0 Sl)c U)tkh) (Eiitcvprisr. FRIDAY, : : : FEBRUARY 2, 1872. TOW.V AID. VOVTV- FlXB Rksidkxck. Yesterday we made a visit to tbe newly orected elegant resi dence of. our enterprising town-men. tbe Messrs. Jacob, on the. corner of .Main and Sixth streets. The building is about twenty-four feet in width, hy fifty deep, with two projections on thij north and south side-, of several feet, and two stories high, with :i basement cd' brick. In the north projection there is a large bow window. The lower portion is divided into two large parlors, a spacious sleep ing chamber, a kitchen, pantry, store room, etc From the front hall ascends a bron-i stair case, to the rooms above. "vhich comprise four sleeping apartments, with bath-rooms and closets attached, the whole containing twelve rooms, all nicely (jnished. The windows are each composed of two larj;e panes of thick French plate glass, and all the casements are stained and arnished a mahogany color. All the rooms are supplied wiili water-pipes, and all the modern appliances of comfort and elegance. The grounds are enclosed with a very handsome fence painted to porrespond with the exterior of the struc ture. .Mr. Y. 1'iper, of Portland, was the juchiteci. and .Mr ivivaria the contractor. Tbe building, when completed, which will be in a short time, toirether with the site and outside improvements, will have cost about $7,.)()i) and will reflect credit upon the builders, and stand as ait ornament to pur city. Jachki.ikii"s Paxouaua. This excel!;MU exhibition was presented, last Wednesday evening, in this city, to a fair audience. The representations and views given are ho accurate in design, and so truthfully executed, that the eve is riveted upon the canvas as soon as it begins to unroll. When everything presented is so perfect, and true to nature, it is diflicuU to partic ular!.. If we in iv be allowed to make fiuy distinction, however. Ave must men tion the two views of "Niagara, ;" the Storm at .Sea.' arid a picture entillyd, Ho turn from the Hunt," I rem Biers Lull's celebrated panning of the "Rocky Moun tains. ' These representations are not to be excelled. The views of Australia and New Zealand are beautiful and well drawn. Mr. I'ac holder gave an exhibition ilast evening, when he unrolled his I'e.'io rama of the Apocalypse representing the vision of John, on the Isle of 1'atmos. the Seven (lolden Candle Sticks, etc., closing ,witli a most magnificent painting entitled ."The New Jerusalem.' which is certainly .the finest representaiiou we ever beheld. The proprietor of this exhibition also has Home educated canary birds, which per form some novel and amusing feats. .Mr. "11. states that this ends his tour through America, and he will depart for New Zealand and Australia by the February $ tram or. CoN't'EKT. By reference to an other jart of this paper, it will be observed (that arrangements have been made to give a vocal concert in this city on next Wed nesday and Friday evenings of week, "Moat of the musical talent of the city will take part, and the management of the affair is under the charge of a gentle man whose name alone is sufficient to en sure a rich musical treat. The J! tptist Chinch has been secured for the occasion. The proceeds of the concert are to be di vided between two worthy objects. We hope the Church will be crowded both .evenings. Lkctiuk. Hev. Mr. Joyslin failing to come to time, the lecture ou Wednesday evening last, under the auspices of the (Jood Templars, was given by Justin Chenoweth, Kq.. of this city his subject, .'Deluge of Noah." There were but few in attendance. Mr. Chenoweih adheres to the literal, and opposes the geological in terpretation of Genesis, and argues for the universality of t h 3 deluge of Noah. His lecture gave evidence of study, not only of boohs, but of iv.uure, mid was yell written." We understand that it was among his first efforts in tins direction. Fimsiiko. The steamer Alice has been completed and is now ready for service. .She is the largest boat on the upper river, being the same size and model of the E. N. Cooke. Her cabin is small, yet plenty large enough for the demand ot travel. She is finished with slate-rooms in place of ihe old style berths. She made her trial trip last week above Rock Island, and we are informed that everything worked .veil and that she promises to be the fastest boat ever on the upper river. A New En n;i:ri:isK. We learn that the Property adjoining the Phoenix Hotel, io this city, has been purchased by J. D. Biles ami Ben Hollad ay, Jr., from the W. T. Company, and they propose to erect u larfre barrel and tub -factory thereon. Such a factory will be of marked benefit to our town and we hope that this is only the beginning of many others to follow. There is no place in Oregon better aCapt ed tor manulactai ing purposes than Ore gon Ciiy. Ciiicioo. Mrs. Oakshett wa, ip lotpi during the week canvassing for a new book, entitled "The Ilislory of Chicago," containing a full description of its rise. progress and destruction by the great con-ll-igruifon. The work will no doubt be of general interest. Going East. lion. P. P. Thompson informs us that he expects go to Washing ton soon on a short visit. The Radicals of this county can't spare Dive very well between now and the election, and he w'.H probably be persuaded to forego his pro posed trip. Pkinieo. We hare completed printing the fire ordinance and department laws, in pamphlet form, and tbe vBe.y$"' can ;iow be mfnynji'd what their duties are. J1. White uesi-u'ves much credit for the energy he has mviiifested in this matter. Wkitixi; School. We learn that Prof Macrutn's evening writing school has met wi!h success and is well attended. The Profess..) r understands his business and we arr jUased to learn of his success. ,BM-;tv. There are at present four beats running on the upper river, and they all come down heavily hidea with produce. The warehouse in this c'.tv is kept con stantly full. Ti-km Closei. The term of Mrs. M. C, Athey's private school closes to-day. Mrs. A. has had quite a full school, and we are informed that her pupils have made good progress. Broke. Tlu Senator broke some part of her machinery last Saturday morning, while lying at tbe dock at Portland, which caused her to miss her trip on that day. Pictike Galleky. The Fashion saloon building is being fitted up for a pkoto- ; graph gallery, up stairs. Wa have not learned the name of the artist. Ketcrned. S. Huelat, Esq., returned i home from California last "Wednesday. j """"" "aw Select School --Mrs. Blake has opene.d a select school in Mr. Moss' building, on Main street. Mrs. 71. is well spoken of as a teacher. The Sewing Society of tbe ladie of the Episcopal Church w ill meet; on next Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock at Mrs. K. Clark. IlEi.iGioLs. iiev . Mr. Roberts, of Tort land, will preach at Ihe M. E. Church, in this city, next Sunday, both rnornin"' and evening. The State Horticultural Society will hold a meeting in Portland on next Wed nesday. General News Item3. The Japanese Embassy has started East. Affairs at Versailles are threatening. The verdict in the Wharton case w,s, ' Not guilty." Fears of trouble with the Piute Indians are entertained. llelmbold's store in New York rt in the hands ol the Sheriff. - A II avana. Cuba, dispatch says small pox is epidemic there. The Em preys Dowager cf Brazil freed all her personal slaves. I lead letters contained the sum of three million do'lars last year. Mayor Hall announces Lis intention or soon retiring from ollice. Russia Ins recently organised fifteen thousand public schools. There have been 309.000 Coolies intro duced into Cuba since lfe'17. Thct faction ppposing Thiers and tbe; Re public is glowing bolder daily. Samuel S. Wingard has been nominated U. S. attorney lor Washington Territory. A report is current that Bismarck is preparing lor a new invasion of France. Helen Josephine ?.lanfield was hooted by a mob ou her arrival at Boston, lately. (ieorge Bolts, the murderer of '-Pet' Tlalstead, was hanged at New York on Friday. A slormy scen followed, the reading of the decree at the dissolution of the Span ish Cortes. Schamachi. a town of Asiatic Russia, was destroyed by an earthquake a few days since. Col. Narman Eddy, Secretary of State of Indiana, died in Indianapolis on the 28th ultimo. The San Francisco tug. Joseph Ray mond, was almost destroyed by fire, on Wednesday night. A street Sprinkling Company, witti a capital of $20J.()00, has been incorporated in San Francisco.. The message of the Governor of Ohio states the interest beariuj: debt of the State at $8,!Joo',211. Illinois has nearly 0.000 miles of rail road in operation- more than any other State in tie Union. The total number of deaths in Philadel phia last year was 1 G,J0;, of which I,i7i) were from small-pox. Fifty thosand dollars have been appro priated by Congress to defray the expens es of the Japanese Embassy. The death rate of New York is greater than that of any city in the Union with Ilia exception ol New Orleans. The apportionment bill, as it passed the U. S. Senate, fixes the number of members of the lower house of Congress at Attorney General Williams is said to oppose, the admission ot Utah as a State. In the Utah House of Representatives the At New York the Turf Board of Ap peals decided that Goldsmith Maid was entitled to the record of 2:17 at Milwaukee. The Protestants in the City of Mexico have a larr.e and elegant Church called San Francisco, which will seat 4,000 per sons. The nw arrangement, by which post masters are to redeem mutilated currency in payment lor stamps is a very great con venience. Leading members of Congress say there is no probability of Hie admission of Utah as a State, she not having the requisite population. A bill has been introduced in the New York Senate y seating the office of every Dhector of the Brio" Railroad, and order ing a new election. The Court of Appeals has sentenced Victor Place, late French Consul General at New York, to tvo years imprisonment and a One of 2.U00 francs. An arrival at Liverpool brings the re port that the ship Alvora. of St. John. N. 15., was destroyed by lire tit sea. It is feared all on board perished. President Grant has appointed four la dies since he has been in the White House, to the higest grade of postoGices, with salaries ot SI. 000 per annum. TJ;u Statement that Sir Samuel Baker had perished in his present, journey to the Nile is contradicted. Later intelligence represents him alive and well. A terrific storm visited the British Isles on ihe night ot the 2 lib tilt. The Parlia ment building. London, was somewhat damaged by ihi? torrents of rain. The California Legislature has passed a bill granting a pension of one hundred doll us a tnonili to James W. M tfr.shail, the discoverer of gold in that State. A Washington dispatch says lion. J. R. Dviolit'e is iu that city, and is confiident of the success of the new movement in favor of Trumbull for the Presidency. Nearly two thousand mile:; of irrigat ing canals h ive beeii projected in Califor nia, which, it is expected, will protect ten million acres of land from drought. The first deposit has be.en ujade by Mace, at New York, which LTBaldwin is asked to cover for the fight for $2,000 a side and the championship of tliL world. In the report of the Civil Service Com mission the word "male- nowhere occurs: that is to say, the competitive examina tions for clerkships are opea to women. The Congressional Sub-Committee of Ways and Means propose to report a bill allowing material used in the construc tion cf Iron steamships to be admitted free of duty.' Brick Pomeroy has been sued for $25. 000 damages for breach "cf" promise of marriage by Sadie Wilkinson, of New Ha ven, charging that he promised to marry her in IstiH. r ' Spanish Bourbons have agreed to gup port Alphonso, son of ex-Queen Isabella, for the throne. The Duke Montpensier is to assume the Regency until the Prince reaches his majority. J Among the bills recently presented to ' iuc- uviMumrt! at .-ioanv is one propos ing the removal of the Presidents ot the Irish and German Benevolent Societies from the Comuiissioners cf Immigration. An army officer, writing from the Texas frontier. January, says be" has j.l5t return ed from tbe interior of Mexico, where he found the people most unanimous for im mediate auuexatioa tq the United Sta"e - 'lUMrssrsarr, 25223Z3332 The Methodist Episcopal Church for the year just closed, reports the entire mem bership at 1.22f.240. and probations 189, S75. being an increase of members of 56,' 141. and a decrease of probationers of 4. ma. ' ' There are 212 permanent brick and stone buildings in course of erection, in the" burnt district of the southern' Division of Chicago, covering a total street frontage or 17,71o fuel, cfr about three and a half miles. A New York Trihun special says the movement from many quarters to favor Henry Wilson for Vice President is assum ing considerable strength. The same is true in regard tq the use- of the name of James T. Wilson, of iosva. The ex'ensive works of the St. Louis Brass anil Hardware Manufacturing Com pany, the lime and commission house of Hetbel t Co..' and the tobacco factory of Morgan & Pof'el, or St. Louis, were burnt on the 28lh ult. Loss, $162,000. Geo. W. Watson, of Williamsburg. N. Y-. was shot dead in his own establishment on the 20"th ult,. by Mrs. Fanny Hyde, IS years of age. wi;q say's that he has been in the habit. cf insulting and accusing her of unfaithfulness to her husband. The long expected completion of the Dutch Gap Canal is announced, and last week ils practical benefits were success fully attested by the passage through it of the steamship Wyanoke, the largest sea steamer running out of Richmond. A party of speculators who failed to fiad the pirate treasure planted at Cocos Island have decided to form a communist free love colony, on the model of the .One ida Community, of New York, in Santa Barbara county. California, where they have purchased lands. Harry Meiggs recently sent an order to his' agent 1:1 San Francisco for five first- class American civil engineers, to ue em ployed in the construction of his railroads in Peru, at $.300 per mouUi and expenses paid, but was unable to obtain them, and was compelled to seek them in New York. Postal Agent Barstow telegraphs from Ogden saving that the snow blockade on the Union Pacific Railroad is more severe than ever. The passenger train which left Omaha two weeks sinee is still four hun dred and eighty miles from Ogden. and there is no piospect lor an immediate change for the better. A plan for a republican revolutionary uprising has been discovered over the whole territory ot the south of France. Tbe movement was held ready for imme diate commencement in case of Thiers' resignation of the Presidency resulting in the appointment of Due D'Aumale or Mac Mahoti to the chief executive authority. Tbe Statistics of the EpiscopalChnrch for the past year are as follows : Bishops. 51; clergy 2.SD8; baptisms. 2S.-103; confirma tions. 24 12 4 communicants. 224J'Jo; mar riages. 9,('DS. burials, 27.791; candidates for orders, 412; ordinations deacons. 524; presbyters. 1 10; Sunday school teach ers, 24.41)4; scholars, 22S.UD0; contribu tions S5. 544,574. Committee to express the sense of that body on the veto message cf the Admission Act, reported a resolution that statements in the message were injurious, false, and a direct insult to the people of the Terri tory, which was nnanimoiu'.y adopted, to take the place of the vetoed Admission Act. This is ralher rough on poor George. alias "the bueejeer, Tbe little steamer Mary Taylor sailed from San Francisco, on Wednesday, for the coast of Ecuador, conveying ail the apparatus for the recovery of the treas ure that was sunk on the Spanish figate. in 1&02. Captain Parker, who recovered the treasure from the Golden Gate, and an experienced party of divers and sub niar ine workers go on her. Prominent Gentiles of Salt Lake charge boldly that part of Attorney Pates' mis sion to Washington is '.o effect a removal of Chief Justice McKean, Judge Strick land and Gov. Woods, and further, that the Mormons have secured Pates' influ ence entirely against any further prosecu tion of Church leaders, and for the imme diate admission of Utah. A special from London says an impres sion prevails that the Geneva Convention will necessarily disappoint the hopes of its friends in the end. and prove a failure. If the Conference should decide in favor of the American claims no English Gov ernment would accept the result; no Par liament, vole the money; hence Govern ment would stop proceedings. The mail steamer from Rio Janeiro brings news of a terrible steamship disas ter to the America, plying between Rio and Montevideo. While on her trip to the lattf r port, on the night of December 22d. s'.ie took fire and soon burned to the water's edge. A large number of passen gers were on board, of whom eighty-seven were lost, being either burned to death or drowned. Ax Oi-'Fkk. We will give 10 any yoasg lady who will get up a club of fifteen sub scribers to the Enterprise, before thj first of January, and pay in the sum of $o7.50. $15 worth of Messrs. J. L. Peters' new music, the young lady getting up the club having the privilege of making her own selections. Here js a cLance fcr some young lady to get enough music to last her for a few years. We will also furnish Peters' Musical Monthly for six months to all who will send iu three subscribers with the money, or for five subscribers we will furnish them the Magazine for one year. There is not a young lady in the county, that plays or sings that should be without this musical work, and they can easily get ttiis number of subscribers. Send in the names at once, so yQU can commence with the new year. Mketint, of tiik Oregon State IIoiiti (Xi.TfR.vh Society. A special meeting of the above Society will be held in the ciiy of Portland, on the 7th of February, at the office of Ladd it Tiltoti, commencing at 11 o'clock a. rrt., for the purpose of ar ranging a premium list for the exhibition to be held iu conjunction with the State Agricultural Society, next fail, and , to make arrangements for holding a Summer exhibition iu Portland during the coming season. A full attendance is earnestly solicited. A. U. Smnxv. Setry. An English writer advises young women to look favorably " upon those engaged in agricultural pur suits, sssjgjnng as one reason that their "Mother Eve married a gar dener." He forgot to add that in consequence of tire match the gar dener lost his situation. A little boy, on returning home frpm church, was ked by his mother to give the text. After a thoughtful "pause, the little fellow replied, "I don't hardly remember, but it was something about a hawk between two pigeons. The text W hy halt ye between two opinions." et. A hat can be wetter than a woman with a cataract in her eye, a waterlal on her licad, a creek in her back, forty springs in her skirt? high-tied shoes, and a notion in her head ? ' 4 LIU I. MJlf". jczjct: Religious Services. St. Pauls (Episcopal) Church, the Rev. John W. Sellwood, rector. Services on Sunday at 10h a.m. "and 7 p.m. Sunday School "and Bible class at 2 r. 1st ConaTcgatiotinl Church. Morning Services...... Sabbath School,. Evening Services Hey. E. (Jerky, ... .. Scats Free 10. . .12 o'clock M. t o'clock. Acting Piistor TKAYEK MEETINGS. Sunday evening, 5 o'clock Tuesday evening 7 o'clock. o- M. E. Church Seats Free. Morning Services, 10.30, Evening Services, 7 o'clock. Su,IAI. "MEKTINGf. Class Meeting following Moitiing Sc-rvces. P-raver Meeting Thursday cvniiitr 7 co'clok. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock P. M. Oregon City Prices Current. The following are the prices paid for produce, and the prices at which other ar cicles are selling, in this market. : WHEAT White. bushel, $1 25. OATS ij bushel. 75 cts. POTATOES bushel. SI 00 cts. ONIONS '"ft! bushel. SlO0(Sl 50. FLOUR ' bbl. 67 (J0?(i 50. BEANS White, fl lb.. 47;,5 cis. DRIED FRUIT Apples. "fi lb.. 5(-?,d eta. Peaches. .1 lb.. Disc: Plums, IT. G cts.; Currants. fl To., 102() cis. BUTTER 1 lb.. -(Ty40ctq. EGGS " dozen. 40 cts. CHICKENS dozen. S3. 1 SUGAR -Cru.i- -1 ft) . 20 ctg.; Island ? lb.. 15 cts. : "-. too r V ( :s. o.; San Francisco refined. rfl 1T . IG.? cts. II . " - V -' 7 " TEA Young-Hyson,-- lb.. $1 50 ; Ja pan. lb., y0ei 25 ; Black, 5k, 75c. $1 uo. COFFEE J lb.. 23frt2- cts. SALT lb.. 1 .($ k cts. SYRUP Heavy Golden, "Pgall.. $1 00 : Er. Heavy Golden, "ji gall., SI 25 BACON Hams. lb.. 14 cts; Sides, 14 cts. "(;. fix; Shoulders. 7 cts. LAUD "ji lb., 14 cts.' OIL Devoe's Kerosene, call.. 75. Linseed oil, raw. gall.. S1 50 : Linseed oil, boiled, "jj) gull., $1 50. WOOL lb., o5 ets. BEEF On foot, 7 6?,S cts. 'ft lb. PORK On foot. 78cts. K SUhf-JP Per head. S2 0(TA$2 50. HIDES Green. 124 eu ; Salted. 8c -Bib.. 5c. ; Dry.ti lb. A Grand Oovckrt of Vooai. ijisic! A Concert of Vocal Muio will be given in Baptist Church, on Wednesday and Fri day evenings, February 7th nnd 9th, with a change of programme on the second even ing. Doors open at 7 c'c loc!: ; Concert be gins at 7 J. Tickets for both evenings may be had at the Postoflicc, and at Mr. Myers' Store. Admission for on evening, o0 cents; Children under twelve years of ag.', half price. A choice programme will be offered. Feb. 2, 1872. A Hi-ant iful Woman. The percep tire faculty of women is unusually keener than the same phrenological organ in men. Women know that beauty rather than geni us is worshiped by the sterner sex. A man may talk with his lips of the latter to his lady-love, out the. Keenness or ijie woman Knows, that he is thinking of the former in his heart. All women have an innate desire to pie. tse their beaux. They are fond of ad miration ; hence one of their longings is to be beautiful. The grand secret of female beauty is health' the secret of health is the power to eat, digest and assimilate a proper quantity of wholesome food. Take Vixeoar JUtteks. !t. will cleanse the stomach, tone the vital organs give a perfect digestion, purify the blood, clear up the complexion and produce a state of mental and physical electricity, which gives symmetry of f;rni, blight eves, white skin, gloss)" hair and a genuine type of female loveliness, which no cosmetic can compare with. - ' Dr. I. Y. Pierce, of Buffalo, X. Y., sole proprietor of Dr. Sage.s Catarrh Remedy, whose name is printed on the wrapper of the genuine, ha.? for 6v'r three -yeais o'f re.l through nearly every newspaper in the Uni ted States, a standing reward of ."ot) fir a case of Catarrh in the head which he cannot cure. Ttiat ha has treated thousands of cases and had no claims presented for tlu reward, from any one who lias made a thor ough use of his means cf cure, is strong and conclusive evidence that lie possesses sure means of" curing this loathsome disease. The Catarrh Itemedy is sold by nil druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of sixty cents.' The Almanac Publishers complain that their business is destroyed by Aver' s Amer ican Almanac. The people prefer it to any other, the Farmer's, Western, Southern, or the numerouA local almanacs when they can get Ayer's. It supplies the best astronomic al data, weather and jokes of them all, ami above all medical advice which is invaluable lor every family. It is supplied gratis by the druggists, and should be preserved for constant reference and use. e are sure that no g.'od housekeeper or grandmother goes willingly without one. Anti-Slavery -Standard, X. "I. Use no other preparation but Hall's Vcg Siciiian Hair Renewer for improving the growth and restoring the color of the hair. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, REAL ESTATE DEALER. Ofiieo, ?". G-l Front Slreet, PORTLAND, - - OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable localities, consisting of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS and JJ LOCKS, HOUSES and STOKES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Corresnondents, in this CI TV and throughout the STATES and TERRI TORIES, with great care and oil the most ADVANTAGEOUS TL'RMS. TIOUSES and STORES LEASED. LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. And a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFTCE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the STATE, vil re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY' and forward the same to the above address. Peb. 3, 1872. Kcliecca Decree Lodge o. 2,I.O.O. F Meet on the Second and Tourth TUBS DA Y EVEXLXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. Oregon Loflgc Xo. 3, I. O. or O. F . Jleets every lhursay even r. . . . . - All r 1 1 ing at O C10CK, I" wuu reiiuw a vrsv TTaii Mam s eet. Order are iuvited to attend Bv order. AGENTS FOIl THE JENTEUPRISE. The following persons are authorized to act as agents for the Exeerprise : J. U. Baltimore, Portland. Oregon. Thomas Bovce, San Francisco. L. P. Fisher, " " t Hudson & Menet.4l Park Row,New ork. Geo. P. Lowell & Cc, 40 1'ark Row, New Vork. , Abbott & Co.. No. S2 & S4 Nassau street, New Vork. ' " . Hud-"n, Mcnet & Co.. Cnica-o, Illinois. Coe. Wethcrill & Co., 007 Chestnut street, rhiladclpLia. JInltnomali X.olse Xo. 1, A. F". ami J A. 31. Holds its regular enmmunica. V-tions on the First and Third ttatur ffday in each month, at 7 o'clock from the 20th of September to the '2"th of March, and 7i o'clock from tbe 20fli of March to the 2-Hh of September. Breth ren m 2;ood standing are invited to attend. Dec. 23.1 S7t, By order of- "W. M. A Hotly anil 31) ml Disease. Such is dyspepsia. The stomach and the brain are too intimately allied for the one to suffer without the other, so that dyspepsia and despondency are inseparable. It mxj he added, too, that irritation of the stomach is almost invariably accompanied by irritation of the temper. The invigorating and tranquilizing opera tion of llostftter's bitters is most power fully developed in cases of indigestion. The first effect of this agreeable tonic is comfort ing and encouraging. A mild glow pervades the system.the chronic uneasiness in the re gion of the stomach is lessened, snd the nervous restlessness which characterizes the disease is abated- This improvement is not transient. It is not succeeded by the return of the old symptoms with superadded force, as is always the case when unmedi tated stimr-.'ants are tven for the complaint. Each dose seems to i'mpart a permanent re cession of healthful in vigoration. But this is not all. The aparient and anti-bilious properties of the preparation are scarcely s-icoiidary in importance to its tonic virtues. If there is an overflow of bile, the secretion is soon brought within proper limits, and if the filary organ is inert and torpid it is toned and regulated. The effect upon the discharging organs is equally salutary, and in cases of constipation ihe cathartic action is just sufiiciei't to produce the desired re sult gradually and without pain. The lii ters also promote healthy' cvapointion ironi the surface, wh th irf pai tieub rly desirable at this season when sudden spells' of raw , unpleasant weather are apt to check the natural perspiration and produce congestion of the liver, cmghs. and colds. 1 he oext st tfi guard i',;a:ni-t ail diseases is bodily vigor, and this the great Vegetable Restorative es pecially promotes. Bfew To-Dn.y. i; 1ST OF LETTERS REM AIXIXG IN the Postoflicc at Oregon City, Feb. 1. 1S72 : Austin' Lilly Miss, Blossom, James W, Brown, Jofcu T, Baker, C N, Conner,James Master, Carman, A, Carter, Samuel. Calahan, Christina, Elsmore, Win H, Hearn, Fannie Miss, Hart, Abner, Lature, Agnes Miss, Morgan, das Peter, (2) Newman. Carrie Mrs. Piunimer, ) I' S, S.'ieppard, Rolin, Saw-ford, Alice .Miss, trong, Jane Mrs, Tong, Nanev Mrs, Wright, F A Miss, Gurley, Lizzie Miss, Hearn, S J, Ilcuibree. Maud Mrs, Marsh, J W, Martin, Win M, Pavne, Thomas J, Philips, Ella Mrs, Scott, Jacob, Seeiv, .lira J, Shuck, Ilarvjv, Taylor, Wm, " V elch. i rancis Mr. Jt called tor, please sav "advertised." J. M. RACON, P. M. Sheriff ' C5 IUi Y VIltTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED out ol the Circuit Court of Ihn Sr.-itrt of Oregon., f"V tin- county of ClaeUamns, in lavor of l,. A, eely,ylumtiii,aiKl ngamst Daniel S. Sebas tian, det'etuhoit, for the sum of two hundred and twenty-live o."-100 dollars, $-22; S.", now due, and vvitli interest :tt the rate of ten per cent. ier nu llum from the 11th day of Oetober, A. D., 1871, and the further sunt of forty-nine oG-lOO dollars, Si!) 5G, costs, and for want of personal property out of which to make the same, I have levied u)on all the lilit, tit lo nnd interest of said Daniel S. Sebastian of, in nd to the following described tracts of land, to-wit : Bcinnin at the X. K. corner of the X. W. .'-1 of section 15, T. .'J., S. 11. 1 W. of the "Willamette meridian ; thence W. 2-i chs. and 13 links ; thence S., 10 1-2 degrees E. 11 chs.; thence E. 20..W chs.; thence X. 13.77 chains, to tin; place of beginning, con taining! acres, more or less; and also the following- described tract, to-wit : l)e'inniii at the S. K. corner of Section 9, in T. 3, S. It., 1 W.; thence X. 40 chains; thence W. 23 chains; thence M. 40 chains; thence K. 25 chains, to the place of Iwyinitirir. containing 100 acres, more or less; also the following described tract, to-wit: The north-east quarter of the south-east quarter of Section 10, in T. 3, S. It., W. of tbe Willamette meridian ; and .n Saturday, the 2d day of March, A. D., 1S72, at 1 o'clock p.m., at thet'ourt House door, in Oregon City, in said count-, I will proceed to sell the same to the highest bidder to satir-V said execution, costs and aeeruintr costs. ARTilVlt WAKN'LK, Sheriff of Clackamas count v, Oregon. Dated Jan. 2"ith, 1872:w4 " Sheriff's Sale. T5PY VIRTUE OF AX EXECUTIOX AXD order of sale, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Clacka mas, dated the 15th day of January, 1872, and to me directed pursuant to a decree in favor of Win. Harlow, plamtitf, urd against John Ay res, de fendant, for the sura of one hundred and thirty seven 30-100 dollars, $137 SO, U. S. gold coin, and nineteen 70-1 Oil dollars, jl'J 70, costs and disburs meiits, by virtue of a decree of foreclosure of mortgage on real estate, 1 have this 231 day of January, 1S72, levied on the following-described parc el of l:md,seeitied in said decree and order.of sale, as follows, to-wit : That tract of land known ami described on the plats of the United States surveys as the north half of the north east quar ter of Section Kifdit, in Township three, South Raiire, one West of the Willamette meridian, containing eighty acres, 80, with all the tene ments, hereditaments and appurtenances thereof tielonujnu- or in anvwise atteriaimn;.r a-s tne property of the said John Avres, dclenduut, and ou Saturday, the 2d day of March, 1872, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, in front of the Court House door, in Orejron City, in said county, I wilt proceed to sell the same to the highest bid der, for U. S. gold coin, to satisfy said execution, costs and uecruiuir costs. ARTHUR WARXER, Shrnii of Clackamas county. "Dated JfcD. SGtb, .-.'4 School Land Notice. NOTIC E IS IIEREBV OIVEX THAT LIST .LSJ it ()f Indemnity School Lauds was ap- provcil bv tne Secretary of the Interior, Decem ber 21st, 1S71, and by him forwarded to the Ex ecutive OfhVeof Oreiiu, and is now on tile there in. Said list includes 41,280.72 acres of land, em braced in the Townships following-, to-wit : Township 1, X. 2 erst; Township 1, X. R.. 4 west ; Township 2, X". it., 4 west ; T.wrsinp 1, S. li., 1 and 4 east ; Township 1, S. R., .'! and 4 west ; Township 2, S. Jt., 1 and 4 east ; Township 2, S. 1!., 1, 3, and 4 weM j Town.-dup 3, S. It., 4 and 5 west ; Township 4, S. R., 3 east ; Township 4, S. II., 1, 3, 4 and S w.csl; Tow nship 5, S. It., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 west ; Township , S. K., 1 eu.-t ; Town.-hi 0, S. R., 1, 2, 3,4, 5 and west ; Township 7, S. R., 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 west ; Township 8, S. It., 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 west ; Township ', S. R., 1 east ; Township 0, S. li., 1, 2, 3, nnd 4 west; Township lo, S. R., 1, 2, 3, b and 6 west ; Township 11, S. R., 1, 2, 3, o and (i west ; Township 12, S. R., 2, 3, 4 and 5 west ; Township 13, S. li., 1, 2, 3, 4 and a west. All persons claiming School Lands jn said Townships, are requested to come ct fore the Board of School Laud Commissioners and com plete their payments and receive their deeds. Claimants having made no paynents, are notified that the Roaid is ready to receive payments and notes, and to issue their bonds far deeds. : ' T. H. CAXX. Clerk of the Board. Tab. lSr2:w4 Fruit, rp I Garden, Shade. 11GGS I iltdgc, Plants ! irijOIVER ASDG.tKDEX SEKDS. Apple and Crab, loo. 2 to 4 ft., $4: 4 to 0 ft., $C, 00 l'ear,Srd.extra,l yr.Bartlett &c,3 to 4 ft.,doz. 2 50 Seeds, I'eaeli, bu.."?2; Apple, 0-afro, new, bu.,12 00 I'otatoes, White 1'each Blow.Early Rose.bu., 2 00 Spedlm's, Soft Maple, l,HHi.jl; Ash, .; Elm, 2 00 Illustrated Catalogue,- 100 page, and Xew Trice Eit 10c . K. l'HOEXIX, Bloomington, Illinoin. feb 2:wS Espscial fJotice. 7"E II AVE IN OUR HANDS FOR COL- lection me notes and accounts of J. R. Ralston, alsc of the late firm of Wortuian A; Fields, and Joseph Kafka. Persons knowing themselves indebted to eitlu-r of the above persons, will please and settle at an early day. . We are instructed to collect without delav. WAR REN & FORBES. Jan. 12,lS72,tf WANTED TWO GOOD TWO HORSE TEAMS with drivers, for 'permanent work on "the Willamette Falls Canr.l and Locks. Apply, stating tt rms per day, to Isaac W. Sm'.tii, f'dineer of the works". Jan. 1' lfc72:tl THE FLORENCE Will sew everything needed in a fam lr, from the heaviest to the lightest fabric. IT DOKS MOUE W ORK, "MOKE KIXDS OF WORK, AND RETTEU WORK, Than any other machine. If there U a Florence Sewing Machine within tme thousand miles of San Fram-iseo not working well and giring entire satisfac tion, if I am informed of it; it will'be at tended to without expense of any kind to the 19 NEW MONTGOMERY STREET, Grarid Hotel Euilding, SAW FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Seud for Circulars and samples of the work. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY PLACE. Feb. 2, lS71:ly PACEFIO BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE Fall and Winter Trade. TTAVING RECENTLY FILLED UP OUR XJL assortment, of Imported Styles in Ladies' and Gcnls' Wo will take great pleasure in displaying and receiving orders from our patrons and the public generally. We have received from New York a few- pair of the Cekbiated ELl'RAT OPER BUTTON FRONTS, by which a Lace Shoe can he turned into a beautiful Button Gaiter Will take orders for the same at any time. We have the Best and Latest Styles in Misses' and Children's Button Gai ers and Bilmorals that are imported, but for go;d substantial wear there are none that can come up to our own make. e Wsirraqt them in every respect. Seven entirely New Styles of Ladies' and ?i"ises' RUBBERS. The" Nillson, Concress, Marie Antoinette, Queen's German, Velvet Front and Alaska. Liht, yiisli Durable and Neat Fii tin tr. Also, a lot of Children's Rubbers. Brini; on your feet. to woirioii. COME AXD SEE OUR CHAMPION BOOT Respecilullj', PR0TZBIAK, GILL I AN & CO., Cor- Front and Morrison Sts-, PORTLAND, REGON. Dec. 1. 171 :tf TO VOU BELONG THE FUTCHE OF our beautiful and fast provvincr State. Soon the shrill whistle of the IRON HORSE, us he comes smoking across this great' con tinent, drawing after him the rich products of the Nation's Wealth and Industry, will announce the " GOOD TIME COMING," when Oregon's own Sons and Daughters will be called to (ill the new av-enues of Busi ness. Everyone should prepare for an ACTIVE BUSINESS LIFE. Great changes have been made in the com mercial affairs of Oregon in a few years. What the developements of our State Tj-ill be in the future, is a question which depends upon the BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS of her Voting Men. Within the past four years of continued prosperity, the National Business College, of Portland, Oregon, has sent out SCORES of young men fully qualified, and many of whom are now rilling hijrh and lucrative po sitions in the Banks. Counting-Rooms and Stores of our Sta;e. S.o great is the demand for Good Accountants, that Business men have been frequently compelled to send East, for as-istance. No enterprising, studious 1 onntr Man who has passed through the prescribed course of studies at this MODEL COLLEGE has complained for want cf a situation and at good salary, too. Every faciliy is here afforded acquir ing a SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION in Ihe shortest possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPEXSE. Every student will have an ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE ! After having completed the Theory, he is introduced into a MINIATURE WORLD OF BUSINESS, which has the effect of thoroughly familiariz ing him with all the minutiae of real business. The course of study embraces' Double and single r.ntry Koolc-Keeping, Commerci 1 Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Correspon -ence. "business Penmanship; rpgular and special Lectures, Ctc.,et.c , ccnibiuing theory with practice. ALSO, Superior advantages for securing a thorough knowledge of ORNAMENTAL PENM A NSIII P, TELEGRAPHY, PHONOGRAPHY", FRENCH, SPANISH, GERMAN. ITALIAN. ETC For full particulars, call at the College Or fice. in Carter's building, corner of Front and Alder streets, t entrance on Alder) Port land, Oregon, or send for cicnlar. Address EeFRANCE & JAMES, FORTLAND, OREGON. Merch 35, 1S7L.VI K0LIDA V PRESEttt'S. THE LARGE-T AXD FINEST STOCK LX ROBTLAWD,0 OF FINE WHTCKES RICH JEWELRY AUB. - o Silverware. 33. Jli. ST03ST1 9 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER l WATCHES and JEWELRY No-107 Front st PORTLAND, Would inrite attention of his friend oni the public to his Large and Choice Assort ment of '"FIjVJE watcme, From the most Cele"rafed Makers of F.. Howard & Co.. Boston ; Apelton .V-Tracv V S. Bartlett, Wultham, Mas.; Els;in Watcheis; Jacot Self-winding AVaf . hes ; Engliih Watches and others. Also, the best selected STOCK of LA III EV. WATCHES, of all description and sivle!, which he would be plea-ed toshvtoull who may favor him with a call. " AGENT FOR CIIAS. E. J A COT. WATCHES. Fine Jewelry and Solid Silver Ware, Fancy Articles, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS- Silver Watches, of oi tic rent maker. Diamond Pins, Ear-rings an Finger -iina, Gtdd Bracelets. ' Gold Chatelain Guards and Watch-chains. Gold Necklaces, Armlets, Cresses, Locket. Gold Breast- ins. Ear-rings, Fuir-ringa. Gold Charms and K ys. ' ' 1 " Califorpia (told Rings' an I Rohmes'. Pat ent Buckels. Opera Chains. "Moss Agate Setts, Rinzs and Ci.ff Button. Wedding Rings, made of pure gold, ex pressly for that purpo-e. ' ' Gold and Silver Thimh'e-:. ' Opera and Marine Glasses. Pebble Spectacles and Eye-glJsses. Nolid Silver Napkin Rings. ' Silver Fruit find Butler Knives. S'did Sii.-er Table and Tea ."pois. Regulators Setli Thomas Clocks, Marine Clock-, Gilt' Gallery Clocks, $c. 1 AH the ab'e ve ariit les sold Cheap Tor Cash, and warranted rcpiQenttd." Particular attention 'gjyeii to rcpairin and adjusting o C hron'ouieters,' Duple ui, A erican Watc s. R. L. STONE, nov24tt 107 Front st. Portland, Oregon. IMPROVED UMiD SAWS ?.folding I:cliine, M0RTISERS, An-'l oyo v dosn iiition K ? r . V i iu"? I Li n in tr i ' J " " ? Address BEKRV .1 FLAGS. Mill supplies. Mat hinery Depot, 112 California St. San Francisco. nov24eow6iu "O REAL ESTATE EKQHAHGE 3 PORTLAND, r - CKEG0N. GEO. 1a. -cnSKlf, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND pTHEll INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovei- fiowed Lands. Farm- Lnnds sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed property. Valuable securities transferred in exchange for real estate. " r Loans negotiated op property-, and title examined and determined. Commissions solicited anj executed with fidelity arid promptness. W OFFICE Sol 14 Carter's Building, coiner of Alder and Front stictts. "'"' "' Feb. 3, 70:tf XEW HARDWARE STORE CORNET PKO.VT & STAKK STS.( PORTLAND, OREGON. ITOSTCIt JBU m Is Jiow receiving and pfu-rs for sale, ftf fhg Jowest rates, a lul tpck of O BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Mechanics' Tools, Tabic and Pocket Cutlery, MINERS' GOODS Mails, Ropes, Shovels Anvils, Axes, Etc., Which he invites buyers lo call and exanfjne before purchasing td-twhere. ""' Would invite particular attention of buy ers of Rudders' Hardware and Hon? Tiim either at VVHOl.EALl:r HE'l'AIL. lay 2(J,l&71:m3 J.OH' R. FOSTER. Xcw Root and Shoe Store. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD R E 1 pectfullv cali the a ntion of tie pidW lie to his splendid fctock CUSTOM 'S! ADFj BOOTS and SHOES, for Ladies' and Gent's wear, just opened, one door nerth of the Lincoln Rakery, Ore gon Citv. All kinds of ROOTS and SHOES epi constantly on hand, aj CHEAP RATES, and ordeis taken for the same. Jo be ma.le in the latest Mrlei at t' PACIMC ROOT and SHOE M ANUFACTCR V, Portland. Oregon: COUNTRY PRODUCE Taken in EXCHANGE AT MARKET p.to. ' AL. WHITE. Oregon City, Nov. 17, I'I- ' rrilK UNDERSIGNED WOULD CA. J. I the attention of everybody that i tenin" Hogs to sell, which will make bncon tl at Thev "ill find it to t! eir advantage to call at the old corner at Albii"bt's Hutcher Shop We are buying Pork and PAYIN; THE HIGHEST PRICE of any one cl?. Call and see. Nov. 2i, lS71.:tf Notice. 1TOHN MYERS, ESQ., IS MY DULY A U-)- thorized Ayent in Oregon Ci'v, and also Agent for the Estate ol Daniel ifnrvey. del ceased. Mi'.S! p. nARVjT.'-'" October 1, lTl.mf? 0 O O o e o O o O G o o o o O