The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, May 03, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Vry rine. Inttrrd, lnrlc Certain Matilha
of th Yean,
And first of all I will try and tell some
thing about this "glorious"' climate
(w Inch couU be lunch more appropriately
called "slippery"), of which so much
has been said and writtou. The faot is
tl .it tli climateof California is clunste
dilferiiitf almost with every county, and
to speak of the climate of California as a
whole is -really to mislead people, for
jou cannot say it is perfecUy line or do
tttubly mean, alll ou-h both could I
said it !i trulh by uuy oue intcret-ted in
eying the one or the other..
The climate, for example, of San Fran
cisco durui certain mouths of the year
is beyond measure tine. Our eastern
friends, having the f..ty air and dying
top "tat ion ushering in their Ion ft cold
Winters, rule riht into our mild Indian
tutiiui'T, ii.U'd with fuil ripened fruits,
I'.u'.iiou flowers and perfect vep'talam;
or. leaving the frost and snow of t'lire-l-nias,
Bud hei a bright, warm Italian
winter, flowers in full bloom, fruits in
plenty, etc. and tourist taking their
ts, at that time of tin- year are apt to
return ho ae and convey the idea of some
wonderfully glorious, warm, delightful
climate. Hut wliat about the cold fv,
that lie nearly half of the year like a
fceavy pad over the city, commencing
early in the afternoon and uLSi.ppeaiimt
only Lit? in. the ni -ruins? Ya hat snout
the clouds of dust swept down by tne
Cold wind from the ocvanf What about
tiie Ions, drv, du-tr summer moi tin,
hen everytMii't u wit!iersj and i arched.
and all are f.uriy ciHikisl with iia-1 and I
rant f ram, and eickne nnd di atu iut
on everv lu.tid from uiiiluhl sewers,
ek".t V.'hat etwut the lotv, wearlsmo
rams, ahliouph t!u rains are really tiie
le-.u-t'le fitiui-e t f all tiie i!U
nf t'.M) San Fianriscn climate?
While all this is true of San Francisco,
yet, ri.r.'lit acrota tlio buy. in wlmt tuiht
lv ca'.l-'d t.'ie Ri lniKm tyet really Sin
r.a:ie'n bus no rat'-urlis? an objection.
;.!.le fi"itur for cvmimerve. the clinmte
u-tui.d. r leas b, l- chilling winds.
dr. :. ! ; &V.C i-.sll a,, as you
l.":ive Fr "c!-eo md travel m!hwrd
tV c'.k ii "i' in ci.uia.e in mnn mtireul le.
dec; n it j in t tiuthtully of the
c'i'nil."(f t aiifiTji a i.nd yet contradict
t r.e's k if I ' every oilier b: e. From all
t'.is t'.R- i-ii i !ti.v.i n art justlr lie d'nwn
fi at e-. ' !i o: o e:,n 11: i! l!,e climate tlu-y
I ei t I I" a n 1 1 s-li elio'i of county.
Tiie of .ati Lm-,;u is wrmeii of
a' t'uld and tenable Mid uelightful, and
ur rr pr "n-'iinii lives are enticed
!.. re. only to nie t with disappointniciit,
!;l.i one rir man (n xiiii le of luury)
v. li.i. in h in Dp, exjsrt;:i to
I: d in ilv mild a::d taJubrii.iH air u
! f )ifr. if not a J"ruiam nt cure,
vas in. -t. mi ilexviidint; from the cars.
Ly such t.iiu is of du-t, such cold and
I I am fi"S anil wind, that, overcome
l v we::k:icMi and dbiiiisiiutim ut, he
dropped on to the first seat, tdiiverinR
krd cn init. Yet a few miles from Kuu
D: -o. Iiud he Isit known it. ia a ; L
line cii.iu.te fur CiHumiiiptives. A friend
i f ours, a young for wh(e life no
l.c" e was felt and w ho was can iisl to
t' . : u1 of the state, is noir happy in the
etiiovnient of aluiuKt perfect lenlth.
C'uiifiirnut Cor. IVntou Transcript.
Silver sad (iuld Work.
The Kussian authoriiies allow the mer
chants to cheat their ctlstotuers in every
thiiift but furs, silver and (told plate, and
aoulteruted food. The latter is prohib
ited from sale under penalty of imprison
incut. Imitation furs must he marked
n that the customer muy tell what he is
buying, and all silver and itold mu-tl-jir
l!i. govermnent brand to atU-.t its iine
lJt. There is no plan d silver to Is- bud,
but the shot are full of th K' tiuino
!i I article, in every jwible f Tin, and
f.T every jKMb!e use, and it is g-ni rally
till rf.tied. You sew little nlvi r in the
lidt ;r.d Bialc. Ssjns. knives, wan-lies,
ca ins. artirhflof penvinal ailonunent in
every poviible variety, plates, platters,
ciTM, itobleta, all sorts of tablewnre is
t. H e of silver and then pbied to !k
I. pold, and gratify the Kuwian be-te
f . di.silay. Iho tolid silver dinner
I i . a-e for the winter pal.ico, which will
s.rv." S.t'OO p;s,j.4., U jril-'ed, and t!e
.! idung the Nev.-Ui FnmSTt and
i .liir line streets are bl.-.zing wiih the
fc s.' t of slull. liul the nierchunt
Liii't i form the cusi oiner of thechuntr
t ,- of liis arm. 1 be wlis gihlisl silver
f r ;( ! I be jish to prison. The ludiea
oi I'm country load ihe.nwlves with or
li .iia Ills of jrilded silver, bracelet,, hr ss U pins, nnd every other
foi-..i 1 1 UiforiUioti. Kveu niiiri-le and
v i I ia (ril.'nl. E-rytlii'ig is f';r (lis-
I I y. Uilliuiii Kleroy Curtis in Chicago
I., .we.
risli His' ;lva Hliocks,
At Kan J'rlro and the various waUr-
in pbi-es from K'U! iJictrn north the ray
fat; ily mules iimiI liiwixrwably con
e!i nous. The tmr.iUtr ones lmve a
liiii.ii ' f hiding in t i- ind and prwn?.
I'i' tbeir Siines for I ! hers' , fnt, while
ol!icrs nreprovidisl wit i elect ric Imtti'ries,
iii( !i lio rarely ni' c tlm f;.,lnrinen
p avoiTuI fci.ocl.s. 1 I. vii kuowu u man
tile iliai.Mi d for acverul days by har-
w,,,. n-r oiie,
TI -C'bitH'so nioii)Kliiie the Idling in
t'icsi! vvatein, and an i fb n vi titiii of
t.n i i lic.J juk-s ol tiie Mi x i an uml
iLcu an li iii-iiii. ii, An nbij Usind
t . pi do v. ill lie brought ualiorj al Kan
1'edro or .Monb rev, and the whites will
waer h t:rn'ii l iiimiiiii.ri timt be cunnot
lift i'.. The li b apenrs to wciiih ulsnit
ax or eij;iu pounua, ana Joint, ntter
mttimr up his money, with a l:iu;h ut
the simplicity of the American devils,
tuK hold with both hands and is
tit'tened out so quickly that often he cna
d. nothing but hold tlio and rotir
with anguish nntil lie is reteaocU, The
dioek given by these llthea luw been
compared to that of a iJnlo Iyden jar,
and can be plainly to!, by lifty pereoiut
i: u ciivle. Stockton Mail.
The Mm tif t,li I'rop.
Variations in the sir' of rain drops are
di"cndent uiwn the tii.Toronem in the
,ii,;ht from which lin-y have fallen mid
,o the amount of atnior-pheiicdislurUme
:re-vnt at the time. If fallen from a
..Teat height, the droj auiTcr gradual
division into smaller ;.nd smaller parts,
until Ihev are convene 1 a mist. In
calm weather, wiih tiie clouds near the
earth's surface, the d.ops are lar-e and !
heavy. lilo!ie-l'in .:(.
Vil'JaJla stockings.
The "Ion;; i.oeki i" of (he Kroner
peasant is proverbial. S m Mil
there are several Ion-; mucsiim.
well as wooden shoes, in lii ii bank
notes and I u.lion are pi 1 - I promisni
oiislv. This w is the e.i-i' tiie olhet
day at a town railed (iissysous-Flari-ny.
in ll irundy, where an Ul enuie
trywoin in, who had bn$ been known
for lier penurious hal'iK die!. Siit
had inhabited a veritable pist-stye, and
h'-r einaeisted hiwlv vtr'i fouid una
heap of ras and rul b:sa. In in r cut-
ton stocking and ixiA I- weie fi uml
iio!e and pilil am tmtini; to nearly
i'J.tHsi, u,iieroii4 trinkets of enndiier.v
ble value, and seeurit e worth more
than X.'i t1 U The loc.d notary, wlic
wa caiied in by tiie re I itives, cuald
han!;y believe his ey i whi n he made
the inventory of tii es'ate. Uitliel
Uttser-niiv rejoicing Were indulged ia
by tie- i ct- f-kin, who hid orr iuized
a kind ol llnrei nian wane in tiie old
Willi, ail's hovel; and ulieu ill- ui.
j d s eon e c ime to take the
away for bur al, they foinal the wliolt
place litt-r-d it!i wine Imttb-s. 'J'hr
I very lies' i'i-rxii adv. only, h al been
coiKiini-d on tue premises by the heirs.
I Vara i.e ter.
The be.i th ;! .lisiiit a irl is
i liei iflo ie. V-d n't care bow i -uduy
h-r checks may be, or Imw velvety her
bps if iie Wi ars a scowl, even In r
frie.oW will consider her il -biokill!.'; l e yoii'ivr lady ho ilituninati
ber eoiiiils ii t: eo with smiles ill be
reira'dcd ns liHiiilsiime, though bet
toitipii ii ii be coin s... As pcriuiiiu i
to tin- lose, 'so is i-o l luil in e to tin
A Ko-h stan'a riowrr Window.
Tiie house in I'biladi lphia where tl.e
.idow of Matthew Kil.lwin now lives ii
in the ct'titer of the business part ol
; 'lestnut stn-et. m.d isn tnaikeil iism
' y many of the p.iM by ls ause of th"
sv i'iar u.T.iiii nii nt of a conservatory
, lilt oil tiie level w ith the street. It is
like a K'1 sii d nhop indow, but ns
tin re is no dis.r visible
it cannot ls niii.-
laken for one. It auti ful flowers bloom I
there all the year round.
It sums that when Mr. Dnldwin was a
lad. before be ever dr-auicd of fame as a
lnai.:if:u'tiiier of locomotives, be w;:.s
daily in the habit of axantfon bis way
to work a w indow iiihsl with flowers,
As he had a pa-ssionate low for them, he
invariably stoos- and gnei uiri them
with d-liglit for nonieiit or two. After
be Iss-ame a rich tiiaii and lisiked buck
to Ins boy In 1 days, when h was stniK
f;liti for u liveiii:isi and found so much
cheer and onufort front tliia i;lii)iiM uf
nature's Invt luess, be r'siolved that he
would 1 the tiii aiisof pivin some other
boy a cbnnce to look and admire in the
same way. He built his In. use with a
sjss ial regard to Ibis window of flowers,
it in 1 it is ui.iijue luit 1 1 iu coiiriition and
roust ruction. ew lurk J res "tvery
Day Talk."
1 1 nun ,u.
"The nianli for bik eolleetliis Is cer
Tinly a very serious, one, nnd buyers are
Hi' timt ly cniitenibrt'-C iiiiiniii; themselves
.nr the possis(iii of rarities. To se iihtj
leiylh't a book you wotiid never think
ley wanted It, for tiny express no en
inisiiuitii and Invar, ii'ily try to tteat a
Jit ilowu on hli irlic. The very
thought of iinotlu r pses. ing It, however,
will msiii brlut; Iheiii to terms.
' T i lve you some Idea of prices, Just
look al tlus o,yuf tin' 'I'ii kwu k I'nS'rs.'
It l.i In the original uuuiilily jinrls, with
..illuw covers as Issued, which are mighty
lirty, without ilniilil. The plates, huw
ver, by II. K. Itiowne, are line Impres
Ions, uml as It Is a first edition, I co;i
dder II worth )). All of liickeiis',
riiackerny'a or Is'Ver's honks, with lllus
rations by Heorire Crulkshaiik and Ieifh,
are Kreaily In fieri rid. In America
lawlliorne, laiin-'fi-llow and 1'oe brliitf
ilie hlKiiest prices. A first edition of
j'ixj's "T.iiiieilat:e" Is Worth, If yon can
i;et It, $ MX)." New York livealnu Hun.
I'oU'iiiAtl liy His Nertllft,
Kileuuieyer, in his work on the opium
h ibil, ret orils a cum in which fatal luls-r-cular
iiiwiidiiK vviu, Is liiM-il to have Is en
iroluced by the h pord(,rniii; liisdle,
A phj-ician, uj"d UK, whei hud Is'cn uc
L'llt.loiiied to UHO idt- Kline needle forhilll
self and u tuls'N uloiiH iiitii'tit, died sud
denly, find ut the Hiltnpty A tultcrculosis,
strictly lis iilied to tiie pi rlloneuui, was
found. Chicago Time.
AilveHlslitir Ort'trou.
The Cortland committee having the
matter of advertising tli state in charge
addresses the following letter to our psv
pie. It explains itself ;
1'oktuni), Ok., April SHU. ISSS.
1 H:rSihs:
The Oregon Immigration I'oaid, o(
1'oitland, Oregon, of which the under
signed are the duly appointed commis
sioners, are now tK'Kinninit active and
systematic -oik, looking to the thorough
udvei tising of the state of t lieon and the
city of I'm timid their resources, opoi
tunites (or investment, and general ad
vantage as Ileitis for immigration.
The hoard have now funds subs.'rilmd
by the. business men of Portland to (lie
H'lount of about f.'isul per mouth, covet
iii a periml of one year, from April 1st,
HSM. New subs, rif lions are ciiftantlv
lieing made, and it is emvted the tund :
i!l nM-h from $.lil,IHKt to i to e-
(S'lid dm in;.' the Vear bv 1'o' I al'
Hie Isia'd I. nve appointed 'oie ien s to'
ls st itionml, one eueb, in ""oil ' 'rti I 'all-1
fornia, I'liiiet .Sound, St. 1'iinl and I'hica- j
.o' whose duties it s ill be to distribute
vast ipiantilies of folders, posters, pain-
phlets, and other printed ic.lorioal'oti fur
n sbed from time to time by t!.e boaid.
These men ill lie-in work at oins, i
In addition t' the priirted mailer id
e.idv provided (or, the lsard have til
view the publication of a complete p nil- '
phlet settini; fo t'i in detail the stile at '
I ir'e, hich tiainpblets will Is" pbn edbe
'.ore tint public theuililH the medium of i
the systematic 4mA of distribulioti at
our couimaiiil. Tbeamoiinl thus l.irsit1.-scrds-d
a ill not enable us to nnnpile,
piint and circulate a (u, a
pamphlet of the state at l.irce as uibt
s' desired; but lv everv cnlintv ill ll'.e !
! t ite coiitiibutint;, s,iv ii Hie a .'.'ovale i
tiie sum of f'Jil.iliHt we won, (I be enabled
j to full v adveitise every seitimi of nut
j cotniiioiiwi Bith lully and faiily
J Thiiikiuv 'hat the i i' it-ns of your '- '
j.a'ity Hill be interested in this vtoik,'
and nerh.ips ibn- to ;i-sist tUmm . dlv ;
j in its an innpl sbni-i.t, we take the l b-'
- ty oi address. uv yon mid asking ion
.ersan.iliy to I ritis tiie m itl-i before
voitr (l.ow-eiliseiia with a view o beir
.'.eluso alil'll.
We can spend to lvnt,ii; ten times
i lie present fund ut our disposal, an,
iberetote iepccttull k you to iulm up
on your ffllna-i 't'el tiie advi'.i' i'ity of
.1 I heal eoliti i'lltf 'on. : on wi !l ut on i e
rn'ive the veiy ureat advaiit.te to be
colli oil by coti.ei.t.atioii of clbiit wild
'is seen; it'ii, as you mil ll.ereby , not oil
ly t'.e lienetit of yoiir lie liey, bill of lb
Innils abcudv in our bands to be ex
pend' d, and all other tnoiiev bii h may
b placed With llh.
Your eouimuiHty may fmaard il stilt--oiii'iioii
either ill installini'iits.
, (ir :,. -,,. .. Vi.ii ,l,.,.ni imi i.i..t.
lent. A uililiif your early reply we are,
Very truly your opi'di-nl seivst'ts,
( It vs. II. IK lid, I'tesidi ut,
11. V. (d:m Tr, et al,
lloii'd of Coiiitnissii iiers.
Waii.ack U. Stki hi.k, Secretin v.
Novel in name, form, purpose and
nethisl is lira No.eiist, Aldini's Ni w
W'ckly M.irf.ime of Ameiican 1'i liou. 1
It undeiliikes to itivc the'woitaicsl lie- j
tionthitt Ain-rii on uuthois cati bn tempt-1
lid to produce. Foreign niithtirs not ie',- '
niitted. It not s-titimental talk iibout
justice In Atneiican autliois, but is ho'd,
pntefical action.
It is certainly Inndy in form, beauti
ful in (less, excellent in all mechiiiei al
ipialities, and low in pi ice; well suit -d
ill u!l respects to ui'-ct the Willi's of the
intelligent tnilliotis who art) capable of
abpteeiHtini "tiie Is'st " It will not
stoop to coiii't with the "(fuller-fle-lion"
of the sclisalioiial lieiiodieals mi l
Tenus, l.(;() u year, at which rale it
will -ive over i.afUl piiiJeH, eipial to from
nielli to twelve ordinury American dollar
Tint Hbiries will follow Hilcceslvi'ly,
oti'i at a time, a novel of ordinaty letixth
thus beinx completed In finln four to
ei-bt weeks. If one story tbs's not pleas
you will not have lonu to wait for the
next. For a ten-cent subscription (if you
don't wish to enter for all id l,00you
will receive tlm first chapters of every
story published duritiK Iho year, which
votl can then order aeparately, If you
wish. A specimen copy of Iho Novelist
Will b Sent free on rci,ue.l. m ,
John II. Aldi'ii. I'libl'isbnr, li'.Kl I'earl Ht.,
New York; 1'. O. Itox 121.7.
Fit mi Vniir l.tH
I .in now at the cenuttarv dailv, flxinu
up the ".rounds for decoration day. i'lil
ties desiring work doim alioiilil leave or
ders for the Hiime ul an cat ty date, so that
all may be wull urranticd by May UOtli.
1), J. Hi.ovkR, Wextoii.
Wl.U.llHS IN
Stoves, Tin Plate, Lead and Iron ripe,
.tamers' Copper, llrass and Iron Wire,
(ianze Fittings, Rubber lfoso, Pumps, Zine. Ac'
TIN, i'OlTK.H ANP fill'. IT Il'nN WAIth,
Uooling and Jobbing ol every dseriplion doue to older, and at l.o 1'ili es.
You will find Hard are. Wm-letiwave Mini Tin n e Ijtuteins, Lamps, ltd.
I. in uie and t'ui itlc
Oregon C'itV, Oregon,
ipor -mo i-iiEiRTinsrvisoKi'in;
Cf.i Kt nt
O'V.'iW UViil. kl!llJ,
"I ' ' . 1 ' i
)' ."'"' ""I t
i O
I s.4
! Ol
i C5
Mdlc only jv
Th3 Great Eastern
Special Bargains In Real Estate
I i iill (In- of tin- jiiililii- (o tin. fnllowinej tracts nf
land still oiU'ivtl at litl rock prices. Tlicri' U'a siccul:itin
in i-acli one.
!0 '0111 acres at Vmla, inuneiliatclv at tiie l'ost Oilier
ami (IristMill; "20 acres of rich liottoiu land in ptotl
cultivation; 1 acres of sicnlit orchanl; coiiifuitahle
oll house; fcaiiie ham with living creek; 10 acres of
sili-hill laml piotl for paNtiirap', ami the halancc level
with scattering tiniher.
lOOU 110 acres in l'teaver Creek Settleinent, ('. miles from
Oieoon City; level or nearly so; living creek; soil
ptotl; HO acres in cultivation, halance easily cleareil;
fair house ami ham. This jilace is especially recom
mended hy the neighhors.
$ 1000 For thirty days I will olli r the hest haigain on the
West side of the Willamette River, two miles from Or
egon City, and two miles from Oswego; magnificent
view; soil rich; IIO acres in cultivation; .".0 acre read v
tohreak. HO acres nearly cleared; new dwelling, well,
cellar and otjier improvements just completed ntacost
of $1100; wild land adjacent selling for $20 per acre;
400 fruit trees. This land will tloiihlo in value in one
Rny while yon can at the present low rates if you want to
make money. H. K. CROSS,
Att'y at Law, Oregon City.
& CO.,
liublwr rami, at
l'Ol'F A Ml.
irv unfair i -h
Stare, Sate Accr.ts.!