Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 02, 1892, Image 1

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Btty advertising space because rates are
lute - generally the circulation is a sight
lower Circulation determines the value,
of advertising ; there ii no other standard.
The Gazette is willing to abide by it.
The Paper. Without it advertisers get
nothing for their money. The Gazette,
with one exception, has the largest circula
tion of any paper in Eastern Oregon.
Therefore it ranks high at an advertising
bA l-W LI.U. GAZt I 1 b.
Tuesdt ys and Fridays
. Bus. Mfitinnr
A per yi'ttr. l.nnforx mouths, 1.00
for l ii ue moiariB; in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
The 33 A.3-XB, " of 1nng fret-It, Oram
Ctmiifv orrnou. pnlliliel by the same com
piuv Yvi-rv Frill v morning. HiilmTitiuti
rrii'c. $Jiu'f vi'iir. F'orHdvt'rtlHiiitrrHtt'S.rthlrt'SS
OieilSr Xi. rATTEESOT, Editor ami
Mummer, bm Creek, Oregon, or "Ga.t!tte,"
Hi'iMHier, uretjon.
'pHIH PAPKK iB kept on tilfl at K. C. Dn.fc( u
I AiWiTliHi-w Anenry. l ai d 05 MppcIibiiU
Kxcliat Hint Fraticiwco. California, where co..
trucih for advertibiiig ran be made for it.
Long Creek,
Eeho, .
Camus Prairie
Nye, Or..
Hardmaii, or.,
Hamilton, Grant Co., Or., .
lone, -.
Prairie City, r.
Caiivmi city, Or.,
Pilot Knek, ...
Daw tile. Or.,
John .my, Or.,
Athena, or
Pendleton, Or.,
Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or.
flhelhv, or.,
... B. A. Hnnnaker
...Henry lleppner
'Hit Kaplc
.... Osear Ue Vaul
Allen MePerrin
H.C. W right
J. a. Woolery
...Mattie A. Rndio
.. .. T. J. Carl
R. R. Mi Halev
S. L. Parritm
G. P. skelton
J. E. snow
F. I. McCHilnm
John Kdington
Wm. G. McCnmkey
,...Mt rttella Flett
Fox, Grant Co., Or,,
Eijrht Mile, or.,
I'..er Itheii Creek,
DoiiKln, or
Lone Koi-k, Or . ...
Condon, Oregon ..
J. r. Allen
Mrs. Andrew AHlibaugh
.. .. b. V. liewuiiu
H. White
R. M. Juhitttoit
. P. hnyder
Herbert llalntead
W. B. Mi AlUter
Union Pacific Railway-Local card.
No, 10, mixml leaves llipwir 8:'.0 a. m.
lit, ar. at Arliiuton 11 ilia.ra.
" . " leaves " V.17 p. m.
" It, " ar. at lleppner 7:0 i p. in. daily
except Hunday.
Van hound, main linear, at Arlinirtou 8:50 p. in.
Went " ' " leaven 4:J p. m.
Niflit traiiiH are rami inn on name time as before.
tStitL'1 ltHVH8 for Monnroput daily.
xt) I StimUy, nt 6:30 a. m.
Arrivfs ilml v, except Mouilny, nt
p M
( lilted St.ti KOIllrlalM
Hf. fin y of S ale
H cr'lMiyo' TreaHiiry...
Hcert-tary t if In'erior.
Hit lary of Viir.
H retarv of N ivy
PciKiint,Ht.''r-(leneral. ...
Attori Mj-(itMi'fl
Hecrutary of Agri -ullur
.Uelijamin Harrison
i,evi P Morion
John VV FoHt r
CliHrh'- Ko-tt-r
J. W. N.iM
...Stephen H Hki- ft
, H F.T-'fey
,. . Vim Wnt Hin k r
W II II. Miller
Jeremiah R sk
rate ol Oregon.
Onvrmnr fl Penn'yer
H-.-r taryof State U. W. M. H ide
Tn-aain-'T Phif. M-8cttan
Buiit. Public Ins ruction V. B. Mrl-lr-y
5 J. H Mireh ll
Henatord j y , t
- BiiiKtr Hermann
TonKriS'inei ) w h KHiH
Pri t-r Frank '. linker
!F. A. Moore
W P. . o.d
ti. S. Hean
Seventh Jinticlal Plrtriet.
Cire it ,i dtre W.L. VnH-d aw
Probeeui ii A nrney.... ... W. H WiU n
Morrow County Official'
foint SuriHtor...
liepreHental ive
"uniy ilndire . .
' Coinmiwfioiioni..
J. M. Raker.
" Purveyor
" Vhool Bup't....
....Henry Rh ekman
J. limwn
T'diiiR Keiihiy
. .. P ie H ennui
J. W. Morrow
, Ah'o. Noble.
W. J . L zer
K. L. haw
Ina Rrown
W. I. Haling
....T W. Ayert-. Jr
l,iyu, .. T. J Mutliwk
'o '.,...)! C. K. FaniHWorih. M
liirhtentlial. Otin Pattr8in. rt. P. GarrigueH.
Th-B. ioi'kiui and Frank Uilliam.
iwordei A. Robert.
IWnurei .. K fi.Mlocum
Marshal J W- Biumiw.
Pr ehift Offii e P.
Jnniieeo'th- Peace F J. Ha'h-ck
l'oiitablH J.J- Bwb rtf
United Matt-H land Orticer.
J W Lwi
T. S. La e
. . R (TIB " T
..Ueceiv r
A Cle ivm
rVr IV'KiMwi
McClell.nd y... Receiver
SECR st societies;.
l),.rn l,.Klirf N...aK.f H mmti- e
irv Tm'-mIkv pVMitiiiK hi 7.30uVlik ii.
their Ciwl ie HhII. NuiIoi.hI Hi'k liuilil
intc. HujnurninK hnithor oor iinHv i' -ritcH
f,.1t."l H. CHEKZ:NOK.
E II.Swivbubm: K "I II it S. if
O. A. K.
Meplf al lxnitrtim. Or., the Urn Hal nnli.y of
au-li tmnth. All tinuri' imtiiwi hi l"in
f. ('. Unnn.
Oo. W. Smith.
A A II- BKK I'S, R hI Etni, tn
hi nnil Colli Ptiiun. OIKoh iu
C ui'Oil Clmmlw'ip, nfppnfr.Or
I. N. HHiiWN.
Attorni! hi I.HW.
B'dwn & HamHton.
I'nwtiee in alt court of thu stata, liieurance,
n-tl ttjtte e lli:tl ll A ol I in i h-4 if-.
prompt ttteutiou given tall business entrust.
U to t'cin.
Office MainStuekt, FIeppnkh. Obkoos.
At Abrn.iMiDick. I adilitioo to his
tnilnnntf buniueHH, be hu Rijiied a fine
lin of ni.(JrweHr nf all kinds, neiflin
ahtrta. himiprv, etf. A1b baa mi bant)
in' He-Jan p.tt-rna for anil. A
Ah l .in-n'k. Wh) HirHHt. H'i pir. I r
Mlvi & MeF'rta' d IimVp jut! nfeire.l
.ii ( tl-o a lri- itnj pi) of (arm-
totf iuipltiueuU ut aU kiuda.
rV Years Subscription to a Pop
ular Agricultural Paper
By a speciiil arranRpment with tin
imliliiiliers we are pnpnrei3 to fnruinl
K"EE to eHch of our readers a year'
nliporipti'in to the popular moutblt
iii;ricnltiirl jotirnHl, the AlIEEICAN
F.HMEK. publiBlied at Springfield am'
Clevpldnd. Ohio.
Thia offer ia made to Bny of our snb
Horibeia who will pay tip all arrenraue.
ii stibHi ription nnd nne jear in advauo- .
and tn iD new nnbucribern who will pai
one yeai in advance. Tlie Amehtca.n
Fabmkr enjoya a lare national oircnlli
lion, and iHiikn amoni; the leading
"Kricnltnral papers. By this arra:iire
meutit COSTS YOU NOTHING to re
ceive tho Aurkican Farmer for one
year. It will be to jour advantage tn
oail promptly. Sample oouiea can b(
a en at our nffii'G.
From Terminal or Interior Points the
Northern PariGc
Is the I'ne to take
n i n
I'AlllTP U 11
It if tho oi nuii? Car R nta. It rnns Tlirough
Ve.Htibuled Trains every day in the year to
St. Paul and Chicago
(No Chantfe of Curs)
Cuiiiiiid of DIXINIi CAIIS unsurpassed.
Of Latest Eiiiiiiiicul
Tourist SI eping Cars
Rest llint ran he count rur ted and in which ac
com m da ioi h ar-' both 'ree and furnir-ht'd for
ho d era of nisi or tec nd-;lufiHtioketri, and -t
Elegant Day-Coachs.
A OontiimotiH Line oiinueefinu with all
Linen, HHiirdinif Direct and Uninter
rupted Servile.
Pullman Sleeper Reservations ean be
Secured in advance through
any aueut of the road.
Tdhi.iI from ni niiiiib in Aulerea. Krnrln d
ami Kurup '"an hb puriiluiiifd at uny Ticket ullicu
if Ihm i timliiiuy.
Kull infnrniatiiin eoneerninn rates, time
of trHins. riiuteB and other details
fiiruiahed on application to any
atfent, or
ARHintiint Oeneral PaiwmfPr Kiient.
Vo. Vil First St., Cor. WaxhinqUm,
Tlie Orliiliiril
l!ihi tf,iMi I nit lfKlA)
i i iii i h i in nun
BY HPEC1AL AKK.N'.KMK.i Wllit ll.E
publisherH, we are able to obtain a number
of U above bo -k, and propone to fundoh a
copv to earh of our nuhBiTibera.
I ne dictionary is a ueeeHniiy in every home,
school at.d bosi. ens hoiita. It tills a laeauey,
ami funiiitheB know lire which no one huit
Ireil other vol u men oi the choicest biMikiseotiM
supply. VounH and old, educated ami ignorant,
rich and poor, should have it within reach, and
refer to iia couienls eery day in tlie year
Am Home hat atsked if ihiw U really the orig
inal Webster's I i.abr,dtred 1'ictionary, we are
able to s ale we hae lamed direct from tlie
out.lUhera the laci. that this is the very work
complete on which about forty of. the best years
ot the author's liie wi-resowell employed in
writing It eon I aim the entire ocaiMilnry of
about iiHi.oou words, lnciuiing tne c.'rreei Bpcii
iiig. derivation ami deliniliou ol same, and is
th- rt'ii.hir stai.dard si.e. coniaioi.ig about
:VKI,ihh. sijuMre inches of printed surface, and is
DOllliu i.. Cioiu nan inoroi-cu nnu s:.ecu,
Until turtrter notice we will lurnish this
va)uabl3 Diet onary
First lo any new subscriber
Second To any renewal subscriber,
Tnird -Ti any subscriber now m arrears
who pays up and one year in advance, at
the following prices, viz:
Fuil Cloth bound, gilt side and back
stamps marbled edges $:-oo.
Hal Mo occo. Dound, gilt side and back
stamps mirblea edges $ 50.
Full Sheep Dound, leather label, marbled
edgs. $2.00
Fifty cents added in all cases for express
age to Hwpor-er
the publisher!- limit the time and
nn, ,,it of iHHiks rlu-v will furnish at the low
rU-i up hi I v in' ill I who desire to avail them
selves of this great opportunity to attend to It
at once.
All wh" are mfferint; from the eftVcta
of Ynnthfnl Errors, L of Manhood
Failinu PuWfrc, Oonor'hoea, Gleet,
Stricture. Syphili" and the many troubles
which are the pfTVets of these terrible
dienrdpr. will recnive, FllKK OF CHAROB.
fnd directions how to t.eut and cure
Ihrmsetve at home y ritmK to the
ni.MAKT. 1 211 MMrket S!re. Hhii
t'ruiciMu, Cntiluruia. 4ti5-lf.
Webster's L-iiabridsed
For Boils, Pimples
scrofulous sores,
eczema, and all other
blood diseases,
It will
relieve and cure
dyspepsia, nervous
debility, and that
tired feeling.
Has Cured Others
will cure you.
Ml nbivcus or in Pain
From noine lont.Btandin" ailment, or feel
that yon. constitution (nervmis eyHtem)
ia fniliiik'. or that some iiflliitiiin ban
tHken, or ia tulsintr. permanent hold ol
von, which yon have been, and arc still,
unable to throw off or control, whether
iu the first or lust ftaye remember that
Dr. Gregg's
And Appliances.
nnd system of borne treatment will cure
No medical or othermodeof electric treatment
can at all compare with thein. Thousands of
women who sutler for years with complaints
peculhir to sex. have been completely and per
niHiieutly restored to health. No fewer men
have aluo been cured.
Electric treatment for diseaflCB Biippented. pro
perly applied, is perfect and hnn no good substi
tute! The Wregg Klectric Belt and Appliances
are the only oiicb in existence that supply a
perfect mode of implication.
The tiregti Kh ciric Foot Warmer, price Jfl.OO,
keeps the feet warm ami dry and ia the onl
genuine Klectric Insole.
People w ho have paid their money and been
cured can tell you w hat has Ix-eu done for them
in a way that will convince you. Complete cat
alogue of testimonials, prices, etc., tic. Clreylet
free. 1 . ...
501 Inter Dnt-H 11 Bud liiik', Chicago, Ih
Write for our Mammoth
Catalogue, a WO-pam
book, plainly illustrat
ed, giving Manufactur
lowest price wim
on all gootis maiiufact
ured and Imported inW
the I'nitcd Mates.
Tt to r0 cents on ever
dollar yon spend. W t
sell only lirst-classgood:
iroci-ri'es, K u r 11 i tun .
lothiig, lry oitods
ihUH. t titis. hoots am
Hhocs, Notions, Ctock
er, , Jevv oil y, Ui.ggi,
ami Uames-, Agrieoi
tnial luiplements; i
fact anything you wan
aved hy buying of n
end 2ji cents to pay e
presHgc on catalog u e.
11 yer s giuue. e ai
he oulv cmiccrn th
sells tit mauuhif rurcrt
prices, allowing the buyer the siime dlscoui
that the mannfacturer gives to the wholesah
trade. We guarantee all goods 10 he equal t
reprepeutatioi's or money refunded. Goods se
by express or freight, with priUlegcof examiua
tion before paying.
A. K A RI'EN Ki CO.,
122 Quineey ht., Chicago, 111.
I?enl Merit
If you take pills it Is because you have nevci
tried the
s. B. FBeffBGiiB & Liver Cure
It works so nicely, cleansing the Liver and
Kidneys: acts as a mild physic w Ithout cHiisiug
pain or sickness, and dues not slop you from
eating and v orkiig.
To trtj it is to become a friend to it
For sale by loeutu-.lohnstoii Drug Co.. lleppner
It rouses the Liver ami Kidneys nnd Stomach,
Cures 1 1 aduchi-.f Dvspe'-si.i, crenlcs ao Ap
tite. Purines thi Im.ture Blood, Bnd
Malres Tha T'enk Strong.
Usedeveirwhero. $1 aboillaisiifurHJ.
I-t In pramt-s.all wiiintnif. pi-rfi -t
ork, weiii''t, and cannot b de
trt-d byo tsiik-rs, tunlidi nt mi
vnT,"p'jndp' t-eMthgaitws In v 1 1
ed. Price ' K m-Oijlh "m-p iu t
Fair iJir da Kye.lTory fti. t pur, 'i W; l..adi-d,
iii(friorlow,tlfi. ordinary work, to pass, honp.l t
or 0 It .rub, pair. It, lvurv. i.M. filial mirl d
cardimaie.WW-, a pt k. l porn cnt. Ultlt,
'HueguoraaUMHl. LY BHua, Bi K, lklcf ill.
lb h. 9'Th -
f p.-i.fr. tl bn l it tty
fjlftfl by 't aViun kiiu IfMCK iciti lartu.
fret. pMtkviar' MitreM, ah 4 tou ib ttoufi,
il i . r. wm iiicui i iiuicl uicu.
5 C :
mum i
y" I IB La
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Stmdard
The Ccniins of C 111 ii . IVil Not .H Eat
Thing to T .ke.
According to the census bulletin pre
scntcd to the dominion parliament there
was a good deal oi hrd worU abouf
taking the Canadian censas. says tlu
Chicago Herald. "The work of .tuning
the census of Canada has diKicuilies pe
culiar to the country nhich, apart from
tho system adopted, cause delay in ob
taining the returns from enumerator!.
In densely populated countries, unilei
the de facto system, t'i distribution
and collection of tlie sjucdules is ac
complished in a few days. In En-rland
40,000 enumerators obtain the house
holders' sch 'dules in a day or two
each having ta collejt an avera're of 70 i
schedules. The vast population 01
llritish India, 2S.7o.').(0 people, wah
taken by nearly 1.003.03J enuincrotorb
in twenty-live days.
'In Canada the stoT of enumerators
numbers 4.30,1 persons. These had to
traverse tlie immense area of Canada
by every im i-rinabhi inithod of locomo
tion. A steamer with enumerators on
board traversed the deep indents of the
Pacific coast line as far as A la.sk a
thence to Queen Charlotte inlands, to
enumerate the people. Pack horses
were , required in the mountain rep-ion
of the same province to carry the enu
merators and their portfolios through
the valleys which run along the hills of
the rookies. Do trains wero a neces
sity in Saskatchewan.
"To obtain tho population o.i th'
northern slopes of the hei;rht. of land i
Ontario and Quebec a canoe expedition
started from the headwaters of th
Oierve river to go by lake and river an.
portages to Albany river at James' bay
Damping outfits and canoes were need
;d to enable the enumerators to take
the population in the Xipismnjr district,
just beyond the 'height of land.' The
inumcrators in Manitoba had now to
foot it, now to go by buckboard, and
low by boat, and in one Instance the
nan losing himself,, had to save his
)n lUo by slay iiiii, nud 'rfi.tinpr his
norse. Many townships in Alcona haa
X) be taken by slow and toilsome pedes
irianism. "For the north shore of the Gulf of
3t Lawrence a schooner had to be
jhartered, the enumerators put on
Board and dropped at different points
antil the Straits of Uelle Isle wero
reached, from which point tho schooner
was directed to the Isle of Antieosti,
the census of which having been taken
the schooner returned to the straits and
sailed along the coast, picking up the
"numerators and returning to the
mouth of the Sagucnay river."
How Our Tour Ilun Ireil Compete witll
th. Ktlete Arl.toc ary of 1 urope.
Only those who have visited ducal and
royal establishments abroad can have
any conception of the scale of splendor
maintained in the great houses of thi i
eountry's plutocracy, says the Illus
trated American. Every department is
a. study in itself, and not the least in
teresting feature of Mrs. Frederick
Vanderbilt's private palace, for in
stance, is the linen closet, where all of
her costly damasks and embroidered
linens are stored. Of course, everyone
has heard of the pilot lace sheets Mrs.
Willie K. bronght to her pretty sister-in-law
from Kurope awhile ago. They
were a decided novelty over here, and
naturally created a sensation among
millionaire housekeepers. It may have
been the acquisition of these very ex
quisite bed coverings that incited Mrs.
Vanderbilt to order her linen cupboard
with such nicety. Certain it is that no
system or detail could improve upon the
present arrangement. The closet is in
reality a room finished in henlwood and
admirably decorated. Every device has
been studied to preserve the articles
and facilitate the means of getting at
them. The tablecloths, each with its
particular set of napkins, arc laid away
in sets, the napery all being of the
very handsomest d'seription. and ar
tistic as well as valuable. In place of
shelves, or drawers pulling b ick and
forth, a sueeeision of m i.Tnillecnt
pigeon-holes are built in on one side,
with doors that put up an l l-t d iwit.
Every set has itsseparatc cornea rtmcnl
with the name outsi.le, in or 1 t that n
maid may put her hand on the ri fl.t
thing at once. This system is earned
out in disposition of all the linen, v.-bieh
is naturally of the finest quality, anl
decorated with rich and rare drawn and
needlework. Vert vert, lavender nnil
orris root lend a faint and delightful
perfume to the sheets, pillow-eases and
towels, while a mere sug"e ti m of vio
lets, heliotrope or white rose is permit
ted in perfuming the uapcry.
Trl 1 ( iim I'yi.
The trial of the py.v is an interestlnii
annual ceremony that in one form ot
another has occurred for centuries in
England. The pyx is a box In which
eertain numbers of coins of every de
nomination are placed r.fler each days'
work in the llritish royal mint for a
year.- The (JoldMtiiths company l:a
afforded the j iry since its i.i-.titntion
several hundred yearn a';o. When thi
jury open tlie pyx they v.-ei jh the coin
iu bulk and several imlividiiiilly, ter.tin'
them also with lire and chemicals, sn
that there can be left no trace i.f Ihr
true value of licit hh an I II -it! ,', m - I
coinage. The !--;;- of we' -!.t oi
"remedy" nil m-cd t the n::M i-'.f th
mint fir loss is .3 of e ."rain. b:,l none
such lies been r 'e-n .1 1 f'r '.'.) years.
Pieces ti the num'rT ('f 7 t.'-'. l.m'i i:i all
were coined last year for uj ut home
ud in the colonies.
Get the Rest Returns from
Smalt Areas.
31 'eh has been written oflatoonwh.it
Is iy,ed the "new potato culture," by
- ieh it is claimed 400 to 1,000 bushels
i be grwu on an acre in one crop a
ir. The 1,000 bushels mark has not
icen reached but it is claimed it can be
'.one in a favorable season. Over 000
bushels have been grown.
The system is called the trench and
level culture plan. The soil i worked
very deep and thoroughly enriched with
special fertilizers. Then trenches are
ti ned ten inches wide and eight inches
(ep, ihe land having bejn plowed to a
depth of ten incaes. The bottom of the
trench is then covered with two inches
of sjiI mixed with sufficient special po
tato fertilizer. On this the potatoes are
placed and covered with two inches of
soil and then three inches of soil and
fertilizer. When the potatoes are up
the ground is level, the trench having been
filled up gradually. The surface is kept
i an of weeds with a hoe or shallow
running cultivatoi. This is apparently
a vast amount of work yet it is said to
pay well. Where land is worth from
$:i00 to $.r00 an acre, and rents for $"0 to
$75 or more an acre for the season great
crops must be raised to make it pay.
Let us apply this system in a modified
form. On this Coast there are large
tracts of sandy, alluvial looms of great
richness and depth. It is fully as rich
naturally as need be for any potato crop.
If plowed twelve inches deep when at
the right stage of moisture some of the
best sandy loams, free from "hard pan"
and "bed rocit," fall from the plow as
mellow as an ash heap. It does not evea
need harrowing, but harrowing and
cross harrowing will firm it down if in a
Lurry to plant. But if left a couple of
weeks it will settle down all right.
With a heavy two-horse plow, open
trenches the width of the plow, eignt
inches deep and three feet apart.
In these trendies drop good, large,
Bound potatoes, cut into quarters, two i
pieces to the hill, sixteen inches apart !
and cover them deep. This gives four
inches of mellow soil under the potatoes,
Then as the season advances the trenches
should be gradually tilled. Then if in
a c.imate where the potato ia liable to
blight spray early witll a weak solution
of the Uordeaui mixture. This wi.l
give an iinni.mse crop of potatoes. The
secret of tne plan is that the plants grow
two full crops oi potatoes, one above the
other. In other words tne tubers have
eight inches of soil to fill instead of two
or three.
If tne land is not rich enough it can
be made so with special fertilizers. Tne
new agriculture or scientilic farming
growing crops two or three thins as
great as tho average heretofore is the
kind that will pay best. As much may
be realized from ten acres as from
twenty to forty acres by the old system.
Tins can on.y be dene by giving the
crop the food it requires and tuoroughly
and deeply mixing it with the soil, with
level, silhiIow cultivatioa.
California l-'rult Growers Trying: to Come
The recent convention of fruit grow
ers at Fresno, Cai.. took the initiative in
organizing the trade for business pur
poses. Any organization of fruit growers
and shippers that is not based on tne
plan ot one central board of control, will ,
tail of its principal object, viz the proper!
distribution of green lrutts. buehan
organization to accomplish any mater, al
good should cover not only C.iiilurnia,
but the eniire Pacihc Coast fruit grow
ing sections. I
With a strong central management
with authority to direct green truii ship
ments, mil ;h good might be done. lint
if Fresno, Han Jo.iqiuu, .Sonoma coun
ties, Oil., aud Saleai, Portland and Au
land, Or., each have local org, inizai ions
working independently of each other,
what is to prevent the niarKet of any
given Eastern city lieing Hooded wi.u
fruit by cars arriving siniuitu:.eoady
from a half dozen shipping comers?
Let a ccoiral manage. neat control the
matter and then instead of five cars
reaching fcit. Paul iu one day for exam
pie, let mo rivf curs be consigned to as
many different cities. In this way oiny
can any permanent advantage be uenved
from orgainzaiio.i of growers lur ship
ping purposes.
The I'l-ii'iis of llix-si'S.
Current quotations on horses in tho
muriiei run uoout tnus: Trotters from
I f.) lo if 1 20,000. Wb know of one man
who lias two or iniee oi me f-j kiiiu. tie
has been trying for months to break
them to harness, spent hundreds ol dol
lars and given the job up. They are
slmpiy worm the $5 for chicken feed,
llesl matched cainago horses $l00 to
$.',000 per pair. Teams of heavy draft
and truck horses fluO to fl,2n0. Fine
single drivers (4uu to t',uo0. Choice,
Bmoo;h, neat, gentle uusiuess horses $12o
to (TiiO; common to good fW to $I0U;
hack uroumts $10 to $00. Good, heavy
stieeters, draft, $i,5 10 fl-',). All kinds
of plugs " to $!.). Tnis snows that the
very best nor-es for the farmer to pro
duce are tne best in carriage ami dit'C.
'lio.ieis are loo iiueenaiu.
The cream separator is last coming
into general n:. One run by hand cap
au.e of taking the crjinu Iiom twviity
sit gallons of milk au hour u sold ia
England for 1S.
A nsu dealer in llath, 51c, on cutting
open a yellow porch found eight twenty
penny nails in the stomach.
A Pmi.ADULrmAN has educated a
house fly to respond to a prolonged
"buz-z-z," which brings it from its cran
ny any time of day for its supply of
A tvktt.e farm flourishes at Lisbon,
111. One of the turtles is quite intclli-
gent, and is known as Diek. It is amus-
ing to sec nun, wnen suiuraoneo to nis
. . , , ,v
food, crawl towards his owner on
hearing his name called. j
A Georgia, farmer is raising two .
calves that are being brought up to help I
themselves, ami as a conoequcuce, re-,
quire les3 care. They are kept in a barn
near a well, from whijh water 13 taken
by mean3 of a common cistern pump.
The calves have learned to operate the
pump, nnd whenever they want a drink
they pump it.
Tire New York Times tells a story of
a cat with false teeth owned by William
Wright, of Greenwich avenue. Tom
wore them for a year with apparent
comfort, until finally they went back
on him at th.i critical pnint of a battle
royal whieh he was enjoying with a
neighbor. Then he, as well as his teeth,
was completely knocked out.
The world's passenger cars can scat
l.r.Oii.uoo people.
Faiiks of one penny per mile are
charged, with few ex ceptions, on the
whole system controlled by the London
& Northwestern Kailway Company.
Tun Canadian Pajifl; railway will
exhibit at the world's fair a model pas
senger t rain, and also models of the fine
o jean steamers in that company's serv
ice. A locomotive, drawing four passen
ger coa.'hes. has recently done a mile in
i)!)Vf seeonds on the Reading road, whieh
would come v ery near to 10J miles au
hour if maintained.
Tut-: Hiv;t, railroad in India to be built
and controlled entirely by natives
has been san ctioned by the Indian gov
ernment. The line will be about thirty
miles long, in the llooghly district.
The New York commissioners state
that 720 persons were killed and 1,7-JS
injured on railways in that state during
the year ending September 30, IRiU, as
compared with 095 killed and 1,484 in
lured the ovvi-iiv- "nr.
Eleven nuNDBED steamers traverse
tho four great ocean routes.
Tin: importance of our commerce with
Great llritain ia shown by the fact that
she takes 17'J,000,000 out of a total of
$'J7.),000,000 of our exports of farm
This merchant fleet of Norway con
sisted at tho close of the year 1890 of
7,,'K t vessels, of an aggregate tonnage of
l,0s:,01(l tons, of whijh 0,7'Jl, of l,4fl!l,.
280 t'ino, were sailing vessels, and tXU,
of l'.)!(,7.N tons, were steamers. Pitts
burgh Dispatch.
Is 1 fills the asportations of Japan
amounted to $15,500,000, and the impor
tations to fl(l,090.000. In IHS'i they
amounted to ?70,000,000 and $00,100,000.
There are at present 2,038 corporations,
having a capital of $08,003,003, anil 1,0111
banks, having a capital of $00,500,000.
A Missorm woman has a tumbler of
cow's hum, which her father made to
drink cider out of in the famous cam
paign of 184').
Tun oldest spoon in the world be
longs to George A. Warren, of Indianap
olis. It is two hundred and twenty
nine years old, nnd was brought from
A citizkn of Moberly, Mo., has a cu
rious collection, lie has a slipper seventy-five
years old, a llible and a trunk
cavh one hundred years old, and a razor
hone three hundred year- old.
UoiiniiT Fi'i.i.iiiiroN, of New York,
has the pipe of peace handed to Colum
bu when he Unit landed. It is made of
an odd kind of bamlxio found only in
San Salvador. He also has the old or
iginal baseball club.
ruinilnt; of the v-iol.
Gulls are cunning birds, and have a
well-understood method of communi
cating their thoughts to their r,pe.ics.
Net 1 rg ego cne c f them, v. ho seemed
to be high in temmand, separated from
several i f his companions at 'face. ma,
Wat;h., and took his position on
a leg rer.ting in the water. The under
side of tlie log was covered with barna
cles. I' r a few minutes the bird ut
tered peculiar cries, and was presently
Joined l.y several other gulls. A whis
pered conversation seemed to ensue, and
then all the birds stood in a line on me
Bide of the lug, near the water. Their
weight caused the log to revolve until
the barnacle side was uppermost, when
the birds licgan to piek eagerly at the
food, and in a little while hail peeked It
j. ...ili.'.M, operations are very success
ful in Japan, and the healing process is
rapid, owing probably tn the nbst.i vence
of the people from alcohol and their not
being flesh caters.
A M'.vv building material, of uncer
tain origin but culled "fossil coral," is
being worked on a small island of the
bay of Suva, Fiji. It is so soft that it
Can be easily cut into any desired form,
but soon hardens when exposed to the
air, and acquires the characteristics of
fire brick.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Fnslim K.HMble,
East OrcRouihn: It taidle for the dem
ocrats of this atate to talk iilx.ut carry
ius it for Clevt-laud aud Stevenson thii
year, although we would like Iu see it
done. The best thinK for the democrats
to do ia lo fuse with the iwi plt-V parly
iiien and n st Ihe state fn ni Ihe repnb
licai.s by mch ei.uibiuatiou. lids is
feasible aud practical, and webelieve Ihe
result would be victor for tie fusion
tu-kef mi.,n.;c ,i, 1 1-
"met. utueiwise the repubhoHUs will
. ,t . , . . ,
J"r tbe a""H h ttt 5lK)U, if uol
' '
Trlrd to (ia In llielr tt ork.
Baltimore Ameiicaii (rep )": Since the
MoKinley bill was passed, denn oiatic
speakers and writers Lave ntVer erased
to predict that all sorts of vds would
follow its workings, and timr.
would full in the end upon the laboier as
well as upon the uiaunfHCi urer. Every.
body will admit that ihe bill has been in
oroelung en.'Ugh to see these coui-e-
qneiices had the been possible; but Ihe
m et industrious peivrrter of faots lias
f iled to disc ver that Ihe cotiulry is n
thevetneof ruin, or that the Isliorer is
me whit worse off than before it went
lutotff.ct. On Ihe contrary, the testi
mouy from far and near shews that the
American "orkinguien are better paid,
oetter boused and better fed limn those
f any natiou in the world, and it is the
iillct bosh and silliest pievaiication to
suy otherwise.
Not Kinirrl) Suited.
San Francisco Exiiininer (di tn.): The
reason whj iu this campaign Ihe demo
crstto party bus Mibordiui.l. d Ihe finan
cial and all other isKtir. t,. ii.u,...,ir
- ' ' n i iu,
iiuht to be plain to eveiy sensible man.
il is hard lo concentrate the nt I. utiu of
i.st bodies of people npou any one thing.
For the past twele years the di-tnocralio
party has endeavored to do this ns to the
tariff, and thanks largely to the repub
lican party hnvir.g gone protection-mad,
it has at last succeeded. The people are
now wide awake for the fiist time siuoe
befoie the war on the tiiriff. The dtm
oerntio party is enthusiastically united
from one et.d of Ihe I'uiou to the other
in a determiuiiiioii to rescue the taxing
power from tbe hands of the fuvoied few
and eniph.y it only for the purpose of
laisiuu revenue for the support of the
government, but the pnrtv is not uni
ted on the silver question. ,
Absolute h,
..ii. luqinsfiible.
IUiniicao..liB Tiu,es ("em.J: There is
nn free trade where tiirifforouslniiilionne
ti.xiiton exists. With a pension list
which alone nmounlB to uioie than tbe
cost of the (.rentes! nnlnarv iHiabliHh
meuls in Ear- pe, the xovemnimt is com
pelled In oollect very large revenues
through imports imposed upon foreign
rtiticleH. Ever such dill) impost d upon
an article nf foreign uinnnriioiiiie or pro
duction is to that ixtent a bounty in fa
vor of the domeslio uiiinufaclnrer or pro
lucer, and a lax imposed tiou the do
uieatic Oniisuiuer fur his benefit. It is
itioideutnl protection, to that extent, and
it OHiinot beavoided. Absolute fiee trade
is nn impossibility, 'ihe democratic
t'lnlfoiui, said Senator Hale, is the near
est appn xiinntion to it. How far it is
rum it will at once be seen i.pnu n con
sideration of Ihe limn n nt of revenue
nearly $ (JO 00(1,1 00-n quired to carry on
the (iovrrument and Ihe scale of duties
rtquiied to yield that reveuua
Vio euro hi, il liieenillHrisni.
ISiiltminre lleiahl (lud ): Another se.
nous lab'ir strike is in progress at Buffa
o. Home two hundred s itchtui ti, dis
riati"fied with their wages, refusid to
ork, and almost ininiedi'dely resorted
0 violence and n ei ndimisin to intum
nte other wntkiiieu nhosouuht to take
heir places. Cuts ueie set on flie, aud
1 species of mob title were inaugurated
in the jarils , f ihe kin and Lehiith Val
ley railroad. By following this oi nrse
the strikers have lost what sympathy
the uii,ht have had, ami have simply
mvited Ihe onslaught of theshanffs pus.
se, and theopeniiig of penitentiary doors.
Aftr-r Homestead, Ihe manner of dealing
with such hiuh-liiitided violenoe us is re
ported from BuH'do is too iq pureut for
comment. Hiieh a strike can be settled
only by maiahiuu Ihe hnu.h ndcrs to j ,il
Ii is possible that Ihe switchmen in re
sorting to violence have liiven occasion
to lawless and tntbiileiit men who mth not
i cully strikers But even in that esse
ihey will have to bear Ihe odium which
results from their first overt act. The
conditions presented at liulniln are not
Kretiily different from those In Piitsbnrg
iu 1H77 bill it is hoped tliHt orunniz 'd la
bor as a whole tuw learned somel bing
within the last fifteen years, and that the
terrible scenes enacted ihi-n will not be
repeated uow. Murei ver, if the aiiihori-,-les
of tlie city of Buffalo and Erie coun
ty sot properly, both violence nnd pre
sumably the stnke will be nipped iu its