SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1878. OFFICIAL HIBFATOKV. Connty Offlem. Cot XTT JlDOE f . . . .. CoMHtmttatmt"""S'"" . H. O. Yokiim .BenJ. Walden ,4. M. ncnson Stats Smator. . . .'..8. M. Pennington ...J. S. Whites . ..Lucian EvurU ...). I. Thierry ...I. B. Kecncy ...O. W. Webb ...J. C. Arnold ....Dr. J. B. Uudsay ...J. H. Baley KEPHKHIWrATIVB) RllERlrT :: 4 ' K TlUSAHl' Nriiooi. SiTKmSTr.M.r.sf . CoRONKR .Si VSY"R rily ontrcrn. Matoh Trkawrimi Fuller M wr. Ji biick or tiik rr..t -. T. J. I.ucr L. 8. Wood 1. P. Dwik'ht T. T. Luallen KB. Prine Jno. TT-irtnian, B. benjamin OiiBror 1'OHCB... B. F. Mansfield, Jacob Pncbstel, coriccii.MR. C. McMorris, I. K. Baling, L4MAL JOTTIM.H. Read it. Tiik Leader. Weather very cnM. Kill your Christmas turkey. Note r nlvnrtiing coliumis. (Jo to llie grand ball Christmas cvc. AVi.ntkb i upon us rememltcr the poor. Fob bcantiful toys go to the City Drug Store. Sli'K. J. M. Proett, M. P., of Pendleton, ix quite sick, i ClIltlSTMAS tree nt school-honsc, Tuesday evening. 1'rof. GniTBBE still mlrnncing the educa tion of Weston. Our City Dads held their Grst meeting last Tuesday evening. Daxoerocs opening in hridgo jnit op. positc Benjamin's shop. Oh! thk Ssow, Ac. Aoont four inches of lha article in this vicinity. Rcmoks oi trouble with Moses and his tribe are rife on onr streets. Personal. Mr. C. E. Bull, of Pendleton, paid us a visit on Monday last. TlIK street to the new mill is Hvaly and becoming a leading thoroughfare. Tailor Needed. -Waston affords a splen did chance for an enterprising tailor. Take It. The Leaker, send it to your friends in the East. Only $3 per year. Preaching. At the Baptist Church, Sat urday, 21st, at 6 P. M., also on Sunday. Hkndbvx 4 McColl have the lxsst assort ment of drums, dulls and other toys in Weston. Prayer Mkktink. -Prayer meeting on AVcdnesday at 6 P. M. of each week, at the Bnptist Church. PuoTIiACTEn Meetino. A protracted meeting is lcing conducted at Milton, by Kuv. ,1. S. Rhodes. Christmas Services. Services will lc held at All Kniiiin' Church on Christmas day at 7 I. M. All are invited. v TllAXKS. Our thanks arc due to Mr. D. C. I.ouiiKbury, for his kind assistance in liclpiug us get our material in ship-shape. j Dedication. 5Ve learn from the Pastor nf the Baptist (Tiiirch, of this place, that the dedication services will take place the first Sunday iii January, 1879, at 11 A. M. To Decorate. The friend-of All Saints' Church purpose decorating for Christmas nervice, on .Saturday, Monday and Tuesday afternoons. All urc cordially asked to assist. Will Hano. Thp Indians, White Owl And Quint itumps, will be furnished with a , hemp neck-tic on Jan.'lOlh, by our obliging Slicrifl". Aps will enjoy the same courtesy tic week later. . Called. We received a pleasant call from Mr. J. H. Turner, senior proprietor of ;"' the East Orcgnninn. He expressed his opinion that the Leader wonld prove a suc cessful enterprise. Thanks. Do You Believe It? A girl who can .claw a piano and ngitate the atmosphere is a good pai lor ornament, but one that can grease a griddle and turn two pancakes at a time is the kind of a female to at this time of year. AtTKNTIo::. All persons knowing them selves indebted to D. C. Lounabnry, will do well to wiuare up immediately, ns they will wive themselves considerable trouble by so hing. It takes money to buy coffin trim mings. Chanced. Mr. J. II. Turner and Mr. Mnnson Bull have purchased the East Orrgoninn and assnmed control of that (enterprising journtv. Both gentlemen arc thorough Lcw.paper men, end it is safe to predict the enterprise a success. riiorocRAPH-s. When you visit Walla Walla, dro? Into tbe Pnlne fJulIery and get a first-clas picture taken. The Palace is a brancii liou-ie u' the lamoua lvidson tVo.., l'ortlaTid. iiisy are excel lent artWs and deserve liberalvpationngo. A Nu.SA.N-wc.We call th attention of the pound :.:ruterv, tfje nriurrrof toga that run hither and thif.icr upon our streets, making the air )idia wii,'i heir grr.niiig and qjniroling. it;; r..t a favorable imprest" on ?if.n ,tr.i.igen tisititig our ciy. REMKwr.usr. Mrs. 1. i. ltocse kindly remciiihevc.1 tha typo of the Leader oflV n weJUMUay evr,,;n(r fcf, by :ctlllir!g a !eauiiful jelley cake. The cake wan excel lent and the prints retv.rn sincere thanks, as they bar a weakness for the x,,.a think of this world.. Next. Notice. Geuial Jones, onr cntorpri-.iug hardware dealer, ishes us to say that as bis native modesty prevents liini approaching any of his numerous friends and patrons for the piirjoe of "dnunins" them, he would be obliged by those indebted to him, if they would liquidate Iwfore the 1st of January, which will enable him to meet his obligations .'low. Ladles' Guild Futr. The fair and supper promised by the ladies j of the Guild, ATI Saints' Church, passed off on Thnrwlay evening, and was a grand suc cess. The elite of the town and country were present. Excellent music was furnished impromptu by those present; a Smith's American Organ being furnished through the courtesy of Mr. N. Helryx. Throughout the evening the livliest interest and pleasure were manifested, and the elegant articles for .le were disposed of at an early hour. The various tables for supplying theVants of the "inner man" were lilerally patronized, and everybody saw plenty and had plenty. Bright eyes, merry smiles, and the unceasing hum of talk and laughter, together with the beam ing satisfaction on every countenance, testi fied that the ladies were but adding fresh fresh laurels to'their former reputstion of embarking in such efforts only to l crowned with the happiest succcsa. The proceeds, $72, are sufficient to liquidate Ui ret ining debt on the Church, to which lauda) ' ..bicct we understand it will ! apirq.ri.-.L Ye typos of the Leader were not forgotten, ami they return thanks to the ladies fr a boun tiful supply of cake. The "devil " sat up all of one night wondering how long ere the next fair takes place. Notice. The following committee has been invited to take charge of the Christinas Tree on Tuesday evening: D. D. Earp, D. C. Lounsbury, John Hartman, W. T. Wil liamson, Miss Reese, Miss Oglesby, Miss Griffin, Miss Saling and Miss Clara Hartman. Articles for the Tree may be left at any of the stores on Tuesday afternoon until 4 o'clock. Tn Onr Headers. , Owing to tW fact that we have not had an oportunity to canvass the country thoroughly for subscribers, and believing that all inter ested in the progress o Umatilll county, will lend a helping hand 4 "n enterprise which will assist in turning this tide of immigration to this sectioa of the state, we have concluded to send u copy oi tbfe Leadier to every citizen of Umatilla county, whose name we can procure. Shond any desire to discon tinue the paper, they will please notify us through the mail or at onr office , Officers Elected. At a regular meeting of Weston Lodge, No. 58, I. 0. 0. F., the followiug officers were elected fo the ensuing temi! P. A. Worthingtou, N. G. N. Hendyx, V. G.; W. T. Williamson, R, S.; F. W. Johns, P. S.; F. B. Prine, Treas. . The installation will take place the first Thursday in January, 1879. The New Flooring MitU The Weston city Flouring Mill has been in successful operation for sevcralj weeks past. The machinery is said to be thejlicst east of the Mountains, and gives entire I satisfaction to the owners. An experienced miller is engaged and tbe quality of the (lour turned out under his supervision is iv sufficient guaranty of his knowledge of the business. v e imcno, at a niture latq, to give a more cvtenden description of the mill and its products; for the present, suffice to say that the flour is fast gaining an enviable reputa tion in our home markets. Read the adver tisement in another column. Resumed. The Walla Walty Statesman resumed publication on the th of this month. A vast improvement jis noticed, editorially and otherwise, contrasted with the manner in which ft was conducted, during the illuess of the late W. II. Ncvcll, by Ed. W. Dngnn, a miserable scrub, typographic ally termed a "blacksmitn" printer. Success the new management. A 3raellenl Jnhe. A practical joke was played on some of our citizens a few days ago. The quality of flour manufactured by the new llmirin mill was a matter of much interest to some, conspicuous among whom was II. Mc Arthur. jThe jokers took him behind a wood-pile witjh an air of mystery, and confidentially informed bim that the flour was a sad failure and the mill practically ditto. The nerves of: that ener getic countenance for once were j paralyzed. He said, "Well, now look here boys I tell you what " but here his inferior maxillary dropped and he looked down hearted. At this juncture a third "joker" appeared and solemnly said, "There is no usc boys, we must keep this failure of the mil perfectly dark, or we arc ruined. They s.-y that at this point small beads of prcspiraition stood on Mile's countenance, but wc don't vouU for it "Ad" continued No. 3 jokler, "here is some of the flour." producing it. Then Mac's face changed tike the refulgent rays of Old Sid dispersing an April shower. I. T; Ret-&? was siniilary experimented uplm. His voice was ail philosophy, his fare was ail de.-air. He afterwards eaid it didn?t wom- him any. The joker-, could only k'.iuckle and dramatically exclaim, "Ish dot so?'' Thj liq .id depths of Hcndryx' blak eyes wers in turn stcgnutcd, but -..-hen the flour ws produced, his happiness ventcdisclf in handing out the far-famed Green Seal! cigars. The flour in A. No. 1 Muir Community of Weaton. Dry (,oods stores, 5; groceries, 4; mi llincry stores, a; uressmaBers, a; uot:en stores, drug store, 1; boot and shoe shops, 2; r,uu smiths, 1; livery stables, 3; pork packers, 1; blacksmith r.'jops. 4; furniture stores, 2; newspapers, 1; r. ag.mmnkers, 1; hardware tores, 1; tin shops, 1; physicians, 4; Attor neys, 8; dentists, 2; hotels, 2; rc:.tai'.rc;jts, 2; flouring mills, ; chopping mill, 1; jihiuiiig mills, 8; wareiicti!s, 4; saloons, 5; jewelry stores, 2; photograph galleries, ; agricultural implement supply houses, 3; harness slhops, 2; meat markets, 3; auctioneers, l. In addition to the above, we have the finest school-house in Eastern Oregon, and three chuichc Episcopal, Baptist ami M. E. South, and four dunnniouations who have no stated place fm holding service. C WlXt IL PROC EEDINGS. Pursuant to a call by T. J. Lucy, Mayor elect of the city of Weston, John Hartman, Isham E. baling, Jacob Proebstel, B. F. Mansfield, Charles McMorris and S. W. Benjamin, Aldermen, and T. J. Lucy, Mayor; D. P. Dwight, Recorder; F. B. Prine, Mar shall; L. S. Wood, Treasurer; elect of said City, assembled at the office of D. P. D wight, and each officer took and subscribed an oath before R. A. Steel, Notary Public, to support the Constitution of the Uuited States, the State of Oregon, and to faithfully discharge the duties of his office to the best of his ability. The Mayor then called the Council to order and informed the members that they could sow proceed to transact any business which to them might seem proper. j: John Hartman submitted for the action of the Council the following: An Ordinance to establish the Corporate Seal of the City of Weston. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of A eston: Sec, 1. That a Seal in circular form with the words "City of Weston" "Corporate Seal " on the outer circle, and in the interior aud center of said circle, the words "Uma tilla County, Oregon," shall be the Seal of the City o Weston, to be used in all cases in which, by the laws and customs of nations it is necessary to use a seal by a corporation. Sec. 2. That said seal shall be aud remain in the custwly of the Recorder of said City, to lie used by him or the. Mayor as is pro vided in the first section of this ordinance T. J. LUCY, Mayor. After a short discussion, the Ordinance was passed without amendment and duly signed by'thc Mayor. Jacob Proebstel then moved that the Mayor appoint a committee of three to draft Ordinances and Rules of Order, and present the same for the action of the Council at its next meeting. The motion was carried, and the Mayor appointed Jacob Proebstel, Chas. McMorris and John Hartman such com mittee. It was then moved by John Hartman, that the Council now adjourn to meet again at the same place at the same place at 6J o'clock. Mouday evening, Dec. 23, 1878. The Mayor endorsed the motion and in formed the Council that if it was their pleasure to pass the motion in that form he would appoint that day aud hour for the next meeting of the Council. The motion was then put and carried,, and the Council adjourned. Audacious Boblxry. He came to Weston recently. There was nothing remarkable in his appearance. His eyes were not closer together than usual. He was not conspicuous either for getting drunk or asking credit. He was of medium height and com pact iy built. He said his name was Charles E. Jackson. lie displayed some business habits. He went to bed every night aud was punctual at his: meals. He was not dressed well, and .perhaps that grieved him. Perhaps he thought his attire otiensivc to others. Une evening he was seized with remorse. . He walked resolutely up-stairs in the hotel, appropriated the best clothes he could find and captured a couple of Young's blankets besides. His boots, being, made for another man, may not have fitted. To break them in he started for Walla Walla on foot. Near Milton he was overtaken by a wagon and rode to Walla Walla. The sun rose next morning on Weston, but Chas. " E. Jackson did not, Young discovered this and put vehicles on every road. They found him in Walla Walla, and to curb him, locked him up in a room in the Stine House. Next time they visited him they found that he bad silently folded bis tent and stolen away. Perhaps he used his jack-knife to remove the lock so cleverly. Where, Oh, where is Charles E. Jackson ? Gone and Done It. Quite a ripple of excitement passed among the fair ones, as it was announced that our gallant young friend, Dr. J. C. Epperson, had stolen a rosy march on our citizens. Not arrayed in solitary pomp, but carrying by his side one of the brightest, blushing blossoms of our city. The great Hymen was ap proached, and the ancient sod smilingly entwined a wreath of unfading love round the couple, and airily wafted him from the dreary relms of Bachelordoin to the Elvsian bliss of Benedicity, while all the cherub train following sang notes of mirthful glee. May they live a life of pleasure, with no worse visions than flowery felicity, roseate halos of bliss, and little dimpled stockings in the future. The cake and champagne that fell to us by the act, are a sure harbinger of future joys. Firs- Company. Could not some of onr enterprising citizens take steps toward organizing a fire company? What facilities are there to extinguish a con flagration, should there be such a misfortune ? Onr buildings are mostlyjall frame work, and a few hours with the wind blowing, would be a sufficient length of time to lay our beautiful city in ashes. Though wc may not care to buy a ymachine" at present, yet why not organize a bucket brigade, with one or two hundred buckets, kept in some place easy of access, in case necessity ;ioiild demand their use. Let us have the opinions of some of onr citizens in regard tf thi important matter. CosATiXO. The juvenile population of our city are enjoying them.-elvcs coasting on one Oi our principle streets. This is a dangerous practice, eajierially as the school children living in the north end of town are compelled t pass that thoroughfare daily at the risk of life and limb. Appnlogy. We feel compelled to offer an appology for the botcliy appearance of the head of our paper this iss re. We trust thr.t in our next uumlicr will have the heading which we originally ocdercd, or wc will know the reason whv. Ed. j WalIa Walla awoke the other morning j ooverd with a flmiitol of "purity" so says he Strrlm'fit. MllUtary. Notice is hereby given, that the citizens of Weston and vicinity will meet at Saling and Reese's Hall on Thursday, Dec. 20th, 1878, at the hour of 1 p. M. of said ,day, for the purpose of organizing a militia company. The citizens can judge for themselves as to the need of such an organization. Recom mended by Brig. reu. Turner. Schol Closed. School closed yesterday until after holidays. The new term will begin the first Monday after New Year. The tuition is $5 per seliollar. Difficult Operation. Mr. Perringcr, a well known and respected citizen of Greece wood, who underwent a painful operation of the removal of a cystic tumor, weighing three ounces, which was removed bv Drs. Oglesby and Williamson, has made a perma nent recovery. Mr. Perringcr is very happy at the result, as he has been afflicted by the growing of this tumor for a period of abont fifteen years. Rapid Work. We do not wish to aimear egotKWcal, when wc say that we have done some rapid work in getting our paper out ffn time. On Tuesday last, at noon, we received the balance of our material which had been delayed at Whitman station. We then had to put our press together, lay our type, write up eppy, set the advertising columns, etc. and attend to numerous other thiiigs : so that slum! any feel inclined to criticise our first issue; wc ask that they lcar in mind that we have had several things to do since Tuesday last, anil with only the assistance of gentleman, unacquainted with the print ing business, and our "devil." Good night, Dickv. dear, "ood night said a slender youth (as lie slamedthe gate and paced olf down the street. . He took out his handkerchief 'to rub the rouge off the tip end .of his nose, nnd wondered how much pearl powder costs a pound when purchased in large quan tities. Hail Main Elaine, Blaine, Main, Hale all hail, all blame Blaina Hail Blaine blame, all oh Hale ! We cannot get this thing right . Portland QboIiiHuiih. Gold in New York, 100J. Silver coin, 2 (i 2 discount. Legal Tenders, buying at MJ; selling at par. PRODUCE. Wheat Dull and weak; best not quotable above SI 75, though there are but few sellers. New York market strong. Barley Fairly active at the decline. Corn Large yellow fl 05, small 1, white $1. Flour Dull; lmt not quotable lower. MAUKIKI). EPPERSON GRIFFIN ; at Walla Walla, W. T., iHx-eiii-bcrjptli, by Huv. Eam, I?r. .1. C KiijH-rKuii anl Miss Helen Griffin, both ai Wottm. Or. SI'KCIAL NOTICES. A. F. i A. SI. Weston l.odc. o. 65 ; lncctH sci-ond ami fourth Saturdays of cai-h month, at 7 1'. M., in JIuM.-iSeM'a Hal!. vSsyj,;... I. O. . F. Weston Ltxlsr, '. Ml "icetn even" Thur.-Uivf at 6:30 1. M., in 3sgjg!t5 Mansfield's Hall. KliH-oial lmr-!:. W I.. MacEivuu ouiciatinLr : services on the first and second Sumlavs of each month. at 11 A. M. and 1:S i: m Baptist Chnrrli. Kcv. V.'. H. I'nictt, iiastor; vices on the first Sunday of each month, at 11 A. 51 JIcthtMlixt 4iinr-Ei Simtfa.- Uev. K. 0. O-lcsliy, pastor ; services held in the Baptist Church, on the second Sunday of each month, lit 11 A. M. and 7 v. M. PROKKSSI OX A U CAKDS. s. KNOX, Attorney at Law, Will practice in the Courts of this State and Wash injrton Territory. Special nttuniioii jsud to Land llllice business and Collections. Olilrc-tlaiii St., Wesson. ai-. J EPPEIiSON, Physician and .Surgeon, WESTON, OKEOOX, Oillre, nt Young's Hotel, Main Street. promptly utfciKlcd. tails JAMES P. MIX, Attorney at Law, Oflloe, on Third Street, opposite Statesman printing ollltv, W A 1.1. A WAL1A. W T. 0 CLESIiY & WILLIAMSON, Physicians and Surgeons, WESTO.V, OUECON, Will attend all Calls with promptness, day or night. R. W. R. JONES, Office, at the l'lctnre Ciallcry, Weston, Or. " Inserting Artifiieial Teeth, a Specialty. "53; jy P. T) WIGHT, Notary Public, General Land Agent, KKAL l.TATK RROK.KK, Ovkick, Mais Stbekt, - Wwrros, Oatoos. Township Pints of all surveyed lands in Umatilla Co and record of all claims. Conveyancing and Collections promftly attended to. Full supply of Oov., State, Railroad and Legal blanks on hand J. n. TVRXER. I.W. Bailey. T URXER & P.AILEY, Attorneys at Law, Office on Main Street, Opposite the Court Honse, I'endleton, Oregon. tCOLLKCTIONS A SPECIALTY. MERCHANDISE. HOLIDAY PRESENTS The undersigned begs to inform the public of the City of Weston and vicinity that he . has opened a Opposite Weston Postofllcc. Yankee Notions, Holiday Goods, Toys, Candies, t Nuts, &c A FINE STOCK OF Cigars and Tobaccos:! Mrersrhaniu and Briar Cigura wholesale and retail. One Price only. Xo trouble to show goods. Give me a call. FBKD. M. PAIXV. Resjicctfully announce to the citizens of Westonand vicinity, the opening of their Filled with a large and well-selected stock oi Clothing', Dry Goods ANT) tlROOERSES. Buying and Selling our Gootl for CASH, we will ofler the Best Bargains. Call and See Usl DIAMOND & CO:, "Weston, Or. ! TO YOUK INTEREST;! And price the Goods at the Wholesale and Retail GROCERY STORE, At Walla Walla, W. T. WHERE YOU CAN BUY 5 pounds Coffee, - $1. 4 " Pepper or Spice, " ; Starch or C. Starch, " 10 " ' Good Salaratus, " 10 " Dried Apples, 1 " 4 " Fine Cal. Peacherf, " 15 " Navy Beans, " 1 " Good Pine Cut, " Plugs Lorrilard To., " 25 Fine Cigars, , " And a full assortment M Syrups. Nutmegs, Indigo, Chocolate. Mustard. Mnlile Sucmr. Candles. Matches. Currants, Rasins, l'rune, Canned Fruits and Vegetables oi au kiiius, unve, pui ana joal fill, Spanish Olives, Lye, Lemon Smnir, Yeast Powders, Macoroni Vemiicillo. Farino, Hops, Suit and SmoUed Salmon, Maekerel, Cod risn, tiemiipi, arllnes, all Kinds oi Canned Fish, Vinegar, Cheese, Horseradish, Mixed and Plain Piekels, cicnup, faper, uurry i owuer, f-'itron, Jamaica .linger, r.xiraeis oi an sinus, (jouuenseu .miik, cracKers, Ktc. Reuicmlwr the place, next floor to the City Hull, near Main St. In lilgc Where you will see the sign of CJ. O. S3. Z3rSS.OC3E13EC."S fSTCash paid for Hides Woo', Grain, and all other country produce. MISCELLANEOUS. Jone's PICTURE Gallery WESTON, OREGON. . Fine Photograph, per doz. t3..pO " lirnia on 4 'arils, . . . . " 1.00 Forty Small Uenix, " I.wo Twenty " " .M Pictures enlnrcged, jntinted in Water or Oil C. W. PRESTON, ESoot and ShoeJIouse NEXT TO YOUNG'S HOTEL, WESXON, OR. All Work Warranted, of the Rest Material ntitl nt Lowest Rale. 4 James W. Swezea, . Manufacturer and Dealer In HARNESS AND SADDLERY Main street. Three doors above First National Hank, W.1I.LA WALLA, W. T. ' t& Repairing Promptly Done. S3 Notary Public and Collector, WESTON, OREGON. Agent for Utah, Idaho and Oregon Stage Co's, ivlso, Denier In Candles, Xuls, Toys, Notions, Cigar Tolwircos. anil no Microns other artlelen. TAKE ITt THE LEADER. OVE OF the best Nesi kukris m Oreirori rvatl by s-v;ral tl.mKiiuls r,( rniVOHH. tlirontrhout the uiTirt raciiit: voasi. MISCELLANEOUS. Manufacturer and Dealer in . COPPER, IN & SHEET IRON WARE! V ' AO kinds of Shelf-Hardware Constantly on hand, for sale cheap. A Laige Assortment of Ranges, Cook and Parlor STOVES! or tbe Very Best Material? d Most An proved Patterns. All Tinware Made r -good heavy material, and anc tint the beat workmen employed. RON, STEEL, NAILS, ' CUTTLERY, HORSE SHOES, HORSE NAILS Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, Wood and Willow-Ware, In Fact everything that can be found in ft flmt-claM es tablishment. All goods sold at cash price as low ae the lowest. No trouble to show goods. Call and examine for yourself. Job Work of all Kinds Promptly Done D. C. Lounsbury. WESTON, OREGON, Garpenfer, Cabinet laker AND Furniture on Hand and Made to Order. Plans and Sneelfleatlon for all kinds of Biuldinsa drawn and furnished at moderate prices. Also, agent for Glassford's Mill, for Doors, Sash, Blinds, Frames, Mouldings ! . Wldch I wlQ sell at Walla Walla Prices.-. Fntlcrlaklne In all Its branches attended to with dispatch, nave the nnesc ttearae In Eastern Oregon. Shop, onedoor North of Flag Pole. WESTON MEAT MARKET! JOI1X Ji KOl4SiaW, Prop's. the duI constantly on band, the best FRESH MEATS I BACON, MAMS and LARD In the market. We also keep a large stock 4t Vegetables and Fruits! In their Season. All Orders Filled with Promptness. CilVE IS A CALL, WE WILL CillAKANTEE SATISFACTION. Near Poet Office, WESTON, OREGON. SALOONS. GO Dealer In all kinds of FINE WINES AND LIQUORS! AND Choice Havana Cisars. Connected with the Bar, Is the Finest Billiard Table the City in CALL AND SEE ME, A I way rcmly to attend to the wants of my friendii and patrons. Main Street, Weston, Oregon. H. B. CRIFFITH, Dealer In Pure W1XES, ALES, AND LIQUORS And Choice Havana Cigars. Connected with the liar, is a fine hiillarft TaMe. The celebrated 4. II. t aller 1bl-ki-), a lit.iaity.