Ç O DALLAS, E D IT O R IA L Wkit did people do before there VM any Christmas' There were holiday.. to be sure. The Greeks had their Olympian games, the Romans their w ild saturnalias, and. perhaps, every nation had some period o f relaxation and ainuse- ment But in the world’s history, Christinas stands alone and sin­ gular in its gentlest and best char­ acteristic as a festival day. I t has an element unknown to all other holiday«. I t is the children’s day. Before the Star o f Bethlehem swung into view, and trembled in new beauty before the bewildered gaze o f the wise men from the East, childhood had never received its own interpretation. Before that time, holidays were for grown peo­ ple. But ever since the rosy star halted abevo the manger, and showed to the wise men and to the world the cradle o f a little Child, the dignity and value o f childhood have been growing and widening and deepening in the minds and hearts o f men. And the Great Teacher Him self emphasized the new doctrine, li e would not per­ m it the little children to be driven from His great presence, but called them to him and took a little child in his arms and blessed it. I i it any wonder that children should so jo y fu lly celebrate the birthday of Him who first recognized and en­ forced their own claims to consid- emtion? Christinas never grows T * - numi old. Other festival days fade away and become obsolete. Christmas always brightens, with increasing lustre, as the years roll on. I t ought to do so, fo r it is the only great in ­ stitution in the world's annals in which the children have the great­ est share. Grown people celebrate and enjoy Christmas, to be sure. But they enjoy the day itself less than they enjoy the children’s en­ joym ent o f it. They celebrate it less in their own right and fo r their own sake, than <£ey do fo r the sake of the young madcaps and chatter-boxes who have at last blunders should be made in legisla­ Congressman Godlovc S. Ortb, tion to which everybody’s atten­ o f Indiana, is dead. tion is specially directed. The pro­ hibition amendment to the Consti- j N e w Y erk C ity is in throes o f tution of Iowa was a political issue agony over the Sunday law. and discussed in all its bearings by Post, the dclegato elect from the press and on tho hustings, j Nevertheless, a series o f blunders W yom in g Territory, is said to fa ­ in its passage through the Lcgisla vor the Mormons. ture is likely to render it null. In Last Friday was hangman's day. our own State, the prohibitionists There were executions at Searle, have for years been seeking the Alabama, Deadwood, 1). T., Mans­ submission o f such an amendment. A numerously signed petition was field, La., and Galway, Ireland. H e n iy W ard Beecher has given his opinion about gambling in stocks to the Senate investigation. H e confessed that ho knew little about the matter. I t is probable that he knows more about stockings than stocks. W m . M. Cissna, an insane man in Linn County, has been sent to the Asylum. H is hallucination was that he owned and operated all the railroads in the country. get along without him. Oh, the lies, the lies he make us tell! But these are necessary to tho very e x ­ istence of the hoary old philanthro­ pist. IIo is made o f tho mate­ rial that vanishes at tho touch of realistic, uncompromising truth. W ho has the heart to slay tho bright, jo lly old fellow? I f wo must givo up Santa Claus or stop telling fi'os, wo must bo allowed to fib yet a littlo w hile longer. W e are not o f that class of strict mor­ alist. who believo that a fiction so harmless, and at the same time so fascinating to the little people, is going to put our souls in joopardy. I f wo never tell a worse falsehood than what is necessary to uphold the kingdom o f tho Children’s only king, wo shall c::poct to es­ tablish an unquestionable reputa­ tion for truth aud veracity. He •hall reign forever and never be dethroned. Long live Santa Claus! And yet tho small boy and the tin bom are a combination not de­ voutly to bo wished. N othing but the privileges o f Christinas could induce people to endure it. That they do, is but proof how thorough is tho conquest o f the worltl by tho little conquerors. Lot them alone. It is but for a little season. Too soon tho youthful joys of Christ­ OREGON, SATURDAY, M I Z S B # H . W . LY O N S . A. S T IN IT . STINIT & LYONS, \ihc\d. [of Eola Hills, Wednesday. AND ’ LO A N AGENTS, GEO. A. SHEPPARD & CO. N In in S t r e e t , U n l l a w , l* o lU C o u n t y , O r e g o n . Offico two doors north of Post Office. Salem, Oresron, one o f the Largest Stocks o f Men’s, requirement that is plain as day, the action of the Legislature w ill be o f no account and all the work must be done over again, before tho kd family have T where they v (o f Monmout G ENI MERCI IS HECEBV GIVEN TO W.’OM IT MAY ^ I roT'C-t --o i » m , t lit I ‘»jve bc.-n r.p]»oiii«ed Kxe SQlDT of the last wll a.<(l tesiame.it of Kl'ei Scott, lu'e of ill since his Drugs, Patent I. W iUsrd, of San Fn '■«* on > . 1111 I I1 a v lin­ ks* sister, Mrs. P u r e B in es and | For inerii«’*] pur|n-H.M. C< hanri to fill prescriptions. B allston , Oregon, Novelinb*r|,l F A !.!* jjw lio lias been I B m t r y for five y m BO in Dallas on T1 Debtors, Take ----- FO R - T R A D E ! ’. B. Rowel 1, who visit is weak, Wo luarn that l I convalescing, blit is t A ll parties having counts with the undei syto, o f W asco Count) please tnko notice thi week and after a visit not settlo tho same wi this place, left fur C;i eat trip. they w ill have to sell vd very hard hero T1 attorney for tho samo. the L a 0r< "lu was tie morning as it w ’ M cG R K W & T he W h i t e B r i sis W ill still be the Empeñara of the Latest autl Best No. 125 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. rain atom i P erbvdalz , N ov . 17, Sheppard, who is now < at Salem, was cii W n w r . . , his chilili diphtheria at that pin ■ H f l i M i f e lmvo quit d are boarding with Mr b wa« rendured necesi o f Honry Howe and fai -’¡eh to jptfcluiso ;i reall;, i m q | aomo Christinas preaeu FA R M IN G friend, call t.fap. R. I of Every Dcscri|Stutiful selection of art le is tii have n Clirutm J A M E S HA Wagons, Plows, BAGS & BAGGING MATERIAL, DRESS GOODS k m Polk Counfy, decer».*'. AH pemom havirg claims there aguins are ret uirod to present tbeiu^o me, duly verified, a. thco.fice o’ LH-.ly & [hit's.-, .‘.iTDa'Ia*. wit; in six months, end i II perso.is indebted to said entai«, are reouedted *o ..rake 'inmedirte nevment M me. WILLIAM M. LYLE, SL'-ecut»-. D aly & B ctlsr , Atorneys. Dated December 22, 1*82. ----- SUCH A S ----- DALLAS, OllEfl ovolliIlir ttt C;C0. FLOUR AND seulement. GRAIN I 'i '.he ip liter of he Etfate of Scmuel 8. Huddle i., decease .—A. Ge*t ier, A«J«u'.rint.~*í,ó>. Constantly on.hand and made to order. Black, all wool. Anilin es, BAGS Also, Wagon Covers. Etc.. Etc. N p eceiiued for Let lenient and filed :s the County Court of Po'U County, 8 dte of O t ; o . i , my fluid re­ Sheriff's J ohn Sale. Shaded Serges, Fancy Melanges, (iircluuiu Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION 18.«L ED OUT of the Circuit Court of the Sta.e of Oregon, for the County of Polk, upon a decree and jmlgment ren- rieieri in said Court on the 5«.h day of December, 1882, in favor of L. Senders and against W. li. Janie* and Julia James, for the sum of 41,018.75, and the further sum of $30.35 costa anri disbursements, to me direct- e«l, against certain mortgaged real property, 1 have levied upon and shall offer for sale to the highest bid­ der, on n Fine Diagonals and Brocaded Suitings. m cd o w ell , Cloakings, Ladies’ Cloths, Waterproofs, REAL ESTATE ACENT, A ll ARTIES DESIRING TO HUY OR SELL REAL T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 1 6 , IH H il, Estate will do well t*> consult me. Office two At 1 o’clock a. m. of said day, at the front door of the Court House at Dallas, Polk County, Oregon/ he doors west of Jap. R. Miller's drug store. following-described real property, to-wit: Beginning st a stake 20 and 80-100 chains east from the south­ west comer of the Donation Claim of Aaron Chamber- lain, situated, lying and being in Township 0 , south of j Kange 5 west, iii Polk County, Oregon; running thence north five chains; thence cast 21 ami 45-100 chains; thence south five chains; thence west. 21 and 45-100 chains, to the place of beginning; containing ten acre* <*f land, more or less; together with the Alden fruit and vegetable preserving factory situated on the above describe«! premises; together with th«t tenements he­ reditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to satisfy said judgment, costs and accruing costs. Tonus of sale—U. S. gold coin, cash in hand. II. IIOLMAN, Sheriff of Polk L'o., Ogn. D allas , Deeemlier 15, 1882. B colors o f Cashmeres. -W IL L BUY- Physician. Surgeon.L rocoivcil an invitati« lias pcnnanontly located ini iven at Bte«l's Opwra _ iiew Year-evuninii, mi XT Office at Hyde's drug stori •f S odw ick N O T IC I 3 received NOVELTIES ! NOVELTIES ! NOVELTIES ! LADIES’ AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, M e n ’s a n d B o y s ’ C lo th in g , ° ™ as valir 1883. Our Om Geri in hut we are able to i otice is hf . ukby givf . nj tcpreientiliR scenes Brown, of Polk County, A ÌN D S H O E S . and N. W . J «.f S. K. J of I , . tV A d m in is t r a t o r s ^ ” Lewin & Co.’s J IT FINE PHILADELPHIA BOOTS & SHOES, GOODS PRIME AND PRICES BEDROCK! r Perfumrg^ S ta ti»o h * 3 * Onion JOS. D. LEE, ^ Sheriff s Sale. Ha names th# following witnaaars to prove bis ron ray Publishing Company tinuous The Duniwai maiden ca upon, and cultivation of, taid law I, till for an inju injunction in via: I. Vanbo-n. R. Rurlinrtnn, J W ft.new and ft. have filed a bill M . C tiaa, aA of EH hont, iSdk Coumv. Otaron. the Circuit Court for Multnomah k T BtHIN. Krgistar. County, to restrain the publishers of the Northwest News from using that W. B. BOtBCHs name, un account oi its similarity TO LOAN ON LONO OR SHORT TIME, A T T O R N R T and COUNSELOR a T -L A V \ f OXEY n p orovi in lerge or entail amounts, .m n ap n>ve«l to their own paper, tbs New North- : H HIRSCHHEHG. 8Akm, Ors^on. west. imlepcndencc, Ogn. ,kev JAP. R. M ILLER, Dallas. TSurwtay, «In- t.Vlh lta.t er JnnniirT. 1IK3, Decani Iter «, 1882. ) I \OTKT ?■ HEREBY OITKN THAT THE POL IN lowing named aa.tler has Iliad noth’« n* a!s !n- ¡ tention to maka bnal pr»«*f in sapport of b • c aim. ami (hat aoic proof will ha mod« before the Countv nark of Polk County, at Daiiaa. Orognn. on Tuaauav, January 18 . 1«K3. via: John M. Daria, R a t r u l Kutry No. W». forth«ll|af8.R. I. R. | .4 H lm l ' 'r f e i s t ani m hi ption o f a Foster's Genuine Kid Laced Gloves. Drugs, lie n d ” Chemicali^" n E t ílí. .Mill Ktrci-t, i :»ty , hai I>»|«onntry. strange cd. It a mai hither where id so fi except fin the L n the ci residen iral yea? Whitmai s week make 1 Id his will be lately t HU tlfo or as Bxnccno* issued out of th« Circuit Court of the .State <»f Oregon, for Ala-ays rin luunf.TT' La Urcnl Polk County, on the 13th day of December. 1882, in favor of Ge«*rge A. Sheppard and against K. L. De- | par, v of lAshmutt ami Hathaway Ywni, upon a judgment MUKRSCI I Ar . M^^S ty, star rendered in said Court on t'na 11th dav of Decani he»-, 1882, for the sum of #10,855.15. damages and coats; h is to a honty] SETTLE U P ! C. HUGHES. T. II. OUY ami at the rendition of sahl judgment it was ordered, Cigars. Tobacca»|«kt- 1 . the C.miffl K a OSAS. Where llG 1 "f or,-; -n, I was ap|M,inlc«l \.y n. . nu l..r of the Relate «U Joanna | roalWelr« Y6An. He had tr. drocaMri. All per<«»is HaQ did Dot know I sai«l estate are re»iuir*Ml to prcsrt'jy . ... ,, duly verified, within six nn . * , l882'_______________ 1 : on the jury in tho cas< Giant Seam Boots. CHRISTMAS NIGHT. . 7 W., Willamette Meridian, u n igg" » « » ^ I'1 l»1« \'h the Act of Cong rest, appr< -iJ-Mr. dSlliott, who lately ” An Act for the sale of Tiinher ..L-..,*- nlneo Thn nr <'»lifornla, Or.-».«, N.vaJ^ 1 n.° Pr Territory.’ », Edgnr to remain ill p< All adverse claims to said tnunfH|L United States Land niHco at «r n . fore the expiration of sixty dayitf P . W . H h I c V. 1. J . (iivcn under ui> hand this lit Q Roberts, JASPE : h r . y * WHITE DOMINO, D ALLA S, OREGON, a N". „ Dents«.hei , . «'• s W. STAPLE d o m e s t ic s , g r o c e r ie s , h a r d w a r e K E N D A L L ’S , i‘ plication to purchase the S. '.j of >UI. B O O T S band h a ll C oll etlur in c«>.v N P Cents | 2 . T . D O D S O i" Ladies’ Cloaks and Dolmans, DALLAS, OREGON. A A n y D onnto A n m -I^ i« * “ *' " k, 1“ 1 ■A- on short notice am I at 11 , t r the papei 1 • - * * l . Depot on Main Streett i, in huildig. j^| vho attend the ball ! by a . Brown as a wagon shop. otice is hereby oiv :; n th at i have W. I, and Learn I and 5, Portion R T .I& ,G .IW . fife went to Sa |hey will reinc lepomlunce, m W o have for sale about 100,000 acres of well improved land, iu farms from 100 to 3,000 acres. Stock ranches of from 100 to 1,500 acres, well [ week here arc i located anil near market. Also city property, flouring mills, saw mills, 1 kg, which tin Jiut arriving, « Ury, „ j , water powers, good locations for portable mills, botols, livery stables, har­ ness shops, blacksmith shops, wagon shops, etc., etc. came hom< Parties wishing to locate, by pre-emption or homestend, upon Govern­ spend the h ment land, or to purchase School or Railroad lands, will do well to call alias. upon or address us, as we have the plats and are thoroughly acquainted •ware, Jewell with such lands throughout tho entire Willnructto Valley and Eastern Ore­ Which will be sol«] at I etc.,nice for gon, and can show parties the most valuable lands and desirable locations, J .[l). Lee’s. avingbee In procurod, gl from 1(50 to 10,000 acres in a body. Country ing on in Dal W e have also stock of all kinds for sale. For price list, send for cir­ Of Every Description taken L standing the cular, or come and examine our Bulletin Board. ami the highest market pries ¡ T. Smitl I f we sell, we give an abstract and pay all expenses. Any information t-srC’all ami examine stört am chasing elsewhere. Also keep* ■it to i Whitmai in our line furnished gratis. -DEALER IX - seemly objection. There is no good reason w hy respect for the dead should make tho livin g sub­ mit to being robbed. BALLSTON. POLK roi AT COST, F0 |i Youth’s ami Roys' Executors Notice. most persons that makes them pay an extortionate bill rather than make what appears to them an un­ Unit's mid IIAVINU rtTRCDASIO U Ifuod. formerly own— ¿ will Kll Ui« Mine, for th, W ill, on or about the 25tli of this month, open In officer. ___ ____ , carrying th ¡id Lewisville, it of handson ¡table for Ch v -v ir . c . a o r o o s B * , Klin* our thunks £ I’KAi.es nej In has ch%rgo Forty Steam Sewing Factory asi Sail Loft. . Independence, (Successor to AUi.p t ayes and noes, as required by the Constitution. By thisoversightofa count of the sdnu ifs ra •»,« of said -'M •.to, r id that Tuesday, «.he 8d dav of Feb u;*ry, 188.", hai been «te«, foi .he nearing and settlement of a id rcrou.it, rt the Gen. R. E. Lee are decreed by the usual place of hoMing s ud Cou-'«,, ¿ t which i -me and piace any person interested in «aid matter may appear Supremo Court to be entitled to a and offsr objections, if any there be, to sa-d account. A. G ESN EU, Adud'iuiu&tor. restoration o f tho Arlington estate, W arrkx T riti r, A torney for Estate. Dated December 22, 18t>2. the historical home of the fam ily Sheriff's Sale. I t was bought under a tax sale by y virtue o r an execution issued out the Government in IMG2 and w of the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for converted into a National cemetery. Polk County, on the 19*h day o* Dece.ube.’, 1S82, on a decree of foreclosure of p, mortize lieu in favor of O f course the Government will E. Y. I I p Hock, plaint, ¡17. P.nd ajainst Michael Zelg'e’-, defendant, for the sum o.‘ 8U08.00, and -aw-’ul inte. es. from the 4*h day of December, ISC-', lo^e her purchase it again, as it is now not thereon wi„h c>sta and dwhursei.icn.s «.axed at 818.85, 1 ha\e levied u . ioii , and will sell at public action, on a desirable placo to live. Tlnirttdny. Jan miry 2." Ill, l.'kW, At 1 o’clock p. m., at the Court House oojr, in said The civil service bill i.-i being dis­ Polk Countv, for cash in hand a«, the lime of wle, all „he rl'.ht, title and interest of sail- Michuel Zci^e** in cussed in Congress. Senator Pen the hureinaPer described premises, to-wit: Lot No. 6, in Block No. 8, of Levene* La Creole Homestead dleton is the champion of the hill, Addition to the town of Dallas, p.nd the building erected thereon, and the uppurtcnAiiceH to said lot •.•id but is receiving distinguished sup­ builuinjf belonging or In anywise appertaining, to satisfy said judgment and cost* aud accruin'; costs. H HOLMAN. port on both sides of tho Senate. Sheriff of Polk Count •, Oregon. D allas , D ecem ber 2 2 , 1 8 8 2 . Voorhces ridicules tho bill because it affects only minor officers, and SherDT’s Sale. loaves the higher offices to bo filled I»Y VinTfEOF AN BX3CUTION ISSI ED OIIT as heretofore without reference to IJ ol he Cire lit Court of t'ie State of Oregon, for tho Court? o«’ Polk, or the I9*n dr.v of Decembe-, 1882, on a decree of fo eclosu e of a mort^e >:en in fitness or capacity. The bill will favo. of T. G. Richmond, pl J i.iff, i .ni »'.¿ins. O. C. Beel: and M. ft. Bock, n * *'fc, défendait. h , for the probably becomo a law. puni of #200.00, wit i 'nterost llie/eou *» the .».te of one per cent, .»r mon h .‘rom the 9.h day of January, 1878, «.ogether wllh 87>O.UO iu or.iey fee, and rosi* and The poet, Greenleaf W hittier, re­ dishursenienta taxed al 100.80, I he.ve lev ed upon, and wiU seU ut pub'ic auceion, o»« cently celebrated his seventy-fifth Tkanday, J a a u iy 21 il», ir.13, birthday. He said it was a strange \ Atio-doekp..».,»« unom •* *-. i «> uoor, ¡n ,v.i J ! Polk County, fo* ca»h in hand a , the t>nie o.^»r»e, all title and interest of he said O. C. Beck and thing to congratulate a man that he the right, . .........................g M. It Beck in the hc.-ei.»after describe«! premises, lo- a t: No. th-ee (3), in Block No. *i (f.) in the is seventy-five years old. I t is not tow n of Dallas, as the same pp)»ears upon «he imps plats of «he «aid town, and of reconi in ;c so strange, however. I f life is de­ a«l County Clerk’s office o-* sa ri Coun . ami State, rnd the buildin m erected thereon and .lie a »pu>tenan«-es sirable, It is cause for congratula­ .<* said lot end building* Itelongiug, or In anvw'.se ap to satisfy . aid judgment id coat* and ac- tion that he still live*. I f life is pertaining, cruing null. H. HOLMAN, Sheriff of Polk Countv, Oregon. not desirable, it is cans« for con­ P al «, as , Decent be.- 22, 1882. gratulation that he is so near death. ' Sheriff's Sale. Either way, there is good cause for Y VIRTUE OK AN CXBCITION ISSUED OIT congratulation. of the Honor ride Circuit Court of «he State <>f Oregon, for the Omni.* of Polk, on Uio sot:» «lay «>f Decemlier, ’ 832, on a decree of foreclosure of a mo The U. S. Senate Committee that | B Hen in favoi o«’ L. Senders, plaintiff, r id against D. Cole aud Roiunna Cole, his wife, «IcfemUut attended Bon H ill’s funeral, as- | for the sum of 94,233.33, with accruing interest . ii . j thereon at the rate of ten per cent. |>«r annum from «limed all expenses. It WAS an o r -1 DetmherMh, IS**, ami the further sum .»f «50.00 — ottornevs* fee, and «4.20 c«»sts. I have leviei- upon, public auction, on dinarv village funeral. The under- \»»'« a » 'll ll « sel' i 1« at n*«»iK-tion.on lie« at the Bai £ Cliiistnms tree sent to the Legislature. Y et, with so many acute minds to look after the fate o f the amendment, it was not entered on the journal with the linai D. C. SA GOMES BUT ONCE IN A LIFE-TIME! M. M. ELLIS, Manager. Dorsey has printed letters w rit­ e goods at J. I your holiday pi r was in town - G. A. S H E P P A R D & CO. , , , the Irish agitator, thinks : to piovide Irish im- America with houses make the first crop, mid, doubtless, of the i and a male.’| S DECEMBER A N O P P O R T U N IT Y mas-tide w ill be, as yours are, but tAker presented An Account of At 1 o'clock p. m., at the Court House «;oor h* said I a memory— a memory to bo cher­ $■*1,100, of which sum $000 was for f t S S w .S W S l and Kooannn C«»le i.i the heiainoftsr «iTacii'iwd i train- ished always, a recollection to soften the hearse. The committee ivets, to-wit: Bcri.mlng a« i »Uke M 80 I0U chain« cast bom the Nniithwcet comar «>f . ie Donatiuu Ijtmi ! the cares of manhood and sweeten | promptly refused to pay the sum. C 'l.tim o* Aattn Cham I* lln, in Pol*. Or unty , * N fon, j Berth 115 23-100chain«, . hen«*« ea«i 41 «H-'uo the wine of life when only the lees This is another instance o f post I thoncc c'.toiua, then«'« s«»uth u’2 .1 MW «-lir ius, theiioe west 1H • ¡»ii a«* 1 »• ^ .. I 4r' Hk)cha na, thance vm.'it utBfWMt wart 13 60-100 1 an* left in the cup. T o tho homes mortem swindling. M o believe it dujM,« s « m » u t h i t . w . « , , « i i » m i i . i th. w. »»lit.' 57 3-100 oh. in., Iheuc <1 is 1' »> made blight by the little Christmas to baa fact that undertakers, every- Aoim, r* pi,.* ,4 WTimiin-, r*n«.:i>i.i » . 1 . ,, j 61100 acroa, i.»ora or less, « tua.e«l in P«»U C«*untv, { m s s , to the firesides o f our friends where, charge unreASonablo Ruins «»»ami except m * c ..f •«.. «ere* *. m - . . . , . .. , W. Jam«»* i * im I sixty saren reran snh: is* Don*e> Bauih everywhere, we wi»h, most heartily, for their services and what they mo* fro* tik* abeve «.art, ^ ramrity, in sums from 0\¥. 14» 1 EN T M lfiA R » M U I R n . tim «; » om o « to nr« tram , ntnvs atar ' m,u « * « • r t«. o« -tía** on I »n Inr'i »illln. rr no. ACTA NAT LOR. D«WU, S B, IBt nhom U. „Kl TRUITT & JOHNS. A u g u st Î 4 , 1881 in f* .«, of tea I Satnrda, the schon Teachei notice e pH ASK R hpt Pub. »rly rteeit