I JT! ''' ' " ' .f'' '.'," '; OH KG ON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 24,1l880." VOL. 20. NO. 35; THE EXTEU1MMSR DR. J. A. WHITE, Editor. -TKIIM8 OF HCIIM-llllM'tOS atilgle Cony, one year, in ndv nit'i . liig.lt Copy, ! mouths. In advance 1 Ml -TfKMtt OF A tVKHTIHl Transient advcrilacinciits, Including nil ll'V'll II 'Hl'0, lll f KM 1111 if uf Incite Hues, one week , I J Mil r or a o-u siitiiriiueiil insertion l hi Our rnliotitt, one ye ir 120t Half column, nun ytir ii 'in Quarter clunm. out year In (l j imliifM card, nii year 12 no Orric'on laulre. 1. 0. 0.1-'. No. . Moe(s everv Th'irnl v evening. Al 7 00 u'el'M'k 1'il'ielldd Fellows' M-ltl. Mtln nlrcet, Mi-til-'isrs lit Hit Urdu are InHicd to attend. Iiy order ot N l. MuHiri'ii'th 1 .i"r. o. I. . V, .V A. M. Holds III regular oniiiiuuiile itlonx on Hi tlral Hit IMfl 8 llll I 'V III 'I'll ill win 117 "'clock from I'm 7111 "I Mi'i'ii'inlwr In the "l'i of March ; ml XI 7 anocl a k r 'in (he 2Wh "I M trcli 1" Hie 2-Mli nl Miipnilir. Ilrtu'irr u In "" I smiling are In v Hi il In attend. Iiy order "1 VV. M Meade Pied No. S, (i. A. It., went of Ori'ifnii. Meets Hrl mi l ttilrl We In."-1 iv nf each menih nl 7 :M I' M , nt let I (on I lly I-'", I. .IV. H'll.Olu I'llMSI tNI'l H 1'iilUMIjf Lmlk'P 5 A. 0. I . W. Mi"-i nviry (lri tnd llilr.l f'rl.l rvi'lilim I'l It'll Ki'llnwi hiilittiiir All .J.iiiriiliiK lurih Ico fur Hilly llivUi'J l'i iii.'ii t. J. H MKI.IU11 M M. W. rntiii'MKntL c.titi). W. (' JillimnH, r i) M't'". ' M. Iiiuhak. ! JllSO. UitOH a ii.i:un. A tti:m:vs m (iinm:i.oi:s AT LAW. rrai tii'i' In ill tln ('oiiitnof the State. Loam Mini and Abstraot Kiiriihh'd. prtliMiltf tilfiill "li mvil I'l llilllir tn lilt 1. H l.tll'1 iMIrr, Orr..ll I'll) iiKrh'Kt - Mtmnal"i' Hrl' k 1'.' Klt.i rr.'l I'TiKn l. (ir m. let M .In nrwi ur u t-u. C. D. & D. C. Latourctte. ATTOItNK.YS ANH(ifNM:i.i)l:S AT LAW. H tin iTinnr. omeiini c irr. omi-i.m. V iruuit nl'.lrte'i it ftil. I'mii m um.l.'n rl.'.i m in tijoi, mnl Ir ni. u'i inm il liw !'M i Mi tihll'K I. LA1IIIASI T. A EASTHAM & McBRIDE, t'fl'.t In tWiik tlulMlii. O-n a city, (iieiti-u ti i iiyus;. M P W C fiiol ':. M I' Dyland & Poole, Physicians SurtM)ns,i;;; UKKItoM I'lTl'i Olll.li'.N om Kllr ilMI" M't" "t mxl'lenr let le.t..nti'v All lr.'U"..l"iru int. kllnti.H t. il I) er nlKlit ItrllJ I. V CI.VI KE A l 1'AHKHI Clarlw & Parker, nr.tl.lHH it General Merchandise. HIllK'l I'.illiU llljhiull.l I't'Tlnrl, (lAl'KAMvn rot'NTV, OHKlioN. M. H. Flanagan, WHOLESALE AND lll.TAII. LUJUOU STOKK- 1"EKrn l,N IIANU TIIK IlKsr HKt.Kl'TluN IV ol Wlliri, ,lilnr, Alt', lleer. Ac. tn lie fiuiuil lu tltf nut, in Iah I-..ihii lilm k. (Ilv mi) it enll. M It. F1.AKAUAN. . E. A. MOSES & CO., Commission Merchants. Ale I ilt'Mkm In Feed, Flour, Produce, AM) o-i?oo:e:r,i:ii:s. ho. If rriuil Rlret'l, ln't. Tnylnr itmt Vmnlilll. POItri.ASn, - (IHI'.IIUN. J. D. Slover, I'liiiitcrsl'iiiK'rllanger, Oregon City, OrfunB. ' Attl b TAKF. roNTKAIVI'H IN TOWS' Oil tWiiintry 'iti1 will ito wurk In riilM ti'tnry mnniu'r. I'rlii'n lew to milt I1"" llnien. K ilm uiliiltiK' hill l'itln(, etc., 'limn mi k"H uollea. Arion Saloon Yamhill St., bet. 1st otxcl 2d. 1RALF.U IN Fine WlnosLlauors. Cigars, AND Gambrinus Biscl, TltK Til LACK ,i MAS l.MHANS. Th I tubulin of the norihweithuvahnd their (ii'Meii Auc tiH well iiM other people nf urealcr I'Ciuiv 11 This was 11 trloi loua I i 11 1 1 v 1 1 i the climate was always mild, the, fores! teemed with' trmnc, tint rivers 1 ili li-li, Hi" liillM with ln rriKH Hml tlin liluinx in I' liU" rooti In h iimiiiiiT 1111 kiiow il to litter ili'jtimmiiUi tinn'M Th naviu-e liiti of tli Stoiio A! floililHlind and nil wtre tupty. Tim dentiiiy of their r u n lui'l not liilleii iiti''ii thein, tmi' hud the w liite '"i'l" i'oikk. I luluin tr'litiiill of tli'iH lost nun, or nnutlier lii'forii it, i cor-oli nuteil ly tin' ii'iimiiiH of iininiiiU fiei'iilliir to ti mai'li wnmr iiliiiiaU" thwn tlii und by thu U' linmiiv of llii e irlii'Hl ctltlur u to tin fmiiier mfliltiHii of the i limiitii vr In tlh'lr o ii time Then, hn now, the " Wul-ii-nii-t" river llnvteil til lliei t till) C'llllllllili lillt lul l never Inn! l iuiiih enrrniite'l Into "Wil- litim tte " Then im now tlm t'liieltiiiiniH nmht'il In nmnl tlie Wuliiinet , only it wnn i kno tt u tin: '.' 1 lil.irkatimN." j We niii'0'i in thin paier to jjlve you u I lirief hinloiy of ilin M(nriiiiitl peoiUi who j took tneir tiiimu from that of thn river. j (III tin" Ih'UiIwaIiMH Ol tin' Cllll'klllll.lH, iiit Ilia li.imt of the l'ite.idi-ii, near thn ipliire now ctilUil l'itnr'H. Irolii lote ;nntiiilily, i-too'l th uri'iit oily "1'hiiI- hi'li " the rhu'l mm l ol the nulion mill lilKh wim no ill.nje ; ii iululiil.iiitK Iki inn .liitned liy the ten tlioiiHiiiiiU. One WllU K .IM It'll II lit I "Ul'lli,;h Kl .ltl'K tll.lt , on eoiiiinx in nielli of it, iii f ir u thu eye eoiild reiieli t' e Kronod eimlil mil lie wen for tiif ImiiM'N Unit i ovi-iei It. It M nli Mated that I' w.i larger lll.HI our modern i'ortlaml. Thn linnwn of ThiiIIiiIi weie lint thu uidu huts of in.tu mi I h.uk, with Mhii II are all f.niiilur, hut Well-liuilt, Utgn Mrurinrin, ma le ol n leH not up hi Iho tiruiind und iv.'led Willi tieaalit mini lur to our i l,i tlj nt mIi, Hplil Iroiit the tiillikit of tree Willi t'K)! ol Moiib, lint fl'Hiiit Wi'io of the hiiauU, I., I'l no at to leave t'X'oe.( eailh in the tenter on wllnli Li l.u, I I the houni'huiilil tire. Around the ttiilen ihc rooinit wan maf f'illiti xcvr.ul feel (mill the loiind, llHin who h the bcl-i were ma le. I, my , II, have, vvij inn iitnwduyi, been nhowri aliuu-c hiiilt hy the l lil.n k.iin.iM In li.inx seeordtiiit to Wio old plan. It im a lure, Mroiiit unit ttunlo. table looking lumn'. The I huIIiiIi limine were lunuMied With li mli und l. iih. 'i ha lioiiiM-hul'l ulenpil weiuth.) ti mkel", inortitr und penlleit, with wl.ii Ii we me nil familiar. The In. ill nl.i. luro of M'lmi ailit lt'M in a li"t mt to the I'lit.i' Uiiiu.ii, Hti.l even not etily-live Vimin noitwitt piaetiiod at Tnulliili in i. Id men only. In re'anl ti r-oiiul uplii'iranitt, iii'U'inu irolii the few upeelineim left, Hi Haikain.iH .'ked mtith like oil). -r In- iluiot Tht y had the in.ii.il Hiuall, pieu- , . , irk even und Imii;. dark luiir ; were ol lue.liuin HUture; liud rxlu'itiely l.ire ; e full ai d ! UM -(!( beu'ln an, I Ibi'ir leat'lt-n were iiunior mi l imii than tinliuaiy Intel'i (ii lne. Ibcy bad un inlenne love for kindled und'coiitiliy. The men wete ull Wdrriori Hiini'u und a.lveiilurouH in tint poiitti'ii thevwcie .iltit't alwavn at war with lie ir lie. ciliary cueiuicn, t n penally tho Kbnuallin. 1 have been ait'l Mr licinlM ol oini;n ht from dinlatll baltlellel.l. t apliv. n ol war, cnpei tally Mamatlm, Were bi'Ui'it bomti h nlaveit. t'lavcry w an a cituiinon iiinhtiilion uni.in,' them The "E li te," or nl.tvcn, computed not only caplivcMof war but thorn who were ptircbuned and children of nl.ivei. They were iiiiiiicroiiM and we-e epci ted to do all the bard wmk of thetribe. Tothin.liiy the few ilem cnil.iiiln of tlieni nlaM-aute I'K.ke.l tiiM.n with liulenj-riliiiblo mkii by the triie-li.e n, truiebloodod Thliickiiman. The Tlilackauuin nee in to have hint no regular religion reeonicd no tireat rpiiil llm only o'iei t of wornhip being Ino " Taba pti," or coyote. Thin iniint liuve liven akin to devil wornhip, they he ili liiutv ufiaid ol ilmple aniii); than de nirouH of pleaninit biui. Every dmanler wliicll liefel lliem W in ullribllteil to the covoteit, aa puiimhiueiit for 1 1 allure nnion of their lawn. To thinduy no Thliickanunt can bear the howl of a coyote niiin.ivc'l. Tin' Thlackaman liadlheirinedieiueinen ami women, w hose m.-tliodn of diH torin; were after the regular Iinli tn funliion. Wilchcralt waa known iimoiit; them nlno. To-day one of the few rjlic.n of the tritie dincloneeM the ternblo lad that lin in nlowlv ilvinij becaune of tho evil eve wl.ii h another relic ban cant upon biui. The Thlackamaa niairiiinen weieninuhir to tlione til oilier tnlien, Ihu bn.le bellii; bouitht frou: the parent, the pru-o vary iii( Willi lln i-Ktale of tho family. Tho pi'ici' wan paid in wampum, horned or nlave. 1'rencniM woie (iive.i to the w hole f.tmilv of the Initio. One hUh-born latly ot (he i'nlat kainiin n iyn ber hunband pur chimed Iter Willi no Veil Mlavea.' Their turn my coninted flmt of wam pum, which thi'V f illed 'Hi-u'-ilUah," H Ntintll mi' I bi'iiuiiiul ludl Nlutied hoiihi what like un eleplianl'H tunk mill pure white, which they obtained by trullic with the etiant liibpn; and, Hecondly, of flat, thin l tela ulnnit lltree-cicliln of an inch in diameter, matin don n hard, white Mtiiiui Mini reaemhlinK ivory, A liornn or nn ordinary britlo could he bought for two. Mrini'it of yard length wampum, or nno of flat hcadn. A une would exHTt,the people cUtlheil tliemnelveH in nkiiiH, chiclly t. 0 tlrenneil nkliiH nf the deer, in the pienaralion nf vvhicli they weio vkillful, Aiming the mnitt wealthy thearnienta were elabo. rately tlecorated with wampum, nhelln, tuflH tif hair, und fringe curiouhly dyed and faHliloued. The ii'liH'ipul domentic occiiputiona of the Thltn kuiihin word tho manufacturo of ui iiim, clothinjr, t auoea ami hoiinehold tilenniln, and Hit) piortirinu and ircnar innof food, Tho principal nitlclen of fond ivu.o.g.uni', IIhIi, benioM and rooln, both frenh and ilrind and raw and cooked. At tho proper hi'iihoii tho Tliliiekamiin madti excuimmn to thn mouiitaiim for hucklehtiriiea and blackberriea ; to tho nhorea of the flat kiiin.tn for aalmon, which they caught and dried ulon tho hiuilm, ami to tho pi nil ion for the camun root, which nerved thom for bread and veitablci, They iteom tn have alwaya lun! rata and iIor, of which they ware very fond. They poHHiiHHod no horaoa until a coinpar iltivoly lata date, ahortly before tho ml vimt of thow'hilen. The fact that tbeno wero tiioeiireil from tho Walla Wullaa, und that petrified remains hav been foiinJ in Oiiiyon, hIiowh that the liome in indininoiiK to tho Northwivnt, Indood, 1'rof. Coiulon cluiiiiH, und aenma to hiie pi'ovon, that Urojjon In the oiiitlnal homo of the liorne. The Tblarkamm burii'9 their led, Thedefiinct bravo witslnyud away witli att miirli of hi wampum, personal proierty, itii'l flnerv iik his friends could alford, with tlici belief lliut tint morn he took ilh li) 111 out of thin world the fl 1 it r would b" ariiiranco ami the Udtvr M t lion in tlio next. Thin U untikn aotno m'oiih who WHitr nil their finery hei'0. Tlio Mil ii TLliii'Uiiuwn piiiiceHii of tho hlood rovBl preHorrc'H, w ith went euro, a t . t '. . . . . A I t .. I I liliU'K couon vi'ivni urnHg inr iter ijnrnii n.he, 1 1 1 nt h lit) may enter tho other w orld in yieitt h( ale. 'i'lm Thl.u It nm:io, of eouriu) hnd n lun (jimue of their own. It Ih now Hpoknn hy not more lhan dozen lndiumt und prol. ithly hy no whil'i permm. It would he iiitirettlTi' to the phllolojtiitt to procuro a fci Wcifiiftiii of thi Uiittijtjjo before tti lemiiiint of the once urand rm o dieiut and ilin'over If thein in itny kiimhip wilti unv other lanifinii.'i. The nritrdn of t he Tlilttekrtili.in in lot !n untitiiity Cf rourne wo are nil familiar with the' theory thnt the North American Indian in of Aniat io oiicin. It inacuii mm eoini'iileiiee Unit tlio I lilat kulnun (to imthet himeik j.i 'i'on ) eitll Ihet hinuirnjii "lliil oo'.yuh-malinlWiinh."whii'li merlin "foieinn IndimiM," w hiet they montlli in ly believe Ilium t' bo, while they moM cordially hat litem. Another eoiuei ilenee In that the Tlibi' kainnn tinmen we know are Miiptrentlv very nimiltr in Nottnil to I'hini'ito, I'ur liinUnoe, in the ri rurieiu e of the itoundn formed hy the foiiihiuulioiiM tn and eh ami thu divided ilivinion ol nyllab'CM.witnewi "Tnuldiih," Ihfl tfrea! eitv ; "l'hoh-hi'yuh," a village wlut h rlori'l near tin: Hiltt ol laekatiun Mation; "l 'ow -lii'-u-l'ali." u town near where the ( laekaman bridge eronneit the river. olue iilno urn name 01 me ww hereilitarv iliiellaiu who feigned at TiMlKl.Kli', " 'liin-watl." Thin may not he very K'od Chlnene but it certainly beam a ren'iiiblauce. The llilai k iman owned neat I v nil the land uf On'ijon, oxeejit i. Hinall nirtion Ivinn between the ni'e of I'aneinall and Unit ol l'itier .lilln, which wan mcuiued bv a peaceable and unwarlike race called tho T-k.ui i." Nutliin -now remain of thin nice of T-kiin-i except a lew Mone inuien and the arrow und fn'ar lieadn found at lh mouth of the Aberiiothy, tlio Hilt) of their pniii ipnl Village, Kon-o iiiuh, Alter the T-kund iK'came extinct, the Thlark.iuutM moved down their river toil iiiouilt. They then iveiipiiil the whole teir'tory fiotii the Columbia river on the north to the ( alapooia itioiintitinn on the Koulh, and li'HU tliti t'ancuden oil the east to Wulamet on the weM, ulwut &tj.0 mpLire iiiilen of Valnahle Und l ioiti turn time Tnubhiuli wan gntdu ullv deserted I hill-wutl, too cltit'l, tutu- M. it U.uiti'eir.sl Iiim family und Hlaveit to t ow-ln n-b.ili, which vou will roiuouiiur wuncn thi'Nitc where the railroad crone tlio l laekaman ri.'r llm lnla. Waui.tn ! '' bv ( ciuni.tU'd (mine nwll1il.' .n wirr'!"! tiiui 'i-kw-i iiiiy, at iJioiikIi tbey .li t it mont reipin Miiliy, rev ereiii iti) thn T-kan-i irodn, j;tiotn, iuiatfeit und Kiavea To thin tiny they peak ol llun ill-l.iled ei 'pie km. Hy und Willi awe lie thin ua it may; but (nun the t tine ot the rblaekaiiunex'bindo n their river I heir doom began tolall ii.ii litem. The gniteM event in tin) latter hi loiv of the Tl.i. kiiniitn wan the advent of the w hiten, w bu b tn t lined about half a centmy nince. Their appearance at w hat in now called Oregon l ity tlW-tut l-'l at once and forever the peace and tratujiiil Itv of the Indium) TbeV Weie overcouui with illdencriba hie terror when Iho M'lipn came up the river carrying thoir n.tiln like wiugn and beat ing I bo pale lacon. Not Ikuiic harmed by lite invadern, they rami) near enough tii burn with curiuttity over the novel poiinennioiiM of the whiten, Miecially tho woven cloth of their garment. After they hud been autinllcd with preneutM which took their fancy, whihkey waa urged upon thein. There were white men mean enough to bribe the Indiaim to take the llery liquor and, when they retime,!, to nntr il ilown their throaln. 'Thin wan kept up until the Indiana aetiilircd thefutul taate for it. After tho advent of the white the hintorv of tin' Thl.ickum.ti was the usual one of Indiana aimilarly Hituatcd. Thev wore ulwaya friundly to the white and I'hin-watl gave to the elder Canon the place near thn (.Tackamaa river now occupied by Mr Harvey K.Ciotu. After wardn rhiu-wall'H nonWacheno, oined with reprenenlativea of other 'riln'M to give no huge tracts of land to the white men and nigned a treaty to that effect. Afte. thn w hite, fur traders und trap per canio the lludnon Hay men, the min nionarien ami the pioneer hettlora. Slowly but Hiirely, year bv year, tlio niiinU'r of whiten increiinod. The Indiana first bar tered with them, then worked for them, and, finally became, upon their own land, theaervan'lHof a alrango peoplti. They udopled, to tt great extent, the clolhen, food and trinket of the whites and worst ol till, their vice and dineanea. Of Iho latter amull-pox.nuMwU.ehicken-pox, scai let fever, and foyer and ague ilurully swept them out oi existence aa a nation. In many instance their town weiu completely depopulated by these epidemic plague. In the delirium of fever hundreds and thousands of people crawled t tho Oaakama river seeking o quench their raging thirst and fever in tho ico cold snow water of thoir be loved stream, ami wholnsalo death wan of course tho result. In a few year but a small remnant of theonce powerful and gritud race ol Thlackaman remained. Thn aurvivor at the present day are very few, comprising the lamiliesof what am Known a Mmi.i andJuke here and of Wai'lii-no and a few others on the Yam hill reservation. Marin, or iniidame Tamilian, i a prin ces in hiir own right, being the (laughter uf I'hin-watl. Many know her, hut lew are acquainted with her noble und gener ous character. She has litorallv been tho mother of her fading race, bringing up timdertv many orphans of her family, while she la bereft horsolf almost entire ly of descendant. She ladinve that ohrlstianix I'ion ami civilisation are the only hope of the Indian. We arc Indebt ed to her for almost ull the matter con tained in this paper, l'eace to horashos when she rent w ith her father I Maria and the other survivors of her people attribute the destruction of their race to their having offended their gods hy adopting tho white men' vice. They mourn a those without hope and look fiu'Wiu'i! with extreme sadness to the time hen theTI'lackiimasRluitl have vanished fiom tho hind as ulterly as the T-kan-i. Poor failing race, adieu! May we, thoir succoHsor, profit bv their and hla torv and oacupo their torriWo fule. ShcriirV Sale; l)KLIN(JUi:NT OUTllAGES. 8TATf 4iPftlWff) V' to tuk Hm.mrr or him ry. (tmatt: '1 Ui M)f tf-i lit y.';i -i. 1 - , : '; .. f"-t;i, Ui myr hkhi Mi -h ' In n ;(-r!f -.t ..'. ttwiii ttit"f W t-t'Utt U ' ct ' ' utth mtt4 4. $ . ( . .. Iir'il-iMy lf t'.' ' -p " ' . x . irh m M c 4. i-a i a " , 3 ' 111 mH-1f ! f fit m . " t wti'.i'u'l. n'.il : is-', v .. : i-',' '.' I, U r ft. . ' rwV .. ; Ml nllKU"l "C ti lb rC( .'-)f U In wHt'w ti . ftftiiiU t:m 1.4 Wli. ' I ' I trrtty tf f (hit Ol fttw.1 Il ft n uipf tl .rtctBtti vtrniit ilvl tt.e wb'leltv ..J, r Iittl Uu, Util d)r uf Junto, lJv Wit Kmiuht. aimllt '.l(.'jM-Vi'M twitr ilia "in. Tly liltw of iIkt wrr'it t h m 1IM up ..l III, ..ii Ir. l.v ll. k, .U ul J..;i. I l. v (..c k'sur 4 I'ly l-.tk A H t e. it t.'.? C"UrtliM'i'lwrlo th City '.f Oriif.wi I'Kv, CI " . ei"njr. Iwil'm, ft, U 111. f ll'.li ltMTll.t IIV..- Wi th .1101 wu H (Is-rfLy. kn I nil llt-ii. clj. nt ml nu d tlrt li.'4'li. In "4 tn tt UitHi (l ertit ttirwl". mt f..jl:lc mioli .n, t thi. I,t;-Wrt t,l.l-!;r (.. k t.. .all ly t r I'm.iua "f t-.i d- tli-uvm f .r n yru W,tlti et with KtmtM UM iliniiivl of Ui. to .W . Amorlfin Morlfiao eimpmr, Umilcl vil. I.,inrv M- 'i "I I" JC. W. of mw, 17. T. 'I s . K. h K., l:ucink VaiiMi of hiMrig if. Itx Ill il AmtTlnn M"r!(rnii compntiy M a'-tllHiel, Hiitite't v,l. U. .e ll-J-S. t 'A 'A fee. 7. ml! w ',, .1 . v T. 8 n lt.lw.,aM ncfBi., V 'liif of moriit 'ire lll'o. .x SO i7 Aiiit-ri'-iii M'Tti; ir i''iiipi'l ('i nron ,nii, hnild-fl-vi'l. 1. . ip 4M iif wtliin 14. T -i S , K. .1 K . It . Vat it of nmrtt'tre ! ": tix . 11 tl A merle n M'Tivtve mir'iiv nf Kent lnl. limned vl, U, pif ...7 W- U ftf & (). tn oervio. T. Jl.lll jTJt act a, Vibipof nv,rtir 'tot l'..(7 ( ii Amt-rlr-iii MitIk -ke r.nil.By 6f kr'ttl'iiel, 11 M llmltnl v.l. 1., nir ; W. (4 M ii. A' "t ";JV'7. T. V.i! i 6t hi iftK i(fB J.. .!:. K. ',1.1 . w s . K. 2 t... iwitrrtn. Ilii (u : ti Amerleiit M.ittirnjteeotupitiy of arntlnul, llmlip.l-v'.l. .V . , ore- l-.'-N. Y A V.. k.ilN v. i; of . ( i. n.! W. 'j.,t K. w. of . ii. r t . k. i v.su ivttM. V!ittof inoritf .,e t. lit 11 2J An.rtenrt M irtif 'i: cnif oiv . f n ir'.mil, llintifl-vil )..ptarr i I. i"S K 'i of ?4 mot .iri nl ice !. T 4 K. I K nte I I , Hii mm, Vnltie ol luurtrfig, 4HI; tix AiiK'rieoi M "rtui:c enmnniy nf n '.hn'l, llmlte'l vol M.. r"tr 7i S K ijioe 10, K. i. met S W . I. lit tn.l W . ,if N. 7 41 w ',4 ne ii. t. a a . it. 1 w, 3.K acrta. Vibmof livroiii.'' tA Ht M 57 Atilx'tl. K"lH-n- vol. J i.ieo S7- P.. 4 of W t ol for. 11. tmi K. K. "i of S. W. nn-l W !.! S. W. ,MC l I. 4S.K. 1 K, lnuarn-,. V il ie of mert'-'je'll); Itx . . .. Allicy. IVn. ptrt mi-. 9, 10. l'i an4 1. T. 2 H , K. a V... M ,rei-'l. U. ft 171. Vilnnol in.Ttwipi-l-'OI; I ix Allkv c. A . : tnd i. T. IH.k.lK. 1 iere mul II rl "l. S., pf. 4 . Vibm ol in, rt ire !i; HX . . An t -ri'in. l.m K l.olN. f. '.tf I T. 4 8 . K a K.-vM N . pi! IU Vtlueul aiorlf nx Itn; I x Aii l. ri .n. I.trn W . U ol S K. i. mel E if 1 87 I ill 4 CI 1 U t, N. Ml. . l'i r. K 3 l.-v.J. . . f ' i Vt:.u ,',i,. .. 'MIIW 1 ' 174 Aii.i-n.n'.t l: a -f N '' T I f of mer-rvrt ll'i": I 'X .. . . 1 DJ IIvIhc Willi un iurl of KotnTt Mr-ire D. L. (.'.. nii.l f"ri ol J. M. M.tr pltim vol. K. i"e 4- si. i. a., k. t k . us ft'T.-i. iue of 01 .nuxt. Itli; MX 87 II'-kur, M. M -v.. I. M. pole .2-ei. II, T. X s . II. l W T.i trrei. V ilm nf rji -rtx i lITi; tt , IM Brn-k. Joliti vol X. --er Zttrc X4 mi J 8. I 4 tn t s . ( I t.. v) m-rei. Vtlutut m tix e II vi, I n Jal, Prn Uiril ( n tro. I fwx tViT Mllwati kit- M-K-k 4J. Value el m rl'iKt It ..- 4lV Hiker. J uii'-ve I., nine 7-i'trt II. L 0. ol l'iilltl. Ke-irr in. I wilt. T. t S . K. 4 K., I'SJ m-ren. V tine ol ui.irictxe aljO. 1 ii I HI llttlfimr K . Iiru' ln. II . mi'l t. tl'irm, A. vol L pie ll'i-ni-i-i. W in. I 21, T 3 .S., K. 1 v , :ti7 "7 lo) nertsn. Value ot laurt (iteil.vu. I tx ;n 05 Hniiki. Ivulu A. vol. II, pt j7l i. 4, T. 4 n , K I 40 aereft. Vlu uf mort Xtsr I J. I tx ... W IWrnnnl. u. M vol. J, xe put i( fc. j T. 1 s . il. 4 K , itsl acrra. Value of iii"rix iijf l'3'.'i. (ix 4 9C lliirliier. .llen vul. K. mit inj pirlol w-c. ZK 1 . t a . K.4 K., ii.il ai-ti. Value of ntottx its J;'.ji: t ix i C7 11 irlew ii. ti . n-. i. 21 n. , T 1 .. R. 2 E..S4 71 H)0err-vol N .pigoSM. Value of iiiorl ore l-Vi; lux 4 67 llr tjv J ttiiL-n. S. V ' , ee ST., T. 3 S . K t K.. nil seri'i vol. N, prtjje Hx'i. ValtMtif liiorlKixe I.T.t: Itx ... 0 14 PtiMiie. li.trve, p irt el P. 1.. I,', r.f HovvnM gie. ee. It. T 'i . K. 1 K. M artvt vul. I. )..ic 111. Value ot ni'.rtc'ir.' li; tix ..2 67 Hoik of Prl'.lih North Aiurrlct. Oroijoii ( llv, tut . block 2 vol. t,pte4li Value of m..ruiti;i I.; t; In , ... . ... .107 62 llftriMfX. il. 1'.. Imp. N. K. H 12, T. 2 , K. 2 K., lim anrra vol. It, li! '2S Value ol niiirlKiuf KX1; I n .. .1122 Purxc S lot" . nn ! ti mul K. W. V4 of . W . t4 ee ja, T. a a., 3. K.. 6.1 at-rc. vol. I'. I'tse Value of at .Heme 1.U: lax 2 SI llt-mon, J0I111, i'.. W of N. W. mul S W li of N. K. i-i see. t, T. 1 S , R. i .., IJOnpreJ ol. O, pa e '.MO. Vtlluo of raortyits 1-113; lax 1 Ol llfinon. LIiitIIU, . ot N. K. H unit S. l of a. V.. ' tee. , T S.. H. S V... im arte vol. N. nnae IS. Vnlut' of morlu tv totxH I IX 5 61 Hell. It., K ' j of J imea Wnltlaitp W, U C, neei. 1 and 42. T .1 S., It. 8 K.. 1 .;l vol. il "tine 4. Value of uierii! 'JU; lix . . 3 4J Delkntp it limn an.l Kfiineitv Broi., K. W. . I, aee. 11, 1 . 4 ., H. K.. 1"1 S iiio ncei vol. (I, iiB V.l Valuo ol uiorig.isc tin; 1.x ... 4C7 Chnmhern. lllehirl vol. N.piico 1"2 ptrt ill 1) L. 0. of Seih l'.ilm Uer, T. 8 II. 4 K., au eerwa, Vnlueof innrtx'xe I'm; ux , 91 Collln. M iry Anii-vol. S, inse I in pirt , of twfllon 2. I. 2 H , K. '1 t., Ill arre Vitltittnf morta'iae InS: (ix CrUawell, Kvillnt'. irer"ii l ltv. l"t t n.t 'i hl.M-li :mvoI 11. luce 4110. Vdlue til morix'te 171; ux 1 40 Crow, Jo'li. pari of mux elnlm, lee. I, T. i ., K. I K., KM aerea-vol. li. p( W Value of mortxixe Ilin Wi x i M Cherry.j. ll.,v, T 4 S . It. 4 S Sil acre, , rhirlii.il J W . lot 1 lil.x k l-Tul. U. nave 67. Value of iiioitK'iire (JTIS; txx IS ("rtiokuli ink, ana 111. lirexon I II y. Iota T-s bl.K-k Is-rol 1 1. Dixe ln7. Value et tiinrltf ixe IIK), rtx . . T 4H Clirliil inann, (I. C , fnrttnm! pirt of On, Willi li. L. I'.. T. 1 .. Iv 2 F... 17 mi UX) acres vol. b. Dixa ins. Value ul Inorl- ii 17."i; lix I 27 Cone, (). II vol. N, luxe 121. V iilu ul moriR iiit'l'i'iO; tix . 4 "7 Drill, Wm, N K. of 8. W. ami 8. B. ti ol N W 1. are SI. I'. X ..k. 1 K. Vi4. 1. pixeiOT. V tlue ot iiiorik' isi 11; tix 133 Pi'Hini.r, Vt m. II. vol. M, 11 me 4:14 ptrl of uiullvl.tivl oiie llilr.1 ol hmmIhu in, T. 2 a . K. ... 21 nori'i. V.ilue nf murti tx ll.'.lilix S M li I'l irk, J. A., vol. M. P 'e OT-parl of J. I). (I irrt'tl U. I.. (',, Not No. :..', ire A an.l , T. 2 S , K. 2 K., M ncrei Value of morle ir I4S..2; tax . 41 W lHino MorlX'e ami Irti'l Isrertmfnt I'.i., lliiilie.l, a K. hoc. HI ami 8 W. ol W. it nee. 82. T. 0 S l(. 1 If. Tn). 11, pigelH. Value nf inorli! te M; lx ... J 57 Dur iiul K . N. l ol W. '4 ol Noah Lunlierl n Ii. L. C . T. 2 rf.. It. 2 k", sil aeroii-vol. N, . paxe Jul. V tine nf morn urn (xi'i: tax 107 lUckien Joel, Ilia inullviik'i) It ol lecllon ':l. T. 2 a , K 2 K.-vol. K, Ml il Value of innrnrixe H2W; Itx MM Dcliiliniett, V 01 II., all of 1). I- C. of w m. nml M irv Colllua, aectton 84. T. 1 ., U. 1 K , aia.ai icre-vol. (, pipe leS, Value of mortxane 1 1.VS; t vx .17 111 Donalitmiii, (I. A.. . E I, of 8. E mcllon ;l, T. 4 li. I K . 80 aiTci vol. N, page 4' 4. Value ot morlX'iRe lltHI; lax 1 17 liuiin, F. M , N. of N. K. ;. aeellun ?7, T. 1 H. 2 V -vol. N, tga Ji s. Value nf mnriK'iije fi-io, lax t 42 Deinlorlt. Clirliil 111 attj wife, fne. W. ol nectloii 2A mul tr ie. E of ipcllon 3s T. I a., It. 2 E , 11X1 acrei-vol. N. pijd 42. Value of uiurt(n;uiJllt; ttu , K'lwir'I.KIIaii i)l. M.rrtK 23ft fnctlnnal . W A of , W. M of acrtlnn 20. W. nf b. I- C So 41. ami tram W. 14 'if N. V. of "'-etton 21. tj'.'lnx lot 1, iwifon 20 anl 2 T. H . H. 1 W., V.V term. Value of morlx-ic" 174j lax. , , Eilar.., E. I) , vol. M, pug 31 Value of tnortxift, ; (ax F1wanli, K. I),. unllvml 6-7 of W. U of D. I C. of X. M il trdlnx ,111) wife, T.aa,, K II ... lwi iteri vol. 0, p.ixc 1 13. Vttlue ! wrtua,e 'itv. x K'lniiui'liMiii. f;riarlca II. rol. Ipire4l2 v. W. K of S. t. U nii'i H. K . ol M. W. I 40 s ei ii " 6 CI 4 20 II 22 r 52 1 w I 4 70 5 00 3 71 4 N. W. I of R. K. I 11 11 4 N K of . I of (!.. 1. v,. T. 2 a.. K. 4 . Value ' t mortx ite l.'i,; ux K' BiniUt, W. il. Tol M paaelM Mtlwnrj- ' le, li.li I 2 3. 4 7 m l 11 la bl'ick 2.1 :!: '4 mrrtx.fe.trxi; i 1 1 . IMjii, , w. vol. I p ieu W-42 irvrlx vtHl of ,m trier tent bi.-lwti.n ripctionii 'S. -n l 24, T. I s,., ft i K., 4j aorex. Veiuti oi Jf,rt9 mi 2jS. tn ,.'"': ... . . . i". II uiiah W .-vol I pi(rr !' pari of Jo i,h Harrolt niifl rclle it. L. C, iw.tl'.r. A '1 . Z a., ii. 1 K. Value of raortf i(E 10: -tnX Uvn, Cirri". t-c. 17. 11, 15 an.l 20, T. X B . R. 2 K., SOV.I. I., ptf 322 Value of ian ! t2l; l,x Feller, r v.l N, pure 32-frtrtinnal part of Ktlwin A. llauii Ii.L.C. Ki 72. f. 2 ii., K 1 1. ,101 acn x Value of innrtKure I'i'jii; t-x Fa ir, Iliac K i jof S W i mc 27, T H , R 2 E . W acrei-vol S , pjge 47j Value of m..rtaKw VF't: ( tx Farr. Uatc, K U of a W land H. E i ol a W. 1 i,7I s F, I i,f .V w I and l"t 2-3 efi 22. T I a , R 2 K , 1: af:rea vol N, pa ire ;tSrl Value of Btortfu-e I'-tl.tlX . Fricl, io K XV MB W i; ee XI T 1 a , R. I E , 40 prr vol J, pige i). Value of mor'ff'iire I'JI; tix . . Fnut, M M Mm, a U of S H.J ami a K tj of are I7,aiiifrae N K U aec. 20. 120 arret. vol a. pne 62 Value t( Itntrtirat li''. t.t F.itita, W il II ,H K of 8 W 1 ec 10. S ' i4 f S W v, a.-e IS. T 4 a . It 2 K . 120 .-crex-vol ). page 1' Value ol nioneage 1100. tix 4 07 I 7 Crihatii. J W vol ti pajre srii . jec 20. T. lb, H. 1 W .aji aero. Value oi mort X nr f 'i.O; (nt IM 0 tti.ihin. John vul. S pice 177 ire K, 1. 2 S . R, 4 K., 140 acre. Value of mort- lue I'-T.'i; tax . 18 3 0'ieclt, K t.'i nl N F.. -;- 11, T.I 9., R. 4 t... si acm vol. paf e &M. Value of mort lire "D; (ix 4 CI tilei.uon, frtiicia, part r.f M Pkhanlioti n:i l wile 1 I. C , T S s . R E , W -acrci Value 1 1 BeirtBtxr I ), iax . 4 61 Gulia G.hv W . piriof l L C of Hiram . Sir liclu. ii'i aer.'i v!. L, pisei. Value of rnortir 'ir, in tr. tax JO &,' Garwood, J..1111 V , E U of N. F. V and N j nl . E i ce 2. T .r 8 , R IK, 1.VJ vol.N, pie Sou. Value oi mor'.X'ge t,M2; ti .. i 83 Cillkev. W F.l'ti 4 mid 6 and S ijofS. E i see 2J. T. 2 8 , R 4 K , M acrt-f vol E, pa;e4"4 Valaeof inottg.it;e.xi0; lix 10 2S II ica M F vol M pare 2"V-Kcw Erx l' ti 1 an l 4 In Mock 1 and 2 Value of mnriri;e tl Ji: t ix lei Hale, Kn(. la vol i plxr 175 r 22, T . 88,11 4 E . loO aere Value of tucrt xu'it't' tax C4 llueei. Kll i -vol E . pixe im arc 20, T X 8 , R IK , ::20acre Value ol mort- rtxr ii'. tix 4 08 II ill. II A vol K.pifC Ml pari of J M Bac.ui and wife b L C ,cer l-Vtrl T h.4,R IE and 1 W. Value oi monx tee I- lax 4 67 H"i(x JUill vol L,paee 274 partof r I. t ollton WUali'l trlie. T 1 8.R 1 K.2arrc V tlue,'.f rtt'.-f f Si'W . l'h' Iluir J i iu. part of .."t Ml.la ami l!e, Il I. C , 1 1 8 . R t E. 2' t'-r. vol ti ter, l.lnanf tnarlf'.-l R1, I'n 6.1,". Il.ore J tmea. pirt ol aec II, T 2 8 . R 2 K . l'ti i-n-i vol I., pi jtc Valued in -rs tse 11.17. lax 2 57 llainrll lUnirl. S lj nf N" E I nee 12 end b 1 ...1 8 F. '. aco 1. T 2 8 . K 4 E , I'M i.crt'i-v.il 11, pig, 801 VjIub of m irl j tec l (; t tx 1 87 Ilctr'rT J 1 nn I El-nut II , pari of The, Run U I. C . X i, S E I, sec ITS 8.R 1 K -rf.l N. pipe .11 J Vi.ue of nmrtg ige 4275; ux 7 02 1 lcrhr.fT Jo'in vol O p're 231 arc 17, i' .1 8 , K IE, pa) acre. Value oi mtltf itr -Vi. ux . 4 C7 Jcnklui Frmcti, v d M put Ml, E '.of X K and l .H 1 and 2 ixn-tlon 14. f. 8. R. 1 E.. 140:i7 I X) acre. Value ot mort- 1 urn tOjO. ux 8 42 Jacm-r. It. and Lewia. aeetioit 4. T. 4 8 , R. 2 K., 2J acrea. Value of ni .riRif c 11030 ; lax , 12 2C Joliuiou, Francla 8 , E , nf 8 E i4, ec ti"ti 9, I', r. ., R I E , vi acre vol. K, pts'elli Value ol uiortgage t2; Ux . t 77 Klnatermin. Anxuit, vol. K. paeellS, in ('rrl .1 lota S an I 6 iu luoek K oi lire. 111 l it)- and 8. E. I of arcti .11 2. T. 4 8., R. 2 K 2txi acrea. Value of in-ir'n ine H O. t tx 7 4S K'""ii'rinati. Aux'tat. vol. J. (inxe lit. part of aectiou 20 sod T 1 , II. 1 Vt , 817 7MuO arrt'i. Value ul niortxjse li.aM: I ix 28 OS Kii'UU. A E .Tuutlvldcil l-7lnteret In N.v, ol 11. L '. "f lice. W. WalliiiK and wife, T. 2 8.. R I K.. vol. u, past; 7i Value of tnortx txr (1 o. ttx M Krllv.VV. p., W. 1, of S. V I, ectl,,n 1, E. ., of N K. I, fcctlon 2 T. 2 8 . R. 2 K -vol. K, p ine 122. Value oi uvirttx 4200; tax . 3 74 Kelly. Wm. 9. W. of N. E. 1 7, T. 2 8., R. X K.. 4Uaerei-vol. I, p ore f4A Value ol moile'pe I17: t tx J 27 EcUocr, w. II.. V W. I of 8. W. I, section IS. and N. E. ( of 8 .W. . acctleti 14. T. 4 8. R. 8 V... Ml acri'i vol. U pijte 4k'.. Valux of mortxixe !S: t ix 2 31 KU'.eu. Emily A., ol acctl'iu 17, T 6 8 It. 1 K. vol N, paKo 427. Value of mort f.ixe t.ixi; tax J 74 Knapp. Purrell On. frae. W. , of 8. W. I. a. ctlou I, and X E. I, xec a, T. 2 8 . R X K., )S acrmt vol. X, piKe278. Value el wortVaf tN7; tax l'i 86 Lent, O I , et al. vol., K. P'se 88, toe Hi. T 1 and 2 8.. R 2 E . 142 acre. Value of inorla tire, tli'xl: tax , . 23 38 Lake). Joint t trill A , vol ti, pae 4.-N n-e 1 and 2. 1" 8 , It. 2 K, 14 acres. alue of muru-'cr taxi; lax. $61 l.ce. 1'atrlrk and Hrldxet, vol. M. paxe IM pirli'l H'tx'.l Uilnia I) I. C S i ill 1 crt lit. Xol t-ki. Value of mortgxce II. aio; I tx- J8DJ Lealey. Ida. Orexoy City, lot 8 lil.a k 27 vol. 3, pageb.,0 Value ol morlxite t2.ni; tax 4 68 Ltiircim. C. W ,S t,ofa W. l arc 12. T. 2 8 . It 4 K , SO ai rra vol 0, page 10S. Value of iii'irlx iKe il7. ttx 4 44 Lous 'iiceker. Wm 8 , W i of II L C ol k! l.,..tl .....1 u ll. . .... o '1 a a u . V lis nem vol. ('. pngo 207 Value of utortxaxe In'i, lax LI ti te v, Ja ioe II .part of at'cx J and 6. T 8 8 , R 2 E , Nl aerca vol 0, paxe 4j Value of merit ige IHU; I tx Llndnev, J tmea II , p irt of Vt' llcll D L C , T 8 b , K 2 K SO acrca-v ol X, pixel'.',! Value of ni"Mxiixe Hxi; lax . Lttux, K 0,1 ncrr vol N, page S.'7. Vitlue ot uiertmxe tlta), ux Mcndrnhall, E. Stcevea, X N vol I, una 2.j M (tolr4 U nf aec IM, T 18, K 4 E , lin) acre, V alue of mortf af l.iXI; lax McOott n. Chan W vol J. pue 1st tec. il, I' ii-8 , K IE, 1J0 acrra Value ol inert x iie ;i,V); 1 ix Munary, A S , li 'j l K 'j ol N W j leo 21 T 8 8 , R 2 E , 4u acrra vol 0, p iel.'3 V.inio ot in. trtxixe Il7.i; Ux . Mtumrv, A N , 8 K 1 11I 8 and 8 W. I arc (.. N ' ol N W I oo 1. T. 4 8 , It 8 K , ln4 acrra vol (J, p i!e 22 Value of nturtir ice lui'l; lax . ... Munary. A N , E. ij ol 8 W 1, und E, 1 j oIN W 4 cc 21. T 4 8 , K 8 E , Hal screa vol (I, page 211 Value ot mort f lire ttMl: tax MoreUnd. Win , K K , el 8 W are li. T 4 s , R IK. 40 aerca vol E, pago J18 Value of norttraite ;IJ; t lx Miller. V J , Mlltt ttikle, lota 1 mul 4 blis-k 2s vol, E, ptgebi Vnlua ul murU'iitu ;i2S' ux ,. McCrldy W in 8 .pirlof Waahlnxtoti I..11110 li L C.arca n, 10, l.S mul 10, 1' 2 8.lt t) A . 80 acrra vol . piaeMJ Value of mniif ' tl'iO; tix HcMihon Mirtln E Unf SRI mid 6 6 noma square In N E cornerola E anc. 17 T. 1 8 , R 1 V , no rtcrrs- vol L. I M 1 87 I 87 1 7 I 74 7 I 27 1 K7 2 So 07 2 80 P ure bp r.- v title in iniinn tfe f i,,a; tax 27 Miller. Harriet E, part nf arc 16, T 2 8 It 1 E. 2Aj acrca-vol K, p.igo 583 Value of moriK tse I t"), 1 ix t 74 Nyrrs. M irtln. 71 ncrea vol K,pm&'.ta Value of ui'irltrxclM' ttx 6 08 Miller Utiilel l. X lj of 8 E I aec 81I, T4 9. RlW.Sii icrea-vol M, pig 70 Value of inortR tse ti'oi. lax 4 67 Miller. It tniel H, p irt of T 4 mid 5 8. R 1 B ml 1 W, ,1k icren-'O' I page ,Vx. Value ol Biorivuro I'D; txx al Mrler h Frank. F. Sof M W 1 arc M T I 8 0 acre vol h. pige 12 V.ilue of mort- xaife tiff, tax ft) MiU rnll 4Iwla C" (r-HT( 8 H 2 R acre paxe (1 Value of mortgixe 7j; tax to Mitchell A Lewln Ci . tlrnltrl S'ofWtJ of S W t nee 27, T 1 8, K X F, m acrr . vol K, page :S47 Value of iticrtRage Mi tnx IV, Hcorlrtiln,.!, fnc pirt M M W.ntrV 1, CT3D.K 1 mid 2 k M ..c-ea-vl M. paire 4'X. Value of mo lir ve t-fl- tix t SO Mnrtlti, i) It, N W I aec 4, T ft ft. il a K !" ,crr vol M, page SI',. Value of a .it- eiffe tl ', tax .. 2 W MCHenxte. Jamca ee 12. T 2 II IE 7P4 acrr-v, N. page M Value of tiorl fixe t2H7; tax ... 5 37 Solliiw, M W, Oreron C'ty, lot, n1 K block : vrH V, pice 1S9." Value of mort rtx) t-"M; tix .... ..... , 1 g$ JCulf .n. S A, NllitoaI.l.ii 1 mul' 2, Wock 4i vols, p.je i-J Value of mortifije UI: t.M fki 0 Nellie. 1). part we V T 8 8 R 2 ,. $ aereii vol o, pige !- value of morlKge VO; tx n Putikejr, Henry, v.l C. t-ce 101. ee g,T r H., R. 4 K sjacrri. Value ii ruortgafe 127'.; (tx 5 u Paijiirt ami Hmllh-tol. X, tivire part of A. 1. Viekers Ii. L (;., . 11, T. S n . It. 1 F... Wacrea. Value of inmunre 1T, ux S C3 P'iict & Hmltii, part oi U LvJ.of Waller Fili ami wile. T .1 8,R IK, 8n0 aerex vol X pxire XTl Value 431, t tx ) 71 Pa1'it Jieph, vol I. pure tfe part of iM-ctioti 17 ami 2u. T 2 , R 4 E, 12U acrea Value of treirtx ixe LJi-f tir 9 3j Papiet, Jotcpli, W, i t K It 4 T VA acr-, vol (, pa il V,lu of Btorl Kce SW; ttx J 65 l-auuei, j'inepn, vol ., paxe 113, Vt U.ofa W mul 11 No 5, of tec W. T 4 H, R I K . lW acrra Value of mortgage 0; tax 11 M Pirrard. Eugene, vol M, pure 470. nndlvld ed '-gof 6 acrea, xli undivided !, ef 2) acrr rc I V T 2 S k S B, acrea Value o tuortxaffe t-t-'oi; tax tM Powell, Cii-s ii , vein tn li, page 3A. cer tirU ite44' cl lim Xo 4i;. tec 3 T 3 8, R 2E iiOacrex. Value ol mortgage tlDO; t" 1 67 Pearce Edwin, vol. X. pee 2, pjrt of aec. t;n 2, 1 jrj It 2 E.ot acres. Value uf m rt.ive l-i'at: tix .4 67 I'cikiua, Ptillip. T 8. R 4 E. tiO acre V"l. K.. r.tffe l'l. Value IliKHe lav IX 7ft Perkins. Pnnip. 8 E ( nf X E 1 and X E 01 r. j nn 1 H K J ol 8 E 1 aec 8, I' 8 8 , R 4 E-v il K, pr.ge 4tal. Value ol mortijaee -.a; ttx 3 74 Perkins J,.hu. vol L, pise 10. T t 8, R 3 and 4 E, ru acres. Value of mortgage tlii. tix ... 2 24 Perkins. John, X E I of 8 W J, eec 28, T X 8, R4 K. 41 aerelvl 1, page 101 Value ol m irti?ar M; ttx .. tl I'lnlipa, Emeii, swc 4, T 2 8. R 2 E, 28 aerva vul o. p 'xe n. Value li'ai; lax . t to Pit's M A. S -iia M 'li ifacturll.u Cn. E M of X W 1 j and 8 W )j ol X E 4 aec 3o, T 2 8 K i E. ia acrra vol O, page JJ. Value xiuu: fx .. ... 7 48 Price, lnvid. Tt acrfi vol L, page 2-f Vnlueof vorirnxe liu; ttx 2 1 rnh. f.dwar i. pirt ol D I. C .No 4-J, arc 21. 12 8. K 1 W, 40 arm vol X. Blxe 812. Value of mrtf u- 133, ttx '.. 20 Rel.i, William tol H. pare 41. sec a, T I 8. R 4 E, oj acres Va,ue ot oiortxage tl'X); lax 1 67 Re al, J u.-jih P. vol K. peer 6J6. see 20, T I . It 1 E. uriui; W ', ol 8 W 1, and lot 5 nl . Vtlneol mnrtftge tW,; tax IS 62 Ham-by. 8 M, vol 1. fire 24. sec 20. T 4 t. .. t, w ecrrt. Value uf morttrtire I .j: tn I n Raurrt, JVler, frae X Uof X W j. arc 4, T a8 villi pigel70, Value of trt'irtg ge II'.'.. tat 1 . ! U.i,ie.i pri-t. part Lot Vi'.iitcuub cltiin. c- a.. I' I 1; 1 E S acre v il ti, p tgt W. Valie 4 -en-ifee Here, (ax . "- W Ranch. I ncr, 8 W J 01 X EJ and X K i'l 8 K ', mid lots Xo 8, arc 111, T o 8, R 4 E. 1 7 ncre vol E, p-tge 72 value of mortgage fi ll; lax . .. . . 2 61 Ranch lY:er ptrl oi U L C. Xt So, secx In 17, j) and .il, Tl. R S K, nl acre. vol I, page 171 value ol mortgage 1175; t"X 1 27 Ra ich. Peter. 8 W nf 8 W sec 3 T 2 8, li 4 K. 4i acrra vol J, pjge u7o value oi m ir-iruse I- .'. til . ' t 16 It auc i. tt in J see :i", T 4 S. R 1 E. 100 acrci vol X p tga 2i4 value of murt- g ive ll.al. tn 2 80 Kainp, Suujrl. sec K, T I and ! S, 8 I W. H i acrra-vol U. p -se 120 value ol mortgixe .B; tax S 66 lienor. J, aepn. I V. ol S E I, sec 81 aud W i, of s W i. sec 82 and X E I ol X E i feeisT 1 and 8. R 2 E-vol L, I"pe li 2 value oi ui'.rtii.:rel.iO. tax 2 to Kid ill, Jvhn. X ', ol X Ir t. 1. '2, 3 and 4 arc 21, 1 3 8, it 1 W. i acres vol X, pik'r S..2 value of mortf ie li0; tlx 2 61 Rolierif in. liivid and wile, K"berton liio.-k 21 aud ;tr v.d X, pie SJ value ol moruage tlpi; tax 2 62 Randeloli. J V. T 2 8. R 2 E-v61 N, pace 11, value of morto ige tl; Ux 93 Stcinia S tniuel t vol L, pare 4.'A 8 ',' of X E b lots 1. 2 aud iaw'tioD . T 2 8, l: 2 E, l a 8a I'M acres value of nurt xaxe, t;7; lax 6 87 Smiilt. Mary vol J, pice 208, Oregon Citv, t"t a, bioek 11 vaiae of in.irig.tge II 0, t' 2 XI sneeir l 8trah vol K, p.ge 413, 8 W 1 ol sec T IS. k I E, l;a acrei-value ol mortir ir 127.1; tax 5 11 Spuer Xaucy Ann vol M paue S20, 8 'i ot 8 Iv 1 and 8 ', of 8 W I of sre 22. f S 8. R 1 r.. , leu acres value ol mortgage t :; -ax 6 54 Strolicr, Helen Lnvd vol L. page 157. In area 6 mid ; l. T 8 and I 8, R 1 E value of m , r:. ice M': tax 9 Si 8mlth. Mary A. W ,of X W b sec 21. T 4 8. R 1 K. SO acres -vol O, pagev7; value ol niortr.tge l7i; lax 27 St ln.lr. J II. W 1, oi 8 W . sec 4. T S 8, R I E. W acrra vol O, p nf, 5 J value ol niortirnge I2.a; tax 46 8tuM, W m., nee '22, T . 9, H 4 E-vol O, p age Ivv value of mortgage t22: tax . 4 23 Sltililw. W m X 1 j of X E '1 and lots 1 and 2"f sec 22 aud lot 4 of sec 28, T 8 8, R 4 E, 1 .4 acrci nil O, page li2 value of niertgige flai: tax 3 40 smith. Millou W, part of the W T Matlock li LC. T 2 8. K 2 K. 4. ncrrs-vol X, page 4ta value ol nuirtagje 1.' ); tix 4 68 Slieppard. Andrew. 8 W 1,. arc & T 0 8, R 1 E vol X. page 4 4 volu of mort gage I'iin); tax 4 67 ritrulm t) and It F Auam'ta, undivided Intercal 111 Matlis'X lariu vol X, page 4U4 value ol inorigaf e lli'oi: (ax 23 12 8lencliler, J iieeli, pu't oi li Campbell, II I. (', T 1 8, It 2 E. 42 acres vol X, page Sol value oi niortgaxo 1100, ttx I 87 St'ditr A J, X , el 8 W laud 8 ', of X W I mul 8 1, el X 1, ot.V W J. aec 17, 8 E I ot X E I and 8 , ol 8 K ,, aeo 18.T2 8. R 1 F.-vol X, page l.'7-valua 01 inortg igc ." tix 5 IJ aiirrxiiiger, John, X W sec 12, T 3 8, R 2 E. I'll acres -vol X, page 61 value ol mortgage ai, lax 04 div-ige.lt 8t', T 4 nnd 5 8. R 1 K, ,"8 acres v ol X, page 27 value ul mortgage f 1 10, UX 2 80 Thomas. M Thomix vol I, page 324. 8 oi 8 W , of arc 2:1. T 8 8, H 2 E, 80 acrea v tl le of in irtxiga fill), lax 7 07 Tiv'c.r annuel H vol. K. pigrSdli, xec. 10) I S 8, K I E, 110 acrea value of iu irt g ige ItXi. lax 1 67 lliompsen. E J Mis, part nf sic S, Tl 8. li 1 E. 8-) acres vol E, rage 376 valua of mortgage lost ( tx 9 35 Trctniiain, John, lota sand 4 snd part of Mckinley cl tiin vol X, pug 4(0 value 01 mortgage lino, t tx I 17 Tr-'xe, Andrew, W 1, of N F. J aee 10, T 2 8 R 8 K, 80 acrra-vol K, page 882 value ol mortgage 2.100 tax S 61 Thompson, 1'ell rt & Co. vol. M, page. ,V,i villi ol mortgiixc t'00, lix 6 61 Tlitiriton, E. J , 8 , ol N E 1 ol N E end W , f X K f nnd lot of sec. 23, T 6 8. R 1 E vol X, p,ge 4;.2 value of niitrlgigelltXl, tax 1 87 Thoiiipa.,ii, J I, I) I. C of John Wllholt and wile. 8 S ol N E aud 8 E of sec 30, X l, ofX E 1, sec 31 and 3 U of 8 W I arf 30 an.l X ' of X W 1. seo 81 and 8 W 1 seo 81, W of 8 E 1-4 see 81, except 22 acres of X W corner of claim, TO 8, It 2 K -vol X, page 413 Value of mortgage tax 20 75 Wvkinilcr Pelt vol. K, page 24(1 aec. 22, l''!1, R 8 E, 820 acres value uf murt-t-M. ttx 36 Wykander, Pctt vol. K. pipo 404, In xccx. 2l. 28 and 80, T 2 8 R 1 E, 2u0 acres value nf m irtg ige 700, tax 13 00 Warren. E. Welcome vol. K. page 237. aoci 17 mid 20, I 8 8, R 2 E, 40 acres value of mortgage 117), tax 8 27 Woodard. Ch irltn (). vol K, page 268, sec, 21 nnd ;t, T 2 8, It 1 K, 60 acres valua nf iiinrlgigii. ilSl tax S St Walker C iroilue vol (1, page 8,1, eox 81 and oo, T 2 n K 2 K, 100 acres valua ol morle'Re litxi, ttx t 74 Wray, J lines. 8 , ol 8 W 1-4. sec 80, T 1 3, R 2 E-vol K, page 102 villus ot mort gagil tUU. tax. 3,06 Walllnx, Alliert, nn.1lvl'le.l2-7of !t K frl H I. I' ol Ueo. Walllux and wife vol 0, pif 101 vnlueof iieirlxne I02S, lax . Will. Fmni'i 8 E 1-4 of E',olJf K 1 4 nf F. 14 of W -A. ! K 1-4 of K i, of F.U nt a W l (. rc K T4 S, R 1 F. rm aorca vol O, pax value ol mortK'xe tl'r), ix . Wade, Vt H H. ire n, T X 8, K 4 K. 100 acre, vol K, pre 1171 value of murlnge )IM lax William, C 0 T nd Crnaa, H t Tol t, ptira Hi vil 1 of mori(T.ave 11.17, Ux. . V. ark. Jacob, aee 31. T X 8, k 1 W rol t, cire m value ol mnrtxtm I1H0, lax . V.'iilii'lm, C -tlicrlne. re 20, 21, 28 and 29, T 8 8. R I w, 1 w acrra vol N, page 443 Vll'IC of inort,er0 X-.tWI tiw 44S 1 tet 1st WlnxiM.!. flenw W. S Kmi.J I Wt l aVail 1' t a. K 1 laOarna-na at.ai4 valiwet m..ri l.il- tax I It ! . 8. claim Ifo ami H R 14 of N K t4 are !. TS ft, R J K, l acwe-vol N, a I-Ta!.n it mortrift tTJrl; tn. 4 f'awt. Wm, e)l , 44.T18. K4 B, 101 aen vol IX. fawre U valw of aw.rti.iffe KTWiO; lax. . 10 M Y -mox. 1. 0-i"l . par 31S, 8 K 14 of W t, 14 m vternai 41, r u 111 , j aoraa Jua of TO.rt..' IK); Ul ,. Vohmi, Min, T 4 8, RIP, 100 ecra Vol O, ae 4'J- aliinm.a-ia- IWl; I 1 y. haD Mine, free 8 W I 4 f 8 W 1 4 nf W 1 1 of DLCatJI, mil; a"i frae W 1 1 of N W 1-4 an.ll 1. irv9 20url SO, T J8, R 1 W. 75 icm vol 1. www it- vaiaa of morttfa tfffr. taa.,,,. Yarwi-ai lira.-i talvol 5 (Me 36o value of iuorti(iu 1); tut ttr lir 171 117 Z.-tmatte. Aehinrt .! t,. pan 2Kpart of Ma tin. ftr..;i- I 1 0, T 5 8. B 1 k talu of morV 4k .ifcu; tax 1 fO W M. KN'IliHT, Sheriff of Clacktmax county, Or. l'iir1ifenU'd Food. In the stomach developea an arirl which stings the upper part of the throat and pitlate, causinij "hearthnrn." It also develonea paa which producea "wind on the stoma ;h," and a feeling and aptwaranre ol distension in that orpan after eating. For both thia acidity and swelling llrsttetter'a Stomach Bittera in a much better remedy than alkaline salts, like hartshorn and carbonate of soda. A winejilansful of the bittera, after or belore dinner, will be found tt1 act as a reliable carminative or prevent live. .Thia fine specific for dyspepsia, both in its nciite and chronic form, also prevents and cures malarial fever, con stidation, liver complaint, kidney troubles, nervousnc-'a and debility. Per-' ons w ho observe in themselvca a decline' of viior should use thia fine tonic with out dtrlay. lib Lena waa Her Gala. "Well madam," aald a fashion able' physician to a wealthy lady patient, "if you don't like my prescription, perhaps) you had better tty i'arker'a Tonic, or some other quack ctull"." "Yon don't mean it doctor," she answered, "but yrair advice may be (rood tor all that, j Sometimes what you call 'quack atnfT ia I the best and most scientific medicine, j after all." tdie not a bottle of Parker'a Tonic and it cured her of neuralgia aria-' in from u:sord"red stomach and nervea. be told her friends, and now they all keep a doctor at home in tha form of 1'iirkor'a Tonic. ! 1 SEW TlLEPK0E;&.SC0TERT. Etpense of Trlephone Sendee (Jraatly Decreaned. Some liemerkaljle Texts rvithtiut the I'ae of ilattcrles. Thn U. Telephone Co., at Madison, Ind., has devised an improvement in the construction of telephones which bida fair to revolutionire the cost of telephone service and at the same time an almost perfect system. The clearness and dia tlnctnesa' that results in the use of their telephones is wonderful. The telephouea were tried on a line twenty nnlea long, ami a reporter car. led on a con vernation which waa fur more distinct than for a few blocks with the ordinary telephones. There was none of the infernal humming ' that ia almost always heard in other tel ephones. Not a sound marred the clear ness of the conversation. The cost of batteries is enormous which would bo saved by the use of these telephones, are made tu work on the club avatera. with trunk lines and require no ex- cbunei. An the companv sells the tele phones outright, consequently there ia no exhorlutant renta to pay. B? sending your address and a postage stamp to the I'. 8. Telephone Co., at Madison, Ind., you will receive an illustrated circular, giving a description of telephones with prices.etc. The company have been in operation for years, and are composed ot reliable business men. Ex. ni20m3 TIIK REV. GEO. 11. THAYER, of Bourbon. Indians, aava: ''Roth mv.eif and wife uwenur lives toSHII.OH'S ( (i.Nsl .MPTIOX CVRE."For sale by (..eorge A. liardlnf. 2 SIIII.OH'a CATARRH REMEDY A positive cure lor Catarrh, Mphtheria. and Canker Month. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. 2 Consumers BEWARE ! There are imitations of the celebrated and old re liable J. B. Pace tobaccos.. The genuine has tha full name, J. B. PACE, on the; tin tag. Don't be deceived. You are imposed upon if tha initials J. B. are not on the tin tag. .