Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, March 10, 1899, Image 1

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W HOLE NO. 772.
E N T E R P R IS E , W ALLO W A CO! \ T V , O REGON. MARCH 10, 189tf.
VOL. X V . XO. 39.
. «
■ ■
The city of Dayton has practically no
flouting debt.
A telephone line will !>«• put in between
GEN. OTIS SAYS THREE MONTHS. W ilkeson and Carbonado.
The chief of police of Seattle intends
to try to put a little life into the curfew
I t e m s G le a iie « ! F r o m l l i e L u te R e p o r t s -
D e w 4* y f o r I iiim »4'«I i»»te A c t i o n —A I- I.» k | ordinance.
A l l D is t r ic t « A r e B e i n g D e v e l o p s ! A
o f t r u c e (J o e* o u t ( H is W i l l t i v r p t
Dan McDonald, a longshoreman, (io
P r o s p e r o u s Y e a r I n P r e d i c t e d —M i n i n g
N o t h i n g h u t t n c o n « lit lo n u l S u r r e n d e r — years old, was found dea«l ill his cabin in
N o t e s ttntl P e r s o n a l s .
4 ou t p la in t o f th e A r m y .
Old Tacoma last week.
Manning Hill, a t «me time the fastest
T he new $100,000 m ill a t th e Gol-
bicycle rider in the state, is now an Ad­
condu m ine, n e a r B aker C ity, Ore., is
.Manila, I*. I., March 4. 1 am ju st about ventist preacher at Elma.
to sta rt with a llag of truce for the in­
William Babino, a logger, was drowned building. T he ow ners expect g rp a t
surgent lines at Calooean, having received while attem pting to cross P uget sound success w ith th e new brom ine-chlorine
process. T hey a re J. G. a n d J. T. E n g ­
jm - i mission from General Otis, to collier
ill a rowboat during a heavy wind last
lish, of D anville, 111. T h e m ill b u ild ­
with the Filipino commander, inf«»*o*co Dfc week.
ing covers 170 uy 3U0 feet, '1 he com ­
La ( m /. in the presence of Isdh armies.
Tin* Walla Walla Vni«m has changed i
G e n e ra l Otis thinks that the w m will be hands. J. G. Franklin, B. E. I .a Du« ami 1 plete eq u ip m en t will be In o p e ra tin g
practically ended within three months. L. Arm strong will tak e charge of the pa shape A pril 1,
lit S o n tli A ir le n .
W hen General Lawton's divi-io t anives jxw uml job offifc*.
th e \m«*ric:tn lin e, u«»u « retch ed o u t fo r
Roliert Sheldon, an old pioneer of Sno-j In 1897 In th e H and, South A frica
22 mile« around Manila, will be shortened liomisb, dropped dead at t h e home of W. gold d istric t, th e re w ere in o p e ratio n
a n d strengthened, to «‘lia b le a powerful J. Steven* recently while visiting with 1675 sta m p s; in 1898, 5042; th e ton-
column to mass and smash the insurgents thc family of the latter.
nage c ru sh ed in 1897 w as 5,325,355—
inasM*d lieyond Calooean, and thence ad­
A man named Harris, from near Mon- a bout 4 ’ j to n s per sta m p per day. As
vance on Mah'h's, the Filipino capital. Ad­ tesano has l»ecii arrested and turned over in th e U nited S tates, th e tendency is
miral Dewey thinks that the enemy should to the sheriff of Chehalis county, charge«! to in cre ase th e cap acity per stam p . In
be attacked immediately, and all the isl­ with abducting his 13 year-old niece, ¡th e p a st ten y e ars th a t d is tr ic t has
ands occupied.
Ritzville’s new opera house is finished.' yl®^®^ $320,000,000 in gold.
General Otis said to me today th a t he
The building is ha-afed opposite the court-I
T l i e l ’l i j n e M i n e . ,
will not receive any communication from
house. Its size is 40x100 feet, and lias a 1 T h e P ay n e m in es a re situ a te d in th e
the ipsurgciits, but he is willing to treat
with Agiiinaldo siinpjy as chief of the in total seating capacity for about 000 peo 's io e a n div isio n of B ritish C olum bia,
I say s th e T o ro n to W orld. So fa r only
«urgent forces. He will accept only u n ­
A t Oakesdale last week Isaac Hickey A,ne of th e fo u r cla im s owned by th e
conditional surrender. Before tin* pr«s«-nt
«ontlict begin General (His said he sound- became suddenly insane ami gave his com pany has been w orked and o u t of
w ife, w ho lias been seriously ill for some 1 th is claim th e com pany h a s a lre a d y
e«l Agiiinaldo** eonwnissioners as to tho
time, a dose of strychnine. She will r e - ! paid $1,000,000 In dividends, besides
acceptance of local self-government under
p a y in g all costs of developm ent and
American sovereignty. Agiiinaldo replied
Helen Heller, of W alla W alla, lias dis- eq u ip m en t out of th e e a rn in g s of the
th at he would only accept absolute inde­
pendence. although he w as willing to let appeared, taking with her about $.'¡,000. m ine.
S n lp h u r .
the Ci.itcd States protect the republic A great, deal of it was in county w ar­
against foreign interference. General th is rants, which she exchanged before leav­
S u lp h u r w as m ined in th e U nited
is anxious to have Spain ratify the treaty, ing for parts unknown.
S tates, in 1898 in U tah, N evada and
Charles Gaupin. a resident of Loomis L ouisiana. T he to ta l p roduction w as
as now everything outside of Manila is
officially Spanish territory. The admiral
a bout 3,000 sh o rt tons, valued a t $00,-
is for action, lie thinks th at this hair came insane a few days ago. It is said 000. T h e N evada p ro d u c t w as shipped
.splitting and tiling on our troops all lie lias las-n worrying over contracting to San F rancisco. U tah produced 337
tons. T h e production of s u lp h u r in
around the < ity night and day from the for work on a mining property.
11!.. » heh,,lis city council him passed an L ouiglana (niaile bv th e F re n c h pro-
insurgent trenches will assist the Filipinos
ordinance imposing a $2 poll tax on all cess as in previous y e a rs ), am o u n ted
in getting arms.
General Bios, the Spanish commander, male inliaaitatits between the ages of 21 to 1,427 sh o rt tons. N oth in g was done
now in Manila, wishes to withdraw* at and 50 years, unless they are members of a t th e L ou isian a m ines a fte r May.
orne his troops fioni Cebu Zamboanga and the volunteer lire departm ent.
T lie l u e s o f A liin iln n m .
The contract has jus. been completed
other points in the Philippines, hut Gen
T h ere seem s to be no lim it to th e
eral Otis refuses to consent.
Our line« about the « itv are everywhere system of Garfield, by which the system 0®®® to w hich alu m in u m can lx* put.
well placed.
Incendiarism has been sup­ has been much improved and a ‘larger T he R u ssian m in is te r of w ar h a s ap-
j proved of alu m in u m horse shoes for
pressed am, the natives in Manila are volume of w ater has been supplied.
While returning to Montesano recently the cav alry , a f te r a severe te s t as to
thoroughly cow«-«l. There is an average
of three deaths weekly from smallpox in from a hunting trip, Scott Stevens and th e ir m erits. 1 hey w e ar longer th an
tin* American army.
T hirty eases are A rthur Johnson received the contents of Iron, a re less afllected by m o istu re, cost
a shotgun which accidentally exploded, n,) m or®» ant* a re ° f course m uch light-
now in the hospital.
| e r - * h®y a r ® lik e ly to come in to gen-
General Otis ha« complained to A d m ira l and will he laid up for a few weeks.
(h a rlc v Ike. a Yakima Indian, who e ra ^ us®
^h® n e a r fu tu re. W ith in
Dewey against the navy forcing the cam­
went, to Tacoma a few days ago to serve a few’ y e ars iron w ill have to ta k e a
paign too rapidly.
as interpreter in the whisky selling eases back sc a t for m any of th e u tilita r ia n
in Hi»» f»k.I..x/-.,...»
-* -- • - **• ••»»» r>«i t,»»ooo<’
1 D A IIO . *
murdered and robb«*«l, some time last U ispensante.
Mr. Lively of Walla«*«* has returned
•'n in e <»f H e p n h l l c S p rcn rin .
from Stevens peak ami reports eleven feet week
P a tric k C lark, th e p rin cip al o w ner
of snow there.
in Tacoma liarhor six weeks ago, with ot th e R epublic m ine, h a s re tu rn e d
The prune and apple trees of the Pot
latch have suffered no damage from the her ofilccrs and clew, will be raised, if from his e a s te rn tr ip and re p o rts th a t
possible, !>v ( a|),ain W. 11. Smith, of San he found th e fam e of R epublic cam p
effect of the extreme eohl weather.
Caruthers, of Sc
Si has a lre ad y reached th e c ities of the
The whist tournam ent at the Moscow Francisco, ami t . .1. Ciiriithers
east, a n d th e in d ic a tio n s a re th a t con-
club is ended. Lyman R«*«*<1 finishing six attle.
F.tlsworth DeLaslimiit. tlie young man sld e rab le e a s te rn c ap ita l will seek m ln-
points ahead of the next best man.
The Nez Per<-e jail lias become so unsafe w h o re c e n tly -e c u ic d a license to m a n y lug in v estm e n ts th ro u g h o u t th e north-
that all of the federal prisoners have been Fmnia Grunewohl, a prepossessing young e rn section th is com ing sp rin g . Mr.
ordered remove«! to Mo*«*ow for safe keep- willow of Rosalia, hut who. Hie day p r io r C lark s ta te d th a t th e re g u la r m o n th ly
to tlie nuptials, was arrested for spank d iv id e n d of $30,000 from the R epublic
m ine would be passed th is m onth, a s
Parties «•oniing in from tlie mountains ing tlie 2-year-otd child of his prospectici
th e cold sn a p had se rio u sly in te rfe re d
say th at tlie snow is so deep th a t the bride, inis becom e insane.
w ith th e o p e ratio n s of th e m ill. I t
Clearw ater has reached the high water
is a c red ita b le fact, how ever, th a t th e
m ark.
The railroad lo the Fairfax mines I,as net. re tu r n s of th e lim ited o p e ratio n s
Spalding at present is taxe«l to its u t ­
| of th e m ill w as m ore th an am ple to
most eapaeity on account of its influx of boon complete«!.
A rrangem ents arc being made in Pa- pay all expenses of developm ent w ork
gamblers from all over the country, who
on th e m ine.
Ions«* to m anufacture pott«‘iv.
are reaping a harvest from the Indians.
The Keefe & Perkins shingle mill at
Dr. L. F. Inman of Moscow has received
a message from the war departm ent in­ Sultan. Wash., has started up.
A t P o rtla n d is being fram ed a gold
forming him that the report of ’I’racy In­
m in in g dred g e to cost $40,000 for th e
m an’s «tenth at Manila Monday was u n ­ arranging to onen a bank in Elma.
Pom eroy D redging C om pany of P o rt­
land, Ore.
J. J. Remington of Salmon river, near
C alum et, Mich., is now’ th e second
W hite Bird, reports th a t the stock on clear. goo«l ice.
la rg e st m in in g cam p in th e U nited
During the year 1898 the mills of Bal
the river is doing well sin«e the disap
S tates, and cla im s a population of 40,-
pcaranee of the snow, hut that fc«*d is lard ma nil fact tire« I over .‘UM),(MMUW0 ce­ 000, b ein g next, t o B utte.
d a r shingles.
I t is e stim a te d th a t th e re 1 r now
Elberton w ill put in a fruit evaporator '
Mr. Tonlonsnn, a miner in the Standard
$1,000.000 w orth of ore in sight in the
mine a t W nllace. had his hip crushed by the «‘oniing season, wilh a eapaeity of Red Boy m ine n e a r B aker C ity. T he
a fall of rock iu the mine Friday. He from Jn.iMMi to 4(>.(KM) pounds.
m on th ly c le an u p s of th is m ine ra n g e
There are 90 Ja p s at work laying side
was removtsl to the Providence hospital
from $19,000 to $25,000.
and is slowly improving.
A n o th e r s tr ik e of clean g a le n a ore
The decision of the local land office in
is rep o rted on th e fcittle Spokane, n e ar
favor of the contestant in the ease of ('.
W ill,on Stetson, Of the stotHoi, A Post I
- M ontana. Oro ia being h auled
interested in an excel- ' o . . ___
•oin,Ki..y, is interesteil
r a ..».i
„ r()a(I for 8h lp m en t t0 O re a t
It. C arter vs. W. T. Adams, to a q u arter Mill «ompiiiiv.
section near Lapwai, has been aftirme«l by sior and broom haiulle factory being p a j |8
the commissioner of the general land of­ erected at Ledro-Woollev, Wash.
T h ere is a p e rsiste n t ru m o r th a t th e
There is considerable
Uneasiness ,, among
, .
, « K eystone is ab o u t to absorb th e Gold-
,_ . in th e v Y _ akh
i.u d istric t, u M ______
Messrs. D. and C. W. ( ante of the wool­ stiM'k men and ta i .... is near I olfax lie a flint,
en mill at Post Falls, state that they have cause tlie prolonged winter is causing a and th a t one big m ill w ill w ork th e
bought several new ki ittiug machines, shortage of feed.
ores from both propositions.
Tlie Abbott ranch, near .Montesano, was !
ami will start up tin* first of \p ril with
h is
men w
recently •.,,1,1 to a brother o l i d . It j t0 T w
nrg w eek
„ in k a in g force
an of
s h ere
a f t p on
an additional for««» of hi new employes.
Judge Mayhew has s< silence«I Janies A. Goiiohuer. managoi of tlie Montesam , th h„
p „ epublic
„ „ ,,ii. to „»rah
e R ebate i„
In R
cateh n,«
T urner of W allace to om year iu the pen creamery for $2500.
ledge at a point n e a r th e oottom of th e
C attle buyers from Spokane have been winze, and a n o th e r force w ill com ­
¡(entiarv for man«laiightcr. The ju ry
recommended him to the mercy of the scouring tlie country to the smith of m ence a ra ise to connect w ith it.
«•ourt, and the sentence is the shortest Rockford during the past two weeks in
On th e S liv er K ing, n e a r O kanogan
the law allows.
quest of tieef cattle.
lake, a n d owned by th e C anadian-
The past we« k has been a notable «»lie
A cockerel at tlie S p o k a n e poultry A m erican Oold M ining and Develop-
for the fruit growers ami farm ers of the sliow w as su ch a lino b ird I h a t tlie judge m enj com pany, of R ossland, 250 feet
. I . _ offered
»v__ i aw
_ i.:...
Potlatch country, tw*o meetings having of «1.......
the exhibition
liim. o( tu n n e ls have been d riv en since Nov-
been held and a «legree of interest m ani­ whicli was prom ptly refused by his own- ’ em ber 1
fested that made the institute of more or";
| A s tr ik e h a s been m ade a t th e 70-
than ordinary significance. The insti­
I lie Pomeroy and Lewiston stage line f00p level In th e Oolden E agle, on th e
tu te was the first o f a scries, and the lia s been s h o rte n e d . T h e stage only luns ] n o rth fo rk of th e K e ttle riv er, in th e
fru it growers are «utliusinstie over the now from P o m e ro y to Alpowai. I lie mail B oundury c o u n try . T he And c o n sists
ionic is discontinued lietwecn Alpowai of fo u r feet of high g ra d e copper-gold
and Lewiston.
J ore, from w hich a ssa y s w ere had from
T o l l . i i l . l T a n X o .. g t e i i n i e r s ,
Dr. X. (i. Blalock, of Walla W alla, the ggq
\ogotiations have I ms - u concluded for most extensive fruit raiser ill the Inland I A carlo ad of red g ra n ite h a s been
the building by tlie Cramps of two. and Empire. States that the fruit crop of Wul J „hipped to S e a ttle from A. C. Thom p-
pcilia|>s throe, large ships for tin- Oriental In Walla county has been extensively son's new q u a rry . T h ere is said to he
A Occidental Steamship Company, of damaged.
b u t one o th e r place In th e U nited
which company .tolin I). Spreckels is pres­
I nitcd Stales I ommissioner It. I\. S ta te s w here such a fine qun llty of red
Tlie new vessels will ire about Knapp, of Ives. Okanogan c o u n ty , la st ^granite is found. Most of the red gran-
unin» ions each, fiimi-slied with twin screws yenr. made a sueicxs of tobacco raising jin th is c o u n try Is b ro u g h t from Scot-
and ca|xilile of averaging 17 knots an hour. on his ranch, and recently was offered land.
I bey will probably ply lietwecn .an F ran­ 1 2 i l i nts a pound for a large quantity. | T h e C am p H e w itt p ro p e rties w hich
cisco and Svdnev. N. S. \V.
llie Itclliiighain Bay Improvement com have re ce n tly been secured by th e Can-
panv s mill at New Whatcom presents a adlan-A m erlcan Oold M ining and De-
V i l . n n e e o i W ii h c n .
veritable hec hive appearance. A large velopm ent com pany of R ossland, com-
5. 'Hie Schoen num ber of men arc employed in the saw p rise 10 gold-copper claim s situ a te d on
Pressed Sled Company of Alleghany ad­ mill, which has a capacity of culling 75. O kanogan lake a t th e new tow n of
vanced wages in all departm ents today inhi feet of liim licr per day.
. P eachland, w hich is located 20 m iles
The biggest sticks of tim ber ever eut in n o rth of P e n tic to n on th e w est aide
from 5 to lit per cent. This increase will
benefit more than 3IMH, men and will pre- Portland w< re cut at the mill of Inm an.! of th e lake,
rent the strike of punchers and riveters. Paulsen & ( ’<». recently. They w«*re of fir | One m ile e ast from th e ranch of W.
j and were three feet square, and a little L. D avis, ju s t a cro ss th e O kanogan
The wisdom of the wise and the expert more than forty eight feet long. They eon riv er, lies w h at Is called a sodlum -snl-
cnee of ages is preserved by quotation.
1 tnined 5,200 feet of lumber, and weighed p h ate m ine. T h is deposit covers a bout
j about 20,000 pounds each.
J sixty acres, and from sam ples se n t to
Disra« ’.i.
. — »y-
. >«.. w ,
the a g ric u ltu ra l college of W ashing
ton and a chem ist in S e a ttle is pro­
nounced by them com m ercially pure.
A nother attem p t has been m ade to
find In d ia n John g fabulously rich
placer gold fields, said lo be located in TERSE TICKS FROM THE WIRE.
C assia r a n d w hich a re pronounced
.am o n g the lost m ines of th e w orld.
| T h is tim e C a lifo raia n s trie d to locate 1 C o m p l e t e R e v ie w o f t h e K v e u t s fo r
t h e P e s t W e e k In T h is e n d r u r e l g n
.th e gold, but di<
t succeed. A fter
L e n d s - S u m m a r is e d F r o m t h e L a t e s t
two y e a rs’ w andering som e of th e p a r­ l> I m p e t e li e s .
ty have re tu rn e d to Vancouver.
li c it i s l i C u lu m b ln .
A rra n g em e n ts are being m ade to
President J. J . Hill of the Great North
resum e w ork on t i e Diam ond H itch iu ern and President A. L. Mohler of the
O. R. «5k N. held a conference in Seattle
the B oundary country.
T he C aledonia, in Hear L ake d istric t. reiently. It is thought th a t the confer­
B. C., has 150 feet of tu n n e lin g and h a s; ence was based upon the question of con
Just com m enced a cross-cut funnel. ; st nu t ing a railroad into the Republic
two sh ifts a re being w orked.
mining district.
On th e M onte i-.^ lo and A m erican!
William W ayne B»*h in is ‘undee* ar»e«t
Engl" on Hard;. '■> •> -mt-iln in* B ound­ in t h e W aldorf-Astoria, charged with
ary v aluable deposits of n a tiv e copper threatening the life of the Denver mil­
ore have been en countered.
lionaire, David II. MotTat, and also with
A v aluable body of ore h a s been trying to defraud the hotel out of $423.
c ro ssc u t on the City of P a ris and L in­
The United States gunboat Wheeling
coln claim s in C entral cam p, B oundary has arrived in Vancouver, B. C., from
A laska.
A foot of clean ore h a s been stru c k
Miss Ada Rehan, the leading lady of
In th e d r if t b ein g run on th e Mabou Augustin Daly's company, has been en­
claim , w hich adjo in s th e E n te rp ris e gaged, with Mr. Daly's permission and
m ine on T en Mile n e a r S ilverton.
approval, to create the part of the hero­
A t th e D undee m ttie th e m ain sh a ft ine in the next D rury Lane dram a.
Is now down to th e 263-foot level. T he
The commissioners of Golden G ate park,
d r if tin g on ore is being c arried on a t San Francisco, have accepted an offer by
th e 300,000 level, w here it is 18 feet Claus Spreckels to erect a marble or
granite music stand, to cost not less than
T he G ladstone m in eral claim , s itu ­ $00,000.
ated on P orcupine creek, fo u r m iles
A t St. Louis, in the trial of Campbell
e ast of th e Nelson ami F o rt Sheppard Alignir on the charge of murder, photo­
railw ay, h a s been sold by N. A. R ivers graphs purporting to portray every stage
to Gideon M ahar.
of the assault were brought forth by the
M ontreal p a rtie s have pu rch ased a state and allowed as evidence. The entire
larg e in te re s t in th e Oro D enoro claim I tragedy as the prosecution presents it
in S u m m it cam p, en '»gh h av in g been was acted out before a camera.
Invested to in su re the ste a d in g w ork­
Orders have been issued for filling in
ing of th e m ine in future.
of the fifty-mile gap between Surf and
F iftee n m en a re a t w ork on th e City Elwood, on the c«»ast division of the
of P a ris and L incoln m ines over in Southern Pacific railroad. This wdl com­
C e n tra l cam p and a re m ak in g good plete a new tru n k line from Sa ’ Francis­
progress on th e 800-foot tu n n e l w hich , co to Los Angeles within a year.
is now in over 600 feet.
Frances Saville, the opera singer, who
R. G. S idley of A n a rch ist m o u n tain ! states th a t she is a citizen of California,
has bonded h is well know n A n arch ist has brought suit against the Madison
gro u p of claim s a t Camp M cK inney! Avenue hotel in New York to recover
to W. P. P ato n and com pany of G reen­ $20,000, the value of a casket of jewels
wood for a larg e sum .
which she alleges was stolen from her
T he m ill a t th e P orto Rico is r u n ­ apartm ents in the hotel December 9, 1898.
n in g n ig h t and day and is g iv in g good
Total receipts from customs and taxes
sa tisfa c tio n . T h ere Is m uch sp e c u la ­ in Amerit’a ’s island possessions are: In
tion as to the re tu rn s , and e stim a te s Cuba, from Ju ly 18, 1898, to Ja n u a ry 31,
v ary from $20,000 to $5“,000.
1899 (six ports not reporting for J a n u ­
T he B o u n d ary Creek M ining com- a ry ), $1,312,372; in the Philippine isl­
pany, w hich ow ns th e I.ast Chance, in ands, from August 13, 1898, to December
S k y la rk cam p, has purchased a com ­ 31, $1.819.813; in Porto Rico, from Aug­
plete p lan t, c o n sistin g of a 50 h o r s e 1 ust 15, 1898, to December 15, 1898, $3,-
pow er boiler, hoist, pum p and steam 043,002.
d rills from th e Je n c k s M achine com- J Lieut. Commander C. P. Rees, U. S. N.,
pany a t T ra il and exprs t to have It on i who was tlie signal officer with ^X«lmiral
lJeweys tleut, ami vt ho stool upon the
T he confirm ation of the sale of the bridge with the admiral during the b at­
tle of Manila, has arrived in Topeka,
la te st a c tu a l tr a n s f e r of note and is in­ Kan., to visit relatives. The naval offi
d icativ e of w h at is going on around per was received bv the governor and
S um pter, Ore.
both branches of the legislature, and
T he re s u lt of th e Hall M ines sm e lt­ spoke briefly Itefore both the house and
ing o p e ra tio n s d u rin g the fo u r w eeks senate.
en d in g J a n u a ry 27th wore: 22 days,
An appeal has been reeeived by the
6 h o u rs’ sm eltin g , 3,727 to n s sm elted, San Francisco Chamber of Commerce on
yield in g 69 to n s copper, 39,250 ounces behalf of the flood sufferers of the Shan­
tung provinct* of China. Those signing
T he m ill a t th e P o rto Rico Is r u n ­ the appeal are American ano English peo­
n in g n ig h t anil day anil is g iv in g good ple. The state th a t the Chinese of the
sa tisfa c tio n . T h ere is m uch sp ecu la­ d istrict have raised something like $70,-
tio n as to th e re tu r n s and e stim a te s on (MM>, but this will go hut a short way, as
th e m o n th 's re tu r n s vary from $20,000 there are over 2,000,000 peoplg starving.
to $50,000.
The transport Roanoke has sailed for
I t is e stim a te d th a t th e ore sh ip ­ Manila with a full cargo of supplies for
m en ts a lre ad y m ade from th e Slocan the tr«H»ps. She took nway 17 recruits
th is y e a r have yielded re tu rn s of over for the Fourteenth infantry, 11 men of
h a lf a m illion dollars. T w enty-one the Twentieth infantry and two men and
m ines a re a t p re se n t on th e list of 57 recruits tor th«* Twenty third infantry.
The consummation of the $25,000,000
D u rin g J a n u a ry th e B A. C. did over combine, the New Y ork G hj % Light, Heat
2500 feet of tu n n elin g , sh a ftiu g , etc., & Power Co., has l>een made possible
on its v a rio u s p ro p e rtie s and prob­ by the decision of the directors of the
ably th e F e b ru a ry record w ill be even Standard Underground Cable company to
g re a te r th a n th a t.
surrender to the combine $140,000 worth
T he tu n n e l on th e W allingford a t of bonds of the United Electric Light &
R ossland is now in 245 feet and h a s a Power company of New York held by it
good sh o w in g of m in eral In th e face. as collateral.
A ch an g e has been m ade to the use
Negotiations will probably be complet­
of coal a s a fuel in th e V irg in ia m ine, ed for the sale of the plant of King, Gil­
a t R ossland.
bert A W arner company of Columbus,
T he new m ac h in ery on th e S u lliv an Ohio, to the Bessemer steel plants of the
group, in th e F o rt Steele co u n try , is national organization. The j lant is one
w ork in g w ith o u t a hitch. T h e devel­ of the largest in the west.
opm ent w ork has been m uch m ore ra p ­
A ttorney General Monett of Ohio has
id since th e m ach in ery was sta rte d .
filed a motion in the supreme court ask
A c ro ssc u t tu n n e l has been sta rte d ing th a t F. B. Squire, secretary of the
on th e V ancouver group, n e a r Silver- Standard Oil Company, he cited for con
ton, to ta p th e o re bodies a t m uch tempt. Secretary Squire refused to pro
g re a te r d e p th th a n th e p re se n t w ork­ duee certain books demanded by the at
torney general during the taking of tes­
On th e Noble Five th e big ore body tim ony in the cases against the Standard
lately ru n in to has been followed for Oil company, before the m aster comiiiw
85 feet. Its a v era g e w id th is five feet. sioner.
I t Is e stim a te d th a t tbi>-nmoiint of ore
W ith regard to tl.e report *«1 Anglo
in s ig h t is w o rth abo-f? $209,000.
German agreement. Prin«*e Radz.iwill of
Fram e rem arked: “An entente between
M ecreln ry «if W n r .
such seilous commercial rivals as Great
W u'Jiington, .March 5 G(*ti«*i*ul ■J,
Britain ami Germany is almost impos­
Wheeler may I m * the next secretary of sible.
war. The president, when he heard how
Emil Berne, a cabin passenger on the
Sp«‘.»k«*r B««*d had instilled tin* general by North German Lloyd steam ship Saale,
refusing to recognize him on the floor of was arested in New Y’ork on a charge of
the house, was indignant. The pr«*sident smuggling.
r«*gard«*tl the speaker's ;i«ii.»n as an insult
President McKinley has notified the
to an old and valued r«-presentative. an Moravian college for women th a t it might
insult to the confederacy, an insult to a announce the fact th a t ns far as the
soldier, an insult to a Smtiag«) hero. Sev­ present outlook was concerned he would
eral gentlemen talked « \«*r th< m atter lie able to attend the exercises on the
with the president this evening.
When 150th anniversary of the seminary, to he
th«*y left the Whit«* hou«< the news Is* held on June 14. President McKinley as­
earn«* <*uirent that General W hivler would sures the college he would be accompan­
suectMxl R i i s m H A. Alg« i, an«l that the ied by Mrs. McKinley.
Litter might oblige his friends by aunounc
Mrs. John A. I.ognn is seriously ill at
ing his willingness to retire next week.
her home ill W ashington, I). C. She is
suffering from a second attack of grip
A M ls le r «»f J o e J«*flTer«ion.
She has been unable to leave her room
New > «irk. Mar« h 5. Cornelia Jetler for more than a week ami her condition
s«m. whose name by marii.ige b«*c.ime Mr-- nausea much alarm.
Jn<*ksnn. «Ii«sl at her horn«* in this city at
Count .lean Bernard Rocheburg Rothen
the age of t>2. She was th«* only sister of iaowen, the distinguished A ustrian states­
J«iscph J«*fi'ers«»n, the comedian. Iu ehild- man, formerly 'm inister of foreign affairs
hood she went on the stage and during and incum bent of other adm inistrative
her life she was more or I«* sh closely <*on- posts under Emperor Francis Joseph, is
nei’ted with the dramatic pr<rf<*ssion.
The Planters’ Cotton Oil see«l mill at
K ip lliit t Is Mn«*li I l e t l e r .
Monroe, La., was alm ost destroyed by fire
New York, March 5. It was said that together with seedhouses, staldes, stock,
Mr. Kipling had lost no ground during, etc. The loss is estim ated at $100,000;
the day. hut had made sonu* progress j insurance not known.
The honors of the tournam ent of the
toward recovery. The patient, the phy­
sicians say, had not spok.*n to any one ( second annual meet of the national skat
since talking a little with his wife «luring congress of America at Indianapolis, were
the evening
won by John Ulrich of St. Louis.
The board of stewards of the California
Jockey Club have indefinitely suspended
tw o jockeys. Cash Sloan and W. H. M ar­
tin, the former being a brother to Tod
The directory of the G reater American GOOD NEWS COMES FROM CEBU
exposition has ju st elected these officers:
Dr. George L. Miller, president; Frank Arm*« h u «I ’ A m m u n it i o n f o r A jfu ln u H lu
M urphy, treasurer; and Dudley Sm ith.
S«-iz«*«l b y t h e J n p s —R e b e l « »Ire B e ­
r u m in « IH w Iieu rten e«! - B u s in e s » H u s
According t o ’ reports r«*«.*eive<l by the
lte«*uiiie«l in ( lib a .
steam er Miowera, the situation in the
New Hebrides is serious.
Manila, March I —I t 1« rumored here
The annual meeting of the Coiigre«.
al Teiiqieranco Society a t tlie Vermont that a ateaioer with 20.000 atanda of arm»
Avenue Chriatian eliuich, W ashington. „ ,|j am m unition which were bound for
was a memorable line, in honor of the late j , |le philippine.» hua been seized in Jap
Representative Dingley of Maine, wl>oluueaO w ater by the Japanese authorities.
was for 18 years president of the organ
Aguinaldo’s arm y is disheartened as the
iza t ion.
ici-u lt oi th e rou-4uit a u liu n s . M « u y «rfpiady
, .
, L. D. Brough ten J r
. .
. oi insurgents have retired lM*e*ntse then
from , the universities
X,OI< ,aH ollieers skulk and w o n t lead their men.
Cambridge on the m atter oi a chess
.. .
. , .
. ,
1 he latent news from Cebu is good, the
match bv cable with the American u n i-1
. . . . . . ,»i......
versitics of Columbia, Harvard, A ale a n d ; ,
,, the town,
p .
the coolies are now willing to work, at
» •
e {'
t • reasonable wages.
Under the native go\-
P. S. Carr, »ate captain of Company L,
6 , , ,
. irst
. . . . Kentucky
. i
» was shot
i » | em inent ; they f. asked . . double pay.
l . * . \ easels
through the left arm a t the elbow by
H a n y Price, a young lawyer of Cattle- sumed.
The inlluential native« of the islands of
burg, who was a private in Carr's com­
Ma hate and Ticoa request General Otis
Eugenio Casselli, the South American to send troops there- They «ay that 200
racquet ami ha ml ball player, played a men could easily subdue the rebels. The
series of racquet games with Instructor inhabitants are peaceable. They are dis­
If. Boakes of the Chicago A thletic club gusted with the extortions of three suc­
ami for the first time since coming to the cess iv«» native governors.
The two islands contain 80,000 head of
United States Cassel I i met defeat.
The conferees on the census bill have attle, which constitutes the food supply
agreed and w ill make their report in the “ I
t*®^! arm y of the south,
week. The census w ill he nominally un- j
nited M ates gunboat Conconl has
der the direction of the secretary of the ( arrived here alter a wee$cs cruise along
interior, but all appointm ents in the cen-1 th® west eoa.st of Luzon.
sits bureau will he made by tlie director : The only incident of her trip was the
burning of a schooner loaded with sup-
of the census.
A t (.'raw ford, Neh., three miles from pi i«*s for the rebels at Dagupan, the ter­
F o rt R«)hinson, ( ity Marshal Frank D. minus of the railroad.
The natives lied and abandoned the
Mooney was probably fatally wounded hv
Louis Grossman, lato trum peter of Com­ to w n w h e n th e gunboat anchored in the
pany C, First U. S. cavalry.
A tornado passed over Evansv ille, Ind.,
O H E G O 51.
last week. The Evansville Brick com­
pany’s plant, the Diamomi Com m ercial, A white coyote was captured in ft trap
Coombs last week
com pany's building and one residence! near the home of E.
were destroyed amt many private hom es' near Lakeview’.
unroofed. Other minor casualties were , A cream ery is being put in a t W arren,
reported. The loss will be heavy.
: and it is expected th a t one will soon be
Texas is passing through an alarm ing, built, a t Deer Island,
epidemic of meningitis. Many schools ; W ork has commenced on a large steam
have been closed on account of the rav­ ferry-boat to ply lietwecn Arlington and
ages of the disease.
th«» W ashington side of the Columbia.
There are 30 cases of typhoid fever in
M artin Hanson, who owns a fami near
the »Second division hospital in M a jo r Eugene, has discovere«! a three-foot veiu
General Lee’s camp a t Havana.
of soft coal of a good quality ou his
David Holland, who is receiving bids place.
for the contest between Bob Fitzsimmons
Tw enty-four hundred head of the
ami Jim Jeffries, today receive«! an offer Chandler sheep have been driven from
of $21,000 from the Triangle c*ub, located Crooked creek to Juniper m ountain, fin
on Stonev ¡«land a ’ enue, Chicago.
l.nke I'ttuiU y
‘in.* «.8uo offers 0. pay all cTpcnses of
Eldon M. B rattain ha*» receive«! fr«Jm
the principals and Vieir trainers to the | the treasury departm eiit a t W ashington
battleground ami deposit the purse 10 |.,st Thursday his commission as register
days prior to the day of the fight, or of the laml office a t Lakeview,
earlier, if desired, when the articles of I Since September 1, 1898. the flouring
agivciiieut are signed.
! mil] a t Norway, Coos county, has ground
Ex Representative Levi Maish, of Penn 15 k ,3 bushels of wheat, rolled 050 bushel«
sylvania, is dead.
| <>f barley, and convert«*«! 30 bushels of
An apjH*al has been received by t h e ; <*<»rn into fine meal.
cham ber of commerce of San Francisco on i The South Baker saw mill has begun a
behalf of the flood sufferers of the Shan |o months run. Employment will be
Lung provin«1«* in China.
! given to lxdwecn 150 ami 200 men, ami
President Z elayas arm y has captured j the m onthly pay roll will approxim ate
Cili m ountain ami Aguas Calientes, thus $10,090.
virtually term inating the Blucfields revo-1 C attle shipm ents from Ontario promise
to he lively. One shipment of 250 head
The transport Sherman. N« w York for was made a few days ago, and the buy­
Manila, has arrived at Port Said.
ers say th a t they have the promise of
Two iceboats going a t a high rate of 290 head more which will be purchased
speed came together on Hamilton bay, and shipped east immediately.
Win. H«»ltliam was killed and
J. W. Phillips, a mining broker of Spo­
several others severely injured.
kane, found his son, Wesley, «had on the
T hirty Spaniards arrived on the Cun- ram h of G. W. Hunt, near Pendleton. He
ard liner Umbria, at New York recently. had been searching for the boy sin«*« No­
Most «»f them arc laborers ami arc able to vember 2, 1897, when Wesley m yster­
read and write. All of them are going to iously ilisapp«‘are«l from his Spokane
different mining towns of the west.
home. He died of spinal meningitis.
The laslies of letter carrier Fred M arty,
his wife ami two year-old child, w ho 10
D e w e y K n in e d I I I n N e w F 'la ff.
«lavs ago perished in the fire at the Ar
. . . . . .
. ... .
i Manila, March 4.—Admiral George Dew-
l.ngton flat la.il, I .„ r ,
th.cogo, were ev
hi„ llag
a(|lni|.a| o„
, hw
found under a pile of debris.
Olympia this morning and was saluted
I t is learned th a t ex ITesident Cleve­ by the guns of the foreign warships, the
land has signified his intention of attend British crui.ser Narcissus and the German
ing the dinner to he given a t Delmonico’s cruiser Kaiserin Augusta, and by the
on March 2nd in honor of Carl Schurz.
American ships in port.
Representative Qrosvenor of Ohio has
Admiral Dewey cabled Secretary Ixmg
introduce«! a hill directing th a t govern­ as follows:
m ent publications bear the imprint of the
Manila, March 4.—Please ac«*ept for
international Typographical Cnion.
yourself, the president ami congress and
my 4*ountryinen m y heartfelt thanks for
L is ! «»f C n N im ltle w .
the great honor which has been conferred
W ashington, March 5. The war depart - upon m<*.
mcnt has reteiv«*d the following cablegram
O tlii In A lffe r .
from General Otis;
W ashington, March 4.—¿Secretary Alger
Manila, »March L Casualties, near Ca- today receiveil the following cablegram
ItMH-an- First Montana. March 2. Ban«] from Major General Otis a t Manila, In
Private Alfr«*d Cashmore, thigh, slight.
ack’iow ledgment of the S4*«*retftry’«i con
N o . ii S a n P«*dro M a c a ti, I'hk'd a r tille r y , gratillations sent him yesterday on his
Mandi 3, S«-rgcant Dennis Sima, just re- continuation as a brevet m ajor general:
porte«l as missing.
'>im-eie thanks for recognition and con­
(»rant Cullam, lentil Pennsylvania, was gratulations.’’
-«•nt outside the lines for information J a n ­
uary 27. and has not Iwen seen since.
N o O lli4*4*r O n t r n n k N D e w e y .
In the last, hours of congress it was pro­
vides! th at the admiral of the navy should
G o ld In < h i l k n l C o iiiU r y .
receive the pay and emoluments of the
San Fnim-i*«-«». March (L Advices front last general of the army. Phis legislation
Juneau, Alaska, of E«*bruary 22, say that was supplemental to the hill reviving the
a new strike in the Porcupine district has g u id e of adm iral for the benefit of Admiral
caused quite a rush of miners to the Dev.cy.
Its eff«*«t is to give Admiral
( hilkat country
Dewey <*«’inpt li-a lio ii at the rate of $14,600
The find was made on Talikiti creek a y«*ar. Of this amount $13,999 is the
which Hows into tin- ( hilkat al»out 12 i«*gulation pay of an admiral of the navy.
miles from Haynes mission. Tim mission The extra $ 1 5 9 9 is the allowance made to
is rapidly growing in » a liv«*l\ town. The the general of the army o f $125 per month
wh«de country hack «»f it. cx«-«*pt beyond for quarters.
the divide, is in American territory, in
Admiral Dewey holds the highest rank
\hi-ka proper, ami claims an- about 1599 in th«* m ilitary service oi th«1 United States
f«'«-t -quarc, or about 20 «ere- in area.
army or navy ami ranks with the highest
of ofli«*«*rs iu the principal foreign navies.
< r « « » n ie In
111 %%nll P n p e r .
Ithaca, N. Y., March fi. lb. F. M
Charnel of the chemical d«*partinent of
Corn«*ll university has announced that, as
a result of a chemical analysis he lias been
carrying on for several months, he is able
to stftte th at nearly all wall paper* s«»l«l
a t the present time contain arsenical poi
sin, »«»me of them in surprising quantities.
Ill,I fu r , l,p l i t h F lir lit.
s i«
P e o p l e l ln r le d In n n A v a l a n c h e .
Gunnison, OoL, March 4.—Five men
and a woman are buried under an ava­
lanche of snow which catne down Granite
I m ountain near the Magna Charta mine a t
W hite Pine, 25 miles from this place. Tho
| missing, who 1 «uppnsed to be dead, are:
Mrs. M argaret Stout, Michael Welch,
Jam es Jordan and three men whose name«
are unknow n.
New York. Mar.li fl. \V. 11 Gray,
In A ustralia, where afreet ears are
manager ,,f the We.lelie^ler Ai.iieiic e ln l,
deposited $500 wilh Dave Holland of thia owned and operated by tho m unicipality
city in support of the club's offer of $15,- school children are carried to and from
000 for the Fitzsimmons Jeffrey, fight.
•chool fre«
awa -
» -,
, ■.
. , « • . • . I
U. - W ; ìj
S s?