Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 06, 1905, Image 5

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    The Weed's News
Local an Personal Happenings
in and About the City.
J. P. Rhea, was up from lone,
W. O. Minor returned from
Portland, Friday.
A Walker, of lone, was a Hepp
ner visitor Friday.
Emil Scharff, of Monument was
in the "city Sunday.
Bias Bros, new feed barn is
Bearing completion.
Alfred Ayers was a passenger
for Portland, Saturday.
Andrew Eeaney, of Lexington,
was a Heppner visitor Monday.
Semi-Weekly Portland Journal and
Heppner Gazette only $1.75 per year.
Dr. Higgs, Eyes, Ear, Nose and
Throat. Glasses properly fitted. tf
Wells & Warnock will handle your
real estate and charge only the usual
List your lands with Wells & War
nocW. We sell only on a straight com
mission. E. J. Brown, representing the
Pacific Paper Company, was doing
business in Heppner Saturday.
Dr. F. B. Kistner was a passen
ger for Portland. Saturday whpre
he will take in the fair for a week.
Editor D. E. Baxter, of the
Spray Courier was in the city
Friday on his way home from Port
land. Mrs. H. W. Petesron, of Port
land came up Saturday to visit a
few days with her sister Mrs. Otis
The patriotic citizens of Hard
man report a big tirxe at their
Fourth of July celebratian. There
was a large attendance.
Several fiahing parties of Hepp
ner people went out to the moun
tains Saturday evening most of
them returning Monday.
Miss Leona Friend, of Council,
Idaho, a granddaughter of Mr.
and Mrs. T. A. Rbea, of this city
is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kbea.
C. A. Minor, of the Penlaud
jjivesiocK nna j.anu company re
ports that grass is better in the
mountains now than it has heen
(or si i 'limber f years at this time
of ye-ir.
Mrp. Sarah Brown and her sister
Mrs. Mary Barton have returned
Irom a visit to Nebraska, Missouri
and Kansas. Mrs. Emma Bird,
from Iowa, a sister, returned with
tbem and will make her future
home in Morrow county.
At a meeting of the stockholders
of the First National Bank of
Heppner last Friday, E. L. Fiee
land was appointed to the position
of assistant cashier. Mr. Freeland
is a thoroughly competent man
and justly deserves the promotion
in one of the strongest country
banks iu the Northwest.
War-routs were sworn out in
Justice Ilea's court on Monday
19th by Road Supervisor H. J.
Scott, for the arrest of J. II. Mc
Haley, Dave Hill and Chas. Bed
saul, for obstructing public high
way by driving a band of sheep ou
the road between Little aud Big
Wall creek, and danrnging the
road by rolling rocks aud debris
into the road. The case was tried
by jury on Thursday, June 20. The
jury brought m a verdict of ac
quittal against McIIaley and Bed
saul, and finding Hill, the camp
tender, guilty, also recommended
that the fine be not over 20. He
was fined $19 and costs paying
the fine. H. F. Blahm, Oscar
Schafer and Jamea Burnsides were
witnesses. Monument Enterprise.
This is ideal harvest weather.
Mrs. j? red Varnock is on the
sick list.
Attorney C. E. Redfield re
turned from Pendleton Tuesday.
Marshal Rasmus has returned
from Portland.
Several cases of mumps are re
ported in the city.
W. R. Irwin was a passenger for
Portland, Taesday.
Commissioner Henry Blackman
came up from Portland yesterday
Barefoot sandals and white car
vas oxfords and hose at the Cash
Shoe Store.
The haying season is about over.
In some places the crop was a
little light.
Al Binns went to Portland this
morning having been drawn as a
juror on the Williamson trial.
Dan Stalter left this morning
for San Francisco, on business con
nected with the Mayflower mines.
Regular services will be held at
the Baptist church next Sunday
by the pastor. The morning sub
ject: "A Mischievous Error."
Dan Stalter president and gen
eral manager of the Heppner Min
ing Company came in from the
Mayflower mines Monday. Mr.
Stalter is greatly enthused over
the prospects of the mines and
says that everything is now in fine
working order. He is on his way
to San Francisco n business con
nected with the mines.
Mrs. James Hart gave a very
pleasant party last Thursday even
ing in honor of her cousin Miss
Lena Waters, of Palouse, Wash
The following were present: Mr.
and Mrs. James Hart, Misses Le
na Waters, Leala Campbell, Valle
jo McAtee, Hazel Carr, Eva Mor
rison, Lena Long, Leah Minor,
Edith Marlatt, Alma Marlatt, Lo
rena Meadows, Willa Herren, Viv
ian Cox, Cleopatra Scrivener, Alta
Kirk, Ella Ayers and Leda Hayes.
Messrs. Guy Boyer, Clint Gilliam,
Leo Klackman, Elsie Sutton, Carl
Rhea, Olin Hayes, Fred Behrens,
Johnnie Roberts, Ralph Thomp
son, Cleve Walton, Lester Mead
ows, Prewitt Cox, Tv'lgai Ayeis,
liny Johnston, Mr, Iugles.
Sheriff E M. Shutt left Sttur
dty morning for Salem, taking
with him Wesley Kyle, a 15 year-o'd-boy
who had. been committal
to the reform school by Judge
Ayers. Young Kyle was brought
to tbis county from the Orphau's
home in Portland by Tom David
son about one year ago. The boy
was given a home and taken care
of until about the 12th of last
month when he ran away from the
Davidson home taking a horse.
He was located in the Monument
country in Grant county where he
was arrested by Deputy Sheriff
Fenget and held until arrival of
Sheriff Shutt who brought him to
this city last Wedneday. He was
given a hearing before Jud-je Ayers
Friday and the wayward youth
was committed to the Reform
School. The boy had made severel
trades and disposed ot the horse
that he had taken, however, the
stolen horse was found and recovered.
8 S",
Saturday July ist. To Sat. July 15th
HOWARD In this city Wednes
day, July 5, to Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Howard, a son weight 8
WANTED Man, under 35, from
Heppner, to prepare for good position
as Railway Mail Clerk. Experience in
postoffice not necessary. Entrance sal
ary S00 per annum. Gradual promo
tion. An exceptional openine. Exam
ination soon. Address immediately, P.
O. Box 1553, Denver, Colo.
Lee Cantwell's automobile line
between the depot and the Hepp-
Light and Water plant is now
making regular trips on schedule
Miss Grace Van Vactor left
Monday morning for Bay Center,
Wash., where she goes to visit ber
gland parents. Her father S. E
an vacror ncconinaniea ner hi
far as Arlington.
According to the best informa
tion that can be obtained at this
time the wheat crop of Morrow
county this season will be about
the same as last year or about 1,-
200,000 bushels.
Mrs. L. E. Conn will sell at cost
for the next 30 days her complete
stock of millinery including all
the new hat shapes jnst received
from Portlaud. See the new polo
turban shape. Mrs. Cohn always
has the new styles first. Others
copy. A new shipment of ribbon
and Valenciennes lace, plumes and
flowers for your inspection.
E. L. Freeland, assistant cashier
of the First National Bank of
Heppner left Saturday morning
for Buffalo, New York, where he
goes as a delegate to the Grand
Lodge of Elks which meets on the
11th of July. Mr. Freeland will
will make an extended visit in the
East and will be gone for some
David Sherman Oliver, a farmer
of the Gooseberry country was
arrested Fridy upon complaint ofj
bis wife charged with wife beating.
He was give a hearing before
Justice Whiteia and was placed
under $500 bonds. He claims
that he can furnish bonds but haa
not been able to produce so far
and ia in the county jail. Ilia
trial will come up at the Novem
ber term of circuit court.
; rr
no Cash Shoe
See Our Window Display Of
Harvest Shoes and Gloves
At Special Prices
Wo will help you to save your luml canird
money hy iiiukin- close prices. : : : : :
Pj Ask for Our MOOSE
(hf l SKIX uiilin.-d shoo the
1)st vn,,u' lor $2.50
TK0r00S ,iV,1 l,rn,lwl you
L? Wr t""i't rip -in. : :
Men and Boys Work Shoes $125 to $3.50
Buckinham Sc Hechfs rivited Chrome Tan $s .30 f
All Buckskin Sc Horse hide Grloves REDliCED
We give you the best Sox for vour Money
Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to
lloem at the I. 'win A. Clark Fair
S. A. Made, J. O'D Scobey and F.
W. Stocking, of Oiyrapia, Wash, and
M. (. Royal of Salem, Oregon have
eecured the Hotel Palmer, of Portland,
and put it under competent manage
ment for the Fair trade. It ia a(V room
hotel situated on Alder street between
Seventh and Eighth, just one block west
of the Oregonian building, only one
block from car line running directly to
the fair grounds. For one dollar a day
the very best accomodations can be se
known at over Was! nvton an 1 !o a larg?
extent in Oregon ar.J their names give
assurance that thi? guests of the hole;
will be properly tared for. Take the
Morrison Street car at the Union Depot
and ask the conductor to let you off
Park street, then wa'k one Mock nortl
to the hotel. Write at once for particul
ars and for reservation cf a room. Ad
dress Hotel Talcier, Alder street
Portland, Oregon. From the Mortw
Olympia. Olympia, Wafhinton.
The editorial r of the Weekly Or
ronlan rives a broad treatment to a wl
The above gentlemen are well ranra or subject.