Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 02, 1892, Image 2

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    "' Bite yovr Ivninen 1q tin rer feople
and therefore amnt to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
oi Iodiuna.
of New Yrirlt.
J. F. CAPLE8. nf P.TllanH.
H. Ji. MILLEIl, of Orut'9 Puss.
G. M. IKWJN.nl CuioD.
D. M. JJUNNK, of PrtlHnd.
Mfljnr Miigone, tbe pioneer of Graut
cmuty, wbo is now walking buck to the
WiirlU's Fair, in rapidly moving Bloug,
huving completed mure tLuu liulf the
trip, ud in excellent condition to coin
plete bis journey . TbefulJiiwing is whiit
tbe Rnwlius Republican lias to say of
'Major Joseph Mngonp, an old gentle
miiD over eighty jenrn of Hge, traveling
on foot from Jubn Day. Oregou, to Chi
cug ', arrived in Rawlins Saturday eye
Ding and lemuiued over Sunday. Tbe
old man's huir and beard are as unite iib
icy unoiv, and with the c-xception of bi
trengtb, be appears In bo fully as old ax
be says, yet be Jeft borne July 4tb and
liuoe that time be l as uvemged uboui
twenty-seveu miles pel day. fie expeoit
to make tbe entire trip in ninety days.
'Tbe one wish of tbe old man's life
seems lo be to build u school builduig in
bis own County in Oregon, where the
young may be educated at borne.
"At tbe bead of a small oompany be
emigrated to Oregon furiy-live years age,
and after this trip and a visit to toe
World's Fuir, be will probably write u
book. He is bright, intelligent and would
ti.lk au urm oil" a inau in a sin pi isiuglj
short time. The major left for the E.isi
earlv Monday morning "
Our esteemed W.ateru exohauge, the
Heppuer (Oregon) (JzHtte, bus an edilo
nut on the deuih ol timber beuaou. Tin
publishers nave been uiisintoim il. Lu
tber is still alive-bas tukeu the Keek-
treaimeul but uevertbelt'ss lie j-ets i
"jig" on, ooeusioually. Bruwuauuru
(lu.l.) Ueuor.l.
Well, snob is life. This is nnothei
one of tbe junior editor's errors, yet pos
sibly it Luther should happen to
read our ediloriul it might be the meaur
of bis reform, and should snob be the
case we would certainly never regret Lav
lug written it.
Althouuu it is smd congress did verj
little uunug the hint session, jet it Ul..
puss one bill that Illinois credit upuu n,
aud one lln.l sh uldMeouie the plume ol
every job piinlmg establishment in tin
luud. The bill lueniiuuvil, Is the one in
troduced by Oweu Suutl, congresomai.
from Illinois, mnking it uuIhmTiiI fur tbe
government to fumish printed euveloper
at practically uo uddiiionul cost over tli,
plaiu Btamped ones. So now wbeu yon
want envelopes with tbe return curd on
the corner you will have to no to tbi
printing i Bices for I hem. Not withstand
ing tbe f.iot that the government bin
competed with the job Hires ul ibecouu
try in this paiticiilar for a long I line, yei
do you see uny more justice in it tb,n
should they Uiiuiiitiiaiuie nuil Bell 11 lull
dress suit, or a silk plug hut ut cosiV
Certainly not.
Tim tin t li nnniiul oatiilogue of th.
Oregon Normal School bus just been in
sued, from w hich we note the fact thai
the professional ilcpuitiiieiit of the solium
bus been grently strengtheiied; also II id
three new names have Iiim-u added to tin
facility tbisyeni: that nf Professor Orlz
u graduate of the Millersville, Penu.,
State Nonnul School ; of Miss Alice S.
Priest, a graduate of Cornell lluiveisity ;
aud of Miss Ajern, a graduate nf the
Northwestern Conservatory of Music
Tho Monmouth Normal bus from time ti
time been strengl belied and buililid ii
until today it is oue of tbe leading schools
iu the state.
Wasiunotonmnh were formerly know i
as olani-digiieis, but now since they bavi
gotleu out of their slow , eusy goiug aj s,
there at once a di miind for a ucu
Sobiiqtiet for I he si ale, mid in answ er ti
this di maud Wutbingloii bus been obris
tened by ihe iiiiiiiiiun.us vote of the slate
olliciule, the press and the people, ' Tin
Eveigreeu Untie." 'Ihiu ume Is ven
applicable and in lime will become ur
popular and olieely ullied as is "Thi
Empire Stale" with New York. Success
to "The Evergreej Hi ale."
Tub democrats of Oregon have beer
talking combination w ith the peopl -V
party ever since the campaign opeued,
as they thought fusion feasible. Jiu
here Comes the people's party witti tbe
adoption of IcHolmious opposing 1 11101
with uny person or putty. So low tin
democracy will be compelled to make
tbe tight alone, regarding everyone out
side the told us their coiuinou enemy
with ibe motto, "no fuse, no friend.
Til it Urst car loud of this year's grain
reoeived iu Tacomtt was shipped fi'iim
Eastern Oregon, fr. 111 which the Tiico-
inn Nons is ltd to n mark Unit "notwith
standing the great damage Unit has been
done to the wheut crop in the gram bell
iu Eastern Oregou aud Waslunuton, the
yieid will be about as lartrtt 111 it was last
yetir." Now while we think this B little
over-ra'ed, yet such a surprise in store
for the farmers would be a welcome one.
Tub Taoornti News, which allVots to
know all about the labor problem, says
that "organised labor is a comparatively
nttw social force." L ib ir wua eotupi.ct
ly aud aggressively iu und a powerful so
cial and political (actor in England for
many centuries. Tba News is oue nl
these denioorntic papers which indulge
in a gi-eut deal of m stung aUiut pulitica j
and government, lieview. I
Many persons in Ueppuer assert thai
the aitesiau well will never supply asnf
ficient aninuut nf water for the water
works, or even stand tbe ti st soon lo be
given it. beoause the water does not raise
to tbe suiface aud oveinVw, thus giving
us artesian water. W bile these mater
none may poBsibly be correct, yet tbe
cause upou which tbey are based isa ver
poor oue, for this well might be supplied
with a Telu that would supply the great
est amount of wuler ever deeued beie,
and still it would be :m oasible for it t
oveitlow unless its leservoir was located
hiuber than tbe tuifuoe level ot the well.
Thus )ou see you cm tell nothing of the
streiiuth of the vein by Ihe beiuhlb the
water raises iu the well.
Any man nf business principles mils'
ceitaiuly enteiluiu suprtme contempt foi
tbe uiuu w bo has his paper marked "re
fused," wbeu be could wnb three min
utes txe'tion, teach the eflice where the
paper is printed, and order tbe panel
btopped iu person. It is otteu used as u
ruse to avoid the pajment ofacciued
subscription, lu nnj event, it is au uu-business-like
procedure, not creditabb
10 the siibsoiiber, no more thnu it is fan
to the publisher.
James L. ComiKTr states to a newspa
per reporter that be will retire from the
prize ring after be bus whi, ped Jonu L.
Sullivan. However, the Gazette is
prompted to suggest to Jim that he nun
have a strong incentive to do bo in a yen
few rouuds.
It is said with the healthful climate
aud clear atmosphere of tbe region easi
of tbe Cascades little fear need be ex
peneuued from a vieitatiuu nf cholera
So much for Eastern Oregon.
T ieiie is very little betting, in Hepp
uer, on next week's proposed "scrap," so
lar, as very few persons are udruneis ol
Corbelt to that extent. Odds so far un
about 4 to 3 in favor of John L.
Tub Metropolitan opera bouse ol
New York city, tbe largest iu the United
.Slates, if uot the world, was almost total
y dcstioyed by lire last Sattuday morn
mg, a loss ot &jUU,t)bU
A (Iakhihon campaign badge is comini.
iut Willi Ibe following Cle,er faliiiza:
Protection's buaiu-r Kuunlb our laud
I'm a Kiiglrtud greed ai.d Jumper pay;
And vlicn 1 p la y tireul llri loin's lini.il,
l'K-UHC lake aie lor a lilooaiiiiK Jay.
Ciiolkha is coming at a Very r ipid ran
and uo one knows wheie 11 will stop
But with tbe propel quarantines and san
Itary legulations it may be confined lo 1
small limit.
Nancy Hanks has lowered, her recoid
Co '2:U.rij4 this achievement w-is acconi
plisbeit on Ihe famous lndepeiideiiUi
nite li uck.
tlKi'PNisu meicluiuts should not Ins.
sigbl ot Ibu fact thai "juiliuiuiis advei
iisiug is the pole that reaches ihe trade.1'
Tub Sulliviin-Coibett mill giinds ntxi
vVeilntbday. Jleppner will doubtless re
ceive a ft port ot the same by founds.
An kxoiianub s.i.i s, "There is no poeln
111 Nancy flanks' naine." Aiuy he 110I, bin
uer feet lire full ot it, jusl Ibe same.
Tub dediculiou of ihe buildings of II
VSoild's Coliiiubuin Exposition occui
October 2d, 21 and 22, JMI2.
CliOLUItA 1)118 Hindu
its nppeunmce i t
.Vow Yoik ci(y.
.Vli.it llu Huh to Huy Kt'tJiitlui His llumi
I'uliuiy in lill lM't'K..lau Kf-jultfr.
i''roiu the OrcKunlati.
lion. W. li, Etlit, of Ilrppner, cmitfreHH
uiiii'flioi hum Itiu NiiiiiiiU uiHiret-tijuiJiil
iiHtriot, ih ut tho IVikiiiH. Mr EiIih ik
-till walking wilb cruti:lieH, un the icbiiIi
f t lie Kin go juuuttiiy live da 8 Ik'Utit
lit) state eltoli(iu. lie lutH hopeH, nw
vtr, ot btinK nble to wti.k wiihuui
.rutt'lit'M in u nlmrt lime, us tin fitioiuri
i ins about uiiiltd mul given Litu but liUlt
SpenkiiiK of iifTiiiis in I' tistoru Orcn
v. Klliu Bitid l lint tlm urop outlool,
owiiitf to th (ioutiniiHtl dry w .ther,
viasuot very f.ivoruhle. 'L'he wiie.it itdd
vill Iw below the Hvernje.
"Thw buy crop, however," said bo "will
e Kt,(,d, and cattle, boi-Hen and nlieop an
loiiitx tine. tStook in looking better Ilian
it linH for yearn. Kunuers are p'inny
more uttentioti tit e'ook-raiiiik', and iti
iead of trUMtui too much to Vrovideime
oruoud luek, tbey have about eotxie to
ibe eonelnaioii ibat it is theHiiffnt polie)
to urtNiHt I'rnvid.'iieo a little. To thi
eul Uny are making pn-p.tiatiuhH foi
(lie winter- - building Htieep sbed-, ete.,
tiid la v l n iu a ..ullit-ituit tiupply of Vel
lo meet any wiee. Mine, atteui'on is it I
in bt'intf paid to tbe txrowiu of nlfuifa,
ih it h always a mire crop ami a
Heavy jiel.i. Alfalfa ulony thenver uiui
iireek holt riH an i wjtrevjr irriijitiiii
can bo pructioetl is out throe times a
"lndioatioiiH point to quire a boom in
the opul orop in (Kant county. Soinn
niiujiuitioeut apeciineuM of this Valuable
shine are bein found, ami the value ol
these iliseovei ifH is just luvinniiitf to be
uip eeiated. To in toy siones are nnt.
hnwever, until ibe industry is redueetl to
a hoientitio one and improved implements
are usi-d, it o.iunot tie a vety profitable
PcNt-t'Viiitf I'r.ile.
W desire to say to our citizens, that
for years we have bi'eu Stltintf lb.
K in.'" Nf Diistiovery l..r Constunpliun,
l)i . Kmw's New Ltl'e hills, Ixieklin's at
'lic.i naive aud KUenie tiitl r", and have
never handled u tiifdies that sell as well,
or I hat have uivt n hiu'ti uiiiv isal s ttis
faclii'ii. We ilo not he-iae ti guaran
tee l hem every lime, and we stand ready
to refund the pitrenase price, if salisf.m
tory resullf do imt follow their use
These remedies have wnii their yieat
popularity puu-ty on their uieritH. tSio-oum-Juhuslou
)rn Co.
IhiektriiN Artili'H Bidve.
The best naive in the world for cuts.
bruises. Mires, u Ultra Halt rnenm, f.-ver
'sores, tetter, i h-tpped hands, clii1 hhuns,
1 citrus, and hII skin e upturns, and post
' tivety cures piles, or no pay iMpured. It
is guaranteed to uftve pfrfeet it isf .ci ion,
i up niikiicV rnl n luti-d. I'liiU' -Tl I'r-nlM nor
i,,ix. t,r 6uG hy Ciloouui-Juhustou
irxg Co.
A Pit-lly t u r pi i, e.
A lieaulifully ilnist ated and charm
ingly bound edition of Longfellow's
"Jivaiigeline," tbe most popular long
poem ever published by an AmeriCHO
aulhor, and one of tbe most famous
poems iu Ihe laugnage, just published, is
apietty surprise tor book-loVers. It is
in luige type, numeious aud excellent
tllusiiations, very tine and heavy paper,
Kill edges, remaik-ioly bauusoutu cloth
ninding, with gut title aud ornaments.
No illustrated tdilion has ever before
iweu puuhshed at less cost thuu 41 5U,
aud tout is ub'-Mt wiiatyon migbt"giiess''
ihepiieet-t Ibtirio be, but It Isn'i it
seilr for only l'J cents! plus 0 cents for
posieye, if by mall. This covers only
ihe actual cost of mauutacitire by tbv
lOd.OtjU, Hie publisher's i l'jvot beiun, not
piotii but to show tbe bo -k loving mil
lions wb.it. he c.iu do. His pubioaiious
are not bohl by dealels, but only direct ;
c.iiabiyne, ova- lot) pages, a li'eraiy
ciinosiiy in iis way, is sent lor a 2-ceut
stamp. Every borne iu toe laud ought
iu have a copy of this Evangeline, so
cow uiingly beautiful, as a poem, as a
collection of uiiislic illustrations, aud
s a product of toe book making art..
Addi ess, .Inbii li. Aldeu. Publisher, 27
Hose Si., Ne- York .
futility of Slnep lip-liiipar-tmit Evidence.
Pknno linos. & Ciiilus, Wool Commis
sion AleiolMiits, 117. federal St., Boston,
Uase., write Jan. 4'b, 18'.'2: "We are
very much opposed to any dip which will
.njnie or stain the staple, and we know
here Hie many such in present use. We
lluVe. Ireiitlenlly bad in an ulaoi 111 et s Com
plain thai tbey could noi scour wools on
account of the dip which hud been ued
npi u ihe slieep. Of course we are Very
amiliai- with tbe Cooper Sheep Dip, and
tuow its gr.o t qualities by practical tests
11 many diiec.ioas We have tor many
years Seen It Used wilb good results lu
liHtd'ent paits of California."
Hubl, the baker. Buy your bread and
uakes aud nave money, iry it. a.
John Jenkins itdverlinea his tine kim
f hrmk. Kt-imrmutr that Kejpner brick
'ipial the bvA. a
M. Ijielitenthal & Co. have just re
reived a tine lot ol Indies' kid, button
tn lI tie allocs. At butiuui priuea. B
For caHh ytni cau get more at the Eaat-.-in
CioihiitfX huuwe, with Levi on UfOk,
i ban any other place in lit-ppner. ti
Tlie I'alnoe is the leading hotel in the
.it). Hell furitiNhed r Omni wilb plenl)
if 1 3 44 Li I are provided tor everyone. u
L!'irj, the jH.veler, is the nnin to tix np
nur watch or clock, de knepa a lull
-tt.ck oi tvcithiuy pertaiuinu' lo hn
oubiiifss' a
Don't overlook T. W Ayer, Jr.. the
leatlin; di nKiBt. Choicest pel fumes,
t-uiebt druu aud the liutnt toile-t udiclbh
iiwa s on hand. a
The liurhler beer, 5 cents per ylass, nt
he Col Dili hi a lieerr Hall, Uf meis &
li uy hes, i i ops., next door to M. Lioh
(t nthal Cn.'rt slide more. a
.Since Shaw & McCarty purebaBcd the
mi-itt maiketlbey have al ays endeavor
to keep on ham) the ficnhetjt aud
uhmcest meat i, Banna yt'S and bo I ok ti as. a
Tbe M. L. & T. Co , since they have
roiJed all their platn.niis, have an im
nieuse Hti'mtfu capacity. This compauy
now deals lu jraiu, lumber and wuud. a
Henry Heppuei'B warehouse is one of
he hi rut at ami most capacious iu East
-ru (Jietfnu. Henry is now prepared lo
dn a tfHneral fui waiduig business, li.ites
ThompHon A Dinns ow n the buwa which
rfoeH lo and fnuu il-e City Inael, but will
call lor parlies (tcunutf lo ijo to train in
any pari ol the city. Leave orders at
City hotel. a
What will perseverance, pluck and en
tetpiis avail in ibia wild west, if you
cannot yet iu bniuaiiis? However, be
t.'io uivint,' up Huihvly, visit iMinor liros.'
empor urn. a
Dr Orant's Clonic, the great dyspepsia
cnnqueier, will positively cure dvspepsi
ami all itn tVimlred ailments. Every hot
lie sold under a positive uaranee to
"th et a cure or money refunded. See ad.
in (his issue. a
My dear, let's o around to the Hiiloon
'his eve, an 1 Lane MatloekV ioe
renin salami, I mean, where vim can yet
ce crt-nm that will make jniir ue-nth
rtater; al't ti ml in shek the frehhes"
fruits find titiest cmifectionaries. fl
Uou't oveilook Kok & KaHiiins for
OHi'iraiiirt. They have pntchnseil iliebu-
mess of J. W. ilatli-ek & Co. but will
amn remove to I he Mnllury corner, opptt
i-iie the Palace hotel. a
National M ol 'timi.
WM. !
Mmle oil FuvoruWy Toiuia.
,l;K.-S SIIOI'. st.'k tout titar(. ti.mil
lnihiin-s: fMiililisiicil in thi' iniiUt nf H
v I iiiruiiiiK ai,.l mcii li-niii in-eiMin t rv.
Also lor sale it irnml Ihmim.- iiu.1 i v o lull till or
Mltlioitl Hit- Imsltu 'h i-rniei"lv. For further tu
na maliim ailtliesN On.etle. UeplnuT, t H: 4; tl'
wax r
IIO-K n he iov tiiicretaed in the K lit Mile
uiiliiiiiil Morrow romily to know thtil
I'hiiM'ii a-w e!ta i .a.icK left, w hi. li noi
In1 Hi'inirtl I'll her nl lu-o. 1 horatoii uvw wtiind
oral thi- lia.rtU' niliiv. kvhvi .
i lol of Ooom-Umtv
ttf lltnl oiii:hl lo I
niiiilu'ri of thi' lne
scut n ny. l ull iii,
'it una lnl j our rianitrv
one t he I'l-st lucmioiis tu
M list h;t r a littU citU(il.
'I'tti1 aliic tor l-ftriiriihirs. w
i M
I nil on or i tti- un
I and l Mtiiv t OrHiale. Or.. Aajj '.Vt, r.
Notifc it. !i.'ivh ii i tMi unit ,ht loli.muii:
iiiiim-tl s.'tllfr has tilrtt notn i-of his hiti'iition
to nnikr Ci u ti 1 nrool in Miiri ot I'luiin, hik)
that aid prooi ill he nm-li Ik fori' die roimt
tU-ik "i Morrov eount;, til llipia iu, uri'oii,
on i 'i-tohiT I I. :
Hd No ."'ui, lor tlu' ' .V' , and 'i4 sV.
mv. .'.. uud .K- .-K1, ?ee. I p. U j-.i, t;,
Uo mhiiu's tin1 follow ha: witn.'tivi' to pnne his
i-oiiiimioiis ralt'iive upon ttad end u iituai of
IhihI. vl':
l.oi.-n (ientry. Ansti'i lie itrv. rtair!,.'i Miinn
(lll'i .(lIHt'S A. 1' lis.lOf, Hi! Ol llrpplHT, OrOiIOLI.
.l A. 1 I. K i , KKiilMi-.K.
l-iiid Otlieeiil l.u (iraudf, Or.. July .'"t, tS'VJ.
Noiu-e Is hi-rehy uii en th;it the 'followlau;
laout'd m-HiVr has tileit uotu'f oi his hm-ndon to
liuik' ituul prooi in sapport of his l iuiiu, mul
th.it atd prooi h tit In' made (.Wore (lie I'ountv
t in k oi Moii-ow v onuty, m.. at lU'ppiu'r, or.",
on -i pU'tuU'r ij, :
i 11 V M K- 11. MVK it
lid. No. Mil, mr Cu' ? 4 Sr. 1 1. i S II 'S
He iiaiaeti the toUou Im-j: w itneRe!i to prove his
e.a'e upo.i rt.id ealiuatioii of
Kl i
.1. .,-!. h t.ii.-m
tt.nl A. b MiHtti.
u. J M, Uti.l.lctl H VoiMkump
ill oi Ia'iik. t.ri'miii.
You will catch
At the Mall'ory Corner.
Buy your Groceries and , . .
See For Yourself !
I havejUsSt finished burning a kiln,
of brick wliicli are equal
to the best made.
Leave orders with J. W. Cowina.
New Warehouse.
Is ready to receive wool on storage for
sale or shipment, and also to do a gen
eral forwarding business.
Ship care of
run nnn
i '
Opens fit
Sept. 21 and Closes (Id. 22.
AttrnntiDDO far nliond uf all furmer yenm The f am his
American Band, of Pi'ovidence, R. I.
f Art valued at $350,000.
Gov't models of Battle Ships.
A Magnificent Electrical display.
The wonderful Hall of Mystery.
Varvelons Mpphnnieal Effects TIih 'Little Wurld" nnfl a
Myriiirt nf Kxliilnla in Mininsr, ElfOtiioitv, Hnriicaltnre,
Agriculture, Woods, Milln and Mai ufaclures. 520 7ft
Flour Exchanged for Wheat.
T. V. AYEUS. Sr.. Manager.
G. D. Jj'ELL, W. P. FELL.
House Moving!
T laving reoently piirohnaei) of G. W. L-irJ t) is hniisn mnving ouHit, we are pre
pared to do all kinds of work in this Hue. Our prices are reasonable, and es
timates freely given.
W. Jv. S? W.J.
5J1 F 533.
Mil 111 t'K
Lttinl Office at U Grande. Or., June 1,
Notice is horvhv jeivn that the follow in
immtHl uettler Iihb tiknl notft-o of bis Intention
to make final proof in support of hhtdaim, and
that eai.i i.rof will be made In'i'ore ihe
fonnty t'terk of Morrow county, Oregon, at
Heppner, t.irvK'ii, on jMnt H. IWfi, vie.:
No 407. for the U of N KS,. sec SI. and W
ot N i4. See Ti S. U -7 K. W M.
lie iiamt'M the full.w ttuews to prove his
eimtiiiiious ridene uikmi, and cultiva ticu of
fcaid land,
John N. Eltler. A J. VeKenzie, Kichrtiti Nev
ille. I'. A Herreu, all of Heppner. Orejcn.
Allen Wallace and i'ardou llhainuou totee
not lee.
611-J1 A. CLJEAVER, Register
Read their new ad. soon.
JOHN JtSlV KirVJS., Prop,
hp:nry heppner,
mi m
Contractor I Builder.
Plenty of them at the
Gaz.tte Office
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., An j?. 9, IS92.
Notice is hcrehy Kiven that the follinvine-nam-etl
hettler hHs filed notice of his intenrion tn
I make final prmif in snppnrt of his clsim, and
! that saiil proof w ill bo niade lefore the County
j Clerk of Morrow county. Or., at Heppner, Or.,
j on cpt. 17 Im, viz:
1 (Hd N. 4ivn for the N K'
; tot I ot cc. V.K I'p. Z S K'Jii K.
, NK'i XV4land
i He iisimei the follow inn itnesw's to prove his
! continuous residence ujwni, and eulti ation oi
1 said land. M. :
j Solomon Mayfleld. Cyrus Shiun. Stephen 1
j lande and J. F. Vount. all of Heppuer, Oregon
' i& John V. Lkwls, Kegister.
Wliy Worry
Over the Crops being a failure
Or lh Roads being dusty
Givps ynn sncli
inn (if Rnnl
lints and Ftuiey Goods
A Large Stock of Gents' and Ladies' Furnish
ing Goods to be sold at Cost.
A number of summer suits and odd pants
to be disposed of regardless of cost.
Come early and avoid the rush in
sec a i -ii'iir bargains.'
Heppner. Oregon.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
IV EXT DOOR lo Heppner
Street. Keep on hand
Wines, Cigars, Etc. We hare
Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to
r Cents Per Olrtss.
On diaiijlit, frpsli bikI cool. Lnneli of all kiiuln. Hope
to see all their ulil friends aud ninny uioie.
Tho r.ry hunt nnrl hnp
Ptnrp r- tm, mt' nn" ti H. H ;tck.n r & I 'ti 'w.
There you will find the Best and Cheapest
in Heppner.
Mli-i Wtreet Heppner Or.
eppner i an
The Diiectors haub taken the
their Programme, and hope
by the liberal patronage of
as the Horsemen.
pui"RSomAY' Ct w uarter-mlle dBh; Pe, 5100.00. Local .addle horse., 400 yards;
ECOND nAY. Opt. an. Freeforiill; best two In three, half-mile heats- Durse J12.00 Pateh
wolRh t ixiny raw: brat two In three, hall-hiilc heats, p,ire .n.iil! P
1-Jf.i" D-n'ULt r'l--llree-elKlii.mlk- Oncli ; purso IhKJuo. Five-eights mile dash: purse
heaVs-purlemiS'''''''''' "nr9e8; 700 ys,'"8; Pur8l! 75-- for all; haU-rallo
as follows" Zwlv r'nfu ih.'i7 rt"" !" P'""e rr ",rKn,'e ,et,' A" I"r8I' wtl1 be rtivld
as ioiiowb. stient p.rtem to Ihe uiimer. twenty pereent to the second best and tea lo the third.
These races will he Hovrriied hi, the rules of the Pacific
Blood Horse Association.
Will hang purses for horses (but ,iuht ,.ome here who ara no,
qualitled to enter lu anv nf tbe iiIiomj rat-es.
OTIS PATTERSON. Secretary . A. D. MpATEE, Prudent.
J. Browu,T. W. Avers, Jr., E. a Sptrry. 57-0tcl9.
Change of
T V Pr"';" o "onJnct in
on hamls ut nil times tbe cbmcest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
bmeHlnR for onel).
d ... m k ,
UlU'tU, iiuanuj
thelieatj tlie world
Beer Hall!
Candy Factory' on Main
a Fine Line of
f Liquors,
oa'()ltohynont nf TTpnnTirir hit
19, 20,21,22.
utmost pains in preparing
that they will be rewarded
the general public as well
the mo sati6ttotory mttDDer. Will keep
& Mccarty,
I f A(N