The H eppner Gazette I Ju.l Tr, . r'lT Mnrnlni. VanfHk At Mioliell. t r It t n r pxatnlhre at Herrner Oreern. at woml TKM matter. TnrnwrmT Inpnst 29, 1901 Jn the pact decade, fintcmwn t'anada. Mexico hao three of which are of ir,000 tous ' clm-i limine c.Miniy, w ill mmuI in maifcet displacement; two of H,ft tons and the remainder over 12 KM toDs. Iioeide thene six immense armored cruisers of from l.'?,i)iV too to 14.00 will be added to this rating. 1'nder the new rating, the new protracted cruisers of iM'-OO tons displacement and 21,000-horse power, will come under the head of seoood-claea battleships. The Hitter road proposition would lie a (rood work for a hoaid of trade to start on. A bard of trad has leen organ ized at Pal I sr. Why uot organize a Mtnilar organization here? This w ould t a potxl time to commence. Kvery wfek of the year, the Oazfttk receives letter of inquiry about H eppner and Katern Ore poo, A hoard of trade might be a preat benefit to Heppner. The dispatched announce the bnruiue of another negro at the cUke, down South. The horrible spectacle was witnessed bv oWO pnj le. So locg a? the blacks con ticue their terrible crime, this eavsg custom will be perpetuated. In a receLt public meeting, tleorge C Brownell announced himself as a candidate for re-elect ion aa state senator from Clacka mas countv. He favored the in itiative and referendum, and the election of United State Senator? by a direct vote of the people. Winters, the'man who robbed the Selly Smelting Worka of bo much gold, was sentenced to fifteen years in the penitentiary, which is no more than he deserved even if he did make a fall confession. He is worthy of no more sympathy than any other thief. The exodus from the Kome Bold fields is now fairly on. There are a great many idle men there and the approach of the arctic winter is driving them out as fast aa they can get out. Hundreds of men w ill work for anything tbey can get in order to get passage money. According to a bulletin recently made-public by the census office, Fortl&nd. Oregon, is the second healthiest city in the United States its death rate in 1900 being but per ceDt, while that of St Jo seph, Mo., the leading city, was 9.1 per cent. The bulletin gives the mortality statistics during the cen sus year in the states and territor ies and the principal registration cities. The total number of deaths reported for the year was 1,039,004 as against M1.419 for 1S90. Per haps the most important feature of the. results presented is found in the general dath rate in the regis tration area of 1.8 per 1000 of pop ulation, a decrease of nearly 10 jr cent The average age at death in W was 31.1 years; in 1900 it w is Ii.i.2 years. This is certainly an encouraging report for the ad vance made in medical science and S1IiiUti"0. OiORrsnman T. H. Tongue in reply to a jaery of the American Economist, asking an expression of opinion regarding general tariff revision, r p poses a general revision of the schedules, but believes that duties that foster trusts should be removed, and make the following -tatment: "But if a careful exami ration should prove, what is so ftn alleged, that there art tariffs iijKn products not needed for either revenue or protection; that the in dustries prodacing the goods are capable of withstanding all foreign o.mrietition. that they are outstrip ping all foreign competitors in tL"ir own domain, and rapidly cap turing the markets of the world,) and that thee tariffs serve no pur In the division of state offices for the State of Oregon it is a well known fact that the great Inland Empire bus not been fairly recog nized. This is admitted by repub licans all over the state, but has not Eastern Oregon been somewhat to blame for this condition of af fairs Have the forces been prop erly and harmoniously concen trated at the proper time? The question is now coming up again. It has a good start already. What are the republicans going to do? Several candidates have been prom inently mentioned. Local favor ites are being put forward in dif ferent localities. While this is a condition that always exists, it is a matter that should be settled before the meeting of the next Republican State Convention. The republi cans of Eastern Oregon should come to some sort of an agreement upon what they are entitled to, and the Uaietti believes that the next Republican State Convention will do what is right and just. ' This is no time to stir up contention which is injurious to party interests at all tinea. There is no reason why the republicans of Eastern and West. era Oregon should not work to gether in harmony. Eastern Ore gon is entitled to something and we are going to have it, and we are not going to stir up any row about it either. r."i carload ot evaluated punt's. The remainder of tlie Mate "id net double CUik ('ounty's prod u.t u .n . Idaho's yieM wiii be under SKI c.u!o; of 10 lens e.uii. The i'!iif l initial I'.i'u'ot ni.' carry ever pi lined ill not exceed iM.tHXMW pound, w hen the new crop tdiall be ready for the market. To this will be added this year's crop of fv,X0.000 pounds for California, say I'lVtW.OOO pounds for Oregon, -MXXt.iVHt pounds for Washington anil H,tXVI,000 pounds for Idaho. Last year Oregon marketed 17 .VO.tXXl pounds, Washintften about l,iX- (XX pounds and Idaho's product was in considerable. Thus the I nited Stales prune crop this year will be about S4, OtXJ.lXX) pounds, as against nearly ltiO- 1 000, (XXI pounds last season. The nop in the Pacific Northwest is materially oelter this season than it was last, so these states are likely to profit from the failure in California HFl'PNEK CHI RCHCS. Kpiscopal ehiireh Kev. wine w. k. rot- Literary Notes WBA T WE SPEXD FOR PEXSIOXS. Since the 1st of July, 1790. to! the end of June, 1901. the United States Government has disbursed the enormous sum of $2, i G3,3"o, 033 for pensions. This vast amount has been chiefly paid to the partic ipants in five wars that of the Revolution, the War of 1312. the Mexican War, the War of the Re bellion and the Spanish-American War. The greatest amounts have of course, gone to the survivors and dependents of the soldiers who fought in the Civil War, although the sum expended in meeting the claims growing out of the Mexi can War is by no means inconsid erable. Already the drafts to meet the consequences of the war with Spain are making themselves felt. Last year the Spanish war pension ers received 81,175,225, an increase over the preceding year of $842, 32). This amount is sure to swell in the future. The statement of Commissioner Evans, from which the above fix- area were derived, also gives the amounts of money paid to pension ers under different administrations sine the Civil War. During Pres. ideat Grant's first term the average disbursements were 129,034,009 annually; during the four years of his second term the average was $28,598,639. While Hayes was President the average was 138,330,- 622 a year; in the succeeding ad ministration it rose to 9,45C,2f8: there was a further average in crease during Clevelands first term to $76,408,165. It was tl29, 926,931 a year while Harrison was in office, and $139,487,602 during Cleveland's second term. The year ly average rose to $140,000,137 be tween 1897 and 1901, and it will probably exceed that amount dur ing McKlnley's second term. The story in the argonaut for August 16, l!01, it by John Harold Hamlin, and is entitled, "The Tresspass of Widow 'iraan: A Compromising Incident of the Peavine Feud." It is an amusing sketch of a disturbing element in a min ing iimp, and pictures a midnight raid that nearly ended in disaster. The August number of the Pacific Monthly is the best number of that mag azine ever issued. It lias made a new departure in that it' lias adopted the plan of having many illustrations, the most popnlar feature of magazines now adays. The articles, too, are of excep tional interest. They combine the lo cal and the world-wide in such a degree a to challenge the interest of all people in this seo'ion. , "Thief if yon please; I don't know. We. needn't qnarrel over the word be branded himself with. Yet a trust of money, of friendship, of duty were safer far in Dave's hands than in the hands of abler financiers." Thus speaks Tommie Burns of his "pal," Dave tlawk the hero of Frank H. Spearman's story, "Of the Old Guard" (September McChue's ) According t the conductor's admiring friend. "It was a queer deal out on the West End in those days. Everybody on the line from the director to the car links was giving the company the worst M. K. church. South. Services at II a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. V. M. Can- pastor. field. Catholic Church Itov. Father Kelly. Sei vices 3d Sunday in each month at 10:0a. iu. Beginning Nov. 18. L. Keightol m. and 8 p. M . K. church, Kev H. pastor. Services at 11 a m. Morning subject, "Personal Re sponsibility." K.vening subject," Im proving Opportunities." Sunday school at 10 a. m. You are cordially invited to attend all these services. Divine service will be held in All Saints Church. Heppner, by the Rev. W. E. Pot wine, on Wednesday, Sept. 4th at hours a follows: Celebration of the Ilo'y Communion with address at 10 a. ni. Evening prayer and sermon at 7.30 p. m. Christian church Rev. Motor Carl son, pastor. Services Kt 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Morning subject, "Tha Celestial Choir." Evening subject, "The Storms of Life.". Sunday School 10 a.m. V. IV S. C. E. meets at 7 p. in. Topic . "Spiritual. Acquaintance." You are cordially invited to attend all these ser vices. Hows Tfclaf We offer Ooe Hoodred Dollars to ward tor toy ease of Catarrb Ibat oao not be eared by Hall's Catarrb Cure. F. J. Chinkt ft Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, lha undersigned, bare known F. J. Ubeney for Ibe last 15 Tears, and be lieve him perfeolly honorable in all busi ness transactions, and financially abl to carry oat any obligation made by tbeir arm. Wirt ft Trcaz, Wholesale Draggisis, Toledo, O. WALDINd, KllTKAM ft M ARVIN, Wholesale Druggists Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrb Cure is taken Internal ly, aotiog directly opon the blood and niacoos surfaces of lb ayst'Di. Price, 75o er bottle Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are tbe best. Naadjr Kirarnloa Rale toClaUta thrach. Beginning Sunday, May 26th and every Sunday thereafter during the summer season, the Astoria ft Columbia River Railroad Co. will sell one day round trip excursion tickets from Portland to Seaside and return at $1 each. Train wi l leave I'nion Depot, Portland, at 8 a. m. and arrive at Ssaside at 12:20 p. in.; returning leave seaside atop. in. m. The Ladies' ilom .tommil for Sep tember is the "Sperial Autumn Fashion Number" of that exee'lent inagH.ine In addition to mi unusual number of in teresting slot ies and striking features, it devotes sewn prnres to a complete set ting forlh of the HvlfH lo be in dieses, bodices, bats and w raps. The mo! im portant liteiaiy f 'luure, peihaps, is tlie initial installment of "Miss Alcott'a Letters to Her 'Laurie' " letteis which have neve I lielore been printed. They are edited by "Lamle" himself now grown up. There is a deliiihtfu1 des ciip'iou of a day in the woods with l-i-nest Selon Thompson, and a j llv reri liil of "The College Scrapes We iot In to, by "A Graduate" The fourth part of Mia 'nimpkin's "Aileeu" brings that C larming s'ory near to its close, and Mr. liok discusses the need for parental cooperation in education in his editorial on "The School Ojiestii.n Again " Three at tides about "Cats That Diaw Salai- ies," "Famous People us We.IM Not Know Them," and ' How a Village Changed its Name" combine to make an exceptional pige, mul a doiitile page is devoted to photographs of "The Hand somest I Jices in America. " "The New Wedding Stationery" is shown, also some of the photographs which won prises in The Journal's recent rural contest. In addition lo the regular de partments there are vnluable articles on "A Cleverly Planned Nursery ," "Plants Which Can be Raised in the ILnise," and plans for an ideal $7000 house. Hv The Curtis Publishing Company, Phila delphia. One dollar a year ; ten cents a copy . General Manager 1. I. Shelby, of the Pacific A Id.tho Northern, the railroad that in now in opera tion in Idaho from vVeiser north ward to Council, HHVs Council will in a year or two bec me the great est cattle-shipping station in Idaho. The Council Valley is a charming and fruitful! section, and it is bounded by grass-thatched hills that are ideal grazing ground. It is expected that all the valley will soon be occupied for farming, but the adjacent hills will feed numer ous herds collected for shipping, and the location will make it a great shipping center. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE of it " And Dave looked out for his share of the loot j'ist as trie higher otli- a"d arrive at Portland at 9:40 p cials did. et he refused promotion, because oi his dishonesty, and finally faced death calmly whiV in pursuit if his duly. In ail Mr. Spearman's rail road stories there is not a more sympathy-winning; character, .trane as it mav seem. In Two and Three Piece Suits at School It 3 t $2 25 2 50 2 75 3 00 a 50 4 00 4 50 5 00 5 50 6 00 6 50 7 00 Buys Suits from Ages Three to Twenty plIK Ixrvs will want tht'ir Clothing, Shoes, Hats, vie, won't they? Our htiyer who is now in the East, sent its a line of "(iood Class" Cloth ing for bovs. They are made of lirst-clasa mate rial, in. good colors. ou want to get as much hard woar as possible in a boy's school suit. After that the price is t lie next consideration, "(iood Class" Clothing solves the problem for you. Look at the goods. Will open up a new line of "Kant- wear-out Clothing in a few davs. Starts IN addition to the Clothing, we re ceived a full line of Boys' Shoes. After three years experience with the Sterling and Atlas Shoes we rec ommend them in the highest of terms. They combine all the ele ments of comfort, strength and dur ability. We will have a fine line of Henderson's Little lied Sehoolhouse Shoes. They are reputed to be the very best Children's School Shoes manufactured. Hran new line of Bovs' Hats in the lat est styles just opened. There is no doubt in our mind as to the wearing and lasting qualities of these goods, and as for Prices, we know posi tively that they can not be bate:i . Hats in Pro. fusion at NOTICE! HUNDRED YEAR CLUBS Are becoming numerous. Tbe idea is to promote kneevily. It ts interesting to note, tbnt tbe means tbroogn which long life is to be obtained, is food and tbe stomach. Long life ai d good health ar ool possible unless the stomach does its work properly. Tbere is a way to make it, if it doee not. Uostetter's Storuacb Bitters is ao ideal strength restorer. If you would b cured of dyspepsia, indi gestion, belching, constipation, insom nia, nervoasnes', tjilionsness, try t .e Bitters. Everybody should try it to help nature rid tbe blood of all impurities. It posaeesra valuable curative proDertiee. aod as i pee i fits for wlana. fever and ague, it is unequalled. Don't fail to give it trial, bat be tare yoa get tbe I tannine. Conser & Ayers Drug store have been appointed agents for the new school books and will have them on Hand in a fe w days- Tradc Manna DrucNS Copyright Ac. Anrnn nr11naf a tkpfrh and dnrrtpi Urn may qalfk-'T rraiM our nrini.n free whether aa tfivmtrt i i.rhhlf ptntihl. Comnjuntf tlotit 4tnctlf coiitltleiitiai. II and Ikm k on Patuu m tr. Wilit atfnrr for M-unr. paten tn. Put em taken through Munn & to, rclra 9pruU notuet without chary, ju tbe Scientific American. A hand torn off HlnttratM week!?. Tarrvtt rlr cnlatit'M of any anient iflr Journal. Termt. 4 a year: f-.tir mnntba, IL Sold by all newsdealer. MUNN & Co.'" New York Brsoch one. 324 r SU Wubloiun, V. C. For Spring and Summer Wear S (K) 75 00 2.1 ee Soon ee MINOR & M. LICHTENTHAL, The Pioneer Boot and Hhoe liealer of Hejner, hit Drying; preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to tha membrane aud decom pose, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Crsam Balm is such a remedy and will curs catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., N.Y. The Bairn cares without pain, does Dot irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh aud Hay Fever. The Latest Styles of Footwear for Men, Women and Children. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN EVERY PARTICULAR. Old Stand, Main Street. Rspairinfl Specialty. I. X. L Confectionery and Cigar Store. Dan. P. Dohorty, Projirict ir. Free Reading Room sw Gentlemen are invited to coiiih in and t e comfortable, a rend (alter from all over the world, a ijuiet, rK.ei l.ilde place. CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO and CIGARS, all of the very best quality. A fair nLaie of the public jmtroDHK is solicited. ASrertwed Letter. The following letters remain uncalled for in the postoffice at Heponer. In calling for these letters say 'advertised.' Bardell, J. A. Hanatord, James 'iarner, Bud Templeton' Kd B. F. Vai ohas, P. M. SmallVPrwita Crap. According to 8cratary Lamberson, ot tha HUt Board of IWti-ultnre, Oregon rill produce M. is year ttetween 10,000,- 000 and 24.000,000 (nnds of evaporated J I prunes. These will grade Irorn up. Last year a large part of tt.e Oregon ! flrept to Pliable the corpora- crop graded below 40. t::e yiel1 heir ti i;s iutroniojj tbee product to i litrht enonh to (-errnit plenty of rofm ! . ,l..rt nnreaiuinahle rtrice from the ! on T" l"r frn; I" ,,in 1r2' ' Luiue corjfQiuer Lile a-Jl jtg cheep- - . Jt . 1 . I .. .l l,l 1 I p'll Mt once.'" CASTOR I A For Ln.fa.nti and Children. Tki Kind Yon Hare Always Bought Bears tha Signature ot HILL MILITARY ACADEMY. ! eie. The tte'ter vield this season I re'i't in reducing the s!.e of the fru t. : which in crowded ori the trees. It is not eii-ected Ihst more than i) to car- : I'.ads of ' Irejron rrnne w ill he snt 'i market freeh. Alxjn' Iialf of Idaho's r'ir,es will I sh'.-d freed, and a eon- j iderah'e part of the roltj tion of Fast- j em Washington, bat thoee regions are nearer market than the Oreon profile- ' ere, and nesrnees to market is sn imiort-; sot factor id the sucresful hsndling of 1 fresh frniL Oreeon's poll"t will I eTsi-jrst-!, and there will m prottab'y I THE .. Street DALLES Carnival.. AND I3TH ANNUAL WAml EW (ren fW liTPinnKmiol aaiati H MIIIIJ I jfl.M . UV . Ifl.M. MU ri .i ii in v IHIIIIUI III U1 IVl I i v v w m.m v uvt'ni Vlll My J V A-M TO BE HELD AT THE DALLES, ORKGON SEPTEMBER 3oth-.-OCTQBER 5th Positively the Biggest and Grandest Attraction Ever Given In the Inland Empire. There will be maay Special and Hare Attractionn every day. worth hundreds of miles of travel to itu. I ud-r an ordr ttj rVcretarj? l-Dtf the etitjre Dal irrire is .1 iut four ratings, ext lusiTe id the tiMtedo Ixjats, eailiug ehipe. tag dJ auiiliari. l'uler the i rt order f tiiittg the preoent sir, nkMh tf the Lay, as rerntlj -,tri.ilM.i. cittw h battleahitiw of . , . t i 1 i 11"" carloads of the cored fin.t to go. I'iraard. tin ..f over HM' Jieplament. J The r.i.forni. . rop last year ap,,ros -i u.t lan srniitreil cruisers as tie-1 n,td iso tun mn rounds n.l n.ii I l .tiio to the fitat rate. Id ad- jq , yield w ill I- less than 4l per nt i J. "W. HILL. M l.t. mi thre art oine powerful xut. Priaaial. luHlrwItiiw under rHatror!l.D. j rerLai"lark. wli-i-his Waehifigtonsj a, o. Drawer 17. Tor boaririr a n't dy pupllii rTpare tfys for .1mlln to any scientific arnool or tolii. snd for b'mi nmi life. New sr.4 rtrnpitiy 'Ulpil butlolna Tioronsh Ir'mctlon tofjli ti th b-st m-h'ft1. ' fi'ii IiitK)rat'ir, I Manual tralnlr g Th j t wn,x-thr-s yr lrr Ir. I'or -iar,d 'irTi e hour" to 11 A M ar;'l i t t V M Mr at.all tr'' Kor rtaliua sn-5 imph. oniait.u a .-t ra f ixt iiioi.), t. a4'lrn. 81SOO ba distriboted aa PKKMIUMft for Stock Airri- caltursl an I Art Eihlbits. FIVE DAYS OF GOOD RACING Oo the track just completed. Several ThouHand Uollai-n Trials of Hpeel. will ht (liven in pfirae for SfX.'Cial Kates "ill be made on all transportation lins, arid ample aeeotnmodatiooa are assured for the thnnsands who will rinil this splendid fair. Ifernemoei the JJatCH. and take adfantsge rates; visit Tha Caiies and see the combined big attraction. sd dress J. S. FISH, Secretary. The Dalles, Ore of (he low Fur psrtio AT COST MH For the next 60 Days we will offer, every thin jr in our store, including a full line of Hard ware, Groceries, etc., at Cost. ED. R. Bishop Company D. P(-Mlsa. Or. THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON HIGHEST STANDARD IN THE STATE Two Hundred Onuses io Literalars, Hoienee snd Arts. Hoienos and Kngineer ing and Mnsie. New baildiea and ratinimnl. Snon Sm lr.trnnin... j .M Tolnmes added to library tn 1'Jul. Hummer Mrl.ool with Unirersity credit j f-pecisl ronrees ftr I e sobers, for U, ,0d Medical stndesls. IVpartm-nt of edn estioft Un teachers, pn not pals and saperjnteadeola. Tuition free Cost of ijoe munio e-rauim riKtiarauipa in larye p.saiern oniversities In i Heod esmes to Presidsot or rW'.slrar fpr ctreolars and calalor oes. Lnasna. i tf,rtm. " 'J THIS liVI?C WAGOM In one. tlint ev. ryl.fHly known. It i one of the lt on earth. Gilliam Bisbee Have jiut received on." of the hrought to Heppner. lart Kt.k f,f Itair, Wagona ever Price are Kltrlit. Eleavjr aod Khelf Hardware. (Jran, t: Implementa, Wagona, Hackn Kto iV.'i- .T AK,r,cnlla thJ "world J.rWkerard fJUsse 1 lU Rriealtaral io