Tri-weekly Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1873-1874, July 15, 1873, Image 1

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'PWWHJ.i'JH l"rPMgrgg'ranF'yW'HgWgBBBqii
,. -J! A . F&SA A aE'B-
AST0EIA,M, JULY 15, 1873.
VoL 1
, . j j . u ,-- i.aT,l J Viri'
' Xxlx VY JliJuIlJUx -uXUXtxillii.. ..
- '
Monitor Building, Astoria, Oregon.
B. C.IREIiAXD .' Proprietor
Subscription Kates: y , .
One Copy & 00
One Copy six months 00
One Copv three month 1
ST Single dumber, Ten Cents. &&
Advertising Kates: ' I
One Insertion per square, 10 lines or les3...S2 oO
Eaeh additional Insertion, per square 2 00
Yearly adv'te per month, per square 1 oO
Aleuts :
L. P. Fisiifr, 20 and 2L Xow Merchants Ex
change, is authorized to act as Agent foi the
Astokiyv in San Francisco.
Any friend who feels an interest in the pros
perity of this region, is authorized to act as
Agent for this paper, in procuring subscribers.
Pleasure Craft. A line pleasure
yacht is "being constructed at Cape
Disappointment, and mil be launch
ed in about six weeks. The craft is
thirty feet in length.
City Finances. The annual state
ment of the City Recorder of city fi
naccs up to the close of the last fiscal
year shows a small indebtedness.
At this time however the city is out
of debt.
For Oysterville. Goyernor FerryJ
of Washington Territory, Judge Green
of the District Court, United States
Marshal Kearney, Messrs II. G.'
Struve,r. Fletcher, Mr. "Yinar,
and several ladies and gentlemen
from Portland, left here by the Ya-
runa for Unity, thence along the
"Weather-beach to Oysterville, last.
Satu r day .
Stock Raising. The mild Winter
climate of this part of Oregon, and
the fact that grass remains green'
the whole year through makes Clat
sop an excellent county for stock rais
ing; and wool .grown in this region
is of a superior quality, owing to our
cool Summers, warm Winters and
continued green feed for sheep.
False Report. To correct a State
ment which seems to have gained
considerable currency interior con
cerning charges at the Summer Re
sorts of Clatsop county, particularly
at the" Seaside ree :may -say- that
better fare can be had, at prices rul
ing in the valley. There is no truth
in the rumor that babes are charged.
full fare, and all such bosh come
and see for yourself.
Arrived. The bark ftival Captain
Clements, and the American shipf
Confidence both arrived Saturday af
ternoon. The former with a full
cargo of assorted merchandise for
Astoria and Portland, and the latter
in ballast to load with wheat for the
outward voyage. The Confidence
sailed in, and the Rival came in
tow ol the tusc Astoria. Tnev were
both taken up the river leaving here
Sunday in tow of the Astoria.
Daily Boat. The fine steamer
Annie Stewart arrived here last
Saturday in jcommand of &ptJ Hoyt,
Upshur, Purser, and left yesterday
morning on the iirst daily arrange
ment trip..Th'e Dixie Thompson
Capt. Babbage, Dan. O' Neil Purser,
arrived last evening-, and will return
to Portland this"' morning. With
these steamers no line could be bet
ter equipped. The Annie Stewart
is a fast boat of large capacity, and
would be considered a favorite al
most anywhere. Her appearance
her was the signal for demonstrations J Knlijma beacon
of welcome on the part of all our
people, ancl we trust the company
may never have cause to regret the
action that places Astoria in daily
communication with the business
of Portland. When this trade so in
creases as to require two or three
palatial steamers plying daily and
nightly as between the old and new
commercial centers of York State,
Albany and New Yor:, we$hope to
be "able to refer with pleasure to the
inauguration of the daily line July 14,
1S73, and the events which pro
duce it.
Tri-Wi?fkly Astoria. Last week wo xc
ceived three numbors of tho Tri-AVeekly
Astorian, as its name plainb' imports, print
ed, threo times a week at Astoria on Tuesday,
Thursday apd Saturday. D. CIr.eland.Esq., is
founder of tho enterprise, ondfissued tho first
numoor on tho 1st inEt. His material is1 taste
fully selected, and tho mechanical execution is
the best of any journal this side of California.
The editorial and local departments are exceod
tngly woll attended to in fact, showing too
inuch industry for tho " quid pro quo" that is
possible in his locality. To all interested in
shipping" and other new3 connected with the
lower Columbia, wo recommend tho Astoriax.
But wo call upon Bro. I. to " draw it moro
mild" about tho river bars bctweon here and
his town, for it gores our ox considerably!
Personal. -Pr,of McGibenv Of Port
landcame to Astoria last evening for
the purpose of aiding Rev. Mr. Ten
n3rin the musical department of "the,
Congregational Sabbath School here.
Mr. Caufield, county clerk of Clacka
mas countv, T. J. Holmes and several
nflifrs frnm' Pnrfl nnd. nnrl A. Fv
Mercer and Edward Taylor, of this
city who have been sitting as. Jurors
at a term of the United States Court
in Portland, were also passengers by
the Dixie Thompson. , . . .'
The Astori vx. "We havo received the firt
number of tho Tri-AVeekly Astori vx, pub
lished at Astoria, by D. C. Ireland, formerly
editor and proprietor of tho " Orogon City En
terprise," and for many years connected with
the press of Portland. It i3 a small si7ed
paper, but woll filled with local and general
news matter. Mr. Irol and 'announces in his
salutatory thai tho paper .will bo entirely inde
pendents politics, and. devoted to tho inter
ests of the whole State of Oregon and "Wash
ington Territory, generally, and to tho inter
ests of Astoria in particular. Tho editor is an
experienced now'spaper man, an indefatigablo
woiker, and a first-rato compiler of local
news. Tho people of Clatsop, and tho loyrcr
cornor of "Washington, ought to sustain tho
Astori x liberally, and wo hopo they will do
it. Salem Statosman.
Letters from the People.
sTIie pystcryillcr Regatta. f , j
Oysteryillf, July 10, 1873.
Editor Asteriax:
Tho third annual regatta of tho Shoalwritor
Bay Yacht Club, will tako place at Oystorvilo
July 24th, 1S73, under the auspices of Commo
dore Johnson, and tho llogatta Committee It
is believed this will be tho most attractive 're
gatta that has ever come off north of San
Francisco, as tho class of boats, particularly
in this rnimffn.. am of the first. order, i
A general invitation is cxtonded, particular3
ly to tho ladies, to witness this attractive con
test Valuable prizes will bo awarded to tho
first, second and third winners, A largo num
ber of boats will enter, making tho affair a
brilliant ono,
At half past eleven o'clock a. m., at tho firing
of agon, the fleet will commonce gathering'up
their skirts, and spreading their wings for a
start. At 12 o'clock precisely, at tho racing of
tho signnl flag fiom shore, tho start will bo
made after which, hoar fiom us moro fully.
Tho pleasures of tho day will close with a
ball at tlio hall of Espy & Co.
Yours, Skcrktary.
to tho yiqinity of Salt Lake. Then could
the Columbia, river compete with San
Prancisco in the Eastern markets.
At the present time if one or two large
vessels anive here with foreign import,
the market becomes overstocked. Cur
own4 consumption is not sufficient for all?
and we have no outlet for the remainder.
With connection East equal to San Eran
cisco, Oregon could do as California, find
markets outride for the surplus.
Wc do not now import direct all ! the
foreign goods consumed in our Stato, nor
will we ever until there are such outlets' af
forded as will carry off any chance surplus.
Some houses are importing direct, hut
the fact of their not supplying the market
when it would he so easy to increase the
tonnage, is evidence o the risk they incur
in shipping to a limited market. " Q.
More WmowERS.-We hear of other
widowers in the city since our last re
port. Capt. Hustler is left to manage
his domestic affairs in single blessed
ness, Mrs. H. having gone to Clatsop.
Our friend I. W. Case is in the same
fix. We understand Col. Taylor will
be left alone to-morrow. The Editor
of this paper is counting the weeks
that must elapse before his lonesome
career terminates and his better half
and little ones, now4 recuperating at
Calistoga, return. Come ye disconsor
late and let us condole. :
ClvmSoup. Asthosoason Ls now at hand
when tho market will bo supplied with clams,
I offer you tho following receipt for making
clam soup, which cannot bo surpassed: Boil
for three hours a knucklo of veal with a good
ly portion of water, and ono onion. Strain anp
add tho liquor of fifty clams. Thicken with a
taplespoon of flour, wollrubbed with butter,
the siso of a small egg. Havo your clams cut
in threo pieces with the hard rind romooved.
Beat tho yolk of two eggs very light, by and
put into your tureen with chopped parsley and
half pint of milk. Just boforo serving drop
tho clams "into tho boiling soup, letting thom
boil up once. Pour into tho turoen, stirring
well its contents when doing so.
J3 Janion & Bhodes, Importers and Com
mission Morchants, J?ront street, Portland aro
taking active part in building up a foreign di
rect tiade with England. Tho house is repre
sented in Victoria by Janion, llhodes& Co.,
and in Liverpool by B. C. Janion.
Thero is a shoemaker in Brownsville who
wants a boot-TRKK planted over his grave when
ho pegs out, to show that awl is over.
Tho new Indiana divorce law is called tho
"Hoosior Soparator."
The Weather. For the past few
days we have had regular -Winter
weather, with wind from the. south
west. The rain came down Sunday
last in Winter fashion, it however
did 'good, making the roads lovely,
especially on Clatsop Plains. These
Summer showers are refreshing, and
make us feel as if we were living in
the older States. We invite Califor
nians especially to come and take a
look at, our verdant meadows and
dustless roads.
AJrav f 'xTTTur-ir YVfivlr mi thA HPUM
Catholic Church to be erected in this
city 'commenced yesterday. The
foundation is to be laid by Mr. A. II.
Sale assisted bv Mr. Logan. We
J have not been able to learn who has
I contracted for the wood work!
Diack: Sand Mxning. Last Satu -day
we had the-pleasue of a call from
our old. friend Major Downie, founder
of Downiville California, who stopped
over at Astoria while the steamer
was taking on frieght here for San
Erauchco.IajorD. lias been ibr
some lime pasVmihingblack sand in
Coos and Curry coun lies, by the pro
cess referred to in our last paper, a
process by the way
his son-in-law, and
discovered by
ho informs us
Returning. Among the passen
gers returning to Oregon, -to arrive
here to-day, we notice the name of
John'sestor, wife and two children.
Mr.-JSestor is que of the finest archi
tects we ever had in the State, and it
is liGped he is returning to stay.
. Game. Elk, deer, black and grizz
ly bear, Oregon cougar or California
lion, with numerous small game, and
swan, geese, ducks grouse, pheasants
Movement of Vessels.
Following is a list of vessols on tho way to
this port, and a record of tho arrivals and de
partures up to date:
.Brig Orient, from San Franci'co, July 10th.
The Tjark Edward James is said to bo com
ing to load with lumber for Melboum.
Rritish bark Vesta, sailed from Liverpool,
April 12th.
British bark Shylet, Liverpool, via Victoria,
Schooner , from Melbourne,
Barkcnfeoer. Oregonian, fi,om Francisco.
British bark Oneata, 588 tonr, McDowell,
from Tyno via Molendo and Callao, arrived
fiom Molcndo at Callao 22d.
British ship Lorotta, 1,944 tons, from Tyno
via Callao. Sailed March tfth.
British bark Duncairn, Chambers, from
Tyno via Bombay, Arrived at Bombay piior
to April 22d.
British bark George A. Holt, Xorton, fiom
Wear vi.iXow Zoaland, Sailed Dec. 20th, 1872
Passed tho Li7ard Feburary 15th. '
Arrived Dopartd
BarkBival San Francisco July 12
American ship Conidenco San Francis
co, 2d in grain fleet lb7.4 July 12
StrJL Stephens San Fiancisco July 12
Biig Koloa San Francisco July 12
Sch Katie llerron, Tillamook July 12
Str" California, Sitka July 10
Br ship Middlesex. London July 10
Bark Garibaldi, Hong Kong...-Juno 20
Bark Forward " Juno 2 J
Bk Hcimino Liverpool Juno 2()
Tide Table for Astoria.
High "Water.
that it ireyen,beter;tthan q -have land quail, are the principal game of
this county.
rlnsnrihGd it to be, He coincides
with us in the view that many hun
dred thousand doHars might be min- J
ed out of, the; san$r is this vicinity
and has consented to'stop over 'a -few
days on his return, to prospect .theatric afternoon.
sands Here, ana- gne. uuuriuauon
concerning thV vpry, pimple process
which has msd fiosemines so high
lv nriznd and nrofi table to Southern
Otvn' ,1rf - '''&
A. .M.
P. M.
Low "Water.
a. m. p. M.
14 .J 21 4 .2
l.'i. i In t II
in. r 24 -i 04..
17 Ji Hi 'j .")J..
IS .7 47 7 4')j..
l'l.....,....1) 00 8 41 ..
'A 10.12., 9 41,.,
...10 .W
..11 35
10 31
11 0 j
11 47
0 40 0 40
1 44 1 :
2 4'i 2 :)l
Z.S3& JL31
Concerning- Grain Shipment?.
AsTonn, July 14, 1S7.?.
Editor Asteriax:
The farmers of Oregon are very desir
ous of devising some means which will
enable them to realize as' much per bushel
for grain as do the farmers of California.
It U argued that wheat should command
as much at Oregon's seaport an at San
Francisco, and that the caiv-c of iknot do
ing Kis tho location of that seaport.
"We yiU admit that the mouth of the
Columbia i iver is a hotter place'for the sea
port than themouth of tho "Wallamet riv
er, hut it is not enough hotter to cover the
difference in' the prices of wheat here and
at San Francisco.
The advantage of Atoria over Portland,
according to the lepoit in your paper, iaJ
four cents per bushel.
The American ship Confidence, just ar
rived in ballast from San Francisco, to
carry grain to Europe, estimates the addi
tional expense of coming heie at 5,000.
She will carry about i;i00tbns, a differ
ence therefore, iii round numbers, of four
dollars per ton, or twelve cents per bushel
in favor of San Francisco, and against
Portland; or eight cents per bushel against
Except that by such vessels going di
rectly foreign from here, Oregon's poit
will be made known in other lands, would
it not be bettor to give this extra $4 per ton
to our coasters to carry the -wheat to San
Franoisco for export, than to giv6 it to for
eign vessels, owned in foreign countries,
of even to' American vessels belonging to
the Atlantic coast? Very few vessels
owned on this coast are engaged in tho for
eign trade, particularly to Em ope. Would1
it ilot be bettor to give the 4 per ton to the
Oregon Steamship Company's boats to
expend on the railroads of our State than
to foreign vessels to carry away and do
posit in the banks of the old country.
Oregon should he tributary to no State,
but equal. Horea poit should have, and
by nature has, all things considered, ad
vantages for shipping equal to San Fran
cisco or Pugct Sound. But it devolves
upon her inhabitants toaftbid her sea port
the facilities furnished by the improvement
and devolopement of a countoy. f
In oi der that wh(at for expoi t ma' bring
as high a price in Oregon a in San Fian
cisco, our foiign tiade must bo dirqpttp
and f o. Under like circumstances, a ves
sel can come fiom Liverpool to the Colum
bia river as cheaply as to San Fiancisco,
but it cannot come hither by tho way of
San Fi ancisco as cheaply, nor can it come
directly hither jn ballast and cany out
grain as. cheaply as it could go to San
Fiancisco with cargo and tako away the
same amount of grain.
Aforo business and trade in this State are
necessary tp bring vessels heie diuctwith
cargoe. . r
One way to increase the trade is to fill
the State. with immigrants till eveiy quar
ter section of available land supports a
TliC'jSeiirtlcm "Wagon Road.
Astori v, July 12, 1S73.
Editor AsTearvN:
Knowing as well as Mr. Many Settlors doc3
that a great many readers of your paper aro
deeply interested in the "Washington County,
Xehnlam Valley and Astoria "Wagon Bead I
tako the liberty to say that thore may perhaps
havo boon somo bad management in the buci
ncss of tho Boad, but, if there has been, it ha
not bcven through the carelessness or negligence
of the Chairman. Every "Warrant that ha
beon sold was sold'by and with tho advice and
consont of tho Board. Thero has boon no do-
tontion through tho negligonco of the Chair
man, nor has there been any money belongingv
to the Commission paid for wheat. Thore has
been no inorfoy phid out by tho Chairman but
has boon appropriated by tho Hoard. In, f,iC
tho communication in your papor of tho 10th
upon this subject i? a liofiom beginning to end.
Tho Chairman probably understands his busi
ness about as. well, if not bettor, than tho wri
ter of tho letter referred to, signed Mirny
Sottlers. JAS. "W. WALKER, Chairman.
People's Protective Alliance.
An organization of the above nrtme ha
been instituted in Oregon for the purpose
of securing unity of action in protesting
against the immigration of Chinese. Tho
Secretary furnishes us with the annexed re
port on the organization , Should- tho
movement succeed in the wprk they have,,
inaugurated, it will undoubtedly bo a good
thing for this ceuntry:
E vstPortl vxd, July 6, 1S7.J. l
Editor Astori .v:
Please find enclosed a report of the or
ganization of the People's Piotecfive Alli
ance of the State of Oregon, together with
Proclamation for the Pacific Suites and
"We are organizing for the purpose of sp
earing unity of action in protesting against
the immigration of Chinese. It is our in
tention to form primaries in Astoria, and
every other iowh in this State.
Very respectfully,
Corresponding Secietary P. P. A.
E 1ST Portl vxd. June lo. 1S71. Pm?uantto,.
instructions from General A. M. Winn.U'resi-
dent of tho Central Council of tho Peoplo's ,
I'rotectivo Alliance for the States and territo
ries of tho Pacific Coa-t tho following named
persons mot in tho Council Chamber in this,
city for tho purposo of instituting a Central
Council for tho People's Pioteetivo Alliance of .
tho State of Oregen: Xat 11 Lane, T It Tuin
bull, W JlKo's, John X Yoke, Isaac Sanders
J S M VanClcave, F B Xealo, X Kennedy.
Xicholas Clinton and J A Xcwell.
Mr Yokes was called to the chair and Mr .
Boss chosen Secretary. Mr ant loavo intro
duced the following resolution whiHi was re.Ml
and adepted: Ko?olved, That s o the partiu
aboved named hcrebv organise ourselves into
and declare ourselves a Central Council for tho
I'eoplo's Protective Alliance of tho fctate of
A permanent organization was then effected
by electing tho following named efficer: X
Kennedy l'rerident: laaeSundoiSjX Clinton, ,
Yico Presidents U B loa lU'tordtngSi'CieU
ry: JohnX Yokos Corresponding Secret arv ; T
It Turnbull Treasurer; V it 2sealo
Committeo on Correspondence, X Ken
nedy, Tsaac Saundw. X Clinton.
Each member of tho Council was delegated
authority tuoigoni.e primaries subject to con
firmation by the Contral Council.
'Iho proclamation is authority fiom A M
Winn, President of the California Alliance, to
X Kennedy, President of tho Oi ogon Alli.mce. '
for instituting and organiing Primaries. En.
totfg X SAili 4KrV
Tkom tiik B..VR The pilot boat Cali
fornia. xame(iip from the pilotgrounds
lasti evenings jlno "weseis were
shiin when she left heF "grounds
' fTT
i. I . L 1 -.
"VW ,. T J !,.. 21;i "lnr
Every Pilotor Ship Master who shall bring in- family; till every mountain ten ace and
t6 tho port of Astoria any shin or vessel having ' ravine bottom is covered with cultivated
on bdard any persons or1 goods infected witliM instead of wild vegetation, and .every rip-
smitlP-pox. Cholera,, Leprosy, or other cpnte-- n !:.,. Jtrearri cool innumoialle dairy
Jious, diseases or wjiich shall have had on 10llp ' '
uiii nw ourtti int.nrwTii: niiriri"'" 1.1114 unviirn - . . .
tH . ? , , " ".. T: Ji. u,.i 'rJ:..'! Another way, to increase the business
UO All Or WIllCll HO SUpUCtS, UOIU UIO -.uiu.liy - -,..! 1
condition of ihe vessel may be capable of pio-J and tmclu. Mi to ave direct raih oad com-
nmrttinrr rUoonarv elinU nnfhnr such I rnmiU'fttion With the Ka-t. Sit bT the
.r w - . ct 1 ;
Vonrilr Wlllworth lui&i sona tO'Smg3; vessel belbt Smith's 'Point a-tl giVe 1
. r::&. A t. ! iOULUJJLCf? .t..
Tun Terminus. It appears . tho t;
terminus qucstiqn is in fever k heat
'over on the Sound. Seattle , and rJ a- ,
coma smoke, not a pipe of peace,
howler. Soattle has prpmi?el to f
come out with 750 ownlots, 3,0(U 4
acres of land and .75,000 hai;d casli,f(?r
the chance of making hqrself rich jj
with a terminus. , 5
Since the above was in type we are
informed by late ' dispai cjics that
(Steilacoom comes in ' for termiiu.1
h mors, and the matter i"s not settled,
but wiu be to-uav. teilac;oonL
IjncvQuinn pT r'hifadolpliia Sold h'orTiiewbpn
.net that her lo-cr might purchase a ball ticket
ThatArastruolJVvQ.. m , tv-jKlia.V.
iw.1 .ird , 'iliiui'lla to vfrdwil od''. fiw ilua "W
mmetli- Wnv of Sacramento City, "raided!' Seattle some. -Sjoipftfvr
-r- . . ' "it !lli I u ' .. . .i iiJ l 1J"-' n --.. .,
aienoMcoiovioii.oaunu.uuuf 1 m. iice pur ocean connecLiou.wjui'pan jjran- 5,000 acres, of hind, worth S2S0.000 in .
tions'of tho foregoing regulations the ilaw will ci.CQ wv a,dEectline iiOm 'Astoria coin,' 820 city lots, worth .lY.Ouy,
j bD Stric.9e01-cchlt ! throhglnthehead bf tho AVllan t YaUoy, and225J000 n din'aridliondB.1 ' ; y
tAJur j . . 11 ,w -an i-a "9
Lj&. l