Oregon niatorlcal booetj ur b Cltv Hall TWENTIETH YEAR HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY JULY, 7. 1904. NO. 998 DR. METZLER, DENTIST Located in Odd Fellows building. Booms 5 and 6. G. W. Phelps ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offi.ee la Odd Fellows Bids Heppner, Oregon. 6. W. REA ATTORNEY-AT-LAW U. S. COMMISSIONER Homestead Filings and Proofs made. Office one door east of P. O. Borg's Jewelry Store Heppner. Oregon A. K. HIGGS, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office new I. 0. O. F. building. Rooms 3 and 4. Residence at Palace Hotel. Heppner, Oregon. Redfield & VanVactor, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on west end of May Street. Heppner, Oregon. Frank B. Kistner, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Tatterson & Son's drugstore C. E. WOODSEN. A TTORNE Y-A T-LA W Office In Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon DR. iW. A. LEACH DENTIST Permanently located in Heppner. Will open office in the new Fair building about July 15th. Red Front. Livero & reed bums Stewart & Kirk, Props FIRST-CLASS: LIVERY RIGS Kept constantly on hand and can be furnishes on short notice to parties wishing to drive into the interior. First class : : Hacks and Buouies CALL AROUND AND SEE US. WE CATER TO THE : : : : : COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS AND CAN FURNISH RMS AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : : Heppner. Oreoon r REDUCTION ON From $5.00 LOUIS & PLEISS, TAILORS unnnmcn IILI'r HLlt, r m This is what one of the prominent men of Heppner has to say of Slocum's Scal pine: "I was troubled with dan druff and an itching scalp and was entirely cured by using one bottle of Slocum's Scalpine. Thos. Morgan." WE GUARANTEE every bottle and will refund money i n every case where it does not give satis faction. SI0GIIII1 GO The Belvedere FINEST WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS i One hundred empty barrels for sale. Five hundred barrels of ex tra fine cider vinegar on tap. . . . HEPPNER, ORE. 5 I tie t Pastime c i Is the proper place to get that nice cool drink A yon have been looking jf for. W We serve the celebrated W t Hazelvvood Ice Cream i C in any quantity. Private rooms for ladies. En- trance through postoflice i J c i J Gilbert's Chocolates t 2 cannot be equaled. This i is the kind we carrv. Cigars and Tobacco All the leading brands y carried in stock at all L times. G Ashbaugh & Aycrs Proprietors to $7.00 nnc!AM UMLUUH - i J TIE BHIiMER WHEAT YERfi Morrow County's Yield Esti mated at 1,300,000 Bushels. LARGE AMOUNT FOR EXPORT Increased Yields the Result of Bet ter CultivationHarvest-; liiff Has Commenced. Tbia will be Morrow county's banner wheat year. The crops are now far enough advanced as to be considered safe, and a reliable and fairly accurate estimate of the yield can be made. For the coming crop which will be the greatest in the history of this county there can be assigned many good rea sons. In the first 'place, climatic con ditions have been favorable. Good prices last fall was an incentive for farmers to increase their acreage, but above all and which will be an object lesson of great value, is the fact that farmers have been doing better farming. The soil has been placed in a better state of cultivation, and the result is, an increased yield. The interest in better farming is due to no small extent to Moore Bros, of Sherman county who were practical farmers and since they ba a been in Morrow have ""been advocattng the ne cessity of better cultivation in order to place this county up to its proper stand ard as an agricultural district. Moore Bros at once realized the fact that the lands here were rich in wheat producing qualities. This year their wheat looks as well as any in Eastern Oregon simply beoause they cultivated the land prop erly. The agitation for better cultivation and more careful farming has borne fruit, and Morrow county will have a great crop of wheat. The wheat crop of this county is now estimated at 1,300,000 bushels. Tbis estimate is considered very con servative. The estimates are based on the acreage and also from the number of sacks contracted for by farmers at the different warehouses. All sack con tracts this year have a clause in which no empty sacks will be taken back after taken out, by warehousemen. As farm, ers do not want to pay for unused sacks they are figuring closely. The average yield tor fall grain is placed at 18 bushels to the acre, while spring grain is put down at 12 bushels to the acre. The recent rains have been of great benefit to crops in general. The heads are large and well filled and the berry will be plump and large. Everything ought to go in this year as first clasB. In some localities heading has already commenced. In a week or 10 days har vest will be general. As there are lees than 5,000 people in Morrow county, the greater portion of this crop will be for export, the main portion of the home demand being for seed. The amount of this year's crop for export is estimated at 1,100,000 bushels and will be distribute! from the folio v ing shipping points on the Heppner branch of the O. R. it X: Heppner, 05.000 bushels. Lexington, 200,000 bushels. lone, 500,000 bushels. Jordan Siding, 150,000 bushels. Douglas, 225,000 bushels. Cecil, HO.000 bushels. Morrow county's largest previous crop was in l'.M2, when there was 000,000 hughe's exported. Making Good Exhibits. World's Fair Grounds, St. Louis, Mo., July 7. Several Oregon counties 'have sent excellent advertising matter to be placed on display in the state exhibits at St. Louis, and the results they will obtain will be good. Too ;'much cannot be said of the judicious publicity of county resources, for it will do more to secure new people for the state than any other form of advertisement. Lane county and Eugene in particu lar have sent some fine pictures to the Oregon.building which will accomplish wonders for that particular section of the state. Baker county has a eood pamphlet on distribution, while Yam hill has also sent some excellent read ing matter that will doubtless f be the means of increasing her population ma terially. The pictures from Eugene are mount ed on large mats and are hung incon spicuous places in the state building. They represent baildings, both busin ess and residence, factories, farming and fruit growing scenes and in fact nearly every line of industry. A visitor can see at a glance just what he will be located with should he move to Lane county, much more than he can find kestic Peace in the family is not to be ex pected where a poor cook stove is used. That is only natural. Secure DOMESTIC HARMONY by furnishing your home with one of those magnificent Superior or Majestic STOVES Economical in Fuel, Satis factory in Results, and as cheap and ood as a iood orade of Stoves can be sold. FOR SALE ONLY BY Gilliam & iftk Heppner, Ore. LEADING DEALERS IN Stoves and Kitchen Outfits PLUMBING A SPECIALTY GILLIAM & BISBEE out from reading matter. How many people will move to Ore gon on account of the state display here in St. Louis is of course beyond estima tion, but there will be great numbers. Many pass through the building every day with the announcement that they are coming to Oregon in 1905 and com ing to stay. Fairbanks Will Not Resign. Washington, June 30. Word was re ceived in Washington today to the effect that Senator Fairbanks will not resign his seat in the Senate until after the election in November. He wants to be sure of the Vice.Presidency before re linquishing the office he now holds. As yet, Fairbanks has made no plana for the Fall campaign, but it is expected be will go on the stump during Septem ber and October, particularly in doubt ful states. Company drills are being held by the militia at Eugene prepara tory to the encampment at Amer ican Lake. A fountain will be placed on Cottage street, Salem, by the Park board. It it a statue of a pioneer, made in bronze,. OR RANGES