ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET. R. L. DAY, PROPRIETOR. , Located in Wallowa National Bank BuiH ng. A Clioice Line of Meats always on hand, EEF, PORK, MUTTOX, and SAUSAGE CUBED HEATS Enterprise, Livery & Feed Stable jfS?"XoKTH of Bank Brn.riNG.jj C. C. B3SWELL, - - Prcpristor, i FIRST CLASS TEAMS AXD RIGS ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY. To Patronize Home Industry HE STAR Is the latest business venture in Enterprise. It is sup lied with up-to-date apparatus. Does all kinds of laun- ilry work. Family washing J OILY II. FLOWERS, - ENTERPRISE E. J. FORSYTniS.... . Cakf'es a Complete Stock of , DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES. Prescriptions Can-fully Compounded. Buckeye Vapor Bath PRICE, $5. 0. F. COOUDGE'S PAINT STORE LaGrande, Oregon. HEADQUARTERS FOR Linseed Oil, Varnish, Lubricating Oils, All kinds of Brushes, Glass, Cement, Lime, Building Paper and Paper Bags, Doors and Windows. W PAPEB -A- SPECIALTY. ' PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. Send your mail orders . . ' 9 : Sentekhiise livery and feed! STABLE Win. Reavis, Proprietor. Best TurriC'jts In The County. 0 to a Somebody will be in of the day ..- H THii BE3T HAY AND GRAlttTHE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. A SPECIALTY Ore Son. LAUNDRY solicited. 3 Proprietor. L. J. COVEJ1ST0NE, Watch-maker, Jeweler and Optician, Wallowa, Oregon. I respectfully solicit a share of your work, and will try to merit your patronage. Waltham Watches A Specialty. DRUG STORE. FROPRIETOR Cabinet 0 the barri at all hours and night. OUR CORRESPONDENTS. INTERESTING ITEMS From Various Sections of "Wallowa County. WALLOWA A lodge of the Modern Woodmen j of Ameoica was organized in Wal-1 Iowa Friday night. It starts with J thirteen members. J Mrs. John Mc Donald is visiting ' in La liranue. Like all true "Scotchmen" she did not overlook the Burns Celebration which occur-' cd in tl at city the 14. It is currently rumored that J. B. Keeney will run an express line between Elgin and Joseph after the expiration of his mail contract. No boubt a venture like this would pav as the increasing travel de mands better transportation facili ties. Miss Hattie Lock wood has re turned to Walla Walla to resume her studies at theSt. Paul Academy. Rev. Beardsly who has been a colk-g-e profession, and is a pulpit orator of more than ordinary abili ty, preached in the M. E. church of this city last Sunday evening. Rev. Beardsly is traveling in this part of Oregon for the benefit of his health and it is hoped that Wal lowa's ideal climate may be the means of keeping this excellent gentlemen and scholar in our midst for some time to come. Mr. Wright, formerly proprietor of the Wallowa hotel has returned lrom a visit to his old home in Indiana. Like most of Wallowa- ites who go away, Mr. Wright was glad to get back to Wallowa. The skating pond is well patron ize! by the little boys and girls the-e days. In the language of the small boy "the boy with out skates is not in it." A. J. Carpenter it Son are feed ing their sheep on the Standley ranch. Mr. Wood of the Lostine Bulletin-Leader was a visitor in Wal lowa Monday. A number of the members of the I. 0. 0. F. Lodge of this place at tended the installation ceremonies of the Lodge at Lostine Monday evening. The high school foot ball team of Wallowa will play the Lostine High School team on the Litter's ground next Saturday. As l oth teams are practicing diligently for the event an exciting game is looked for. Harry Huffman of Joseph was visiting in town this week. Dr. Kirby of Elgin was in the last week on professional visit. Harry Chenoweth of Aider Slope fors Sons. "Any fool can take a horse to water, but it takes a wise man to make him drink," says the proverb. The horse eats when hungry and drinks when thirsty. A man eats and drinks by the clock, witnout re gard to the needs of nature. Because of careless eating and drinking "stomach trouble" is one of commonest of dis eases. Sour and bit ter risings, belch ing9, unnatural ful ness after eating, dizziness, headache, and many other symptoms mark the befiuning and pro gress of disease ot the Ktomarh. M P-I Dr. Pierce's Cold ?'' :i K'ii A en Medical Discov ery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of di gestion and nutri tion. It cures through, the stom ach diseases of other organs which have their origin in a dis eased condition of the stomach, and allied organs of digestion and nutrition. It strengthens the stomach, purifies the blood, cures obstinate cough and heals weak lungs. " I wa taken with Grippe, which resulted in heart and stomach trouble," writes Mr. T. R, Camlill. Montlaud, Allehaney Co., N. C. "I was unable to do anything good part of the time. 1 r-rote to Dr. Pierce about my condition, having full confidence in his medicine. He ad vised me to take his ' Golden Medical Discovery, which I did. Before I bad finished the second bottle I began to feel better. 1 have used nearly six bottle. I feel thankful to God for the bene fit I have received from Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery. I can highly recommend it to all persous as a good and safe medicine," . S y Dr.. Pierce's-Pleasant Pellets keep th bowels healthy. j was in Lower valley Monday and Tuesday looking for a power for a wood saw. He was looking for a small engine or a horse power. He will probably buy a horse pow er and thus utilized the surplus energy of several horses during the winter. T. C. Miller, the postmaster, merchant and mayor of Promise was in town the first of the week replenishing his stock of gxvU st the W. M. Co. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown came down from Joseph Tuesday. J. F. Shafer was a passenger on Tuesday's stage for Elgin. Dick Maxwell says it is not nec essary to "see the other fellow" for he came in contact with the ice Mondry at a great disadvantage. John Huber, proprietor of the Btar credi sawmill, has oOO.OOO feet of logs skidded and is waiting for snow to haul tnem to the mill, lie has made arrangement to mar ket, bis clear lumber at Elgin this coming summer. Commissioner McDonald spent Sunday at home and returned to county court Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. George O'Brien started Wednesday morning for San Francisco and way points on a pleasure trip to be gone about three weeks. They will go from Portland to San Francisco by boat and return by train. Chas. Hunter the popular book keeper of the W. M. Co. took an involuntary bath Monday in the skating pond. A. Wa le of Entirprise who was a passenger on Monday's stage, got left in Wallowa and had to hire a m:in to take him on horse back to over take the stage. Miss Mertie Hart of Enterprise! vi-itingwith the family of II. H. Edwards near til's city t is week. Miss May Coebel is the new waitress at the Hotel Wallowa. Rev. Walker of Enterprise came down Tuesday and is assisting Rev. Martin in a series of meetings for the Methodist church. C. T. McDaniel started on Tues- day for outside points to be L'one!i'd a reading circle which will until Saturdav. Geo. Schaut returned Mondnyl lrom iiaker count v where lie h;is been looking aft, r a band of bher p. Chris Fades of Hades Meadow wag in town the iirrt of tie week fo secure aid for a nci:;hlior y Hie name of Lewi Torman w! o has lieen pick for some time and is now in destitute circiins'taiiee.-'. Ho telephoned to the County court ats to his condition and 2." w.m ap propriated for his aid. Citizens of Wallowa subscribed $10 more. LOSHNIZ. Ray Vest of Enterprise is assist ing C S. Fit.patrie A Hon in tak ing an inventory of their stock. He came down Monday and will probably remain two or three weeks. E. II. Carmen and A. H. Meek were looking after their lumber in terests in this vicinity Tuesday. Mr. Carmen says he will start Monday with his family for the ir jold home ot New Whatcom, Wash. ! where thev have a farm. Middle Valley farmers are find ing a good market for their hay this winter. Rankin it Rankin are feeding sheep at J I. E. Driver's; J. B. Olmstead at (J. E. (Meon's; E. R. Howl by at Jerry Max-, veil's on the Hherrod place; E. W. 1 rubier at Geo. Wolfe's; liookoul k Hons at M. W. Goodman'? and Taker Dros. at W. W. Wade's. W. II. Wagner and wife of En terprise were in the city Tuesday. Rev. Hunderman held services in this city a few days last week. He is here to reorganize the lodge of United Artisans. R. M, Needham is in the city in the interest of the Modern Wood men of America. Mrs. J. II. Ackerman, wife of the State School Superintendent came down from Joseph Sunday and took the stage Monday for her home in Salem. She had been at the bedside of lit r daughter Mrg. Carlton in Joseph. Mrs. Carlton is on the rapid road to recovery.' Ben Davis who lias been the stage driver between Joseph and lostine, is now driving Wtween this place and Elgin. There will K a foot ball game in this city next Saturday between the kid teams of Wallowa and Lostine. Both teams we under stand are practising diligently. The irrigation ditche below town should be looked after by the owners. If not by them the pro per authorities should take the matter up and protect the roads from overflow. Wiih tho first thaw there will be so much water that the roads will be almost impassible. FLORA. Plowing is bcini; done in the lower localities. .las. Burner and Isaac Bingaman returned from a trip to Enterprise last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keefer re returned from a visit to Lostine. Rev. Smith visited outside points last week. Bert Rrayton received tho sad news of the death of his only sister last Thursday. Ho started for El gin immediately to attend the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. . Whitmore passed by on their way to Arko Saturday evening. T. J. Clark of Portland, who was in town over Sunday in the capac ity of P. 0. inspeclor, delivered a fine address in tho M. E. church in the evening, his theme being "I know that my Redeemer liveth." Mr. Ciark, came recently from wasningion i. C. where lie was personally associated with our late lamented President. u. r. .Mays ot i,ostine was in town lust week. A.L. Grinstead has started feed stable in Flora. Elder W. II. Marvin is expected to be in the 21st and 2'2nd of tikis month to hold quarterly services at Star. The Epworth League has organ meet once a week. At a icccnt election of KpworUi league oincers, J. iu. uimel was elected President, Flora Buzzard Ut Vi(',! Mrd- Huffman, 2nd Vie. Rev. Stnitn, "rd Vict;, Edith Davis ItbYiee, H.C. Davis, See., and Isaac Ringanian, Treasurer. The Ladies' Aid will give an en tertainment and Imskct supper Friday evening, Jan. 21th in Horn The baskets to lie sold for W cents each, children's 2o cents. The proceeds of this supper is to go to wanl paying an old church and parsonage debt. ' Rev. Smith did not preach here Sunday on account of having marriage ceremony to perform in I'aradise. James Akin and Miss Cora Norton were united in marri age at about 11 o'clock on that day CI1ICO. The wen tht r has made quite change the last few days from fpring weather to freezing. Most of the stockmen are wish ior for snow so it will be better feeding weather. fordHillman took a bunch of horses down on the Jos-p!i the first of the week. Gorge Miller and G. II. Daugh erty returned from La Grande Sat urday. They n port the roads in a bad thape. J. J. Daugherty went to Joseph Monday. There is 1 e a ball (iiven nt the .Masonic Hall Eri lay, Jan. 17. Every one corliilly invited. A good time is anticip: toil. Fine and liunm 11 will b ? at Jas. Hilton's on tie 18 and 10 to buy cavalry horses. P4VRIB CREEK. Mrs. E. T. Roup visited with Mrs. A Ikins ons day la9t week. Mr. Cloveidah is engaged in hauling wood to Joseph. The basket social which was to have taken place at Pleasant Cen tre xhool house lias leen postpon ed. Miss Nellie Downey is quite sick w ith scarlet fever. A muuttcr from the Prairie creek school visite I at the Pleasant Cen tre school Friday. Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Alkius visited at Mrj. Sp tin's Tuesday. Mr. Janic Buchanan and family have move. I into the house former ly occupied by A. II. Mick. A dance at M. Cloverdale's to night. A number of our scarlet fever pitients are on the mend. Mr. J. S. Downey has returned home from Icwis'im. : ' Messrs. Tommy an 1 Fred and Rosa and Eveline Creen spent Thursday evening Ht C. W. Mcck's. Notice. Wallowa County, Jan. 1, Wi. To aiiiui'l lli own : Ynu are hereby notilii d that I have rxpcinlnd Three 1 lumlri'd il illars in labor and iniriivt" laeiitH upon the "I.uekv Kour." "IliiKiiel1' hikI "t'ltliiinet" mineral claims lucuted in lmnalia Mining district and in whit U luiius vou were owner of one-lourlli interest and ns will appear by evr.tTu'iilo tiled July lt,)l , in the ollico of Count v Clerk of Wallow county, Oregon, In or-. lUr to hold said premises under lluj provision of Suction '.';!.' I Kevised utat-f iltes of tlio United State, lining amount required to hold tint same for year ending Pecembor lil, l!K)l, and if within !MJ day after thin notice by publication yon fail or refuu to contribute your proportion of such expenditure us eoi owner, your intercit In said claims will lieconio the properly of the subscriber under section "JJI'.M. J. F. Crri.KR. Notice. WulloWii County, Jan. J, l'.lOJ. To Samuel Urown: You urn hereby notified that I have expended Onn liiin- ilred liollarsin lubor mid improvements u;ion the "Mineral Hill" mineral cluini located in : Imniilm Minion district by Samuel Hrowu and J. V. Cutler, and iik, will appear by certillcato hhd July INIMi, 11101, in theollicn of County Clerk of Wallowa county, In order to hold said premises under tlm provisions of Section "l!4 Revised Statute of tho Cniloil States, beinu amount ri'imired to hold tho xainu for the year andim; lVceinbrr !ilr 1001, and if within WO dnyN ofter thin notice by publication you fail or refuse to contribute your proportion of such ex penditures as co owner, your interest in H.ild (jliiim will beconio tliu I rop.'jty of the subscriber under snid ertiou L'3L'I. J. K. Ci ri i.it. iTxfcut:r' Nol'ce. Notice is hereby given that the in- derxined has been duly adpointed Kx ecutor of the hint will and testament of Keiibcn 11, Cole, decenscil; and all mtsoiis having t lainis analiiHt tlm ts tato of said decensed are hereby i'ciiiir ed to present the same with the proper vouchers to said Kxecutor it t Lostine, Oregon, or to his attorney, 1). V, Sheiihan, at lii.i olllee in Kiiterpi ine, Oregon, 'within six months from the date of this notice. 1 luted this 17th day of Deed 'M. HASCALL COLIC, Executor D. VV. Siikaiias, Ex'rs Att'y. 12-1!M)1. 1-23-01!. 1 of llnal Notic-j for Settlement Account. Notice is lire.y j(i'.i:ii t! at tho linal ac coini: i f W. K. lloIm.-Mn I W. VV. While, executor a of tho t .ttl! of Thoinici II; Veatey, deciiMe I, bus l ien I'll. . I in the olHi e of tlio County I lerk of Wallowa conn ty, UrcKou, mil ik ollicio clerk ot the Comity Coiir, and llmt S nurd iv, t'l hru ary, H, V.tiL m, In r. m.. m th,, olti.-c of I In) (.'ouii v Jud.e in Knler-p-isc. Wullowa oiinty , Ur j,ei!!, !;:;s been M l t.y il.v Counlj Judj;e iik t ie ihie'iiiel i ':i (or the litarinff of ohji-etioiM u .'aid I nal iiim oun iiiei the settli-nienl, ll er of , a', wliica time and pliu e i il persom itiU'i'bN'ed f t Laving uny objection to Midi tiit.it a Coin. t are hereby uothh it i tic present nu' ( onlet tlio same: lia'eot lirst p ililka ion 'Mi .lay i ( Jun., 1!).'. HiieUi .V- Hodgin W. II. Hoi.mks, Alturueya. W. W. Wiiitr, ' Kxi cutor . H. B. DAYIDSII2ER,' Auctior.e8 Will cry sales for fanners r and othM at any place. Charges reasonable. Sat'sf.ic.tion giiarantued. RKFKR :NCi:s:-S. Cochran. Hood Kiver, Ore., rj. L. llrooks, Smiinu'i'ville, ir.. Join Conhy. la (iramle. Urn., 11. Achurc h, Ix.Mine, David Kiihn, Flora, Urey v v , JOHEPH, ORiGOX.