Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, May 08, 1902, Image 1

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    Ltv Official Paper.-
City Official Taper..-
19 llfiM iESMlSSY
Regpsctfnllj jours,
E. M, & M. CO.
ksy Big Store
Republican Statement of Princi
ples and Policy.
Following the Republican plat
form in full, as adopted at Portland on
Wednesday, April 2nd, by the State
Republican Convention:
The Republican party of Oregon, in
State Convention assembled, proud of
its record and past history, its devo
tion to the priniples of human liberty
and human rights, its great and im
perishable names which lend luster
and glory to the American Nation at
home and among the nations of the
earth, and as an assurance of its con
tinued fidelity to the great principles
for which it has contended in the past
in state and national affairs, does
hereby make and affirm the following
declaration of its principles:
The events of the late war with
Spain carried us into the Philippine
Islands. We hold it to be consistent
with the principles of libierty and of
our national life and the soverignty of
the United States should be maintain
ed it the islands, under such local self
government as the people may be, or
may become, fit to participate in.
We therefore declare against all pro
posals looking to the retirement of the
United States from the Philippine
That in the war which President
Roosevelt has inaugurated against the
gigantic combinations of incorporat
ed capital he has the united and en
thusiastic support of the Republican
party of Oregon,
We demand and insist upon the
passage of the bill now pending in
Congress for the exclusion of Chinese,
known as the Mitchell-Kann exclus
ion bill.
We reaffirm our allegiance to the
principles of protection in necessary
cases of industries still in their infan
cy or unable to compete with foreign
We recognize the right of labor to
organize and combine for mutual pro
tection under the law, and we recom
mend that the legislature enact neces
sary legislation to protect labor in all
its rights and privileges. In the in
terest of American labor and the up
building of the workingman as the
corner-stone of the prosperity of our
country, we recommend that Congress
create a Department of Labjr in
charge of a Secretary, with a seat in
the Cabinet.
We demand that a law be passed
by the next legislature placing all
public officers of this state upon reas
onable salaries, which shall not be in
creased during the incumbent's term
of office, and beyond such salary they
shall receive no coinpensatiofn as fees
or otherwise.
In order to promote the develop
ment of the mineral resources of the
state, we are in favor of the crea
tion and maintenance of a mining
bureau by the state. '
We declare our approval and sup
port of the suggestions of President
Roosevelt for the irrigation of the arid
lands of the country. This work
should be undertaken by the United
States as soon as possible, and carried
forward on a consistent plan under
direction of the general Government.
We urge onr representatives in Con
gress and Senators to use every effort
to secure the speedy opening of the
Columbia river between the Dalles
and Celilo, and for clearing the river
of all obstructions to navigation from
its mouth to the head of navigation.
We urge also renewed and continued
effort for improvement of our coast
harbors and streams within the state,
and the speedy construction of an
isthmian canal.
That the public lands are the herit
age of the common people and should
be held in trust for the use and benefit
oall the people under the homeatend
laws. We are therefore unalterably
oposed to all plans, schemes or propo
sition for leasing public domains, eith
er to indivurools or to corporations. .
We favor 4 policy by the state and
the United States Fhich shall further
foster ad support our. fisheries, and
we request the Legislature to epact
such further measures as may le
found by experience necesary to obtain
this result.
We demand and insist upon the im
mediate passage by Congress of the
United States of the oleomargarine bill
known as the new Grout bill, now
pending in the Senate.
That we favor the proposed amend
ment to the State constitution provid
ing for the initiative and referendum,
and reemmend its adoption by the
people of the state.
We declare our aproval of the prin
ciples of the primary law enacted by
the Legislature at the session of 1901,
and we ask the Legislature to extend
this law so that in its main features
it may apply to primary elections in
all election precincts throughout the
state. And we further recommend
the election of United States Senator
by popular vote.
Ready-Made Homes Out West.
The telegraphic dispatches an
nounced recently that seven thousand
honieseekers, traveling on colonists
tickets, passed through Minneapolis
in one day. They were bound for the
Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming, Wash
ington and Oregon. The passenger
departments of the Santa Fee and
Southern Parific railroads recently
estimated the number of people who
came to California this season on col
onists' tickets at 33,000, an increase
of twenty per cent over the number
last year. Traffic managers of West
ern and Southwestern railroad lines
have evidence to convince them that
during the season last past over a
million Americans went homeseeking
Westward from the Eastern and Mid
dle States. Every State and Terri
tory west of the Missouri river has
received some portion of this horde.
And there is every reason to believe
that the tide of htomeseekers is not
ebbing, and that it will continue to
inundate the West for at least a de
cade, rising year by year in its strength.
This twentieth century hegira diff
ers from any other movement of
American population in many inter
esting and important wavs that are
worthy of the sociologist's considera
tion. In the first place these homescekcrs
are not foreigners. They are men and
women of good, wholesome Middle
States American blood and tradition:
farmers, mechanics, merchants, small
capitalists and young men of parts,
going West to grow up with the
country. They are not poor. They
have sold out their farms and busi
nesses in good times at good prices,
and have left good jobs at good wages.
It is not a hard-times movement.
The old-time mover went by wagon
in most miserable estate. The mover
today goes in the tourist sleeper, takes
his meals at the lunch counter, and
buys his magazines of the train butch
er. The old settler came to his prom
ised land with four dollars in his
pocket and a pair of mules hitched to
his wagon. The new settler conies
with a pink draft and a letter to the
banker at his new home.
And herein lies the great difference
between the old colonist and the new:
the new colonist is not a pioneer. lie
has neither wild lands, wild animals,
nor wild men to fight. He is going
into a settled community. The land
has passed from the homesteader to
the mortgage company and back to
the farmer; the county seats have
all been located and the court houses
oaid for; railroads have been built
and everything on earth for which
bonds may possibly be votes! has been
put in and retained or discarded. The
scalawags who always rise When a new
country settles have been combed out
lefore this year's settler comes to his
new home, and the boomer and breed
er of wild-cat schemes have been care
fully shut up in jail ot driven farther
West. The million colonistt who
move from East to West this year
will find social conditions somewhat
similar, in then new1 homes, to those
in the homes they left. Land is a
little cheaper in the West; wort1, far
the unskilfed a little better paid; jcrbs
ferupcfMendeirtr atrtf generaPrrfott-'
agers a UitWrirore numerous; bfpir.'eis
opportunities a little easier to grasp
with small capital; economic condi
tions a little less "set." But those
are the only differences now between
the Far East and the Far W,st, and
the new colonist who goes West to
grow up with the country will find it
already half grown. And his discov
ery is to his advantage.
For the West i? no longer in the ex
periment stage. The people out there
know a large number of things now
that they cannot do. To know this
has cost many lives and much treas
ure. And the new colonist is the ben
eficiary of this pioneer expenditure.
For instance, they know now that
they can't raise corn in Eastern Colo
rado or Western Kansas and Nebraska
or the two Dakotas. Rut it took
hundreds of millions of dollars to find
this out. The new settler there will
plant his alfalfa and Kaffir corn and
sorghum and grow his white-face steer
and be wise. Also, he won't annmil tn
j i -
the East for aid as the boon settlers
had to do when the drought came,
for the new crops are drought-proof.
The whole West today is on a payinir
basis. And the twentieth century
homeseeker will be one of the few
honieseekers in the world's history
who will go into his new ready-made
home welcomed by the resident popu
lation, with no obstacles of language,
climatic condition or political tradi
tion to overcome, and with nothing
to do but to hang his coat on a nail
and go to work.
It will be worth while to observe if
these new homcseekers make as uood
citizens as the pioneers who had hard
sense knocked into them by a thous
and battles with averse circumstances.
But this much is certain: the new
comers will never have the fun the
old settlers had. William Allen
White, in Saturday Evening Post.
Additional Locals.
Alva Cray was up from Lostine
Wednesday repairing the Joseph tele
phone line.
Henry Miller, candidate for county
treasurer ou the Democrotic ticket
starttd for the Paradise country Tues
day. J. W. Emmons was in from his
sheep camp in the Mud creek country
lant Saturday and brought in all
kinds of reports from the bear hunt
ers, Mrs. C. H. Zurcher and Miss Mary
Mary Zurcher started this morning
for Monmouth, Polk county to spend
the summer with Mrs. Zurdier's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. II. Best.
A Democratic exchange says Wal
Iowa county will give Chamberliii
10O majority. If lie hud put the name
of Furnish in where Ciiainbeilin is,
ami 2 instead of the 1, it would have
beej a lietter guess,
The farmers are about through put
ting in the largest acreage of crops
ever sown in the county, but all that
can be raised will be needed to feed
the miners and honieseekers that are
nocking into the country.
Randall Boswell and family arrived
in town Sunday from Sumpter and
are living in the house recently occu
pied by Vinton Hart. Randall is now
one of the proprietors of the Boswell
livery stable. The firm will lie known
as Boswell & Son.
Harry Chenowith came in from the
"Garden of Eden" country Tuesday.
"Promise Land", "Garden of Eden"
and "Paradise," what Heavenly nantes
the localities in the northern part of
this county do have, but no doubt
they all deserve them.
C. V. Meek, Republican candidate
for county assessor, was in town Mon
day. Mr. M. says he has been too
busy to do much electioneering, but
will highly appreciate the support of
his friends at the com'ng election.
Mr. Meek was One of the beBt com
missioners this county ever had, and
no doubt would be just as faithful and
efficient as county assessor.' The
office is surely one of the most import
ant to the taxpayers, and Mr. Meek's
experience ia nil kinds of business
will make h'is services particularly
valuable.'- SnrCfy tftf tetter1 -nirh" for
the Hire could have lnjn, nominated'.
Read what Smith, the photograph
er, has to say in his ad this week.
George Mark, cashier of the First
Bank cf Joseph was in the city Tues
day afternoon.
L. B. Emmons will start in a day or
two for A visit with relatives in tho
Mud creek country.
J. F. McCoy and Roy McCoy, shop
men of Imnaha were in tho city Tues
day and Wednesday.
The repairs on the water ditih have
all Wen completed and water is now
running for all who desire it.
Geo. Haas came out from Imnaha a
few days ago where he has leen d tir
ing the winter looking after cattle.
Mrs. Dr. Fosner and children start
ed this morning for a few weeks' visit
with her parents at Newberg, Oregon.
J. W.Nedrow of Grande Ronde river
was in the city Wednesday. Ho re-
ports everything looking fine in that
Chas. G. Holmes, a Cattleman of
the Imnaha arrived in the city Wed
nesday after sending the winter iii
that locality. r
Mrs. L. J. Reavis returned to her
home near Walla Walla, on Wednes--day's
stage, after a short visit with
relatives and friends.
C, II. Zurcher started for the North
part of the county today in the inter-
est of his Candidacy for reelection to
the office of county clerk. '
W. T. Hume, of Portland will
stump Wallowa county in the inter
est of the Republican ticket. His
dates begin at Joseph, May 22.
Ben Gerlier came in from his ranch
on Whiskey creek Wednesday. Ho
also owns a blacksmith shop In Wal
lowa, but is putting in his trine thia
spring in the Whiskey creek hills.
W. W. White owns an old dog that! '
is a curiosity. He is totally blind
but follows Mr. Whito to town, a dis
tance of several miles and goes around'
over town wherever he thinks (not
see) best. , , , i
Mr. and Miss Borland, nejhew and
niece of L. Berland, thc-h'arn'oss mak-.-er,
arrived in this city fast week from
Lake Park, Minn. Miss Berland hr
a dressmaker and expects to open up
a shop in this city,
Jap Ellis, a sheepman of this city,
is some what interested in tho Oil de
velopments iu Polk county. He owns
120 acres of land that is within a few
hundred yards of the well that ia be-
ing mnk, and it is supposed oil has
been struck.
Oscar Anderson was arrested and
fined $5, hint Thursday,' in the city
court on a charge of disorderly con
duct, by being drunk and threatening
to stab Frank Ott. Mayor Calvin
held court in the absence of the re
corder, Carl Roe.
Makhikij: May 1, at the home of
bride's parents, on Trout creek, J'n d
A Wagner and Miss Florence Bonk
out. Doth are well known young
people of this vicinity. 0;dy the im -(
mediate relatives were pi event and
witnessed the ceremony, i
The lear hunters returned" TAesduy.
from the North woods and report giod '
success and a fine time. Two mem-;
hers of the party, J. W. McAlister and '
Chaa. Miller, continued on a hunt
into the Bear creek country west of
the Grande Ronde und will not U
back until the first of June.
W, P. Samms received by express
Tuesday night one of the Darwinian
ancestors of roan. His monkeynhip
(flood the long trip from the South in '
good shape and on Wednesday attract
ed a better era wd than many . of the
political campaigners. Mr. Suninis
also has one of the best talking parrotb
ever seen. His tongue items to be
loose at both ends.
J. A. Burleigh, democratic candidate
or joint representative opened the '
campaign afvWallowa last Thursday''
with a democratic rally and speeches
by the local candidates' J. 8. Smith
of Wallow has been-' speaking in the
II- epei
north part of tfte'cminfy the past week
In the interest of tfe d'pi'nociViC part'!
Some of the lecAJ- tiwnobratic candi
dates have been making the tour with
him. J. S. Hodin of this city wrf-'
aMnrrtike ioitte spc1if in the ea
ern part of the coun ty,'