Orgou III itorloal Soeiely City Hull VOL. 24. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21 . 1907 NO. 1133 piaor'EssioiT.Xi cesses. Redfield & VanVactor, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on west end of May Street Heppner, Oregon. C. E. WOODSON, A TTORNE Y- A T-LA W Office In Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon Phelps & Notson ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office In Odd Fellows Bldg Heppner, Oregon, W. L. SMITH, ABSTRACTER. Only oomplete set of abstraot booke in Morrow oounty. Hefpneb, Oregon. Groshens & Shaw Proprietors Union Saloon HIGGS & WINNARD PHYSICIANS A SURGEONS. Special attention given to diseases of the eye, par, nose and throat. Office: The Fuir Building. IIliPI'NKU, Orkgon. Frank B. Kistner, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Patterson & Son's drugstore Resuleuce in Morrow building over Patterson & .Son's Drugstore. WINES, LIQUORS THE CELEBRATED Indcrweis BEER Grade MEETING OF TOCKMEN Equitable Allotment of Range Privileges a Hard Problem to Solve. COMMITTEES HARD AT WORK High Clears t7 DR. METZLER. . DENTIST Located in Odd Fellows building. Rooms 5 and 6. DR. JH. A. LEACH EI5ISrTIST Permanently looated in Heppner. Office in the new Fair building. Gas administered. Belvedere FINEST WINES LIQUOES & CIGARS' One hundred empty barrels for Bale. Five hundred barrels of ex tra fine cider vinegar on tap. . . . HEPPNER, - ORE. HEPPNER, OREGON The Brick Saloon We carry in stock only a very high grade of Barrel and Bottled Goods We carry the lead ing braods of FINE CIGARS Draft and Bottled Beer. Buy on Credit! this $60 Machine for $25 FIHMT PIEfiia h ' itltcb, doubl feed, elf threading hauls: hti aatomiitlc bobbin winder nd other lateMlmprove menU. TUU i. the ANTI TRUST MACHINE. It U the ume marhina ageoU re Mkinfr you (60 for. All attachment! K with taofc maehtn. Bold for aaty 1A eiuh and S3 Monthly. WrlU TOUT for fre rUMITlfflf UTU0GUC howlug ltffanl hoaMbold goodi w will hlp (Frelaht fretiW) on Eatr Parmeirta our saw CI EDIT pUn. Omvurtx Furntturo Company 1TJ-1TS Flrt St PORTLAND, OB. Hepfner, Oregon. The Heppner Forest Reserve will be Divided into Two Divisions to be Known as Eastern and Western. Liberty Meat Market V Boyer & Wherry Fresh and Salted Meats Fish on Fridays Highest market price paid for fat stock HEPPNER. OREGON For newa and opinion tb OreKonian. 8. . CARE. Pre. B. F. GULP, Vice Pres. W. 8. WHARTON, Cashier Bank of Heppner Capital Stock 0,000 Fully Paid LOANS MADE AT BIGHT PER GENT " - PER ANNUM Organized under the laws of the state of Oregon $25,000 daylight burglar insurance carried Member of the American Bankers Association Insured Bank money orders issued Accounts by mail solicited All communications answered the same day they are received The Bank of Heppner through its large connections is in a position to extend large accommodations and the greatest safety o all its depositors FOOa PER CENT IHTEREST PAID OH TJITIE DEPOSITS The meeting called by Forest Superintendent Sheller for all stockmen interested in the Hepp ner forest reserve, in this city was attended by a large number of stockmen. Umatilla, Grant, Wheeler and Gilham counties as well as Mor row county, in which the greatest interest centers were well represented. About 200 sheep and cattle own ers were present. V hue the meet ing of a public nature was only of few hours duration, still there is a area amount of basiness to be ransacted and most of the stock men are still in the city in attend ng to the applications for permits for grazing purposes and also the allotment, trail privileges and the thousand one grievances and ques- ions that naturally arise where so many are interested. In Mr. Sheller's opening ad dress at the court bouse an outline of the forest reserve policy was given out in which the forest su perintendent stated that it was the intent to help out the stock inter ests as much as possible by deal ing out the grass privileges fairly and judiciously. The main object of the meeting was to get the stockmen together. While many are interested in the actual allotment of the Heppner reserve grass, there are many oth ers who use other ranges but have been passing through the Heppner withdrawal and of course a con tinuation of trail privileges. The two committees of six mem bers each representing both the sheep and cattle interests have im portant labors as well as responsi bilities of no little consequence. Tbe committees have been work ing Hard in taking m the situa tion and the very difficult problem of making recommpndAtinns fnr the equitable allotment of the grass. Upon the recommendations of these committees the forest super- ntendent w ill use as a working basis and will be a great aid in ac quainting the superintendent with the facts and conditions in deter mine individual rights The meeting was called to order at 9:15 o'clock Tuesday morning at the court house by Superintendent Sheller. After Mr. Sheller's opening re mirks a petition was read by Wm. Barret asking for trail nrivilppp- The petition created a storm of op position coming principally from the cattle interests. This started the ball to rolling in good shape and there was con siderable controversy. A flood of questions were asked of Mr. Sheller nearly all of which are answered in the.use book fui distribution. A petition was read by H. A. Murpby, of Monument, from the Grant County Stock Association asking for rane privileges. The question of taking wood from forest reserves was introduced and several questions were asked. Mr. Sheller stated that in order to get wool from the reserve it was necessary to at first obtain a per mit which woulj enlit'e the holder to dead timber to the value of $20 fur his own use. The question of grazing privi leges for a short time in the spring and fall by sheepmen while trail ing through brough out another Btornrirom the cattlemen. R. F. Hynd moved that com mittees to represent the cattle and sheep interests be appointed. The committees appointed are as follows; Sheepmen C. A. Minor, John Kilkenny, V. B. Barratt, W. Wr, Steiwer, T. J. Merrill and Geo. Perry. Cattlemen J. D. French, Ge--. Horseman, L. B. GilmaD, L. A Miller, R. J. Carsner and J. H, Wyland. The indications are that the re serve will ba divided into two di visions to be known as the Eastern and Western with the Hardman- Monument wagon road as the di viding line. :- 1 t RUE LEGISLATION Sheepmen Send Telegram Legislature to The following telegram was sent xo oaiem yesterday, by a com mittee representing 150 sheepmen: Heppner, Oregon. President of Senate, Salem, Oregon A committee representing one hundred and fifty sheepmen as sembled here, urge the passage of House Bill number seventeen. W. B. Barratt, C. A. Minor, T. J. Merrill, John Kilkenny, Geo. Perry, W. W. Steiwer, committee. House Bill number 17, by Slash er, which has already passed the house met with pn unfavorable report in the Senat. The bill pro vides for the appointment of a sheep cjmmis6ioner and also that all sheep must be dipped befcre being started to the summer rsnges. The sheepmen gennerally are very much interested in the passage of the measure. stomach disorders Its con- TV - i . IB unucu use means permanent injury to health. Following the advice of medical scientists, England and France have passed laws prohibiting its use in bread making. . American house wiv should protect their hous holds against Alum's wron by always buying pure Grap Cream of Tartar Bakin Powder. q Pure Grape Cream oi Tartar Powder is to be had for the askings- Buy by name ly WW THE HEPPNER GAZETTE and the WEEKLY OREGONIAN tor $2.00 1RST NATIONAL Jank OF HEPPNER. O. A. T. A. KHEA President KHEA YioFresident O. W. COSER CnWt E. L. FREELAND.. Assistant Cashier Transact a General Bankinq Business. paid on Time Deposits. Four per cent. EXCHANGE ON ALL PART? 0? THE '.VOP.T.D I'OriiT ANT rLD Collections made on all jiomtson reasonable terras. .:ri'.'.: .vM uviiHv' -1 profit JT.VjOO. nished by the government for free M. P. Clark revived a telegram Tuesday from Mrs. Jack Lane that her hueband bad died and that she would start with his remains from Thonex Arizona, in time to bury them at Lexington Saturday. Jack Lane has been a resident of Morrow County for several years and leaves a wife and two small children. PflLflCE HOTEl ; HEPPNER, OREGON Leading Eastern Oregon Hon MODERN CONVENANCES E-ECTR'C LIGHTED ... Under" New Management. Thoroughly Renovated and Refhtted. B?st Moris ia tbe City. MiPDOCK i CO. Pwpi. v