rfy Official Paper.. City Official Paper.-- , .ft K' 1 '4. THE REPRESENTATIVE NEWSPAPER OF WALLOWA COUNTY. ENTERPRISE, OREGON- MARCH (5. i- WHOLE NIK !) V ii m ja BMW Wll Hi Pa WW XV: . NO. I7- plV bfc t&- k -J i&aa Ql sa ;eyou fa '.th fully. i", v.v ar 0 a -oginniti Saturday, Dec. 23th, we will place sa'- a:1 immense line of merchandise at aston-!"-iv kv prices. We do this in order to re- v.:r stock before taking-our annual invoice 'v-and every one is invited to call and ; --."selves of this opportunity to prcure ' ' a'-io take this oppornity to express to one ur appreciation of their liberal patron--'"iT the past year and solicit the same in future. We assure you that we will do our lost to merit your rjood will, and endeavor to klv.nx all a prosperous and happy New Respectfully yours. El m; co. FHE WORLD'S NEWS RO.U FAR & NEAR. Clipped , From Exchanges. Our Hops are bring contracted for in he Willamette valley at 14 cents per 'Oil 11(1. An excelsior factory is to be started t Harrisburg, Linn county, on a onus of $400. The House committee in Congress las unanimously voted to report bills fir the admission of Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma to statehood. The royul yacht is now atloat; It (lances in tl.e bay. Where nil the world this sign may note: 'Made in the V. S. A." Ex. Bom branches of the New York leg islature have passed t lie anti piger n hooting bill by large majorities. Trap shooters will have to be content with clay targets hereafter in that state. Tex is will produce the Alamo as it existed in 18'iG for her state building at the St. Louis Exposition. The story of that magnificent last stand will ever be on the front pitge of Amer ican history. The army headquarters of the De partment of the Columbia will stay at Vancouver. Authentic information 1 1 this effect was read at a meeting of the trustees of the chamber of com merce in Portland Tuesday. Very little is known in this country of Canada, our big neighbor on the north. Canada it so big that there are yet eighteen unexplored ureas in it each ranging from the size of Ire land to one-halt the size of ail Europe. Miss Ellen M. Stone says the bri gands swore both herself and Mad.un Tsilka to absolute secrecy regaiditig any information calculated to estab lish the dentity of the brigands, the location of the places where they were concealed, or other fucts likely to com promise their captors. The room in which Prince Henry pf Prussia slept at the Auditorium Hotel, in Chicago, was entirely re 'urnished for the occasion, from car-p-'t to curtains. The wall paper was own new and made for the purpose, containing a design of the German eagle, likewise the vable linen. A very interesting report lias just been issued from the Census Bureau it Washington, which shows that the value of the live stock in the United States, June I, 1900, exceeded t-'3,200,000,OOO being an increase of nearly 1,000 million f'ollars in the value of such stock during the past ten years. The Cole excise tax hill passed the lower house of the Ohio legislature and favorable action is expected in the senate. The bill provides for the levying of a tax of 1 per cent upon the j;ross annual receipts of electric light, gas, natural gas, pijie line, water works, treet railway, messenger, signal, tele iraph, telephone, express or union dc :)ot companies doing business in Ohio. A merchant who had a store it) ach of two small neighboring towns recently tried an exeriment. He out a bargain counter in ach store, tontaining the same prices. In the newspaper of one village he advertised his special counter. In the paper of the other he did not advertise, and ! ,-old goods amounting to ijOM. In! i lie store the same mouth where he di l advertise, he sold goods amount ing to $i,723. In commenting on the result of his experiment that mer chant says: "The people who got the advertisomi nt pass by one of my I stores mid drive miles to the other for J what thev could have gotten at thej same price t fny store at their door." For Sale. A Saw and Shingle Mill in good condition. Will sell at a great bar gain. Inquire of Bitiuxiott A Mays, Lostiue, Oregon. Notice to Knackrrs. Ii th 're's any c hatiee to boom busi ness, .loom it bosll. Don't !.. .. do knocker. Don't pull a long face and get sour in the stomach. Hope a bit. Cu t a smile on you. Hold up your head. Oct hold with both hands, then pull. Bury your hatchet, drop your tomahawk and hide your hammer. When a stranger drop. in, "jolly" him. Tell him this is the greatest town on earth. Don't get mulish, don't roast. Just "jolly," get popular. It's dead easy. Help yourself along. Push your friends with you. Soon you'll have a whole possession. Be a good fellow. No man ever helped himself by knocking other people down. No man ever got rich trying to make people believe that he was the only good man on earth. You can't climb the ladder of fame by stepping on other people's corns. They are their corns, not yours, and they are tender. "You're not the only slii.t in the wash." If you don't like their style, let then) alone. Don't knock, walk right in and make yourself lo.ik pleasant. You'll git used to it. There is no end of fun in minding your own business, and it makes other people like you better. Better have other people stuck on you than to get stuck on yourself. Nobody get stuck on a knocker. Drink some of Enter pise waters and you will always be g)od. CLARA BARTON. Story of Her Herois n en the Battlefield of Fredrlcksturg. At Fredericksburg Miss Barton took up her quarters in front of the Lucy House, within close range of the Confederate sharp-shooter. As fast us the poor fellows were shot down she took charge of them, providing them with every attention. When the Massachusetts and Michigan regi ments crossed on the twelfth and took possession of the town it was evident that a big battle was imminent, and Miss Barton went over into the city and organized, the hospital corps and established diet kitchens. On the eve of her departure an incident occurred which demonstrates the unfaltering courage of the woman. A young wounded Confederate officer informed her that his people had prepared a death-trap for the army across the river. That he spoke the tuith was believ ed by Miss Barton then, and was later continued by (Jem ral Jackson's order to General Stuart. But she went, and during theawful day of the thirteenth w hen the thunder of the artillery and the crash ot musketry were roaring a round her; when companies were be ing mowed down and regiments deci mated; when the ditches and the hedges were filled up with the duail and dying; when th,e furrows Thh ran blood, and a ghastly stream of mangied humanity was pouring to the rear, she. moved amidst it as calm as a force of nature, always knowing what to do and doing the proper thing at the right time, liven the terrors of that horrible night diil not weaken her dauntless courage. She met every emergency with admirable promptitude. Toward midnigth when every place that afforded a shelter ' from the snow and blinding, icy wind ! were tilled, fifty poor fellows were brought in wouniled and almost fro.- Surgical aid before morning was ' impossible, but she had fires lighted, ' i tat ion with the lower earth becau.se ' " '"' ""'f""i depth of 2 feet and a blankets wraimed c round them, nod ! of storms that destroy the toletrranh '. ,,""t "' ",', ""f"l"'t' ,f ciilarge- ordered a chimney torn down; and when the bricks were heated she had less telegraph installation has been 1,10 '"flowing iimonsions: 11 feet or, them placed around them. Other e-1 made at the observatory, connecting ' t(,P 1 f''1'" l'ttoni with uni mergeneies she met with equal it w ith the jiost-ofiiet at ICipsoo in the , f""" ;i lt(t- Bids will I o promptitude, nevtr pausing for sleep : valley three miles away. The observ- , eonsiderod by the rod or by the mile or rest until the Hfiny of wounded ' er in bis lofty perch is thus made in- "" ,hu tI;'i'1 it'ui.paiiy rcs-uvos the rested once more in comfort north of 'dependent ot thp storms, for the wind right to rek-oU in.v and all bids, the Bappuhannock. Cartain Joseph ! h is i o effect upiin the etherial waves ' John Bvin, Secretary, llmmilton in , the. March Womiin'e Home Companion. Republican Primaries Will Be Held on Tuesday. March' s-,Mn i:- B.ehi, wife of K.i.M I, at 3 o'clock P. M. n.ini. at her home on lluni- eane'oreek, Marco !, l.ldj. The county c. ntial committee of -'ls- Basin was born in Washington the Bepubliean patty foi Wallowa """uty, Ohio, Juo 1". 1S:!."i, beii g county met in Enter; rise pursuant to ' years, S months and 11 days old at call on March ;i. 1 1 he I imp of her death. She ami her The members of tlccommittee from devold husband wen? married in the different .precincts in the county ls",,;. In IStlT they m.e.l to Mae.oi were either here in person or by proxy :. county Missnin, and in Hi) v except Grouse precinct which was not came to Oregon where they have represented. The representation was since lived. Mrs. Basini became a as follows: i member of the Methodist church early Promise, W. S. Powell by K. A. lifo. She leaves to mourn her loss Holmes proxy. in husband, two sous and two daugb- ailowa, John McDonald Lost Prairie, 15. H. Bacon by W. ('.. Locke, proxy, raradice Bert Borland Enterprise Cur Boo Imnaha, Oeorge 11 aas Trout Creek, E. H. Gouid by ii. W. Hyatt proxy Lost inc. O. F. Mays by F. I). Mo Cully proxy . Joseph, Prairie Creek, Pine Creek Divide, F. D. McCullv. D. Biggins Geo. W. Harris A. II. Meyer by C. K, Jennings proxy. Park, Flora, A. A. Miller Victor Bobinson The apportionment of delegates was I'''1'""" having claims against the cs based on the vote" of Congressman M. "f deceased are hereby reiiiir A. Moody at the last election at the '''' ," present the same with the proper ratio of one delegate at large and I v"ll(,hers to said Executor at Lost ine, one delegate for every 25 votes or major part thereof, and the number from each precinct will be as follows: Enterprise 0 Joseph 4 Lostine 3 Wallowa, 5 Prairie Creek 2 Flora 2 Paradbe 3 Lost Prairie 2 Grouse 1 Promise 2 Pine Creek 2 Imnaha 2 Park 1 - Divide 1 Trout Creek 2 I n d cf fore nee to the change in the' Paradise precinct and the establish ment of Flora precinct, one delegate was taken from the Paradise vole and given to the Flora precinct, which 'makes it as above. If i o precinct had been established at Flora then Para dise would 'nave had 4 delegates. The precinct primaries w ill be held in the respective precinct on Tues day, March 18, 1111)2 at 2 o'clock I. M. The county convention will be held in Enterprise on Wednesday, March 2fi, l'J:2, at 10 o'clock A. M." Some Rare Bargains. Ihe Bnrle.ghKe.il K-'a'c A g-ncy has placed on the ma k I some choice bargains in real cst.i'e. itiee there; lol) acres on Alder Slope: good orchard; a $200 wood saw and various articles go with the place at .$1100. l'JOaerfH excellent alfal.'a land, all under ditch, every acre can be culti vated, i.1450. 1'iO acres; 40 acres in cult ivaleon ; 100 acres under ditch, if lion. 320 acres; 100 in cult iv.itisu ; living stream (lowing through place; beil stock ranch in Wallowa valley; !f 20!) p " ' Denver, or any ,'omt between. on easy terms I 'l 0''1" is ,',!""'1 letjuiar tourists rates. '"5:i!y ,)lin',!'' Property that will j 'fi. those interested will be glad to f consequently can quote you t be : (i,lot,. iw,.t ,-,., lin, fllrlljHi, lowest prices on all classes of real!,,,. , ,. , , .. jrr-j-rt v i information about the scenic l'T"'" ' -' beauties of the liio Griinde ItoiitO and Call on oi write the lirm for further . j, .,...!; aecnmod.itioiis. particulars. J. D. Massiiki.h. (Jen'l A"'t.. illH JSl.'ill.KloH KKAI. I',STATK A'lKSCY,) Enterprise, Oregon. i One Use for Wireless Telcgropliy. : Oi) the loftiest mountains, "in Germ- any, the Zngspitz-, in the Bavarian Alps, 9,725 feet above sea-level, is an important meteorological observatory, : which is occut.ied all the year round.! but in winter is cut off ftom com mun- and telephone lines. Becently a wire- tint carry 'hw messages. Youth's Companion. Obituary. iters. Wanted to Let. The contract for 2 m'des of fencing, material already on the ground, ('all at CljlF.lT.UN elliee, or on Mils. El. i. a Koiii::cis, Joseph, Or. Ej.ecutjr's Notice. Notice is hereby given thi.t the nu lersigned has been duly adpointi d Fx- ,','ul1"' (f the last will noil testament "f l;' "!"'n II' Cole, deceased; and all j Oregon, or to his attorney, D. V. Sheahan, at bis oll'uv in Enterprise, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 17th day of Dec.i 1001. 11 ASCALL COLE, Executor D. W. Shhaiian, Ex 'is Att'y. 12-BJ-01. 1-2H-02. Tourist's Excursion to the Hast. The traveling public will be inter ested to learn of the system of pi i-mi-ally conducted excursion oaVs operat ed over the Bio Grande System, pop ularly known us "The Scenic Line ol the World " They ale the Begulai Pullman tourists or 'ordinary" sleep les, provided with comfortable berth.. j bedding ami linen of the Pullman 'standard. They have separate lava tories, and are all well lighted and jbeatil and, in fact, are a most succes. 1 fel substitute f(,i- the more expensive ("standard'' sleepers, the difference a rising from the characler of uphol- I storing furnished. A colored portei f j attendance with every car and ; besides him an excursion conductor, !" bose sole duly it to look after th. pleasure ami eoiniort ot passenger;, in his charge. These cars are run through to Kan sas City, Oe.aha, St. Louis and Chicago, maki.ig close connec tions for Boston, New York and all eastern points. This feaiure of travel has become popular that there is now established a regular senic,; of nine cars each week, otVe;ing a vinietj' of routes, and sent doles so a.Taliui d that stop-overs may he mail).'. It ilesneil, at Salt Lake 124 Third Street, Portland, Oregon', Notice. I N l,,,rt','i' fciven that the j M,U r ,'i"'" ('"- receive bids h"' " construction of a water ilitcb of ' '"' f""" '"!? (lin' "i""H: KiX "'i'" ' '"' part thereof 20 ' ff;i t 011 '"P ""d 1,5 ftr ''Ottoiu meiit of the Iliiirieailo Creek Ditch li j Ahtu Slope DitchCompany, Enterprise, Oregon, I