Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 04, 1904, Image 4

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    The Heppner Gazette
. Established March SO, 1883.
Warnock to Harlan.
Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner Oregon, ai
econd-claas matter.
Thursday August 4, 1904
m i
There is only one issue in the
comiDg National campaign. It is a
question of voting for or against
prosperity. This is the whole
thing in a nut shell. Not only
the truck farmer of New England,
but the wheat grower of Minnes
ota, the corn grower of Kansas,
the sugar grower of Louisiana, the
cotton planter of Georgia, back to
the wool grower of the "West and
the tobacco planter of Virginia
and Connecticut, way to the fruit
grower of California the capital
ist, the mill worker, the railroad
hand, the merchant and the clerk,
the professional man every one,
from the most elevated position to
the humblest must vote for or
against prosperity.
Our friends on the other side
are looking for an issue. They
need not worry, the issue is look
ing for them. Prosperity is the
issue, and all other questions are
secondary. The American stand
ard of living, American manhood
and American homes are but the
resultants of Republican legisla
tion, the sequences of a protective
tariff which brought to us and will
continue to give us an unprece
dented age of luxury, an un-
paralled era of prosperity.
France has a peasant problem
on her hands. There is danger of
a return of the conditions that
preceded the great revolution. The
rapid increase in the number of
large properties and the disappear
ance of the peasant's farm have
menaces which seem immediate
and far-reaching to Ludovic Gon-
tenson, writing in the Revue de
Paris. The whole tendency of the
times, this writer declares, is to
aggregate land into large proper
ties and force the peasants to be
come mere employes of the landed
proprietors, thus destroying their
independence as citizens. He of
fers no special plau for the solu
tion of the difficulty, but declares
that another gory revolution may
be the result of the constantly in
creasing influence and size of the
landed properties.
White Salmon Enterprise.
Take your choice between Roos
evelt and a record, and Parker
and a promise with Hill for secu
White Salmon Enterprise.
The Democrats view a good
many things with alarm, in their
platforms. If they would just in
clude Nov. 8th they would be
about perfect.
Ditch creek now has a large popula
tion, and wonderful are some of the
stories that come from the mighty
hunters and mountain climbers who are
enjoying the pleasures of the Blue
mountains. Lew Kinney is one of the
mightiest hunters and it is reported that
his escape from buck ague was miracu
lous one day this week. Lew ventured
from camp loaded down with artillery
and found four deer. It is said that the
leer actually laughed out loud as they
leisurely strolled away. Sam Van
Vactor rode one of Billy Spence's pack
mules over to "Hippopotamus," and
they eay that Sam hasn't done anything
since. Neither has the male. It is a
merry crowd at Ditch creek end they
are all having a good time.
For Sale Team, buggy, double and
single harness cheap. For particulars
inquire at Gazette office. 99lf
Minor & Company's
Heppner, Oregon
Making room for the new fall and winter goods is a puzzling question that has to be settled each year,
and the only solution to it is to dislodge the summer goods. But how? Here we have it: Cut the prices
clear down below the profit line, deep into the first cost of the goods. Then they will move out, and do so
quickly, so that is what this grand Reduction Sale means. We have put the knife into the prices of every
thing in summer goods and cut them, regardless of cost or profit.
Will not some of these prices interest you? One yard or a bolt at the same price
12Jc Fruit of the Loom.... 9o
12c Lonsdale 83'o
10c Clover Leaf 7c
15c Berkeley Cambric. lOo
lOo heavy Cabot A 7o
9o heavy Cabot W 7o
8o heavy Bradford Muslin.. 6o
"R" House Lining 5o
8- 4 Pepperell 20o
9- 4 Pepperell 22c
10 4 Pepperell 27o
8 4 Pepperell nnbleaohed . . . 18o
Best Calico 50
Amoskeag Gingham. 5o
12nxo A FO Dress Gingham. lOo
15o Toil de Nord Ho
15c 36 in. Silkoline Ho
8o Cretonne 6Jo
Summer Dress Goods Must All Go This Month Sure
And we believe they will all change owners before this opportunity goes by, for this is the last chance.
45o Shirt Waist suiting 29o
35c Crash suiting 23o
29a Crash suiting 19o
20o bl'k and wb. flg'd Batiste. 12o
25 o blBck torchon lace stripe. . l6o
lOo bl'k and wb. fig'd Dimity. Go
15o 36 in. dress Cambric, dark Ho
I5o Cbambrey Ging. pink. blue lOo
Summer Gloves Reduced, to Sell Quick
Includes all the Ladies' and Children's gloves and mittens of all grades and colors, all at "Sell Quick" prices
LOT --25c values for
In this lot are all of the all eilk
- mitts in pink, bine and blaok,
BDd one lot of the Yataff gloves,
to close oat. Don't wait till
the assortment is broken j .
to select yours. Prioe now I4C
LOT 2-30, 35 and 50c
values 19c.
These are gloves and mitts in
assorted colors and black, and
are made from mercerized cot
ton and tnffeta silk, plain and
lace, all sizes, a choice of i n
this lot for lyC
LOT 3-50 and 60c val
ues 35c.
In this lot are pure jilk, mer
cerized ctton and Taffeta
gloves and mitts in red, tan
and blaok, best values io
the bouse for, a choioe . .3DC
LOT 4-25c Gloves and
Mitts 14c.
These are Children's and Misses'
Gloves and half bands in as
sorted colors, made of cotton
lisle lace black and tan
gloves and mitts, your f .
choice for I4C
We have no old back numbers to dislodge and crowd on to our patrons, but everyone is a 1904 garment.
$12.75 Baits, size 86 $10 00
14.00 Suits, sizes 36 and 38. 11 00
$16.00 Suits, size 36 $12 00
15.00 Suits, size 40 12 00
$13 Snits, size 84 $14 00
20 8uits, size 86 15 00
$21 8uits, size 34 $17 00
25 Baits, sizes 34 and 36. . . 18 00
. . . , n i 1 TT i Pi 1 ft i m 11 i
t Men s Two-piece suits, toats and vests. trasn m. mm Hats
These goods must all be closed out entirely this month. Can't you use them at the price?
Fitting Corsets
$1.75 kind now 49c
These are long-waisted
corsets in drab and
black, Nos. 18, 19, 20,
21, 25, 26, 27, a
choice now 4
484i .Kfru
No. 513 is a
straight-front Pr
incess hip corset
with velvet grip,
hose supporters
in front and side,
white only, per
fect fitting....$1.00
No. 484 is a new shape
straight front, Prlncens
hip, hose supporters in
front, an exoellent fitting
and wearing oorset, in
drab only $1.00
I Style flf
513 if
The Stand-By
G0c kind now 29c
These are long-waisted
corsets in drab, tan
and black, Nos. 25, 26,
27, 28 and 30; we
have but a few of
this lot left at 29
$10 Coat and Vest $2.50
These are Men's Frock Coats
with Vests, medium and dark ool
ored, cheviots and tweeds, sizes
34, 35 and 36. Have but nine of
of these. See the point?
$2.50 to $5 Crash
Also Duck 3-piece suits,
to close out at 1-fourth
off regular price.
Half Off on Straw Hats
Men's Straw Hats
at half price while
they last.
$10 and $12 Suits $7
We have a small lot of
Men's 2-piece Summer
Suits, to close out.
Hot Weather Floor
20o Japanese Matting Ho
30o Japanese Matting 23o
25o Japanese Matting 17o
Ingrain Carpets
S5o 2-ply Granite 29o
50o half wool filled 30o
70o best all wool 2-ply 57c
35o values 15o
Lace Curtains
One-fourth off
"7 . , I 82 50 buys our Jaoknife shoe for 82 oO Is the price of a neat, 3 5Q fof . , hoefl f
$1.25 will buy here he best boj M(1 fe baiit to stand the dressy street oe 'or women, moQa patent eamel ekin shoes for
wearing quality of kid stock in a baJdWa they usually give shoes Bluober cut. pa ent tip, exlended unequalled for wear and
misses lace shoe, spring heel, A jaokoife fre6 with every pair. welt sole, military heel. War- darabiiily; puin 0r oap to.
medium aole. Size 11 to 2. Sizes to 5K- ranted to wear.
Our prices are always the lowest and quality the highest.
Best Granulated Sugar, sack 86 60
13 lbs Granulated Sugar for 1 00
6 lbs Arb. or Lion coffee. . . 1 00
Peerless Flour, per bbl 4 23
Best Beans 05a
Stock salt, per ton $13 00
Dairy salt, best.'per sack. 125
Dairy salt, per sack &
Tea, lb., 40c, 50c and . . 60
13 lbs Jap. rice $1 00
Standard corn, per case 3 00
Standard tomatoes, caee $2 75
Kerosene oil, rear 1, can 1 65
Kerosene oil, Eocene " 1 75
We can give here but a hint of the splendid values in store for you. Come and see us. Next month we
will tell you all about the new goods for your choosing next fall and winter.