7 'M Hlm 3.70 '.to .H) .) .10 S.7U .74- Names Hoscript'n ILots sec TI R lAcr VaLITas, Blackmore.AVm Real, Wm EtnNool &othr Falkinburgo.W Gordon, John... 31 8 M.l 8 1.23 Marchivollo.Jos Smith, N L wMswM e&en Woodward, Wm . 1 swVfso S8 218 15' I 24 J 9 7 0jl7 '41 14 112 50 04 48 160 40 $103131.95 85 2S0 102 250 200 400 100 'iAi ,5,18- 4.63 &55 l.5 And on WEDNESDAY, tho 29th day of July, 1873, attho hour pf 10 o'clock A. M i front of tho Court Houso door in said Stato and County, I will sell thesamo, or so much thereof as shall bo necessary to satisfy said taxes and costs, at public Auction to tho highest biddor thereof, in United States gold coin. Salo to continu.0 from day to .day. W. H. TWILIGHT, Shoriff, And Tax Collector, for Clatsop Counfy-, Astoria, Oregon, J uly 1, 187.5. . 4wu Delinquent Tax List. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder on tho fourth Monday in ,1 uly , (2tth), between tho hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 5 o' clock p.m., at Oysterville, (County Scat), Pacific County, W. T., subject to tho laws of Washing ton Territory, tho following "described delin quent lands, on whiqh tho unpaid tax, and ac cruing interest and cost shall not have been paid bofore such time, and shall continuo such salo fiom day to day until all such lands hortj inafter described shall bo sold, or shall havo been twice offbred for .sale: Summons. N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE , of Oreiron. for tho Countv ofClatoD.! Marsarct Brown. Plaintiff, vs. Allan JJrown, Dofendan,t:' To Allan Rrown, defendant, In tho namo of tho State of Oregon, you aro herebv required to appear and answer tho Complaint-filed against you -in, the 'abovo en titled action at the next term of tho a!xvo entitled Court, to bo held at Astoria, County and State aforesaid, on tho 12th day of August li7.', and if you fail ?o to answer tho Plaintiff will uddIv to tho Court for the relief demanded therein, which is a divorce from the bonds of 1 matrimony with you. WM L. McEWAN, ji uw Solicitor for Plaintiff. . ' - - I 1 - .' -, - r-. . -f No person Should 'bo without this medicine, .ij as thctdiseae is now in vafiouJ parts of the country, aniinaj bo among u? any ofay. ' It 13 an old and true adhco. that a An iUnirf o nfo- ivWiv-e is ivorth ' -a.rtound of cilro" 4mTIs a ' FlnarSeiJlemeitV .: -Oxi.i ...r.i.ii. . '- .vrnTTm?. T lTF.T?!"Kl?VfjnrRV TO 'ATT. ui-o-umuniiiit-uiinne' ui cunt on ti Ttnr aay," ry VAV'". w 1, r,, 7 - i ikn. R A Mnwr.rvft.AVT.. PmnriMn, t. whom ifc may concern thabthejunderfigned .v. pw.- mm w-v? 111. "vifjvfcvi ttoc. i rri in t n a 1 1 un rv i mirr in I nirvfin jgr Nehalem, Cregbni.fTCountv, Oregon for her final account qsrAdmin Plric Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undcrsigried has been .appointed by the County Court for the State of Oregon, for the Countv of CI atop, AdminMiatrix of tho es tate nf.Pranklin JS'ickerson, deceased, late of said county. All person5? indebted to said es tato aro hereby notified to make payment, and all persons having claims againstrsaid es tate aro hereby required to present the same to me, duly verified, at mv residence in Astoria fnirnciiirtn !- o...c11rn 1 f1.. "Vrx.. T nmnntftf niAiiSnmn nni i wn'Kiiifft oni in said county, within tix irionths fiom this tufctfhntif-rt i,n.nn.iiwiffi' i.i nl "" " dnto. RUTH 13. NICKERSON, rlmvn iimi 'ft ..ii .lr. wii 4. u.. o Astoria. July 1. lW.Ww Aurainitratnx; agent in ovory town in Califoinia. I am get ting up abatement, with tho signature of the iJartiua knowing the facts, and will send it toon. Accept oui thanks, etc., C. E. CHURCH. Notice of Final Settlement.. IN THE MA1TER QF THE ESTATE QF G. W. Cook, deceased! By ordef of.llon. J. iUollitt,Judgooi tue trooaie wuritoriac?op county,' Stato of Oregon, the h.bt Monday in September, 17 5, that being the lit day of said month, is app,oinjte&for hearing objections and nnai seiucmcni, uipiim wiuiu. . , . GEORGE FLATEL, Ailministfator. Astoria July 10th; 1S78, - j!24w fumfei htm yttla .tli .-lnv i ffbhtr. v sm . ... . . T7.r,. ,. , , "I i r 7tt ' t r r l ntnii r.fii siiiii luuil -lijw ii.vcil kiiJuziiLiiJi ii. n-? - i nic .MimAnc u nnn unci t nv a-i.. e,0no-Dpyatiier jott)fin: Fpir sale in 167.J for hearing LobjectionstheratQ , u v ofH; RrParJtor, Justice of tho Teaco fonA-tT y, J..M nA-NCE,iandI).INGALLS,f4 f ' lV14rism,1lKlLSV8SffibV itoria PiecjnctVriuo thb'lb'th dayjofJinoh73L & lIIUIUU i-jv .-. . -- j t .vvn j -T . . -v , ...,. . m I u I ,. la b r gJi :n 5 'VtM I U 1 ' i a - a. c c 5 2 CO c . ?.'l ...... C1- OMCiMN?l r-1- I--1 i t-1" J" U3 CO CC CO GO .1 1 11 c-- is r 2J'Sjcos?c i-i-i';coio o 5 cs ea r "- CO i 3 - sss C?(S-f es -"5 Lr. e-i ?J5OCMCj' ta W r1r-StC3i. CI r- Q- i t "( rt, r-tr-SC9i"CTl i- Q- CC 6 o Zohr& :- :I.Sa N.-fcCj wki r -"-ir-- t C 2 tc JZ - ' o - kI'sm-, ca c o s a 5.2 , od c (s .. . a, ..-.: : . i;q ! ; . jrz c ti s . J. H. WHITCOMD, '! -J . Sheriff Pacifiu County, W.T.. 0y3t9ryille, W, T., J uno 24, ltf7.;. nt4i i Summons. t JUSTICE COURT FOR THE PRECINCT of Asteria: Civil action to recover moriev. State of Oregon. County of Clatsou sr tGeorgcBirehaid, Plaintiff,") v"-" rlo Thomas Dnn- ThomasDungan,Defend'ntJ gan the dqfe'nd'jit t above named: Jn the name of tho State of Oregon, you are hereby repaired to appear be fore the undersigned, a Justice of the Jrcaee for the l'reeinct aforesaid, on tho l.'.tlr day" of ' August, lb7.i, at ' o'clock in tho forenoon, of , said dav, at the ofiico of said Justice, in Fald. Precinct, to'anwer the abovo named laiptiir in a civil action. Tho Defendant will lake l notiee, that if 'he-fail to-tinswerthe coniplaiht t 'herein, tho llaiutiff will take Judgment ucain ihim for .J2v-Hj) dolling -and cocts Uin'di , burements of thi acti6n. ' " M'fOTI lTTilftf Tnt' Tinnrl fT7a 1R-Ti ?or Af TLj' .lb7y. H. R. PARKER,- J ukico of tho Polod4