The Weed's News Local and Personal Happenings in and About the City. Glasses Cork's. properly ntted at P. O. tf. Dr. E. B. Swinburne, of Pendle ton, is spending the week in Hepp er. Mrs. Judy Mitchell, who has been very Bick for a week is better today. M. S. Corrigal was over from Hut'e" creek the latter part of the week. John Marcus, a sheepman of the Monument country, is in the city today. Lyman Swick, of Monument, was transacting business in Hepp ner, Monday. H. K. O'Brien and T. E.Cbidsey liave returned from an inspection tour of the Umatilla Forest reserve. County Assessor Hendricson and son, Ellis, rusticated in the moun tains a day or two during the past week. W, B. Potter, the prominent stockman of Spray, was in the city the latter part of the week on business. Dr. Howard Gove, of Fossil, was transacting business in Ileppner, Saturday, and shaking hands with his many friends. Word has been received tha Judge T. W. Ayers, who is at Pen dleton, is very low and that his death is expected hourly. yj. minor ana ramiiy ana Newt Jones spent Sunday at the lias mu a camp in the mountains; making the trip in Mr. Minor's White Steamer. There is some strong courting going on in a certain ' home in Ileppner. A lovely youDg lady will soon be making the morning coffee for two. Of course 6he wil ti te Folger's Golden Gate. Mr. George Martin and sister, Miss Blanche Martin, of Newcastle, Pa., stopped over in Ileppner a few lay8 the past week while en route to the A-Y-P Exposition at Seattle. They were the guests of Judge and Mrs. C. C. Patterson and Miss Emma Baird. A party consisting of Messrs. Herry Duncan, Ed. Burgess, Geo. Martin, Osmm Ilager and Edgar .Ayers, and Misses Enudson, Hager, Martin, Baird and Meadows, spent a veiy enjoyable day at the camp ing grounds at Ditch creek last Sunday. After a successful run of four months the scouring mills at Pen dleton have closed down. The wool clip in Oregon this year was larger thao last by from one to two milLioa pounds. Last season the cfldp approximated 13 millions but this season between 14 and 15 mil lion pounds are being shipped from this state. During the past season the prices paid have ranged from 12 to 23 cents and the average price paid has been in the vicinity of J 9 cents. bourse coughs and stuffy colds xL may develop into pneumonia over night re quickly cured bv Foley's Honey and TTa', and it soothes infl iraed membranes, lieals the lungs, and expels the cold from the system. So.d by Slocum Drue Co AGENTS WANTED, in every town Hot the Steel Adjustable Hameless Horse Collars. Nil p.ids, hames or strspf", can nee with any kind of tug attachments. AVill not gall horse or wear out. Will not corrode of rust. Fiice $.00 each. Ask your dealer. Write for liteia'.iue Address. Ni:l()N WIMU'K COV PANY, Exclusive Distributors Pacific Coast States, Albany, Oiegon. Miss Veuice Jones is visiting in Portland. R, F. Wilmot was up from lone, yesterday. Ralph Akers, of Gooseberry, was iu town yesterday. See the ball bearing buggies at Gilliam & Bisbee's. Percy Dennison and family drove iu from Spray, Tuesday. Get a Sharplesa cream separator at Gilliam & Bisbee's. Highest cash price paid for hides pelts and fura. Phil Colin. Do you know that Minor & Co. sell Ebmann's Olive Oil. N. E. Crowe came in from the interior country, Tuesday, Campers are beginning to return from summer outing trips. Emmett Cochran returned to hit Grant county home, Tuesday. Alex Cornett, of Butter creek, was a business visitor, Friday. Plain family work 75c per dozen at the Ileppner steam laundry. Don't forget the hay stacker and buck rakes at Gilliam & Bisbee's. Fred Leonard, a stockman ol Richmond, Grant county, was ii the city this week. Mr. Leonard wis formerly a Morrow county resident. There will be an ice cream social by the Methodist church at the DeadiDjr room in Lexington on Saturday, Aug. 28, beginning at p. m. Also the paBtor, J. M. L Iloyle, will preach in Lexington a 11 a. m. first Sunday in September All are invited to attend both the social and preaching. This will be the pastor's last preaching daj in Lexington. Let all come out. Miss Barbara Temple, who has been the guest of Miss Winnifred Wionard for a month, left tint morning for her home in Kankakee, I'lmois. She will go by way of California, visiting different points in that state until about the fir st ot October. Miss Temple is great ly pleased with this section of the West and thinks Oregon is a fine place in whica to spend one's vc- cation. BORN Sunday. August 22, 1909, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart, of Ileppner Flat, a ten pound boy. Ellis to Hawaii. Local relatives of Congressman and Mrs. W. R. Ellis have received word that the family will not return to Pen dleton until October. They ate now iu lite east and will spend some time at Judge Ellis' old home in Iowa. They will then leave for Hawaii where the judge w'll attend to some congressional duties. 7f . . ODDS AND ENDS, BRO- Geo. Sterritt and wife, of Hamil ton were registered at the Palace Tuetday. cf n i PvsJ Vzz lT nr to C. R. Khuer, the jeweler, 1060 Vir ginia Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., writes: 'I was so weak fro.n kidney trouble that I could hardly walk a hundred feet Four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy cleared ray complexion, cured my back ache and the irregularities disappeared, and I can now attend to business eveiy Uy, and recommend Foley's Kidney Remedy to f 11 sufferers, as it cured me ftr the doctors and other remedies nd failed." Slocum Dra ; Co. Coffee The aroma-tight can protects it against impurities and deteri orationnever sold in bulk. Your grocer will grind it better if ground at home not too fane. PEOFSSSIOlTAli Sam E. VanVaclor. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on west end of May Street Heppner Oregon. KEN LOTS OF WASH GOODS, TABLE LINEN, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, NECKWEAR, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, ETC To us they are odds and ends, incomplete lots which we do not want to carry over To you they will prove great bargains, splendid goods. Some beautiful patterns in neckwear, only one or two of each. Odd sizes in skirts, and enough regular sizes & to make it worth while for everyone to come in and look over these prizes. Muslin Underwear Anyone who attended our June Clear ance Sale will know what a strong line this is and the favorable impression it made at that time, liather than hold these for another season we will let them go at the following; prices: Regular 2 75, this sale . . $195 Regular 2 25, this sale . . . $1 75 Regular 2 00, this sale . . . $1 35 Regular 1 50, this sale . . . $1 10 Ilegular 1 25, this sale .... 98c Regular 1 00, this sale .... 75c C. E. WOODSON. A TTORNEY- A T-LA W Office In Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon W. L. SMITH, ABSTRACTER. Only complete set of abstract bookt n Morrow oounty. Hkppnkr, Oregon Frank B. Kistner PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Patterson & Son's drugstore nesiueuce in Morrow buudinir over 'atterson & Son's Drugstore. I tegular 75c, this sale Regular 50c, this sale 52c 38c ; Womens Gloves A beautiful assortment of the new and r staple shades in kids, milanese lisle and $2 65 98c 39c 27c 0 50 full length kids 1 25 two clasp kids 50c two clasp lisle 5c two clasp lisle Womens Petticoats These are in plain black and washable colorings, all marked down much below the usual in order to clear the lines entirely. 0 50 values at . . . . $5 25 3 00 values at . . . . $2 25 2 75 values at . . . . $2 00 9 r,fl vnlnoc nf CM 7K 2 00 values at $1 50 1 2. values at . 98c ft , & Dress Skirts & A great many of these are in odd sizes' A but never the less thev mnv he ins what you want. Look them over, they are sure bargains. 15 00 Skirts at 11 00 Skirts st ..... 10 00 Skirts at 8 50 Skirts at 7 50 Skirls at 6 50 Skirts at 4 00 Skirts at 3 75 Sirts at $11 50 $8 25 1$8 OO $6 75 $6 15 $5 25 $3 00 $2 75 Guarantee Public I.ana Scrip. TheO B. Towers Co.. Miles City. Mont., agents for Northern Pacific Land Scrip, will select for you Any vacant, non-mineral, government land. Write them for particulars. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Ilexamrthy lenetet ramrtn The above is the name of a German chemical, which is one of the many val uable ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. IlexatiietLylenctetrnmlfio Is recognized by medical text books add authorities as a uric acid solvent and antiseptic for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any irreKr.tniitie, and ax?id a serious mala' y. Slocum Drug Co. J R. W. HICK0K Grainbroker Oreoos S. E. Notson ATTORNEY AT LAW. Jfflceln Odd Fellows Bide Heppner, Oregon DR. METZLER. DENTIST Located in Odd Fellows building, Rooms 5 and 6. DR. M. A. LEACH UKNTIHT Permanently located in HeoDner. Offioe in tbe new Fair building. Gas ad ministered. N. E. WINNARD, At. D. Graduate of : Lenox College, IS8". Chicago Homeopathic Med College 18!W. Rink Medical College. S!2. MINOR & COMPANY For the Best in Job Printing come to the Gazette Office. r PflLfqCE HOTEl HEPPNER, OREGON Leading Eastern Oregon Hotv MODERN CONVENIENCES ELECTRIC LIGHTED . . . Coder New Management. Thoroughly Renovated and Reflated. Best Uenls in tbe City. HADDOCK 4 CO. Prop. International Cor. Schools Scranton, Pae I'nr ii moil In follow I. a l.rlppr. Pneumonia often follows la grippe but never follows the use of Foley's Ho-'ey and Tar, tor la grippe cctiehs and derp seated coldx. Refuse any hut the gen uine in the yellow package. So!d by Slocum Drug Co. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA DIRECT TO YOU Without Any Middleman's Profit Distil lrl iu Louisville, Kentucky, in the giwid old ;inIi ioiietl way from select fjrain and ston-i! iu mod ern steam healed -warehouses nut i I Cully matured, OIJ AN1 MELLOW Bottled especially for FAMILYand MEDICINAL PURPOSES meeting tho most exacting re quirements of the pure food l;iw. '' WHEH TOU ORDER DIRECT Yon save that extra prolit of the middleman, and no traveling expenses to pay. ITS TI1K OLY WAY TO HtY This fino old -whiskey is shipped direct in plain, sealed rases, without marks to indicatecontents. Full quitrt bottles, foar to 50 PER BALLOH tl gallon 9a9 llPffill CHMttl MEMID HENRY FLECKENSTEIN L CO., PORTLAND, OREGON Send for lrlc List of Other lllrh Grade Liquors c I I I I WA AW ESTAni.ISHF.D Can give you thorough training in any of the following professions Mark X before coarse you desire information about. Ad Writer, Book Keeper, Commercial Law, Illustrator, Sign Painter, Marine Engineer, Mechanical Draftsman, English Branches. Sheet Metal Worker. Electrician, French, German and Spanish with Edison Kepeatiog Phonograph. H. V. REED. Representative BOX 19 PORTLAND, OREGON Architect, Plumber, Mechanical Engineer, Civil Engineer, Surveyor, Aseayer. Ctiemiat, Mining Engineer, Contractor and Builder. The Palm Robert Hart, Prop. Ico Civ.-un J co Cream Soda Ugi (J ratio Curar.s Frosli Candies Xuts and Fruits Lunch (Joods Ico Cold Coca Coin Orangeade Koot lleor FOLEYSHONEYIAR Cures Coldai Prevents Pneumonia STAR HOTEL Red Front Livery & Feed Stables Willis Stewart, Proa FIRST.CLASS :LIVERY RIGS E Kept constantly on t and and can be furnishes c Bhort notice t paitiea wishing to drive into he interior. Fir? tlasi : : Hacks and Sugyies CALX. ROUND AND SK U. WE CATER TC iIIE : : : : OOMMERCIAL TRAVELERS iND CAN FURNISH RIGS AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : : Heppner, Oregon i) Andy Cook & Son Props. vhor A rt rv 1 1 tt i i- U I "I II I'M II Refitted and Thoroughly Renovated JEFF NEEL. Proprietor Everything neat and clean at popular prices. First-class Restaurant in connection Corner Chase ard May St?.. Heppner Fiist class white cook and only white labor emploved Meals Served at all Hours Main Street Hkitskr. ... Ore; F0IEYSH0NEMAE tops tb cough and nala lungs