Scrofula yew are entirely free from It. It may develop ao slowly as to cause little If any disturbance during the whole period ot childhood. tt nif iIkti produce Irregularity of the fMtm-h a ud bowels, dyspepsia, catarrh, glut niuiVed tendency to consumption More manifesting Itself In much cutaneous eruption or glandular swelling. It is best to be sure that you are quite free from It, and for Its complete eradica tion you can rely on Hood's Sarsaparilla Tne best of all medicines for all humors. One Consolation. Ottinger Unlucky at cards, lucky at love. Henrlques That's right! If you are a loser at bridge whist the girls will love you to death! Puck. The Peruna Almanac. The druggists have already been supplied with Peruna almanacs. There Is sure to be a great demand for these J almanacs on account of the articles en astrology which they contain. The I subject of astrology is a very attrac tive one to most people. The articles on astrology in the Peruna almanac have been furnished by a very com petent astrologlst and the mental char acteristics of each sign Is given, con stituting almost a complete horo scope. A list of lucky and unlucky ' days for each month is given. There wiil be a great rush for these books. Ask your druggist for one early be fore they are all gone. A Weather Note. Mr. Seal By jimminey! but that Bo realis is a corker! Mrs. Seal Oh, no, dear; It's Aurora. I Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. A Floating Cobbler's Shop. A floating cobbler's shop Is one of the features of the Penobscot Bay Is lnnd life, Capt. W. O. Cottle, In his sloop, Yankee Nation, going from place to place and giving attention to mend ing old shoes and boots which the people .may save up for his coming. Capt. Cottle has a new dog as a com panion to take the place of Jlp, who was with him for many years. Piso's ('lire is the best medicine we ever ased fur all nfTertions of the throat ami lnups. Wm. 0. Knuslrv, Vanbureu, Ind., Feb. 10. l!HJu. Smart Girl. Her Mother Edith, don't you think you are getting too old to play with little boy s? Edith No, mamma; the older I get the better I like them. rioirt I.nt CniiHtlrmtinti Kill Tout It will no It. openly or in disguise. Consti pation lias many long sciemitlc aliases, but rasmreis Candy Cathartic will save you roKi8l 10c, 25c, 5ue. A Change of Base. Yeast I see a Philadelphia com poser has written a quickstep. drtmsonbeak Yes; and 1 hear they are using It in Chicago for a funeral march. Yonkers Statesman. Eiensist Rheumatic pains are the cries of protest and distress from tortured muscles, aching Joints and excited nerves. The blood ha; been poisoned by the accumulation of waste matter in the system, and can no longer supply the pure and health sustain ing food tlicy require. The whole system feels the effect of this acid poison ; and not until the blood has been purified and brought back to a healthy condition will the aches and pains cease. Mrs. James Kc'.l, of 707 Ninth street, N. R Washington, D. C, writes as follows: "A few months ago I had nn .ittaek of Sciatic Rheuma tism m Hs worst form. The pain was so intense that I Became completely pros trated. The attack was an onusuallv severe one, and my condition was regard ed as being very danger ous. I Wa3 attended by one of the mot able doc tors in Washington, who is also a member of the fac ulty of a leading medical college here, lie told me, to continue his nrcscrin-' tionsand I would Ret well. After having V filler' twelve times without receiving the slightest benefit, I declined to continue his treatment any longer, llavinghcardol S. S.S.(Swift's Specific) recommended tor Rheumatism, I decided, almost in despair however, to give the medicine a trial. ?' , .l1,11" 1 ha1 taken a few bottles I was able tc nobble around on crutches, and very soon there alter had 110 use for them at all, S. S. S. having cured me SMind and well. All the distressing pains have left me, ir.y appetite has returned u"tJ h m nauPy to 04 airam restored to perfeel tle great vegetable purifier and tonic, is the ideal remedy in all j I rneumauc iiuuuics. There are no opiates 01 nnnerals in it to disturb the digestion and lead to ruinous habits. We have prepared a special book on Rheumatism which r-verv sufferer from this painful disease sboihld read. It is the most complete and interesting book of the kind in existence, it will be sent free to any one desiring it. Write our physi cians fully and freely about your case. We nake 110 charge for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. WET WEATHER HAT NAPS BY TMe MAKERS OP OILED CLOTHING HAV: THE SAME- POINTS Of EXCELLENCE ANP CIVS .'HPLETE SATISFACTION. jJJM.M8TMII;a.frhL nn uunts nntitt ail tisr. rauo. M Beat Cough Bjrup. Tastes Good. Use In time. Sold hr nruiiirlits. Bl 1 : .'mm-? 1 I Popular Btlle. bene'1A':d yU 8ay 6be ,B great Jack Yon bPt. Why. she artuallv has four silk nillows stuffed with hair from four !iffprent football players. Philadelphia Record Becem Pursue Carnegie. While In Pittsburg the other day Andrew Carnegie was forced to leave the house in which he was staying by a rear door and drive off in a carriage to escape a crowd of people begging money for charitable objects many of them for libraries. Mr. Carnegie re ceives over 300 begging letters a day. AN INTERESTING STORY OF HOW SHE ATTAINED IT. For a long Time It Sraimd That Good Fortune Would Not Corae-An Ap parent Trifle Brought It About. As with many other women, fortune lingered a long while before coming to Mrs. Knowles. But finally a trifling occurrence brought it to her. Mrs. George M. Knowles lives at No. 16 North street, Portland, Me., and when a reporter visited her to learn the facts of the case, she said: "For a year and a half I suffered tortures from rheumatism. When I arose in the morning or when I got up to walk after I had been sitting down for a while, my joints became stiff and I could not move easily as I did before the rheumatism set in. My feet ached and I could not walk with out limping for some minutes after I started out. It was very painful and interfered a great deal with my household duties." "How did you succeed !n becoming cured?" asked the newspaper .man. "It was one of those apparently lit tle things that brought it about," re plied Mrs. Knowles, with a smile. "I had been suffering in this way for a year and a half when one day I hap pened to pick up the paper and to Bee an advertisement of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. I made up my mind to try them. When I had taken one box I felt better and after I had taken the pills for about two months all the pain was gone. This was a year ago, and the rheumatism has not troubled me since." The above statement of Mrs. Knowles was sworn to at the report er's request before Marshall H. Pur rington, notary public, at Portland, and published in the Express, a re liable newspaper of that city. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People will not only cure cases simi lar to that of Mrs. Knowles, but, con taining, as they do, all the elements necessary to give new life and rich ness to the blood and restore shat tered nerves, they have proved effica cious in a wide range of diseases. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as loeomotar ataxia, partial paralysis, St. VituB' dance, sci atica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after-effects of grip, of fevers and of other acute diseanes. palpitation of the heart, pale and sal low complexions and all forms of weakness, either in male or female. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple are sold by all dealers or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price, fifty cents a box; six boxes, two dollars and fifty cents, by addressing Dr. Wil liams' Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Be sure and get the genuine; sub stitutes never cured anybody. Money in it She If you had the divine gift of a genius, what would you write? Jack Mostbroke Checks. Lame back makes a ynune man feel old. Wizard oil makes nn old man feel young. See your druggist. Old Philadelphia October 25 was the two hundredth anniversary of the incorporation of the city of Philadelphia, which, in 1701, was already a town of some 1500 houses, with more than 5000 inhabi tants. It was laid out as a parallelo gram between the two rivers. DKAFNK88 CANNOT BE CURED By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion ot the ear. There is only one way to cure ili aiuess, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an In flamed condition ot the mucous lining of tbo Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in fiami'd von have a rumbling sound or imper fect bearing, and w hen it is entirely closed deafness is tlm result, and unless the inflamma tion can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out ot ti n are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed conditionol the mucous surfaces. We wiil give One Hundred Dollars for any case ot Deainess (caused by citarru) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend lor Circulars, iree & CQ Toled0j0 Sold by Druggists, 7SC Hall's Family Fills are the best. Site of Famous Battle. Bergen, a little village in Noord, Holland province, close to Alkmaar, is the site of a famous battle between the Russians and the French, who were assisted by the Dutch in 1799. A, mon ument was recently unveiled there in memeory of the Russian soldiers who perished in that engagement. Spicy. "If you Intend to dine on us," quer ied the captured mariner, "why did you greet us with a fusillade?" "Because we always pepper our food before eating it," grinned the cannibal. Taught Gardening by Example. When the present Archbishop of Canterbury was, nearly half a century ago, principal of a government train ing college for teachers, he always made a point of personally initiating his students into the-mysteries of gar dening, and plied -spade and rake in his shirtsleeves as a teacher and ex ampler should. Local Option in Mississippi Few as the saloons are in Missis sippi, they pay nearly one-third of the state's total income from privilege tax es. Mississippi is regarded as one of the most ultra of prohibition states, made so by the anti-saloon sentiment In a majority of the counties under the local option system. Fourteen of the counties pay the bulk of the $150, 000 received annually from this tax. A TEST OF SOBRIETY, Original Scheme Adopted for Ganging Capacity in Miaaonri. Kansas has produced the magistrate who decides on a man's condition of so briety, or the reverse, by making him walk a crack Cape tiirnrdeaii. Mo., has done better and produced a flight of stepping stones along which supposedly intoxicated persons must walk to in sure their freedom from Incarceration. "Coon Hollow" is a bit of low ground lying south of the Court House at Cape Girardeau. Beyond It live the poorer darkles and the less useful portions of the local population. The hollow Is something or a sink hole, and In times of heavy rains becomes considerable of a morass. To the Inhabitants of the trausbollow region the stepping stones across have always been a source of trouble. They were so necessary that their removal has never been seriously considered, for without them any man who attempted to walk through the hol low In the mud would probably stick fast till help came. Even with them there enough of the inhabitants fall off in IE VI tmi stimiw inn the mud aud have only the stones to cting to foi safety. Charlie Armgard Is town marshal of Cape Girardeau. He has many a bit of trouble with the settlers beyond the stepping stones, aud has ofen debated with himself whether or not to "run In" some of them who seemed to have had a drink too much. One night he was escorting home one who pretended he was sober They reached the stepping stones all right, but there the nsslstee's trouble begun. He could go a couple of steps and then be would miss, sway off and pitch Into the ml re. Mnrshnl Armgnrd's patience was soon exhaust ed. After the fourth of fifth attempt he hnuied his prisoner away to Jail. That was how he got the idea. Now when he has a questionable prisoner from beyond Coon Hollow he takes him forthwith to the stepping stones, stands him on the first block, ami sits down on the bunk to watch him go home. If the suspect goes steadily across the line he is nil right and en 11 stay on the other side. If he wavers 11 little, aud still keeps on the stones, he is all right. But If he staggers 11 ml plunges off. If he misjudges the distance be tween his foot nnd the stones and fulls or trips woe to him. for the marshal comes nfter him and leads him buck to the lock -11 p. Kducating Young Indians. The work of educating young Indi ans in the West Is at times difficult, '.nit it Is seldom dull. If the tcucliers must confess to a feeling of doubt as to their success Willi boy a bearing such names us Duiiicl lied Kyes and Andrew Yellow Thunder, they can at least con sole themselves with the fact that the correction of "compositions" is mure diverting than In some Eastern schools. The superintendent of the I.eiuhi Res ervation In Idaho is Mr. Mackey. He has preserved proofs of his pupils work in English, in the form of vari ous essays written by the Indian lioys, uud in several notes of excuse. Here is Daniel Red Eye's idea of the school in which he is a pupil: "We learn how work in garden, and cut wood, um l;e fence and many hard work. The girls in lious sew and wash dress and cooking dinner. 1 don't like go to school because my father he tell me I don't want to go 10 school. Thut all I have to say or wunt to say utiout a school." Daniel had a reasonably good opinion of himself, us this excuse, sent to his teacher. Indicates: "I wish you excuse me this afternoon. My horse all ruu uwuy yesterday even ing and 1 didn't find. I hunting tny horse this afternoon. Well, I guess that all I toll you about Your good boy. Daniel Red Eyes." 1 Rather more promising Is the attitude of young Mr. Yellow Thunder, who ex 'preses contrition for a fault: "Dear Teacher, I am sorry that I ran away from school yesterday, but I was crazy boy. 1 will come to school Mou day aud not ruu away any mure. An drew Yellow Thunder." So, in spite of truants and runaways and the various vexations of school teaching In a wild country, the good work goes on, and the reward is hap pily not confined to a mere sense of duty performed. Toothbrush Flaut. One of the most curious plants In the world is the toothbrush plant, u species of creeper which grows lu Ja maica. By cutting a piece of the stem and frayiug the ends the natives make a toothbrush, and a dentifrice to use with it is prepared by pulverizing the dead stems. Sultan's Pet Lions. Among the pets of the Sultan of Morocco are seven lions. These be per mits to range the courtyards of the palace at night, to act as guards to the royal harem. What has become of the old-fash-toned mother who allowed her children to come to the breakfast table In their night gowns? A man who frankly admits that he is prejudiced never really believes it 1 irv vrwt haf.fSt ii PROMINENT PHYSICIANS USE AND ENDORSE PE-RU-NA. C.B. CHAMBEPLIN, m.d. OF WASHINGTON. D.C. C. B. Chamberlin, M. D.. writes from "Many cases have come under my observation where Peruna has benefitted and cured. Therefore, ! cheerfully recommend it for catarrh and a general tonic." C. B. CHAMBERLIN, M. D. Medical Kxaminar V. 8. Treasury. Dr. Llewellyn Jordan, Medical Ex aminer of U. K Treasury Depart ment, graduate of Columbia college, and who served tti ree years at West Point, has the fol lowing to say of PJ "Allow me ,v aVaLaK 3 express mv erati- tudetoyou for the benefit derived from your wonder Dr. L. Jordan. ful remedy. One short month has brought forth a vast change and I now consider myself a well man after months of suffering. Fellow suffer ers, Peruna will cure you." DR. LLEWELLYN JORDAN. Geo. C. Havener, M. D., of Anacos tla. D. C, writes: The Peruna Medicine Co., Colum bus, O. Gentlemen: In my practice I have had occasion to frequently pre scribe your valuable medicine, and have found its use beneficial, especi ally in cases of catarrh. GEORGE C. HAVENER, M. D. Dr. L. S. Smith, of W'illiston, Fla., writes: "I have found Peruna a most valu able remedy for chronic catarrh of the head, throat, lungs and bronchial tubes, in fact, no matter where lo cated. "Few people realize that most sick Disqualifying Man for Kinghood. Adonl-bezek, mentioned in the Book of Judges, was captured by the Jews, who cut off his thumbs and great toes. This was done to prevent his .making any attempt to regain his throne, as in the east a maimed man could not be a king. Employment in Hop Fields. The American hopfields employ about 240,000 men, women and chil dren as pickers alone, for there are 72,000.000 hop vines to !; stripped, and the crop in a good season is worth $16,000,000.' Vegetable Preparationfor As similating tlieFoodandBeguIa ting the Stomachs ami Bowels of Promotes Difcs(ion.Cheerfur ness and Rest .Contains neither Opium.Morphiiie nor Mineral. ot Narcotic. fepr tfOUO-SiMUELPtTaOR PmfJaM Seul' Jlx.Smtm ' HvhM- dm namr. A perfeel Remedy forConslipa Tion.Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fevensh ness and Loss of Sleep. Fac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. mi EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. lit " W & T7' nwr re,P.t""H 14th and P. Stg., Washington, D.C. : nesses start from colds which devel op into different affections and final ly become chronic, settling often on the lungs and frequently causing se rious trouble in the pelvic organs, while in women it develops into dis eases peculiar to the sex. "From my experience with Peruna I have found it very efficacious to cure these diseases, and I recommend it." L. S. SMITH, M. D. Dr. Mary Smith, Wlnfleld, lnd., writes. "A weak and sick woman must not expect to bear well children. For over 31 years my efforts have been spent among sick women especially, and among all the remedies I have used none excel Peruna, and I be lieve that it is the best and safest medicine to give a woman suffering from ovarian trouble. Inflammation, and profuse menstruation. "I would not be doing my duty as a physician did I not advise its use. I know by experience that Perunu cures sick women, and I therefore gladly indorse it." DR. MARY SMITH. If you do not receive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hart man, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Patents Send no Money But a modrl or drawing with a deiurrliit.on. and we will advise you. J. 8. liultio pi):n 4 Co., (Dept. A) Washington. 11. U 1 xL.I Holiday Resolutions TAKE Kcclcy Curo him relief bom liqaor, opium anil toaaoaa taablu. Hand lot partloiuan to roaleu InctUnln Moved 4 lit .William nuwivj iiviliuio, Ave., turtlaiid, Orejcon N. P. S. V No. : ! w 11 KN writing tk advertise la pltutaa meutlD thia paper For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years P THC CCNTAUn COMPANY. NEW VOHK CITY. HiT A J; Summer Geography. "Pa, what is a lake, anyway?" "A lake. Jimmy, is a large body cf ratfr surrounded by men. women an I ch-Mro-i in bathing suits." Chicago He cord-Herald. 75TC Pmnnm'Mly t'untl. in fit or nrrrton- I I I W alt-r nr.! In.'. ,m-,.f l- Klmr'.lirxit S-rw .t.vt,.-r Hrn.lmr Ml K K S J.00 ir 1.1 1. tlU-,u i u-l. 1IR.K.I1 kLll. LtJ..tMI r,ht..Plilladl-liia.l. To Prevent Telegraphist's Paralysis. Telegraphists' paralysis Is to be pre vented by a new telegraph key. The key has a handle large enough to bo grasped by the entire hand, and can be turned at any angle or set In any position the operator may prefer for ease. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. OKKlill.S. I'UKI I.AM1. St. Helen's School for Girls. Thlrtv-thlr.t or. ConiniiHllniishiill.l. Inir. Mixiern 'Mlpniem. Ars.l.-nue and rollevo preparatory ranrwa, Sm. rial ioure in ihii-H' ami art. Illus. tralwl catalogue. All lr.rtim nil will rron S-nrmler 16. MISS KI.HANOK TKIIHKTTS. Principal. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY Poitlaml, Utt'Kiin. FouiKletl 1170. l Horns School for Boys. Military and Manual Training. Write (or lllimrati'il t'ntalnu. ARTHUR C. NIIWILL, Principal ...Columbia University... Academic and Collegiate Halls. COt'KKKS-Clnsalral. I.ttcrarr. Hrlantlna and Commercial. For particulars apply to REV. E. P. MURPHY, Presidtnt, UuWenltr ;'r. Portland, Oregon The Farmer's First Profit Is made In his selection of seed. Hand tot Our Complete Annual Cata logue for 1902, FREEI it contains full direction' for aardi-a work and many usnful tslilcs (or the lartner. No one sells buttur Smuts than I.AMHKKSOVS BKKD& LAMBERSON Portland, Oregon JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, foetal MorrUoa Utreab Can rW yon the beat bargains In Undine, flow. Hollers ami Knutos, Win-'imll ami I'mntx ami limieral Machinery. See ua before buying. Hl.llt hat M IkAS.nt. t A UTIOR1 1 tie tfeiiuiiia Imve imin4iiU pui-cuii ItulWOi Jfotirt nr rente of tulu in tattle tilott $ ui ill ii iiiiaitmrniM HH)0 l,i5,7r4 Pafrn. iaoi lf5720 Pairs, 0 Hnittt Uorm Than Uuubltt In four faa THI REASONS I , w .1.. l)uutfU!ii'k'-t snd fill more mpfi'f tsxiDsnd M.Ulalluntliausiijr ollwr l u in.n t'r. in lh world. ,V. I.. IJjiiuI II III find ta.Ml .tier. pli-fl (ids lij aide wuh It.ou an I pun sIm . of ollirr lustra, sr. 'uiind lu I"- )ual a iciod. 'I Met will uuloiai two iwira nf oMiiuut ll.-JU nnd aa.Hi aliuta. Uadt at tnt bent Itathirt, Including Pattnt Corona Klit, Corona Colt and national Kangaroo Wt l.l.r Et.lM. us 11.... m..L ui. M..U.alM aa.UU "Ulll K4g. Lla." . S. q..ll4 ........... ,.r...,o.. BEST SHIRT-HE BOWELS If yoa hsren't a regular, bealthr morement of tM bowels every dsr, ruu re sick, r will be. Keep rout vuwvi. viwii. auu uv wait, ruiu., in u luajx vloleui puritc or pill poison. Is dangerous. ' nmouibeat. eaaleut. most perfect way ol keeping towel dear aud cWau la to laka of ..Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. Do C Merer Hiuken, Weaken, or Gripe. lOo, 60o Wrlu Knolvn and solvit Ivhereber good crops I I j are grolvn. I I 1 Sold everywhere. I V 19' Annual FN EE. J J D. M. FfRRV A OO. J Detroit, H'oh. TLYyV candy If Vr CATHARTIC VW toaoi maam aiaiariaio - ur i rev sample, ana oooaiei on neaiin. Address aurllaf B.aw4 Uapu Uleat, Boalrul, I ail. tm KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN