Spring Humors Come to most people and cause many troubles, pimples, boiia and other eruptions, besides loss of appetite, that tired feeling, biliousness, Indigestion and headache. The sooner you get rid -of them the better, and the way to get rid of them and to build up the system is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla The Spring Medicine par excellence as shown by unequaled, radical and permanent cureH. Get It today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets known as Sarsataba. SOUNDED ITS OWN KNELL MOHAIR WOOL and HIDES. Write Today for Prices THE H. F. NORTON CO. 313 and 315 Front St. PORTLAND. ORE. KODAKS AND KODAK SUPPLIES Write for eataloaruea and literature DeraJoplnit and printing. Mail rdera siren prompt attention Portland rhoto Supply Co. 149 Third Street PORTLAND. ORE. MOHAIR SeltsXz:M THEO. EERNHE1M CO. 247 Ash St.. Portland. Ore. MOHAIR We want all the srood cl:ps jrrownin the Northwest. Ship us your clip or write for information. MU1TNOMAH MOHAIR MILLS 712 Couch BuMdinK, Port. rind. Or. HOWARD E. PTTRTON Awmyer antf Che mint, Leml vill', Colomdo. 8ciuien price: Hold, Bllver. Land, tl. 4M tithe r, 76u. Gold. Glto; .no or Copper, SI. Ai'iillng envelope a A full price list E nt on application. Control and Tmplre work so cited. Bufurunoe: Carbonate Nation! Bank. BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL Vn ret Kit mil dnrngb gnlradmB a arrcai I; 1 inl mlKal rark nal cai bt produced, ilu TTI wore, am preu ut win C.l - I L J. J..4.J rum. TuiliM tee J35 aiki VC payaeate $10 per week. BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL i KLALTY COM RAN If. Em 23d aid Karroos, PortUxl. Or. mm I Guarantee All My Work. It I Can't Guarantee it. 1 Don't Do It. DR. ELOF T. HEDLUSD. - DENTIST . Now located at fourth floor Washintfton Bid. Corner Wash, and 4th Su. PORTLAND. OK. Bell Tolled the Famous Old Cam panile of Montauban Fell In Rulna, The ' town of Montauban, Franca, fras proud of bis bell tower. It was built bjr a rich citizen In the sixteenth century and named for him the bel fry of Lautler, nearly 100 feet tall abd 26 feet square; the great bell on 1U top has oailed the people to all the Important events In the town's history. Recently It sounded its own death note. The town began to tremble and the vibration of the top was enough to set the bell ringing, warning all those near It to escape. In a few see onds the massive tower was a hear of dost and broken stones. While not so celebrated as the Cam panile of Venice, which met the same fate a few rears ago, it was as dear to Montauban, and the town mourns Its destruction. COLI Munyon's Cold Remedy Relieves the bead, throut and lungs utmost Immediate ly. Checks' Fevers, stops I Uncharges ot tlie nose, takes away all aches and pains caused by colds, it cures Grip and ob stinate Coughs and prevents Pnemnonlrt. Write Prof. Muuyon, Gird nnd Jefferson fits., Phlln., I'll.! for medlcul advice ab solutely free,. Fiber From Bananas. An American In Tampico has d!s covered a method for extracting fiber from banana plants. This fliber ab sorbs more machine oil than cottoe waste and is mnh cheater. INSIST UPON WESTERN CST Keroaan. MANTLES L. K. KLEIN 4 CO., Int., UittiiDuten I, 28 Front Street Portland. Orsf BOYNTON FURNACES Moat economical and effective for house and school heating. J. C. BAYER fURNACE CO. front and Market Sts. Portland, Or. JoQSjr L ?0RTLi'a0RE-J , coffeexTh TEA SPICES 1 BAKING POWDER 8 EXTRACTS MUST RIGHT In February. First Father It must have cost yon a lot to send your son to college. Sec ond Father It did. First Father And what have you received In re turn? Second Father My son. Cor nell Widow. Defy Decay. Cypress water tanks have Veefc known to defy deeay for more than a OBtrter ef a "''"" NO DUST SWEEPING COMPOUND Cleans and brirhtena Car pets, Rug, Linoleum and Floors, Absorb the jrerm laclen dust. Saves dusting and beating carpets. Per bbl., 200 lbs... $5.00 Perbbl., 150 lbs... 4.00 75-lb. metal drum 2.60 Order by mail or through your errocer. CRESCENT CHEMICAL CO. 626 Washington St.. Portland. Or. ALCOHOL CPIUM TOBACCO IJbita Portfire! Care. UiilYHothurirod Keelrr In stitule la Oregoa. Writ for lllmitrated cirmlar. tarr iNsnrura. 71 Li i th a. Painless Dentistry ! ear pride oar kabhy-w J tor yewe sad now oortitxy, and van is the beat paiaJawS work to oe found anywher, o Burtte hem attack jom M. CumMM our PrioN. ' T briJ vtrk for tut ....4 - ot -Ufwa Btrn. ia on dsr U dmrW. f .in I mm actrmrtma frMt kM p.nt. mt bnda vork ia arHcr. a. CtawHal'M frrt. Mtlartrma 55. CO 22kBn4reT.t.4.00 gm riiiinr 1.09 Enwwl Fillinn 100 s:iMrFin;r .50 n.. 5.C0 Bwt Rtt Rabkar ruiM 7.50 Pil.l.t. EitrllM .50 BtaST NITHODt a. w. a. win. Nmaii m met vtmmm m riue AI work fully a-uarantee tor tmmm ytwra. Wise Dental Co.,ic Painless Dentists tiffin. Bulling, Thlr r-l WtrWmrtoa PORTLAKO. 04 IUnIwi: A. U. u t r. . au4ar.il Particularly the Ladies. Not only pleasant and refreshing to the tasie, but gently cleansing and sweet ening to the system, Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is particularly adapted to ladies and children, and beneficial in all cases in which a wholesome, strength ening and effective laxative should be used. It is perfectly safe at all times and dispels colds, headaches and the pains caused by indigestion and constipation so promptly and effectively that it is the one perfect family laxative which gives satis faction to all and is recommended by millions of families who have used it and who have personal knowledge of its ex cellence. Its wonderful popularity, however, has led unscrupulous dealers to offer imita tions which act unsatisfactorily. There fore, when buying, to get its beneficial effects, always note the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package of the genuine Syrup of Figi and Elixir of Senna. For sale by all leading druggists. Pnci 50 cents per bottle. mmm FARM ORCHARD nfft and Instructions from Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations ofOregorM CHEESE-MAKING ON THE FARM. (Prof. F. L. Kent, Oregon Agricultural College.) The purpose of this article is to give simple directions for the maklns of cheese in the farm home with the appliances which will usually be found on the farm. A reliable dairy thermometer will be necessary, for success in cheese-making depends to a large extent upon the proper control of temperature, and the "rule of thumb" is not sufficiently accurate. We will assume that 100 pounds, which is about 12 gallons, of milk is to be used. Should a greater or a less quantity of milk bo used the maker must govern his work accord ingly, using color, salt, and rennet proportionately. Directions. Coloring It is not absolutely nec essary to color the cheese, but the appearance will be considerably im proved by the use of color. Remem ber that butter color will not do for cheese. Probably the most satisfac tory form in which to buy the cheese color for our purpose is in the dry form. Both color and rennet can be had from the dairy supply houses in dry form, and in this form does not readily deteriorate, an important point to consider where cheese is made for family purposes only, which means making probably not oftener tnan once a week. The dry color is dis solved according to directions, and the proper amount to use is diluted with about a half glass of water and added to the milk before the addition of the rennet. The amount of color to use will depend upon the shade desired in the finished product, as well as upon the character of feed the animals are getting. The breed of cows also make some difference. Rennet The most satisfactory form of rennet for use in farm cheese making is rennet tablets. They are not quite so convenient to use as the liquid extract, for they should be dis solved two or three hours before time to use them, but they will keep al most indefinitely, which is not true of the extract when once opened. Preparing the Milk Take about six gallons of the evening's milk and leave it covered with a cloth at a temperature of 65 to 70 degrees until morning, and then pour it with an other six gallons of the morning's milk into a large wash boiler or wooden tub. If a wooden tub is used considerable care will be necessary In keeping it properly cleaned. All the milk is then heated to 86 to 88 de grees. Perhaps the safest and sim plest way for heating is to hang a deep can filled with water at about 150 degrees down in the milk and move it around. If the can is sus pended from the ceiling it is a very easy matter to swing it back and forth in the milk, and it can be raised out as soon as the desired tempera ture has been reached. The milk should not be exposed to cool drafts and it is well, after the heating is done, to cover with a cloth. Setting Having previously dis solved one rennet tablet in about a half glass of cold water, add this solu odor. As soon as the curd is cooked, draw off the whey. If a tub is used this can be done by letting the whey out through a hole in the bottom, or all the curd can be dipped out with a sieve and placed In another vessel. Salting After the curd is well drained and before it gets a chance to stick together, add oue-fourth pound of fine salt and mix well. After salting, leave the curd to cool for about fifteen minutes, stirring it occasionally. When properly cooled t.e curd should have a temperature of about 75 to 80 degrees. It Is then ready for the final step in the making, namely: Molding and Pressing The cheese hoop generally used is made of tinned or galvanized iron, and is seven to 10 inches' In diameter and about nine inches deep. But a wooden box, six by eight inches and ten inches deep, without top or bottom, will serve the purpose fairly well. If the box is used it would be advisable to have some small holes bored in the wood to permit drainage for the whey. But if several cheeses are to be made during the season we would strongly recommend the purchase of a regula tlon cheese hop and regular seamless bandage. A very simple press can be made by using a pole about twelve feet long as a lever. One end of the pole is supported by a slat nailed to the wall, the cheese hoop being placed so that its center is about three feet from the wall. The weight on the long arm of the lever can be a pail partly filled with stones, and the pressure is applied to the cheese through a block of wood that fits the hoop. Before the curd is placed in the hoop, the hoop Is lined on the inside with cheese cloth. Cut a piece of cloth and place it in the bottom; then take another piece large enough to line the inside and one inch longei at the top and bottom. The lower end of the cloth is turned in over the cloth at the bottom and the upper end is turned back over the edge of the hoop. After the curd is packed fairly tight, it is covered with another piece of cloth and the upper end of the bandage is turned over it. A slight pressure is first applied by hanging the pail on the lever close to the mold and after about an hour the cheese is taken out and the cloth re arranged, by pulling it up and trim ming off so that it will project over the cheese ends about an inch. When placed in the mold again the pressure is gradually increased by moving the pail toward the end of the lever, and the cheese will be ready for the curing room the next day. Curing The curing is best done In a slightly moist air at a temperature of about 60 degrees. A good cellar will be quite satisfactory. During th first few days the cheese should be turned daily. It is well to rub the cheese once a week for a few week with butter or cheese grease and also with salt if it shows signs of mold. The cheese will be eatable in three to four weeks, but will improve if kept for a longer time. The 12 gallons of milk will make about ten pounds of cheese, varying somewhat accord ing to the 'richness of the milk. Don't let the evening's milk get sour. Don't overheat at the various steps in the process. Don't use too much salt. Don't try to get along without an accurate thermometer. Women s Secrets There if one man in the United States who hs perhaps heard mere women's secrets than any other man or woman in the country. These aecrets are not aecreti of guilt or thame, but the secret! of suffering, and they have been confided to Dr. It. V. Pierce in the hope and expectation of advice and help. That few of these women have been disappointed in their ex pectations is proved by the fact that ninety-eight per cent, of ell women treated by Dr. Pierce have been absolutely and altogether cured. Such a record would be remarkable if the case treated were numbered by hundreds only. But when that record appliea to the treatment of more than half-a- mil linn women, in a practice of over 40 vears. it is phenomenal. and entitles Dr. Pierce to the gratitude accorded him by women, the first of specialists in the treatment of women's diseases. Every sick woman may consult Dr. Pierce by letter, absolutely without charge. All replies are mailed, sealed in perfectly plain envelopes, without any printing or advertising whatever, upon them. Write without fear as with out fee, to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R. V. Pierce, Prest.,, Buffalo, N. Y. . IR. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION, &k.lx.oa w oak women Stronc, Slclat Women XTColl, liilhe,iniT'r5:tt,td,rJ Don't fail to keep the utensils clean r nrf-f..-- -r. -T. ...... -J.. .,i.. ...I.. .I Value ef Waste Paper. It Is an interesting fact that waste paper ran be so important a commer cial factor. In TorcaU, Canada, tker are 10,000 tons of waste paper col lected anaually. For these there is received about $110,900. For Just the ordinary waste paper the sum of $lf a ton is paid. But for the bettei grade of waste papers the price has been known to run as high as 40 a ton. Throat Coughs Ask your doctor about these throat coughs. He will tell you hov deceptive they are. A tickling in the throat often means serious trouble ahead. Better explain your case care fully to your doctor, and ask him about your takine Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A Wa pubiiaa r formulae Wa ni.a Blonkal fraai tnr aiadiaiaM 1I0TQ Wa nrr. J.,. about two minutes, then pass the back of the stirring dipper over the surface of the milk to stop any move ment. While the curdling is taking place it is important that there be no jarring of the milk, otherwise the coagulation will not be so per feet. Some makers prefer to use two rennet tablets, thereby saving time in the making, and the resulting cheese will also cure quicker. Cutting Rennet curdles the milk and if one tablet is used the curd should be ready to cut in twenty to thirty minutes. To tell when the curd is firm enough to cut, push the forefinger into the milk, bend the finger to a 45-degree angle, and raise it gently. If the curd breaks clean across the finger it is ready to cut. The cutting can be done with a wire toaster, a piece of sufficiently coarse wire netting, or even with a long knife. First cut slowly lengthwise, then crosswise until the curd is in nearly uniform pieces of about a half-inch cube. If two tablets are used the milk should be ready for cutting In about fifteen minutes. If the evenings milk used should be pretty close to the souring point when the morning's milk is added, the Separate fancy waists hold a very ... " the well dressed woman. and sweet. 9(5 fi ?dj DISTEMPER For rvir'TTCa J r&IZni VnV Eye, fpizootlc. Shipping fever end Catarrhal Fever Sure cure and positive preventive, no matter how homes at any ari are infected or "exposed." L quid, given on the tongue: acts on tha B.ood and Gianda, expels the poisonous Terms from the body. Cures Dis temper in Dofrs and Sheep and Cholera in Poultry. Largest aellinjrliva) stock remedy. Cures La Grippe among human beings and is a fine K icL ney remedy, 60c and $1 a bottle; $5 and $10 a dozen. Cutthisout. Keep it- Show toyourdrutrffist, who willfret it for you. Free Booklet "Dis temper . Cause and Cures." Special agents wanted. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., & s-L GOOD CAUSE FOR REJECTION Author Forgot to Make His Detective a Dope Fiend According to the Formula. "This detective story will not do," (aid the magazine editor, handing sack the manuscript. "I'd like to know why," responded the author, with a show of heat "It has color, atmosphere all the regular business. The detective can see around a corner or through a wall. He needs no clue save a lock of the murdered man's hair. He is able to read human minds and motives as an ordinary sleuth reads a placard offer ing $5,000 reward. His deductions are utterly absurd, irrevelant and prepos terous, yet crowned with success. What's the matter?" "Do you state anywhere that ho drinks a quart of absinthe neat?" "No-o." "Dp you have him partaking of hasheesh, opium, morphine or other familiar tld-bits upon which the de tective of fiction subsists?" "I forgot that." "Where is the admiring friend to whom the detective lays bare the blatant idiocy of his intellectual work ings?" "Left his out, by George!" admitted the author, and vanished with his amateurish effort. Philadelphia Led ger. Mothers win find Mrs. 'WlnsloWs Sonthina lyrnp tiie best remeuV to use foi tneir ciiUoxea luriBg tae teeming perioa. FASHION HINTS .-XBSto fl ' M Vho makes the best liver pills? The J. C. Aver Company, of Lowell, Mas. They have been mskinr, Ayer't Pills for over sixty years. If you hive the slight est doubt about using these pills, ask your doctor. Do as he stys, always. " mill J Ua . C. Ae C- LawaU. Mala. more quickly, but the quality of the chpese Is liable to suffer. The fac tory cheese-maker uses an accurate test to determine the condition of the milk as to its approach to sourness, but this is hardly practical for the ordinary farm cheese-maker. Cooking This is rather a mislead Ing term since the temperature reached is only about 100 degrees, but the term is in common use among the factory makers, hence is used here. After cutting leave the curd alone for five minutes, then raise the temperature slowly, about 2 degree i in five minutes, to 98 to 100 degrees by the use of the heating can, stirring gently all the time while heating. Then cover with a cloth and keep the temperature about 98 decrees for about forty minutes, or until the curd Is sufficiently "cooked," stirring occa sionally to prevent the curd from Semi -barbaric tendencies show in many models. Dead -work is a popular trimming, in colors and in black and white. The accompanying sketch shows an attractive waist of chiffon cloth, with just a little beading on the vest. Accounted Fer. "Where are our poets of today?" thundered the orator, looking over the vast audience that had gathered in the district schoolhous. waiting a breathless moment or two to let his words sink into the minds of his spellbound listeners. Waal." replied Hiram Plunkett, from the rear of the room, "our best poet here is down to Bear Run cuttln' timber fur a steam sawmill comperny, an Harthy Baker, our next author- sticking together. If the temperature In ror. he1 t0 ,u' wa tn6ht falls too low the heating can will have to be used again. Another way of heating the curd is to draw off a part of the whey, heat it to 130 to 140 degrees and pour it back. It Is im portant that no particle of curd gets Into the whey that is being heated. To determine when the curd Is ready, take a handful and squeeze it hard in the hand for a moment; if it feels elastic and does not stick to gether it has been cooked enough. If the milk was good the curd should have a much to her vexation, becux her pap's got the roomertU." Grapefruit Cocktail. Cut three medium-sized grapefruit Into halves, remove rulp and mem brane and separate the pulp into flakes. Mix this lightly with quarter of a pound of Malaga grares. mhtrh have been skinned and seeded, sprin kle liberally with sugar and chill thoroughly. Serve In the grapefruit pleasant, very slightly acid j ahells with a little crushed ice. the Happy Vay. There is hlways a best way of do ing everything, if it be but to boil an gg. Manners are the happy ways of doing things; each one a stroke of genius or of love now repeated and hardened into usage. They form at least a rich varnish, with which the routine of life is washed and its de tails a'dorned. If they are superficial, we are the dewdrops which give such a depth to the morning meadows. Manners are very communicable; men catch the" 'r v oter. Fate of a Chicken Stealing Eagle. One of the biggest golden eagles ever killed In this vicinity was brought down by Ernest Hollenbeck with buckshot Just as the eagle was flying off with a rooster in its claws. The eagle had been a pest of th , chicken yards for months, and many shots were taken at him. The bird measured six feet seven inches from tip to tip and will be stuffed and mounted. Mead correspondence, Den ver Republican. Embarrassment. The day of Judgment had dawned. Everything was being made right. Yet in the midst of the general rejoicing a meek little man was observed to sink down on a log by the wayside, completely discouraged, and bury his face In his hands desparing'y. "How shall I ever carry away all the um brellas that have been returned to me?" he moaned, in much distress. Puck. . To Breal In New Shoes. Always shnke In Allen'r Foot Ease, apowder. t cures hot, sweating, aching, swollen teet. 'ures roms, ingrowing nails and bunions. At til druggists and shoe sleres, lc. Dont accept invsuUtitute. Sample mat led FREJi. Address Vlleu S. Olmsted, Le Kny, N. Y. I I In Optimistic Vein, was cheerful and always able to communicate her cheerfulness to others. During the nine years we spent in poverty and debt 'she was al ways able to reason me out of my de spair and find a bright side to the clouds and make me see it. In all that time I never knew her to utter a word of regret concerning our cir cumstances, nor did I ever know her children to do the like. For she taught them and they drew their fortitude from her. Mary Twain's tribute to tU wife. Different. A young man la disgusted when he flnda his aister doean't know the name of the governor of the state, but when the tweet young thing in the next block 41cleses the fact that the dossn't know the state baa a governor he goes 4own on hl knee to her aweet femininity. la Highest Point. Raaleton claims that the highest Inhabited point In Pennsylvania is in that city, at the oorner of Thomas and Eleventh streets, where the elevatlo la LSSS.7 feet above ea level. WOMAN TELLS STORY OF INTENSE SUFFERING At the age of about 40 years, I was attacked with hemorrhage of the kid neys or bladder which continued for several years without a check. I finally took advantage of your generous offer and procured a sample bottle of SwampV Koot. Believing it helped me, I pur chased a fifty-cent bottle, which con vinced me that it was helping me. Three other bottles cured me. In two -or three years, over-work brought my " ailment back, but one bottle stopped it. I feel as if I owe my life to you for" the great blessing Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root has been to me. I recommend it to all human beings suffering as I was. You have my permission to publish this letter and if any person doubts it, if they will write me, enclosing stamp, I will give full particulars. Yours verv trulv, MRS. T. B. PHELPS. Rocky, Ark. Letter to Dr. Kilmer Jr Co, Blnphamton, N. T. Personally appeared before me this 31st day of August, 1909. Mrs. T. B. Phelps, who subscribed the above state ment and made oath that the same is true in substance and in fact. L. P. PURVIS, J. P. Prove What Swanp-Root Will Do for Yot. Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, tell ing all about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. For gale at all drug stores. Price fifty-cents and one-dollar." A SMALL f ARM With water when the crop needs it pro duces more than a large ranch without. BUY 5 OR 1 0 ACRES Of mmj :o. S.E. of Salem. i Marion ( HARTMAN & THCKPSCN, Bankers. Qiaaber tl CaotaMra BnikBas.. Perita. Or.. Managers. Braidi 0& ea Ike Grands it Wed Surtea. j Vouean 't sow thistles and JSs reap fijs. If you plant jfi a-JK. Ferry's Seeds you K f X . grow exactly what JrtHr jT -VK. 4 you expect and in 4 l tVtn jf a profusion yr3L ,-'',; ltv-i and perfec- jk?- v-A. tfS. Jr I tion never JriL 'Vaar I excelled. f!?,V'"iS4r I A frsyy Vr of I yrC3V 4? mak.X!hcmr" I r-V Vi-Vr lii"'- For sale tf VVV' T everywhere. Fam's 1 r V" t f Y 1911 Seed Annual D k' ' rTV-r" bee on request I The Chiia ana i. e Telephone. A child should be taught as early aa possib'e to call at least one telephone number, a neighbor, father's place of business, or physician. I taught our little boy, who is Just three, to call a neighbor's number, and twice have found It useful, once when taken very ill, and again having burned my arm badly. He was able to call and re ceive immediate assistance. Harper'a FSL1 "I have suffered with piles for thirty years. One year ago last April I be gan taking Cascatrets for constipation. Ia the course of a week I noticej the piles began to disappear and at the end of six weeks they did not trouble tue at all. Cascarets have doue wonders foe me. I am entirely cured and feel like a new a." Geoige KryJcr, ISapoleon, O. Plwant Palatable. Potent. Taxta (Vod. Do Good Ner Sicken. Weaken or Gnpa lOt ix. (Ot Nmr told m bulk. la me ln taoWt rtamp-d Cl'U Ouarmntwct as core or roar tnonr back. P N O No. 13-'l lI'HrX wrltlna- to atdrertisara plastot) If annilta taia paper.