BRQVD OF DOT BABY.' .PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ADVERTISMENTS.- MISCELLANEOUS. Bo help sat grsdoas, sfery dav ' I knn M villi tn mv dm. v&v MyfesjmeB joans; Why drle to May t Wen I look of dam leedle tact, ' 1 Aad saw dot fonnjr leedla nose, - Aad bffsni dervar dot rooater crowt, ; I ssaaUvlik I M Brvjr. 1 ' lA i . i ; 1" And Then I heard the real nine way, Dhm heoplee to mine Tito dhar nay, j "Moia like hiassaes easy day," . - . . 1 rae so-erooU like blaaae. -- . ! Bomedaana dhsrs ttmta a leacHe achqsll, j rmt'e-vtasrdevvtadr rind will crawl,- 1 v Klfht in hi lead la stchomack eehmail, i Pot's too bad lsslar hahy. . . - Dot make him stag at nl(ht o schTeet, Und KornbaMtek:! K.MI ,Und I moat ymm ehbry ea r To halp dot leedle babr. He anils my msa mid kicks mine hair, Und gavale m afar eterywaera, jLa eWcaaTS aw rot I mra T : IX rot my scamall young baby. .Around my head dot leedle arm a- achquoziag ma ao nice and vara . . .Ob, may dhaianererceom eoroe haim To dot schmall younf baby. Dot na m himselt VTILATES) COM. 1 Tk opyrf iter ar auiot; at least rj little) coin mads of base metal 'has lately 'beep, seen in , circulation. 'There ' are iMtT reason for !' this, the chief one being the vdiiEcnltj of making Ake tpuxiou -article without discovery, b Mcount of tne" necessary use "of in- onvoruant ana enmorous macninery. There are other means, however, of de basing aQver"and gold coins,' soma' of which areiteing xurj industriously used, if we. can judge by the amout of them at present in circulation. , The method most ' a W a . praciceq is mat ox arming or boring tne J piec4; ;jrhe quantity of drilled eoins has bee rapidly increasing for the last three ,. or four 'months, until they areas numer ous that ne oemore mayi.bej.'fouh4 ; any ordinary collection in the pocket of rory indiridp., j The halves have not been m much Umper with, but the quarUrs, half dimes and dimes, are great suffers: especially the last. ; The hole is aemejjmes drilled smoothly, as if nice machinery were employed in the operation- at other times it seems to have been roughly punched with some awkward and cawjesnfr manipulated instrument,, ' Another method of defacing coin is the sweating .process. This is done by putting a quantity of coin into a bag and shaking them together , until the praised portions are' worn off in the form of fine dust. -- The bag is then burned, and the , malted metal collected in a vessel. t Thai this ismmoEwill be? eridont to any one who will take the trouble to examine the kauta that ass through his hands on , any riven day. If he does thU, Ki will v always find among them several, of recent nua mi wiuen use date itself is scarcely w a a a , . . a at a - legible and the raised forms almost erased. It is impossible that this should hare been done by ordinary wear during the hortime,they have been in circulation A third method is to file the edge of the coin, which is oftener practiced with gold than with silver pieces. The three pro cesses mentioned are startlingly common, and 'entail a great aggregate loss on the , netellio circulating medium of the Pacific .A raartiaf Mmarfv rVir r.rA tril Imm in J- general effort to prevent Ihe circulation of mutilabuf oin bv a nmvnrnl raifnul , " . to receive it. The keepers of saloons and ; restaurants nave,' perhaps, been greatly imposed upon in the matter. They ahouYi nowrefuse to permit a single de faced eoin to cross their counters.- This plan carried out thoroughly would lead. to tne detection of the guilty parties, hat is, presuming the effort of the com meroial public' to be supplemented by the vigilance on the part of the United Stales authorities, Ex. rsX'VUAB TBMU. : It is a curious fact that the English aguage has a separate word for the des ignation of particular groups of animals. .Thusagroijpfojie class of birds is called difiorentlj from a group of another class. BaW ts'a ta&lfi wliiotf stQW8 in a ooncise manna what torms are applied to yari- A nido of Pheasants, A wisp of Snipes, A beYy of Quails, - - , A flight bf Dores or Swallows, jfe-iriusier of feaaookaj ' jL soige of Herons, . t A building qt Rooks, 1 A brood, of Grouse, -. plump of wild fowlgj A. stand of' Plovers, Ayatoh nightingales, A clattering of Choughs! A flock pi .Lreese, . A cast of Hawks, A trip of Dottroir, ,A swarm of Bee,' A fjchooi of Whales, A shoal of. Herrings, A herd of Swine, . ) 4i eknlk of Foxes, . A paelof WolTeaT';" A drove of 'Oxen, ' 1 Xsidfarof fiogs, sA troop of Moakas, A pride of Lions, A sleuth of Bears,' A band of Horses, . "V. KNOX, Attorney at Law, WID riractlee ill the Oourta of thia Stat1: and f b- ancti Varrib ngtoB Vamtorr. Kpeeial attanUon paid to laud uflVoa and CoUeotiou. ( ValB St.. WrataA. G. T. THOMPSON, Attorney at Law. t - At iCaurt Hoaue. tfncE Walla . Watla, JMEACHEN. Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Wll practice Q the Courts In Oregon and Washington , Territory.- Collections Promptly Attended To. OFFICE, am aim Mrect. Weatoa. Or A. STEEl, Notary Public and Collector. . . . f - .- .' - : . i Agent (or Utah, Idaho and Oregon Stage Co'a, also, Dealer la raaillea, Nata, Ty. KatUaa, Clear Tebaccoa, aa4 aaasereas other articles. : 4 1 . . r- QEO. W. REA, Attorney at Law. : Will practise in all the courts ol the 8tate. HErrXEB. osu E. W. WESTON. M. D. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. MUTVX, KJKOM. kU calls rMar4lr attcaaleal. ' J: F. CROPP. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office with Dr Blalodc, orer Day's Drug Store. MAIN ST. .WALLA WAL LA. RS. KELLOOO & NICHOLS, c, ten- Homoepathic Physicians and Surgeons WALLA Willi,.:"' OFriGE-Paine Bros' Stick. . sTSpedal AttonUon given to diseases of the Ere, Ear and Throat. marJMy - R. W. Rr JONES, Ornci at. Tns Picturi Oalukt, Wbstoh, Ouoox. SsW Inserting Artificial Teeth, a Specialty -Ba. R. JAMES DORR, TEB OAT'S BBIIC STOKE, WALLA WALLA A9Teeth extaacted without pain and ail work war .0 H. MACK, .OJ w"alla Walla, will make frequent professional visits JR. EAGAN, - Physician and Surgeon, WESTON OREGON AlC "oor ta city Brae Htaic. Calls promptly allotted. jQR. WT. WILLIAMSON, Physician and Surgeon, ! WESTON. OGN. Sleaj at kls reaMcace Water St. JR. EPPERSON, . " PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, WESTON, OBEQON. . OmGI AT HIS RtSIDKSCE OH WATER STREET. DRS. BOYD k ALBAN, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, WALLA WALLA. ' Sice rata In'i Kew Krlek Black, is stairs. rO-S-lrr. ADVERTISEMENTS. Meat Market! 8. A. JUH, Praprtelor, Dealer in ' FRESH IBSaTATj'Xf Fish," Fruit . and Vegetables. Etc Etc Ara always Freak akd Casak All Oralers an FUlcal wllk rrMiiataeaa. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Liberal Discount Made on Large -IC&: Casn ' Sales,! iJA'J North end of Water 8t. H. A. GREEN i Keeps constantly on hand a full supply of Bay, airmla, aata. ate, aad all bones left in our charge will receive good treatment. ' Fraaapt attention given to stock alar ar alcM sod oorral aad camping grauade ad JaoMt la slaMe. - S. THE BEST OF ALL LltJir.lEtlTS TOB 1AU OS BIAST. When a medicine has Infklliblv dna Its work In millions of eases tor snore than a third of a century; when It has imtcnen every pan 01 I lie wona ; arneS numberless mmilles tverralura am. kier It tho only snfe rellanoe la ease of pam or oceiaeut, it la pretty saw to call wacb a medicine) THE BEST OF ITS DP. This la the cnaa vlth tha Mnstan Kvnrv tnnll uriiies Intelligence of a ralaaUa koraa eared, the agony of an awful scald or mna aaeaaaa, ma norrora or rnavi mattam overcome, and of a thousand andone other blessinirs and mercies performed by tho old reliable Mex ican Bf natanar l.tolaaBt. .All forms of ontward disease are speoouy eureu iy the MEXICAN Ltnstanir Liniment. j t peneiravs innscie, mem Drone and tissue, to the verv bone, banlshlnsr nain nnd curing disease with a power that never lUila. It ia a madiaina anadad hv everybody, from the ram are, who ride 1 MUSTANG orer tho (rolitmry plaint, to Um rarehant 1"mivd ssiw WUUUWHUW WW UUwSl hia foirt with I he ax. .St. aMAa KliAMirial lam wakan sail MKaawa appiicaiions ran. 4 xuim wQuueribii LINIMENT Sieodliy cures such allBMats of the UMAS Fi.KSIl as .Itkeaisaatlsaa, Owalllava, Miff joints, cautraetcel JsliaMlM. Saunas and Scalds, Carta, Jlrlaa ,std sipralna, Poleoueus BItee aad BtlUKS, HUAtaas, LKaaia.aa, Old More Nipples, Caked Mreas. aad inaaea every raraa er axtarmal eaae. it is the greatost remedy for tha dis orders and aoeldents to which the ItKVTH Creation are subject that has ovr been known. Itenres apraliaa, Hwuiuy, SUrT Jalnta, raaaaar. Harsiaas Sares, Mnmt Das- ., saos. Berew IV arm. m hsllew Kara, Meratckaa, W aias, sfans, a-mnr, jusu Old Saras. Padl Kvil. rilaa tke Btakt aad every atkar allaaaat i wbms ia ecwpaMU ar the atabla aad Stack Yard are liable. A twentv-flve cent bottle of Mexican Mustang Liniment has often aavad a valuable horse, a Ilia oa cratches, or years of torture. -1 keals wttkemt a Sear. It Roes to the very root of the mat tar, penetrating even the bone. , : It cures everybody. And disappoints no one, It has been In steady use for more than twenty.flTe years, and Is THE BEST OF ALL"- ; LIir.1ETS rtajuir oamsT.- Restaurant I The only one in Heppner . ' .... : TH E OKLT rut! T CET A KsLSKE MEAL lust below Tom Ayer't Livery Stabls 1 BARBER SHOP! In connection with the housed ' , A. E. DlTZEL. NO PATENT, NO PAY. PATENTS obtained for mechanical devices, medical or other com pounds, ornamental deskms. trade-marks and labels. Caveats, Assiirnments, Interferences, Infringements, and all matters relating to Patents, promptly attended to. We make preliminary examinations and furnish opinions as to patentability, free of charge, and all who are inter ested in new inventions and Patents are invited to send for a codv of our "Guide for obtaining. Patents. which is sent free to any address, and -contains complete in . to oDtain ratents ana otner vaiuanie matter. During the past five years wa have obtained 1 nearlv three thousand Patents for American and Foreign inventors, and can give satisfactory references in almost everr conintv in the Union. . f i' Address: Loals Bugger at Co.,Solicitors of Patents and Attorneys at Law, muron tsuiioing, n asniaglaa, i WESTON SCHOOL. -oo- TTTE WOULD INVITE PUBLIC AT- YY tention, by assuring parents and! etuardians that we pay particular attention to the deportmeut of our pupils, and strive to impart a tnorougn Knoweagtf ot tne ele entary branches. We also teach Higher Alatuematics, the SA1TKAI, 8CIEXCEB aaal U KEErUTS Young ladies and gentlemen will find this a good opportunity to obtain a good practical education. 2 EOS. G. TAYLOR, ' ., - Principal.:.'' - . : MARYA.VRESSWELLiM Assistant.' ARCONAUT!: nal, published every Saturday at 62California st. S. F FRANK M. PrXtET. ) FRED. H. 80MER3, f .Enrro Tha AKaonacT la essentially a California publication bright, breezy of the Pacific and the medium of the good things of current literature. Bent, post paid, to bjjj Buurc., upuu receipt m e.w ycany aunacripuon. Argaaaat. NOTIONS! ' ' Port Monnaies, Fishing Tackle, STATIONERY, - PLAYING CARDS, CUTTLE RY AND PIPES! FANCY GOODS, '( MATCHES, . Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, FRENCH AXB AMEKICAX Toys and Nuts, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Wkacsale aad Kctall. Fred. M. Pauly, rr '. t. WESTON HOTEL! Main Street, Weston, Oregon. rphis popular Hotel is convenient for the 1 traveling puoiic, ueing Kiiuaieu unu way between Pendleton and Walla Walla, with a retru lar line of Stages running daily, each way, stopping one hour for dinner. The tables of the house are furnished with toe beat the market affords, and every exertion made to sauaf y the patrons of the house. The BEDS ARE ALL NEW, AND THE I Rooms Furnished in the Best Style,, with all Modern - Improvements. - The proprietor la determined to make the hotel main tain the reputation of being the best. I " ' ' ' ' C. A. ROBEY, Proprietor. PENDLETON HOTEL, E. BAKER, Proprietor. I This Centrally located and Popular House having been entirely Refitted nnd Refurnished is - Now opened to the public under tne i New Management. THE TABLE - I WUI at all times be.faaaal faralshed with tbe Very BeaTtave auarfcrt aBords, aad every exertloa Btade ta satisfy the waats f the aatroaa af the Uaase, ':, ..... t r THE BEDS Are all now, and the rooms hav been furnished in th neatest style and with every convenience usually found in a first-class house. The Pendleton Hotel has a F Ire-I'raof Safe to tit. deposit of Valuables. , And in all Its departments it will be up with tha tunes and the Proprietor is determined that it shal I maintain the reputation of being (he Best Ooase Ea af the Mountains. THE STAGES STOP HERE. The resident and traveling public are respectfully nvited to call. K. BAKER. SAN FRANCISCO Bulletin, -THE Leading Evralag Newspaiwr W est ol Korky Maaatalas. aiBSEBirrie.v bates. Dally Bulletin, one year BIS a : n eoKiy ana rruwy Huiietin imaKtng tozettiei a comDlete Semi-Weeklv a a Weekly alone, ane year. IM Parte of a year in proportion. FREE SEED DISTRIBUTION. Each subscrlcer will be presented with several ve rieties of Rare and Valuable TREE, VEGETABLE and FLOWEK SEEDS, eoual in value to tha aubacrioUon price 01 Mia paper. , aKBr Dcau sirs rjatnitJic vvpii kivauk stall irsririi itisarsT. Bemittanc by DraftTpastomce Order, Well Fargo, sena ror nampie vopy, gmng iuii parucuiara. k Co,'s Expi and Registered Letter, at our risk. ADOKI s. r. BruETix cm., . . , Baa FraactMce, Cal. THOMAS QUI NN, MsuL rat.ii.'aaa AJaAr ubavuek u" SADDLES. BRIDLES, HARNESS, ETC. nr Kanaias;, Mala at., Walla Walla. I will keep at ail times a full stock of Team aad Buggy Harness, SADDLES, WHIPS. SPURS, ; : HALTERS, - COLLARS, CURRY COMBS, BRUSHES. &C. And everything usually kept in a nrsfclass Harness onop. REPAIRING neaUy aad proasptly dona. 3. ILLUSTRATED , Catalogues r , BENT FREE. ' f (LV v I J M I .kam, IKS BBATTLEBORO; VT. . ROMAN'S BRICK - - - WALLA WALLA. The Only House in the City Where a Complete Stock of Crockery, Glassware, House-furriiohin Goods Etc. Etc., , BAR-FIXTURES AND HOTEL GOODS AJSPF.t'IAUTV. i i Merchant From the Country will to Give ns a Call Before JAIKEIaS Jl TT, , Offers to sell to the public one of the ' . - - - - finest and best selected stocks of " SADDLES, HARNESS-AND 5 per ceatlLrs thaa any lbrr4aiilfery Hasue this side ar FartUaaL. . . .. a'ii , TXAV1NG RECENTLY REMOVED TO MY OLD STAND, OPPOSITE THE POST . - XX office, 1 am prepared to furnish any kind of goods in my line for less money thaa thay have been sold in Walla Walla. All my Harness and Saddles are of my own manufacture, SM ... made of the best California Oak Tanned Leather.: " KANE BUT TUB BEST WOKaUIEX No trouble to show cooda. Carriage TrimminK with dispatch. . . a tm -i I -DEALER AGRICULTURAL WAGONS, BUG1ES, acent for Frank Bro's., of POPULAR LINE OF GOODS, And B. D. BV FORD'S, of BROWNE SULKY. GANG AND WALGING SEEDER, CHICAGO PITTS" THREAS WALTER A. WOOD'S MOWERS, REAPERS and SELF-BINDER. C. and J. COO PEU & CO.'S " Threshing Engines and Saw. Mill Machinery. All machinery warranted to be first-class and a trial given . Sale Room, Cor. 2d and Alder S. H. Kennedy's Mfg Co. MASUFACTUKERS OF ( SHEEP DIPS. The Largest of .the kind -ia tha TJ. S Please examine the list of the diferent dips and prices, viz: Dissolved Sulphur Dip, Price $2.25 a gallon, This is equal to 30 lbs the best Sublime Sulphur. Concentrated Extract of Tobacco Dip, Price, $2.25 a gallon, This is my FAVORITE Dip be t CURES SCAB and can as a . . , . . , . , I - "J degree of strength with Safety, Hemlctek Poisonous Dip. AND IS THE BEST POISONOUS DIP TH ., USE. - Each Gallon of these Dimi Will make enough for 225 Sheep after mearauf. - Special Dip for Scab. Price, C2.aU a gallon. Reliable at any season of he year, especially j so in the Fall ami Winter. Pnt up in one and fire gallon cans with full directions for use. Pamphlets sent Free to any Address. Sold by all principal dealers in tha U. S. , J. McGRACKEN CO., i . Ageats far tbe PaclicCoaat. -aat THIS Most ExtensiTS Manufactory - -or- BEED 0RGAT;3 Worldl OWER, CosnWMd vrltk Purity of Toi. Durability - : Aim - Finish, , ORGANS UI1RIVALED1 , u . , Find itto Their Advantage Purchasing Elsewhere SADLERY HARDWARE, ETC ' I . . ' : . EMPLOYED IX I ISTABUSaaaUDTT. . aud repairing of all kinds done at my sasott. . JAMES . WMEELAjf, ' X k m f r a. -- uiaiim urniia mum atsvst nana nniia. IN- IMPLEMENTS, ! HACKS, etc.,5etc.f S-iu Francisco and : rortlanls WmCH IxdtUDESTllE 4 Rock Island, IlUnnis, PLOWS, McSHERRX? GRAIH DRILL. HER, LATEST IMPROVED WOOD'S AND 5 A TEJEgaS. - if desired. A full tin of extras7 constantly oa baa a Streets, Walla. Walla, W. T. THE VALLEY ACADEMY. ' mHlS NEW INSTITUTION TS TlFSIflv' 1 ed exclusively for boys. It . aflers thorough English and Classical course. Boyl ureparca lor touege a speciatjr 1 Dere WU IW frm, nNi?M n. .Insula t.t.. " Preparatory, Jaalor, Middle aaal SeaAar. The academic, proper, commencing with the Junior. . xerms ?i, 713, jszu and 25, (halt year) Payable in advance. - - A limited number of pupils can board is the school at a reasonable rate. ' Parents or gvardians desirous of securing a home in tha school for their sons or charge, will confer a favor by applying for admission at their earli est convenience. . For farther particulars address REV. J. D.' McCONKEY, P. O. Box 202 WaUa Walla, W. T. . New York Life Ins. Co; ESTABLISHED 1845. PEHELT ETDAJL ASSETS, over $ 36,800,009. ' No stock holders to eat np the profits.' Policy holders receive all the' benefitr-No' dent and reliable means of support for a man family...' :v . ..... ,.. G."P. XTCOLL, Agt., Weston, Ogf.