Si hq n " " n n lie Heppner Gazette. Issued Every Thursday MorninR one c ,i ijbiiu list. Heppner Gazette and Toledo Week ly Waie, one year . ..f l Heppner Gazette and Chicago Weekly Inter-Ocean, one year 1 40 Heppner Gazette and Weekly Ore Ionian, one year 2 00 Ilt:ppner Gazette and Weekly Ex aminer, one year, including; ticket to Examiner's great drawing 2 10 Heppner Gazette and Young I'nople'fl Weekly one year.... 1 60 Heppner Gazette and Twice - a- Week 8tLouin GInhe Democrat 1 60 Honpner Gazette and Rural Spirit, one year 2 00 Address all orders to Gazette, Hepp ner, Oregon. Judge Mariner, secretary of the Op n River Association, is in town today on personal b'iPiness. He tells us bids for the construction of the portage road will be in by noon of December 24th and that already a number have been received. Alrpady $24,000 has been subscribfd to meet the deficit, $13,000 of which is in the bank. Various lo calities are working bard to meet the requirement and there is no doubt that the $40,000 counted on will be avail able. A letter from Garfield county this morning says ths $2,000 assigned to them was collected and in the bank in a lay's time after they began the canvaRS, "Oh the portage road is all right," said (bat eneraetic worker. The Dal'ea Chronicle. Governor Chamberlain has appointed the following delegates to the National Livestock convention, which meets at Denver Januarv 10: Fred Steufiloff, of Salem; J. E. Smith, of Pendleton; Douglas Belts, of Pilot Rock; George Perringer, of Pendleton, and F. D. Mc Cully, of Joseph. Eastern Oregon has fared well in this matter, J. E. Smith and George Perringer being from this city. Dug. P.eitt n almost as muo'it home in Pendleton as Pilot Rock, while Fred Steusloff lived hee for many years prior to moving to Salem McCully is also thoroughly identified with the up building of Eastern Oetron. Governor Chamberlain is to be congratulated up on having made a very wise selection. Problems of greal importance will come up f'r solution at this convention a"d it in to be hoped that the delegates chosen wid let nothing stand in the way of llioir attendance. Oregon had a good fiiend in the secretary of the Live stock association, Charles F. Martir. His death has removed one of the brightest, most capable and most lov able of men from the ranks of the stock men. Pendleton E. O. Cat Itlade Famous. Bellingham, Wwh., Dec. 16. The most wonderful cat in the world is now in Rellingham. It Ib a large Maltepe, and is owned by J. B. Thurston, who declares he would not sell the animal for $100. The Tbureton family recently removed from St. Paul to Bellingbam. Their household goods, including a kitchen stove, were shipped by freight, arriving in Bellinghara 15 days after leaving St. Taul. Wf en Mr. Thurston opened the oven door, he was surprised to find Iho Maltese cat, apparently none the worse for the long confinement, save a bit of gauntnens and a ravenous appetite. The cat had crept into the stove withoni the knowledge of the per sons who packed the goods for ship ment. ToJ Sloan, the famous jockey, sued the Paris Jockey Club for barring him oil its tracks, and the court of appeals of France has sus tained the lower court's decision that ti e club must pajr Sloan $40,- 000 d.ii'iagoa. From Gilvest ti v as during the ptist year shipped 18,343,033 bulHa of wheat, from New Or leans, 10,718,808 bushels, from TortUnd, 4,9 j1,900, from various Puget Sound points, 4,384,274 bushels, from San Francisco, 4, 100,153 bushels. Oregon W inter Wlieut Crop. Washington, Dfc. 15. The Depart ment of Agriculture's Crop Reporter of today shows that the Winter wheat crop of Oregon is 6upeiior to that of any i (other state, according to the returns on December 1. There are 430,595 aces in Oregon sown in Winter wheat, its condition being reported at 97 out of a possible 100. The condition of the Washington crop, covering 425,305 acres, is only 83. The average condi tion for the entire country is 82. Recent rains were worth $1,000,- 030 to the farmers of Umatilla county. The American corn crop of 1904 would fill 4,056,000 cars, each car containing 600 bushels. Ten United States prisoneia es caped in a bunch from Fort Baker, Cal. They dug a hole through a stone wall, stole weapons and are at large and armed. Mrs. Louisa Paddy, at Butte, Mont., has eaten nothing for three weeks. She is afflicted with a religious mania and believes she cin live indefinitely, perhaps for ever, without taking fond. Mrs. H. C. Robinson, wife of the rector of Grace Episcopal church, Chicago, was fined $5 in a Chicago police court for shoplifting. She onfessed the fact and returned the goods. The American Association of Traveling Passenger Agents, has just adjourned at Mexico City, af ter selecting Portland, Or., as the piace for the next meeting, in iyo5. The exact time is not yet fixed Domestic P in the family is not to be ex pected where a poor cook stove is used. That is only natural. Secure DOMESTIC HARMONY by furnishing your home with one of those magnificent Superior or Majestic STOVES OR RANGES Economical in Fuel, Satis factory in Results, and as cheap and good as a good grade of Stoves can be sold. FOR SALE ONLY BY Gilliam & llisb, Heppner, Ore. LEADING DEALERS IN Stoves and Kitchen Outfits PLUMBING A SPECIALTY GILLIAM & BIsBEE 4 eh The Brandon broom handle factory turned out 20.000 tent pegs for the Japanese army last week. By June 15 FT ills Brothers ex peot to have 8,000,000 feet of logs ready to put into the Willamette above Eugene. A Christmas never approached in 'Oregon when its people were more disposed or better able to ot serve it. Few counties, if any can make a better showing at the exposition than Linn, which is now preparing to send a big exhibit. The Ashland Christian church received as a Christmas present 65 yards of carpet from Mrs. Ganiard, a member living in California. A. C. RUBY & CO. Importers, Breeders and dealers in Perchon, Shires, Belgian and German Coach Stallions and Jacks. We are in a position to sell you a first class pure blood im ported Stallion cheaper than any one, as we are the only firm that ships direct from Europe to the Northwest, therefore we don't have any of the culls from Eastern barns. We have permanent headquarters at Pendleton, Oregon. We make terms to suit purchasers. We eive you a genu'ne guarantee, one that you enn get action on without io ing ont ot the state. We have the largest and best selection to choose fom that ever came to the Nort h we-1 . Would beplased to bave you Jcome a.nd look our stock over. A. C. Ruby & Co. ! PENDLETON, OREGON. eaee T Discovery of Anthracite Coal. Atd'if. i"t' ooal was flrt discovered in 1791, ta d dunni? tbe sme yenr tha bus: nr' of uifrktthitf tbia low commodity w f ti-ti d. Tv.dy it represents ou in rlury of wpndeifnl proportions. It whs in 1853 that El istetter's Stoniboh BiterS first introduced to tha pub !io, B!:d Ix cuve it oootained true aunt has progressed no n.pully that for dqhe.v years it bns oootipied the fiVat rauk us t. family medicii.e. , It positively curei- Hick headache, heartburn, indigestion, dyspepsia. coustipatiou, billiousnean, kidney ills, chills, colds Bud malaria. We urge all sickly men and women to 'ry it for it is well deserving of a fair trial. For sale by all druggists aod gen eral dealers. Apply to bdv of them fo h copy of oor 1905 AlmanflO It is frte and contains valuable information. SlOO Iteward. $100 reward will be paid for informa tion leading to the arrest and convic tion of parties cutting any of our out side fences. TenJand Land & Live stock Co. A recognized autnorlty The Weekly oretronlan JUST STARTED rn Xlios. 13 re niiaii. Practical Horseshoer Entire Attention devoted to Horse- I TS.T i l i snoemg. iNootner work. Lower Main street next to Mead ows' Livery Barn. THE ROUTE Through personally conducted Tourist Heepingcars between Portland and Chi cago once a week, and between Ogden and Chicago three times a week, via the Scenic Line. Through standard sleeping earn J ally between Otolen and Chicago via the Scenic Line. Through standard Bleeping cars daily between Colorado Springs and St. Louis Through standard and tourist sleeping cars daily between Han Francisco and Chicago via Los Angeles and El Paso. Through standard sleeping cars and chair cars dally between St. Paul and Chicago. Be sure to see that your ticket reads via the Great Rock Island Route The be t and most reasonable dining car ser vice. M Idday lunch 50 cent s. For rates, folders and descriptive literature write to L. B. GORHAM GEO. W. BAINTER GENERAL AGENT. TV. P8. AGT. 250 Alder St.Portland, Ore. Sxj hmi Tritnllii THE SCENIC LINE TO TH E EAST AN D SOUTH Through Salt Lake City, Lead ville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver Offers the choice of three routes through the famous Rocky Mountain acenry, and live Distinct Route3 Kast and South of Denver. tsT Tit IMS IMII.V... Ret ween Ogden and Denver, carrying all classes of modern equipment. Perfect Dining Car Service land Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to all Points. toj Over Allowed ON ALL CLASSES OF TICKETS For a' I information and illuctrated literature call on or addrees V. C. MoURIOB, Gjenebal Agent 42TMrdSt. PORTLAND ORE. mwmm Catarri Is a constitutional 61 originating in impure blood and requiring constitutional treatment acting through and purifying the blood for its radical and permanent cure. Be sure to take Hood'sSarsapariila Nasal and other local forms of catarrh are quickly relieved by Catarrlets, which allay inflammation and deodorize discharge. Hood's SarsapariDa, all druggists, $1. Catarrlets, mail order only, 50 cts. For testimonials of remarkable cures send for our Book on Catarrh, No. 4. C L Hood Co., Lowell, Mass. Experiments carried - at the Oregou Agriculture colt ahow that alfalfa can be raised in West ern Oregou as easily ami success fully as clover. A Pendleton couple wh re-ruar-ried within six months t fter being divorced, concluding that he sepa ration was a mistake and that they would try pulling in double har ness again. A c tmplaiut has been tiled ask ing for a receiver for the North Bend wooltn mills company and alleging its insolvency. If is said to owe the Sicnpsou Lumber com pany over $32,090. A punch, bowl hewn from a solid piece of marble and holding 10 gilloii., is the property of illiam J. lirjuu. It once belonged to ThoniHH .Jeflerson, and was pre sented Mr. Bryan by the Jefferson heirs. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Conn of the State of Oregon for Morrow Nuntv. C. F. McCarter, I'laintill, i VJ Cora B. McCarter, Defendant) To Cora B McCarter, the above defendant: In the name of the StBte of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and anvver the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the TJth day of January, A. D. 11)05. And if you fnil no to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in Ills complaint, towit: fora decree uiMilvlnutliu bonds of matrimony exiHtlng between the plaintiff and the defend ant; and for such other and further relief as may in equitv be juHt. This Bummona is served on you by publica tion pursuant to an order on the Honorable W. k. Kllis, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, duly made and entered in the above entitled cmiNe on the 1st day of December, l'.04. The date of tho first publication hereof beinpr the 1st day of Decem ber, 19(14. and the last publication will be on the 12th day of January, lt06. JREDFIKLD & VAN V ACTOR, Attorneys for Plaintiff. The editorial page of th Weekly Ore gon! aji gives a broad treatment to & wide range of subject. CHEAPER MEATS Paste these prices in your hat: Loin steak 10c Round steak 7c Chuck steak 6o Boiling meat 3c to . . . Go All other meats in pro portion. liS & I ilave just opefled b new hhIood at the corner of Earn and May street?. Finest Liquors and icrars Pendleton Beer on Draught Hot and Cold Lunches Heppner, Or. QBQSHE OILIER