n if,? lutf iM : b V .f TV f'eor Hmfinnlty! . - The common lot la one of sorrow say atlt tlia piniit8, they who look at the worst aide. Certainly what weul.l tkerwi.ie be a bright existence, is oftea shadowed by some ailment that over haags it like a pall, oWnring pemet: ally the radiance that else would lighl ine path Bach an '1t, and a TyJe.n at G. w. rroebfeUr.r.'ardwa.o .tor. ,epnaon,oeiarroiisuc8s or 'io-olker ""Werda Weakness sf nervous y stem a con dition only irremiaedble where inefficient r improper mean are take to re lieve it. The concurrent, experience of -aecvotispeeple who have insistently j .Kjuiun Diners la, J, Jtfcat ft cenoners entirely -aaperseusitive-ltiess of "the nerves as well as diseases sa called which arev in vited and aus lained by their chronic weakness, As the nerves gains stamina from the great c lonic jne iraiiui aisannears. the V Bitters for rnala.rU; rheumatism, biUious- ' ' Frre Storage. We will handle and store at any of oar country elevators without charge Until Jan. 1st, 1890 all wheat which nay finally be sold to u. AH wheat on atore fMUrej or acctniut 0f WBr Bp to Jan. 1 at, 1800 for one cent par bushel. In the event of parties others than our selves buying the wheat we will charge n,T fhe customary rate, which la 50 cts. per fth ' for receiving, weighing, and leading on cars ; aud 25cts. . per ten fo storage untilJan,' 1st, 1880 and insur ance' . .-..'; - ; Tauific Coast Elevator Co r v - Advice la Mothers.' j ? if., Mrs. Winslow'a konthiro- S vrnn. far children teething, is the prescription- of ,ne of the best female nurses and physi. cians In the United Slates and has been seed for forty years with never-failing O fcywi'llioM of mothers for theii .I, .- children. During the process of teeth g its value is incalculable. It relieves the child from pain, cures dysentery and "-i4 0,-iarrhea-'riPin in th bowels, and llV'ih wind-colic, By giving health to the s s , & ienil( it' re8ti lhe mother. Price 25e. per settle, i. .' , -a ; ... :." The Ft rat rftep. 'C" 'Perhaps "you are run dewnr can't eat, cu t aieep ean c tninic, an t do any thing to your satisfaction, and you won der vhat is the matter with you. You should heed the warning, you areiaking the first step into nervous , prostration ; .You need a Nerve Tenic and in Electric Bitters you will find the exactxrenedy for restoring year nervons system to. its normal healthy condition. Surprising results follow the use of' this great nerve tonic and alterative. . Your appetite Re turns, good digestion is restored, and the Liver and Kidneys rnnmt healthy - "action. Try a bottle. Price 50c. at , , J. J. Bedei's Drug Store.- r - a"; The cranberry the turkey and ' the pumpkin look with equal disfavor on the '-"Thanksgiving proclamation.' "Even the corn is shocked at the idea. ",,'.0 i Tbe Hew Dlieoverr. Yjou have . heard, yo un friends and neighbors talking about it. Yon may ; yourself be one of the many who know "7roBB personal experience just how good thing it is. 1 If you have ever tried it, m you are one of Us staunch frienda, be- . :"use the wonderful thing about it is, '.;l'h,t wh,n "" Eien a trial, Dr. King's , . i ever alter noliis a place fn the house.' If you have never used it and should be afllicted with a cough, cold or any throat, lung archest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair I ;triaU It is ; guaranteed every time, or -rn"one'refunded." Trial bottles free at J. J. Beeler'a Drugstore, , mtl-x .THJ&iLTEST OIT. i ' ' ' "jjj. Jl.Daily- Through T3ar Service has een" established - by .. the - Chicigo, i Union Pacific i &. North Western Line between Portland and Chicago via Cenneil B'uff," thus effering to the public facilities net given by any ether . line. "The Limited Fast Mail" which pun daily between, the above points, carries the Overland Fast Mail, a limi " " tei number ; of -. first-class passengers 0Cw'kbont extra eh we, and is composed r -fullroan ,Yestibuled bleepert and Pullman Dining Curi, Portland to Chi eago via Council lllufls. This is another indication that the Union Paeifie is desirous ef meeting the requirements of tbe peeple. For information in regard to this and ether trains on this line, apply to 13. F. J ONES Agent O, R. fe N. Co, Wstnn. ok to A. L. Maxwell, a. p. andt. a. Portland, Or. The most remarkable cures of scrofula on record have been accomplished by Hood's Darsaparill. Try it. Sold hy all druggist, i .. , C" " , mt . . . . ; " AH About Shorthand. This is the title of a Sti-page pamphlet lf '"ef InforBsation containing answers to al! the quest iens an inquirer would be likely ... , to ask about systems, beoks, instruction, ' laVries, of stengrDhers, how to secure positions, etc. J etc It will show " what 'yoiing men have, done at home, on farrti,-and in workibops; how from the linmblest beginnings the - highest suc ' esse ha been reached by learning this nrt at picce-meal stndy, and while pnr I suing other i,occnpt ions. The snot-ess of stenographers as compared with the access of young men in any other vocation in . Kb, will be seen to be marvelous and encouraging. The author f this system was himself a farmer's bey and learned the art wbi'e following f th ftlow. The iiifermalioti he gives in tkl nsmnhiat will be of interest and hte to every" young man (or 'young women either) whomnst, earn .their w liVms. The pamphlet is mailed free to enyone writing for it and - men tioning the paper in which this article appears. 2al HeM l4tirft.';'irYorlt, X. Y, McDaniila desires that alt pert ies having accronts with kim, to, corn erward at cut ar.d etl e V : All persoas knowing themselves., in J1ta tli nn,Ir.;r.Kn.l will tiltaUA and settle, and tliua gave i costs. ," F. M. Pault. ' Wood Choppers Wanted. 1. Plenty oT werk all viuter ' aridV next spring. Apply to B. F. 'Jans6n, on Wild Horse nriountain, sooth-east of Westen. ' . ; ' '" Taken Up. One bay mare, branded M C on right hip, w ith, sucking col.t. One iren-grcy yearling, no brand visible. One'sflddle- pony, white, branded either 53 or S B on left shoulder. The owner ef the above animals can recover then by calling at this office, and paying charges, r f All persons knowing themselves in debted to Geo. X. Reynolds, must call and settle either bycash or note,: on r before November 25ib, 1880, and save costs. I mean bumies?, ami will stand no foolishness. ',, . A. A. Walker, - -1 "--' Marshall House. BurLlua's i nlcaalv. - The best Salve in me werld for' Ctits, Bruises, feoresw Ulcers, Salt Itheum; Kever Sores. 'Wter, Chapped luiniU, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruption and po&itively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guarrnnteed to givS per fect sntisfatrtien or- money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. J.-Beeler. ; ' AND . ELECTRIFIED THE WORLD By the unnouriceioent of Jrtis safe retni n to civilization; Ilia adventures and dh coveries have been grand, wonderful, marvelous. The werld has seen noticing like them before. His thrilling adven tures,, marvelous discoveries, darintr ex ploits, astounding privations, wonderful trip across the Dark Continent. How he found Emin Bey Everything will be in cluded, from is first entrance into Africa to the present time. ; Everybody wants the new j t iCt."! ; Genuine Stanley; Eook ! , From Stanley's own writings and des patches. Over 400 of the grandest and most wonderful new engravings anil Colored plates ever seen in a book of travels. It has been eagerly awaited, aad'willbe more sought after, make more money for the agent and nike 'it easier than any book issued for ths past fifty years. ; P K TT'T'TrPT : 0!d aa(1 unreliable UiiU llUll i accounts of Stanley's travels are being published. Do not be deceived by old bowks, : je-liaslias end battered plates. We announce tins lc protect our agents and the public a'ainsi the unnr.ereus, worthless so-called Stan ley Books all of which are simply old books that have ben in use for year, and are now being offered as new beokf with a few pnges of new matter added. . ACENTS Vf AKTED Ef tEVWISI KS. Teachers, young men, Indies, minister? farmers, mechanics and clerks cn.eafi ly make from $5 to $25 per day. No ex perience required .Canvassing onifit. now ready,'-- Send immediately forilius stra'ed. circulars and terma flee, or, ti secure an ngencv at once, send SI for thf nt-fit and you" shall' be perved first. Meiiey refunded if nat satisfactory. Ad--dress . Th History Company, SI3 Markets., r. - Baa ff,ac8ice, 'al. '"' "' " ' Cne Fact. , Is werth a column of rhetoric, ; s?id an American statesman. It is a f not , estab- lifihed by the testimony of thousands of people, that : Hood's Sarsapavilla dues cure scrofula, salt rheum, and other dis-. esses or affections arising front impure state or cendition of the bUod. It also .overcomes that tired feelinc, cresles a gosd appetite, and gives strength to every part of the system. Try it. The Australian Rallot System. Tho Australian .balU system h ken ' tried la Moatina and faun J eminently practical. Its adepVion all through the states is a moro raatier of time and we sincerely hope that 'the brst session of Wathingten's legislaturn will be "memorable by its adeptiea. By this system all candidates nnme are printed oil the same tiakst, which ij marked by the vtv in a private btx, erected for that purpose in the polling booth. The veter is fereed to record his choice apart from the prying jro of Uell-dezing pelitieians, nd when hi ballet is dropped iato the box, no man knows for whom the vets has cast This Aaitralian ballot systens is fut becoming tke electoral system of all eoantries and it is extraordinaiy that it has net been adapted in the Uaitod States bsfers thi. Like Civil Service reform, however, t'ae wire pallet- do not like it, but it is bound to wia all tbe samt. M0T1CE FOR PUBLICATION. tmrf'oOW l'8ee.-Or. Jan. 8. ltX XoM.e fc bi-rbr givon tfcat thtf follow eatue !! 1 mut b-fore the County '-,-. or in hi tencc Morn the Cftvity c'erR ni inui ii.a eennTv, ac l'endieton, 're. ro!, 1", 1" 3, "i2: WII.I.IAM H. FLETC3E3, nd V". 2Si7 lor the SEi'SF S-c 7, K EJS S E i N fc" j of Sec Is, t p 4, ' U E. nc'ittSKS the Mlewins witnet prove 1 is e.yn tinuones rc.id. r.ce xix- and cu!iv'!On -f. lnu Tin Sl-eo Vun Hot- .(oiiii M. O Eirra. Je Bri.ey anil Jamc Ashwortii; a:i of Wesrtn, Oiaton Any ny person w:.odeiriH to i rotcst HL-air.st tl.e a" tVe of su-.-h irM.t, or viio knou of any ;-ii--itial mson, s'mior tlw i and r--i;ii!.ii-.:is al t!!3 InWHtie In-trior rtfcrnient, hv fcufh j..rocf sNeu d n'-t be allowed,- w'l tw r'nrm an eppori.ia.inty st ti e abotfc meiillrneil time una i!n-e t itlio witnesses t-f said cta;ina:t. an-i ta offer vi.e-c B rv'oimai ft tliat s:.bmlte-j by daiiisant. ibe fo mm f -"ji-e.A r-rf. IMXt'SrS5. A ? Bill Htmweed ' '" Wlitt. wlntereols t.TliwtfJi. Hnifd to Prove- .Ip, i. Partus lhe Vacaarr lu the Keeelver'i O flics. . On Decern ter the J2tk of last year W. M. It tone acuug coniiaiss.oner 'A gviit-ru) land oihee', made a ruling that ail. testi mony taken in Lhe Und oflicc here fol lowiag.the deatn of Receiver Outhouse was void, and thbtnew uroota wonid - be required . . wirHui t niJi.it irrcK. This riilint was addused to Register Riue art and 't was tke means of upsetting business in genera! at the office, besides it worked.Bsucb hardship ;ud expense "-n the settleis.as there were a vast tnm r of "final "notices being . published. Ore? fifiy appliciiiiohs had already, been acted iijion and the testimony reduced to" wri:iug before ; the itiicision of tiie acting i received, which knotted ail this wort in the head and caused an expense f many hundred ef dollars to settlrs. , Two : receive. 'j ' eflico stiil .Oeing vacant Rister Rinehart appealed to lion. H. .Mitchell, United t;iitefcj senator from this Male acd 'aid tlie eli tir matter before hiiu. Senator .Mitchell addressed the acting gomuiissiiiner en bi action and-ia-reply .this ollicer? cited his anrhoriiies for the "ruiing, and re commended that a bill be pasned . bv congress cbvcriug cases like the tae in question and in fact the "only one that ever 'occurred. ' XUe result of the corrcs- poaJeuuH was, the following bill has bean trained a4 is now before couaress, "A bid for tiio relief of certain tattlers on the publi?tands of the United Slates and to authorize the taking and fiiinsr - of final proofs in certain cases." Be it enacted by ths senate and litoute ''of i-. preventatives of the United States of America in conrn-ss assembled. That in rases n.iw lusfore anv of Vthe ."hind offices of tise United tsts in which there he been or is now a vacancy in either f the office? of registfsr .nul re ceiver, where lhe day set for. heating final proof 'comes during the vacancy in said tlict- and there no contests or p-o-tst. Hgiinst .a id claim, the remaining olHi-er may proceed to taka such -.reefs, reduce the suu:e ic wti;ine-, ?nd piac--it oa file- to be xaiiiiinfd and passed upon bv the re gister and receiver as '- if ttie same had been taken during any such vacancy the same may now be parsed upwii by the receiver and register." Sec. 2. That hereafter when av-eancv shall occi.r in any of tbe land offices of the United Slatts by ruasn of the death retdgiiaiion, or removal of eiiiier rcgisttr or receiver, and the time set for taking final proofs iiills within the vacancy tons causes th remaining oiHcer mav prweed to take said final proofs, in the absence of any contest or protest, reduce the seme to writtng, and place it on tiii in the office to be considered and passed uptn when the vacancy is tilled. - i. . If this bill passes it will net be neces'" sary fr those wl.o have already sub mitted their testimony to again go over the field. La Graude Journal. A Reward of Merit. While Tiberius was luxuriating a) Capreaj, an artist, who labored under the emperor's displeasure, discovered the composition of malleable glass.: and making a vase of the most ex quisite beauty, the secret of whoso con stiuclioti was known ohly to himself,.- he begged leave to present it. The emperor stood with Lis court about him, arid when he had returned the vase, which a had excited universal wonder, the artist, to every one's con sternation, threw it violently on the earth. . The first emotion in the circle must have been that the man wtts mad, the next that the vase was iu splinters; to every one's surprise it was simply a little dented on one side, aud the artist with a few slight taps of his hammer restored it at once to its original shape. The emperor, think ing that an art which could do so much with common sand and a few other equally common materials would naturally diminish the value of gold and silver and brass, instantly or dered the artist to execution. Ilar per's Eazar. Disposing of the Surplus. ' ' Blifkins, Pere (reading from his pa per)! see they have a choir of sur pliccd girls in a Brooklyn church. Blifkins, Mere (slightly deaf) Isn't that nicel" 1 knew they d find some thing for the surplus girls to do, Pittsburg Bulletin. DASGF.lt SIGXAI.8. '!f .' . . -, , -. i. ,-: :-. n exchange cites an instance!, how reasoJl i sometimes deserts Its :hrono, very strange ia some ot its a3ects, but . . tii-e more ' remarkable in iw cause; w a cause w' ich gives , warning to many ob- " s t i na ta . peop.e. The is tliat of a gentle- man, who, wliilnspfi'prl ' at his din ner-table, surrounded by his family, snrldenly became irantis, aud brandishing a cnrvin knife drove his wife and children from the house. Iu an instant he had become a raving maniac. The cause . was said to be an unremitdug pain, in his-., head, whfeb ho suffered for months, (a-dan-.; gcr-signal unheeded), whicli finally resulted -in congestion aud in ovefnraiug his brain. He " uever recovered. A similar cuse is the follow ing, which h wcver, under different treat ment resulted in saving and prolonging a life. 1 llr. Faru'l B. Shiph-r, Paragon, Indiana, writes July S-'i. 1S(, that he had suffered with pains in his head from sunstroke for 22 years, which -were cured by St. Jacobs Oil and have remained so four yeara. The final result i . Miprht have been in hi-tcase, without th'ssure r2icf, death or something worse au Incur able mania. Congestion takes place in the muscles as well as the nerves and rheuxna tism is traceable, very often, directly to a con gested condition. For instance, a eudilen, drnft of air to tbe hentcd body causes a chill , and the chill produces congestion. is '.he oUIest and most popular scientific ard T.whiinie.-il pai er pr.Misl'.prt has the l:irpe?t . cm-maiion of jVmt pnperol Its elew in the world. Kuiiy illustrated. Best class of Wood EnKrav-. nil. PnMished Treeklv. ?flttd for FpfcilKea c' - Price f :J a ve;ir. i-'oni nmntlis trial, tl. APiGHITECTS & M Edition 01 SCteSut Air.ericaa. W preat succrps. Eich Ipptig crBtRtns enlorca " llthcsrravliic pf:;tc? of country and eUy reniden 5ea or $ubl9e lailue.-. Nimien ni enmiTiiwa nd ftill p;an and speeltlcalions for the use of jueh as conttcipln' e Miiidhnr. l'rico ti-iu a year, ' 3iets. a copy, j iiCKS & CO, lX-BMgBKHH. . have had over 40 yirs I'Tporiei'ce ond have ainne ot'I l.sft)W aTr!ica:;t"-ns for rnriran and Frr- pondeiice birittiy cjnlidential. p .TRADE MARKS. . i If i In e w yoor rtiJirk istirrt recistcred in the Tat en; Hitire. ppi" Munn & L'J., ar.d procure unnieU":..lc piotect: n, ttcd for liaudbooii. ('Ot VR1KIITS for rnhs,: charts, maps, Sic. qjielof irot;Urd. Ad-irt , i HIV? fc CO., Patent Solicitor". fik.Sl.UAt l.'I'IM, ijl UiiUAiJM AV. X. 'RELIEF 1 ; ifi Jim pecatlar efHeacy la One . a3 mucli to the process and - MOTHINO ski!1 in compoiinding as to i he i-r- , the iQirrodicDts themselves, ii' Ta)t(f jt in time, n checks diseases in the onteet, or if tiey be adTooced will prove a potent cura. Ko li tMM Witlant IL It takes the p'.aco ofa ': ' ' - ' flootor and costly pro- c,.' " seriptious, Alt who lead . ; FOR WHOSE scdoutiiry lives will find 4 BENEFIT Hthe beit preventive of " " . and cure (or Indigestion,. Constipation, Headache. BUlonsness, . Pilea und Mental i)epresion. . Jso loss "of time, no interference with business while taking. For children it is most in nocent and harmless. No danger from exposure after taking.' Cures CoUc. Di arrhoea, Itowel Complaints, Feverish- . Bess and Feverish Colds. Invalids and delicate persons will find it the. mildest A perient and Tonic they can use. A little taken at night insures refreshing sleep and a natural evacuation of the bowels. A little taken in lhe morning sharpens the appetite, cleanses the stomach and sweetens the hreiftu. A PHYSICIAN'S OPINION. 1 "I have been practicing medicine for twenty years and have never been able to ' -. put up a vegetable compound that would, -like Simmons Liver Regulator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to action, - and at the same time aid (instead of weak cning). the digestive and assimilative powers of the system." Li. M. Hinton, Mu., Washington, Ark. ' " Marks of Genuineness: ixnik forthered Trade-Mark on front of Wrapper, and the Seal and Signature of J. H..eilin & Co., la red, on the tide. Take no other. Oiympia S. Murray, M. D. Fb mi rppL-iaiist. lias practictici ou. the Pacific Coast for the past twenty- hvn years. A life tune dcioted to the stua'y ef em:tlo trouble?, their causes and ctires- I have thusand3 cf teiiti- uietiUls ef permanent cures: from tlie I... j. . .1 i ' I OKsl, J3oiJ13 tut IU13 COH3T. j pOSUiVS guarantee to permanently euro any cas of feiia.ita weakness, no matter kor long standing or what the stage may be. Charges reasonable and vithin the reach of all. For ths benefit ef the vary peer of ray sex who arc 'suffer ing fram any cf th great multitude ef ailiBnts that in tiie train of that tar rible disease known as female weak ness, ancliwho are net able t pay f or treatment! will treat free of charge. Consultation by mail," free. All cor respondence strictly confidential. Medicines packed, boxed and sent by express withr charges pre-paid for ''htinm" treatment, with special direc tions for use. If you are sutlring frcui any female trouble, periodically or constantly. Address, OlAMPIA S. MuRitAT. M. D., East 'Portland, Oregon. " """ .. , Vi.Ce. .. ' ':'-' All parties wha are indebted to tho undersigned ai rcqueptod fo come for ward at once aiul set'le their accounts. I am in need of money to meet paj'ments and if my patrons will ceme forward and settle I shall be able to pay my bills. Pieai--e do not delay tlie matter for 1 must have some money. . B. J'. Pkixk. KSSS Alitift TJ-a SiOMr.STY. -WS.it a I'cicbraJcs! Artiste ITttU ouscl eiitaona Scruple SS:im to ;iy The liijrh sense of honor and iiV!egriiy whir.h has uiarki'd the life of the cele brated prima donna, MissEmma Abbott, is lamiiiar to all Americans. Her strug gle from nn obscure lifuio tlie preeminent position she now occitjue-i m the 'Ameri can sticiety, is not less known. Fron: lier earimi-t' ginliouu coniscientiotisnesK lias cuidud her at every steo of her career, and when s!u-expresses or writes a sentiment it may ne accepted as eman ating from her love of truth and "sincer ity, During her years of travel, in this country p.nd Europe she has been' inces santly importuned to write I tei-fimonials for manufacture i's of proprietory articles whicli she has refrained from doing, ai tliongh at times she was tempted t do so; for large sums of money. But her in nate love of truth alyrnys'caqie to - her rescue and she dpclined attnehiha her name to An-ast-ertiun of which she had d.-.nnf?.' ' . ' In Portland, l.r.wevfr she found 'a toilette article which sflbrded er p'eas urs to indorse in the appended honest terms : ' : Mr. Wisdom Pear Sir: I bejr to thank yon for the delijrbtfnl and refreshinr ''Ivobertine'' you so kindly sent me. I Lave used the toi'et prepamtions of 'lie most celebrated manufacturers of Lon don and Paris, but consider your "Robertine'' their superior in point of purity and excellence. 'Wishing you the unbound success you deserve, I' re main; faithfully yours. Emma Abisott. The Esmond, Friday , Nov. l:i;li. . .OUR NEW I 'Uold Wat Watch I IllaUkWa .Worth I watch in the world. Terfeet timekeeper. Warranted haary, i""' nun lid r caaes. Both Udiea' and want's sizea, with works and aaa A? reoual value. Oki ymcimi. Tree, together with our larfre each . localitr can am viumu.r uncoi JlOUtehOllI 1C. The Mmnles. aa need do is to show what we tend you to thosa who call your mends and neiarhbora and those about you that always result In valuable tmdo fVms, which holds for year when once started, and thus we are repaid. We pay all express, freipht, etc. After you know, all, if you would like to fro to work for us. tou ran earn from $2t to ftOO per wek and upwards. Address, KUnaxm fe Co.. Box 1 0, .Portlttutl, MhIuc. as the watch, am Vo. All ih wni are those put up by D. FERRY 5 GO. fa who sre the Largest pi Seedsmen in the world. ' ' M D. M.Ffrky&Co's P BeulJfui'y Illustrated, Uescripdr g 'oriCgo w-altKrmaileu FREE to ail sivPi-taDtr, r.n.i to last season's cus- 5 ton.ers. It ;t i urr tlian c vr. Ev- erv pfTv-n is:!:tT Larota, r lower F". C, OAM P1 ELIi, Dentist. OiS.' over First National Baa'i Peiid'.e tcn . ' Ti- l?t sttificial ti ,$10. Gald or Kilver (lllm-j, positive' wititrtt pjjn. fnr $!. Irrs-.-ular t-t ' KtraMitu?J. r . i " . . . . . . r.nr'iti tirrennon 81 tiie fare o' Eighteen T!rrs' XfinnTcv .It Wlii ci at von nor h in? It r con Wi'i i.-it V-OB tTie firai of next inontr J i-F.Trr.sr, h:c!-i. y '.x.-jJiEZ3SSSi era s ' ' It,-' rrxr.'r ! ( " 4 ' fy: ..-,'"r - WEAVER & S1ANFIELD, If You Want a Horse Shod, a' Flaw - t - Sharpennd, a Wayon Repaired, or Anything' else in our Line, . ; '- ? CAT:? VI ft For Weare Letamined to Give if action. WiiAVIS Ci. -OTA Pa Ff ELD, CKHCON BITMMAilT9 56 mm PiDftical Mu.nura-cf.urer of IQQTG SHOES. . PERFECT FIT GS HAHTLED. ' INYTSIBLE PATCHES ." a salt. BIO BOO WESTON; CHEGON. PENDLETON - - Boiler Mills ! W. B. CVCK8 & CO., Proprietors. Highest Cash Trice Paid for all Kinds ofGrals.: Gralias. GraiiuIcilsS. ni Self-Biss ' Flour, Always oa Mi' Cera " SSea!, Clitp Feed, etc PBXDLETOJT OREO vr. An of the SFREE 1 BESTTCI 1 aMnnil 1 n tBe woria. uur ncinuei rm ' unequslrd, and to introduce our superior goods we will srndrRCI toOKB rEJtsoif in each locality, ma above. Only tboM who writ to M at once can roak iar of ! tho cbnnce- All yoa have todom I return is to show our poods to ; those who call your neighbors ' nd thou around you. The b- pfnninif of this advertiMmenft him the small end of th tela nope. Tbe following eat gives the appaaraoce of it redacedto ltxat the flftiath pert of lt balkjt ls rnd, doable s.Mteis Kooe... ism as iieasy to carry We will also show you how, ro ISinake film M to l day at leaat, from th.-Urt.with- IntexDerience Better write at once We pay aU xpre charrJ. 1 IVq havo iha ExchsrjQ Control of M And don't have to effer a P'lz to tell thlt Oootis, for iU ths BCSTH1A2E. Eoery Son hole CHE fYltD 03E KkIF FO'Ji'BS. Ira J. Cvoiutt & Go. WESTON, OREGON. Prof. Loisette's DISCOVERY AMD TRAINING METHOD I11 spite of ftdrtUnntted Imitations which mini tho theory, and practical results oi tho Original, in spit of the arrnfmeei misroireflectatioiia br enrkma wonld4a i oomp tiUirs, andiDftpitenf "baaeattemptbtOTob" him 01 tne 1 run or n i?.wrs,tiH 01 wntcn aemonhLrate ine undoubted smprioritjr ftnd popularity of ht teexhinit). Prof. Liifiotte1 tfvdftv in bot! btte'sArt ot never tmrfnttmg is reooarnized S52!L3af.? L"eS !'S L"'nf "V??8?1" Uernorv Onlture. Hi ln ..Ti-t nx int. nmtt frAt ffivea opinions-,! poia ii part of the ijio who have act- nally uttrdied hie System by ciTTPapondence, ahomna thtt bia System iaZ only while being Otdad,not ujirrymTUR; inabu'iy uihik ctm oc Learrtsa I n a minora reading, nnnii-vanderinff cured, tkc. xorProspectua. Terms and Testimonials adT-ess Prof. A. LOlaiiT'i;, Fifth Avenue, H.X FOR SKIN DISEASES Mm CELEBRATED PCiSGS CAI EEEDY. It MllB all inflammation and Irritation, and la tbo only sore destroyer of Hiczobea and otber Ski&.' Parauitea. r . . Vufndy. Price, 25 cents a Box. t.HC '- " run "Y.rn rS '(rSS.tf Blfl58r mmmmmm JK s la t t 9 j s,SP mBBB nm m m w MONEY TO LOAN, No dr lavs'. Long tin: itfe j'rivilcft of paying off iu shtirt tisifi. laiara&rc and Bcal' Estate JLstaU. First Kaiional BaBk Bnililirp, - f . S3ST3"r5Eii3ElS?ie323a", OK. H,B. NELSON:' XPRRCTICAL : My WESTON BRICK are earning an enviable reputation, and it 'will le my constant endeavor to keep them up to their high standard of excel lence 'J i Put oh board lhe cars? at V'.'ettcn a the lowest living'prices. H. B. ELSON, WJESTOX. OREGOX. F. M.PK WHCLEfALE AND RETAIL Denier in IMPCRTED AND DOMESTIC p p Stine House, tVn!!a VTi l!a. W. T CITY BAKERY, ' '. a Have a I Tray 8 in fciorX fresh hand-mad candies And Confectiuns. They renew their stock often, and make a specialty of having fteh goods en sale. CIiCCKJKS. Climcn t'lgars, lobarro, Cxnncil Good TutS t'reaiu Cbrme, Crackcra, etc Frcsli Bread stlways oa liand, Main St., AYe&ton, Oregon BASEBALL!! -i-i-i Weston, - - Oregon. SAM J. CU1XEY, rrcprieter. . Gorxl MEALS and Clean, Cofi-t- dbla BEDS, at reusonaV rates. SAGSPLE F.C0M FOR SALESMEN. DAIl WITH CIIOTCE LJOttqeS IG AKS, Ac, IN CCNNEGTI With IIcteL Great Inglish Eemedy. KURRAVS SPECIFIC. A nnrranced tvre for all nenr.?t!8 1;mom-k, suHi aa WKAK UKiMU, LOSS of UliAIN PtiW FH. Hvntcr", Hrailo.hr. VAIV IN TIIK BACK. KKhVOl'S FRUSTRATION, WAKE FI"1..KSS, I.KrCOBIillCEA. bfM- . INAI. WICAKNKSS, In1K4vnry and goieral loss of (.ower of the K'-ncra, Wv oianar-ln either i, tatrccd by tntlirication or ovfcr exertion, and whii4i lilUnukfcly VaJu to i're matura old auc Insanitv ai:d cor.huinpt'of. 1.00 a b x or six boxes for S5.r.O. Sc-ut liy j;-'x. 11. ail on receipt d (iriee. Full par. ' "'Zt f ricularw in iaiiii lilet, aunt Tree to every -T- . ri'iiUrtant. & ' -r" WE CilMP STr SIX REt '!, to cure an case, l-'or everj' ts.0u or- der received, we send aix boxea, a-irh t - a written guarantee to refund tb . money if our Specific doea not efftc-t a cure. . - AMrea all rommucieationa tt 3 THK MURRAY MKDICAL CO 8o!a M.nulaeturerl. For Sale by U. A. K. ilcGraw, Wes ton, Oreijon. I, iiil -Mm 1 MARION COUNTY, OREGON. Elementary and preparatory elapses for boys freui 6 to 12 years. plcte , Cemmrrclal. - Kr 4'iaKfilral l'oara aad Thia J or larger boys and young menl 1 !.ut;t,,ti.,n- nnlv two V(.:.r.,l,t ia1rp,lv j one of the largest, Diogt popnlar and . , , . . , . -. , . bent palronizt'il Ol the Coast. lhe ettt atithoritits of the state recommend it nn arcotifit of its lienlttiy. IK-ntion, scionlihc advantntres and strict disci pline. ; For catalH'nes with prosonctus, lerap. etc., write to ' BARBARAS HELD, ' Director Mt. Angel College. Aft-TItt. Have bad t-nenty years' experience as Fublic Anctiopcer. Satisfaction (rnaran tced to all who may wish my bervicee at 1-2 and 5 .. Leave orders at t u office.' ' -V ' " - A. A. Wai-eke. Aactieneer. jTki:irai 1-1-1- ,vy Cnv.,T! . Gal. Bl WAY OF Tfl E Southern Pacific Companvt LUCB TUB, jfO.NT &UASTA ZODTt Quicker in time tLa " onr other r..w : . jt 1 between Portland Mild . Skh rrarrU-. I.rave fpllasd 4 p. . dally XllltOUClI T1UE so nouns. TCURJST LEEPI?CQ CAR Fare frmn Por: Und 1. Sacraweulo i4 San rrahciero. unliii.iltd 825: firat H e? chtsR, liniittnJ; Recond- - .. elaes, limited,-$55. '"' .'Bh TletrA 1. alt r.iau South , l ast via lalifaritia. . t 'TICKET OFFICES: - CoEXKB' F ' ASP FliOSiT TREWS ao. ni, vor. rirst ana Alitor &treta T - jS Poitiaud, Oregon. . E. P. EOCERS, K KOEHLER, Q. F. 4 Pa Ati. - .: '"f GOl3ff' "WEST. For Pendlfton, T"ortlanrl and all r't Eat, via. Union Pacific Ey, leava VTea ton at 6:38 . m. dailv. '-:-'- GOING EAST. Tor Walla Walla, 'Dayton, Pcmrry Spokane Falls and all Paloupe Countr points, !eT Weston at 9 :47 a.m. daily . i . Orran Dlvtsloa fruin Port and., Fr.m ban K riteo. w'n; Hl-PM. Heavhn Spar St-10 A. V. ' Steamer. Mil Bm ! SiinHav.; Feb. Columbia j ,, Hanta Rosa 1 Rlate , , . j. Oregon Kant Koray- Tharsday ' . Monday ridav Tut iiday Ktuiday Mod ncsd-y Tim company rcsorvca tli rifht to chaag. tteaat ere or aailing da; a,. - ..- . -"j . BATKS. , ) 4t. . First Claw, liiychidin; bsrtli and mealt, 6 0 8tcera-e' " j - ' - " :' lluund rip,. uuliinited, ; - .. ; . River DIvIrIob,' :, To .tKlurla.-jstcamlioatii leave at J P. M. arar niirht except Sunday and daily at 7 A. M. every day exri.pt Tuesdays ft W'cel.irgtun si,, and Tw days, ThutHdaisand Saturday at 6 A. M. tor rr rod uide. O. K. & N. bo-.ta " leave Aali St. ok .SI earner Telephone leaves ftot 0( Alder St . " "' TICKim ' To and from principal pointe -ia file United State . t Caiiada ami Europe t Elegant FaUinan gleejjers : nl wi Free Fan'.ily S!ejii:ii: car, run Throiiirh oa mx-p-c tnims to o.n.-.li-i, Cuuneil Bluffs and Kaaaaa City, without etiiu-e. ... Shortest Line, quickeat tinia. and mt elanatlr quipped trail, s vt any trana-cunfienta1 line. For fui-thcr nar.'ieulara of B. '. vttm Aaaa . Webton, or; i J C.J: EMITiT,: "' Ganeral Xanager. J A. X. MAI WELL, Cea. Fao. a Ticket Aga. . l'.rdaud Orejoa. The .Pacific Express Oo. .. -Iisues lonry orders payabl any lier i--i the "United itates $5.00 r awler 5cts. tiO.CO, 8ts. 20.C, lOcts."' $30.00 -12its. $4C,00 15.t. -30,00 20t;ts. - Lava paokagas ta W at Pauly's Jxok staro.: Express raeair-. el ill be delivered free." For laaacy Westen, Oregon. ,,,- , Agent THE-GREAT - . TBANSCCSTINESTAL- -EOUTR . Tlih , -. SHORTEST BEST AND QUICKEST 1 wo Tiirouun Fast Trains Daily DINING O R ROUTE. !irnt f.tnA i. IV. n.i...a -- -- " .-. - . - A. W 1 J V I 9 Lowest rate to tLlcse id afl ' points aa TickcUaold to all prominent point throughout ta east ar.d northeast. I u Unaa Drj.tn.ig riam Sieepitjt Cara rna thraufra . - r ., : .; i to X. Paul : To r.ast roiiHtl Pns-KenserK l!a careful and da not make mnrtaae bat be ml to t - ke tlie .xermiR.VFACiFfc r.r. - And ee that your tide reads . "-Via.SL Piial oH To avoid ' xi-ti4iii;e aid vet-toua delava occasioned b odier routes. 1 hioiwh etnzraiit alerpinjf eara are rin, on i.r txj.r. ttruiwi lull ltugih'of the tine It ith ! -' ' ta-t ' trait for St. Paul, learra Wallula Jun. ti -'" 6:Jit. . dally, arriving at Minneaop'ie at 5:15 , . and Stl'nul. :05 p. fa. ef the third da t.re . e-ii"na ;o i'nic n Depot with all taet trains for all olut. eaat, aoulb and aouthat are m:.de. ' .... Lowest Rates QulckestTime. Via Tiir-co und Ca-H.i,ue Jiiion, to ail 1U11 VM niwrui' uu-iii M"rvii- ! WJ8t. - I i W .F. Wamslet, ' Goneral Ajent, ' O. & W. T. . - j t - (Vjtila Walla. . , . . j , . .. , Y. Joker, Weston. ' rttloffit-a f ' ' Company, No.. " Firt St. . , Washington, rri if rru. u cui 1 1 J SI-... v nit T7 r ,t . u'u j h i n n a Portia l 1, arney Prino : Honeer i Blacksmitli. Can be found ak tke .s,i - W MJk Jaaaf - -1 SV sm A al m ' . Ready to repair of inak new y ur fapas; or z Carriage Plow WorSc and. BARNEY PRINE T tE T.. VBSTOS. BEC MM