Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 03, 1907, Image 1

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    Ortfon IIi(,t(U.()((, x
VOL. 24.
NO. 1162
MatMBwacwuseamaKBo csjss
8. E. CARR. PreB. B. P. GULP, Vice Pres. W. 8. WHARTON, C8hier
ailK OT
r Heppner
Capital Stock $50,000 Fully Paid
Organized under the laws of the state of Oregon
$25,000 daylight burglar insurance carried
Member of the American Bankers Association
Insured Bank money orders issued
Accounts by mail solicited
All communications answered the same day they are
The Bank of Heppner through its large connections is in a
position to extend large accommodations and the greatest safety
o all its depositors
E. F. Zaspell Shot in Back
of the Head.
George Webb Suspected of Crime
and riak'1 Quick Get Away
--Offlcere In Pursuit.
$ The man who makes the Cele-
V brated Heppner Saddle and
Jj Cow Boy Outfits
Has in the Largest Stock of
J Harness in Morrow County.
Prices on Lead Harness as follows:
Complete with Boston Team Collars $24.o0
" " " " 80.50
" " " 3G.7i)
" " " " " 38.50
Breeching Harness
Complete with Boston Team Collars $42.50
" 49.00 tf
Buggy Harness Complete with Coach Collars S
at the following prices, according to grades: Ct
$22.00, 25.00, 27.50, 32.50, 37.75, 38.50, 42.00. k
Call and investigate. It is my pleasure to show
and sell these goods and yours to use them.
uuuoiuvuuu uuaiau mu j
$39$?9?9$$39 9V99VT9999999!
The body of E. F. Zaspell was
found in this city last Sunday
evening, near Geo. Aikin's resi
deoce, with a bullet bole in bis
head, and there is every evidence
that the affair was a cold blooded
murder, and that a stranger by the
name of Geo. Webb was the per
petrator of the horrible crime.
Webb came here about a year
and a half ago and worked for Geo.
CurriD, herdiDg sheep. He was
known ODly by a few people, hav.
iDR made but few acquaintances.
About all that i? known of him is
that when drinkiDg he is quarrel
some and often flashed a gun.
Zaepell has been around Hepp
ner for some time, having at one
time been in the butcher business
in this cit He was an eccentric
character and made but few friends.
Less than a year ago be got into
trouble and quit the butcher busi
ness. He went out herding sheep
for Hynd Bros, where he worked
for several months, returning to
Heppoer last week.
The latter part of last week he
was employed by the Myers thresh
ing outfit. He came to town on
Saturday and running onto Webb,
hired hira to go out t the Mers
outfit to weik in threshing.
Zaspell and Webb bad supper
here Sunday evening, when Zaspell
took his team and light wagon,
with a saddle in the rig and a
saddle horse hitched behind and in
company with Webb' started out
for the threshing machine in the
vicinity of Lexington. This was
about 7 o'clock in the evening.
At a little after eighto'clock, the
little daughter of Wm. Straight,
hearing somebody drive up near
their residence, and thinking that
it was her father, went out and
found a team mixed up in a barbed
wire fence and the rig overturned.
Running to the house the alarm
waa given and the team was fouud
to be Zaspell's. Further investiga
tion resulted in the finding of
Zaspell's body where it had been
thrown out of the wagon when the
vehicle was turned over.
Marshal Gurdane was th3 first
officer notified at about 9 o'clock
on the evening of the murder. The
marshal immediately called up
Sheriff Shutt and the two officers
took lanterns and commenced to
to investigate. The wagon tracks
of Zaspell's rig were followed back
rom where the body was found to
about a mile below Heppner where
it was found that the rig had been
urned around and Zaspell's two
dogs were waiting at the turn of
he wagon tracks.
Coming back to where the body
was found, the officers followed the
track of a single running horse from
the rig up Hinton creek until
two o'clock in the morning.
Coming to the conclusion that
Webb was making for Echo on the
saddle horse, Marshal Gurdane re
turned to Heppner and Sheriff
Shutt accompanied by W. T.
McRoberts, made a hard ride reach
ing Echo in a little more than four
At Ejcho, no trace of the missing
man cotol be found and the sheriff
returned to this city.
Early Monday morning the miss
iDg saddle horse was found near
Echo with the saddle and bridle
off. Later the saddle and bridle
were found where they had been
Wan l of Poll People Taken np
by C ommercial Club.
(Concluded on page 5.)
E. L. Freeland who was recently
in the Potts country and who talk
ed with a number of prominent
people in the prosperous Potts
district was impressed and sur
prised with the number of people
from that district who wanted to
trade in Heppner. The only
barrier is the question of building
a road.
The matter has been taken up
by the Commercial Club aod a
meeting was held by this body at
the Commercial Club.'rooms yester
day evening.
There was a good attendance of
business men and the different
questions of interest were dis
cussed in a thorough manner.
Mr. Freeland stated that the!
desire of the people in the Potts
country to come to Heppner vyss
only natural for the reason that
they are now going a distance of
45 miles to Pendleton, where if
there there was a road to Heppner
which could be made at no great
expense, the distance would be
only 25 miles.
Newt Jones who is well acquaint
ed in the neighborhood where the
new road would go, said that to
go up willow creek to white's saw
mill, it would be only necessary to
build six miles of new road, mak
ing the distance about 24 miles
with only one hill to speak of.
E L. Freeland, R. F. Hvnd, S.
P. Garrigues, w. O. " Minor and
Newt Jones were appointed as a
committee to look into the cost aDd
feasibility of the new road.
arc healthful-nerve
IjOJU"' Japan .
powder 31acK (EL
I are pure. Packed flavor-
tight in dust-proof car-
t'i trine ir nrnforf !-
purity and flavor.
nf TeA
J. A. Folner CD. Co.
San Francisco
Importers of Pure Teas
John Flemming, the well known
stock buyer, was an incoming pas
senger Tuesday evening.
Subject at II. E. church iwifc
Sunday : "Power, Significance aad
Efficacy of the Blood Alone aad
Salvation." Chas. II. Porter,
H. w. Frell returned Tuesday
evenirig from Washington.
The readeri of this paper will be plemlta
learn that there is at least one dreaded jJitowa
science baa been able to care in all tea stHCat
and thatls Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Etho
or ly positive cure now known to the meScal
fraternity. Catarrh being a Constitutional
ease, requires a Con?t!rniional trettsxtic
Hall's Catarrh ("lire is taken internally, otiag
directly upon the blood and mncuoua sor&b-es
of "the system, thereby des'roying the forredi
tion of the disease, and givin the pAnit
strength by building npthe constitution a as
sisting nature in doing its work. The prori
tors have so much faith m its curative
that they offer One Hundred Dollars foraoy
cass that it fails to cure, cend for list of S
monials. Address F. J. CHENEY Jc CO., Toled, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipttfeu
A recogutaed minority The Wetr
readies of AdCorrcrw County
Whtn In need of
Fresh Groceries
You'll always find this a good place to trade.
Sam Hushes X; Co
L..';-. x
a r six
Coming Coming
One Day Only-Monday, October 7th
Men's Clothing
Made to Order
Cleaning, Pressing Repairing.
Star Hotel Building. May St., Heppner.,
Call at the Gette office end learn of
eur clubbing offer with the Weekly Ore
ffonlan, .
Department of the interior,
1-and Office, La Grande, OrpRc.n.
?iptpml)cr 12.1907.
Notice i horf!)y Riven that Nancy A. Wade,
of Hepnner, OrcRon, has filed notice of her in.
tontion to make final five-year prool in lupnort
of her claim, viz: Homestead Entry No 117H2,
made Au. 2, 1902. for the N'SE1 Sec. 22. W
SW, Section 23, Township S 8., Rang 28, E. W.
M., and that taid jroof will be made before J.
P. Wlllirms, V. 8. Comminnionpr, at hi nflinein
Heppner. OreRon. on Not. lfl, 1907.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuons residence upon, and cultivation
of, the land viz:
Harry Hays, Thad Moore. Pamoel Haworth
and Eli F. Neal all of Heppner. Oregon.
8eptia-Oct24 E. W. DAVIS, RegMer.
Giving two Performances at 2 and 8 p. m.
Doors open at 1 and 7 p. m.
Grand Free Act on Grounds. Maximo,
The highest diving dog in the world, throws himself head first into a
net from the eminence of a ladder 100 feet high. Free act afternoon
and evening before doors open.
Equestrian Acts, Trick Dors and Mon
- o j , ..... - . iviuumj itllU
bar performers, Traoeze Performers. Castincr nrfs nf nil
J n i ".,,hujio.
Wire walking and iiio-prlino-. BiV Alilitnrv Rn wi rnrl rf.nl rirnrc mnc!r
bix 1- unny Clowns, Six. Positively the only circus that will show in
A lv-lruu liUI ) car.
I .. . . '.
;. k." 'c4 i . v- ?