The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, May 03, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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    1 1 i t l ims ri im-.
Valuabt u;v"'"n to Ttwhm Cnn
tfnlratlnit of lb rtirul't Ml ml.
Persuaded that oroe direct moans must
bo found for the development of more in
telligent nd eflioieul working power,
tu.l aided by tho lorTution and expeii.
?noe gained in rotiiact with tho minds of
nearly 8.000 pupils, I was Itsl to con
riude that the power our pupils tussl lies
in tho ability to eonoemrnto the utton
tiotu Thou arose the question. How may
tho powers of perception and of concen
tration l gained at svliool, ami made to
become habits of the mind f Plainly, in
no other way than by regular and sys
tematic training to tins end. Thou was
tornnilntts.1 a variety of exorcises, to 1
practiced by the pupils from ton to
twenty minutes each day, with no effort
St learning or lut-moi although
those would be attained, but solely to the
aid of acquiring the power of uttenlior.
To insure quickness und accuracy in
seeing, tho reversible blackboard may I
made a valuable auxiliary. A coll.s-tion
of ligures, Kr"11!" of circloa or marks for
unconscious counting, Ints of words and
long sentences may each lie preseiued for
in instant, and the pupils lie required to
write or to repeat pnvisely what Uiey
have seen. Tin exercises, it must bo
uiiderst.tod, are as distinct and apjirt
from tho work of learning Uts-sms as are
gymnastic exorcises from tho habits
which follow their use, and. such
physical e .nervi-scs, are to bo coiisidertsl
only as means to an end.
Various and multiform are the means
to which the awakened teacher may re
port to quicken the minds of her pupils,
and to obtain that ail important nuia of
attention accuracy in seeing mid hear
ing. One of the most renowned of
French educators was aivu-tomi-d to re
quire the boy under his charge to run
w nil all spots! just lite shop windows of
tho streets, and on returning to write the
oratm of all tho unifies ett-sts! to view.
It has been proved that the iwert con
centrate the attention may be cultivated
and strengthened to such a degree, the
mind Ixvoiuiug more and more oUiiiont
to the will, that pupils thus ppjiared are
able lo learn h -wins, within their com
prehension, in les than onc-haif of the
time former! required.
I. venture to ns-4-rt that a very large
part of the time ijient in studying hf-sms
in sohoj and at home is wasttsl for b it
of early training, to liabits of pt-rcepuon
and attention.
In-t. a i of V" thy mind of the do
limpieiit wi.h peri;ent queitit ning, fur
the mere sake of "hearing thu ltiw.n."
in endeavor as hopeless as that of trt ing
to pump water from an empty ci tern,
let the tnii her first make clear the mean
ing of the loson, cmplu"izi:tg with
marked diitineitii'ss tlie prim ijsd i-int;
this done, requira the learner either to
write or tJ n peat the privi. words, or
Words of the same meaning, whieli ulio
has just hoard. This requirement, I it
understootl, is not for the hike of com
mitting the words to memory, but iu a
means of holding the pupil s entire at
tention until she has full wiion of
the lesson to I learned. To know that
the results inutl Is! produced ut once will
stimulate the litilleit iimid to its full
measure of activity, mid in the i (Tort to
recall the exact meaning, un I the corm
spotnhng words, all other i-sues tnut lie
Liid a.-ido-; tl teacher is calhn In r to a
quick account, and ile re i, no eseaj e. ,
The teacher willlimlit exdient to
set apart, eju h tlay. short jn-riods of time,
varying in length from ten to twenty
minutes, according to the ug of her
puj'i.s. for the miiu'Io puriie of develop
iii',' and strengthening thou- f. ulti.n
which will, at la-t, ertahlc them to study,'
(letvrding to the true meaning of the
In nrlerto show how much may lie
ftrconiiill-.lied by training the mind to ac
curary in hearing, ivln-n toe (power of
titiention haj 1st ii acquired, some i i
ani.lit, by way of result, are here
given. In my school were acinblcd
a!ut forty Kills from It to vears of
ane. A iociii by Worilsworth, con-h-t
:nT if twenty-four htn-s, witn
perlii-tly ns-itiil by the entire
class i:i seven injimtes; the teticher, H -is-lier
invariable rule, read each vi re once
only. An extract of seventeen linesfrom
one of t'bail'H I.uniis storie was ac
curatidy reati-l ufn-r nine minutes.
Twenty-one liiiiK read from Washineon
li ving's ",sk, t h I',ok" were instantly
rt proiluceil vtithoiit an error.
A part f the d.-cription of tlie K-ittle
of Watcilisj by Victor IIuo was read
idoiid once, and I he liiicncrs iuiiiiedi
liti ly ps allisl thirty-six lim-s, or 410
words. pr-ci-cly as thy had heard
tlieiu; au l thii was dune without the
le:ist mental strain. Tlie pow er brs iS
acquired by a slow and nvstemntfc pn
re -j) of training, In -ting but a few min-ub-s
ut once. I'atiiaiino Aikon in The
Ilw Ixmi It TioV lo Tlilnk,
l)T. J. MclC f'arrell hns cunstnicted
an iii'geiijous apparatus, by which he
ran di U riiiinu w ith a (insideralde ile-ren
of wcurticy the time it t'.kes to tliinh,
and liaii txjs rinieut. d with ncmy inter-e-iiing
r-sults. Thus Vt w w hite light
tsik one-twentieth of a wound; to wst a
pii Hire, one-tenth ofami-ond; to sisi a
li tier, one-eighth of a second; to see o
wi rd, one-iseveiilli of a second; to judge
Ik Iwis-u red and blue one-l liirteenl h of a
hi-couI. Some I. tti rs and words risjuiri;
tiore tini" Ui see than others. The time
of remeiuls i ing ( un alno Ixt meusured.
The name of u familiar inl takes less
time to rerueiri'ier than the name of a
I tier, thotit'h the letter Clin ls seen in
less time. The name of the next month
an no tnougnt ot in less tune tniin tnat
of the last. Sonsiition travels by the
tervtw to th brain ut tho rate of uhout a
c.ilo a minute, w hich is slower than wits
upposod. It would U interesting to
st some of tho numerous memory sys
tns now advertised by this metlusl.
hihelelphia Times.
Vttrt Uht l.ort-m itf Hints.
Tho yelk of an o;g has iu its middle a
;V jelly like sptvk or germ, fim which
V yuuiig biil is hatchisl. The yelk is
i made that this germ is always tipper-o-t.
no matter in which wtion the
lis: so that when the hen is sitting
.. germ is always neutt to the
armth. The yelk and the albumen (or
. hue furnish foe! to the bird while it
i:i the shell. At the latter end of the
; It'twttn the skin and the shell, ti a
,wo filled with air f r the touug one
to breathe, Milton Argus.
Th Ptc RrinirlkAhle Tnwrr.
Of all the fi-atscoiiunoli to hunting life
and woodcraft none .kviiu to me half so
wonderful as tracking or trailing. At
practutsl by man tracking is womb-rfnl
enough, but far more marvelous is the
power by which a dog or fox can follow
lis prey nt full spvil, guided only by
scent, without erring or being h i a-sny.
To us the word scent has but litlie
uieaning. It Is tho name of a jswer
with which man is isnnviiia;ivelv aluio-t
uneiijow isl. We go into the tsls and
S-e tiothieg but a leaf irt n ground,
thinly scat tens) over with heiit aiul
thickly planted with tnss; we ict no
quudnisd and tind no Mgu of any, pi r
hap, tvivc the far awav chatter of a squir
rel. lUn our dog. merrilv care- rn.g about,
is pi eil of a siqsr or Kwer. At
every r.ioiu-'tU of his i-,i:ire he is gather
ing facts and nai'. ng a wond. liul ns-oitl
ef the pn-t. the prvr-'-ot and even of ine
future. Here," s-i - his llli-eell guide,
' w here a A vr pa--isl a minute ago,"
or "an hour ii ;o;" r.uswv the (tutrn
of a fox a wiH-k ago;" ihi.t was the
ihnvtion in wlucu a rabiut few I y a few
nunuu-s ago, aed, oho! then was a
wean-l altel blUl!''
Such i, the cu;-iou- rssrd of sis-nt, re-
Veiled t, the dog, I 'll l.ldd 11 iloiiltV
man, niei -.i.i m.- t . bi;n, for
tiioii'h we have a ineo; t.eal kiiovitige
tif t''e snips'; it is t . rbvt M mum'
us fc.lh in d-rs ai d not only h:
evei y k.i.d of in mi .!, !.,i; i u la.d
animal, its o i. isr ,r si i.t. Thus tn -
dtv'caii -ii : :,,.i-'i n-'t only the,
ihs ami f.i'"i m tl.e ueer i rtl-. I it n
pit k cut of a .a-g'-a l ie lr:ii k of tbe piir buck lie is f.CoWifg ii'il
never bare it or lo-c it. Mom i, t, l.e
can ti II by the w ent which way th tui
o;d b going and he i-. lu-vi r knoa ii to
run hut kwi.r.i on a trad. St. Nu loLis.
Ii-wis fop rt,,ic m , 1tfirrnrr.
For all kinds of mcfnontn la. noti- and
refill mis I lie'.i u:.ifor:n par
naiix ly, pain-r t ut tiie sie of a tal
card, common p ijs-r. such us one t ui get
in any ty a; a printing oihce b.r
almost nothimr, and cut in the barg ain.
A btiiich of thest; pai rs, l.epl to,i-tliei
by a rti' ' r l aud. i ulw.ns ling id
hand rc.uly for n-s-. Win never 1 am
rs-ading i. book I ;"it one of then-pa; ers
as a n.aik N'twis'ii the I. avis, and
it is the work of only a ui
nietit to nolo thereon- the nuiuUr of
the page, wilh a caiehwo'd or two ns
guide to tlie character of the passage,
whenever I strike any thing that . 1 w i h
to ri iiicinl r. Tins iuamn r of n fi rin g
ran Is' u-ed with a Unrowid l'l as
well a- w itli one s ow n, as ii leavas no
un-.iMhtly m rks or iinderwoiings. Winn
tie- iin.k i-. liui-hiil I ; 1 1 H - hare a of
the parts that are of mot Mgiulii anee
to me; and the li-t in iy l tiled as it is,
or, in oa-e of refer, no t of ss ijl lin-
Iiort.ince, its topics nmy Ik diuvt u od iuhI
lept in topii'iil or alpha!-! i 'il order.
On Dies-mie p.ij r.t I keep a)-o my
own notis and c iiniiients, and all are
kept fil i under the same alpliaU t. To
facilitate tiie lindi.,g of 1 1 lose afterward,
1 a!was give a tu!e to a note or n b r
ence, like the side heading ' of a pal a
graph. Thus 1 bring nil I ui.iv
want to Use again, whether hie s of
thought that I Iiiv.m If have Is-gun, or
thiiiglits that I have cvllicied from
others, u'nd"r one index ready for use
(s.-ther. John K. Gi.nuiig in The
W rilcr. ' .
I'ati rust tieiiilnUi earss.
Col. Tied (Jraiit mid Iai rt Line. .
Wore ci.,-ii ;-!ng iu low t"n s iu ti, 1 .
Avcium! ho-- 1 eor. id- r, i; (!
a ci; ir out of h,.t poel.i t atnl hiu it i
bis iiioii'h. 1 1 ti !:.": troupers js !,ot I.,
drew forth a soil I gold miiti ii I'
siU'id.-d with diani h. . lie iVoUcin, d i...
Li-.;. :-1 s'oiie Willi in UlUutb U.lit.
Ii i of the bo.; I! -.v jjs.n.
Iju t" a match L said Lincohi.
"is." i aid Col. Cirant. "It i
given t j fuller liv tl.o suit. in of Turire;. .
1 would i.ot pint wuh for the woilj. 1
w very valualile, l aiher ctirried it Ui.
years. ) i you r-ury iinvthi,ig; ihutwi.,
pnt ions to your father?"
' i cv," w.iK Ijl! reply, and tho spenh -r
pull- d oiit of his pocket un open facosolu.
gold wiuvli.
'It wiHt given to father by mother,"
h.'i( 1 the i y ,-.lar. Tin in .criptiou ret! I
"Ti) A!;- I-ncoln, float hia lovilie
wiie.'' -i'oster Coali ' LetLer.
The chnntli", of Iti.lf.n last year
mMj,,l,oVJ3.,MW.w,,i T.,eywere,d"
Children Cry for
IU RIm In AiiHeullurnl l.iiHilniie
Mi l.lUs Kulrv -VNtn.
Wa ever then a hirlory this side of
tlndorWla, of th uprising of humility,
liko that of the col ton wtstf Stsd
F'orstventy yisn-sdi-spLstsl as a uui.sturM
and burntsl or ilutnped as garlsige.
Then tliscovenst to lie the wry fissl
, for which the sell was hungering, mid
reluctantly admitted to the rank of ugly
Shortly afterward found to ho nutri
I tious fiitsl for hi-ti it il l well as soil, and
J thereupon tnabnl with nometlung Itke
I Oiuv admittisl to the circle of farm
husbandrnss, found to hold thirty live
gallons of pure oil to the ton, worth iu
us crude state &ltotln ton, or if 10,-
, OlHI.O.'l) for the Wll -le crop of s.s d.
I Ihit then n system was devitd for re-
I lining this (i up to a v.di.e of 1 a gal
loir, and the friigi.I anhans placed a cask
at the iiH.t if every olive uts mid then
dt lied the lioiviiu ta. itlh of the Alp.
And tin u e ri 'lice sl.ov.tsi lUut the
ton of co t mi msaI w.,s a letter f itii'.r
and a l te r iitock foi l when t.i,;.,d
of Vt ll.ii t -tie g ,1m iii f oil tli.ei Is'fore.
And the hua-, of sets) ui...!e
the i -t oi fuel for t.sding the oil mid
And t'l .t the iih'M'f the hulls stsmpid
from tlie ciigi'v's ilril; l . d the
common-ul value ui (s.tiiili!
A the ' H'. ; ' of the whole
made tlie U--t and p,.iet -o: p st.s k to
cany to the L ilel th- pi rl'm.ns of l.ul-m
or t-'oi-tatel
A. out tlds ti-eewe 1 -ii a tos;sllci
ton stsnl with t-.ip.t:;!
And how it ti.o i, i i.luna 1 in Its
various iIi-sjh; As nie.l ;.!, . It
whiieiii d the Ha a-low s el Kngland with aid .'ottered the I'.nti b
ealtie utioer the .; : i; s. uileied oil
the of C Van h iu hen of lard ;
it 'lied in tlie i i. s of 1 a , oil o
oils ii inter - ul n ;ii n, n. 1 1 ii - - il couldn't
et en i noenee In a in hie, ami from
Under t ...l.i-i III II-mI i,d it went forth
to parade iiiiiUtl.e Ira vi rv of butter
and btitti-rinv.
In our own c'lottiy it is-ne-t sl th
wasting ittruj 'li of Hiinherii In Ids an I
clii'l t'o.u wt''ie t.-e lb . .
li at wo'-l i ai,
1; ;.;e ' i tin
ion) il the
In ii. ..ii in.
tvi " - j a( W.IIlid
s oi l .i jjiind, or J. i. iw
tl'e ii- Ii I t of ArgillliilliS.
Wnl 'Ii I eg il.t.i I, o!s
i-..i-te! tl lard out of !:ie
. e 1,1 '. it t -i, imbed -i .'
1 I . -.-I-! HI )l It '-..!e
'le' I' ! i id f .-it tin y
I . .. ' -o -' .'ul too is-
m ai d 1 1-. -ip
is S .me r. 'i:;'i -us j'itu;s'.
(l Mli,..rtl fi.-t llll-l pist
ils I jit t'c r cans-r by a
U- U
n... I 1
li r
, it- , i
V ol II I h
d :ti-it t:
ou'to coil. in h-.
l-l .1 til CHI t k
. pn l i. Hol y lax.
And i.'.v,-i, .ii.' a , i th mini of this
' i-y wt-.i ii . - ,' r, 'J"-'. i. he li-.-.i '.
Ihit l ' I'Mi' -li of I' ' '!' iio'ii every t- !i
of COIo tl II i ' lifter 'he od llliils
have d. ii. e u it i u.
Il il i.niN he tun!
l.iiij'le i-tor", e n o
'-' il. i li:. .1 tiia. 1. i -tm;
r.t . ins i , f' ol o
before b.' took i In i-
ill iiie ''t.i.l.'.ig -' ol
thi U'U- t t i.-d and
lief iy .; . ;t
'li.; Il ni":.l In. I"
. i .,-t i-r 1 1 . i lo.m
I U II .1' .11 it.
T. is ris-ess he I. i . pioved I. ; atedly
in I 's l.iisiraiory:i'i I a will ( ro
ill wider pmctice in a mill ended Im' the
,i'll .in) near Atb.iit'i. Tilet llivei 1 1. .it
-. :'l il.ld ''HI s r (' 11. to tiie i ir nli'v of
nil talo n by tlie old J love s f, inn a i iv tl
n'r::it.:. of wtsl.
fore Ihnii this, it siet-istts the splendid
o Kiihiiii n yet undisM ,o d for I ins rii. d
' ideiellii that bus riii ii all NiswilMy
roiu the lu.hi-1 lui-l the wuste heap! At
. la Constitution.
f'oiirr I'uUoiili. nr Airiif.
Tlie disorder known Sis "braviworliers1
:e" baa heretofore l"n but slighlly
-, .i.tigulisl, the known f;lt ts in relation
it Is'ing (lint after hettit.'oxou'i to the
..ii of the molten metals, cops-r ami
:. the workman feels a (f iliation of
otnfort mid weiiknens, followed by
i i ular pains, and linn by u dislim t
I, with headache and often coin h;
r liftis n or twenty minutes a prodi e
i ph ut inn breaks out, then in a b-w
s tliii improvement Isgins, the pa.
t recovering in one or two (I ivh,
- idi liable to a reliqisti, llis nlly Ur,
b "ii, nn Ki.gli.ih physician, has r
i d u numls-r of olisi'i vntions, mnl
s his Is liif licit brassworkeri.' .li ,
- is due to ( hroliie or acute loo
fsiisomiig, lie linds that It) ' 1 1 I
ie patients who aie copsr or blast
a rs have a ilit im t green Inn1 or
. k.oii the neck of the teeth, Is twei n
crown mid the gum, the edge of the
' ' Is'ing also slightly bl ickrlied, the
. .us MTtpiratioiis.of hriiviswoi l.ei .t are
i slaiii'd gns'ii, and white haind
i cm n oil eu have greenish tin,;e t i
, l.s ks. Tinssi i igns point t li ii nl i-
: ;. ion, of ropis-r Ly tint workmen, and
i . the view thut the "ugue" is due,
' 1. r;;e part, nt least, to this iiintal.
e.y Vork Tribujiu.
Klifiinmlt-iii snil limit Contiiareil,
I have Us n lately enjoying th" ad
vantage of meditating over tho relative
discomfort of gout mid acute rheiinial i-ni,
having lui'l Is '111 nt the Kitue time, (lout
is not pi main.; the part ullu'led fel ls m
tliongli an iron bam! u sl' toosmiill wen
Ising squeezed round il, with mi is1
casional iuieihule of u hot coal Is'inii
(hopis'd on ii. Hut, on the whole, I pre
fer It to rheliinnlimii, when the lal.lei IIS
siiiues the form of a touring of the mus
cles. Loudon Truth.
P Itchcr's "bacteria.
Quoar IteUulotts Hftus In Ruwla,
M. TNikni, a Kiisilun w riter, has Just
published ail Intennling woik liXiurmb
ous religious mvts in liu.-ia. It apH-ai-s
that iu the empire there are no less than
(100, (HIO of devout followers of itistlie
and cranky notions of Christianity; mid
new religions or sis-ts are is'ietaulli
si.ringing up In spite of all thectloiH c
the b'ii.iun authorities.
One of these sis ts is called the lilt i;
ways. They fly from their vilitigi
towns, They Is hi ve in returning l"
wil l state of existence, destroying I i
ideniity as much as pmv.thlo, and It. t .
like saviig.ti, l'ivili..aiiou they regard .
tiie great cui-sw of huiuiiiuty. They a 1
carry ou a sort of brigandage, mid one i
their most sacred dmiiii is lo to .
There is another vt, calling them
selviw t'hiisl.i. They ud.-re one another
t' daui uig forms pail of then rob
lolls cert nioiiii-s.
Tito skopt-a's, another religious Klv,
helii-ve ill self mutilation. They are also
e rt il inct'm and tumblers. I'siriinin
would U piou l of siii-li u M't of iwr.Jit.
There is 11:10 hi r s-. t tiial never sMk.
''Ur lllill.e si ,!1S H .lli.llliv.
i!.v s-ie'itin-s f iiu put of tho ri
ligimi of other fun. tin's, and tho bub her
Ing of mini and liiiui lid i lo iipis'usc lite
Wlllthof the I'ld In gelling i.illi.r too
are ii'm mi -ion-'iriint who go
around preaching the clotu-s uinl U-au-
tiin of Milcide, and Its nlwolute liis-eil V
fur Kilvaimn. A Mr. SxickhoiT is the
leader of llus g-j'u'. lie was amnt sl
for murder some tun" u ;n, but in.iiiMg.' .1
to i fni e, and no i.ed up iii a il;.i,.-
w here he pn .e l e I so hard ill favor i
iiu.nler and Miiei-le several of I
follow, rs cut nu ll other's thro.'.ts, ii
others nli ut them s it 1 1 op in lie ir h. n
mid blli thellli. to di -.N-ork
VVurlil Is mm a " ,lt Ink.
It wh in Hm- I .tnr lavs if the T
ilucutt one of I i t. h io and hi 1
l.i ting Koiiei. t up u maniif i. I' f
ink iu Hie siii.di town of Cli.i t li
w hu h w as then surronn lnl In tn-i ..
("it for Ms . f lir, from which f i
lir y re i ina .lt inter th..t the I I i.-i. v
Ui Is' in. ule I rote t ie coaniuitiou of t'i :
w il. lb" lather Iu. l grown i Id in I
he ine-s w it iiout uny :i. ni
I I'Utation; the mhi, h-iw-ev.-r, bp i:
II " p..-es. i lb' 1 1 ! i) -loved lo Hie hi
e t t' h of -f'i i I on; but he I. -I t '
n .'ihils a i'' ifo ii I -s" .i t, a id in
time the i !. ..Is i f ,.h lie In'l .ers li
i .i :i ihr "'lisl to producing an ink ,i
us lii Vtt it ii nil. .will by c-.niti.i ii
licit nolndv has Vet tu.sslsl in e pie' '
in r his m i' n'ii.llv lltta in s'. !
of n swonl, u'ld of it i-iuihI cake w I...
10 ! l.i-i ma '.'I ph i ii.
'. e aie I. I I in .t nil infallible llli'al i
r- - . in nil.' 'iu t" i f I .i ting Koin i I
bleu': ft oie.s- uif a e. ke ntid Ihi'iM i; i
w..ier. If, in a imi'ith, the pi-r.s
h. iii u.i.i.'t. d UKiii al the Imtloui o( l' i
vesrel, we liiiiv 1st cert.iill that they un i
really ti ut 1 i'iii it. Tin. great geiinii
si-eiiil w hich are (li ho 'in h !
bv the ib.uait n ft.uni upon ihi i
Thre ' me of the hi,;h. st exeellelu e, In. '
i.pioi. !ia!-l by inn mislern; und th 1
fourth, w I n h inav be coii.iideiiil ,.s tl. '
onhiiiiiy nrf ele, U urs Ins tuime, fngi t' i
Willi the litl-' conferred UM.II llllll I V I'll '
Jn ii:.l d. cr- e us a row ,ird for the sen ic
lie I "I iinbr"i-!y rendered lo literature.
- All the Vi .ir bound. ,
llrlillul U It. It "I 1'i lin.) ItSllls.
The I'eniii. Iv.ilii.-i In 'tub m k In It em '
br.ic -s a tract I'l'ly luibsi neiar,'. 1
takit.g iii a put of Potter. McKciir. 1
( iiiieron. 1'oie.t nnd lllk counties. Tun
l r ' x,s'rl i l.oni lin t tins Isdt coiilain
iienrly one li.ill t'n' liiiils r now slaiiuin
III the l ulled States tint of the ll.s ii
liioiu t iiui, and to tliii fact Is due t'
e iiil-ii lung of several new and Inr
tanneries in the ( i.'i'iit v of ( llenn. 1 .if
hermeii estimate 1.1, in HI feet of luuib.
and leu corls of I in', to the acre in I.
It'll, ma'.iiig .'ill, liotl.nuil, (Hill f.s-tof he
l r un. I HI, ll'iil. Hud coids of Iiiul,. 1
li'l. s the lieinlivk there Is a vara tv i
bird wil, liiemibng cherry, of ti
very U-t (pialiiy. llutler Herald.
Ktirt'ttilniiss tit a Milium.
Th" w ild mice i f is iiit hern Califo'
have a d icily eneiny in Ihn sen'
which iilsiuud lliere. In order to ,"',
these ep!ll."t (he s'iii vd old niic'i I .
iMii-joii of the birdV nests ill the c:ic
plants, und there rear their young.
I in veli r Ninles that he has seen mi i
mouse run dow n the Hunk of a .-;,
u nh l-alf n doen young ones holdii g i
i i li their moiilhs to various purl of I
' How they do this without U o
iiijuii d by the cactus barks Is a my ti'
. .r llin barlis lire so iiharplhat sunk
lever attempt lo e'iinb the trunks of th
plants. (iiiciiinnti 1 Inquirer.
M-Oil rn.m Ids Air,
Since lot il calms ill e.'iCois of two (1 1;
t-ilinti iu ' i riicMi'ally unknown iu I.
.nl.'d I'l.iii I it is ' ntirely f. j jb. ;
ilcuioilr; lio. I es by wind pow ei',
' "!; i d ' iiiio in y l' opel'iib d 1
indliiiil mid I to; ii . bllti ries ch . i'' --.1
ii ( lei lied. ! w III I'oi'ithlv I
.and I I Ine ci. .I-V ill Is' gi'i.iii I' ill
d; l'i"i'e is I n conn iirwli lis t
.1, CO Hei'ielll'e I, "j In i.uiv, mid ll
i ,, . i. , tli .i i,,'!'.ii!i w ill Is- i:
-i 'on,- e i f iwtT lor liol 1 i-'!C ti
e , oi' i u'li it'iiit.-y j Co; ilt t hii'.i;
i,e I'rt Ie! "cope of f i.illleo V.tlH lilll.l'
: I II t. oi II Ii il l . '..I'll llipe. III fill II
:.; Um. iieiiiculi d u
- ct.ii Ie '.l.i-s,
ttat Crlnilnsl Kid.innli'i llsfn Tltnlr Orb
(III In His hu rt t kirliiia nf KalurrT
It has Iss.n frispicnlly nottsl that them
ani (ipideinlcs in suicide and in other
crime. A ciiinlnid epnleiiue (ss nliiir lo
I'hieiigo, und to oil i or lo o'lh r cities
having a large llnniiug and vu ions elms
populnliiili, in of Niiniluv luilnli I-,
which are tlie results of a duy of idl. ne. s
ss'ii in the oS'ii w-lisuii, w in it tliiMile t
and mini llety liquors arc Mild, Mui let t
with p.rMihiir fe.'itur-'s nl leu isi'ur in
gn.iipi inidl (sills i.f ihccoiiuiry. li hi s
Issin traditional III I'liuice lli-it epidetii t
of Sllil'lllll I it i n n iu tegular ode. .1
each tts'lirrelice of ihe sun idal turoi , !in
smstsisivil t stuns of tilt tr own linn hi
ous hands ielug with 1 1 eh oilier ill (he
greater lilii-sit o( die Inii'inly tint
they enact, 1 ui ing ot e nl' lln is 1 1 I'm
llsunide hteiiillv "t;i'pil fie ciioin"
by lea ing from the of a lower, .no
or !lil feel, .i the ttcmcut l low.
Sl-Mlesof witemoiilers in iii-.ny parts
of the COIIIltrt , ll llev. ,1 b a few t-XCep-
liouid iniii.iei-s uf hichi'nis by their
w ivei, I .tti-It the pi H ii id liie pub' c si
imilt.iilei'tiilt from many iMb-mil
soiucs. "Minder is in i!i,. mr" b is Is
come nil hill iln, I epi - mil troiu Ihn e
turn of thrill l..ii tunn. Iu (he d.its
nl Uink hiirgli.rien ito.t notch lew f-e-quelll,
owing In ti e pr ihi n. ns I till i
enee lion ptotide l tin in .l et t inns ll
wjniiot oil. il thai a lit Ie lolil . ( v Wiir
leinrt.'-! they "cure In ileitis."
This was lint ls mine Ihe same gaug t to
: I't'.sl in innii v 1 1 1 tS'-i'-i . t I 'li.i pi c but
Ins litlni II Mlhll.u 1, 1. 1 ll! r
I'll ate.l the luuii'i o( the enin.ii.d t lu-
Hi o,i In thus, forms e( giull.
A cm ions nl inly un, hi Is- mad" of tin;
luvi of epi.leiiu, s .-I eiiiii, v In nn -r--.
Ii .iit limes all et . s re uiti ii iiui to
I. .e l. tillrliee of it. i v i l-.e si il. 'I ..i mat
II, e,- a ,!) ! iippr.i l li I.. .I'llllllC Unlit,
or in adv.uu i-l nlniiuw. That i.. tinro
J , at I colidtllolit s-ioil 'v llli.'l t!.e
0 .i.ll und spll it i -111 i -il' e Hone- Uioie
ll"il"lv th, ill oilier., is a f.l.'l of Ml' ll
in i i.t y rs riem e tint it Is it. loe,;. r
MI. Ini as ph-' 'Hie c.ttlio-i of
e.ol.i,'.,. iit i bail'..' inttit In tl.e e.oi -e,
e ; I i. s of tin' . ng di i i .ti i iii
' tunes mini .il o i ui'iiint s uh. r
1. 1 i of I I lllm. A Mil I II. I illi.i". il !
I : ll.f. e Us oi l ilt 111 not i if ot the m i let
, . ot I lltllle,
A' I .nil' ii i. pis lll.lti. 11 lint tini I'l 111-
-a ! i M lone,, . artliqii iket nn i oth. r di 4tii I .oii-es to gti til Chun,
' . i.t'i. ,-l i' m'l or in the tiq r
., .1 oi ii. r sin i. i. !' it, .itiii hj.t
i ; i n of I .lames b.i. e Ii - ll
'.- , I.- i" I -., i.n ) 1. 1 hrot.ic
' . Viitil di.ii-.t.t ,li,,- l.lll I e i li -i. It'll!
.OeS, tlj-ll' ll l.i,.l of (I.ll g, l. I
.o-inlig iioiilmt lui't A ei nl nl . w Si
s iil.nle 1 1 1 1 nnd In i. ll.ii q-.i.-"!..!! I ii
, i " lis sLild), b.. ili tiltit'd lli.MlHSIV
it m Ii-ii ilium t ,i. . d ul.i by ....i.. I i .
11 .Is lil' .llt.l1,. '.lie . 1 11 . 1 1 1 : ..lie. .(I l
I o. ll I, they it. the I'l . i'l of slll'll .1
lli -lltl in III the mil as ure eiille I i.l
A ll .nl 'pi us plan ible II- hi.
It till! .I'III. I di l ues of 11 tie lo
"!.r III. Ill' III 'I. I VWll ' ll Weill. .S.
IS IIIH (IVITI III! I llllll d. lollS ll.
''.' . Die killdini III i ti l '.Ie I' w llh
.. .. lac tenth in .ii,. T.n re aie cm
tor n. I tl.ei.M in I ie ii. i-l ci hue, i.nd im
' .id V of nil. ll r.1.1 e li ill t 'Hit. - ( I.l. .IO
tl llltt l'.-s(... 11111 I ,
In llll I.l even I -iiui- n.lhle ,'iel i.f llltlll
1 1 n ipilal I In law, J.ii priMiie i nti r-i'-
ee in In- !tlie,, no eorN.i-,ition
tr mill, nn bli .i.i".s enli ii , into w .1 hunt
the consent of Ihe stale. Thin law ii Hot
lio- lo t nt n li gi-ialoe l, but thetl "
( .'. i ' of the CJtr. "S.ilne tie. lis-s i i.-
"I forbid;" otli. rs: "It is 'riiuii.."
In oilti r 1011111111 w hut is hi it forbi'lih ti
I" law it nllowi'd. In liiium evert thing
is f .l m It it ii whit i the law tlmsi not i
iie,. Iv s unit or Ihe Mpuit of the ,., . u
Lie ower tolerate, ll is not Ihe go. n1 ..f
.1'p.oplc Hint is studied, bllt the W. I
re of the dinpot. Tin re ean Im' no in -,-it
is'l.' for llm crnr or bis
. uts to do wrong, 'I hey hut e nn ex-ii'i-ioii
in Kussiic "He lias iilfended.''
i iialf Thut is iiiiIshIv'n bildlieis. He
l..i ulT'lulnl the ioliee, W ho nceepl no
' nl 'gies und seliloui forgive, lie may
'i hnve violatisl written law, or even
i. loin; he has silnplt lit iided," nnd
lint is enough. 11c goes to prison, i -
1 tt;.t lo SiU't ia, ns the Ijrants ilieliile,
."I- no court interferes, and no bals as
npiis Is known. There is very little f,.r
t .! lawyers tn do but brilsi the (silice,
'i illuiiii I'.lerov t 'lirlis.
Tim 1'iiwcr nl Meiiinry,
Having once MWsi'f.,id knowledge, wii
cull never lo e it; the power louse it
May lc temporal ilv lost, hut there is no
knowing when lite pi'oicr chord limy Hot,
1st si I in k, und the ol I fuel of luemory or
the old problem long worked out mny
not ho regained. All our exs'i ienci s
may fmle away into the realm of uncoil
HclollsiiohH, yet they lire not hwt ; they
are uiily dm iiiiint and billing heirtime.
-liiiiiciH Ssir hi Pnpulur Science
I till Ill's Sen nf'l'S.
The cnunlry (ben bsik a gns'iier up
poiirnnee In w heal, grum (1 think it h
veli h), casior oil, ilnlil or splil H'ti and
poppy, Some of Hie llelds of th(i lullei
id, a tli to lien in full flower lisiked like
"low llelds, so while it ml pure was tin
bloom, Kugliiud w ill require long gen
erul ioiiH of piety to undo lu r great wroni)
in coining gold lis she iIih'h out of tin
mania and misery of ho many millions.
Curler Harrison's Lrtlor.