I irvTLK mur: o. POU COUNTY ITEW2CB. m •ara» r i m 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ETC. T U T IPS H A T E D IN 1 S 0 4 , STÌ JNTY ITEM! over a railmbi. A dull, leaden sky. AH d J . R . S IT E S , M . D ., pittaseli at A 8 , SA T U R D A Y, D E C ? 23, 188*2. anew flakes have steadily fall©! BT hATUBDAT, vering that if frjur- the now, as night approaches, not PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON an accident he couUl not ve- ■ • W H K U l - i K IT E D . tige of the frozen earth re II. U L ’ ri 6 v£f damages, apioaehed Beppo walks wearily along, his D A L L A 8, OR EG O N . E. OOOE BY MALCOLM I>OUGLA£. loved guitar held closely under hi* j perintendent and said SYM PTO M S OF A i '*4-* THE AlTZNTIn. arm. He sees the lights lit in happy ' “ Look here! how about l' is VKIfS ON MILL HTIlLLT, IN BEAR OK UVUE’S ' 11» L it Hut I.. U , X I ' i # a neat little farm of ‘ ton acres, and a T O R P ID L IV E R . »U R a te st u t„r. "•>* “ O Drug Store. homes; he sees the cl ildren, with tliiii"! B oa s o f Appetite. B r - c l . i r > ' w . B tin ia likelier bit of ground tS* H ead .w ith » t.uil so.isotloe In the Can't be seen, though I say it who should their faces pressed against the panes, vt’ liat'a the matter with it?” back pari, F»m utuier th i Shoulder J . N . S M I T H , M . D ., not, in the country for miles around; watching with deligl t tho fall of the blsde. fti!)ne » 3 after eaUne, with a dI-. in­ e t killed on l..e What if 1 I g get F ir s t-C l* * j clination to er&rtlon of b oy cr mind. CAPITAL, Paid ui> i» LT. S. Hold Coin, : $'100,000.00 A »d with two littlo children to greet me, flakes, for to-morrow will be Christ­ ecovc" Irritability of tamper. I*>w spirt», with PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON, wife won’t and a cheery and loving wife, mas and the snow will a;d Kriss road ? .’J y a fcaline of harinz neglected tome duty. F BE PAID IN AD’ I lead in the cosy home yonder the pleas­ W airiness, Diazine**, Flutterir. 9 : at tho D A L L A S . OREOON. COIN ASSETS, December 31, ISSO, : 642,S ii.00 Kringle in his visit; and a sad smile damages.” Heart, D o t s before tho eyea, Yeliow bkin. antest kind of a life; “ No, sir.” Headache generally over the right eye, FFICE ON MILL STREET, NORTH OF COURT Of which I owe all the good foitune and lights up his dark face, for the snow with litlul dreams, highly __ ____________ Incom e for ISSO, H uum . “Then I don’t want tl »«¿iteror. sunshine far over tho sea, and of the much o'uleeged ter yer, but 1 guess o f They was somewhat wild, In crea a :» t h e A p p e t it e , and cab»«'* th«? 1 decidedly DALLAS, OREGON. ady to T a k e 0 « r ie e h . tuua tlie »ysi .n l» But who loved his gentle mother with a happy home he had before bis pa­ • -« 5SÍÍ. ■ r b lif d . and by th*dr IVnlc* Artieu on tl.o I'll have to walk.” rjh; and as Losses Paid in Oregon, : : * • 200,000.00 lore beyond that of a child. I k ls e e llv c f»r*prna. H i - n l n r KI xmi U u r e iro - rents died; and, in contrast to this, , w o r k . d ___ ll o n _ e in FIRST «L A S S STYLE. tluced. Price £ cent*). ii>> K w s-iiiy is»!.. ifl. Y . r Midland W ho was left alone in the world, air, to 0«T4 one m iluur north ol J. P. Ins,'. Whit. Uriel. G L A S S Y he thinks of the home lie has now, Office A I to .it “ '. b e t l w '. siroggle as best lie might, \ among its i Jnst when he needed his mother to coun­ and of the wicked padrone who took Editor of Time»:— In re ruling Ibe last N. L. BUTLER. JOHN J. DALT ses, the di This leading and popular company offers superior him from his cherished country. sel anJ guide him right. number of yo.ir paper, 1 noticed you ».bed ________ üäiät La? ti U3 r a y H a ir or W ütskkr » changed to a G lossy one. These last thoughts arouse him to all who hail bee.» beueflied by the letter G B lack DALY k BUTLER, by a alngle application o f tb.s 1> y k . It im­ advantages to those desiring reliable indemnity against X fell among wild companions, and, little publish«! iu your valuable pnpe. bout n ! part« « natural color, acta Instaatmaoously. Sold grl was soir. a sense of business, aud, clinking by little, each day, by Druggist«, or sent by express ou receipt o f fri. yeai a-o, t“ wvite yon Ibe fact« for publi- A t t o r n e y « - u t - L n t v , loss and damage by fire, being solid in assets, conserva­ but in fcatu Blind to my mother’! teaching, from the few pennies in his pockets, ho catiou. The let.erfroiu Dr. Buteai rettied O F F IC E . U H t ’ R R A Y S T .. N E W Y O R U . ftr. TttTB MANI: 4L cf Vsisari» tarmali -»•« \ J I L L PROMPTLY ATTEND TO AJ.L LEOAL takes up his position at tho entrance a great amount of excitement ill thin vi­ Dst to perfi honor I drifted away, I’Mfkl IsMlptl «Ui bn mailed I KK£ OB i^^llraUM./ _ |f business entrust«! to thenL tive in management, moderate in rates and prompt and Diowniog my thoughts in the glass, air, of a theater which is ablaze with cinity, aa lie is well aud favorably known nd of tint, Street, opposite Court House. ball«». becoming a slave to drink, _ _ light. Then, blowing his breath by everybody here. Hia reputation ns a liberal in the adjustment and payment of losses. fty, well-p Aud when I had reached my manhood I upon his stiff, cold fingers, he plays man and as a physician gave everybody CIGARS AND B. J. D A W N E , lind which r stood on a fearful brink! a few wild, sweet notos upon his in- ! the utmost couttJeuca iu bia atateuieu.s, burn hair. i . i t a 1 1 tt ' und this of coarse soon raAile ibe uniue A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W For I entered a house ouo night, sir, just strum ent-a „prelude to “ Home. “ de“ d. „ % Spavin Cure” uo, only fau.il- [ of dreamy E to ., Etc.. 1 ns the midnight hour f i . T O . O O O . U r i ilepositcil in Oregon for tho further security of SweetHome. He watches the gaylv Ur bnt Tery ,,opui,r. i„ reply to your W ss struck iu a neighboring steeple, and (ientiy tingei attired people pass into the warm r quest. I will say: About n.ne years ago I Policy Holders in Oregon, Washington and Idnho. I know that an unseen power In the utoro formerly occupi«d^fl to throw in PECIAL ATTENTION OIVEN TO COL Guided my feet through the long dark hall building, but none seemed to notice slipped on tho ice aud sprained my right lectins anti losninx money. Always pr«|>wiwii S u p e r v i s o r s o k O r e u o n B r a n c h — C. H. Lewis, of Allon St Lewis; J. 1 whiteness <: to loan bum $100 to $2, W0 on penam»! or r ..l m to the room of a sleeping child, the little figure shrieking in tho limb at the knee joiut. I was very Inuie, DALLAS, H, suffered excruciating pain much of Ute »ru n ty, utter in Oriawokl'i building, o y io .it . McOnken, of McCraken St Co.; P. W assennali, ol \Yassermau St L o.; W ho lisped, as I gazed upon her, “ Moth­ shadow. None save the gruff, burly and the bank. Salem Orreon. the time aiD ce, aud some of Ibe time Bankers, Ladd & Tilton. e r,” and sweetly smiled! wait, sue policeman who roughly grasps hia thought I shonlil he a cripple for life. Dr. J. H . T O W N S E N D , GEO. I«. STORY, Manager Oregon Branch beautiful, ai My stock ie uew and coeipleuJ M other! my hardened heart boat fast when shoulder and says: “ Come, young Kates’ letter printed in your paper gave me so much confidence in the virtues of nn, move along now!’’ I beard that sacred name; d her, D. B. BUSH, Special Agent. S t r i c t l y fori There by that pure, sweet child 1 stood, And Beppo, utterly disheartened, “ Kendall's Spavin C u re " that I tried it for only child m ? kuee aud leas than oue bottle com­ covered with guilty shame, uiv'J- H. J. F E R C U S O N , Agent, Independence. moves on. It has been a poor day pletely cured me so that I have had no re­ loutrh manufa I am enabled te offer luncrw l DALLAS, OREGON. Thinking, with throbbing head bowed trading public. J 1!. I I . It K O O K S . S o t lc it « » !'. down, of the wretched and misspent for business; he does not dare to go turn of pain or lameness, for which, of her other chain FFICE ON MILL STREET, OPPOSITE THE home with the few pennies he has course, I caunot feel too thankful. Since years, Court House. Coliectiens made a specialty. f considerahU C A S H 1 ’A I D F O t C O U k i my recovery I have visited friends iu the earned; and now the stern mandate Till my heart was filled with a wild remorae West and found that the following parties and my eyes grew ilim with tenvs— E. R 8 KIPWORTH, of the officer has cut off his last had used it with the grandest lesnlis iu Tears that fell faster and faster when 1 chance of getting more. your auppliea at J-*” ’ “ * 4 1 1 1 she had of suito that part of the country: The Rev. John A T T O R N E Y — A T —L A W pictured the bitter grief He pauses under a gas-lamp, and, ltice, Hematite, llo ., used it on his own Of her in her homo in heaven to see her New Cash (irwUdies Clara Vere di by its flickering rays, lie counts out person for nn injury of 35 years standing, boy a th ie f! ’ "* in much lower his pennies oyer. Just ten—enough aDd performed one of the most woudeif.il Scientists nsvJ u ll t h ii rro l d>s- S o t ary P u b lic , Thank God! With my soul unstained by for coffee anil rolls; and he crosses cures 7 ever heard of. J. L . McClure of rinses ore caused by d'sorCeved h idntys or the poet’s facul crime, I softly went my way, Oregon, Albany, D allas , Oregcn. Noi over to a little resturant, and is soon Strong City, Kansas, cured a badly lacer­ L w r, and that i f these great orgc.ns are ia t'arfit had W ith tho lightest lienrt&nd happiest mind ated and poisoned hand, from a hog bite, kept in a j erfert condition , health null be indulging in a bit of extravagance. and also removed an enlargement near e of a proud coquetr I ’d known for many a day, Will practice in all the Courts in the State. (he result, W A R N E R ' S S A F E K I D ­ D. N. B U A *». Eager to leave my life of sin, resolved to Supper over, be plans wlierebe shall the hip joint which had become large and MANUFACTURED BY All business intrusted to him promptly attend­ dished her power o\ N E Y A N D L I V E R C U R E take up anew, ed to. sleep. tionblesome. He also nsedil for plenrisy hearts, and did her Office in O’Toole’s Block, Broad-Albin strset. Far from the city’s pitfalls, ono that was Is made from a Simple Tropical Leaf and found that bathing his cites. with it He remembers a bo:: filled with 3-23- m3 it. honest and true. straw which he has seen in his wan­ relieved him at once. T o my surpiise I OF R A R E VALVE« found that this wonderful remedy was BURNS & breath of homage wi Ahd ever since then I ’ ve prospered— for derings. C. A. J o li He wends his war toward better known in the West than it was iu And is & P O SITIV E Remedy for the follow­ \V. TKU1TT. the neat little farm you see it, ami, when ten strikes from the the Rest, and I found that the • were using ing Troubles: Is proof of the luck that followed— and T R U I T T & JO H N S , :d her wooers gcntlj tall churcb-towor near by, Beppo is it there foi animals as well as on human I ’ m sure you’ ll agree with me Pain in the Back: Severe Head­ wero all around th calmly asleep, his guitar pressed I fitysh with the best o f results, and I find A tto rn e y s - a t - 1 a w In thinking my angel mother was watch­ so many ctries wherever I go to confirm if a sudden, they fo tenderly upon his breast. ing o ’er me that night, aches; Dizziness; Bloating; the favorable opinion I had already formed DALLAS, OREGON T o guide, through the word of a little * * * * * * «able, impassable Inflamed Eyes; A Tired of it that I am glad of an opportunity of child, my wnndering feet aright! FFICE ON MILL STREBT, NORTH OF COUR Main Stroet, Dali, and Ada s smiles v Twelve o'clock. As the last stroke telling the renders of yonr valuable pnper Feeling; Night sugl-t/ U oiuj reels out upon the frosty air, Beppo what I have learned in regard to it. Hop­ comers. AN IL L IM T U fO l* E V iS lP L E . Sweats; M. U 1*1 FKS. awakes form a troubled dream. His ing to hear from others upon this vevy im­ GKO. W. 1ÌB1.T, — fas an amusement, 1 portant subject, especially iinporlaul to Dulia». Indu|Hiiulence. sharp ear catches tho sound of voices, those who have suffered for years ’ ike my­ Pains in the Lower Part of the .»i I AVINO RECENTLY li> ii ,1 obllxinii . > 1 And all the diseases caused by the Kidneys, tom in the olden times, on that side give perfect satisfaction or money re­ w.y. to «sera wascertainly at a e patented in August, 1881. It has tlio largest capacity of uny Fruit Dryer of the court houso which was taken please. Hnvo you brought all the funded. Price, 25 cents per box. For Liver or Urinary Organs being out of order. DAVIDSON «V LEE. __vith those, whom he It is a SAFE .and C E R TA IN cure for all tools?” sold at the price, and is tho most easily and economically operated of any up by his party friends, meeting sale by Jasper K . Miller. Female dificulties, such as “ All in this bag, ' rejoins the first, F H Y S IC I A N S A N D S U R G E O N S , n iv v t u p kfw st to consider his rivals on the market. Tho fruit trays nre raised by nn elevator, operated by a (1IVE with recognition those who cast their THE NEW S T ^ Herlest(ine was L EU C O R R H O EA; I N F L AM A T I ON OF nnd Beppo, wide awake now, bears Handsome books, stationery, etc., at vote for him. When Randolph Independence, Or. lover nt tbe-W'.tnm, and mn he put in or taken out without loss of the T H E W O M B ; FA LL IN G Ol T H B Jap. T.. M iller’ s. ; JKst his thick-set. walked to the polls and in a firm something jingle. W O M B ; U L C E R A T IO N T H E “ Then, ho for old Howland's sil­ Office, one door south of Reiss’ liard* heated air, and without exposing tho fruit to a cold draft. It I hib also a abundance , voice voted for his enemy, the latter W O M B . ware store. Residence on Monmouth feature not possessed by any other dryer, to-wit: It has reflectors at the .years olxle advanced, with extended hand, to ver!” chuckles tho second, aud the street between 3d and 4th. It will control and regulate Menstruation, bottom that throw the fresh air on to tho furnace, thus heating the air be­ Undertaker^ greet him. " I thank you sir, I thank- two movo off. J # y in fea nnd is an excellent and safe remedy for females Diseases of women a specialty. Beppo hears their footsteps die you sir,” he said with somo nervous­ Lai , nt, and during pregnancy. fore it goes to the fruit. This is a very important feature. These dvyers July 15 1881 ly ness. Randolph put his hand coolly nwny. Ho comprehends it nil,— As a Blood Purifier it is uncnualcd, for it will be built only on orders, aud orders should be scut in early, in order to that there is to bo a robbery,— and u O i cures the organs that make the blood. For behind him, squeaking forth at the BOILS; CARBUNCLES; SCROFULA;WHITE 1). W. PRENTICE & CO., insure their being filled. same time: “ 1 didn’t vote for you, wonders how ho can prevent it. The Always I ias on ba n ! ti [Marsh, c, SWELLING; SALT KHLUM;j POlSON- name Howland he has heard before, The dryer can be seen at Mr. Paul Hiltebrand’s on Luckiamute, or nt sir; i voted for tho Doinocratic )\ Q BY MERCURY OR ANY Agents for the Celebrated spects w and he knows that he may bo the Bobert McLaughlin’s, 1| miles north of Buena Vista. We guarantee sat party!" OTHER DRUG, means of saving much. Borough Cases It is certain in every case. isfaction to any one who will purchase a dryer. Orders can be sent to the How tenderly and sweetly falls He aristts from his cramped posi­ t thefcnoxvlcdgo of For Incontinence; Impotence; undersigned at Independence, Polk County, Oregon. I indulge in no the gentle “ good night” into loviog tion, and stretching himself, reaches —ALHow failed to give lionrts, as members of the family for his guitar. Then, shivering as Pains in the Loins, ami boasting, but am willing for nil to see and examine for themselves. •cl self-confidence, r ie tu r r a . separate and retiro for (ho night. the piercing winds strike through all Similar Diseases. I n d e p e x d e sc e , Oregon, January 2G, 1882. Id . C ’O X . ger’s many hi unde T / e l l a v l K v t c c w V ! H e m e « ). ■What myriads of hasty words and liis tattered clothing, ho glides swift­ Picture ]arg0 extent tin It is a safe, sure and quick Cure. ever d'.s*.ove ed, as it i« certain in c ~ jc U t l . to&i thoughtless acts, engendered in the' ly down the street—on until the ro„ oRote . READ ? X O / BEuCMF. It is the only known remedy that has cured ale ocqiiMltnncc, ar hurry and business of the dny, are bright light of a police station greets BR IG H T’S DISEASE. iblv thiathat caused Saved Him 1.800 Dollars. forovor blotted out by its benign in­ his vision. As a proof of the parity and worth of this it o f sheer oppositio fluence. Small lokons, indeed, but Great Natural Remedy, read the following In broken sentences, lie tells his A dam », N. Y., J m . n , 18S2. And Steam Fitting. T>n. E. J. K endal .« k Co , 0 ? used ?. n v . i -with mar Sad favor. it is tho little courtesies that can so story to tho sergenut in charge, and îçoh CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: I ilcc1 of your Kendall's ‘ |u*i 1 C* )*e w. li jTeal Cabinet Work % p the iav í í j m ; t h í beautifully round off tho square the latter at once sends two officers fcvicc*», I thodj.ht I would l:t you crow wl.at has done 'or ms. Two ye.ua ajo I hud a*. sj»e dy a olt as A. S. LATTIM O R E , Ph. D., L. L. D . r ji i n : ONLY FIRST CLANS r U MRINO ENTAIL corners in tho homes of laboring men out to investigate the matter, '^•©»Sewing inachin« ©d Rogew to the was ever raided in JcTe son Cou-ity. Whe 1 I w i Professor of Chemistry in the University of A lishmcnt south o f Portland, where you will find W H A T FOR ? nod women. Tho simple " I thank Beppo knows that he has done breaking turn, he kickst1 ove” the cross bar and g j, Rochester, N. Y ., knowing the popularity and paired. in a china shop; n fast and tore one of Ins hind all to pic ei I em you” for a fuvor received, will fill his duty—he can do no more. Un­ plover] toe best 'a Tiers, but they p'l said he was merit of W abnrr ’ s S ake K idney and L iter Acknowledged by all Musical Authorities to be the ... , , Jshould be made t< Store mnlur lTZMiB.°*.‘ w“ " f f i M . , C ure , after a thorough Chemical Analysis, BEST PIANO now manufactured. Price* os low and with happiness the heait of the noticed, he steals out into the dark spoile d. De lu*.d a very large thorou .h-pin, p.nd 1 Ina ence, Or. vexation at her furnished the following statement: used two bottles of you • Ke dall's Spavin Cure, and terms a* easy as consistent with thorough workman­ giver. If a home bo happy, it is of street. Two or tb-eo blocks passed, *t took the oiinc-h entirely off. p..id lie so-«. « ’ -erwards S h o w e r Baths, S inks, ship. Adxlress U niversity of R ochester , TO B U Y H A R N E S S ! __________________H eapised; ono. Ml,800 (dollar»). I have met. it for !>o.ie « *vh • heaven tbetrnest symbol. Jfahome a strange feeling comes over liirn. fo*" Stationary Washtuba, all kind* of Iron, Lead and Chemical Laboratory, and v/'nri £»tl «, r. u. it has rlwnys cured complete'y . .it onco again she D. W . P R E N T IC E k. CO., Stone Pipes, Bram Good* and Kitting*, Rubber Hose R ochester , N. Y m Jah. 8., 1880. be happy, whether the owner pos­ The snow falls so fast that ho can rnd left the I tc e-nooth. and Packing, Zinc, Sheet Lead, etc., etc. I( . A . f»fto be cruel. ~ I t i* e. splendid medicine . ‘ or rheum* t'sm. I have Portland, Oregon. sesses a patch c f ground or 1,000 scarcely sec before bim. Sick and lecoinu?? ided it .o a good many, and they r'l h - iv it Mr. H. H. Warner has placed in my pos­ Address, LI I II! It M IK R S , ..cannot tell whether Salem, Oregon. acres, they who live there are indeed dizzy, he gropes his way up the steps does the v/orl;. 1 was in Witherin;>ton it Knccla.id's session the formula of the medicine manufac­ S alrm . August 11, 18S2. W HERE ? W H O FROM ? drug s* ne, in Ad mis, the o-her d.-y and r w a very tured ami sold by him under the general des­ WAGON AND CA&ie, or wheAer she Buy at dealers’ prices. wealthy bevond mathematical calcu­ of n private rosidcoco aud falls faint­ fine pi ¿titre . o u * ) ’ , t h tv . I ti eti to buy it, bu\ ignation of W arner ’ s S afe K idney and L iv ­ Roger Bei'lextom cou’ii no j. ’] ne * « id tent it I would wvi è to you er C uke . I have investigated his processes of lations. Then liow much more lov­ ing in tho door-way. , W e will sell you any that vou \vo.°d semi r.ie o ie. 1 h ' h you wou d, end manufacture, which are conducted with ex- NERVOUS DEBILITY. Sid* o 'Uli" 8t,,ger brother. Marti ingly are tho sable folds of night * * * * * * | article for family or I will do vou p H ,ho ¿car I cun. t-emc care and according to the best methods, V eiyre.ve udy, E. S. L yman . gathered around tho happy home. — I I think one thing, A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. personal use, in any I hâve also taken from his laboratory samples The Herald, two days after, con­ How much more confidentially do its tained among its advertisements tho of all the materials used in the preparation of tio am , i if mv in i• rM another. [ But thi: quantity, at wholesale From tlic Oneonta Presc, K. Y. |\R. E. C. WESTS NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT- this medicine, and upon critical examination 1 lie in general. 1 wr.uMS» .1 1 fU g w o r ],J ti members repose their weary bodies following: ment, a Npecific for Hvsteria, Dizziness, Couvul- ! 1 find them, as well as the medicine into which price. N o matter what you want, t o il o .ll kind, of wagon > n e ~ . .. O nkoxta , New Tor!:, Junuray 0 , 1C81. in the caro of divino goodness, sions. Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Los* of j Earlv 1 '.it. summer Mesura. B. J. Kon ir.l"' k Co., of workmanlike manner and J (J a S K llOF, O ld they enter, to he entirely free from poisonous If the hvl who garo tho volatile infor­ send for our Catalogue, free— con­ | Memory, S|>ennatorhoca, linpotcncy, Involuntary I K;iosbevg:i Fa']*, Vt., mrde a c o r t r •« with the smoothing their overtaxed minds to mation that loil to the frustration o f do­ 1's''arsof or deleterious suhsaances. prices. I have on hnnrf . * -- hut— *allC ha« emissions, premature old age, caused by over exertion, the Press for a half co'umn «dve"t'seuient tains over 1 , 9 0 0 illustrations. A. M T T H IO R E Oregon. self abuse or over-intlulgence, which leiuls to misery, ! the living realities of boautiful sions upon a Fifth Avenue house, will for one vea- , sc*Dug forth the merits of Kendr.Hs Seasoned ly round OB'. Ada 1 decay and xlcath. One box will cure recent eases. W e carry in stock the largest vin Cure, t!«e sjme time we seen ret 1 -om the dreamland. This Remedy which has done such wonders, Bond his addrwtt to A — f i — , Herald i:,x Each box contains one month’s treatment; one dollar P m a qui* »t*ty of books, e.iJtlcd "Dr. Kend*.»M'« — >n o f a laqfp circle, put up in the LARGEST SIZED BOTTLES variety o f goods in the U. S. & box, or six boxes for five dollars; sent by mail pro | office, ho will hoar of something to his Treatise o » ¡he I orse and his Disease», wnlc'i we are paid on receipt of price. We guarantee six l*o\e* to In an exchniygo giving nn nccount advantage. jiving to advance paying subscrioe a to t ie Press as a of any medicine upon the market, and is sold R E P A IR IN G M A D !**v «,b®e# ,l° W t, 1 euro any case. W'ith each order received by us for ornmirm. by Druggists and all dealers at f t l . â . » per B E C A U S E he has them on hand and is o f the soni'ce of the Mississippi, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, wo will send making of brotlSrs, and Ahou* the timo *!io adve. ^se.m it ff -st rn,>er.re.'. in bottle. For Diabetes enquire for W arner ’» And the following in Ü 3 loca ’ de­ Satisfaction GuArantA a__ ««M i ,i tnoru and is going to the purchaser our written guarantee to return the we find it stated that year* ago it. this peper M’ . P. S.*he» nerhorn, who rmide.« near S afe D iarateh C ure . It is a positive remedy. ot, w ouldfm akc tl 227 & 229 Wabash Ave., money if tho treatment dx»e8 not effect a cure. (Guar­ Collie a, ha!ti Id* D s.'ose*, Pacific Coast Agents for the the Estate of John V .. WUcox, decua*e«l. All person* Main St., opp. Conrt House, Dallas. ’i tie priic* veiy .l'^.dy, on«: would ,>e loth to be appropriate for it. Tho story is diately summoned and stimulants were wh’e having claim* against stud Estate are hereby notified Prime pait *v't'i rt any pr*x«*, p ovidexl he x'ould no. oh*uin Celebrated to present them, duly verified, to said Administratrix, that it wns decided in this way: tiven, hut to no avail. Tho poor little fe!- a *r*t.i!?- cony. So irm*w for aJverti.'. ' j .x'^uble art. Manufacturers and Jub^rH at her resilience, at McCoy, within six month*, H. F. S M IT H , Prop’r, and all person* knowing themselves indebted to said “ Let's make a new name by coining ow was quite dead. l i e was suhsequent- Estate will m u e payment thereof to said Administra­ From Col. L. T. Foste“. a word," said nn old voyagenr. I 7 iduutiiied us lînppo, who, with his (Late of Salem.) trix. KLLF.N WILCOX, Administratrix. itiie well known among Yor JC’ TOAN, Ohio, May M>, »S'». D aly A B i t l m , Attorneys for Estate. “ Homo of you learned ones, tell P ” . Ts. J. H» a.\ k C xa , t’ en.a:— i hrd r. very people of t!io lower district. M c C oy , Oregon, November 15, 1882. A GOOD CLE\N 8IIATE TO BE y.dtwNe liam »'d o •'* » colt, w'.ùcî» I u xt. ve.-y what is the Latin for true.” “ Veri­ u so — Malcolm Dougins, ¡u llio Christ­ I hi rhly. l/e erd » ) ra-e b«»*ie i j u r n o i o :e Jot •* anil had at all tines. Give mo n calf tas,” answered a scholar. “ Well, r Minall one o i E n o A o *, w.iix* i nv.de h 'n very Irnx. the _-Then,' H. F. SM ITH. . mas St. Nicholas. I had b' .i iirn'er ,! m «'.urge «>■ two ve eri-v-y s.ir- now, what is tho Latin for head?” D a l l a s , Jnly 1, 1881. “ .»on* \. ho failed to “»re hun. I y.*a* o»e dr r verd* »? nged lly; “ I’ll “ Caput.” “ Now write the two words ie wlv jr.ism*? it o* I.emlrU's B r.v> i C«.w : t vie i m h : b i n e < iKi i Mar * V r.v. rrilESE GOODS ARK I f Aria t’hi« • go L ;pr<*H.i, a 'ti I det*? i p a oil rt o*’ t*e to try lv, together by syllables.” The scholar ■- rip anti are the l>«A P . ... . . . , ami got ou. tin* cie to wend '.«r *«. They c*- fer«*d. Call in at VanUuy»*||iJ Lc' LIVERY FEED & SAÏ.E anothei wrote on a strip of birch bark. “ Ver- A c itiz e n w h o j e r t e n l f t j r cc e iv e c l d«^d tin«« «t. 1 « i he.« rii a«) i and exami 11 « these goods. fact i-taa-ca-put.” “ Read it out.” The teleg ra m t o t a c i t a fr ie n d fr o m th o ’ J E ^ ,y” so< five syllables were rend. "N ow drop western part of the State at tho do k«tne, and th e 'u n^t* have UlaaptMorcd. I ulc * but i '«loft*« r »d the *«»lt'» r.,»he r.w a* • ee frttn lumpt H O U SS the first and last syllables, and yon pot, was there on time, nnd after one lere t! ami as mdoo ,; i r> any It... «r • i .he Bta«e. He »• e.»- tireltr urtù. The -ure x.. 4 . 0 • etna table « k U I let will have a good name for tho lake." greeting said to him: lummer INDEPENDENCE, OREGON two o* my ur'-.hliory :«.-,ve t ie re.nri dur tw.» ;>o. l»v», j And "Itasca” it was. "Now we’ll get on tho car and go r ni dtJjr a 4 .-ov r»' ' j iv Very resn jctfpi », 11 geni M y house 1 right up to the house,” •gracie Although the making of a new deuce is for P fe "B ut you aro not keeping house.” KENDALL’S SPAVIN her CURE All modern improvements. Uestauranl raST CLASS IUSN0UTS, nose for n person deprived of his souable offer “ No; I ’m boarding at tho same tiawing ON III MAN FLK8H. The only Instil*.nent that children can play as well the best in the city. Open all day natural organ of smelling has boeu old placo.” ind st lower prices than lists rttleil heretofore i grown persons. Only five minute*' time rx.*|uired J. H. B R EN XE R. Prop'r. fused. M.ujbM1 wartlnt nj»TT«N * Ml .».*, N. Y., Fex V , 1878. I repeatedly undertaken with success, to learn how to manage them. Any kind of tunes ( "Then I can't g o .” I) . B. J. 1. *s.MLu, Ik».' *slr:- The ne '• mlar t-.*se j D allas , S e p te m b e r ^ S ^ B Accommodating Commercial Travelers can be playexl. Finest accompaniment for the voice it )• a nice nnd difficult operation, .i monts on w tix-'.i I *• vex* yo.ir Ke. 1 .'all's Kpa«:.i Cure w s s "Can’t. What's the trouble?” in singing. They are «old sx> low that any family can Specialty. m* ' p m an»ie «.tram ol sj..teen mo u a s , u « m • > >. I nnd nn attempt just rnndo iu Vienna lly pmx'ure one. Having one no family couki • | H ¡am of a gat “ No; under the circumstances I I imd tried utut ,*dn » but In vain. Vo.ir 1 ig without. Price* of different styles'$10. $12.! 2.114 by I’rof. Billroth, one of the most should not like to eat dinner with l u«w ii.it the fx*ot .0 . ' t,r.v m ! ara n, mn ! ft.,* ,e Dr. J. B. J and $18, in. hiding twenty-fixe feet of music. Sen HOUSES B O A R D E D R E A SO N A B L Y . Lawn Arbor, Polk County, n W i • nre Iwn, » p . tu rI pxvd.lo t. Fur a for catalogues a wf price list. Address distinguished surgeons of Austris, you.” s'v.mily li dment it e ;x .. ,,,ning we e>er usrxi. spec tei D. W. PI’ KNVIl'E k CO.. Porthmd. Oregon. D E N Satisfaction guaranteed Vox* .« -M*v, Ü4V. M. p ü r . H to supply a soldier, who had been --- - --- S a t jo t t tsesHeq - -- s iww lot Of of gO foods, n e h sa _ a -. “ What circumstances?” workin PVvfriWe' M F» 1 tirrh, Pa.te.i's M ''a, N. Y. »T kept In s country «tore, which he will » I I , f .r frightfully luulilsted iu Bosnia, with Julv 15 1*81 1 COOPER BROTHERS. Having returned “ Well, Trover’s pieaCut wife used business now before the public j an artificial nose, has attracted much to be my wife. We didn’t exactly You can make money faster at permanently locate, work for us than at any thing else. Cash or Produce. attention. The material for the now agree, and she got a divorce and U sit *e > It* e.Tec^ t i \ I » I .*» »«¿ hw ». a* L does iw>. ! The above cut represent* style 50, which we will sell of detal work, < 'apital not reexlcd. We will start | F. M. COLLINS, a kinds organ was taken from the skin of came down here and married him.” Mis* • *. yeA it la i^.iesra i i j and powe.fel t> r t s h for $190. $2fi cash. $10 per month, with interest upon » 0 « . « l î s <|JT and upwards made at home by the Cheaper than Am dealer in Polk County He posi- W E S specialty. e»c. V deep-seatexl jwi.i or to lemove r »v bon v - row th deferred payment*, one per x*ent. per month. Good mduetnnn. Men, w oai-a, hoy, end (irle wanted tieely meen, bueineee and win will convince convin.-e you that i,e m ens i u«ines* an«i Main HI reel. Itollo«. Oreawa. Office in Vanduyn the forehead. Tho operation is re­ everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Y o« states — the * truth ------ if - you will give him a call. "W h y , that's nothing. Such a iv O.OSY e i*a g t 'i-j ita, «neh as spevU m . uditi»«.cwrivv stool and W ok included. Address i • allons, e.watn«, iwdlin a ^ **»y L*a.ien* s am. rl. ran *w«»rk in i|kare time only f » give yonr whole tims ported iu have ueuu euliiely suMrM- trifle as that wouldn't stop me.” up stairs. I* preimred to sttpnly Froth ! c.tUraMiteots of ute Join.* ov buiiw, m- o * rfru**.. D. W . P R E N T IC E k CO.. to the burin*«* You can lire at home snd do the fnl, and, with a supplementary shap­ Great chance to make m«*nev ( work. No other business will par you nearly as well man ».s i for ai'Y pur*t*e for *: .iVb a v ri.*»e »t "Yea, I know; but I'd rather not ti* r n xd in fi* Th«-**e who always take adTan I No ene can fail to make enormous pay by engaging st • uaan or byw,. It 1* mnr l.uosr.t to , « the Portland, Oregon. ing process is.expected to result in a go. I've applied for a divorce from I* ! once, t'ontly outfit and terms free. Money made jtage of the go«id chances for Beef, Pork, Button, Teal, M II ii.n-.it fo- men ever n*er*. a*-. .*j *, rml W . P note that cannot be distinguished the wife I married after this one left yet reu.vin in i.-v sYoetr. task, easily and honorably. Address Trva A Cm _ |— ------- msking money that are «dferedt gwisfwlly W o r n wealthy. whil. t h o » who do nnt dsn* r«a'ce*a fo* IlhMtra^d r ir n ik . w ,'eH Augusta, Meins. from a natural one. tmpmve «ncS chancrw rwmain in pnrsrtT. W , want me, and iW a in town, too, and if I tk< •«^vesnrKdtlYS proof of Itevi usi No .emexJv T. F. SMITH. M. 0., Hams. Lard. Chickens. Etc., ever u»et w.ih waA n.M,na)tfiex! r r r . s to our M n y nmn w on,«!. K.y, and girls to work lor na should meet the pair up there I don't IMS k in your own town. $5 Outfit free- knowiev pc. .or be 4 s i wMl .•« »**¿ 0 . is thwlr own l.,w liu » a „ , on« ,wn do the k. Everything new 1 'wpital nor ra Portland jail believe I could eat half a meal — work properly from the flrat «tart. Th« hmdnem will Price vt ner :»ot.le. or six »rn.it« o fw A n d r a i . We will furnish you everything, Ol the heat quality, as the lowest possible prices. s*s store >l nr n g>*. It for vex*, or >» « ' 1 .*e seet 10 And Countf ; M r i in ................... the hand rMtlly I eouldn’tl” are making fortune*. Ladle* make and ad«: e i o i rex y,H of n ,re dt . is n o L-ite s, <»• »>>•• m n » » M l to as men and boys and girls make great pay. •f a sleeping QfellèWkprii •oner, and DH. K 4 . E-yiOA e l è C Ü .. Estosair j j PaHs, Vt. . PALLAS, Hizhost Cash Prior paid for Pat Stock. if you want a burines* at which you can make 1N D X PE X D E X C E . OREGON. war. heavily Sued for th. iheir fan. pay all the time you work, write f More new good# at J. D. Lee'«. Also for Chicken« and Wild Game. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS. W [LI. ATTEXP V0 joaasir |t.B II au JKTT A C o ,, * 0 1 Hand, Males • vur' * 1 D allas , December 27, 1M 1. IT port ol the comity i m* HOME MUTUAL FILLS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. GROCE] O 3 B N T I S T , TU TT’S QUEEHSWARE, L u m p s, LaQi|j C and Notary Public. S A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W , O FIT Afc Independence, Polk County, Ogn. LIVERY S O SOLE RICHT FOR POLK & BENTON COUNTIES. H. M . PLUMBING, GAS Now is the Time ! UPRICHT, SQUARE AND GRAND, FORCE & LIFT PUMPS, BATH TUBS, O D.W. PRENTICE & 00., C. L. P I E R G E , BARBER SHOP! f m McTAMHANY (M E T T E S C00FER BROS. STABLE, GEORGE FAIRCRAVES, KüNDALLS SPAVIN CURE STER LIN G ORGANS. BEST GOLD, Physician and Surgeon, a u c t ic ; $662 ______________