B.Chanoey, Publlther, Union, Or. PACIFIC COAST. Huge Block of Asphaltum. Pure GOLD HILL'S CINNABAR VEIN. Heavy Business Dono Along tho Rio Grande in Smuggling in Horses and Cattlo. Prnsnn is considerably agitated over tho disposal of its mummy. One day last week sixty tramps wcro mit off tho train between liima anu Cotton. Oregon's State funds are all exhausted. Tho last legislative levy nas provou sufficient. . " . . i .1. T. Havna of Portland has been elected Grand Chancellor of tho Knights of Pythias of Oregon At-innnhnr vein, sixtv feet in width, lias been discovered near Gold Hill, Or. Tho oro is immensely rlcli. Tho Chlno sugar-beet factory will run nnt December. Bo lar -'( ions oi gran nlated sugar have been turned out Tn Nnvmla tho total tax low through out tho SUito is ovor $3,000,001). The total levy on railroads is nearly fL'.uuu,- 000. Tr. In hnllnvwl tho nroncrtv involved in Vin T)iivl will caso at Hutto. Mont., will Imj divided among tho claimant and fur ther litigation will bo suspended Tim fnllnrs of Vancouvor. It. O.. are on a strike because tho bosses have refused to pay extra for all pockets dver four in rmilH. T110 DOUSes want I1VO pucnuia nr lowed. Thn British sealers Otto and R. B Marvin, Boizod in BehrmgSen, nave neon Tolnmuwl at Vancouver. 15. G.. by direc tion of tho Lord commissioner oi tne Admiralty. Thn Oregon Grand Lodge of the KnMitn of Pvthiaa voted that hereafter no saloonmcii snau oo nnmitiea 10 mem r- , . bership in tho subordinate lodgos ot ttio order in tho state. A Fresno physician is recommending eucalyptus tea, made by boiling tho J ' . 11 t At A J1 1 leaves, to an nu pnuem mmurmg nun IKffiffl thought to be quite an important one, Thacodlln moth has done great in Inrv to the Oregon apple crop. How to force orchardlsts to spray their trees to check the spread of diseaao is a serious question with the state isoaru oi norii culture Ahlockof ruiro asphaltum, weighing two nnd a half tons, was recently taken from tho asphaltum mine near Santa Barbara. Cal. It is believed to bo the largest piece of asphaltum ever minod in ono biocic. "Tank- ttm RniiPBzor" is again fright nlng women at Pomona, Cal. 1Mb mode of operation Is to lie in wait in a seolud edspotonn rosldenco street and sud denly rush out on a woman and squeeze ner about the waist. From observations made by Prof. Is rael O. Rutsell, who wub sont out by tho umlou states government nnd tho Na tional Geographic Society to explore the region nlxmt Mount St. El as tho mountain is between 18,000 and 10,000 leei nign. Tho caso of 0. W. Johnson against the boutnorn racllic railroad for damages received in tho Lake Labish dlpimtor is before tho court at Salem, and is attract ing interest, owing to the fact that John on was traveling on a pass at tho time lie was injured. Walter Uw of the firm of W. it ,1. Sloano of New York city has presented $1,000 to tho Lick Observatory for the purpose of publishing a series of on larged heliogravure plates of tho moon nmde from the photographs taken with tho great telescope. M. E. AVisdoin and J. V. Ilalloy of Portland have purchased tho Point Rreezo stock farm in linker county, Or, more nro nuout nity fine brood mares on tho place, and tho eelobrated stallion Challenger is at tho head of tho Btud. Tlio price was $ 150,000. Santa Barbara is to hnvo a boulevard 100 feet wide on the beach in front of tho city hist nbove high-water mark nnd protectoa irom tno sea by a heavy bulk head. Tho sidewalks and rondwav will be paved with bituminous rock and lined with double rows of trees. Tho Nevada State Board of .ssesor8 Hiid Equalisation made individual raises in J-.lko comity to The amount of $800,- ww, uesuios a Horizontal raise ot 20 per oent. Tho txuml rcdured tho Central Pacific railroad appraisement. A howl cl indignation is tho result. A strange disease has broken out among tho horses on the Dufour ranch near Cameron, Kern county. Cal., and n number of animals are aillicted, The disease is wild to resemble d nhthcrln. hut tho remedies known to bo elllcacious in that malady are without avail in this. A smugglers' hoadquartora has beon discovered on I-oiw. Island, a small un inhabited island In Puget Sound. A ves- it. l . i i . oi recently lamieti nur uiunameii on the island. From there they wore taken to the United States by twos and threes in Hiuall boats, being put tiBhore in the woods und guided In by wh to moil un- ler cover of darkness. From $."k) to $100 is paid lor eacti Cliinaninu sucvednfully luiiueu, I lit United Mates revenue cutler Richard Mush has left Sail Francisco for Uunnlaska. .Iho vchmsI Is ordered back to the sealing grounds, as it is retried that a iiumlter of healers, who were not Kutlnlltxl with their small nitclien, are waiting to make u descent on the rook. erleswlieii the revenue veneU shall have Jell llolirlng pea. It U expected the Hush will remain In the vicliiltv of h m-hI liluntU until tlio middle of petum-Ut, EDUCATIONAL. I An Iowa Public School Gives n Holiday That the Children May Attend the Races. Welleslcv College opens thin vear with 700 studont. Now York has turned awoy 10,000 echool children that cannot Iks housed. President Angell threatens to rloee the University of Michigan if gambling is not Btopped. The gain in population in trie United 8tates Irom 1850 to 1600 was 128 per cent, and in tho school enrollment 11)5 per cent. There are said to be over 23,000 In dians in the United States who can read English and over 10,000 who can read Indian languages. Northwestern University at Evanston, 111., has followed tho example of Cornell and abolished the barbarous cane rush between the freshmen nnd sophomores. The schoolmaster is going to he abroad in England more than ever. The Lon don School Board is educating 20.8IXJ 'more scholars now than they were three years ago. Tho management of tho public schools at Mason City, la., declared n recent Thursday afternoon n holiday in order that pupils might attend tho races. Tho action has caused much comment. The census statistics show the gain in population in tho United States to be 24 8(1 per cent., while tho enrollment of children in tho public schools is 20.1)4 per cent. This is a healthful indication. Tho Cornell school of ltiw lias enrolled Mrs. Mary Konnedy-llrown, a graduate of Welles'ley and a young widow, as ono of its students. She is tho first lady whoso name appears on the school list. Tho endowment of tho new Chicago University is now over $2,000,000, and more than 000 etudents have already en tered tho first year's course, which will begin, it is expected, in tho autumn of 1802. Prof. Totton in a military lecturo at Yale remarked that tho average age of tho 110 men in tho class was 21 years, and ho added: " Upon grnduotion you will have before you about forty-eight years apiece." Thn largest Sunday-pchool in the world is in Stockport, England. It be gan in 1801. It now contains 5,000 pupils and -140 teachers. It has registered dur ing itB existence 70,000 scholars nnd 3,500 teachers. Government schools are to ho estab lished in Son Salvador, where free edu cation, will be given to women to fit them for places in tho government offices as postofllce clerks, printers, telegraph and telephone operators. Austria has not only a high school of agriculture, but fifteen intermediate and eighty-three primary agricultural schools besides nlno chairs of agriculture in pol ytechnic establishments and agricultural experimental stations. Pmf. Harr s. United States uommis - - .'.,. . Washington, in a Assistant Postmaster Sturgeon of St. Louis, who had requested nis uinu ilh to cornorai pnnisnmeni in schoolsi has replied that tho fewer the cases of such punishment the better the chools are likely to be, and that, en lightened sentiment is against the use of the rod. Cornell University has opened with an attendance in excess of that in any pre ceding year. Uptodato 1,1170 students in all departments have registered, and a number aro In attendance, especially post graduates, who have not yet regis tered. A notlceablo feature is tho in crease of students in tho courses in arts, philosophy nnd electrical nnd mechan ical engineering. A remarkable career in tho teaching profession was brought to a close pome two weeks Binco by tho resignation of Miss Lucy D. BIibs from the principal ship of tho Plain Primary School, Stock. oriuge, Mass. aiibs liliss began teach' ing in town when 10 years old, nnd taught continuously, with tho execution of ono year, for about fifty-four years. Three generations in Stockbridge have bofum their school life under tho instruc tions of Miss liliss. MISCELLANEOUS. Use of Chlorldo of Gold and Manea- nose Successful for the Cure of Consumption. Governor Stcelo of Oklahoma has re- Bigned. lieorge William Curtis says Tammany is an organization for plunder and with out politics. Edward K Searles la to present to tho town of Methuon, Mass., a fino statue of ueorgo wasiungton. There is much excitement nt Clifton Forge. Ya..over tho threatened unrisiiiL' of tlio negros, owing to tho lynching of ono of their number. Tho noted telescope makors. Alvan O. and Georgo B. Clarke of Cambridge. Mass., who made the lens for the Lick telescope, have dissolved partnership. Mrs. Parnell proK)H08, if she recovers her health, to write a memoir of tho great leader and relieve him from much of the blume cast upon him on her ac count. Tho original site of tho old Vallev Forge. Washington's headquartors in tho winter of 1777-8. has just leon 8old for $10 per acre. The tract embraces fifty-one acres. Ihoro is a rumor at Washington that Governor Steele of Oklahoma is to su persedeCommlsslonerof Pensions ltanm, U'lm It la u,,..UI I..... ...... .......I ...I. ' ellect November SO. Hie length of the twelve-Inch eun for the Monterey is thirty-seven feet, and it is designed to nronel an 800-nound nro- jectile twelve miles, necessitating a pow- Gross frauds in tho purchases of coal, provisions, etc., in tho Cook county (III.) insane asylum nave beon unearthed. A gang has boon engaged in this work, and a great sensation Is promised. A Iondon tirm lias lcon in tho habit of fitting out women in oxpenalvo gar ments and then bonding them to Now York, where the goods wero sold and tlio customs duties evaded, The clothes were made to lit tho women, and there fore the fraud was not detected. Al though the women Ptotondcd to Ui in entire Iguuriimo of tho uses to which they wero being put, It Is generally Us. lioved ttiey easily joined the conspiracy, for they got it 11 rut-dims ticket on tho ocean MeuuifirH ttttl were enabled to re turn to their eountry ncutu. the contract kO HUtllltf, EASTERN ITEMS. Carter Harrison Buys the Chicago Times. J0SIE MANSFIELD MARRIES. Tho Manner In Whioh the Ballots in Ohio Aro to Be Distinguished From Eaoh Other. St. Paul care have letter boxes. Carter Harrison is Bald to hnve bought the Chicago Timet for $400,000. Anthracite coal has been discovered in the district of Alberta, Canada. Tho Italian Consul in Boston is inves tlgating tho condition of Italians. The public schools of Oawatomie Kan., have been closed for wantof funds Chicago will erect n building in mem ory of Columbus nt a cost of $1,000,000 Ten thousand voters in Chicago have pledged themselves .to vote for the Peo plo's party. Tho postmaster of Philadelphia lias ordered his subordinates to stay away from the races. Tho government is about to begin the work of preparing a hydrographie survey of the (treat Lakes. A Justice of Now York has iast de cided that you need not poy for a meal at a restaurant unless you eat it. The financial statement of the Pull man Palace Car Company shows a sur plus for tho past year ct ,H'J,SJ6. A moonshiners' church in Alabama and a secret oath-bound moonshiners club in Georgia aro promoting lawless ness by wholesale. In tho 0,000,000 letters that reached the dead-letter office last year there waa money amounting to $28,042 nnd checks and notes ot tno value oi ?i,m,H7i. Four men wero shot by the Moxicnn military authorities a few miles across tho border irom uio urande uity, rex, They wero charged with being revolu tionists. J. and F. D. Mollenhauer will start i now sugar factory in Brooklyn, with t capacity of 1.200 barrols refined per day, It will open next July. It will he inde pendent of the trust. The September statement of the Santa he Kail road company snows tnat tne gross earnings of the system for the fourth week in September wero tno larg eBt in tho history of the company. The validity of tho new constitution of Kentucky is to bo contested on the ground that tne uonstitutionni conven tion made numerous changes after the instrument was ratified by tho people. Josio Mansfield, whose relations with Jim Fisk and Ed Stokes brought her into public notoriety in New York twenty vonrs ago. was married recently in i.on don to Robert L. Reade, a New York lawyer. A statement prepared at the pension office shows that the pensions issued during September numbered 27.644, on which the first payments aggregated $4, 072,470. The average first payment in each case was $1:57.32. M. H. Hanson, reputed to be a wealthy lumberman nt Hanson. ood county, Wis. Ib alleged to have signed the name ot ueorge liileB, a .Milwaukee million aire, to $50,000 worth of fraudulent pa per. Hanson tins disappeared. Thero are thousands of dead fish along the shores of the Upper Mississippi. The river foil lower than for twenty vears, leaving large numbers of fish in pooIe which gradually dried up, and the fish have since died on tho bed of scorching sand. The Bank of Columbia and theColum bia Banking Company of Columbia, Tenn., have assigned. The capital stock of the former is $100,000 and that of the latter $(50,000. It is claimed that the creditors of both institutions will bo paid in iuii. On each ballot to be cast according to the provisions of the new election law in Ohio are to bo these distinguishing de vices that have leeu adopted by tho par ties: Republican, eagle; Democratic, roostor; Prohibition, roeo; People's, plow and Hummer. Tho influx of Chinamen into the United StateB from Mexico continues. nnil it is only thoxo who aro unaware of the prohibitory law that aro captured. Those who know they are breaking the laws generally evade tho officers. Fif teen wore nrrested last week. The Cramps will enlarge their plant for ship building on the Delaware river to eight tunes its present area. Seven launching ways are to lo constructed, large enough to admit the building si multaneously of seven vessels ot the size of tho war ship Philadelphia. Ono of tho recent evidences of n grow ing interest in trade with tho United States on the part of the countries to the southward is to be seen in tho announce ment that a permanent exposition of the products of Mexico nnd Central Amorica is to be opened in Now York. Tho Association for tho Advancement of Women at Uh recent meeting in Grand Rapids, Mich., elected Julia Ward Hnwo President for tho coining vear, Jennie A. Froiseth of Utah and Ellon O. Sar gent of California aro among tho Vice Presidents. Tho congress closed with HVfmmullim rt ttia ui,lit.u.t t( " l!nn " that er8onage twing handled severely by numerous witty speakers. Tho commission to negotiate witii tlio Shoshone and Arapahoe Indians of Wy oming for tho cession of n part of the Wind River reservation telegraphs that tho commission haa eircctod an agree ment with tho Indians, under which they cedo to the United States about 1,100,000 acres out of a total of 2,000,000 acres. Tho Indians receive $000,000, or about 55 conta per acre. Tho lateJohiiTwohig, luinkor and cap italist of San Antonio, Tex,, Ivqueathed tho hulk of his estate, estimated at $:, IMO.OOrt, to the Catholic Church. Mla Kate Twohlg, his sUler.ls to receive V-V fi'K) per year for the first two years and f'.'.OOO per itimum for the remainder of her life. Ills brother and nephew in I rein nil are eaoh willed (50 per annum, pay a bin seml-HumiH' , and to a sUter in Ikulou he give (250 u year, PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone Will Pass the Winter in Italy Death of Mrs. Henrietta Lamar. Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone have deter mined to pass the winter in Florence. Tennyson, who is in excellent health, has just been giving sittings for a por trait. Mrs. Harrison has been chosen an honorary member by the Association of the King's Daughters. Lord Lytton is in such preenrmns health that he has it under consMrnii n to resign his post of British Minister to France. Secretary Foster's portrait kas just been painted for the Treasury Depart ment by Miss Blanche F. King, a young Washington artist. Warner Miller has been studying the cnnnl system of Holland and the water way that tho German government is constructing at Kiel. He is to take part in tho New York State campaign. Hon. John A. Sleicher has been ap pointed editor-in-chief of the New York Jai7 and Exprcs, to succeed the late Major J. M. Ilundy. Mr. Sleicher re tires from tho editorship of Frank Les lie's Weekly. The death of Bishop William J. Boone ( Episcopal) of China is unnonnced. The lSishop, who wns the son of Bishop Boone of China, did much to forward the cause of Christian missions in that country, and was entirely devoted to his work. Mr. Spurgeon was onlv 19 when lie preached his first sermon. Even then bis eloquence was remarkable, and within a few years ho had gathered about him a large congregation. At that time he was a pale and slender stripling, with a noticeably large head. His ro tundity of body came many years later, Mrs. Henrietta Lamar, relict of Gen eral Mirabeau 15. Lamar, who command ed the cavalry ut the battle of San Ja cinto and was the second President of the Republic of Toxas. died October 0. Kho was the daughter ol if-v. .lolin rew land Mafiitt, a Methodist prencher of national reputation about halt a century ago. General Brugere, controller of Presi dent Camot's household, holds his pres ent place through a curious piece ot bad and vet good fortune. Ho was a mem ber of Marshal MacMahon's and Presi dent Grevv's households, but would have been removed by President Carnot had not the latter accidentally wounded him while out hunting. Kate Field relates in a way that ad mits of a eupicion that she was the young lady in question who gave rise to the bon mol of Walter Savage Landor. He having dropped his p)ectucles one day, an American girl picked them up for him, whereupon he exclaimed with much grace: "Oh. this Is not the first time you have caught my eyes I" William Cotter, Jr., of Hartford, Conn., must have n remarkable memory. He is a registrar of voters, and the Times savs that of 12.000 names on the list he claims to be ablo to tell from memory the residence and politics of each one, and also in cases where a person has been absent in Europe, or staying in some other part ol the country, to tell wh re he went and when. Ope of the successful lawyers of the Pacific Slope, a son of the famous John C. Breckinridge and a brother of the Kentucky Congressman, bears tho curi ous name ot "Owen County" lireckin ridge. He was born tho day, 185:5, that his father was nominated for Congress over ex-dovernor Letcher, nnd as that result was brought nlxmt by tho vote of Owen county, the grateful candidate be stowed the name on his new-born heir, NATIONAL CAPITAL. Annual Report of the Auditor of the Treasury for the Postoffice Department. The report of Lieutenant Cowles upon the wreck of the United States steamer Despatch has been received at the Knvy Department. It is merely a brief state ment of tho facts already well known, and contains no comment nor explana tion whatever. It is customary in such casej lor the olhcer to reserve ins lesti mony for later use under oath. In his annual report to the Secretary of tho Interior Governor Princo of tho Ter ritory of New Mexico refers at length to the benetlclai results which, lie thinks, will accrue from a settlement of tho dis puted Spanish nnd .Mexican land claims by the Court of Private Claims recently organized. The Governor insists from any point of view that Now Mexico is entitlod to Statehood. The annual report of the Auditor of tho Treasury for the Postofiico Depart ment, showing the receipts and expend itures of the department for the fiscal year ended Juno 30, 1801, has been sub mitted to the Postmaster-General. It shows that tlio postal revenues during the year wero $05,031,785. Tho expend itures to September 80, 1891. were $71.- 002,402, leaving an excess of expendi tures over all revenues of $5,780,077. Tho amount placed with the Treasurer to tho credit of the department, consist ing of grants from the general treasury in aid of postal revenue under tho act of June 80, 1890, was $2,200,000. The ex cess of tho expenditures over the grants is $3,530,077. Chief Harrington of tho weather bu reau in the report ol the operations of the bureau since its trausfer to the De partment of Agriculture July 1 last says tho sorvico has been reorganized with a view of enrryiug out the expressed intention of Congress to especially de velop nnd extend its work in tho inter est of agriculture, binco July 1 new service has been organized in Arizona, California, Utah, Florida, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Virginia. Washington, West Virginia and Wyom ing, the most practical nnd the most highly complimented portion of tho ex clusive work of Uie State servico is the issue of a weekly weather crop bulletin. On September SO thero wero over 1,300 weather signal display stations in opera tion, an increase of altout 100 ior cent, in less than three months. There aro now prolwbly 2,200 voluntary observers in tho United States, reortiiig to the weather bureau, and Kteps are Iwing tukeu to cover every section of iwoh Statu und Territory, m h to leave no ct'ctlmi without vtatiuiis from twenty to thirty mile urmrt, FOREIGN LANDS. Pritchard Imitates John L. in Brutality. SCURVY AND TYPHUS FEVER Rage in the Wake of the Famine in Russia The Czarina Gives an Immense Sum. Berlin's debt is $50,000,000 Austria wants Germany to admit her hogs, too. American cars will be used on an En glish road. Government management has reduced railroad lares in Saxony. Three thousand people in London have the influenza or la grippe A co-operative home for single women is to bo started in Vienna. The first consignment of American bacon has arrived in Berlin. London theaters issue something like 50,000 free passes every year, The sarcophagus of the Emperor Fred erick lias been placed in his toino, It is reported that Italy has decided to abolish tne uecree agauiai pork. The German interior press is showing consid'-rablo hostility to tho Chicago World's Fair. The Cxirina has given 23,000.000 rou hies to the Russian famine sufferers from her private purse. A unique preent by the British war office to tho Salvation Army was 30,000 worn-out helmets. An English doctor at Simla, India, has sueceded in discovering, separating and neutralizing a special microbe ol leprosy Hnasin Is experimenting very exten sively with the idea of nsimr metal slppoers uoon the railroads in that country. The time limit of the Russian loan which is being taken up in France has been extended from October 31 to No vember 1. Tt. Is notimated that no fewer than 70, 000 girls are employed in the public hoiiK-B and drinking bars of the United Kingdom. There are eaid to bo nine, inmates of the Camberwell (England) workhouse who have reached ages varying from 103 to 108 years. Tod Pritchard. the London pugilist, wno Inst, wi-ek sentenced to a month's imprisonment for a cowardly assault upon a barkeeper. a n- method of torture has ben dis covered by Siberian jailers, whereby prisoners are compeuea u buubisi, un salt herring alone. The endeavor to strengthen the triple alliance between Vaermai.y, Italy by commercial union gressing very favorably. Austria and is not pro- The fishing fleet of Yarmouth, Eng land, have returned to port, and give fearful descriptions of the effects of the recent storms on the coast. In Vienna tho Prefect of Police has ordered an investigation of whether the long, sweeping skirts of ladies lend to spread contagious diseases. A Judge in Glasgow has decided that the amount of copper used in tinned green peas was not dangerous, and that the process need not be stopped. Until recently the Royal Palace at Berlin has been lighted only by candles. Emperor William lifts had gas- put in, and is now arranging for electric lights. The civil authorities of Leipsic, Ger many, hnvo struck a crushing blow nt the sausage industry in that country by deciding that it is illegal to use dog meat in sausage. Tho English Conservatives have been prematurely jubilant over having escaped the leadership of Goschen. Telegrams from Balfour deny that he had been of fered the leadership. Forty-three of the leaders of the rev olution in Uruguay are in prison nt Mon tevideo. Dr. Pantoleon Perez was shot while trying to escape from the barracks. Martial law prevails. Peat fuel has been found very success ful in Russia. It is produced by a pntent process, nnd is chenpor than coal, has less weight and bulk, and contains scarcely any sulphur. Tho latest report from Turkestan indi cates an abundant crop of cotton. The cotton grown thero is from American seed, nud the development within a few years has been wonderful. The Pope in a noto to the powers says the recent Pantheon disorders were of extreme importance, nud insists it is impossible for lth the Italian govern ment nnd papacy to remain in Borne. An agrarian lawsuit in the Caucasus, in which the plaintiff is the Prince ol Mingrelia.has so many people concerned with it, the witnesses amounting to 2,000, that the court is sitting in the open air. Tho British nnd tho Portuguese, hav ing settled their quarrel in Mashoua land, are amicably working together to construct a railroad from the Indian Ocean to their adjoining possessions in the far interior. Some estimates of the wonderful value of the fishing industry of Great Britain can be gained from 'the state ment that the total catch of fish on the coasts of England and Wales in 1800 was 3i5.000 tons, exclusive of shell fish. Purine tkn ltl.nOD. fnrw aiM0i8SBSS;LIVB PIMPLES, all SKIN AFFKCT10.VS, and DISEASES AU I8INU froa? a MSOUDEttP.l) STOMACH. " r The aamjnt HAU tt Vita TnAUyut uun YELLOW WHAM', lis . HEDINQTOM A OO, Amnt. 8 ah Francisco. MOI.U MV AW, nKt(24lMTM ASH UUUCKHH, PORTLAND MARKET. rroduee, Fruit, Etc. Wiieat Valley, $1.501.52.'; Wall Wnlla, $1.401.42K Percental. Flour Standard, $4.80; Walla Y alia, $4.60 per barrel. Oats New, 4043c per bushel. Hay $1113 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $18(319; shorts, $U 21; ground barley, $22.60(25; chog feed, $2U22 per ton ; feed barley, $2(1 per ton ; brewing bnrley, $1.15 per cental. BuTTEii Oregon fancy creamery, 3i($ 37c; fancv dairy, 3Ka321!!c; fair to good, 2527'?c; common, l.)22sc; Eastern, 25(3310 per pound. Chkksk Oregon, 12)$c; Eastern, 14( 15c per pound. Egos Oregon, SOc; Eastern, 2527lac per dozen. Poultry Old chickens. $4.503.00; young chickens, $2.504.00; ducks. $.'..00 8.00; geese, $.0010.00 per dozen; turkeys, 15c per pound. Veoktahles Cabbage, nominal, 7bc& $1 percental ; caulitlower,$1.25 per dozen ; Onions, 75c$l percental; potatoes, 40(? 00c per sack ; tomatoes, 40(?60c per box j sweet potatoes, l3e?2c per pound; Cali fornia celery, 75c per dozen hunches; fancy Oregon celery, 60c per dozen bunches. Frlmtm Sicily lemons, $8.50; Califor nia, $5.50ti.5j per lox ; tipples, &XVf0c per box ; bananas, $3.003.60 a bunch ; pineapples, $40 per dozen; peaches, 600175c per box; grapes, Tokay, $1 per box ; muscat and black, 75&U0c percrate ; pears, t',ri8)C per pound; quinces, $1 (ftl.25 per box; cranberries, $1011 per barrel; Oregon cranberries, $9.50 per barrel; Smyrna figs, 20c per pound; citrons, 27c per pound. Nuts California vtilntits,ll,2121..se; hickory, 8c; Brazils, 10llc; al monds, l(i18c; filberts, 1314c; pine nuts, 1718c; pecans, 1718c; cocoa nuts, 8c; hazel, 8c; peanuts, 8c per pound. Stnplo Groceries. Honey 17)..18c per pound. Sam Liverpool, $14.50; $15.5016.50 ; stock, $ll12 per ton. Rick Japan, $5.00; Island, $5.76 per cental. BiiAXs Small white, 2?c; pink, 2,34c; bayos, lic; butter, oo; limas, iic per pound. CoKKitc Costa Rica, 2021c; Rio, 21 ; Mocha, 30c; Java, 25lc; Ar bucKle's, 100-pound cases, 22,(40 per pound. SiroAR Golden 0,4?bc; extra C, 4'vc; white extra O, 43-8c; granulated, 551tc; cilns crushed and powdered, 0c; con lectioners' A, 5'2c; maple sugar, 10c per pound. Syrui' Eastern, in barrels, 47(f'f5c; half-barrels, 5068c; in cases, 55(iS0c ner gallon; $2.252.50 per keg. Cali fornia, in barrels, 30c per gallon; $1.75 per keg. Duikd Fruits Italian prunes, 8c; Petite and German, 7c per pound ; raisins, $1.201.50 per box; pmmnier dried pears, b9c; sun-dried and fac tory plums, 9c; evaporated peaches, 0(allc; Smyrna figs, 20c; California, figs, 7c per jwund. Cakkku Goods Table fruits. $1.(55(3 1.80, 2!sb; peaches, $1.802.OO; Bartr lett pears. $1.SO1.90; plums, $1.37'v(i9 1.50; strawberries, $2.25; cherries, $2.25 2.40; blackberries, $1.85l.iK); rasp berries, $2.40; pineapples. $2.252.tO; pricote,$1.001.70. Pie fruit: Ap'aorted. $1.10651.20; peachep, $1.25; plume. $1(5 1.10; blackberries, $1.25 per dozen. Veg etables: Corn, $1.251.65; tomatoe-j, $1.003.00; sugar peas, $1.001.15; ptring benns, 00c$1.00 per dozen. Fish : Sardines, 75c1.05 ; lobsters, $2.80 ((?3.60. Condensed milk : Eagle brand, $8.10; Crown, $7.00; Highland, $6.50; Champion, $5.50; Monroe, $0.75 percale. Meats : Corned beef, $2.00 ; chipped beef, $2.15; lunch tongue. $3.10 le, $0.00 2a; deviled ham, $1.352.G5 per dozen. Mlscullitiieouii. Naii-J! Base quotations: Iron, $3.00; steel, $3.01); wire, $3.50 per keg. Ikon I?nr, 3c per pound. Steki. 10c per pound. Tin I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qual ity, $8.008.50 per box ; for crosses, $2 extra per lox; rooting, 14x20, prime quality, $0.75 per box ; I. C. coke plates, 14x2J, prime quality, $7.75 per box. l.kai t-,c per pound; bar, O'.-c. Solder 13li,(fil0l..c per pound. ac- corning to grade. bnor $1.8u per sack. Horseshoes $5. Naval Stokes Oakum. $5 per bale: rosin, $4 80(5.00 per 280 pounds; tar, Stockholm. $12.50; Carolinn, $7.1X5 per barrel; pitch, $0.00 per barrel; turpen tine, (5c per gallon in carload lots. The Meat Market. Bekk Live, 2c; dressed, 5i5c. Mutton Live, sheared, 3ic; dresBed, 4 Who. Hons Live, 6c; dressed, 7c. Veal oCi7e per pound. RmOKK!) Mk'lTB Knolorn l.o.n tO ,1 13l..c: othnr vurintips 1"Lr.. ). ...... )-( bacon, 13(S15c: smoked bacon, ll4 1134C per pound. Laud Comnnniid inn - nnm nn-i-i... Oregon, lUJjj(gljJ6c per pound. Hide, Wool und Ifb)i. HlDES Dry hides. s1iwtwl He: c ess for cnlls over 55 pounds. 4c ; under 55 pounds, 3c ; ci.cuj. (.ens, snort wool, 3Ur0c; me dium, 00080c; long, 00cll.25; shear lings, 1020c; tallow, good to choice, 3 .5l8c per pound. Wool WillnmoH vli.. Eastern Oregon. I0l7c per pound according to conditions and shrinkage. iioi-s nominal; I2l5c per pound. Hits anil llitffk'lnr. Bnrlans. fl-r jn.i'n,.!. 1. . . burlaps, K Voz., 40-inch, net cash, 7c bllrlans. l!?-nr. JK.inoli .,o i. burlaps, lO-oz., 00-inch, 11c; burlaps, 20 oz., 6-inch, 13c. Wheat bags-Calcutta, Z A ' V "c; "fee-Dushel oat bags, wuwm iwtuuu-iiana wtieat bags, PllVCTIDirrrav ,....,.