1 k ,rJ n n THE ENTERPRISE LOCAL. The lum'str Is on the ground for C. Latouretle's new house. Oregon City should lend a hand In llio enterprise of advertising etaCu as undertaken by Port I mid, Tlie democratic convention In Mult nomah ooutily which mot lost Saturday waa anything but a harmonious foody. A call (or a firubililtlua convention by A. H. Shipley Is printed this week. MlM Dors Hmith In quit sick at Portland where she went to secure iiiihII cat treatment. StiinUy waa a beautiful day and waa heartily enjoyed by everybody. I hereby announce myself as an Ind pendent candidate lor city marshal!. Oregon City, April 2;ld. lHHS. 2713 Eph. Ferguson. Iliu-ht mice iwiil for butler and at lb trner grocery store of I-ove J.iy A Davis, Tli republican primary to nominate a city ticket la called In meet Saturday. from Wu oVIiH'k A. M. to two 1. M. at S. l. CalifTa oMi. Try onr delicious loo craaut Hunilay. Fouls anil Fuchs Misses Nannie Cochran , an l Flor enee l'aiilt have our thank for the first rips wild etielerriee of the season They were perfectly rie and of An IV vr. -K. 1.. Eaatham Irfl for Walla Walli yesicrday. Ilev, Organ ban trade arrangements to build at once on bin blink opsila J I. PurWe. lie baa on ol the sightly locations '4 the town. What baa ten dona abtmt fixing the Moss bill road? June will aoon b here E. Unison la at la to 1 about loan tti.ce more, but la not feeling very robust II. K. ('roan la agent for that raliaolt insurance rotiieny. tba Hartford, andli prepared to place rlsaa alien they will tie ait fa. T. (1. Jonarud waa In town Monda and wa war pleased to maka bia ac tpiaintance. V flua lot of aalinon ranging from ttve to thirty oundii wore shipped Tuva day. The rise In tha Willamette seems to ha turned tha run thla way. Wm. Dutcher cauitht an right-foot etnrveoh the first of tha week in a "t. Jonolhse Humphrey baa Just ilai'd a fina new latat on the river. -Iter. E. T. Engle (Presbyterian), ol Kjt I'littland, will preach at tba M. E church tit' It Sabbath evening. Service, as usual In the morning. Uev. W. A. Wlllison will prex. li in (bo echo J, biHiM at Ml. Pleasant next Sabbath atS I'. M. County Assessor Msrquaiu last wtk in Oswego tllia week. The s.mwers of the vast week have t nil kiuda of vegetation forward at a raiid rata. Mr. Slone and family of WallaWallM baa been the xueata of J . 1 1 . IjuiiIhtI at Milaaukie the pant wet-k. Mm. McKee la arraiitiinit to have tuiiiie iiiipioveiiieiila luadu about her prcinim-a. riiiaweek in tit laxt opportunity to p,y taiea without additional churuon. Kven now it la too late in accordance with the atrirt letter of tha law. lion. W. 0. J oli n on' will sibirean Ida rvpublican Huh of Needy Hatnnluy, Mik.v I'.'th. I.aat niiiht Meada 1'imt No. 2 ol the il. A. H. held a reeepllon at tha ladiea' urtatudio. f)f thia pbiaaant gitlluiriny we ahall bn pleaaed to apeak at length iat week. i. D. Oloman waf In tmn tlm fimt of th woek. He aaya that a aoon aatha wxatlinr aettlei a tittle they will at unco clear Hit) Harlow and Mt. Hood toll ruil, of whiHi ha la aiimrintmiiint. initio t'tOHK la not to attend tha Mt. IIikhI toll g.ite lliia auiniiiHr hut will be eiiKitgnd In Improving the road, 4. W. I'hilipa baa gone lo the Bin Ibind nountry with a lot of hornen intund ing to ni(airM In tha ntock hiinliioii'. tioo. 1 1 n die ol tlie aauie plaoa acootupanlea him' The riunalna of Mri. I. L. Trnllinncr wine brotiifht tot'lttkamaa Wndncaduy for burial. Hlin wa tin oMchI d.nthtur of .1. il. lhwclmy and wife and tlm funeral took plane fiom berpamnta renidiMn e be low tlm C'U'kamua. Hb waa ullllcted with I'tinminiplinii. Tint atone fouudalioii (or the acbool In .una li completed and the men are paid olf. Par a luaHoua iliah of Ice cmam next Xnturdiiy evening after 0:110 ana! Hunduy Ki) to Ike elcptunt ice cream ml nyator (larlori of Fucha & Fouta. Kfpubllcan I'rlmary. A republican primary to plate In nom ination city ofllcera la hereby called to meet at H. U. Callira olll.a, Saturday May nth from 10 o'clock A. M. to 2 o'- link 1. M. L. T IUhih, F. T. Hahuiw, J. (. Al.MttlOIIT, Notice. HiiKitidini( to the requuit of my filemU I hereby annnunce myaolf a can- lidale for city marahall milijcct to the will ol the republican city convention. Attn artia AaMt'a. The commitUw of Meade Poet No. 2, (I, A. It. to which waa referred the mat ter of the inanauenieiit of Major Hn- Inrahott'a hnUirtaininmit, Ice la that Mad 1'oat No. 2 tl. A. It., and the pub lic, are Indebted f ir tha auccenM of the entertainment Dnaiiciallv and olherwine to tha very ellkient manHiietiieutof Mra. . It. lUrclinu, mutinied by Mra. Iiura 'oihi, Ivev. J. .:. Ivtiail, 1ml. M. L, I'ratt, Mr. tieorn WaUon, Miaa F.mma lleibrea, Mlaa Nieta Harlow. Mr. A. Tliiuiiimon, Mr. Hall Johnaon and Mi (race llainl, ami liml tint not leaat the Willanii'tle Hraaa Hand. Were it not tiHicuutiiitii'al the comniiltee would coin pliinent llel( for Ita mimical talent. V OUMITTKI. A young lady of thia city seems to have a immt extraoidinary appetite, if the reputation which baa gone abroad is to le taken aa any Indication. Although it wanta but a few week a to the time for new lutiera she Wk last week the houI cl pli'iit tf eight sacks ci potatoea, the aame having Iwn ahlpied fnm another ctiunty for her special consumption. Whether she Intends to sit up nights and Pundava to complete tlie Job la not leflnitely known, but those who know her taal seem to think her eiial to the task on regular rations and without ex tra effort. " My faiherand mother were Iriah." Tn a Clackamas Uoao. II. E. Cross baa a gang of gradura and bridge men at work on the Clackamas toll road and Intends very soon to have the best piece ot rvmd in tha county oiwucd up for the ronveniniice of the puldic. Foe KAi.a, One lumber wagon with rover. Also quantity of st-s bay and flue cucumber for pickles In quantities to suit. W. II. Kanciub. rViiiMtL Kkmst. The following named itupils ol Hruan'a School have by their l etmduct and dtllvgeat study en tit re. I their namea to be placed on the roll trl honor for the month ending April iTTth: I.issie F.ngle, Mnuil Kidder, Mar tha I'emnan, (trace Hlancbartl, Kllen Hmwn, Kate Kider, l.ucy Findley, Iut- tie Kastman, Alice McArtbur, Ia Mo- Arthur, Frank Fnglo, Clyde Waldron, linotge I'enman, Arthur Hlaiichard. Ho y Norton, Hurt McArtbur, Herman (irt'i'lialMT, l.isaie Jones, Jennie "al lium, Charlie Jones, littie Kandull, Jim my Jones, Mauoik V. .McAsTut a, Teacher. A Fahcx ta On Act. The meeting of a few democrat l.tt Monday night for the puriNHie of oiganiaing a Huh was the occssinii of many trying Incidents. The tcinpo'ary chairman, lion. W, L. White, did not 'utk in a manner pleasing to some of the brethren. The resnlution to or ganise a club was opMtsed by a minority uhiioHi epial lo the majority. After this resolution was carried auiotien prevailed cliiHi-ing Htma Cbarman chairman of the club, with Kwr to choose an executive committee of five to act in organising the county, l'Hin bia election the Judge took a place with the audience. Then as Mr. t barman was not present the Hub waa at sea with no preaiihnt. A youth waa sent tor the newly elected nfllcur, but he did not come. An attempt to get Col. White in the chair attain results.) iliHaxtroualy. lie Is too well posted on parliamentary usage for that, and replied to their retpiest by saying, " you have lectcd a chairman, let hi in serve." I. F. May waa then chosen chairman, after which Or. Carll waa chosen president. The Huh then adjourned, and the Judge told them that they bad no president. MoKK t LIMATK. April jOtll, J, M.TllV- lor brought to thia ofllce grass, from the lawn in front of tteo, HroiiKton'a house, that measured three feet and seven Inches in height, From the last joint tc the tip was one foot and seven Inches. A sample will be sent either to the Hoard of Immigration rooma In Portland, or East to be set up at the edge of some snow bank to remind the Inhabitants that we have summer here In the spring and spring all the rest of the year. ahkil hTRAWUKRHiKs. in company with F. W. Campbeil we took a stroll on the west aide of the river, Hunday, While sauntering alrng our friend's eyes were drawn to the red cheeks of ripe straw berries clustered in a warm nook. A search revealed other nelghlsira to the numhur of quite a st.lt lenient. Hrlng on your cream. Next Monday la the city election. Ice cream Saturday evening and Hun- day at Fucha and FouU.' Am Imai'mam I)kd. A moat dinUlloal trick waa played by aome inhuman wru h in the Waldo Hilla. A man named Hull van, farmer, owna two boraea, and dur lug bia abaence at Jeir.iraon where he la at work, be turned them looae. Oneduy liutt week the nnfeelibg bound tied a t'n can to each of the boraea' taila, canning tbam to run and jump about in great fear, ud kick at the cans. While trying to get rid of the can, one of the home broke one of hia hind lega below the bock, and when diaoovered waa lylna down aufTer Ing great agony. The poor animal bad to be killed. Uuaidenta In that aection are greatly routed over the mattr and will pare no effort to unearth the perpetra tor of the devil tub deed. If they do find him or them, aomething la liable to pop, tfta teaman. Ovuai.Axo Tuaot'uH TaAiaa. There la I a rumor afloat, says the Statesman, (bat it Is the intention of the Southern Pacific railroad company to put on between Han Francisco and Portland another daily overland train that will make the run in lens than t ilrty botira. Tlie lime of alert ing from Portland will be some tiuu in the morning, tielore the present Eugene express, and stops will be made only at the riiiidpil stations. Thia will include, n (he valley, r-eHnw, Ainanv, r.ugene, and probably Oregon City. Tlie train will be river, and will be pulled by the misit powerful oual-burningenginea. The tune of leaving (tan Francisco will be about the aame as Utat from Portland, and tlie existing schedule will not lie af fected. It is aaid the new trilns would he ut on sooner, if the Southern Pacific were not emarraaned by want of enginea. Clack am Aa Earxaraisa. 1. S. Live- ssy informs us that Die people of Clacka mas station are wide awake for improve ments and that the work on the road leading to the Haker'a Ferry bridge la now assured, as 41& baa been subscribed and several sutMcriplloa papers are yet too be heard from. At a meeting held last wet k I). 8. Livesay was appointed surintmlent of work, and N. O. Rob- bins, Fred Cr and AI ('o)k, directors. They will htgio work oext Monday. Last or Thk Sms a.-The great ailcliliiu k maiiitaiiietl by the Northern I ' ... .' . . . IV ilk' as passengei adveHiment Is j about to be aband. W t a abort time trains will run through tunnels . much lower grade than that at present traversed over the Cascado range. It la . . i .i. .i t u.:ll l. : - nut us l mai tittp cn.iiKe n;u n-eutb tit m ) ahortening of the time over the road by three hours or more. The switchback waa built merely aa a temporary means , of getting over the range. Work baa been pushed in tlie tunnels for the new line, ami mey will prouaniy ne compiei- ed and the road moratlon by Jne 1st. The last rciorl from the long tunnel waa that there remained but about 150 feet between the two working parties. Htatb Tkaciikk's Association. The Hate Teacher's aMOt-iat!on will be held in the state bouse In Salem, commencing the lith of July. Last year there waa a large delegation of teachers from all over the slate, and It is expected that there will be a large rep.wentation thia year at the organisation. Supt. Mcblroy says the usual reduction will be allowed all teachers by railroad companies, and that every ptrasibla reduction will be secured for accomtnodatione in this city. About ten days after the state association ad journs the American Teachers' associa tion will be held In San irancisco. Oca Ciuisious Cumatk. Last Sunday afternoon an intelligent appearing gen tleman might have been seen sitting at 'he upier end of the depot stairs. Upon conversing with him it was learned that he waa recently from California and that ne had aent some time at Los Angeles which place bo had left a week previous. Speaking of the balmy atiiKihere be said, "This beats Southern California all to pieces. There is moro real enjoyment in one half an hour in Ibis mild breexe than can lie had lu six mouth in Cali fornia." Score another for our unsur passed climate. Nkw Skats. The ladies of St. Paul's Guild have recently purchased some flue new seats for the Episcopal church of this place. They are of neut design, and with al comfortable, and add much to the good apiiearanue of the inside of the church, Washihuton IIaix. Ry this titlo, we believe, has Mr. Clark concluded to call the now hall just being completed upon the site of the old Washington ball. The hall will bo fitted up in neat style and will be j 1st suited to a greit many pur poses, '.t la well seated and will look quite nice. The month of rosea la here and the hoeun of flowers la almost ready to show qcr beautiful face. Take dotlcf. All persona are hereby forbidden to truat or harbor my wife, Anna TMabag, on my account, aa I will not be rcnpoiiBi ble for any debta contracted by her. Iiateil at Needy, Or, thia 2tlth day ot April, 1888. Ahuhkw 1omhao. 27 Entraj. One eorrH pony, white atrip down the face, three white foet. mane macbed, branded 77 on left shoulder, a few white haira on right hip. A reasonable reward will tie given for her return or informa tion leading to her recovery. 27U. Maud E. HAMftBimr, Oregon City, Oregon Fuortk of Jaly. A meeting of all firemen and citizens la hereby calletl tj meet at Cataract Hoae Co. building Friday evening May 4th to consider the advisability ot having a eel- ebration at Oregon City July 4th W.T. WuiTtoci. Werib Kaewlng. Mr. V. II. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fla , waa taken with severe Cold attended with a distressing Cough and running into Consumption in ita first stages. He tried many so-called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse Was reduced in flesh, bad dilflculty In breathing and waa unable to sleep. Fl. nully tried Ir. King's New Discov ery (or Consumption and found ira mediate relief, and after using about a lialf doien bottles found himself well and has had no return of the disease. N other remedy con show so I opai.il a HMnrt1 nf elinaa (t f)p Winif'a New Discovery for Consumption Guar anteed to tin just what is claimed for it Trial bottle free at U. A. Harding's Drug Store. A Bother Pioneer tieae. Mr. A. B. Ilolcotab died at bis home four miles east of Oregon City, April 21 1H88. He aaborn In Lawrence eountr, 'N. Y., OcOober 22, laiO. When quite oun mov " " parenu wumo wuere " eoucauon, ami waa m"'M ,u Mi"" M- 8- 0'," b-T m,m ni iwo .on., .nu . ,,oimo. t roin uino to Illinois mey emiirraiea in l atii In 1848 they crossed the plains ,'ttl,n on hii tMl lo ,849- F-r, in M J " -NH-au.e a memlr of the ehtm-h-of Christ, To a large concourse of people was the funeral discourse delivered by G. P. Kich at the cemetery on Arthur's Prairie, there to remain till the resureo tion morn when "All that'a in their graves shall come f.trtli, they that have done good to reaurection of life." O. P. R. F P.otJ.w-ri, Ttle ,,wi)ea for a . gW, frui prop i(1 elw,enti 0ne the lute frosts dest roved the germ af many of the cher-y blossoms, hut an examination of tlie trees now indicates that plenty are found to produce a full crop, if bail or heavy raina accompanied by wind do not shake the young cherries off.- A taut two thirds of the apple trees have young ap ples in abundance, while pears, plums and prunes are all that could be desired. . We hlve notf xamined many peach treea but the few noticed were well filled. Thk Hose Dri'mmkb, Major Hender shot:, the drummer hoy of the Rappa hannock, assisted by bia son and local talent, gave a couple of excellent enter tainments last week, under the auspices of Meade Post No. 3, G. A. R. The ren derings consisted, in addition to the drumming by the major, of recitations and army aongs. The whole programme wt.a calculated to arouse the patriotic feelings of a quarter of a centurv ago. The drumsticks in the hands of the major were made to talk, while mens' hearts were fairly thrilled In response to the sounds of tha drum, drum, drum. Truly I the major has acquired wonderful skill The real estate agency of H, E. Cross has lust sold the farm of J. G. Foster of New Era. N. 0. Waldun has moved into the house recently fitted np by C. H. Cau field. F. W. Campbell returned from the Eagle Creek cuntry last Saturday, hav ing been up to make some surveys. He reports general good feeling amongst the republicans of that section. Thos. Mesne is dangerously 111 Arrangements have been made for the campaign Btwaking. See notice in another column. A new stock of the celebrated Broad' head Dress Cooda just re-.-eived at Charman A Sum. Aver'a Pills are the best cathartic for correctintT irregularities of the stomach and bowels. Gentle, yet thorotiirh in their action, they cure constipation, stimulate the apiHitite and digestive organs, and overlooked and omitted from a por Htrongthun the system, 1 1 on of this week's edition.. FOR IE 1 CALL AT THE City Pharmacy, E.G.CAU'FIELD&Co., WHERE THE Best 1 Purest ARE KEPT, AND XaOXKr Prices PREVAIL. Prescriptions a Specialty. A Fine Frnlt Farm For Ra.il. Twenty-five acres at Paper Mill Station, 1 J miles below Oregon City, all cleared, 5 acres of various kinds of choice fruit. A fine and commodious house and good barn with oth er out bnidings. Cool Bpring Bupplys the house with good, wholesome water(in the house) Just the place for a country residence. Near the Clacka mas river. Fine fishing and pleasant surroundings. Terms liberal. Addres, J. TOMPKINS, Oregon City, Ogn Renews Her Teilk. Mra. Phoebe Chester, Peterson, Clay Co., Iowa, telle the following remarka ble story, tho truth of which is vouched for by the residents of tlie town : "I am 73 years old, and have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years ; could not dress myself with out help. Now I am free from all pain and eoienesa, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Hitters for having renewed mv youth, and removed completely all dis ease and latin." Try boU'.e, 50u. and 11 an G. A. Harding's Drug Store. Treasurer's Sot ice. I have now in my hands funds applica ble to the payment of all warrants in dorsed prior to April 2nd, 18A5. In terest will cease from the date of thia no tice. E. D. Kelly. Treasurer of Clackamas County. Dated this 19th day of April 1888. Bucklea'i Arnica Salve. The Rest Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver Bores, Tetter, Chapped hands. Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Prico 25 cents per bos. For sale by G. A. Harding. Notice. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Marshall, subject to the will of the re publican city convention. W. R. Cosnob. An immense stock of goods at Char- iran A Son's, which will be sold way down. PROHIKiriOX COXVEXTI05. A 'Mass Convention of the Prohibi tionists of Clackamas county will be held at Oregon City on Thnradav, the Kith day ol May, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at Cla'k's Hall, for the purpose of nomina ting a county ticket and transacting such other husinesa as may properly come be fore the meeting. A full attendance of the friends of the cause is earnestly soli cited. A. R. Shipley, Chairman County Committee, The above notice was unintention-