Political Card. "W. H". Wilson, Regular Republican Nominee for District Attorney For tbe Seventh Judioial District. Give yourbusincss to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those uho patronize you. Evert worker Bt manufacturing in this country consumes over 890 worth of our agricultural produce per year, the English larborer consuming only SI. 42 worth. The Portland Dispatch says that ex Sen. Slater is a farmer. So is the Dis patch man cultivating campaign lies principally, but his harvest will be short of any results. The so-called billion dollar congress passed the McKinley bill which brought lis a billion dollars in foreign trade per year, which was the first year in all our national history to score the ten figure mark in that trade. To hear prominent democrats all over the county say they will not support Sla ter shows in wbioh direction the cyclone of defeat is headed It will strike Sla er's headquarters on the Cth of June..... Union Kepublioan. 0. M. Donalmhon, a silver mine owner of Baker City, one of those who was se lected to represent Oregon in the Minne apolis convention, though a rabid free coinage man, allowed the state plat form to he adopted without protest, and accepted the honors thrust upon him. Now, from what the writer oan learn, he repudiates the platform he aooepted or is making a big howl about it, any how. This should have been done in the reinvention, for consistency's sake, at least. We don't pretend to think ourselves that this congress is covering itself with glory, It is entirely too much like a re publican oongress to point to with any' great degree of pride. It line been in session now nearly six months, and has accomplished no more than it ought to have done in six weeks. Tbe bouse has passed some good bills and proposed some others, but it has been vcxatiously slow and expensive in doing so. Port land Telegrum. DKCORATION DAY AT LEXINGTON. INSIST ON HAVING Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, TAKE NO OTHER. It Contains Neither Alum, Ammonia, or Any Other Adulterant. Iiichardson'$ "Diteaiet of Modern Life" -The action of ammonia on the body is that of an irritant and It tends to hold the blood In a state of fluidity. It also interferes with the process of oxidation of organic matter so that it becomes an antiseptic, and it rapidly decomposes that allotropic condition of oxygen which is called ozone. Thus ammonia present in the atmosphere, daily respired by living beings, is injurious and we see its effects in the pallor and feebleness of many who dwell In houses in the air of which ammonia is always present houses over stables, for example, or in close proximity to decomposing organic refuse. Iiiebig the celebrated chemist, says of alum, that it is very apt to disorder 'the stomach and to occasion acidity and dyspepsia. Republican Column SOME BIOGRAPIIIKH. Two of the He iiuljlican Candidates llefori the VoterH Men of the People. Faithfully and Patriotically Olmorved liy the uiii Bowie, their Wives, Friends and SwoetheartM. memorial Day, trie day wuion brings together the Grand Army boys, the Worn an's Itelief Corps and in fact tbe patriot 10 citizens of the land, to pay tribute to those soldiers who perished in the ser vice of the nation, together with those brave "boys of tho blue" who have sinoe departed, by strewing their craves with the fragrant flowers and linteuiug rever eutly to the eulogies bestowed upon on patriots, wns duoly observed at Lexing ton yesterday. Early in the morning the peoplo began ooming in from every di rcution, the Heppner train bringing down quite a delegation, amoug which were tboKuightsof Pythias, twenty-six strong. At the depot they were met by tbe G. A It. in body, and were marohed to the grove, where they mingled together un til 10 o'clock, when the G. A. B W. II t). and K, o( P. met at the school house, uud bonded by tho fife and drum, march ed buck to the grove, when tbe oxeroises wero begun, with the program as follows Huug by choir America l'myuT Key. Galloway bong by choir "Our Soldier Heioos Sleeping" Welcome address V. 0. Ely "t'ply Isu Brown Hesitation, "Died for You and Mo," Lawrence Parmer lleoitntion, Ionie White Hooitiitiou, "The Wouuded Soldier," Cora Driskell Jtooitution, "Decoration Duy," Aunie Hill Song, "Bring Garlands of Beautiful Flowers" Choir Beoitution, "The Beautiful Flowers" Myrtle Brown Booitution, "Crowned Heroes" Delia Lieuallen ia huv. rerguesou, wuo was to give tho address for the oocasion, was unable to attend on uccount of illness, the fol lowing gentleman were culled upon to talk to the gathering: Messrs. J. N Brown, G. W. Ilea uud E. P. Sine, each responding briefly. Tho next in order wus adjournment for dinner. In the nflernoon tho exercises wore as follows : Song, "Nearer My Ood to Thee". . . . Choir Addresses by Mossra. W. 11. WiIboh, T. 0. Wilson and Kev. Gullowny Heoitatiou, "Died to Save us From Harm" Emms Owens Kvcitation, "The Nution's Dead" .... Bessie Estes Memorial Burial Service, by the W. It. C. The guthoriug then repaired to the cemetery where the exercises were oom ploted. Fully 500 people were present and by the uttention given one might rest assured that the exercises were very interesting, with the exception of those who, when called upon to addresB the withering, seemed to think they were ad droning a political meetiug, rather than H body tbnt hud gathered to pay tribute and show their appreciation of the dead heroes. This, however, was very much regretted by the O. A. B. and they ask the Gazette to Btute publicly tbut it was not their intention to have such oratious (?) on this oocasiou. To see the American flag waving over the stand one could not help but think bow appropriate it was for such au occa sion, not only as the colors of our nation, but as an emblem of tbe G. A. R., tbe red representing tbe blood shed by them for the country; the white, tbe purity of their intentions, and the blue their trite ness to the cause. T. W. AYEKS, Jit., Candidate for aoroner on tbe republican ticket, is a native of this county, rather was born in that part of Umatill county which now forms Morrow, twenty four years ago. His early life was spent on tbe home ranch on Butter creek- After a few years his father, T. W. Ayers Sr., became interested in Heppner prop erty, and the family moved to town. Up to 1885, the snbjeot of this sketoh was a student of Heppner's school, and completing the common school course. took a course in the Portland Business College. After returning to Heppner he was for a time deputy postmaster and finally drifted into the drug business owning the pioneer store on tbe come of May and Main, opposite the Palaci hotel. Mr. Ayers is well qualified for tb offioa for whioh he is named. While tb emoluments of that position are not verJ large, in a small county like Morrowi tbero being few cases during a tern where the servioes of a coroner are re quired, yet the office needs a com petent person. Sucb Mr. Ayers believed to be. PETER BKBNNEB Is before the people for the oflice county commissioner for the term of tw years, his candidacy being the result c. a petition a few days ago, tbe nomine of tbe republican convention, Job: Handy, not qualifying. Mr. Brenner was born in Tippecano county, Ind., in 1846, and in 1853 cam to Oregon with bis parents, whe settled in Linn county on a donation olaim, where the old people yet reside. Mr. Brenner oame to Morrow county nine years ago, settling in the Eight Mile section, where be has since resided He is one of Morrow county's most suc cessful farmers, being a olose manager, which ought to recommend bim highly to the position to which he did not seek, but which was thrust upon bim by his friends. An oocasioiuil bottle of Ayer's Sarsa- parilla does more to oorreot tbe tendency of the blood to accumulate humors, and keep the organs sonnd and healthy, than any other treatment we know of. "Pre vention is better than cure." Try it this month. A specialty. Ladies' and children's shoes in endless varieties at bed rook prices, at Dl-tf-t C. S. Van Duyn's. Is it not about time that the twaddle about Ellis being a nominee of tbe Port land ring was stopped? Two or three irresponsible sheets have beeu repeating the charge at regular intervals like pied parrots but have never attompted to give the smallest scintilla of proof. Tbe burden of proof rests on those who make the charge. Gentlemen will you prove your statements or emit upr Xou onn- not prove them and you know it. Chronicle, (Anti-Moody). It was impossible for Eastern Oregon to nominate iu the state ropublioun con vention, alone, a oaudidate for congress. Iu number of votes this territory did not equal tbut of Clatsop, Columbia and Multuomub oonuties, so that thedeoisive vote required a few, at least, from the lower oountry. The vote that nomina ted Ellis stood; Eastern Oregon, it votes; Valley 25, including the vote from the three counties. Of this Columbia furnished five votis, so if the remuiuing !l votes nil ceine from Multnomah county, he did not receive even a ma jority of that delegation. Ellis' nomi nating vote was seventy. Still tbe Port- and Dispatch says : "Had he been tbe boice of Eustern Oregon the Multno mah county vote would not have beeu needed." What a liar? From the Duker City Blade. Ibe tariff for revenue only or free trade policy means exactly this : If there is a foreign pauper who will make our goods at his home cheaper thnn our men will, he is to have the work. Stripped of all its verbiage, this is the identical issue on which Mr. Sinter will expeot our workingmen in this town nnd district to support bim, evon though be be for the rut-eating obinaman. Minor Bros.' show window, containing two pair of Chinese pheasants, forms quite an attraction. Tbe boys are ever ou the alert for something new. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. A corker in "Plow Shoes" iust received. also a full line gents' and boys' Boots and Shoes at bed rook prices. Call and see them at the "Fovclah" Store of Ul-tf-t C. S. Van Duvn. Mill la It. Mr. Uornor wishes it known that he is still selling the tuuohiue-uiiule harness at $23 and good, "steel-tree" saddles at 25, casli. Silt t LOST. Between the Gurrigues plauiug mill and the first bridge, a rlrst-oluss feed yard with lodging accommodations con nected. Finder will be handsomely re warded. 85tf t The ladies' attention is turned to tbe (not that we are selling tbe genuine Fos ter Kid Glove and every pair guaranteed and fitted on tbe hand before leaving the store, at Ul-tM C. S. Van D UYN S. Buhl, the baker. Buy your bread and dikes and save money. Try it. a. See J. W. Cowins for Bock Snrinrm coal. Leave orders at Gazette oflioe. a Minor Bros, ore now selling flour at bed rook prices. For cash only. See new ad. a A fine lot of imported Shot Guns nt Thompson A Go's at baienin orices. no jobbers profits. a M. Llchtentlial At Co. have iust re. ceived a flue lot of Indies' kid, button and tie shoes. At bottom prices. a H. Bluckmon & Co. have nn exolusive General Merchandise store. Stockmen oonnot do bettor than patronize H. Blnekman & Co., of Heppner's Pioneer Brick. u. -NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ijtnd Office nt LnOraiule, Or., May. 27, lwii Notice 1h lien-by l'Ivpii that the fol Inu inn-named ncltliT lm tiled notice of Ills intention to make II nil proof In support of his claim, and that Raid proof will tie made be fore W. It. Kills, Com. IJ. S. Circuit Court, nt ni.-ppiici, um'koii, on j my ii, j.v.tj, VI: MILLARD F. FRENCH, lid No. :isx; for the S'J SW nnd SKV SWU and SH i, SK'i See ft, Tn :l s, K E. W. M. He names tho followtiiK witnesses to prove 1 1 in i-onii iioiiiin ii-smciici ilium, ami i- I viii nn of, said land, viz: r. ii. cox. m. J. Wilkinson, I), c. Gurdanc, J. Hicks, of Heppner, Orcein. KU-jOti A. Ci.kavkb. Hi'ulstcr, T H E use Branch at Portland, hue opened a BigLine fo Ladies and Gents' Farnisliing Goods Also Boots and Shoes, Valises and Fancy Goods. T I RUNKb, You will find our Clothing Department with au -assortment, including Square Cut Saoks, Three and Four Button Frocks, made of the best American Weavers, Scotch Woolen Wor steds, Cheviots, mado up to sell in full suits. $25.00 20.00 17.50 15.00 12.50 Suits reduced to $20.00 15.00 12.50 10.00 - 7.50 Examine the goods and you will find all shades and oolors, which will give satisfaction Before purchasing, call and examine my stock MINOR I3HOS.' Old Stand, Heppner, Oregon. EXCURSION ANNUAL S. 601VE1I01, Pettys Grove, Mouth of Rhea Creek, , IT 10 O'CLOCK 1 M. f Low rate of fare on Heppner branch railroad. A full programe, inoluding several speakers. Rev. CHAS. II. CURTIS, of Portland, will deliver tbe opening address. Basket Dinner. General Invitation. WijoI Iiitmrnnce. The l acifio Insuranoe Union has fixed the risk on wool in both of the ware houses in "Ucppnner nt the same rate, be ing $5 per $1000 per month. I shall be pleased to issue policies for the Man chester Co. on Wool in storage. This company has a caoital of 85,000,000 in gold. T. E. Fell, Agent for tbe Manchester Fire Insur ance Co., of Manchester, England. 89.92 Parents and Minora, Take Notice, Minors on tbe streets after 9 p. m., will be run iu and fined. Take not inn and save unnecessary trouble and ex pense. J. W. Rasmus, 487-tfsw. Mnrshal. Full line ladies summer dress goods in endless variety, comprising latest designs m white goods, laoes. demi fiouncinirs. Swiss, India Linen nnd Cambno Em broidery. Also children's white dress goods, oat ton, lisle thread and silk un- Jerwear, nt the Popoi.ab Store of (91-tf-t L. b. Van Duyn. GKAIN AND HAY FRAME ! Ptitenti'tl by J. W. WiU'knum Hun Marcos, Ti'X., July 1, 1H!. The latent and licKt. Folds like a Pocket Rule. Weighs 60 lbs. A boy can put it nn ami tabe it off. HoMs the Intul securely over the renter of the Htfim, aiitl iH suited for haul ink nuy kind of Farm Produce. ALWAYS READY. LASTS A LIFETIME. A Htiy Frame not to lie confounded with the oh! style, cumbersome thlnfrnthat require two men and a bov, with untold profanity, to load ft, and an extra pair of horses to draw It. J. T. (il.KXK ami J. T. PHILLIPS, Aflrnt for Oregon Maun fact ami and snW in ltjii?r bj Win. Aym, Nc; a'to atjent fur the sale uf territory 'in Eastern Omjott. 6-m . Thompson THOMPSON PROPRIETORS )l Below Collin A: McKarlnnd'n, Main Street. A. E. BlniiB & BINNS, The toner Livcrv, Feed and Sale Stall 1 1 Good Conveyance for Traveling Men. Teams to bay per day, 75 ots. Hay nutl grain per day. 81 25. Meals 25 cts, at U. (J. nargeant r, next door to 1'eeil htaoie. urain Bud baled hay always on baud. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAmSTERS, at ew Warehouse ! HENRY IIEPPNEU IS HAVING CONSTRUCTED AT Heppner a capacious Warehouse and platform room. He will soon be ready to receive the spring clip, and attend to such other business as may bo entrusted to him. Having been in this business at Arlington for some years, the public know what to expect of bim, nnd he therefore asks for a con tinuance of patronage at his ew Warehouse, AT HEPPNER, OREGON. HE! CASH PRICE PAID cbe "!7S7rES:EE2.&.Tr IIE1TNEU Flour Exchanged for Wheat. FLOURING MILL COMPANY. W. AYERS, Sr., Manager. 448 THE PUBLIC SHOULD know thnt the Furniture lias arrlveil. been sold nml more iut iu its place t way down bHi'jiuins. Call for prices at Heppner Furniture Co.'s i nice, muni (ureei, opposite r. j. Tliompaun Co'i NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lnnil Ollico nt Lu tlmmle, Or., May 27, 1SH2, Notlee is hereby iiiven Unit the followim-- iiKiiu'il settler Inis llleil notlee oi his intention to iimIw final proot in support ot bis elaiui, and that said proof will be made hef.n-o the rminK- I'lork ot Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., oh July 11, Isirj, vl: JOHN I,. AYKUS, lid No. mt for the SV W. M. He names the following wltn,,a., ... ,, n his continuous residence upon anil cultivation of, said land, viz: eorire luson. J. A. ThnmnaMti nt II.,n,,p Or., A. J. Tillard, Dave Proslev. of Lena. or. William A. Jones take notice. A. Cl.KAVKK, !l;I-,. KcKisler. 4 Sec 10, Tp 2 S, li is K, NOTICK OP INTENTION. Uud Otliep at Tho Palles, Or., Mnv 21, ' Notice Is hereby tilven that tbe following. mm,. ed settler baa tiled notice of bis intention to make final proof iu sunoort of bis , 0,01,1 ,m.t Hint said proof ill be made before J. W. Mor row. I ouuty I'lerk of Morrow e.Hinte iir.,,i, at Heppner, Oregon, on July !, l,.r, v. : vir.i.nur. p. liliAt, IV S. No. 74M. (I'oin. "li." Keb. .'7, isoj ) r ,h , NWi, See. 'J;t. Tp. 3 d, K i; KW M. He names the following witnesses tnur.tv,. 1,1. continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said laud, xir.: ' Mat Hushes. Arthur Iialy, Wm. HiiKliesaud ratlick Uuaid. alt oi llemmer. Or .1. 0ri,S'- John W. Lewis, Keslster. MONEY is Save 25 to 50 cents on every dollar you spend. Write for our mammoth Cuta. logue, a tiOO-paue book, containing illua tratious and giving lowest manufacturers' prices, with manufacturers' discounts, of every kind of goods and supplies manu factured and imported into the United States. Groceries, Household Goods, i'urmiure, untitling, LiaUies' and Gents Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, White Goods, Dry Goods, Hats, Gaps, Hoots and Shoes, Gloves, Notions, Glassware, Stationery, Watches, (Jlnoks, Jewelry, Silverware, Buggies, Whips, Agricultural Implements, etc ONLY FIKST CLASS GOODS. Catalogue sent on reoeipt of 25 cents for expressage. We are the only oouoern who sells at manufacturers' prices, allowing the buyer the same discount that themannfnot nrpr gives to the wholesale buyer. We guar antee all goods as represented; if not inuuu so, money refunded. Goods sent by express or freight, with privilege of roujiiiuiiou ueiore paying. A. KAUl'KN A CO., 1--' Q liucey St., Chicago, III. PUBLIC SALE -OF- Stock Horses The undersigned will sell at Public Auotion nt HEPPNER, OR., FrijyJnoe 3rd, 1892, loo HEAD ioo Of A merican Stock Horses. TERMS OF SALE: One year, with approved security ; in terest at 10 per cent per annum. Five per oeut discount for cash. 7Stf- C. B. COCHRAN. KENTUCKY JACK! This fine Jack will commence the Season, May 1, '92 at the KANCIIES OF C2. Seven miles south of Heppner, on Elien Creek. i jr. EAGLE is a bine, of good Bize and weight. His colts show up well, as oan be seen at the above-mentioned ranolics. Is five years of age. PEDIGREE : oi fjF- wa9lrJ by Eagle Jack; he by Mammoth Jack, of Kentucky. Dam, Black Warner. Bred by Wm. liiohie and became the property of C. S. Kirk & oOD) April, lo.'l TERMS- tlO to insure, payable when mare is known to be with foal. Have pasturage at 81. B0 per mouth for nil mares from a distance, payable when mares are taken away. All care will be tahen to Prevent Accidents, but will not be Responsible should any occur. a. m. is: i xi c? sort, Heppner, Oregon. 48(5-93. DA IV MAT HVOHES. Columbia Beer Hall! Y EXT DOOR to M. LicMenlhal & Co.'s Shoe Store, Main Sircet. Keep on hand a Fine Line of Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to 5 Cents Per Glass, Hope Props. On draught, fresh and cool. Luiich of all kinds. to see all their old friends and many more. . OSMEUS & HUGHES. TO NOTICE OF INTENTION. Utul Otlloe at The nlu-. Or., May ,-, is9 NotU'B Is lierfby ttivt'li tlmt tn.. f.,li.,u ,,!.. nmiuHl settlor hna tiled nolle ,- o( his intiMithfn to nutlw filial proof in snw'ort of his eUiin. ami that saM nrool vl In. t,m,l.. I,.,,'.... Clerk of Morrow Comity, Or.,-at llomuier, ur' ou July II, Ink;, viz: ' ' " JA.MKS I.K.U'H. lie names the tollou lng witnesses to prove his continuous resnleuoa uihui mii ..,,iti... .(.... Haul laml, vU: " ul i.yru. N. Sliinn, William W. Kirk, Charles W lent(iieaml Jellorsou D. Klrlt. ll . i .. . ..... ton, Oregon. j,1N w ,KW.. " f- liesister. EBS! J F YOU WANT To keep your Sheep healthy, ami insure u good elip, use HAYWARD'S : SHEEP : DIES. A Sure Cure at .Moderate Cost. HAYWARDS "PASTE Dip" Mixes with either COLIl or WARM. WATER. IIAYWARD S LIQUID DIP Is Non-roisonous, Improves the Wool and does Not stain it 'liwisTv Ms wish Fifths Wool Commission Mkrchants, ml Townsend Sts., San Franelsco General Agents. For sale by Slooum-Johnston Drug Co. 4;!ti47-. Forest Grove Poultry Yards. ESTABLISHED IN 1877. Wyandottes, Plymonth Rooks, Light Bramah8, Rose and Single Comh Brown Leghorns, Partridge Coohins, Hondaus and Sil ver Spangled Hamburgs. 1.000 YOUNG FOWLS Ready for Delivery. BOOK YOUR ORDERS FOR CHOICE SELECTIONS. In America, and nre the best on this coast by a great difference. I GUARANTEE SATISFACTION TO EVERY CUSTOMER. Snd for Catalogue. Address J. M. GARRISON, Box 55. com.SSXi Forest Grove. Or Where? At Abrabamsick's. In addition to his tailoring business, be has added a fine line of underwear of all kinds, negligee sbirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on band some elegant . patterns for suits. A. Abrabamsiok, May street, Heppner, Or. i diliiitafl3 D A ml S s a 1 11 ify Wii Hotel onus City WELL FURNISHED ROOMS Mrs Margaret VonCadow, Man J. II. HAYES, J. C. HAYES, C. J. HAYES. HAYES BROS., CTILL HOLD DOWN the old quarters on Main Street, opposite the City Hotel where they keep as usual Harness, Saddles, Whips, Spurs, Etc. The Genuine Heppner Saddle Always in Stock ! Agents for The White Sewing Machine, Best in the Market ReiJtiirins: t Specialty ! Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER AT Ol'KIC'B