❘ / SIUSLAWNEWS ❘ @ THESIUSLAWNEWS WEDNESDAY EDITION Youth theater camp continues SANDBOARDERS PREP FOR JAM INSIDE — A8 SPORTS — B ❘ JULY 15, 2015 ❘ $1.00 SERVING WESTERN LANE COUNTY SINCE 1890 Feel the power in Florence Power of Florence focuses on community service, giving back B Y C HANTELLE M EYER Siuslaw News FLORENCE, OREGON CRIME Police nab Bridgewater burglars FRESH off the Three residents arrested for weekend break-in DOCK B Y C HANTELLE M EYER Siuslaw News The fifth annual Power of Florence, a citywide day of volun- teering, on Saturday, July 18, offers a host of service events, donation centers and entertainment for those in the Florence area. Shannon Graham, mother to event organizer and founder Kaylee Graham, said, “We have about 45 different events, which is the most we have ever had. ... The Florence community is coming together and taking ownership and pride in this day as their own.” A complete schedule of events can be found on page 11A. Here are some ways to get involved: POWER Walk 8 a.m., 990 Second St. Run, jog, stroll, skip or walk a leashed pet during the official opening of the Power of Florence. Join 15-year-old Kaylee and Florence Mayor Joe Henry for a walk that loops through Old Town. Power of Florence T-shirts will be available for $10 at the walk. Service projects Want to help your favorite organ- ization? A total of 20 community service projects will be going on all over town. Groups will organize beginning at 8 a.m. or after the POWER Walk at various locations, including six parks, churches, the junction of Highways 101 and 126, a Habitat for Humanity home at 229 Horseshoe Bend and Siuslaw Elementary School. JACK DAVIS/SIUSLAW NEWS Amber Novelli shows off a fresh King salmon fillet to cus- tomers at Novelli’s Crab and Seafood market near A dock at the Port of Siuslaw marina. SEAFOOD MARKET REOPENS AT PORT B Y J ACK D AVIS Party in the Parking Lot Siuslaw News There will be events going on all day at the Grocery Outlet parking lot, 4310 Highway 101. Vendors will be selling grilled hamburgers and hotdogs, chili and cornbread, lemonade, popcorn and cotton candy. Live music from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. features Children’s Repertory of Oregon Workshops (CROW) See A nyone looking for fresh fish and crab this summer at the Port of Siuslaw will no longer be disappointed now that Novelli’s Crab and Seafood opened up near A dock at the marina. Owners Kyle and Amber Novelli, commercial fishermen from Newport, recently took over the old Fisherman’s Choice Market location and now only sell fish and crab caught by the two fishing vessels they own. “We offer whatever it is we are catching,” Amber said. “I have kind of a funny business plan because I can’t promise you a species and I can’t promise you a date, but I can promise you the freshest fish possible.” The business plan appears to be working. See C O O L P L A C ES Myrtlewood Factory TO VISIT THIS SUMMER 68794 Highway 101, North Bend ❘ 541-756-2220 S PECIAL F EATURE : This summer we are highlighting unique spots that make the central Oregon coast one of the coolest places to live and play. A new location will be featured each week. INSIDE SEAFOOD 11A POWER 7A Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . B10 KidScoop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B9 Library Tidings . . . . . . . . . . . A5 Obituaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2 A T A GLANCE : The myrtle- wood industry originated in the late 1800s along the southern Oregon coast. The Myrtlewood Factory, located five miles north of North Bend, Ore., at the entrance to the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area, is the oldest and largest myrtlewood manufacturer in the world. The factory processes logs from the time they are brought in green by private timber operators. Myrtlewood logs, when green, are 70 percent Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4 Police . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Weather Data . . . . . . . . . . . A5 THIS WEEK ’ S No marijuana dispensaries in DC B Y J ACK D AVIS Siuslaw News DUNES CITY — During last Thursday’s Dunes City council meeting, City Manager Fred Hilden reported to the council that no commercial property within the city limits met the state’s minimum requirements for marijuana dispensary setbacks. According to Hilden, the state does not allow marijuana dispenseries to be located within 1,000 feet of a residentially zoned area. The nearest medical marijuana dis- pensary is Buds4U in Florence. moisture so the log will not float. The wood is 20 percent harder than oak. A skilled sawyer is needed to operate the carriage to saw each log in recognition of the individ- uality of the finished piece. Each item is picked up and put down at least 28 times from the time it COURTESY PHOTO begins in the sawmill until it is a finished product on the store’s shelves. Every buyer receives a “story of myrtlewood” that tells how to care for the item. TODAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 68 56 69 55 68 55 72 58 WEATHER Full Forecast, A3 On Sunday, July 12, Florence Police Department received a report of a burglary and theft at the Bridgewater Restaurant on Bay Street. According to general manager Paul Meeker, restaurant owner Christine Duwell was one of the first to know. “Christine texted me Sunday morning. I had closed the night before, so it happened between when I left at midnight and by 6 a.m., when our early morning people arrive,” Meeker said. Police arrived shortly after receiving a call at 7 a.m. Once there, officers discovered the building’s backdoor had been forced open. Cash, including tips, a laptop and a business checkbook had been stolen from inside the restaurant. Officers followed up on evidence obtained from security footage that led to the arrest of three suspects on Monday. Police charged Roland Julien Bocquel, 25, Jon Austin Gorman, 24, and Jesmine Leah Meltzer, 33, all of Florence, with burglary and theft. Bocquel and Gorman also face charges of criminal mischief and criminal trespass. Lt. John Pitcher said, “The officers did a very good job in finishing this case and mak- ing those arrests.” Duwell agreed. “We just have so much gratitude for the three officers on the case,” she said. Meeker added, “It’s great that they caught the suspects so fast. Crime doesn’t pay.” Lane County Search and Rescue is work- ing with Florence police to assist in the pos- sible recovery of some of the stolen items. The investigation is ongoing. S IUSLAW N EWS 125 TH Y EAR ❘ I SSUE N O . 56 C OPYRIGHT 2015 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK THESIUSLAWNEWS . COM