Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 01, 1910, Image 5

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    Express Rates Reduced.
Crushed in Mine.
The Weed's News
Local and Personal Happenings
in and About the City.
properly ntted at P. O.
and Semi-Weeklv
The O Eette
Journal 81.75.
Jake Young was in from Eight
Mile, Tuesday.
John Hay e8 came up from Port
land, Thursday.
Frank Roberta returned from
Hot Lake, Saturday.
Don't overlook the Bain wagon
at Gilliam & BUbee's.
Mr and Mrs C A Minor returned
from Portland, Monday.
Try that acid proof granite
ware at Gilliam & Biabee's.
Highest cash price paid (or hides
aielts and furs. Phil Conn.
See that aoid proof graniteware
At Gilliam & Biabee's.
H S Neel was an incoming pas
senger from Gondon, Thursday.
Oscar and Emerson Eeithley, of
'Eight Mile, were in the city, Tues-
Geo Bleakman, of Hardman,
was a passenger for Spokane, Mori
0 A Barrett, of Athena, candi
date for joint senator, is in the
ci'y. 1
Three coaled acid proof granite
ware, every piece guaranteed at
Oilliam & Bisbee's.
Judge Bean, candidate for su
preme judge came over from Pend
leton, yesterday evenirg.
Mrs F Lupr return d Monday
evening from San FranciHCo. Hbe
was accompanied by her son Ray.
8 F Wilson, of Athena, candi:J
date f ;r joint senator was an in
5 ming passenger yesterday evening.
We Lave employed an expeit
lauudryraan. He has shown his
ability by handling this hard
water successfully. Heppner
Our new laundryman is a No 1
w isher, starcher and ironer. Can
give you any finish, domestic, me
dium or high gloss on fyour shirts
and collars. Will oall and deliver
your bundles. Heppner Laundry.
September 6th the sreat Portland
Fair & Livestock Exposition will
open in this city, and continue until
the 10th, Inclusive. An elaborate
program of races, livestock exhibits,
tnuaio. vaudeville amusements and
industrial events hi been prepared by
the mangement. This will be the
reatest fair of its kind yet held in
the city, as a large number of blooded
animals recently imported, and the
best known of the old stock, will be
found. A great poultry show will be
conducted on the grounds Trained
animals will perform daily and the
races will bring out some of the fast
Northwest stock.
Express rates In Oregon, published
by Wells, Fargo & Co,, are to be
rcdueed at once, without litigation or
further contention, as the result of
an understanding reached in Portlaud
last Friday with the Railroad Com
mission. The new schedule will be
put into effect at fast as the rate
clerk of the Commission and the
of the company can prepare
Acate r Chranlc-WhlchV
No matter if your kidney trouble is
acute or chronic Foley's Kidnev Re me
iy will reach your case. Mr. Claude
Brown, Revnoldsville, HI., writes n
that he suffered many months with kid
ney complaiot which baflled all treat
ment. At last he tried Foley' Kidney
Rented and a lew large bottles effected
complete cure. He says: "It has
een pf inestimable value to me."
Won'l Need A Crutch.
When Editor J. P. SosBtnan. 'of Cor
nelius. N. C, bruised his leg badly.it
tstarted ah ugly sore. Many salves and
ointments proved worthless. Then
r.ucklon's Arnica Salve healed it. thor
oughly. Nothing ii so prompt and
sure for Ulcers., Boils, Rums, Brui.-es,
"ut", Corns, Sores, Pimples, Eozema or
Piles LTx: at all druggist.
Foley's Kidney Pills conta'n in con
centrated form mgrediei ts of establish
ed therapeutic value for the relief and
'ureof all kidney and bladder ailments.
lor Quirk Itrllef train liny IfVfr.
Asthma tin ! summer hnnnhiti", take
Foley's Honey and Tar. It quickly re
lieves the discomfo't and sulfe-ing and
the annoying eymBtomi disappear. It
soothes and heals the iiilamed air pas
sages of the hea l, throU snd bronchial
tnbe. Itrontatn no opiates and no
fiarmfu druie. P.efuse eafcstiluies.
The schedule as finally agreed to by
both aides yesterday represents an
average of 84 per cent of the prcsen
rates, but a sliding scale ot reduc
tious from present rates is made
that in dollars and cents the reduc
tions range from nothing to $1
For example, where the present
rate is 40 , 50 or 60 vents aer 100
pounds, between any two points in
Oregon,, there will be no reduction
Where the rate is now 70 cents it will
be reduced to 65 cents. Between
points where the present rates are
higher than those mentioned, the re
duction is correspondingly greater.
The present rate from Porta I nd to
Ashland, for instance, of $3.50 per
100 pounds Is to be reduced to $3.10
The highest rata between any two
points in Oregon is $3.75, and this
will be reduced to $2.75.
It is apparent from the sohedule
adopted that the change in rates will
not mean a reduction of 16 per cent in
the revenues of the express company,
It is said that the larger part of the
business of the company is done 'on
the shorter shipments, which call for
a low rate and which rates are not
reduced at all or are not materially
changed. The principal advantage
will accrue to towns in Southern
Oregon on express shipments from
Portland, and to dealers in Portland
who ship poultry and perishable
goc's from distant points,
The Railroad Commission of Oregon
began an investigation of express
artes in the state about a year ago
and after a hearing issned an order
about two months ago reducing the
rates an average of 16 per cent. The
promulgation of the order was sus
pended, however, under the usual
custom of giving the carriers an
opportunity to determine the effect of
such order and take the question into
court u so disposed. II the new
order had been promulgated at onae it
would have become effective within
20 days.
Walters Martin and P. D. Martir?
of San Francics). owners of the
Eastern Oregon Land company, are
making Vale their headquarters this
weea while on an inspection trip of
their large holdingds in Malheur
countv. The Eastern Oreaou Land
company also owns The Dalles Mili
tary Road tract which comprises in all
about 430,000 acres of land in Oregon,
while 100.000 acres of this land is
located within Malheur county- Their
grants extend from Riverside Ferry
through Vale and up the Willow
Creek valley as far as Cow valley.
It is understood that these lauds
will not be placed on the market
right away as the owners wish to
make many improvements throughout
their tract before it is put up for
sale. Two demonstration farms have
already been established by the com
pany In the Cow valley, and Mr.
Martin states he thinks that dry
farming will be successful in that
valley. The crops on those firms
at the present time look fine and he
estimates that the grain will yield
from 35 to 40 bushels to the acre. He
states that he has corn on one of
these farms which measures over six
feet high.
The Eaatren Oregon Land company
has just told a tract of land compris
ing 14.000 acres, west of Ironside
mountain on the Little Malheur, to
the Malheut Live Stock company.
This vast tract will be developed into
a high class summer range for the
sheep of the Malheur Live Stock
At the regular meeting of the Good
Roads Association held at Portland
last Tuesday, a number of prominent
speakers urged with all their power
adoption of the amendment next No
vember which will premit counties to
bond themselves for heavy wagen
road construction. Until such provi
sion is enacted, the Good Roads people
feel that progress is handicapped,
but if such a measure is enacted by
the people, they are confident many
Oregon counties will at once begin
heavy work.
Long Creek, Ore. About 3 o'clock
Saturday afternoon the Ophir mine,
one-half miles west of Susanville,
caved in and crushed Charles Graham
to death and badly Injured Randall
Ingraham, breaking his leg.' They
wers the onlv men in the mine at
the time and were some 70 feet under
ground when the accident occurred.
Mr. Ingraham, while pinned to the
around in the deep tunnel, was able
to give an alarm signal and a force
of men at once began to dig him out.
The ground was treacherous but the
old miners took the risk and soon
had the crippled man in safety, but
just after he had been removed from
the pit many tons of rock fell and
covered the body of the dead man.
The miners, realizing there was no
use in risking their lives when the
other man was dead, they worked
with more care and less speel. The
mine was timbered as the men
worked, and it was 8 o'clock before
the body of the lifeless man was
Deceased leaves a wife and three
small children. Funeral services
were conducted by D. Hilton and the
remains were laid to rest in the
Susanville-Galena cemetery Monday
afternoon. Mr. Ingraham is reported
to be recovering slowly from his
Will You Review the New Styles
With Us?
Baptist Church.
Preaching next Sunday at 11
lu the morning and 8 at eight.
Bible at idy very Sunday at 10 in
the morning.
C H Davis, Pastor.
Newt Jones came up from
land, yesterday.
Dave Herren, of Spray, is in the
Free! Free!
Monday Night,
September 5.
Dr. mm
President Helps Orphan.
Hundreds of orphans have been
helped by the President of the Indus
trial and O; phan's Home at Macon, Ua.,
who writes: "We have used Electric
Hitters in this institution for nine years,
it has proved a moat excellent medi
cine for Stomach, Liver and Kidney
troubles. We regard it ss one of the
best family medicines on earth." It in
vigorates all vital organs, purities the
blood, aids digestion cieates appetite.
To strengthen and build up pnla, thin,
weak children or run down pe pie it has
no equal. Kent for female complaint.
Only Mc stall druggists.
The great medicil expert and
bloodless surgeon from the Medic
al institute of Liverpool, England,
and Crawfordsyille, Indiana,
branch office: Portland, Oregon,
will give one
Free Illustrated
Opera House
Office at
Palace Hotel
Notice far Publication.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at the Dalles, Oregon,
July 19th, 1910.
Notice! is hereby given that Walter
W. Fleming, of Hardman, Oregon, who
on August 15th, 1905, made homestead,
(Serial No. 03085). No. 14652. for 8E
3E.4 Sec. 19 E NE Sec. 30 and
NW4' NWJj, see. 29, Township 5 South.
Range 26 East, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intentioo to make
final five-year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before C
C. Patterson, U. 8. 'Commissioner at
his office at Heppner". Oregon, on the
29th day of August, 1910.
C'aimunt names a witnesses:
Stacy Roberts, Fred Knighton, John
Howell and Mrs Adda Roberts all of
Hardman, Oregon.
C W. MOORE, Register.
July 28-Ang 25
Tike tli Gazette and Journal,
t ice a we.'k.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, August 2.'?d, 1910.
Notice is hereby given that Joseph W.
White, of Lexington, Oregen, who, on
Ju'y 12. Ii. l'.''V, in -id hoTteMead No.
HtilO, serial No. tStk.". for NW quarter
sect o l 9, township 1 North, Range 20
Kast, Willamelto Meridian, tins filed
notice of iutentioa t make final five
year proof, to estut lih claim to the
'and above described, before C. C. Pat
torsoo, U. S. Commissioner a his office
at Heppner, Oregon, on the 4th day of
October, 1910.
Claim int names as witnesses:
R. K. WiM, J. W. Sibley, C. A.
Morey and II. O. McCormiik, all of
C. W.MOORK. Roister.
Sept 1 2
, 1
comitHlllil er
Perhaps this is a little early to talk clothes
when we haven't even the promise of con
tinued cool weather in sight, but the fore
handed men. the men who lead in busin
ess or social life, don't wait until the elev
enth hour to supply themselves. There
are a lot of people who make it a point to
see the new things as soon as they come
in. and to our customers who want to
know what the season's latest work is in
men's fashions, we extend a cordial invita
tion to view our late arrivals in
Sincerity Clothes
We can't say enough about the tasteful
styles that are teing shown this Fall, but
you may always be sure that SINCER
ITY CLOTHES lead in this respect.
They depend upon their graceful, well
balanced lines and upon the quality of ma
terials and tailoring. It's a combination
you can't beat. The patterns ai e very at
tractive indeed and we want the early ris
ers to share our pleasure in looking over
these new modes. You will find the new
hats, neckwear and shirtings just as at
tractive. $12 $18 $20 $22 $25 $30
Sam E. VanVactor,
Office on weit end ot May Street
Heppner Oregon.
Olflca la Palace Mtl Hsppnar, Oregea
Only eomplsta set ot abstraot books
in Morrow county.
Frank B. Klstner
Office in Patterson & Son's drugstore
Residence in Morrow building over
Patterson & Son's Drugstore.
Graduate of :
Lenox College, 1885.
Chicago Homeopathic Med College
Rusk Medical College. 1892.
Imperial Hotel
Portland, Oregon
Modern six story,
fireproof building.
S. E. Notson
Dfficeln Odd Fellowa Bld( Heppner .Oregon.
Permanently looated in Heppner. Office
in me new f air building, uas sa-
European Plan
Rates 0100
Phil Metscman, Manager.
Phil Methchan, Jr. Asst.Manager.
Aatlce f final Accauullng.
Red Front Livery &
Feed Stables
Willis Stewart, Prop
Kept constantly on r.and
and can be furniaheson
short notice t paitiee
wishing to drive into -he
interior. Fiis'cUso : :
flacks and Booules
TC 'i'IIE : : : :
Henpner, Oreoon
Call at the Gniette office and learn el
our clubbing offer with the Weekly Ore-
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned as exeeutrix of the last will
and testament ot Edward A. Brundage,
deceased has filed with the County
fU LfcYS KI Dil KY FffXS ' -on- her flnal cc0l'nt executrix
Foa Bachacmc KionctnBuiook0 land that said court has fixed Monday,
the 8th day of August, 1910, at th 1 hour
of 10 o'clock iu the forenoon of said
day as the time and the County Court
room in the Court bouse in the City of
! Hammer nfl tha nlftCA far hpirinir said
fnirv'c rftoTHTnT avaTTCTF :.. .i.k ..i.m., f
Fob Stomach TuouBLt and Constipation Stftc All persons having objections to
oiler to said rt port are required to pre
sent same on or before th dte alore
Kxer-tilnx of the last will anil tests
nient of KdaaidA. Hrundage, deceased.
July 7-Aujt 4
udepenasut ana
reubl Tli Oregua-
ton Back a chc KidmitsamoBuddm
Pacific Lodging
C. N.SHINN. Prop.
Good clean rooms,
none better in town.
Come and Stop With Us
Located in
Rooms 5 aud 6
Odd Fellows buildinu.
for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities.
iL Foley's Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse substitutes.
Hold yy DruiiBlata