Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 06, 1905, Image 8

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The Gazette office was never
better equipped for Artistic
Job Printing than it is to
day, having just received a
large supply of
which added to our already
complete office, makes it one
of the best shops in Eastern
'on. Do vou need
or ENVELOPES. If you
do now is the time and the
Gazette is the place to have
it done. Can supply you
with anything in the
In fact we are prepared to
turn out any job from a
small card to a full sheet
poster, and you can have col
ored work if you prefer it.
If you do not believe it, try
us. Make a specialty of
Perhaps you are in need of
some legal or land blanks,
which we always carry, in
stock. Send for catalogue.
We have a complete line of
Come in and examine our,
line of cards and wedding
It is now lees than two mouths
until the opening of the Lewie and
Clark fair. The time has arrived
when it is absolutely necessary for
the people of this county to do
something if we me going to have
an exhibit. Morrow county nor
the state of Oregon never has had
such an opportunity to get before
the people with our resources.
Such an opportunity probably
never will occur Again. It is time
that we were making some use of
this grand opportunity. The state
has already appropriated $500,000
and Morrow county is paying her
share, but this will not amount to
anything unless we do something
ourselves. Are we to let every
other county in the state of Ore
gon be well represented with a
good showing and go along in the
same old rut with little or no
showing and be unknown when we
have one of the best counties in
the state.
McDAlD Monday, April 3, 1905, the
infant daughter of Mr. and Mis. Ed
McDaid, of Juniper Canyon.
The remains were buiied in the
Heppoer cemetery Tuesday.
Dates For Sale Days Have
II cen
Tbe Oregon Wool Glowers' Associa
tion has fixed dates for wool sales under
the sealed bid method as follows:
Pendleton. May 22, June 5, 10,
Heppner, May 25, June 8, 20,
Shaniko, June 1, 13, 23, July 6.
Fashionable Dress Making-.
Mrs. Rose D. Bennell First floor
Star, corner May and Chase streets.
Withdrawn From Entry
vvasDiDgton, Aiarcn oU. ine secre
tary of the interior today ordered the
withdrawal from entry of 090,000 acres
of land in Oregon, and 90,000 acres in
Washington on account of the Umatilla
A Great Sensatio".
There was a big sensation in Lees-
ville, Ind., when W. H. Brown of tbat
place, who was expected to die, bad bis
ife saved by Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption. He writes: "I en-
dared insufferable agooiea from Aetl
ma, bat your New Discovery save me
immediate relief and soon thereafter ef
fected a oomplele care." Similar ourea
of Consumption: Pneumonia. Bron
chitis and ( iv are numerous. It's tbe
peerless remedy for all throat and long
troubles. Prioe50c, and $1 00. Guar
anteed by Slocam Drag Co., Druggists.
Trial bottles free.
The women of Spokane who are
interested in athletics and sports,
are making a fad of swimming,
and arranging for swimming 1p
socs and matcnea for the corxlag
The fishing schooner San Juan
has arrived at Seattle from north
ern wateis with a haul of SO.OOO
halibut the largest catch record
ed for a boat of that size in many
At White Sulphur Spring-,
Mont., H. H. Metzer has been
found guilty in the first degree of
the murder of Homer Ward, whom
he shot last Thanksgiving through
the window.
In 1904 the Coeur d'Alene pro
duced 217,900,000 pounds of lead
and 6,250.000 ounces of silver. Of
that, the Federal produced 94,
300,000 pounds of lead and 3,032
000 ounces of silver.
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Utny Modioina for Bnsy People.
rinjs Golden Health and Renewed Vigor.
Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impure
and Kiduc:
A snociflc for Constipation, Indigestion, Live
ny irouDi
Blood, Had Breath, Sluggish Dowels, Headache
ana li.aouariio.. ic s Kooky Mountain Tea in tab
let, form, 85 cents a box. 0"nuin made by
CIoL.!,;3TL:tt Drug Company, Madison, Wis.
In the County Court of Morrow County, State
of Oregon.
In the matter of the estate of A. M. Gunn,
To.Mary Gunn. Bella Gunn, Marcus Gunn and
Gertrude Gunn, all minors, and to E. R. EIIIb,
general guardian of said minors, heirs at law
of A. M. tin nn deceased, and to all unknown
heirs of the said A.M. Gunn, deceased :
In the name of ttie state of Oregon: You and
each of you are herebv cited to appear at the
May term of said court of Morrow
founty, at the Court House, in
Heppner, Morrow County, State of Oregon, on
Ihe 1st day of May, 1905, at 10 o'clock, A.
M., then and there to show cause, if you have
any, why an order should not he made In the
above entitled mutter authorizing and em
powering the Administrator of said estate.
David A. Herren, to sell the following de
scribed ica! property, towit: Northwest
quarter and southwest quarter of section
twenty-one, in township three. South of Range
Twenty four, Eabt of Willamette Meridian,
North half of Lot lour and north half of Lot
seven in Block two of the town of Heppner,
Lots six and seven in Block one of Johnson's
Addition to the town of Heppner, all In Mor
row county. State of Oregon, for the purpose of
applying the proceeds of said sale to the pay
ment of the debts Hgair.st said estHte and the
costs and expenses of the administration of
said estate.
Witness, the Hon. T. W. Ayers. judge of the
County Court of Morrow' county, State of
Oregon with the seal of said
court altixed, this 21st dav of March, l'.i05.
County Clerk, and Clerk.
MaM'ia Cleat Sweep.
There's nothing lik doirg a tbinfl
tbrrotiKbly. O: all the Halves you evtr
h?ardof, iiuckl u'd An ica Salve is tbe
best. It Hwtfj s uway and cmva Hurnr,
Sores, 13 imes, Cut, Boil?, Uloeis,
It's only
Fkin Eruplicni
25o, and ur.r
by S'i ciio; & C'
Mid Piles.
ri ( t i the
, Druggists.
A Thwughtful Mart.
M. M. Aii-V, f.f Wiich's'e-, lid
knew what to Jj in tbe hour of Deed
I J : - :e ...
ui viiii db;i fciion ai unusu'ii o.sn o
eUruatb and iiver trouble phjaioiana
could Dot bi 1 her. He thought of arid
tried Dr. Kite's New Life Pills aod she
K t relief at ooce and was finally cured
Only 2"io at Slonoa Oi..' Dru Store.
Court of Morrow County, Ore-
Gazette, $1 pr Year jj
In the Coun'y
In the matterof the estate of Frederick
deceased .
To Mary Myer and George Myer, heirs at law of
rreucricK ivrng, ueceasea:
In the name of theritcte of Oreton:
You and ciich of vou are herebv cited to an
pear at the May term of the County Court of
Morrow ou ity. Oregon nt the Court House,
in Heppner, in sa:d County and State on the
nrst day of May, A. v.. 19l5, at 10 o'clock A, M..
then and there to show cause, if any exist, why
an order should not be made in the above en
titled matter authorizing and empowering the
administrator of said estate, Henry Blahn, to
sell the following described real property, to
wit: Lot Number foar (l)-In Block number
four M in Jones addition to the Town of
Heppner, and Lots numbered one (1) and two
(2) in Block numbered three () in Jones
second Addition to tho Town of Heppner, all
in Morrow County, Oregon, for the purpose of
applying the proi-eeda of said sale to the pay
ment of the debts against said estate and the
costs and expense of tbe administration of
88 id estate.
itneHB the Hon. T. W. Ayers. Judge of the
County Court of Morrow County, Mate of Ore
gon, with the seal of said Court affixed, this
2Uh day of March, A D.. 1905.
County Clerk and Clerk of said Court.
Weekly Orcgonlan Heppner Gaiette.
For newi and opinion tha Oregonlan.
Of tbe First National Bank, at Hepp
ner in tbe State of Oregon, at tbe
close of buHoesa, Marob 17. 1905.
Loans and dieoounts $441,716 31
Overdrafts, secured and unse
cured 14.183 49
U 8. Bonds to secure circula
tion 12.500 00
Bonds, securities, etc 5.750 00
linking house, furniture, and
hxtures 15.800 00
Dae from National Banks
loot reserve agents! 4.43G68
Dae from State Banks and
Bankers 1.669 00
Due from approved reserve
Bgents 26,389 14
Notes of otber Natural Banks 9,210.00
Fractional paper currency.
Dickehi.and cents 205 33
8peoie 25,083
Legal-tender notes 18,730
43 813 00
Redemption fund with D. H.
Treasurer (5 per oeot of oir-.
oulation 625 00
Total 576.297.95
Capital stock paid in...,,,.. J 50,000.00
Surplus FUDd....; 12.000.00
VuaiVZ.d pioflte, less expen
ses Btid taxps paid 48.7G2.24
State BaLk notps ootBt(rdin 12,500.00
Dup tn n'b" National Banks 3,984 21
Due to fctate Backs and Bat k-
9,021 45
Individual deposits snhj-ct to
Cbcck 3G0.183.84
D.-maDd oert.fioHtea of deposit 30,553 66
Bills payable, including cer
tificates of deposit for ranr-
ey borrowed 40 (TOO 00
Total 570 297 95
State of okkqon,
ctc.vty cf morrow,
I, Geo. Oeaser, UbBf:i-r of tu- ab v -named
bank, do eolcmvlv swear ti at f h
abovft et'-teoient in tine, to the b s of
my knowledge and beiits'.
8nt pc it e J and swr-m n b f re u v
bib 18 b d y of M-trcb. 1905
Jfytary Tub ic.
Correct At(ef :
T. A. Rbea, )
J. B. Natter, j-Dlreotn-s.
A. L. Ayers, J
Department of tho lnte'ior.
U. 8. Land Otlice Latiiande, Or., March 10, 1905.
A sntlicient eon teat nflidavit harine been filed
in this office by COUA P. VINCENT, contestant,
Hgain-t homestehd entry No. 8440, made May
31, 1899 for WEH NW4 N4 SW, 8 SW
Seetion 15, Township 1 N, Range 27 E W M.
Albert . Burselle, Contestee, in which it Is
alleged that Albert W. Burselle abandoned said
land in the Fall of 1000 and siuce said time has
not resided on said laud and litis failed and
neglected to cultivate said land or otherwise in
any way improve said laud. That said alleged
absence from said land was not due to his em
ployment In the army, navy or marine corps of
the United states as a private soldier, officer,
seaman or marine during the war with Spain
or during; any other war in which the United
8 ates may he engaged. Said parlies are here
by notified to appear, respond and offer
evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock
a. m. on April 22, inns, before Vawter Craw
ford, County Cle k of Morrow county, at his ofti
oeat Heppner, Oregon nt the above tim ',Bnd that
final hearing wi l bo heid at 10 o'clock a. m. on
April 28, 1WV, before the Register
and Receiver of th'j U. 8. Laud Crllod in La
Grande, Oregon.
The ssld eontctnnt hsvlng, in a proper affi
davit tiled Mirch 10. 1;H5, set forth facts which
show thar Hfter due diligence personal service
of this notice can not be msde, it is hereby or
dered and directed tht such notice be given by
due aud proper publication.
. W. DAVIS- Register,
A. A. ROBERTS, Receiver.
(Public Land
(Isolated Tract.)
TJ. 8. Land Office, LaGrarde, Oregon,
pursuance of instructions from the Com
missioner of the General Land Office, under
authority vested in him by section 2455 U. 8.
Rev. Btat., as amended by act of congress ap
proved February 2ti, 1898. we will proceed to
oiler at public sale at the hour of l o'clock a.
m , on the 27th day of April, 1900. at this
oilice the following tract of land, to-wit:
The 8E4 HWJi 8eo 20; SE4 SEH Sec 28; NE
N W H Sec Tp 3 8, R 27 E, W M , NW4 NWJi
Sec 4; SEU SEV4 Sec 2; NEJ4 NEJ4 8ec 11; NEW
SWH and HlV(4 SE Sec 10; hE)4 8W)4 See 1'2;
NWJ4NEJ4 Sec 13; SE NE and NEK SE
Sec 22, Tp4 8, R27E W M. NEM NEV See 24.
Tp 3 S. R 27 K W M, and E N W bee 30, Tp 3
8, K 28. E W M.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are advised to file their
claims in this office on or before the day above
designated for the commencement of said sale,
otherwise their rights will be forfeited.
Dated March 11, 1U06.
No. 3762.
E. W. DAVIS, Register.
A. A. ROBERTS, Receiver.
Isolated Tract Public Land Sale.
U. 8. Land Office Lagrande, Oregon,
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of
instructions from the Commissioner of the
Genernl Land Office, under authority vested in
him by section 2i"5, 'United Stfltes Revised
Statutes, as amended by act of Co,uf(tf8 ap
proved February 2i, 18W, we wtlj Proceed to
offer at public sale at the hour of 10 o'clock a.
in., on the 11th dy of April. 1?05, at this office,
the follow fug tract of land, to-wit:
KEU tEH, SEH 8EU Hoc 28 aud EU NEU See
2ti, T 3 S, Krtr.ge 2- K VV M.
Any and nil persons claiming adverneiy t' e
above-described lands are advised to rile their
claims in this office on or before the dy above
designated for the commencement r.c niid saie
otherwise their ritrhts will bo forfeited.
Dated Feb. 21, 1905.
No '
Mar2 ApriKi
K. W. DAVH. K. cis er.
A. A. ROBEU1X, Receiver.
Notice in hereby given that Peter Tiaiiern
feind. the administrator of the estate of llattie
Kintzley. deceased, has Hied his Una! account
In said mat'er in the County Court of Morrow
County. State of Oregon, and aid final account
will come on for hearing at the Court House in
Heppner, Morrow County, (state of Oreeon. at
t e May term of said court, on the 1st dav of
Mav, 1905. at 10 o'clock A. M.. and anv person
in erented in said estate may file objections to
said dual account on or before said time. This
notlceis published'in pursuance of an order of
the Hon. T. W. Avers. Jiidee of said Court.
duly made and entered in said matter on the
22.HJ day of May, I'.m.Y
Administratorof the estate of Hattie Klutz
ley, deceased.
Attorneys for Administrator.
Department of the Interior. Land Office at
La Grande, Oregon, March 11, 1905.
otice la hereby given that the foiiowinir-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of
his claim, and tbat said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Morrow Co., Ore..
at Heppner, Or . on May 1, 1905, viz:
H. E. Xo. 1AW9. John W. Rush, of Heppner.
Oregon, lor the NE Sec 20, Tp 1 N, R 27 W M
He names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous re idence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Walter Bartholomew, Frea Garouttc. Wil
liam Simons, John B. Morchead, all of Gallo
way, Oregon.
Mch23-Apr27 E. W. DAVI3, Register.
Notice t hereby given that the undersigned
has filed in trie Coiintv Court of the st o f
Oregon fur Morrow County, his final account
r,s the administrator oi the ektnti. nf sunnw.i
Warti. 1 d f ared, and that Tuesday, the 4ih
day of April, i;i;5. at the hour of 10 o'clock A.
M of said .'ay has been fixed by the court as a
tune for the hearing of said account and the
settlement thereof.
Any objections shoill 1 bo made on or hnfnrA
that date.
Administrator of the estate of Samuel War
neM . d eco- wrl
NOr.'CE FOR PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract.)
C. S. Lud Oilice, The Hallos, Oregon,
February 25, lyj,.
1 piirmiance of Inttructlou' from the Com
missioner of the General Land OlMce, under
authority vested in him by section 2155. U. 8.
Rev. Htat , as amended by ait of congress ap
proved February 2fi, 185, we wilt proceed to
offer at public sale at this oltice at the hour of
10 o'clock a. m., on the i::th day or April, l'.K;5,
the following tract of land to-wit:
The8Ei SW4 Sec 6. NE NW Sec 7 and
thcK'4 NWViof Sec is, Tp 4 South, Range 2ii
Last of Willamette Meridian.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-describei lands are ad vised to file their
claims in this office on or before the day above
designated for the commencement of said eale,
othetwise thtir rights will be forfeited.
Michael T. Nolan, Register.
Alice M. Lnni;. Receiver.
Executors Notice.
In the County Court of Morrow County. Ore
gon. In the matter of the estateof Henry Hepp
ner, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
have been duly appointed e -executors of the
last will and testament of Henry Heppner, de
ceased, by the cour.tv court of Morrow county,
Oregon. All 1 ersotis having claims against
ssid estate wi I present them to the undersigned
at the office of Redlield Van Vaeior at Hepp
ner, Morrow county. Oregon, with proper
vouchers attached, within s x months from the
date of the first publication of this notice.
Ftrst publication March 2nd, 19u5.
Co-executors of the last will and tchtanient
of Henry heppner. deceased.
Keiitieia v an actor, attorneys for the ex